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Training Manual

APOS Basic Operator Course

1 Course descriptions, details, evaluation etc.
2 Company presentation
3 HiPAP® and HPR 400 introduction
4 Hydroacoustic
5 Surface hardware
6 Transponder hardware
7 APOS Introduction
8 The Screen and Views
9 ‘Default parameters’ and ‘SSBL properties’
10 Transponder configure
11 SSBL Troubleshooting
12 System administration
13 Data sheets
14 Responders
16 Configure ‘light’

Rev. K1 Page 1 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Document logistics

Revision Date Written by

F 15 sept. 04 KGR
G 15 jan. 2005 kgr
H June 1, 2005 kgr
I August 1,2005 kgr
I1 October 23, 2005 kgr
J January 15, 2006 kgr
K May 1, 2006 kgr
K1 June 15, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
F Chapter 3 in the previous version; ‘HiPAP® & HPR 400 Principles, APOS Basic
Operator Course’ is split into Chapter 3 - 6. Chapter 9 – Theoretical exercises
G Chapter 4 is rewritten. Minor changes throughout the manual. APOS 4.1.6
H Chapter 13 added, based on parts of chapter 9 and 10. All chapters updated.
APOS 4.2.0
I Chapter 12 added. Chapter 12 → 13 and 13 → 14. Minor changes throughout.
I1 Changes in Chapter 1
J New frontpage. Added chapter 15. Minor changes throughout. APOS 4.3.0
K Chapter 16 added. Minor changes throughout. APOS 4.3.9
K1 Minor changes througout

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Training Manual

Kongsberg Maritime AS makes every effort to ensure that the information contained
within this document is correct. However, our equipment is continuously being improved
and updated, so we cannot assume liability for any errors which may occur.

©2006 Kongsberg Maritime AS
The information contained within this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg
Maritime AS. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by
any means, and the information contained within is not to be communicated to a third
party, without the prior written consent of Kongsberg Maritime AS.


Strandpromenaden 50, Telephone: +47 33 02 38 00

P.O.Box 111 Telefax: +47 33 04 76 19
N-3191 Horten
Norway E-mail:

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Blank page

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Chapter 1

APOS Basic Operator Course

APOS for Offshore Loaders


Technical Course






Rev. K1 Page 5 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Revision Date Written by
A June 2, 2005 kgr
B August 15, 2005 kgr
C September 1, 2005 kgr
D October 23, 2005 kgr
E January 15, 2006 kgr
E1 February 1, 2006 kgr
F May 1, 2006 kgr
F1 June 19, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A Introduced revision numbers. Technical courses included
B Minor changes. Chapter 12 added
C Technical course details changed
D Minor changes throughout. Changes in Timetable for ‘APOS
Basic’ and ‘Offshore Loaders’. New subscription.
E New revision of Basic Course Description. Changes in ‘Course
details’, chapter 6, ‘Timetable for Technical Course’ and ‘Basic
Course’ changed. Subscription updated.
E1 Changes in ‘Course details’ for Configure and Hardware - HiPAP.
Removed chapter 17 – 20 in the ‘APOS for HiPAP Technical
Course’. Minor changes.
F Chapter 16 is added to ‘APOS Basic Operator Course’. Minor
F1 Minor changes for the ‘Technical courses’. Training circle

Rev. K1 Page 6 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

K on g s b e r g Maritime

APOS Basic Operator Course

Acoustic Positioning Operator Station (APOS)

Objective Teaching method

Give the participants basic understanding of the HPR The teaching will be presented in a combination of
400/HiPAP® (hydroacoustic position reference / high theoretical lessons and practical exercises.
precision acoustic positioning) principles, and train- The participants will train on performing basic SSBL
ing in performing SSBL (Super Short Base Line) from system operation on their own demo computer with
APOS. generic APOS, Windows operated, software. The
hands-on training will form the major part of the
Target audience course.
Navigators and DP operators.
Teaching medium
Entry requirements The course documentation is written in English and
None. the course will be held in English, unless otherwise
Content of course
• HPR 400/HiPAP® background information Duration
• Description of the surface system units 21⁄2 days
• Operator station
• Transceivers Venues
• Transducers • Kongsberg Maritime AS, Horten, Norway
• Description of the subsea system units • Kongsberg Maritime Inc., Houston, Texas, USA
• Transponders • Kongsberg Maritime Ltd, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
• Responders • Kongsberg Maritime Training Centre, Macaé,
• Explanation of positioning principles Brazil
• Basic hydroacoustic subjects
• Use of the On-line Help system
• APOS system operation
• Trouble-shooting

Kongsberg Maritime reserves the right to make changes to the material or product described, at any time without notice. 172170D
Rev. K1 Page 7 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course
Standard conditions

To enquire for information or enrol for a course, please Booking

contact the training centres. The course coordinator Please contact:
will assist with hotel reservation.
For enquiries about training in Norway and Brazil:
Conrmation The Course Coordinator
The course coordinator conrms the enrolment in writ- Kongsberg Maritime AS
ing, which is then considered binding. Strandpromenaden 50
P.O. Box 111
Course documentation 3191 Horten - Norway
The course documentation is written in English, and Tel.: +47 33 03 41 00
the courses will normally be held in English. Fax: +47 33 04 76 19
Course diploma
The participants receive a course diploma when the
course is successfully completed. The Course Coordinator
Kongsberg Maritime Inc
Cancellation 7225 Langtry Street
Cancellation has to be in writing. Houston, TX 77040-6625 - USA
Tel.: +1 713 934 8885
Cancellation fee Fax: +1 713 934 8886
Cancellation more than four (4) weeks before starting e-mail:
date of course: None
The Course Coordinator
Cancellation from two (2) to four (4) weeks before Kongsberg Maritime Ltd
starting date of course: 50% of course price Campus 1
Science & Technology Park
Cancellation less than two (2) weeks before starting Balgownie Road
date of course: 100% of course price Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GT, Scotland - UK
Cancellation of courses Tel.: +44 (0) 1224 226 500
We reserve the right to cancel courses for which less Fax: +44 (0) 1224 226 501
than four participants have enrolled. e-mail:

Dates and prices

Please see separate sheets.


PO Box 483, N-3601 Kongsberg, Norway
Telephone +47 32 28 50 00 Telefax +47 32 28 50 10

Rev. K1 Page 8 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Course details
The instructor will chose from the subjects listed below

HiPAP® and HPR introduction

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
3.1 Our aims and philosophy with this course V V
3.2 Abbreviations V V V
3.3 What is HiPAP®? V V V
3.4 What is HPR? V V V
3.5 Topside system units overview V V V
3.6 Subsea system units overview V V V
3.7 ‘Slant Range’ measurements V V V
3.8 Positioning principles V V V
3.9 Hardware names V V V
3.10 Free APOS trainer V V V
3.11 HiPAP® and HPR history V V V
3.12 Applications V V V

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
4.1 What is sound V V
4.2 Fundamental parameters V V
Self study for the interested

4.3 What is dB V V
Just a short introduction

4.4 Factors influencing in hydroacoustic V V

4.5 Geometrical spreading V V
4.6 Absorption V V
4.7 Noise V V
4.8 Reflections V V
4.9 Air bubbles V V
4.10 Azimuth V V
4.11 Ray bending effect V V
4.12 Velocity of Sound V V
4.13 Sound velocity profiles V V
4.14 The sonar equation NI NI NI

Rev. K1 Page 9 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Surface hardware
Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
5.1 Transducers V V V
5.2 Transducer element V V V
5.3 Beam width V V V
5.4 Beam shapes V V V
5.5 Directivity NI NI NI
5.6 HPR 400 SSBL Transducers V V V
5.6a Narrow beam transducer V NI V
5.6b Standard transducer V V
5.6c Tracking transducer NI
5.6d PMT 301 transducer – “–
5.7 Maintenance V – “– NI
5.8 System units and configurations V V V
5.9 HiPAP® SSBL positioning V V V
5.10 HPR 400 SSBL positioning V V V

Transponder hardware
Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
6.1 Where is the transponder mounted? V V V
6.2 What does a transponder look like? V V V
6.3 What is a transponder? V V V
6.4 What is a responder? V V
6.5 Transponder safety V V V
6.6 Transponder tester, TTC 400 V NI V
6.7 Main parts of MPT and SPT transponders V V V
6.8 Transponder models V V V
6.9 Transponder identification V NI V
6.10 Transponder beam pattern – “–
6.11 Transponders with floating collar V – “–
6.12 Special remarks for some transponder models V – “–
6.13 Dismantling x1x aluminum transponders NI – “–
6.14 Dismantling x3x steel transponders – “– – “–
6.15 Battery packs V – “– V
6.16 HPR 300 medium frequency channels V – “– NI
6.17 HPR 400 medium frequency channels V – “– – “–
6.18 Medium frequency channels overview V V V
6.19 HPR 300 low frequency channels NI NI NI
6.20 HPR 400 low frequency channels – “– – “– – “–
6.21 Low frequency channels overview – “– – “– – “–
6.22 Pulse positioning with sensor information V V – “–
6.23 Transponder modes V NI – “–
6.24 HPR 300 pulse command function NI – “– – “–
6.25 HPR 400 acoustic coding principle - Telemetry V – “– – “–

Rev. K1 Page 10 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

APOS Introduction
Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
7.1 APOS help V V V
7.2 Two vessels, two transponders V NI NI
7.3 Basic SSBL Positioning V V V
7.4 Screen V V V
7.5 ‘Right clicking’ V V V
7.6 SSBL Positioning and ‘APOS File handling’ V V V
7.6e File handling with two or more operator stations V V NI
7.7 Vessel Heading line NI V NI
7.8 Offset rel. CG – “– V – “–

The Screen and Views

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
8.1 The view V V V
8.2 Cartesian and Polar view V V NI
8.3 Zoom and Display scale V V V
8.3d Display scale (Old version) NI NI NI
8.4 Set view center V – “– – “–
8.5 Center – “–
8.6 Orientation V V – “–
8.7 Measure V NI – “–
8.7a Measure (old version) NI – “– – “–
8.7b Using the center point (0,0) as reference (old version) – “– – “– – “–
8.7c Using a positioning object as a reference (old – “– – “– – “–
8.8 Show Error Ellipses V V – “–
8.9 Numeric view V V – “–
8.10 Colours V V V
8.11 Panel light V V V
8.12 Filtered Positions NI NI NI
8.13 Toolbar V V – “–
8.14 Positioning toolbar V V – “–
8.15 Status bar V V V
8.15e The ‘I/O server’ on the ‘Status bar’ V NI V
8.16 Measurements NI – “– NI
8.17 Alarms V V V
8.18 Event view V V V
8.18b Attitude error V V NI
8.18c DRP, TMC and Fifo descriptions V V – “–
8.19 Alarms on Inclinometer Transponder NI NI – “–
8.20 Trend view V V V
8.21 Documentation of the ‘Screen’ V V NI
8.22 Documentation of ‘Active Window’ V V – “–
8.23 Troubleshooting the Screen V V – “–

Rev. K1 Page 11 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
9.1 ‘SSBL Positioning’ dialog box V V V
9.2 Default parameters V V NI
9.3 Interrogation Interval V V V
9.3a Adjusting the Interrogation Interval V V V
9.3b Signal Traveling Time V V NI
9.3c DP update rate V V – “–
9.3d Checking your Interrogation Rate V V – “–
9.3e HiPAP® calculation time NI NI – “–
9.4 Transponder type V V V
9.5 Max Range V V V
9.5a Max Range, HPR 400 V V NI
9.5b Max Range, HiPAP® V V – “–
9.6 Position Offset V NI – “–
9.7 Operation V V – “–

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
10.1 General V V V
10.2 Transponder history NI NI NI
10.3 Access to ’Transponder Configure’ V V V
10.4 Transponder Configure V V V
10.5 Trusting the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box V V V
10.6 Transponder Setup V V V
10.6b Modes & TAD & LIC V NI NI
10.6c Batteries V – “– V
10.7 Transponder Functions V V V
10.7a Enable/Disable SSBL transponder V V V
10.7b Responder V NI NI
10.7c Beacon – “– – “–
10.7d Release V – “– V
10.7e Switch channel V – “– NI
10.8 Transponder with a ‘built in’ sensor NI V – “–
10.8a Depth sensor – “– – “–
10.8c Inclination sensor – “– V – “–
10.8d Inclination sensor, calibration – “– NI – “–
10.8e Differential Inclination sensor – “– – “– – “–
10.9 Telemetry Transducer V V
10.10 TxRx Diagnostics NI NI NI
10.11 Transponder testing V – “– V
10.12 Troubleshooting V – “– – “–

Rev. K1 Page 12 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

SSBL Troubleshooting
Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
11.1 Trouble types V V V
11.2 SSBL step-by-step troubleshooting V V V
11.3 SSBL Troubleshooting exercise V V NI
11.3a All vessels V V – “–
11.3b Vessels with two or more transducers NI NI – “–
11.4 Telemetry troubleshooting – “– – “– – “–

System administration
Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
12.1 Introduction V V V
12.2 APC 10 and APOS evolution NI NI NI
12.3 ‘Shutting down’ the OS V V V
12.4 Backup the OS V V V
12.5 System report V V NI
12.6 System Backup and Restore V V – “–
12.7 Service Mode V V V

Chapter Subject Basic Offshore Technical
Operator Loaders
14.1 Introduction V
14.2 Responder type, MST V
Not included

As needed
14.3 Responder type, SPT or MPT
14.4 Responder connection in the HiPAP® V
14.5 Responder in HPR 400 Transceiver V
14.6 Change of Responder drive V
14.7 RPT Transponders V

AN: As needed
NI: Not included

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Chapter Subject Basic Technical

Configure ‘light’ + Configure

Chapter Subject Basic Technical
16 Configure V V
16.1 Objective V V
16.2 Configuration V V
16.3 Transceiver… (HiPAP) V V
16.3.a Reference – Change Gyro and VRS V V
16.3.b Transceiver Interface NI V
16.3.c Transducer V NI
16.3.d Operation Mode V – “–
16.3.e Data Acquisition V V
16.3f Reset V V
16.3.h Syncronization NI NI
16.3g Spectrum Analyse V – “–
16.4 Transceiver (HPR 400) V V
16.4.a Reference NI
16.4.b Transducers – “–
16.4.c Data Acquisition – “–
16.4.d Synchronization – “–
16.5 Output… – “–
16.5.a Configure ‘Outputs…’ – “– V
16.5.b NMEA output to floppy – “– V
16.5.c Connecting the APC 10 to the DP – “– NI
16.5.d NMEA Positions – All Operator Stations are – “– – “–
sending position telegrams to the DP
16.5.e HPR 400 Positions – Telling the DP which – “– – “–
transceiver that calculated the positions
16.6 External interfaces… – “– V
16.6.a Configure a new GPS input – “– V
16.7 Transceiver Interface – “– NI
16.7.a Serial lines – “– – “–
16.7.b Checking Ethernet configuration for the – “– NI

FIO: For information only

AN: As needed
NI: Not included

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Timetable: APOS Basic Operator Course

Day 1
09:00 – 09:15 Course Introduction Chapter 1
09:15 – 10:00 HiPAP® and HPR 400 Introduction Chapter 3
10:15 – 11:30 Hydroacoustic Chapter 4
11:30 – 12:15 Lunch
12:15 – 13:00 Surface hardware Chapter 5
13:00 – 13:15 Transponder hardware Chapter 6
13:30 – 14:30 Transponder hardware continued Chapter 6
14:45 – 15:45 APOS Introduction Chapter 7
Homework Battery Safety Chapter 13

Day 2
09:00 – 10:15 Discussing ‘Battery safety’
‘The Screen and Views’ Chapter 8
10:15 – 11:30 ‘Default parameters’ + SSBL Positioning Chapter 9
11:30 – 12:15 Lunch
12:15 – 13:15 ‘Default parameters’ + SSBL Positioning cont. Chapter 9
13:30 – 14:30 Transponder Configure Chapter 10
14:45 – 15:00 SSBL Troubleshooting Chapter 11
15:00 – 15:45 Transponder tester

Day 3
09:00 – 10:00 System administration Chapter 12
10:15 – 11:15 Responders or Configure ‘light’ Chapter 14 or 16
11:15 – 11:30 Course evaluation Chapter 1
11:30 – 12:00 Lunch

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Blank page

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Course Evaluation

Course Name:
Student Name:
Student Profession:
Instructor(s) Name:
Course Date:

Please give your personal opinion!

Was the course relevant for you? RELEVA

Was the course duration suitable? SHORT SHORT FICIENT LONG LONG

How was the balance between theory and BA L A N C MUCH MUCH
practical work? THEORY THEORY
Did you benefit from the exercises? ALL


How was the documentation? BA D


How was the instructor’s knowledge of the NO T VE R Y EX C E L -
subjects taught? GOOD GOOD LENT

Did the instructor manage to explain the NO T VE R Y EX C E L -

matters in a clear way? GOOD GOOD LENT

How was the communication between you and NO T VE R Y EX C E L -

the instructor? GOOD GOOD LENT


Did you feel welcome as a guest with Kongsberg NO T A T
Maritime? ALL

How were the classrooms? Please comment:

0 25 50 75 100
On a scale from 0 to 100 where 100 is the best,
how will you rate this course?

© Kongsberg Maritime AS
K:\DIVERSE\Spesielle dok\EVALUATION E 2004.DOC

Rev. K1 Page 17 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Course Evaluation

Please let us know what was most appreciated:

Please let us know what was least appreciated:

Please write down your suggestions for improvements:

Do you have any comments on your hotel and transportation?

Do you have any comments on the information received prior to the course?

Other comments?

© Kongsberg Maritime AS
K:\DIVERSE\Spesielle dok\EVALUATION E 2004.DOC

Rev. K1 Page 18 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course


Kongsberg Maritime distributes magazines and training

information. If you want to be on the e-mail list, please enter
information about yourself below, and what kind of info you
would like to receive.

Please use block letters


Course info
Course types Aberdeen Horten Trondheim
ACS (BOP Control)
AIS Training

Full picture*
Subsea Newsletter
Positioning Newsletter

*) Write down your post address below, if you want the ‘Full picture’ magazine as a
paper copy.

Rev. K1 Page 19 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Blank page

Rev. K1 Page 20 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

WORLD CLASS – through people, technology and dedication
WORLD CLASS – through people, technology and dedication

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 1

KONGSBERG's history

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 2

Rev. K1 Page 21 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

KONGSBERG's history

ƒ 1624 – 1814 The discovery of silver in Kongsberg

ƒ 1814 – 1955 Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk and the
maritime community at Horten
ƒ 1955 – 1987 Industrial locomotive
ƒ 1987 – 1992 Crisis and revitalisation
ƒ 1992 – 2004 Maritime campaign, stock exchange listing and growth

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 3

Kongsberg Gruppen - KONGSBERG

ƒ An international technology corporation

headquartered in Norway
ƒ Operations at more than 40 locations in 24 countries
ƒ About 900 of the Group's 4 000 employees work outside
ƒ In 2004 the Group earned 71 per cent of its consolidated
operating revenues of NOK 6.4 billion outside Norway

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 4

Rev. K1 Page 22 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

KONGSBERG – operations in 24 countries


St. John (Canada)

Halifax (Canada) Norway

Vancouver (Canada) Scotland Denmark

Washington (USA) Ireland Germany

England Holland
Connecticut (USA) Hungary South-Korea
Texas (USA) France Italy
Spain China
United Arab Emirates
Louisiana (USA)
Florida (USA) Singapore


South Africa

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 5

KONGSBERG's core competencies

KONGSBERG's products are based on four core competencies:

ƒ Signal processing
ƒ Cybernetics
ƒ Software
ƒ Systems integration

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 6

Rev. K1 Page 23 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course


Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

Financial Affairs - Communications – Legal affairs –
Human Resources/Organisational Development – Business Development - Property

Kongsberg Maritime AS Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS

Offshore & Merchant Marine Defence & Aerospace

Dynamic Positioning & Navigation Missiles & Space

Marine Automation Naval Systems
Process Automation Land Systems & Communications
Hydroacoustics Aircraft & Air Defence Systems
Satellite Positioning & AIS Dynamic Systems
Marine IT

Yachting & Fishery (SIMRAD)

Marine Electronics (autosteering, hydroacoustics,

navigation, communication)

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 7

KONGSBERG – key figures 2004

ƒ Operating revenues: MNOK 6 439 (MNOK 6 651)

ƒ EBITA: MNOK 223 (MNOK 383)
ƒ Backlog of orders: MNOK 5 425 (MNOK 5 913)
ƒ Number of employees: 4 017 (4 176)

5 041 5 033 4 600

1 939 1 618 1 839

2002 2003 2004

Operating revenues outside Norway Operating revenues in Norway

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 8

Rev. K1 Page 24 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Operating revenues

8000 600
7000 500
5000 400
4000 300
3000 200
1000 100
0 0
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Operating revenues Operating revenues EBITA

outside Norway in Norway

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 9

Operating revenues by geographic area

Other 1 %
Asia 16 %

Norway 29 %

America 20 %

Europe 34 %

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 10

Rev. K1 Page 25 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

KONGSBERG – focusing on R&D

ƒ KONGSBERG spends MNOK 600-700 (more than 10 % of its

operating revenues) on research and development (R&D)
each year. Half is equity-financed; the remainder
externally funded

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 11

Kongsberg Maritime

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 12

Rev. K1 Page 26 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Kongsberg Maritime

ƒ Kongsberg Maritime is among the world's leading suppliers of

high-technology products and systems in the
field of marine electronics

ƒ The products are marketed under

two brand names:


KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 13

Kongsberg Maritime – key figures 2004

ƒ Operating revenues: MNOK 3 638 (MNOK 3 470)

ƒ EBITA: MNOK 254 (MNOK 297)
ƒ Backlog of orders: MNOK 1 673 (MNOK 1 463)
ƒ Number of employees: 2 392 (2 432)

2 824 2 707 2 816

919 763 822

2002 2003 2004

Operating revenues Operating revenues

outside Norway in Norway

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 14

Rev. K1 Page 27 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Offshore & Merchant Marine

KONGSBERG - a world leader in:

ƒ Dynamic positioning, marine automation
systems and hydroacoustics

Merchant Marine
ƒ Products related to automation and navigation systems,
cargo management systems, sensors and maritime
simulators and training systems

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 15

WORLD CLASS – through people, technology and dedication

WORLD CLASS – through people, technology and dedication

KONGSBERG 12.04.2005 16

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3 HiPAP® and HPR 400 introduction

Revision Date Written by

E August 15, 2005 kgr
F January 15, 2006 kgr
F1 May 1, 2006 kgr
F2 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
E Minor corrections. 3.1 included. HiPAP 400. Topside → Surface
F Minor changes in Abbreviations
F1 Minor changes in 3.3, 3.4 and 3.7. New format and automatic figure
F2 Minor changes in 3.9


3 HiPAP® and HPR 400 introduction

3.1 Our aims and philosophy with this course

3.2 Abbreviations
3.3 What is HiPAP®?
3.4 What is HPR?
3.5 Surface system overview
3.6 Subsea system overview
3.7 ‘Slant Range’ measurements
3.8 Positioning principles
3.9 Hardware names
3.10 Free APOS Trainer
3.11 HiPAP® and HPR history
3.12 Applications

Rev. K1 Page 29 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

3.1 Our aims and philosophy with this course

The aim of this course is to give you a solid, extensible foundation in use of APOS together with
HiPAP®. We believe that APOS is too complex a tool to be covered in one course. We’re aiming to
give you a rock-steady foundation: not a trivial overview of each and every feature of the system, but
an in-depth treatment of the core aspect of using APOS for positioning.

We believe in creating a reliable foundation, enabling you to understand APOS more fully. We’re not
going to list every menu options, but we’re going to concentrate on the real core of learning APOS
successfully, taking you from zero knowledge of APOS through to being able to operate APOS and
HiPAP® in a safe, reliable and proud manner.

Rev. K1 Page 30 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

3.2 Abbreviations

ACC Acoustic control command unit MULBL Multi user long base line
ACS Acoustic control system OS Operator Station
AiL Acoustic interface logger PMT Portable mini transducer
APC 10 Acoustic Position Computer ROV Remotely operated vehicle
APOS Acoustic positioning operator RSP Responder
station SBL Short base line
BOP Blow out preventer SDP Simrad dynamic positioning
CH Channel S/N Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
COS Common Operator Station SR Slant range
dB Decibel SSBL Super short base line
DGPS Differential global position SSLBL Super short and long base line
system TAD Turn around delay
DP Dynamic positioning TD Transducer
GPS Global positioning system TP Transponder
HPR Hydroacoustic position reference TRC Transceiver
HSC 400 Hydroacoustic system controller TTC 400 Transponder Test and Configuration
HiPAP® High precision acoustic unit
positioning VoS ‘Velocity of Sound’ or ‘Speed of
HTC 10 HiPAP® transceiver computer Sound’
iRMX Intel Real Time Executive VRU Vertical reference unit
operating system VRS Vertical reference system
LBL Long base line UTM Universal Transversal Mercator
LF Low frequency
MF Medium frequency
MRU Motion reference unit

The above list of abbreviations is related to the ‘APOS Basic Operator Course’ only. Separate
abbreviations lists for LBL courses, Offshore Loaders courses etc. are included for those courses.

Rev. K1 Page 31 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

3.3 What is HiPAP®?

HiPAP® is short for ‘High precision acoustic positioning’ and is a Hydroacoustic Position Reference
(HPR) system based on the principles of sound in water. It is delivered in five versions, HiPAP® 100,
350 and 350P, 450 and 500.

HiPAP® 100 is a full spherical transducer with low frequency, intended for deep water.

HiPAP® 350 and 350P is utilizing the semi-spherical transducer were the HiPAP® 350 is a fixed
onboard system, and the and HiPAP® 350P is a portable system.

HiPAP® 450 is a fixed onboard system with a full spherical transducer, but using the HiPAP® 350

HiPAP® 500 is fixed onboard system utilizing the full spherical transducer.

The main purpose for the HiPAP® system is to position a vessel relative1) to a transponder(s). The
HiPAP® system can also be used for monitoring sensor values, such as temperature, pressure (depth),
inclination and heading.

The HiPAP® system may also be used to control subsea system, such as Acoustic Control System
(ACS) and Acoustic Interface Logging (AiL), using telemetry

When we describe a HiPAP® system, we split it into two parts. The system onboard the vessel, which
we call the ‘surface system’, and the system on the seabed which we call the ‘subsea system’.

Figure 3.1

1) Don’t mix relative in this context with relative positions as DP reference

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3.4 What is HPR?

The HPR (Hydroacoustic Positioning Reference) system is the system, preceding the HiPAP® system.
It has more or less the same possibilities as the HiPAP® system, but with poorer performance. The
HPR system is now obsolete (except and 400S).

Since the development of the HPR 400 system has ceased, a vessel equipped with a HiPAP® system
will have more options and features than the HPR 400 system. In this course, we will mainly refer to
the HiPAP® system. If the subject does not apply to the HPR 400, the reader will be notified.

The HPR 400 family: HPR 408 LBL positioning

HPR 410 SSBL positioning
HPR 418 LBL + SSBL positioning

HPR 400P A portable system able to do LBL, SSBL or both

HPR 400S A subsea transceiver able to do LBL.

The hole HPR 400 family can do either low frequency, medium frequency or both.

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3.5 Surface system overview

The topside system is the components you find onboard your vessel. Figure 3.2 shows a typical
HiPAP® 500 system. Basically the system consists of 5 main units:

1. Operator Station (OS)

2. Transceiver (TRC)
3. Hull unit with Transducer (TD)
4. Hoist control unit
5. Remote control unit

Each of these units can be configured or supplied in different ways or with various options were some
of the options are listed below:

1. Operator Station
• Number of OSs
• Types of OS, console or stand alone
• Software types on the OS(s), APOS or HSC
• Options in OS software
• Number of COM ports
2. Transceiver
• Number of transceivers
• Number of Com ports
• Air condition (optional)
• Synchronization (optional)
3. Hull unit with Transducer
• Hull Unit length
• Electrical actuator (optional)
4. Remote control unit
• Separate unit or in console

On a HiPAP® system, each transducer requires a separate transceiver. On a HPR 400 system, one
transceiver can run up to 4 transducers.

APOS is the program running on the OS, which is used by the operator to control the HiPAP or HPR
400 system. APOS is Windows® based and has succeeded the HSC 400 system, which was running on
a MS-DOS computer.

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Figure 3.2

One or more gyros and VRS are connected to the HiPAP® transceiver (the HPR 400 does not require a
gyro and can take only one gyro and VRS). A DGPS, depth sensor and ROV heading may be
connected to the OS, and typically the OS distribute the transponder positions to external computers
like DP, BLOM, surveyor etc.

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3.6 Subsea system overview

The subsea system is the components you find in the water, except the vessel mounted transducer.
Depending on model types, these components may be used by both HiPAP® and HPR 400 systems.

Figure 3.3

Transponder Acoustic receiver and transmitter

Placed on the seabed, on board an ROV or any other structure to be positioned
Triggered by acoustic pulses from the vessel/rig using acoustic signals
In normal operation answers with one, two or three reply pulses
Responder Acoustic transmitter
Placed on board an ROV
Triggered by electric pulses through an umbilical
Array A group of transponders on the seabed used in the positioning principle called long
base line

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3.7 ‘Slant Range’ measurements

When the HiPAP® system is positioning a transponder, he measure both range and direction from the
vessel towards the transponder. The introduction to ‘range measurement’ is easiest described by
introducing the Echo sounder concept.

Figure 3.4

Echo sounder concept

The Echo sounder measures the water depths below the vessel by sending out an ‘acoustic pulse’ into
the water and at the same time start a ‘stop watch’. The ‘acoustic pulse’ propagates (travel) throughout
the water with the ‘Velocity of Sound’ (VoS), hits the seabed, and is reflected (echo) and starts its
return travel back up towards the vessel again. When the echo hits the vessel (transducer) the ‘stop
watch’ stops. Based on the elapsed time we read on the ‘stop watch’ and our knowledge of the VoS,
we are able to calculate the water depth.

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D = VoS

Here we have: D = water depth

t = elapsed time on the ‘stop watch’
VoS = Velocity of Sound

To be able to do accurate depth measurement, we need a good ‘stop watch’ and know the VoS
accurately. The ‘stop watch’ is an integral part of the transceiver, and its accuracy is determined by
how good the system is able to detect the returning pulse. The VoS in water varies with water
temperature, salinity and depth (pressure). To know the VoS accurately it needs to be measured.
Special instruments1 are available for that purpose. VoS in seawater will vary between 1450 m/s up to
1550 m/s. For classroom discussions, we will use 1500 m/s.

Example 3.1

Let’s assume you send an ‘acoustic pulse’ into the water. The pulse will use 1 second down to the
seabed, and 1 second back upwards, totally 2 seconds. VoS is 1500 m/s. Calculate the depth.

t 2s
D = VoS = 1500 m / s = 1500 m
2 2

Exercise 3.1

If the VoS is 1500 m/s and the water depth is 750 meters. How long time will the ‘acoustic pulse’ use
from the vessel to the seabed and back up to the vessel again?

2∗ D
t= = = s

See the homepage for
a) Applied Microsystems Ltd,
b) Valeport Ltd,
for further information’s

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‘Slant range’ measurement

To use the HiPAP® system for positioning, we need a transponder in the water. The range between the
HiPAP® transducer and the transponder is called the slant range (SR).

Figure 3.5

When the HiPAP® system measures the SR, he sends an ‘acoustic pulse’ (interrogation) into the water
and start his stop watch, just as the echo sounder did. The acoustic pulse will also be reflected from the
seabed, once again similar to an echo sounder. The HiPAP® transducer will not listen for the reflected

Figure 3.6

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Part of the signal will also hit the transponder. The transponder sits on the seabed waiting for the
interrogation. The interrogation is an ‘acoustic pulse’ with a specific frequency. When the transponder
receives that specific frequency, (actually it is 2 pulses with different frequencies) he will answer with
his reply frequency. The answer is not coming instantly, like an echo, but there is a small turnaround
delay (TAD). This small TAD is necessary for the transponder to verify that the frequency he hears is
the one he is supposed to answer. There are a lot of sounds (noise) in the water, and the transponder
has to verify that is not answering any noise, but on a real interrogation.

Figure 3.7

When the transponder reply arrives at the vessels transducer, the HiPAP® system will stop the ‘stop
watch’. Based on the time readings from the stop watch, and the VoS he is able to calculate the slant

t − TAD
SR = VoS [m]

Here we have: SR = Slant range

t = Time from the stop watch
TAD = Turn around delay
VoS = Velocity of Sound

During our classroom discussions, we will not pay attention to the TAD, but keep in mind that both
the transponder as well as the transceiver has TAD.

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We will therefore use a simpler version of the equation for the SR

SR ~ VoS [m]

We see that this equation is quite similar to the one used by the Echo sounder.

For DP positioning, time is a critical factor, and that’s way we will pay a lot of attention to signal
traveling time in this course.

Exercise 3.2

Assume you have a transponder in the water. The interrogation pulse takes 1.5 second down to the
transponder, and the reply pulse takes 1.5 seconds back up to the vessels transducer. Assume VoS is
1500 m/s. How far away is the transponder?

SR ~ VoS = 1500m / s = m
2 2

The HiPAP® 350 system and HPR 400 system has reduced beam width, compared to what is shown in
Figure 3.6.

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3.8 Positioning principles

The previous section described how we measured the ‘slant range’ towards a transponder. This means
we know the distance to the transponder, but not the direction. To say it differently; the transponder is
somewhere on a sphere around the vessel. We know the radius of the sphere, which is equal to the
‘slant range’.

Figure 3.8

We can also say it differently; if we know the transponders position, the vessel will be somewhere on
a sphere around the transponder.

Figure 3.9

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Example 3.2

Imagine you are in a boat and it’s dark and foggy. A sound beacon is sending out a sound pulse at
regular intervals, like 01:00:00, 01:01:00, 01:02:00 etc. Your clock is synchronized with this beacon,
and you read the time when you receive the sound pulse. Based on this time difference you are able to
calculate the range towards the beacon, but not the direction. You are somewhere on a circle around
this beacon, were the radius of the circle is equal to the range.

Example 3.3

Imagine you are in a boat and it’s dark and foggy. Somewhere near you there is a rock wall. You are
using your fog-horn, and you can hear the echo. Based on that, you are able to calculate the distance
towards the rock, but not the direction. The rock is somewhere on a circle around your vessel.

To pin-point your vessels position in a 3 dimensional coordinate system, you need more information
than ‘slant range’. For that purpose we can utilize several positioning principles.

Before we start talking about the different positioning principles available, I would like to say a few
words about the vessels transducer. A hydro-acoustic transducer may appear in many different
versions. For positioning it will have either one element or 3 or more elements.

When we discuss 3 dimensional positioning, we will refer to the number 3 in several instances. You
will either need 3 transponders or minimum 3 transducer elements, to be able to find the 3 dimensional
position. We see an analog situation for GPS positioning, were you need at least 4 satellites to get a 3
dimensional position. The reason why you need 4 satellites, instead of 3 is do to timing. In the HiPAP®
system we control the timing, and therefore need only 3 transponders or transducers. In a GPS system
you don’t control the timing.

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cd 5562 and 5576

Figure 3.10

As you can see in figure 3.10, we have 3 different positioning principles:

1) Long Baseline (LBL) positioning

2) Short Baseline (SBL) positioning
3) Super Short Baseline (SSBL) positioning, or also called Ultra Short Baseline (USBL)

LBL positioning is the most accurately positioning system, particularly on deeper water. It has a
slower update rate than SBL and SSBL, particularly in shallow water

Long Baseline (LBL) positioning

To do LBL positioning, we need only a transducer with one single transducer element in its simplest
version. We need however a minimum of 3 transponders, but can use up to 8. By increasing the
number of transponders, you will introduce redundancy in the system, which will increase both
position accuracy as well as operational stability.

When we interrogate the LBL array, we use a common frequency for all the transponders. Each
transponder has an individual and different ‘Turn around delay’ (TAD), which means the reply from
the transponders, will not appear at the transducer at the same time. The system is working in a
parallel manner.

The baselines in a LBL system is the distance between the transponders on the seabed, and will typical
vary between 50 to 2000 meters.

Before you can start using a LBL array, you need to calibrate the baselines.

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Short Baseline (SBL) positioning

If you look at the center picture of Figure 10, the system is now turned upside down. You need only 1
transponder, but at least 3 transducers (single element). The baseline is the distance between the
transducers onboard the vessel. This is a system we rarely see.

Super Short Baseline (SSBL) positioning

The SSBL system is the most common type we are producing. You can get a full 3 dimensional
position with one transducer and one transponder. This transducer will however need at least 3
transducer elements. The HiPAP® 500 transducer2 has 241 elements. If you once again look at the
center picture of Figure 3.10, and you imagine that you move the forward located transducer towards
the center transducer, and you move the aft located transducer toward the center transducer. If you
take all this 3 transducer elements, and put them together inside one housing, the baseline will then be
the distance between these 3 transducer elements. Typically the baseline will be less than 10 cm. This
is the transducer you see in the right part of figure 3.10. We will discuss more of transducers in a later

If you have more than one active SSBL transponder, you will interrogate one at the time. All the
transponders will have the same TAD, but individual interrogation frequencies. The system is working
in a serial manner.

HPR 400 SSBL transducers have 3 receiver elements (or groups) and one transmitter element

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3.9 Hardware names

On the drawing below, point on and write down the names on the main components and processes:

1) Operator Station (OS)

2) Transceiver (TRC)

3) Transducer (TD)

4) Transponder (TP)

5) On which computer is APOS running?

Offshore Loaders can skip question 6 to 8.

6) Make a sketch of a responder on a ROV, and show where the cables are connected (applies
only to vessels using responders)

7) How many responder outputs is available on a HiPAP® system? ___________

8) How many responder outputs is available on a HPR 400 system? ___________

On the remaining part, draw a line with an arrow, indicating the direction of the communication flow

9) Position signals to the DP, ‘Blom computer’ or surveyor

10) Gyro and VRS input signals

11) DGPS

12) Between the O.S. and TRC.

Figure 3.11

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3.10 Free APOS Trainer

All APOS courses are a combination between a theoretical part and a practical part. The practical part is
done on a simulator called APOS Trainer. When you enroll in an Operator or Technical Course arranged
by Kongsberg Maritime, the APOS Trainer will be included (free) from December 17, 2003, as part of the
course material distributed to the participants on the training center.

The main reason for doing this, is that we, Kongsberg Maritime, would like you to continue the training
when you arrive home or onboard your vessel. Even if we consider APOS easy to use, you will still need
continuous experience to be a professional operator.

For many operators, it is hard to receive the necessary experience with the HiPAP® system to become
comfortable as an operator of the system. This is where the trainer comes in handy.

One typical example of operators who may find it hard to receive the necessary HiPAP® or HPR
experience, is the operators onboard drilling vessels, using LBL. When they arrive on a new location, the
LBL array has to be calibrated. Since this operation is done only once upon arrival to a new location, we
see quite often, that some operators by incident rarely do this part. In this case, the APOS Trainer may
come in handy. If the operator run a LBL calibration simulation before he arrive on the location, his level
of readiness will increase several hundreds percentage.

Another example is the crew onboard the Offshore Loaders. The vessel owner likes to have their crew
trained, to have maximum manpower flexibility. This means that a navigator onboard an Offshore Loader
without the HiPAP® system, has to be prepared to change vessel permanently or temporarily, to a vessel
with HiPAP® system onboard, in a short time. Even if he has received APOS training, he will lack the
experience. If he starts the APOS Trainer, and redo the exercises from the course, he will be better
prepared for the job.

It is important to realize that APOS trainer is not a program designed for the mass market, and as such has
some limitations. Program requirements are listed Chapter 12, ‘Data sheets’. You will also need to be
logged on as an Administrator to be able to run the program.

When Kongsberg Maritime is delivering a full APOS system, for the vessel, we have done a thorough
testing of the system, before we ship it, and therefore can guaranty the functionality. When we distribute
the APOS Trainer, we don’t have this opportunity. If you consider the vast type of computers, software’s
and configurations, there is no way we can test our trainer on all this systems. We are therefore
distributing this trainer with no support. We are however quite confident, that by using a modern
computer, the APOS Trainer will function correctly. If you experience any problems, you may send an e-
mail to, describing the problem, and we will help you as much as we can.

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3.11 HiPAP® and HPR history

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3.12 Applications

The HiPAP® and HPR systems have a wide use of applications, and a few of them are listed below.

• DP reference
• Offshore loading
• Drilling
• Diving
• Survey
• Data logging
• Construction
• Cable laying
• ROV operations
• Rock dumping
• Trenching
• Pipe laying
• Acoustic control

It has been developed special applications for some of these operations. Some of the special operations
will be covered in separate courses.

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Blank page

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The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the theory of sound in water. We will
try to limit the subject as much as possible, and you can skip the boxes marked advanced.

For those of you which have a greater interest in this subject, I will recommend you to
read the parts in the text boxes marked with ‘Additional subjects’, ‘Definitions’,
‘Advanced’ etc. But you may skip them without loosing the goals of this course. Those
marked with ‘Advanced’ usually contain a mathematical equations

This chapter is written based on the following references:

Fundamentals of Acoustic by Kinsler, 3 edition

Principles of Underwater Sound by Urick, 3 edition.
Introduction to Underwater Sound, Kongsberg Maritime, 857-164237

Revision Date Written by

A 15 jan. 2005 kgr
B June 1, 2005 kgr
C August 15, 2005 kgr
C1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on 856-160943/C
B Added 4.8 and 4.9. Minor changes
C Minor changes in 4.12
C1 Minor change in 4.3, ‘History of chess’.

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4.1 What is sound?
4.2 Fundamental parameters
4.3 What is dB?
4.4 Factors influencing in hydroacoustics
4.5 Geometrical spreading
4.6 Absorption
4.7 Noise
4.8 Air bubbles
4.9 Azimuth thruster
4.10 Reflections
4.11 Ray bending effect
4.12 Sound velocity
4.13 Sound velocity profile
4.14 The sonar equation

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4.1 What is sound?

Sound are pressure waves (alternating high pressure and low pressure waves) travelling
(transmitted) through the medium (air, water, steel etc).

The signal strenght of an acoustic signal is measured in Pascal (Pa) or watt per. square
meter (W/m2), and is usually given in decibel (dB).

4.2 Fundamental parameters

In the MKS system (metre, kg, second) the pressure unit is:
1 Pa = 1 N/m2 (1)

For reference values of sound in the sea we use (see Kinsler, page 117):
1 micro Pa (µPa) = 10-6 Pa (2)

1 µPa ~ 6.76 x 10-19 W/m2. (3)

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λ = wave length (m) distance between two maxima on the wave

f = frequency (Hz) the number of maxima which pass per second
c = sound velocity (m/s) the distance one maxima travels in one second
T = period (s) the time between two maxima

λ= (4)
f = (5)

Advanced subject

The sound intensity is defined as the energy passing through a unit area per second. For plane
waves the intensity is related to pressure by:

I = (6)

I = intensity (W/m2)
p = pressure (Pa)
ρ = water density (kg/m3)
c = speed of sound in water (m/s)

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4.3 What is dB?

The subject of decibels usually confuses the newcomer to hydroacoustic, and even many
an old-timer seems to have occasional memory lapses regarding the subject. For the
benefit of both, and because the subject is so vitally important to understanding
hydroacoustic, we will review the decibel.


The decibel measurement originated in the telephone industry and was named after
telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The original unit was the bel. The prefix deci
means 1/10, so the decibel is one-tenth of a bel. The bel is too large for most common
applications, so it is rarely, if ever, used. Thus, we will concentrate only on the more
familiar decibel (dB).

The easy way

If you double a number (value), the value is increased with 3 dB. If you reduce a number
with 50 %, the value is reduced with -3 dB.

If a value is increased to 400%, you have a 6 dB increase, and if a value is reduced to

25%, you have a -6 dB decrease.

Example 4.1

In Hydroacoustic, one of our fundamental parameters is intensity (W/m2). If you have an

intensity, let’s say 1 W/m2, and you increase the intensity to 200% of the initial value of 1
W/m2, you will get 2 W/m2, which is equal to 3 dB increase

Example 4.2

From Example 4.1, if you continue to increase the intensity, let’s say to 400% of the
initial setting of 1 W/m2, you will get 4 W/m2, which is equal to a 6 dB increase from 1

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Advanced subject

To calculate a ratio and express the result in dB, we use the following equation:

dB =10 log (7)

Reworking Example 4.1:

I1 2W / m 2 2
dB = 10 log = 10 log 2
= 10 log = 10 × 0.30103 = 3.0103 ≈ 3 dB
I2 1W /m 1

Example 4.3

If you have an intensity, let’s say 2 W/m2, and you reduce the intensity with 50%, you
will get 1 W/m2 which is equal to -3 dB decrease

Example 4.4

If you have an intensity, let’s say 4 W/m2, and you reduce the intensity with 75%, you
will get 1 W/m2 which is equal to -6 dB decrease

Advanced subject

When the telephone company decided that it might be convenient to handle gains and losses
using dB, they invented a unit of gain measurement called a "Bel," named after Alexander
Graham Bell.

They defined the Bel as: Gain in Bels = log A

where A = Power amplification factor

It quickly occurred to the telephone company engineers that using Bels meant they would be
working to at least two decimal places. They couldn't just round things off to one decimal
place, since 4.179 bels is a power gain of 15,101 while 4.2 bels is a power gain of 15,849,
yielding an error of about 5%. At that point it was decided to express power gain in units
which were equal to one-tenth of a Bel, or in deci-Bels. This simply meant that the gain in
Bels would be multiplied by 10, since there would be ten times more decibels than Bels.

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Advanced subject

The equation for intensity, when using the standard reference from equation 3, we get:

dB =10 log
[W / m ]
−19 2
6.76 x10

From the relationship between pressure and intensity (equation 6), we notice that there is a
square relationship between intensity and pressure, and we need to modify our equation when
we work with pressure values.

I ρc p2 ⎛ p ⎞ p
dB = 10 log 1 = = 10 log 12 = 10 log ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = 20 log 1 (9)
I2 p22 P2 ⎝ p2 ⎠ p2

The equation for intensity, when using the standard reference from equation 3, we get:

dB = 20 log (10)
10 − 6

If we double the sound pressure we increase the ratio with 6dB.

If you knew the dB value, and would like to convert it back to a pressure or intensity value,
the following equations will apply:


I1 = 6.76 ×10 −19 × 10 10 (11)

p1 =10 × 10 20 (12)

Example 4.5

Calculate both the intensity, as well as the pressure for a transponder with 188 dB output.

From equation. 11: I1 = 6.76 × 10 × 10 = 10
= 6.76 x 10-19 x 6309573444801932494
= 6.76 x 0.63
= 4,3 W/m2

From equation. 12: p1 =10 × 10 20 = 2512 Pa (14)

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Advanced subject

The beauty of working with dB rather than in W/m2 or Pa:

i) we reduce the problem of calculating the S/N (signal to noise ratio) to add/subtract
values instead of multiply/division.
ii) since our reference values is so small, the ratios would be enormous.

From example 4.5, we may typically express a transponder output to 188 dB, which is similar
to 2511 Pa, or 4.3 W/m2 when we talk about intensity and our reference is 1 µPa.

2511 Pa
It typically means our output pressure is = 2511000000 = 2.511 x 109 stronger than
10 −6 Pa
4.3 W / m 2
our reference or our intensity is = 6.3×1018 times stronger than the
6.76 ×10 −19 W / m 2

Additional subject

History of chess (fiction)

An old story said: An Arabian sultan was bored, and told his wise man to arrange some
amusements for him. The wise man went into his private closet, inventing a new toy for the
sheik. After a few days, he went back to sheik, bringing along a chess game. The sheik and the
wise man played several games, and the sheik was so pleased with the invention, he told the
wise man to express what he wanted as an award. As a reply the wise man said he would like 1
rice corn for the first square on the chess board, 2 rice corns for the second square, 4 rice corns
for the third square, 8 rice corns for the fourth, and so on.

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Additional subject (continued)

The sheik thought this was a humble wish, and told him to select some more valuable items.
But the wise man was a clever man, and insisted on the rice corn. The sheik went to his vizir,
and told him to give the wise man rice corn according to the agreement. When they started to
collect the rice corn, they soon discovered that the sheik didn’t have that many corns in his
barn, not even in the hole country. If you had that many rice corn, you would be able to cover
the surface of the earth with rice corn.

As you know there are 8 x 8 squares on chess board, totally 64 squares. When you go from
square one to 2, you double the number of rice corn, from 1 to 2, which is equal to a 3 dB
increase. When you go from square 2 to 3, you once again double the number of rice corn,
from 2 to 4, which again is a 3 dB increase, or a total increase of 6 dB from square 1. When
you go from square 3 to 4, you once again double the number of rice corn, from 4 to 8, which
again is a 3 dB increase, or a total increase of 9 dB from square 1. When you come to square
64, you will have an increase of 189 dB. This is 263 which is equal to 63 x 3 dB = 189 dB.

263 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 ~ 9 x 1018

This was for the last square only, and then you will have to add all the other squares as well.
What the wise man asked for, expressed mathematically:

rice = ∑2
= 2 0 + 21 + 2 2 + ....... + 2 63

= 1 + 2 + 4 + …….. + 9 x 1018
= 18.4 x 1018 rice corns
= 18.4 quintillion rice corns

This story simply tell us that when we start expressing values in dB, they quite easily approach
ratios the human being is not able to grasp. In this case our reference was 1 rice corn.
Regardless of the reference value, 189 dB increase will always be 9 x 1018 times more than the
reference. In hydroacoustic our reference is such a small value, so a 189 dB increase means a
intensity of 4.3 W/m2 . (Or related to pressure: 189 dB is equal to 2818 Pa, which is not a high
pressure ( 1 bar = 105 Pa), but still it is 9 x 1018 times stronger than the reference)

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4.4 Factors influencing in hydroacoustics

Water is a complex medium for propagation of sound and many physical factors
influence the sound signals in several ways.

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 gives an overview of the most important factors influencing in hydroacoustics,
and they are listed below:

• Transmission loss caused by geometrical spreading

• Transmission loss caused by absorption
• Noise
• Reflection
• Ray bending caused by variation in water properties

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4.5 Geometrical spreading

The sound energy is radiated spherically by the signal source. The wave front covers a larger
and larger area and the sound energy will therefore decrease as the wave front moves away
from the transducer. In a distance r away from the signal source the radiated sound energy will
then be reduce by the factor 1/r2. If we double the distance the sound intensity is reduced four
times. Notice that geometrical spreading is independent of frequency.

Figure 4.2

The transmission loss caused by spreading is expressed by:

I r2 ⎛r ⎞ ⎛r ⎞
TLS = 10 log = 10 log 2 = 10 log ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 20 log ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
I0 r0 ⎝ r0 ⎠ ⎝ r0 ⎠

where I0 and I is the sound intensities at distance r0 and r. r0 is the reference distance and r is the
distance to the object. When we set r0 to reference distance of 1 metre we have:

TLs=20 * log r

r (m) TLs (dB)

2 6
10 20
50 34
100 40
500 54
1000 60
3000 70
6000 76

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4.6 Absorption

The sound is also in some extent exposed to absorption when passing through the water.
This absorption is caused by loss due to heating of the water and salt molecules by
friction as the sound pulses cause them to move against each other.
The absorption loss is expressed by:

TLa = 10 *log(I/I0) = a * (r-r0) = a *r (if r>>r0)

a is named the absorption coefficient
r0 is the reference distance and r is the distance to the object

The value increases strongly with frequency. Low frequencies have less loss than higher,
and should work at longer range. There is a trade-off between range and accuracy. Lower
frequencies give longer wave lengths and less resolution.
A typical value in the North Sea is 7 dB/km for medium frequency signals.

Figure 4.3

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4.7 Noise
One of the factors which causes problems in hydroacoustics is acoustic noise. Noise can
be generated from the vessel or rig itself (equipment, motors, thrusters etc.), from
neighbouring installations or vessels, ROVs, other HPR users, seismic activity or from
the waves.
From the diagram below you can see the contribution from different sources with respect
to frequency.

Figure 4.4

As you can see from the curves the thruster noise is far stronger than other types of noise
in connection with HPR frequencies, typical 9500-30000Hz. Azimuth thrusters generally
generate more noise than tunnel thrusters.
Thrusters generate noise but they might also make air bubbles in the water. If the bubbles
are between the transducer and the transponder, the signal can be blocked.
Also going astern with the vessel using the main propellers normally pulls a lot of air
under the hull and might cause signal blockage similar to that caused by the thrusters.
Going astern or having the weather or waves from astern might give difficult acoustic
conditions. Having the thrusters wash between the transducer and transponder might also
cause signal blockage.

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4.8 Air bubbles

The purpose of the hull unit is to enable the transducer to be lowered out through the
vessel’s hull to a depth below aerated water and other sources of acoustic noise.

The vessel movement in the water creates aerated water around the hull, and the
transducer is not able to transmit/receive acoustic signals through air.

4.9 Azimuth thruster

The azimuth thruster may pose special problems for the HiPAP® system, especially if the
thruster is facing directly towards the transducer, burying the transducer in the aerated
water and noise flowing out of the thruster.

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4.10 Reflections
Reflections of the sound waves by the surface, the seabed and underwater structures
might also create distortions. The system has therefore been designed with regard to
influence from such distortion sources, both through hardware and software signal
detection and by use of signal filtering techniques.

The cartoon below is presented as an animation on the training course. This is a shallow
water example.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 4.5

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(g) (h)


Figure 4.5 (continued)

In Fig. 4.5a, we interrogate on the transponder and sound wave propagates through the
water in b) and hits the transponder in c). This will trigger the transponder to reply, as we
see in d). After the transponder has replied, the transponder is blocked for 0.8 seconds.
We also notice in d), that part of the signal continues to propagate throughout in the
water, and as we see in e), we have a reflected signal from the sea bottom. In f), the
transponder reply arrives at the transducer, and the HiPAP® system is able to calculate a
position. In g) we notice that part of the reply passes the transducer, and hits the vessel
hull, and being reflected as shown in h). In g) we also note that part of the interrogation
signal has been reflected from the seawall, and travelling back towards the transponder,
also shown in h), and arriving at the transponder as shown in i). Since this is a shallow
water example, the reflected signal from the seawall appears at the transponder while he
is still blocked, causing no false reply.

The HiPAP® system will now start over again, interrogating again.

If the interrogation signals leaving the vessel and transponder reply is too strong, we may
generate a yo-yo action, causing problems at a later stage.

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4.11 Ray bending effect

Ray bending effect is dependent on the acoustic transmission direction. The sound waves
will follow a path from the surface to the seabed depending on salinity and temperature
There might be several different layers with different characteristics from the surface
down to the seabed. When the sound waves pass through layers of different temperature
and/or salinity, the rays will be bent, and the changes reflected in the sound velocity. It is
the different temperature layers that causes ray bending, not the temperature itself.
When the velocity increases from the surface to the bottom (higher salinity and/or
temperature) the signal path will be bent up. When the velocity decreases from the
surface to the bottom (lower salinity and/or temperature) the signal path will be bent

Vertical rays have no bending, see Fig. 4.7. As soon as the signal has a non-vertical
direction, ray bending will take place. When the angle exceeds 15°, it will have an
influential effect. Generally we say that the signal will bend towards lower velocity of

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4.12 Sound velocity

The speed of sound in water is depending on salinity, temperature and pressure. The
speed increases with warmer water temperature and decrease with cooler water. We use
the speed of sound in water when calculating ranges and angles in the water. More about
this in the chapter of positioning principles.

Figure 4.6

The Del Grosso formula for sound velocity is:

V = 1448.6 + 4.618 * temp - 0.0523 * temp2 + 1.25(salinity - 35) + 0.017 * depth

Note ! The sound velocity is increasing with increasing depth by 0.017 m/s per meter.
At e.g. 1000m depth the velocity will be 17 m/s higher than the figures from the

Typical value for salinity in the North Sea is 25 o/oo. With a temperature of 12° C the
sound velocity is about 1485m/s, which is the value typically used by the Offshore

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Additional subject

As a comparison, the speed of other signals

Speed of Sound in air: 330 m/s

Speed of Sound in water: 1 500 m/s
Speed of Sound in steel: 5 000 m/s
Speed of light in vacuum: 299 792 458 m/s (approx. 300 000 km/s)

For all of this signals, the speed will vary depending on the temperature, density etc. for
the material .

4.13 Sound velocity profile

A sound velocity probe can be lowered to calculate the speed of sound through these
water layers. If it is required, this information can be applied to the HPR system and used
to compensate for this error.
The mean sound velocity is used to calculate the range, while the transducer sound
velocity is used to calculate the direction angles to the transponders. Using the
transponder depth function might give a more accurate position calculation of the
transponder if the ray bending effect is significant.
The figure below shows an example of a profile. The velocity at the surface is lower than
at the seabed and you can see a sudden increase in the velocity down to 50m depth
followed by a smaller decrease from 50m depth. The changes are most likely caused by
different temperature and/or salinity layers.

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Figure 4.7

The sudden change in the sound profile is also found on the ray trace diagram.
The ray trace tells us it is difficult to have any direct contact with a transponder at the
horizontal ranges above 600-700m range and 30-40m depth since all the rays are bent
down to the seabed or up to the surface. This area is called the “The shadow zone”.

In the APOS the sound profile and ray diagram will be displayed in the same window.
The ray trace in the figure tells us it is difficult to have any direct contact with a
transponder at horizontal ranges above 300m range and 20-30m depth.

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5 Surface Hardware


The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the hardware you find onboard the vessel, as well as
describing the transducer in some details. The transducer theory also applies to the transponders
described in Chapter 6.

If you need further hardware information for troubleshooting, wire connection etc., you are advised to
go into the instructions manuals applying to your system.

For those of you which have a greater interest in this subject, I will recommend you to read the parts in
the text boxes marked with ‘Additional subjects’, ‘Definitions’, ‘Advanced’, ‘etc. But you may skip
them without loosing the goals of this course. Those marked with ‘Advanced’ usually contain a
mathematical equation.

Revision Date Written by

A 16 March 2005 kgr
B August 15, 2005 kgr
C January 15, 2006 kgr
D May 1, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on 856-160940/D, as well as the previous
version of this chapter
B Minor changes throughout. Transducer slides removed. Portable systems
is moved to ‘Advanced subjects’
C Chapter 5.9 – 5.12 is updated and changed from PowerPoint to Word.
D New format and automatic figure numbering. Minor changes throughout.

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5 Surface Hardware

5.1 Transducer
5.2 Transducer element
5.3 Beam width
5.4 Beam shapes
5.5 Directivity
5.6 HPR 400 SSBL Transducers
5.6.a Narrow beam transducer
5.6.b Standard transducer
5.6.c Tracking transducer
5.6.d PMT 301 transducer
5.7 Maintenance
5.7.a Transducer maintenance
5.8 System units and configurations
5.8.a Operator station
5.8.b Optional Operator stations
5.8.c Transceiver
5.8.d Hull Unit
5.9 HiPAP® SSBL Positioning
5.10 HPR 400 SSBL Positioning

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5.1 Transducer

One of the main parts in a HiPAP®/HPR system is the transducer. In everyday talk, we mean the
transducer located on the vessel. But the transponders have transducers as well.

Figure 5.1

During the rest of this chapter our focus will be on the transducer mounted on the vessel, but keep in
mind that the theory applies equally to the transponders transducer.
Figure 5.1 shows some of the transducers in the HiPAP® and HPR system. The HiPAP transducer is
spherical shaped, while the transducers in the HPR system have flat acoustical face. The long thin
cylindrical shaped transducer is the PMT 301 (Portable Mini Transducer) for the HPR 400P (portable)
system, while the remaining is designed to be installed on a hull unit.

The standard transducer is the cylindrical shaped with the acoustic face towards the reader, while the
two remaining are the Tracking and Narrow Beam transducers, with the Tracking in front of the two.

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Transducer: device that converts input energy into output energy, the latter usually differing in kind
but bearing a known relation to input. Originally, the term referred to a device that
converted mechanical stimuli into electrical output, but it has been broadened to include
devices that sense all forms of stimuli—such as heat, radiation, sound, strain, vibration,
pressure, …

Elelectromechanical transducer: any type of device that either converts an electrical signal into
sound waves (as in a loudspeaker) or converts a sound wave into
an electrical signal (as in the microphone). Many of the
transducers used in everyday life operate in both directions, such
as the speakerphone on certain intercoms.

Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

http:/ Accessed March 16, 2005

It is also quite common to use the word sonar of equipment using underwater sound in one way or
another. The device generating the sound is a projector, and the hydrophone listens for sound.

In our case we may compare a transducer with a loudspeaker and a microphone. When the transducer
is in transmit mode he acts like a loudspeaker, and when he is in receive mode he acts like a

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5.2 Transducer element

A transducer may consist of one or several transducer elements. The transducers shown in Figure
5.1all consist of many transducer elements, while transponders often contain a single element. Some
transducer elements are designed to both transmit and receive signal, while other have separate
elements for each task.

Figure 5.2

In the HiPAP® and transponder transducers, we use the same transducer element(s) for transmitting
and receiving the acoustic signals, as shown in Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4. In the HPR 400 transducers we
have separate transmit and receive elements, as shown in Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4

A typical design of a transducer element has a circular or square aluminium head, a piezoelectric ring
in the middle, a circular bronze or steel tail and a centre bolt to keep the parts together. The
dimensions and the materials are chosen to give the element the required resonance frequency. The
lower frequency the larger the element must be. Soldering ears are included for electrical connections.

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The centre bolt keeps the parts together

Insulation is applied to keep an electric


The tail is rather heavy and made of

bronze or steel. The vibrations from the
ceramics find it very hard to go through
the heavy tail. Instead the vibrations go
the easier way through the light
Figure 5.5

The aluminium head is the part that creates the low and high pressure waves in the water via a rubber
coating. The head is very light and transmits the vibrations very easily.

There are a number of materials having the ability to convert electric energy to acoustic energy and
vice versa. Today piezoelectric ceramics is the most widely used material. It is often referred to as
piezoceramics. An alternating voltage, applied to the electrodes on opposite sides of a piezoelectric
disc, causes the disk to vibrate and thus radiate sound waves.

Vice versa if the piezoelectric disk is placed in a sound field, the pressure waves set the piezoelectric
disk into vibrations and it generates an electric voltage across the disk. Piezoelectric ceramics is
manufactured in a variety of sizes and shapes (discs, rings, tubes, spheres) for application in various
transducer types.

We try to find a ceramic with a resonance frequency similar, or very close to, the frequency we want
to transmit in the water. In that way it takes smaller energy to maintain the vibration.

Figure 5.6

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5.3 Beam width

The transducer transmits and receives acoustic signals in a beam such as a torch do with light. Earlier
we compared the transducer with a loudspeaker and a microphone, but as we see, it is also comparable
to a torch.

By transducer design we are able to construct transducers with different beam width, customizing the
transducer to applications, surrounding noise and range.

Figure 5.7

The transducer beam depends on the transducer size, the greater the transducer, the narrower the beam.
The narrower the beam, the higher accuracy and less sensitive to surrounding noise.

A transducer using the same elements for transmit and receive, will have the same beamwidth
regardless if he is transmitting or receiving signals1.

The beam pattern of a transducer, in the transmit mode, describes how the sound energy is radiated
into different directions. The beam pattern is most drawn as a polar plot, representing the radiation 360
degrees around in one plane through the beam axis, as seen in Figure 5.8.

In the HiPAP® system we use software to improve the beamwidth. In that case you may have different transmit
and receive beamwidths. In the HPR 400 tracking transducer the beam direction is electronically controlled. In
both of these cases the control is taking place on the signal before or after it enters/leaves the transducer.

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Figure 5.8

The transducer beam width is defined as the angle between the two points where the radiation is 3dB
down from the maximum level.
Important features in the beam pattern are:
• Main lobe
• Side lobes
• Back radiation

In most applications the side lobes are unwanted. Transducer tapering is a technique for reducing the
side lobe level. In a multi element transducer this is done by giving more power to centre element than
to the elements on the periphery.

One of the unwanted effects of the side lobes is ghost echoes. That is echoes which do not arise from
targets within the main lobe. They may show up in a situation with nearby rising slope on the bottom,
hit by a side lobe.

The back-radiation from a hull mounted transducer is directed upwards and into the vessel. At some
point it meats steel to air interface where it is reflected downwards and received by the transducer
through the back lobe.

When the transducer is used as receiver the beam pattern presents the transducer sensitivity for sound
coming from the different directions.

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5.4 Beam shapes

The various beam shapes from the HPR 400 SSBL transducer is presented in the Figure below.
Observe that narrower beams have longer range.

Figure 5.9

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5.6 HPR 400 SSBL Transducers

HPR 400 SSBL transducers can be considered to be a multi element transducer, which is many
transducer elements, grouped together inside one housing.

Figure 5.10

The transducer shown above is the narrow beam transducer, were you can see all the transducer
elements. This transducer is also shown in Figure 5.1.

Inside the transducer the transducer elements is assembled into 4 groups. The three square groups are
the receiver elements, and the circular shaped element are the transmit element.

The three receiver groups is called X, Y and Ref.

X is for the athwart ships axis, Y is for the along ships axis and Ref. is used as a reference element for
the time delay measurement.

We can use one element or groups of elements. It gives us the option to use different beam shapes with
the same transducer.

The beam angle is determined by the size of the transducer head relative the wavelength. A small
transducer will produce a wide beam and a large transducer will produce a narrow beam.

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5.6.a Narrow beam transducer

The narrow beam transducer uses square receiver elements and a circle
shaped transmitter element such as in Figure 5.12. Only one beamwidth
is available for transmitting.

To receive in ‘wide beam’ with a narrow beam transducer we let one

element in each group receive signals. We let 16 elements in each group
receive at the same time to receive with in ‘narrow beam’.
Figure 5.11

Figure 5.12

For further technical details, see Chapter 13 Data sheets and the HPR 410 leaflet.

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5.6.b Standard transducer

Figure 5.13 Figure 5.14 Figure 5.15

The standard transducer can be mounted with the transducer face straight down or tilted 20° or 55°.

The standard transducer uses the same type of elements in the transmitter section as in the receiver
section of the transducer. The elements are square. Only one beamwidth is available for transmitting.

To receive in ‘wide beam’ with a standard transducer we can use one element in each group. For
‘medium beams’ we let 4 elements in each group receive at the same time.

Figure 5.16

For further technical details, see Chapter 13 Data sheets and the HPR 410 leaflet.

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5.7 Maintenance

A maintenance program for the HiPAP® is described in the HiPAP® Instruction Manual. For optimum
performance and a long and trouble free use of the system, we recommend you strongly to follow that
program. The details of this program are usually discussed in the technical courses. But you as an
operator shall also keep in mind that any problems with the system, may be due to lack or improper

5.7.a Transducer maintenance

Part of the maintenance program is describing the transducer cleaning at an annual interval. The
interval may be more often if your vessel is operating in waters with high marine growth levels.

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5.8 System units and configurations

The HiPAP® system may be configured in a great many ways, with a combination of both the HiPAP®
and HPR 400 system, as shown in Figure 5.21. You may also see several operator stations.

Figure 5.21

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5.8.a Operator station

Figure 5.22

The operator station consists of the APC 10 computer, monitor and the keyboard. The computer runs
on the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. For ease of use, the user interface is a fully graphical
user interface, designed as a standard Windows XP application. A keyboard and a roller ball control
the operation. The Operator Station is common for the HPR 400 Series and the HiPAP® system. The
APC 10 is the computer in the HiPAP® Operator Station. It holds all the operational software, and
interfaces to display, keyboard, printers, network and other peripheral devices as required. The unit is
normally fitted with a 3.5” floppy drive. The APC 10 may be mounted attached to the color monitor,
in a 19” rack or on a 'desk top'.

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5.8.b Optional Operator stations

The Operator Station may also be delivered in a console as shown in Figure 5.23 Figure 5.24 (old
type) or integrated in the DP console as shown in Figure 5.23 Figure 5.24 below.

Figure 5.23 Figure 5.24

The new type Operator Stations is shown in Figure 5.25.

Figure 5.25

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A special type of Operator Stations are those intended for portable systems, See Figure 5.26 for the
HPR 400P

Figure 5.26

5.8.c Transceiver

Figure 5.27

Optional Air-condition is available if max ambient air temperature is above 35 °C

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5.8.d Hull Unit

Figure 5.28

The hull unit may be delivered with one of the following lengths: HL 2180, HL 3770, HL 4570 or HL

Hull Unit Depth below keel for HiPAP® 5002 Max speed
HL 2180 1130
HL 3770 2720
HL 4570
HL 6120 5070

’Depth below keel’ is an indication only, and will typically be the maximum depth. Depending on the
installation, it will quite often be shorter than indicated in the table above.

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5.9 HiPAP® SSBL Positioning

The HiPAP® system is working in two modes, Search and Track.

Search mode

When the HiPAP® system starts to interrogate a transponder, using the SSBL principle, he has no
ideas were the transponder is located. After the interrogation pulse is created, he will turn into
listening mode, and he will listen for as long time as set in the ‘Max range’. When he is listening, the
information received on all the transducer elements are sampled and stored in the HiPAP® transceiver
computer (HTC 10), as well as Gyro and VRS readings.

The HTC 10 will then start to calculate a position, using the stored data, to create a few ‘wide beams’.
After he finds an approximate position, he will once again use the stored data, but this time he will
create a ‘narrow beam’, using all the elements facing the transponder.
The HiPAP® system will stay in ‘Search mode’ during the 3 - 4 first interrogation, to perform a
‘quality control’ of the position, and then switch in ‘Track mode’.

Track mode

When the HiPAP® system has established the transponders position, he will switch to ‘Track mode’.
In ‘Track mode’ he will sample and store the signals for a short time (window) around the expected
time for the received transponder signal.
Based on the Gyro and VRS readings, he will then used the stored readings from those elements facing
the transponder, and calculate the position.

The ‘Track mode’ is a much more time efficient positioning mode, compared to ‘Search mode’.
If the HiPAP® system doesn’t receive a transponder position for several successive interrogations, he
will switch back to ‘Search mode’.

Figure 5.29 Figure 5.30

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5.10 HPR 400 SSBL Positioning

The SSBL transducers used in HPR400 series systems consist of several transducer element groups.
The direction to the transponder is computed from a phase measurement between the SSBL transducer
elements. The system also has to compensate for roll and pitch before the position is calculated.

Filte Amplifie

R Y Element

Figure 5.31

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6 Transponder hardware


The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to transponder basics. Further information
is available in Chapter 13, and in the transponder manuals

For Offshore Loaders, a reduced edition of this chapter is included. No further

information is included, except the ‘Safety Information for Transponder and Transponder
Battery’ in Chapter 13.

Revision Date Written by

A 15 sept. 2004 kgr
B 15 jan. 2005 Kgr
C June 1, 2005 kgr
D August 15, 2005 kgr
E January 15, 2006 kgr
E1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on Chapter 3 in the previous version of this
manual, and Chapter 4 in 856-160940/D, 6.17.2 updated
B Moved Chapter 10.3 to 6.15. Minor changes. 6.9 is new.
C Added 6.5a. Minor changes. Changed order of subchapter 6.23 – 6.25
D Minor changes throughout. Responder details moved to chapter 14
E Minor changes
E1 6.5, 6.8b, 6.12b and 6.22b changed

Rev. K1 Page 91 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

6 Transponder hardware
6.1 Where is the transponder mounted?
6.2 What does a transponder look like?
6.3 What is a transponder?
6.4 What is a responder?
6.5 Transponder safety
6.5a ‘Transponder battery safety’ homework
6.6 Transponder tester, TTC 400
6.7 Main parts of MPT and SPT transponders
6.8 Transponder models
6.8a Main groups
6.8b Transponder name
6.8c MST transponders
6.8d SPT transponders
6.8e MPT transponders
6.9 Transponder identification
6.10 Transponder beam pattern
6.11 Transponders with floating collar
6.12 Special remarks for some transponder models
6.12a Depth and temperature sensor
6.12b Inclination sensor
6.12c Heading compass sensor
6.13 Dismantling x1x aluminum transponders
6.14 Dismantling x3x steel transponders
6.15 Battery packs
6.15a Introduction
6.15b Lifetime dependent factors
6.15c Battery lifetime presentation
6.15d Battery exercise
6.16 HPR 300 medium frequency channels
6.17 HPR 400 medium frequency channels
6.18 Medium frequency channels overview
6.19 HPR 300 low frequency channels
6.20 HPR 400 low frequency channels
6.21 Low frequency channels overview
6.22 Pulse positioning with sensor information
6.22a Introduction
6.22b Inclination transponders
6.22c Depth transponders
6.22d Compass transponders
6.23 Transponder modes
6.24 HPR 300 pulse command function
6.25 HPR 400 acoustic coding principle - Telemetry

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6.1 Where is the transponder mounted?

A transponder is an acoustic receiver/transmitter placed on the seabed, on board an ROV

or any other structure to be positioned. See figure 3.1.

6.2 What does a transponder look like?

A transponder might look like one of these, as seen in figure 6.1

Figure 6.1

6.3 What is a transponder?

A transponder is an acoustic receiver/transmitter placed on the seabed, on board an ROV

or any other structure to be positioned. The transponder is triggered from the vessel/rig
using acoustic signals, and will in normal operation answer with one, two or three reply
pulses. The transponder is able to receive and transmit inside the transducer beam. When
ordering a transponder, you have a great selection of transducer heads to choose among,
which is deciding your transducer beam. Typically a transponder can have only one
transducer, which mean only one transducer beam. Occasionally you may see
transponders were you can select among various beams, and we also have dual beam
transponders, for vertical and horizontal beams.

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The power source in an ROV transponder will normally be rechargeable batteries or
external power. Other fixed transponder locations will normally use Lithium batteries to
increase the lifetime and save recovery costs.

6.4 What is a responder?

A responder is an acoustic transmitter, but it is triggered by an electric pulse through the

ROV umbilical. By using responders we can better avoid interference from disturbing
environment such as rock dumping, drilling, seismic activity etc.

The responders are often used on ROVs or at towed fishes on seismic vessels. The
responders are usually powered by the ROV, but can also run on batteries.

More about responders in Chapter 14 in the ‘APOS Basic Operator Course’ and ‘APOS
for HiPAP®/HPR Technical Course’ manuals.

We don’t focus on responders in the ‘APOS for Offshore Loaders’ Operator Course.

6.5 Transponder safety

This is your homework tonight. In Chapter 13, you will find ‘Safety Information for
Transponder and Transponder Battery’. Read it, do the exercise 6.5a and we will discuss
it tomorrow

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6.5a ‘Transponder battery safety’ homework

1) For what types of batteries does this ‘data sheet’ apply?


2) What is the critical temperature for an explosion?


3) Mention some possible reason why a transponder battery will experience high


4) If you have water ingression, inflammable/explosive gas is created. What types

of gas is that?


5) How to fire-fight a fire in the room you store the transponder batteries?



6) If you have a water ingression, why may you then get a high temperature?


7) Why may you get a pressure build-up inside the transponder with a water


8) When you handle a transponder, what types of status do we group them into?


9) What do you have to pay attention to when you dispose a lithium battery?


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6.6 Transponder tester, TTC 400

Further details available in Chapter 13

Figure 6.2

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6.7 Main parts of MPT and SPT transponders

• Transducer
• Housing
• Battery pack
• Circuit boards:
- Transmitter board (Tx)
- Receiver board (Rx)
- Receiver amplifier board
- Microcontroller board
- Mother board
• Sensors (optional)
• Bottom end cap

Figure 6.3

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6.8 Transponder models

6.8a Main groups

We have three main groups of transponders:

• MPT Multifunction positioning transponder

• SPT Super Short Base Line positioning transponder
• MST Mini SSBL transponder

• RPT Remotely Operated Vehicle positioning transponder (obsolete)



LBL Positioning
Array Calibration

General telemetry commands*)

SSBL Positioning

Figure 6.4

*) General telemetry commands:

• Read sensor data
- Depth
- Temperature
- Inclination
- Heading
• Acoustic release
• Switch transponder channel
• Change source level; 4 steps of 3dB
• Change receiver sensitivity; 2 steps, 106/100dB

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6.8b Transponder name

The transponder model name gives the user information about operating frequency, depth
rating, transducer beam width and options. The transponder name is put together like this:

Transponder name = Model name + Model number + Options

Model name:

MPT Multifunction Positioning Transponder

SPT Super Short Base Line Positioning Transponder
RPT Remotely Operated Vehicle Positioning Transponder

Model number:

1. digit
1 = 15 kHz (low frequency)
3 = 30 kHz (medium frequency)
2. digit
1 = 1000 meter depth rating
2 = 2000 meter depth rating
3 = 3000 meter depth rating
6 = 6000 meter depth rating
3. digit
1 = ± 15° beam width
3 = ± 30° beam width
4 = ± 45° beam width
6 = ± 60° beam width
9 = ± 90° beam width

Options available:

Dt = Depth and temperature sensor

H = Heading magnetic compass
I = Inclinometer
II = Internal and external inclinometers
R = Release mechanism
N = Rechargeable battery pack
Rsp = Responder
DuB = Dual beam
Sx = Short tube
St = Stainless Steel tube
L = Long tube
Eex = Explosion proof housing

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6.8c MST transponders

Further details are available in Chapter 13, Data sheets.

6.8d SPT transponders

Further details are available in Chapter 13, Data sheets.

6.8e MPT transponders

Further details are available in Chapter 13, Data sheets.

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6.9 Transponder identification

Each transponder is supplied with an identification clamp ring, as seen in figure 6.5,
displaying: Transponder name and options, Serial No., Channel and Battery type.


Fig. 6.5

On the CPU (Central Processor Unit) board in the transponder, Rotary switch S2 and S3
is setting the Channel.

Rotary switch S2
4-way Dip switch S1 Rotary switch S3


Fig. 6.6

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6.10 Transponder beam pattern

Further details are available in Chapter 13, Data sheets.

6.11 Transponders with floating collar

Note! The anchor weight must be lifted separately from the transponder. The
transponder cage is only certified for lifting the transponder and the buoyancy

The length of the rope between the transponder base and the weight can be several
meters. The recommended weight of the sinker is different for 1000m and 3000m
transponders. Check the transponder instruction manual for details.

Keep in mind the current when transponders are deployed or released. The weight might
be increased if the current is strong.

When a transponder is released remember to have the interrogation on while it floats to

the surface. Also notice that there might be current drifting the transponder some distance
away from your position.

Figure 6.7

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6.12 Special remarks for some transponder

6.12a Depth and temperature sensor

Figure 6.8

Hole for contact between sea water and the depth and temperature sensors fitted. Ensure
that it is kept clean and open at all times.

Calibration of transponders only applies to transponders including the /DT functions.

The depth-sensing transponders calculate their current depth by comparing the external
water pressure and temperature within their housings. When the housing has been
opened, the air pressure within the housing will change due at altering ambient conditions
and to differences in the volume of air trapped in the housing during the re-assembly
Therefore, after the housing has been closed and while the unit is still on deck, the depth
sensor must be re-calibrated.
The calibration is performed from the HPR/HiPAP operator station. Refer to the System
operator manual or APOS on-line help for the calibration procedure.

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6.12b Inclination sensor

Detail for the ‘Inclination sensor’ is described in the Advaced subject; drilling.

6.12c Heading compass sensor

Figure 6.10

North marking for transponder with compass sensor fitted.

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6.15 Battery packs

6.15a Introduction

The transponders are normally self contained with power supply. A lithium battery is
used to ensure long life.

The transponder battery consists of two sections, one for the receiver and one for the

Note! Be aware that some of the models can be changed or taken out of production
without further notice.

6.15b Lifetime dependent factors

A transponder uses power every time it receives and transmits a pulse/ping. If the
transponder has not received a ping for some time it automatically goes into sleep mode
but the transponder uses some power in sleep mode as well.

The lifetime of the battery depends on the following factors:

• Activity
- How often you interrogate the transponder.
- One ping is used to send a reply pulse for calculation of the position.
- Two pings are required to transmit depth or compass information.
- Three pings are required to transmit inclination information.
- When the transponder is set to HPR 400 and used for full telemetry, seven
pings are required for each telegram. The battery lifetime could therefore
be much reduced from that stated. However each reply is counted up and
can be available for the operator.

• Source level
- The higher source level the more power is used.

• Pulse length
- The longer pulse the more power is used.

• Sensors

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6.15c Battery lifetime presentation

Battery lifetime can be presented as the number of reply pulses available based on 10ms pulse

Using high source levels will approximately double the number of replies from max. source

Figure 6.13

Figure 6.14

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Max continues on time is the maximum time the transponder can be continuously in
operation, receiving and transmitting. If a low interrogation rate is used this time may be

Quiescent lifetime is the total time the transponder can listen for interrogation pulses.
After this time the transponder will not be able to reply.

Figure 6.15

Figure 6.16

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Figure 6.17

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6.15d Battery exercise

NB!! This exercise applies to SPT and MPT transponders.

On the drawing below, indicate the Tx and Rx part of the battery.

Figure 6.18

1) What does Tx means? ___________________________________

2) What does Rx means? ___________________________________

For an SPT 331/MPT 331 transponder, write down the following information:

3) Millions of ping in ‘Low S.L.’: ______________________

4) Millions of ping in ‘Max S.L.’: ______________________

5) Max. continuous on time: _____________ days

6) Quiescent time: _____________ days

7) What is the meaning of quiescent time?


8) What is the meaning of ‘Max continuous on time’?


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9) On the diagram below, fill in the appropriate values, for an interrogation interval
of 1 second, for Maximum, High, Low and Minimum power. Compare with

Transponder type: ______________________


Battery Days of
empty continuous use

Limited by Tx battery capacity Limited by Rx battery capacity

Figure 6.19

10) On the diagram below, fill in the appropriate values for an interrogation interval
of 2 seconds, for Maximum, High, Low and Minimum power.

Transponder type: ________________________


Battery Days of
empty continuous use

Limited by Tx battery capacity Limited by Rx battery capacity

Figure 6.20

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11) If you connect your battery in the transponder, leave it onboard for 1 year, and
then deploy it. What is your ‘Max continuous on time’?


12) It is a good idea to use a logbook for the transponders.

OBSERVE: If your APOS software version is 3.3.0 or higher, and your

transponder software is 5.1 or higher, you will have a full control
of the remaining battery capacity. You will only need to write
down the Tx and Rx values, if you disconnect the battery

a) Note the time when you connect the battery in the transponder.

b) Write this time on the battery as well.

c) Note the time when you start interrogating on the transponder

d) Monitor the ping counter

e) Note the time when you stop pinging on the transponder

f) Note the time you disconnect the battery, for temporarily store.

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6.16 HPR 300 medium frequency channels

The channels are: B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, and B09

B11 , B22 , B33 , B44 X, B55 Y.

Note! These channels can not be used by the HiPAP® system.

When positioning these transponders they are interrogated by transmitting one pulse from
the transducer.

The transponder requires the exact frequency to be received and detected before it replies,
and the HPR system on board is listening for this reply frequency.

Transponder Operating frequencies (Hz)

Channel Interrogation Reply

Number (TP Rx) (TP Tx)

B01 20492 29762

B02 21552 30488
B03 22124 31250
B04 22727 31847
B05 23364 32468
B06 24038 27173
B07 24510 27777
B08 25000 28409
B09 26042 29070
B11 21552 27173
B22 22727 28409
B33 23923 29762
B44 25126 31250
B55 26455 32468

Notice that:

• Some channels have identical interrogation frequencies.

• Some channels have identical reply frequencies.

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6.17 HPR 400 medium frequency channels

The channels are: B12-B18, B21-B28, B31-B38, B41-B48, B51-B58, B61-B68,

B71, B78, B81-B87 excluding B22, B33, B44, B55, B66, B77.

When positioning these transponders they are interrogated by transmitting two pulses
with different frequencies from the transducer.

The transponder requires the exact frequencies to be received and detected before it
replies, and the HPR system on board is listening for this reply frequency.

Transponder Operating frequencies (Hz)

Channel Interrogation Reply

Number (TP Rx) (TP Tx)

Be1 21000 28500

Bo1 21000 28750
Be2 21500 29000
Bo2 21500 29250
Be3 22000 29500
Bo3 22000 29750
Be4 22500 30000
Bo4 22500 30250
Be5 23000 30500
Bo5 23000 30750
Be6 23500 27000
Bo6 23500 27250
Be7 24000 27500
Bo7 24000 27750
Be8 24500 28000
Bo8 24500 28250


Channel B25

Frequency for first interrogation pulse (2): 21500Hz

Frequency for second interrogation pulse (5): 23000Hz
Frequency for reply pulse (even/5): 30500Hz

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6.18 Medium frequency channels overview

Figure 6.21

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6.22 Pulse positioning with sensor information

6.22a Introduction

When positioning the HPR 300 and HPR 400 transponders reply with one pulse. When
pulse positioning is used the transponders reply with two or three pulses. The time delay
between the first and second and between the second and third rely pulse contains coded
information such as depth, inclination or compass heading.

6.22b Inclination transponders

Details are presented in the ‘Advanced Subject #10; Drilling’

6.22c Depth transponders

Depth transponders are equipped with a depth pressure sensor and will transmit the depth
information to the HPR system when pulse positioning is used. The depth information is
used to increase the accuracy of the vertical angle measurement.

Depth coding:

Depth is measured as time delay between first and second pulse.

For HPR 400: 1m per 1ms; 0m depth=125ms

For HPR 300: 2m per 1ms; 0m depth=125ms

6.22d Compass transponders

Compass transponders are equipped with an internal compass and will transmit the true
heading of the transponder to the HPR system when pulse positioning is used.
Compass coding:

Compass angle is measured as time delay between first and second pulse.

1ms per degree; 125ms = 0°

485ms = 360°

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6.23 Transponder modes

The SPT and MPT transponders may be in different modes, depending on operation.
Available modes and functions are described in Chapter 10.6a.

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6.25 HPR 400 acoustic coding principle -

The coding principle is called “Factoring coding” and has a total of 5040 combinations.
4096 of these are used for defining a 12-bit message while the remaining combinations
are spare. The spare combinations may be used for other messages such as ASCII
transmissions and special single messages.

The telemetry link uses bursts of seven pulses all with different frequencies, transmitted
in a sequence to make up a message. Every burst is 310ms long and the delay between
tem is 1 second.

First a wake up call is sent on the BXX/AXX channel. One second later the telegram is
sent. The serial number is unique for each transponder and is therefore used as the

If the telegram is received OK in the transponder it will answer with a data telegram
containing an “OK knowledge” message. The telegrams might also contain the
information and values you commanded the transponder to measure and send to topside.

If the telegram was not received a timeout message will appear on topside and you have
to send the message again.

You can by telemetry change channels, source level, turnaround delay, receive gain, read
depth, temperature, inclination values, battery status from the transponder, release the
transponder etc.

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Blank page

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7 APOS Introduction


The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the basic use of APOS with SSBL positioning.

Revision Date Written by

A 12.01.04 KGr
B 15 sept. 2004 kgr
C 15 jan. 2005 kgr
D June 1, 2005 Kgr
E August 1, 2005 kgr
F January 15, 2006 kgr
G May 1, 2006 kgr
G1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on Chapter 7 in Handouts, and ‘SSBL & LBL
Positioning’ in the ‘Training Manual’
B Renamed to Chapter 7. Exercise 7.1 and 7.2 transferred from Chapter 3.
Minor changes
C Minor changes
D Added 7.9 and 7.10. All figures are numbered. Minor changes
E 7.9 and 7.10 moved to Chapter 12.
F Minor changes throughout. 7.6e is added.
G New format and automatic figure numbering. Minor changes throughout.
G1 Changes in 7.6

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7 APOS Introduction

7.1 APOS Help

7.1.a Software versions
7.1.b Contents
7.1.c Index
7.1.d Search
7.2 Two vessels, two transponders
7.3 Basic SSBL Positioning
7.4 Screen
7.5 ‘Right clicking’
7.6 SSBL Positioning and APOS File handling
7.6.a Start Positioning
7.6.b Save your work
7.6.c Delete Transponder in SSBL Positioning
7.6.d ‘Delete’ transponder in ‘Transponder Configure…’
7.6.e File handling with two or more operator stations
7.7 Vessel Heading line
7.8 Offset relative CG

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7.1 APOS Help

7.1.a Software versions

Select ‘Help’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘About APOS’

1) What is the Software Version of APOS (WinHPRU): ______________

2) What is the Software Version of the transceiver: _____________________
3) When will we need this information? ____________________________
4) Press ‘OK’

Figure 7.1

OBSERVE: Onboard your vessel you will probably find older versions.

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Software versions
Transceiver DSP
Version Date Version Date Version Date
4.4.4 140501 3.0.11) 310300 7.4.4 311000
4.5.0 270502 3.1.02) 210600 7.4.5 240602

4.6.0 130303 3.1.73)

4.7.0 070704
Figure 7.2

1) HiPAP® transceivers with DSP software version 3.0.1 will send TX pulse on all elements
2) HiPAP® transceivers with DSP software version 3.1.0 will use only the downward facing
elements (elements pointing 0 – 90 degrees from vertical line).
3) HiPAP® transceivers with DSP software version 3.1.7 have operator adjustable transmit beams

7.1.b Contents

Select ‘Help’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Help’:

1) Select ‘Contents’
2) Find information about the ‘Depth sensor’ in the ‘Transponder Function’ dialog box
3) Find information about ‘Numeric View’ in the ‘Screen’ folder
4) Check out ‘Release info’.

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7.1.c Index

Use the ‘Help’ function and ‘Index’ and read about:

1) SSBL positioning
2) View menu
3) Frequencies
a) Find the frequency table
b) Study the signals from the vessel to transponders and backwards
c) See the list of all Simrad MF frequencies.

7.1.d Search

Use the ‘Help’ function and ‘Search’:

(This exercise has to be done on a computer with alphanumeric keyboard)

1) scan for channel

2) “scan for channel”
3) What is the difference: ___________________________________
4) power

Observe: The ‘Search’ and parts of the ‘Index’ function will not work on the WinKeyboard.

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7.2 Two vessels, two transponders

General: This exercise will show you how to avoid problems, when selecting
transponder channels.

Operating situation: Your vessel is using HPR for positioning with transponder channel B24

Another vessel is arriving close to your and will also use HPR for
positioning, with transponder channel B64

Figure 7.3

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1) Find the frequencies used

B24: Int. 1: _______ Hz Int. 2: _______ Hz Reply: _______ Hz

B64: Int. 1: _______ Hz Int. 2: _______ Hz Reply: _______ Hz

2) Any conflicts?


3) Which other channels should we avoid?



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7.3 Basic SSBL Positioning

General: This exercise will show you how to operate the HiPAP/HPR 400 in conjunction with

The shuttle tanker is a typical vessel, which runs the HiPAP/HPR 400 with limited
operator interface.

Operating situation: Your vessel is arriving at OLS, where there are already deployed

Step by step:

1) Select ‘File’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘Open’.

Figure 7.4

2) In this exercise we will use the ‘Offshore Loading System’ file.

Figure 7.5

3) ‘Left click’ on the transponder you want to use for positioning.

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General: You have now started to position the vessel with the HiPAP/HPR 400 system, which
means that the DP system is receiving the HiPAP/HPR 400 positions.

As long as you are at that location, or the vessel has the same heading, the
HiPAP/HPR 400 does not require any further inputs from the operator.

If the vessel is turning (weather vaning), due to ex. a change in wind directions, you
might need to change the transponder used for positioning.

Operating situation: Your vessel is changing the heading due to a change in the wind
direction, and you need to switch the transponder.

Step by step:

1) ‘Left click’ on the other transponder symbol.

2) When a position from the new transponder is received, you can stop positioning on the first
selected transponder.

3) ‘Left click’ on the activated transponder to stop positioning

Operating situation: When the vessel is finished loading the oil, and leaving the location, it is
customary to switch off the interrogation of the transponders, and raise
the hull unit.

Step by step:

1) ‘Left click’ on the activated transponder to stop positioning

2) Raise the hull unit

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Operating situation: Your vessel is approaching the ‘South Arne’ field, and you need to start
positioning with the HiPAP/HPR 400.

Step by step:

1) Select ‘File’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘Open…’.

2) In this exercise we will use the ‘Single Anchor Loading’ file.

General: This exercise shows the basic of the HiPAP/HPR 400 operation in conjunction
with APOS.

For a navigator on a shuttle tanker, if he limits his manipulation of the system to a

minimum, this exercise showed the necessary operation.

If you run into operational problems due to acoustic problems and you need to
optimize the performance, or you face other problems, the remaining part of this
course will cover such situations.

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7.4 Screen

On the picture below, draw a line from the item and down to the appropriate text.

Figure 7.6

Positioning toolbar Status bar

Toolbar Menu bar

Numeric view Alarm bar

Positioning window (Polar view)

Inclination view

Go to ‘Help’ and select the ‘Contents’ tab. ‘Left click’ on the ‘Screen’ folder, and read about the

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7.5 ‘Right clicking’

The main way to manipulate the display is by ‘Right clicking’ with the mouse button.

1. ‘Right click’ in the ‘Positioning window’, outside the vessel and any transponder symbol, and
observe the menu
2.1 ‘Right click’ in the positioning window and on the vessel and observe the menu.
2.2 ‘Right click’ on the vessel symbol in the ‘Positioning toolbar‘ and observe that the menus are
identical to the one above.
3.1 ‘Right click’ in the positioning window and on the transponder and observe the menu.
3.2 ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol in the ‘Positioning toolbar‘ and observe that the menus
are identical to the one above.
4 ‘Right click’ in the ‘Numeric view’.
5 ‘Right click’ in the ‘Inclination view’.
6 ‘Right click’ on the ‘Transceiver pane’ in the ‘Status bar’.

Note: In APOS software versions preceding 4.0.0 (14 October 2003), you would not get the
display menu, when ‘right clicking’ on the vessel, transponder etc.

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7.6 SSBL Positioning and APOS File handling

OBJECTIVE: Learn how to configure transponders into APOS by using ‘New SSBL
Positioning Transponder’ and how files are handled by APOS.

7.6.a Start Positioning

Operating Situation: Imagine your ship is arriving at a location where there are 4 transponders
located at the sea bottom.
The transponders are not configured (not installed) into your computer,
but you have information about the transponders.

Transponders on sea bottom:

Serial no. Channel Type + options
5061 B61 SPT 319 DTR
5062 B62 MPT 339
5063 B63 RPT 324
5065 B65 MST 342

Step by step

1) Select ‘File’ and ‘New’

Figure 7.7

2) You will be prompted to answer Yes or No, to start a new file.

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Figure 7.8

In real life, this is a serious question, and has to be considered carefully.

Here at the simulator, you are supposed to answer Yes.

3) Select the ‘New SSBL Positioning Transponder’ on the Toolbar.

Figure 7.9

4) When you enter the dialog box, press the ‘Help’ button and read the ‘Step by Step’ procedure.

Figure 7.10

5) The instructor will guide you through the configuration of Transponder B61

6) The additional ‘Depth’ information will be covered later.

7) It is recommended to uncheck ‘Activate’

8) Repeat for Transponder B62, B63 and B65 (continue at step 3).

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7.6.b Save your work

1) Select ‘File’ and ‘Save as’.

Figure 7.11

2) Give the location a suitable name (use today’s date).

Figure 7.12

NB! On your vessel your standard keyboard does not have alphanumeric keys

3) Press ‘Save’.

4) If you have more than one OS, do also 7.6e.

Detailed (optional for Offshore Loaders)

Go to ‘Help’ and select the ‘Index’ tab and ‘File Save’. Read what is saved.

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7.6.c Delete Transponder in SSBL Positioning

1) Right click with the mouse on the transponder symbol for B61 in the left hand
2) Select Delete

7.6.d ‘Delete’ transponder in ‘Transponder Configure…’

This description applies to APOS version 3.8.0 and newer. Older version shall follow 10.5a.

In the last exercise you ‘Deleted’ the Transponder. That means you removed the connection between
the ‘Transponder configuration’ and the use of that Transponder in SSBL positioning.

The transponder is still registered in APOS.

For removing the Transponder completely:

1) Select ‘Configure’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘Transponder…’

2) ‘Left click’ on the appropriate transponder to ‘high light’ (blue) it.

3) ‘Right click’ on the ‘high lighted’ transponder and select ‘Delete’.

4) Save it again if you want the ‘delete’ to be permanent.

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7.6.e File handling with two or more operator stations

When you save the file (hpr1), the file is saved on the actual Operator Station (OS) were you select
‘Save’ or ‘Save As…’. Nothing will be saved on any of the other OS’s.

When you need to open this file again, it will have to be opened from that particular OS.

Figure 7.13

To be more specific, I will explain how APOS works when there is more than one OS and they are all
connected in a network. Lets use Figure 7.13 as an example. If all of this OSs is running, one will be
the master, and the other will be the slaves. Any configuration changes done on the master will be
transmitted to the other OSs. This means that if one of the other OSs at a later stage will take
command, the settings on the ‘new master’ will be identical to the settings on the ‘old master’. To be
able to achieve this, there is a synchronization of the settings between the OSs. This doesn’t apply to
i.e. display settings.

Each of this OSs has a System Configuration (SysConf) file. This file is a mixture of data applying for
a single OS (local data) and between all the OS’s (global data). The global data settings are
synchronized, and the hpr data is among the global data, which are synchronized.

Example 1 ‘Switching off’ the OSs

All the OSs is running. You switch off OS 1, and OS 2 and 3 continues to run. When you stop the OS
1, the actual data used by APOS at that particular time will be saved in the SysConf file on OS 1. Later
on while OS 1 is off, and OS 2 and 3 is still running, you do a change in the configuration of one of
the transponders. Due to the synchronization, both OS 2 and 3 will be updated, but not on OS 1, since
it is switched off.

At an even later stage, if you now switch off OS 2, the actual data used by APOS at that particular
time, will be saved in the SysConf file for OS 2. At this time there will be a difference in the saved
SysConf file between OS 1 and OS 2.

The file with extension hpr contains data related to what you have on the seabed, like transponder settings, LBL
parameters, markers etc. We could probably call it the seabed setting or Subsea settings.

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To bring this a step further. At this time only OS 3 is running, and you once again do a change in the
transponder configuration, and then switch off OS 3, you will have 3 OSs with 3 different SysConf

Example 2 ‘Switching on’ the OSs

Let’s assume we have a situation as described in Example 1 with 3 OSs and three different SysConf

All the OSs is ‘switch off’. From Example 1 we also know that all the OSs have different SysConf
files. If you switch on OS 1, OS 1 will read his SysConf files at start up, and became the master OS.

When you switch on i.e. OS 2 and OS 3, they will synchronize their settings with the master OS and
all OSs will end up with the settings from the SysConf in OS 1.

Later on, when you ‘switch on’ this OS again, and let’s assume all the other OSs is ‘switched off’ off
as well. The first operator station started will be the master, and he will read the System Configuration
(SysConf) file. Part of this SysConf file is the transponder settings which applied before the computer
was shut down.

Example 3 Reading an ‘hpr’ file

Let’s assume all 3 OSs is running and you want to open an hpr file. You need to know on which OS
the file is saved. That particular OS have to be selected as master and you can open the file, and the
file setting will then propagate to all OSs.

If you want full redundancy on all the OSs, you need to make sure that the same hpr file is available
on all OSs. This is particularly important for LBL positioning when you select/deselect transponders
in and out of the array, setting some transponders into SSBL mode etc.

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When you operate a HiPAP® or HPR system, your focus shall always be directed towards the
consequence of what you are doing (this is common for everything you operate). By that I mean, what
is the consequence for the DP, surveyor or other user of the system, included yourself.

All commands given to APOS will configure the system, one way or the other.

This chapter will deal with the configuration of the screen, and as such have no consequence for the
DP, surveyor etc. But you may easily configure the display, so important information will not be
displayed, and as such, may have important or disastrous operation consequences.

A typical Screen is shown in exercise 7.4. This is a good starting point for troubleshooting the system.
Also use the ‘Help’ function for the screen, which is referred to in the same exercise.

This chapter will only cover the most common configurations, typically used by an ‘Offshore Loader’
or a ‘Multipurpose Vessel’. Other configurations will be covered in advanced subjects, covered by the
‘APOS Advanced Operator Course’.

Revision Date Written by

C 31.08.04 kgr
D 15 jan 2005 Kgr
E June 1, 2005 Kgr
F August 1, 2005 kgr
G January 15, 2006 kgr
H May 1, 2006 kgr
H1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
C Renamed to Chapter 8
D Error corrected in 8.20. Updated 8.7 and 8.8. Minor changes
E Added 8.5. Added advanced subject on error ellipses. Minor corrections
F Added 8.18c.
G 8.9 and 8.15 modified. Figure numbering and autom. chapters added. Minor
changes throughout.
H 8.19 moved to the ‘Advanced subjects’, drilling module. Expanded 8.17 and
8.18. Minor changes throughout.
H1 Changes to 8.3.a, 8.5, 8.9, 8.10, 8.15.d, 8.17 and 8.18

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8.1 The view
8.2 Cartesian and Polar view
8.3 Zoom and Display scale
8.3.a Zoom with the mouse
8.3.b Scroll to Origin
8.3.c Display scale
8.3.d Display scale (old version)
8.4 Set view center
8.5 Center
8.6 Orientation
8.7 Measure
8.7.a Measure (old version)
8.7.b Using the centerpoint (0,0) as reference (old version)
8.7.c Using a positioning object as a reference (old version)
8.8 Show Error Ellipsis
8.9 Numeric view
8.10 Colours
8.11 Panel light
8.11.a Panel light for Windows®XP keyboard
8.11.b Panel light for Windows NT keyboard
8.12 Filtered Positions
8.13 Toolbar
8.13.a Toolbar On/off
8.13.b ‘Help’ on the toolbar
8.14 Positioning Toolbar
8.15 Status bar
8.15.a Status bar On/off
8.15.b Status bar panes
8.15.c ‘Help’ on ‘Status bar’
8.15.d The transceiver on the ‘Status bar’
8.15.e The ‘I/O server’ on the ‘Status bar’.
8.16 Measurements
8.17 Alarms
8.18 Event view
8.18.a No reply
8.18.b Attitude error
8.18.c DRP, TMC and Fifo descriptions
8.19 Alarms on Inclinometer Transponder
8.20 Trend View
8.21 Documentation of the ‘Screen’.
8.22 Documentation of ‘Active Window’.
8.23 Troubleshooting the Screen

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8.1 The view

APOS has the screen divided into 3 views. The most “common” configuration is the one shown in the
Exercise 7.4. But as you can see, I put “common” into quotation marks, because there is no such thing
as the most “correct” or “right” configuration of the screen.

During this exercises you will learn, that you as an operator, has a great choice of configuration
possibilities and combinations. To cover all this configuration possibilities, would make this training
manual to excessive. Keep also in mind, that APOS has evolved over the years, so what is shown her,
may not apply to your vessel.

Figure 8.1

When you ‘right click’ in any of the 3 views, you got a menu, which is divided, into two parts by a
grey line (from APOS version 4.0.0, sometimes 3 parts).

The upper part will manipulate the view which is selected in the lower part.

Example: The figure shown above is ‘check marked’ for Polar view, and all the options
available over the line, will configure the Polar view.

Some of the changes you do in the upper part will apply to several of the views in the lower part.

Example: If you do any changes in the ‘Display scale’, this change will influence ‘Cartesian
View’, ‘Polar View’ and ‘UTM View’.

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8.2 Cartesian and Polar view

The exercises here, will focus on ‘Polar view’, but the options and settings apply to the ‘Cartesian
view’ as well.

We will not focus on ‘UTM view’, which will be part of an ‘APOS Advanced Operator Course’

Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3

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8.3 Zoom and Display scale

It is 6 ways to manipulate the Position Window Scale

1. Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to the right and down and
you will ‘Zoom In’.
2. Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to the left and up and you
will ‘Zoom Out’.
3. From the Menu line, select View and then ‘Zoom Full’.

Right click in the ‘Position window’ and you will find:

4. Zoom Full (introduced in APOS 3.4.0)

5. Undo Zoom
6. Display Scale

8.3.a Zoom with the mouse

• Observe the Display scale: ________________

• What are the units? ________________

• Use method 1 to Zoom in, what is the minimum scale? ________________

• Use method 2 to Zoom out, what is the maximum scale? ________________

8.3.b Scroll to Origin

1. After the last exercise you probably see that the vessel is not in the centre anymore.
2. Right click with the mouse in the ‘Position Window’.
3. Select ‘Scroll to Origin’

When the vessel is outside the centre, there is 4 ways to get it back into centre.

1. The one you just used

2. Use the handle bars to the right and at the bottom.
3. Select ‘View’ on the menu bar, and ‘Zoom full’. This method also change the scale
4. ‘Right click’ in the ‘Display view’, and select ‘Zoom full’.

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8.3.c Display scale

‘Right click’ in the view and select ‘Display scale’

Figure 8.4

Try different scales.

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8.4 Set view center

‘Right click’ in the ‘Positioning window’ and select ‘Set view center’

More information is available in ‘Help’. Select the ‘Contents’ tab, and ‘Screen’.

Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6

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8.5 Center

1) ‘Right click’ on the transponder and select Center.

2) ‘Right click’ on the vessel, and select Center, to set the vessel as center point again

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8.6 Orientation

Figure 8.7 Figure 8.8

Figure 8.9

1) What is the meaning of the arrow in the ‘Numeric view’?


2) How is the ‘Numeric values presented?


3) ‘Double left click’ in ‘Numeric view’ and observe the change

4) Set it back to ‘North up’.

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8.7 Measure

‘Right click’ in the ‘Positioning window’ and select ‘Measure’.

Check out how it is working.

Figure 8.10

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8.8 Show Error Ellipsis

1) Make sure you are positioning on at least a couple of transponders.

2) ‘Right click’ in the ‘Positioning window’ and select ‘Show Error Ellipses’.

3) Go to ‘Help’, ‘Index’ and select ‘Error ellipsis’, and you will find the required information for
the next questions.

4) What is the ‘Error ellipsis’ telling us?


5) The ‘Error ellipsis’ is giving us the quality of the measurement. That means, what is the
probability that the position given is within the 'Error ellipsis’.

6) How many standard deviations does the distance from the centre of the positioned object
(transponder) to the ellipse represent?


Advanced subject

For a Standard Normal Distribution Function, one standard deviation represents 68.27%
of the readings

An error ellipse represents a Bivariate Normal Distribution, and here one standard
deviation represents 39.4%.

7) Close ‘Help’.

8) ‘Right click’ in the ‘Positioning window’ and observe the additional menu entry, ‘Ellipse scale (

What is your present scale? _____________

9) Select the ‘Ellipse scale’ and change the value, and observe the change.

10) Notice that the error ellipse has a greater size, just after a new start of interrogation, and will
then gradually reduce in size

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11) In the ‘Positioning window’ shown below we have two scales, which?


12) What is the scale for the Transponder position? ________________

13) What is the scale for the ‘Error ellipses’? ________________

14) In the ‘Positioning window’ shown below, what is:

B61: Range: ______ m Rang error: ±______ m Sideways error1: ±______ m

B35: Range: ______ m Rang error: ±______ m Sideways error: ±______ m

Figure 8.14

Note! When you select UTM view, you will notice that the ellipse size increase. This is due to
additional errors included from the GPS position.

Sideways error is equal to the error when you take a bearing.

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8.9 Numeric view

OBJECTIVE: i) study the different configuration choices

ii) see the consequences
iii) be familiar with this menu.

In the ‘Numeric view’ you have different configuration options, so you can tailor make the display.

Figure 8.15

1) Open the file ‘SSBL positioning’.

2) Go to ‘Help’ and read about the ‘Numeric view’

(Select ‘Contents’, ‘Screen’ and ‘Numeric view’)

3) Close ‘Help’.

4) Make sure that you are positioning on a transponder with depth sensor (blue dot in the
bottom of the transponder icon).

5) ‘Right click’ in the ‘Numeric view’ to open the menu as shown in Figure 8.15. Play around
with the different choices.

6) Select ‘Position setup’ and ‘Geographic positions’. What happens?


7) What does DS means (see Figure 8.16)


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8) Are you able to switch on/off the DS readings?


Figure 8.16

9) For transponder B65, why is there a difference between Depth and DS?


10) If you switch off ‘Show sensor values’, where is the change taking place?

Figure 8.17

11) Will the transponder continue to send 2 pulses? ______________

12) What should you choose as ‘Resolution’?


13) Any reason for this choice?


14) What is your accuracy?


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8.10 Colours

1) Select ‘View’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Colours’ and ‘Night’.

Figure 8.18

2) We also have an optional way, use the ‘moon’ and ‘sun’ on the toolbar

Figure 8.19

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8.11 Panel light

8.11.a Panel light for Windows®XP keyboard

Keyboards delivered with APOS, running on Windows®XP Operating System, has the new keyboard.
This keyboard has back-lighting supplied through the PS/2 plug. Ther is no adjustment of this
keyboard light.


Figure 8.20 Figure 8.21

8.11.b Panel light for Windows NT keyboard

Keyboards delivered with APOS, running on Windows®NT Operating System, has the old keyboard.
The back-lighting is controlled from APOS.

2 1c)

Figure 8.22 Figure 8.23 Figure 8.24

Select ‘View’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Panel Light’

What happens? ____________________________________________________

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8.13 Toolbar

8.13.a Toolbar On/off

Select ‘View’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Toolbar’.

Observe the change. Switch it back on.

8.13.b ‘Help’ on the toolbar

1) Select ‘Help’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Help’.

2) Click on ‘Contents’, ‘Menu’ and ‘Toolbar’, and observe the descriptions of the different
buttons. Some of them may not apply to your vessel.

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8.14 Positioning Toolbar

Select ‘View’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Positioning Toolbar’.

Observe the change. Switch it back on.

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8.15 Status bar

8.15.a Status bar On/off

Select ‘View’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Status bar’.

Observe the change. Switch it back on.

8.15.b Status bar panes

The status bar can be divided into 4 panes.

In the APOS 3.6.0 version (Dec. 13, 2001), a status pane for the I/O server, as well as colours
was introduced for the status panes for the transceiver and I/O server.

8.15.c ‘Help’ on ‘Status bar’

1) Select ‘Help’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘Help’ again.

2) Select the ‘Contents’ tab

3) Select ‘Screen’ and ‘Status bar’

Write down the 4 available types of status panes, from left to right:

a) ____________________________

b) ____________________________

c) ____________________________

d) ____________________________

4) Select ‘Transceivers’, and see a description of the status pane for the transceiver.

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8.15.d The transceiver on the ‘Status bar’

Generally The ‘transceiver status’ on the ‘status bar’ gives you important information related to
transceiver status. Any problems, status bar is the first place to look.

Navigation is the “normal” status you usually will see. It simply means that the operator station and
the transceiver is communicating and the transceiver is (ready to) positioning.

Offline is shown when the transceiver is Off, or the communication is not working. When the
Operator Station (OS) and the Transceiver has established communication, the Transceiver will go
into Download status. The Download period will last for a few seconds, and the OS is downloading
the settings the Transceiver needs for performing his tasks (i.e. which transponder to position, power,
max range etc.). The transceiver will now go into the Navigation status and then perform positioning
(SSBL, LBL, Dual, MULBL etc.). The Telemetry mode is used when you request information from
the transponder or will do configuration change on the transponder. The Training2 mode is typically
used for testing telegrams and by by the DP service engineer. The Training mode enables the
transceiver to simulate a transponder and display it on the OS. The OS will forward this position to
other connected computers, and the DP system, and i.e. the DP service engineer is able to check
communication all the way from the Transceiver to the DP system. The position telegram will
however contain a flag, preventing the DP from using this position. Transponders available in training
mode will be B28, B48 and B68.

Write down the colour for each of the different transceiver statuses:

• Offline ________________
• Download ________________
• Navigation ________________
• Telemetry ________________
• Training ________________

Figure 8.26

Don’t mix the Transceivers Training mode with the APOS simulator we are using during this course.

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8.15.e The ‘I/O server’ on the ‘Status bar’.

OBSERVE: This exercise applies only to those vessels that have the ‘I/O server’ active

The ‘I/O server’ status is indicated by various colors. Open ‘Help’ (Select ‘Contents’, ‘Screen’ and
‘Status bar’) and describe the meaning of the different colors:

• Grey ________________

• Red ________________

• Cyan ________________

• Yellow ________________

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8.17 Alarms

1) Select ‘alarm symbol’ on the tool bar.

Figure 8.27

2) Close the ‘Alarm view’.

3) Select ‘Help’ on the menu bar, and then ‘Help’.

Figure 8.28

4) Close Help.

5) What keyboard button to silence the horn? ____________________

6) Select the alarm symbol on the toolbar.

7) Close the ‘Alarm view’.

8) Configure B75 and start positioning .

9) Observe the warning and the alarm.

10) What is the colour of the warning in the ‘Numeric view’? ______________

11) What is the colour of the alarm in the ‘Numeric view’? ______________

12) What is the alarm message? _____________________

13) Check in Help for the meaning. _________________________________________

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8.18 Event view

1) Select the ‘event symbol’ on the toolbar.

Figure 8.29

2) Close the ‘Event view’ with the ‘event symbol’ on the toolbar.

3) Select Help on the menu bar, and then Help.

Figure 8.30

4) Close Help.

5) Continue positioning on B51

6) Select ‘View’ on the menu bar, and then ‘Events’.

7) What is the message from B51? ______________________________

8) Check in Help for the meaning

9) Close the ‘Event view’.

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8.18.a No reply

1. If the Transceiver is not able to detect a reply signal from the Transponder, within the time span,
determined by the ‘Max range’ (we will discuss ‘Max range’ in Chapter 9), APOS will report
this as a ‘No reply’ event.

2. i) If the Transceiver is not able to detect 4 consecutive reply signals, a Warning in the ‘Alarm
view’ is given.

ii) If the Transceiver is not able to detect a reply signal within 30 seconds, a Warning in the
‘Alarm view’ is given.

3. i) If the Transceiver is not able to detect 10 consecutive reply signal, an Alarm in the ‘Alarm
view’ is given.

ii) If the Transceiver is not able to detect a reply signal within 60 seconds, an Alarm in the
‘Alarm view’ is given.

4. There might be several reasons for receiving a ‘No reply’ message, mention a few.

i) __________________________

ii) __________________________

iii) __________________________

iv) __________________________

Figure 8.31

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8.18.b Attitude error

The ‘Attitude error’ applies to HPR 400 systems (This error message is described in APOS Help in sw
version 4.3.0 and onwards).

Figure 8.32

Attitude sensor means gyro, VRS or both.

‘Attitude error’ means error on the received telegram from the gyro, VRS or both.

In the display above, we also have a source column, which in this example indicate B61. It simply
states that the ‘Event message’ came with the same telegram as the position telegram for transponder

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8.18.c DRP, TMC and Fifo descriptions

Figure 8.33


This message appear if the ‘Max range’ for HPR 350 ≥ 3460 meters

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8.20 Trend View


The ‘Trend View’ is able to display any activities less than 1 hour old. This means that if you want to
se the trend of something happened less than an hour ago, configure the ‘Trend View’, and display it.

Step by step

1. ‘Right click’ in the ‘Display view’, and select ‘Trend View’

2. Depending on previous use of trends, your view will now display some trends.

3. ‘Right click’ in the view, and select ‘Trend Setup’, and you will get access to the ‘Trend
Plot’ dialog box

Figure 8.34

4. Press the ‘Help’ button and read about this dialog box.

5. Make a ‘Trend View’ with 2 graphs, one for the Depth of transponder B65, and the other for
the ‘Slant range’.

6. Make sure only No. 1 and 2 are selected in the ‘Visible’ ‘check box’.

7. Select ‘Depth’ in the No. 1 ‘Graph’ ‘drop-down list box’.

8. Select ‘Slant range’ in the No. 2 ‘Graph’ ‘drop-down list box’.

9. Press the ‘Sources…’ button for No. 1 and 2 trends, and select B65

10. Check the ‘Time Span’ and ‘Y Axis’, and set to appropriate values.

11. ‘Right click’ in the view, and select ‘Trend Setup’. Press the ‘Help’ button. Read about
‘Zooming’ and try it.

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8.21 Documentation of the ‘Screen’.

1) On the tool bar, you have a button for making a ‘Screen Dump to file’

Figure 8.35 Figure 8.36

3) Press the ‘Screen Dump to file’ button, or F3.

4) The file is stored in D:\APOS\Data (stored on the C:\ partition on windows NT systems)

5) To be able to use this file you need to copy it over to another computer. Since this file usually
exceeds 1.44 Mb, which is the maximum size on a floppy disk, you need to either:

a) Zip the file

b) Open it in paint, and reduce the resolution (which gives you reduced quality)

c) Write it to a CD

d) Windows XP gives you possibility to use an USB stick

6) A screen dump may come handy when writing procedures for handling the HiPAP® system. A
screen dump will also make documentation of strange incidents easier.

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8.22 Documentation of ‘Active Window’.

This procedure applies to APOS SW. versions preceding 4.0.0.

You need a keyboard with ‘Ctrl’, ‘Alt’ and ‘PrtScrn’.

1) Open the window or ‘dialog box’ you want to paste.

2) Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Alt’ + ‘Prt Scrn’

This picture is now placed on the ‘Clipboard’.

If you have a laptop you need to press ‘Fn’, to have ‘Prt Scrn’.

(If you press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Prt Scrn’ you paste the whole screen’)

3) Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Esc’ to get access to the Start menu

4) Select Programs, Accessories and open ‘Paint’.

5) Press ‘Ctrl’ + ‘v’ to paste the window

6) You can now save it to a file on a floppy.

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8.23 Troubleshooting the Screen

Let the instructor configure your screen.

Operating situation

You arrive at the bridge after a good night of sleep, and notice that APOS is a mess. You take a quick
look at the DP, and notice the DP receives nice positions from the HiPAP® system. You are
positioning on transponder B61. Your task will be to set up the APOS display so you can get useful
information out of the operator station.


1) Don’t open a new file, because the DP will lose positions.

2) Don’t shut down the computer, because DP will lose positions

3) During troubleshooting, do a configuration change, and study thoroughly the

consequence. If you don’t see any change, revert the configuration again. Don’t make a
series of configuration changes, without understanding them, because you may easily end
up in chaos.

Step by step

1) Configure your APOS Operator Station to be identical to Exercise 7.4

2) Remember that the transponders have ‘Depth Sensors’.

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9 ‘Default parameters’ and ‘SSBL

As we said in the introduction to Chapter 8, your focus shall always be directed towards the
consequences of what you are doing. This will be even more important in this chapter, because several
of the configurations we can do here will have direct consequence on the telegrams we send to
external computers, most typically the DP, Blom or surveyor. Even if an external computer is not
connected, your configuration will influence on the direct reading from the display.

When you do changes in the ‘Default parameters’ dialog box, the changes will take place in the
Transceiver. If you do changes in the ‘SSBL Properties’ dialog box, the changes will take place in the
Transceiver, or in the display on the Operator Station (APOS).

In this chapter, we will focus on the most common type of vessels use of APOS. Other applications,
like Drilling Rigs, Survey etc. will be covered in special training modules, as listed in ‘APOS
Advanced Operator Course’ description.

Extensive information is available in APOS help for further study.

Revision Date Written by

C 15 jan. 2005 Kgr
D June 1, 2005 Kgr
E August 1, 2005 kgr
F January 15, 2006 kgr
G May 1, 2006 kgr
G1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
C Minor changes and corrections
D Minor changes, Fig. 9.1, new file in 9.3c, 9.4a – d moved to chapter 13. 9.4e
and 9.8 moved to Advanced subjects
E Exerc. 9.5 use B74. Minor changes.
F Minor changes
G New format and automatic figure numbering. 9.2 is expanded. Minor changes
G1 Changed 9.3 and 9.7

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9 ‘Default parameters’ and ‘SSBL Properties’

9.1 ‘SSBL Positioning’ dialog box

9.2 Default parameters
9.3 Interrogation Interval
9.3.a Adjusting the Interrogation Interval
9.3.b Signal Traveling Time
9.3.c DP update rate
9.3.d Checking your Interrogation Rate
9.3.e HiPAP Calculation Time
9.4 Transponder type
9.5 Max range (Max Slant range)
9.5.a Max Range, HPR 400
9.5.b Max Range, HIPAP®
9.6 Position Offset
9.7 Operation

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9.1 ‘SSBL Positioning’ dialog box
This dialog box is available from
a) ‘Right clicking’ on a transponder symbol and select ‘Properties…’ or
b) Selecting Positioning on the ‘menu bar’ and then ‘SSBL Positioning…’.

Geographic position
was introduced with APOS software
version 3.8.0


If you are looking for any information,

try the ‘Help’ button

Figure 9.1


This dialog box gives you a great number of configuration possibilities. Some of them may apply to
your operation. During this exercise we will try to sort out which is important for you.

Function Applies to your vessel DP consequences? Comments

Interrog. Interval
Transponder type
Transmit transducer
Transmit Power
Max Range
Geographic position
Position Offset
Heading input
Depth see ‘Advanced subjects’

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9.2 Default parameters

OBSERVE: As a rule of thumb, use ‘Default parameters’. There may be situations were
‘Default parameters’ is not the optimum configuration.

Offshore Loaders: Always use default parameters.

Step by step:

1) Go to ‘System’, and select ‘Default parameters’

2) The changes you do in this dialog box, will propagate into the different dialog boxes, were
the settings are applicable (see below for a list).

Dialog boxes updated by ‘Default parameters’

• Transponder configure
‘Telemetry Transducer’ tab
- Telemetry transducer
- Tel Tx Power
- Max Range
• SSBL Positioning (Properties)
- Transmit transducer
- Transmit Power
- Max Range
• LBL Positioning (Properties)
- Transducer
¾ Transmit
¾ Receive
- Transmit Power
- Max Range
• Dual HiPAP
• New SSBL Positioning Transponder
• Turret for STL
• MLBE for STL

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Before you can use ‘Default parameters’ make sure that those transponders are properly configured

• ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol in the positioning toolbar

• ‘Left click’ on ‘Properties’, and make sure that ‘Transmit transducer’, ‘Transmit Power’, and
‘Max Range’ all have their ‘Default’ check boxes set.
• Press ‘OK’.
• Repeat this procedure for all transponders, which shall use ‘Default parameters’.
• Select ‘System’ on the menu bar, and then ‘Default parameters…’.
• Enter recommended values

Operating Situation: You are at the Oslofjord location.

As we experienced (imagined), we quite often received a ‘No

Reply’ message, and our first step in solving this problem is to
increase the ‘Navigation Power’.

Transponders on sea bottom: B18, B28, B61, B62, B63 and B65.

We will use B65 for positioning.

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ and ‘Open’.

2) Open the file ‘SSBL Positioning’.

3) Start positioning on B65

4) Check the ‘Event view’.

5) Make sure all the transponders are configured to use ‘Default Parameters’.

6) Select ‘System’ on the ‘Menu bar’ and select ‘Default Parameters’

7) ‘Left click’ on the ‘Help’ button and read about ‘Default parameters’.

8) Increase ‘Nav. Tx Power’ from ‘Low’ to ‘High’.

9) Press ‘OK’.

10) Check if this change has propagated to the transponders.

11) Check ‘Event view’ again.

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Control Question

1) Were is this changes taking place?

Figure 9.2

2) May this change have any consequence for the DP weighting of the HiPAP® system as a
reference system? (Or the quality of the position telegrams going to the Surveyor/Blom?)


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9.3 Interrogation Interval

9.3.a Adjusting the Interrogation Interval

Operating Situation: Your ship is at a location where there are 2 transponders in the water.

B61 is on the seabed, used for DP positioning and B27 is on an ROV.

To save battery on the ROV transponder, you will like to increase the
interrogation interval to 10 sec.

The transponders are not configured into your Operator Station.

Transponders on sea bottom:

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5061 B61 MPT 339
5027 B27 RPT

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ and ‘New’

2) Select ‘New SSBL Positioning Transponder’ on the toolbar.
3) Start positioning on B27 and B61
4) You are still worried about the battery capacity, and you want to increase the interrogation
interval to 15 seconds for B27.

5) ‘Right click’ on transponder B27, and select ‘Properties’

6) Read in ‘Help’ about the ‘Interrogation Interval’

7) Enter 15 seconds in the ‘Interrogation interval’

8) Observe and describe the difference between the update rates for B27 and B61:


9) What is the minimum ‘Interrogation interval’? _________________________

The ‘minimum interrogation interval’ is due to a setting internally in the transponder, blocking
the transponder, reducing the replies from the transponder due to reflections

10) What is the maximum ‘Interrogation interval’? _______________________

The ‘maximum interrogation interval’ is due to a setting internally in the transponder, forcing it
into sleep mode.

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Control Question

1) Where is this change taking place?

Figure 9.3

2) Will the change have any consequence for the telegram APOS sends to the DP, surveyor,
Blom computer etc?


Hint If you are interrogating a transponder, and you quite often receive erroneous positions, try
to increase the ‘Interrogation interval’. The reason for this may be due to reflections of
the signals in the water, making the system to lose or get the wrong positions.

Play around with the ‘Interrogation interval’, until you hopefully get a stable position.

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Hint for HPR 400 (not applicable for Offshore Loaders)

Select an ‘Interrogation interval’ which is close to the real one. This is to avoid a new
interrogation, if we have received a false pulse, i.e. a reflected pulse from an earlier reply.

What is the real difference between the two hints above (not applicable for Offshore Loaders)?



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9.3.b Signal Traveling Time

If the Slant Range1 (SR) from the transducer to the transponder is approximately 3000 meter and
average velocity of sound (VoS) is 1500 m/s. We pay no attention to the TAD (Turn Around Delay) in
the transponder.

How long time will it approximately take from our ping (interrogation signal) leaves the transducer
down to the transponder, and until the reply signal from the transponder is back up at the transducer?

Step by Step

2 ∗ SR
Equation: Signal Traveling time =

2 ∗ SR 2∗
Signal Traveling time = = = __________s

Repeat the exercise for a slant range of 375 m with the same average velocity of sound.

2 ∗ SR 2∗
Signal Traveling time = = = __________s

9.3.c DP update rate

Objective: Learn about time consumption in the HiPAP® system, and possible
consequences for DP weighting

Operating Situation: Your ship is at OLS, where there are 4 transponders located at the sea
bottom. They are all used for DP positioning.

The transponders are configured into your Operator Station.

Transponders on sea bottom: B12, B17, B34 and B36

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Open’. Select ‘Offshore Loading System’.

2) Start positioning on B12, B17, B34 and B36

Go to Help, Contents, Positioning and then select SSBL Positioning

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3) What is the ‘Slant Range’ to the transponders?

B12: ____________ m B17: _______________m

4) What is your current ‘Interrogation Interval’ for these transponders?

_______ sec.

5) Which type of positioning principle are you using here?

(SSBL/SBL/LBL) _________

6) In SSBL mode, how is the transponders interrogated, one by one, or all at the same time?


Each transponder is considered an independent reference system in the DP (when the

transponder is FIXED).

7) The transducer is interrogating one transponder at the time (SSBL mode). What is the
approximately update rate to the DP (or surveyor etc.) from each transponder?

__________________________________ seconds

8) The DP will not be satisfied with this update rate. What can you do to improve the update rate:


9) Which transponder will you use? ______________________________

10) How will you select the transponder(s)? _________________________

11) What will be your new update rate?


Note: When you switch on a sensor, the HiPAP® will operate in ‘Search mode’, slowing
down the system

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9.3.d Checking your Interrogation Rate


APOS gives you the possibility to read your current ‘Meas. Int. rate’. The simulator is not able to
present the true values, but in real life this is useful information.

Figure 9.4

Figure 9.5

Note: This is a frozen window. Most likely the ‘Meas. Int. rate’ is a continuously changing
value. You need to close this dialog box and open it again to be able to notice any

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9.4 Transponder type

Figure 9.6

Beacon is not discussed in this course

Responder is discussed in Chapter 14.

Depth is not discussed this course, see Advanced subjects

Inclinometer is not discussed in this course

Diff. Incl. is not discussed in this course.

Compass is not discussed in this course.

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9.5 Max range (Max Slant range)

OBJECTIVE: Learn about the ‘Max range’ function. Use it to find the ‘Slant range’.
We will also see that ‘Default parameters’ will not always be the
optimum solution.

Operating Situation: Your ship has 2 transponders in the sea.

Transponders on sea bottom:

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5173 B74 SPT 331/RspSx 110 Vac
Use the one in the classroom

Step by step:

1) Start with a new file and configure the transponders.

2) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol, and select ‘Properties’.

3) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about ‘Max Range’

4) What is the meaning of ‘Max Range’ (Max slant range)?



5) Write the current value for ‘Max Range’ for our transponders in the table below

6) Guess a ‘Slant range’ and write it in the table below

7) Play around with the ‘Max range’ until you find the “true” ‘Slant range’, and write it in the
table below.

Transponder Current Guessed “True”

‘Max range’ Slant range Slant range

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9.5.a Max Range, HPR 400

The HPR 400 system is interrogating one transponder at a time.

• the system is interrogating B74, and giving us a ‘No Reply’
• interrogating B68, and also giving us a ‘No reply’
• ‘Max range’ is 6000 meters

How long time will it approximately take before the transceiver interrogates B74 again?

_________________ s

What would you recommended as ‘Max Range’ (Max Slant Range) for our transponders?

B74: _______________m Waiting time: ___________ s

B68: _______________m Waiting time: ___________ s

3) What will you recommend as ‘Transmit Power’ to these transponders?


Control Question

1) Where is this change taking place?

2) May it affect the positions telegram to the DP, surveyor



Figure 9.7

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9.5.b Max Range, HIPAP®

When you start interrogation on a transponder (pressing the transponder symbol in the ‘Positioning
toolbar’) and start interrogating a transponder with the HiPAP®, the HiPAP® will first Search for the
transponder. The Search period will take 3 – 4 interrogations. During this period, he will decide the
direction and range to the transponder (quality check) and each interrogation will last for as long time
as the ‘Max range’ value is set to.
HiPAP® will now switch mode, and Track the transponder. This means he will look only in the
direction of the transponder, and only calculate on the received values, around the estimated receive
If the HiPAP® is not able to find any values, he will give a ‘No Reply’ message, and continue on the
next task (i.e. the next transponder).
If the HiPAP® is not able to calculate any positions on the same transponder for two consecutive
interrogations, the third interrogation will be in ‘Search mode’, where he will look for the transponder
for as long time as the ‘Max range’ value is set to.

1) The HiPAP® system is interrogating one transponder at a time. If we assume the system has
interrogating B74 twice, and giving us a ‘No Reply’, and then interrogated B68 twice, and
also giving us a ‘No reply’ for those interrogations. How long time will it approximately take
to interrogate B74 again?

_________________ s

2) What would you recommended as ‘Max Range’ (Max Slant Range) for our transponders?

B74: _______________m Waiting time: ___________ s

B68: _______________m Waiting time: ___________ s

3) What will you recommend as ‘Transmit Power’ to these transponders?


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Control Question

1) Where is this change taking place?

Figure 9.8

3) May it affect the positions telegram to the DP, surveyor etc.?


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9.6 Position Offset

Typical use of ‘Position Offset’ will be an anchored drilling rig. They use a positioning transponder
some distance away from the drilling hole. The operator would however like to see the transponders
on the display, as the transponder was located in the center of the drilling hole.

By entering the appropriate North and East values, the transponder will appear to be placed in the
center of the drilling hole.

This will make it much easier for the operator to control the rigs offset from the center of the drilling

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9.7 Operation

Operating Situation: Your ship is at a location where there are 2 transponders in the water.
B61at the seabed is used for DP positioning. B27 is on an ROV.
The transponders are not configured into your Operator Station.
You have to tell the DP system not to use B27 for positioning.

S/N Channel TP type

4288 B27 RPT
6311 B61 SPT

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘New’.

2) Configure the transponders.

3) Open the ‘SSBL Positioning’ dialog box ('right click' on Transponder B27 and select
properties). Make sure the transponder is ‘Mobile’.

4) Press ‘Help’ and read about ‘Operation’.

5) Press ‘OK’ and observe the change in the ‘Position window’.

6) What happened to the symbol in the ‘Position window’?


7) What happened to the DP-telegram?


8) Is the HiPAP/HPR system using this information?


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Control Question

1. Where is this change taking place?

Figure 9.9

2. (Applicable for Offshore Loaders) If you are familiar with the SAL operations, which
transponders are configured as ‘Mobile’?


Hint for vessels with surveyors

It is possible to configure the ‘surveyor’s operator station’ to prevent the surveyor from
changing the Operation mode of a transponder.

What is the advantage of preventing the surveyor of changing the Operation mode?



Rev. K1 Page 186 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

10 Transponder Configure

Revision Date Written by

A 15 sept. 04 kgr
B 15 jan. 2005 Kgr
C 11 May 2005 Kgr
D August 1, 2005 kgr
E January 15, 2006 kgr
E1 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on Chapter 7 in previous versions of this
manual, as well as the Chapter 10 in handouts.
B Added 10.6a and 10.11. 10.3 moved to Chapter 6
C Chapter 10.7b and c is moved to Chapter 13. Chapter 10.8a and b is
moved to Advanced subjects
D 10.11 →10.12, 10.11 added
E Minor changes throughout.
E1 Changes in 10.7.a, 10.7.b and 10.12

Rev. K1 Page 187 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course


10 Transponder Configure

10.1 General
10.2 Transponder history
10.3 Access to ‘Transponder configure’
10.4 Transponder Configure
10.4a ‘Remove’ transponder in ‘Transponder Configure…’
10.5 Trusting the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box.
10.6 Transponder Setup
10.6b Modes & TAD & LIC
10.6c Batteries
10.7 Transponder Functions
10.7a Enable/Disable SSBL transponder
10.7b Responder
10.7c Beacon
10.7d Release
10.7e Switch channel
10.8 Transponder with a ‘built in’ sensor
10.8a Depth sensor
10.8b Inclination sensor
10.8c Inclination sensor, calibration
10.8d Differential Inclination sensor
10.9 Telemetry Transducer
10.10 TxRx Diagnostics
10.11 Transponder testing
10.11a TTC 400
10.11b HPR 400 with ‘Test transducer’
10.12 Troubleshooting

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10.1 General

As we said in the introduction to Chapter 8 and 9, your focus shall always be directed towards the
consequences of what you are doing. This is equally important in this chapter, as it was in the previous
Chapters, because several of the configurations we can do here will have direct consequence on the
telegrams we send to external computers, most typically the DP, Blom or surveyor. Even if an external
computer is not connected, it will influence on the direct reading from the display.

When you do changes in the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box, the changes will take place in either:

i) transponder if the changes are done in the ‘Transponder Setup’ or the ‘Transponder Function’

ii) Transceiver/Transducer onboard the vessel if the changes are done in the ‘Telemetry
Transducer’ tab

In this chapter, we will focus on using the transponders in SSBL application.

Extensive information is available in APOS help for further study.

Your involvement in Transponder Configuration is depending on your type of operation. There are a
great number of options available; few of them will probably be available to you. Also in some cases
the transponders are deployed and configured by some other vessels, and you will use them for
positioning only, without worrying about battery capacity, configuring etc. Typically here would be an
Offshore Loader.

In the exercises to follow, discuss with the instructors, which would apply to you.

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10.3 Access to ‘Transponder configure’

Access to the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box is available in three ways:

i) By ‘right-clicking’ on the transponder in ‘Positioning toolbar’, and selecting ‘Transponder…’.

Fig. 10.1

ii) By ‘right-clicking’ on the transponder in the ‘Positioning window’, and selecting


Fig. 10.2

iii) By selecting ‘Configure’ on the menu bar, and then ‘Transponder…’.

Fig. 10.3

All of this gives us access to the same dialog box, ‘Transponder Configure’.

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10.4 Transponder Configure

When you enter the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box by ‘right clicking’ on the transponder symbol,
that particular transponder will then be on display. That is shown below, were transponder B61 is

Fig. 10.4

You may however select any of the other transponders, by simply ‘left clicking’ on any of the other, as
well as noticing that the particular transponder then will be highlighted in blue. If you instead access
the dialog by selecting ‘Configure’ on the menu bar, the first transponder on the list would be

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Fig. 10.5

By ‘right clicking’ on one of the transponders, you get access to ‘Delete’, ‘Change…’ and add a
‘New..’ transponder.

All of this has been covered earlier in this course.

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10.4a ‘Remove’ transponder in ‘Transponder Configure…’

This description applies to APOS software version preceding 3.8.0.

In the last exercise you ‘Deleted’ the Transponder. That means you removed the connection between
the ‘Transponder configuration’ and the use of that Transponder in SSBL positioning.

The transponder is still registered in APOS.

For removing the Transponder completely:

1) Select ‘Configure’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘Transponder’

2) Select the appropriate transponder, and then press ‘Remove’.

Fig. 10.6

Fig. 10.7

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10.5 Trusting the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box.

This may seem to be a strange heading of a chapter, but the idea is that the information displayed in the
‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box will not always display the setting in the transponder. Some of the
reasons for this are described below.

i) The transponder has been reset, due to a battery change

ii) Some other vessel has changed the setting in the transponder

iii) You have sent a telemetry message to the transponder, due to a telemetry error; the operator
station will not reflect the new setting

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10.6 Transponder Setup

The ‘Transponder Setup’ tab in the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box, consist of the functions, as
shown in the picture below.

Fig. 10.8

A detailed description of this dialog box is available in ‘Help’. Press the ‘Help’ button.

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Control question

1) When you do changes in the ‘Nav. Tx. Power’, were is the change taking place?

2) When you do changes in the ‘Tel. Tx Power’, where is the change taking place?

Figure 10.9

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10.6b Modes & TAD & LIC

Fig. 10.10

The transponder may be able to operate in different modes. The main difference between MPT and a
SPT transponders, is the mode they are able to operate in. The SPT transponder will typically be in
‘SSBL Tp’ mode, which means you can use it for positioning, or it will be ‘Disabled’, not able to do
any positioning.

The MPT transponder may typically be in ‘LBL Calib.’ and ‘LBL Pos.’ during LBL calibration and
positioning. The MPT transponder is also able to operate in ‘SSBL Tp’ mode.

The remaining modes, TAD and LIC will be discussed in ‘APOS LBL and MULBL Course’ or
‘Advanced Operator Course’.

Note! This radio buttons only display the settings. No configuration is available from this radio

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10.6c Batteries

Operating situation: You are on a location with four transponders in the water.

Channel Type + sensor

B61 SPT 319 DTR
B62 SPT 319 DTR
B63 SPT 319 DTR
B65 SPT 319 DTR

Read the batteries in the transponders, and evaluate the situation.

Step by step

‘Open’ the file ‘SSBL Positioning’.

1) Read the batteries in the transponders and write it down in the table below.

Channel TX used [%] RX used [%]


2) Evaluate the situation

3) What is your recommendation?


4) Are you using the ‘Depth sensor’? __________________

5) If you are using the ‘Depth sensor’, what effect does it have on the battery?


6) As you know the battery is divided into two parts, TX and RX. Which part is the ‘Depth
sensor’ consuming power from?


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10.7 Transponder Functions

The ‘Transponder Function’ tab in the ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box, consist of the functions, as
shown in the picture below. Some of the buttons shown below is optional, and installation dependable.

Fig. 10.11

A detailed description of this dialog box is available in ‘Help’. Press the ‘Help’ button.

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10.7a Enable/Disable SSBL transponder

Operating situation: You are at the Oslofjord location.

Step by step

1) Open the file ‘SSBL Positioning’.

2) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol, and select ‘Transponder…’

3) Select the ‘Transponder Functions’ tab, and press the ’Disable Tp’ button.

4) Wait a short time. What happens to your positioning?


5) What are you reading in the ‘Event view’?


6) Check in ‘Help’ for an explanation of the description.


7) What are you reading in the ‘Alarm view’?


8) Check in ‘Help’ for an explanation of the alarm


9) Select the ‘Transponder Functions’ tab, and press the ‘Enable SSBL Tp’ button.

10) Verify that we receive positions again.

11) Acknowledge the Alarm.

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10.7b Responder

Responders is covered in Chapter 14

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10.7c Beacon

Operating situation: You are on a location with a Beacon in the water. The Beacon is mounted on a

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5061 B61 MPT 339 DT Sx

Step by step

1) Select ‘File’ and ‘New’.

2) Configure the Beacon and select it as Mobile

3) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol and select ‘Transponder…’.

4) Select the ‘Transponder Function’ tab.

5) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about the Beacon and PRF.

6) What does PRF mean? ____________________________

7) Follow the ‘Help’ procedure for enabling Beacon mode.

8) What is the presented ‘Slant range’ for a Beacon transponder without a ‘Depth sensor’ with a
HiPAP transceiver?


9) What is the presented ‘Slant range’ for a Beacon transponder without a ‘Depth sensor’ with a
HPR 400 transceiver?


10) Enable the Depth sensor

11) If you have the Beacon transponder on a fixed depth, you can also enter a manual ‘Z lock’.

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Fig. 10.12

OBSERVE: Interog. Interval’ has no function in Beacon mode

Fig. 10.13

OBSERVE: The ‘SSBL Positioning’ dialog box needs to be configured with the same PRF as we
have in ‘Transponder Configure’ dialog box. Othervise you will get ‘No reply’

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10.7d Release

1) Read the transponder manual before deploying the transponder.

2) Before you deploy the transponder, interrogate the transponder and test the release function.

3) Don’t lift the transponder in the ‘transducer cage’ for deployment.

4) When you release a transponder, follow the transponder position on the Operator station on
its way to the surface.

5) Release only one transponder at the time.

6) Release operation during daytime is recommended.

7) The HiPAP/HPR system uses telemetry for release operations. This is a two-way
communication between the system onboard the vessel and the transponder.

a) The vessel is sending a Release command to the transponder

b) When the transponder is receiving this message,

i) he sends a confirm message to the vessel

ii) he starts the release operation

c) The Operator station onboard the vessel displays the ‘confirm message’.

If for some reasons, the ‘confirm message’ is not received onboard the vessel, the Operator
station will display a telemetry error message, and the transponder will still start the release

Therefore you will have to watch the transponder position and depth, to be sure if the
release is in progress.

Hint You may need to send two release messages to release the transponder. This may be due to
that the motor is not turning the release screw enough.

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10.7e Switch channel

10.7e-1 Scan for channel


To take advantage of the ‘Scan for channel’ button, you need to know the transponders serial number.

When the HiPAP®/HPR system is scanning for a channel, they send out interrogation frequencies
(wake-up pulse) on all channels. Thereafter he sends the ‘read message’ which includes the serial
number, within a minute, before the transponder falls to sleep again.

Operating Situation: You know there is a transponder in the water, and you know the
transponders serial number, but the present channel number is unknown

Step by step:

1) a) Configure yourself a new transponder, with the serial number and options applicable for
your transponder. Use a random channel number.


b) use the transponder if it is already configured, but the channel number is wrong

2) Press the ‘Scan for channel button’

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10.9 Telemetry Transducer

Fig. 10.14

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10.11 Transponder testing

10.11a TTC 400

10.11b HPR 400 with ‘Test transducer’

10.12 Troubleshooting

1) Let the instructor show you how to use either a HPR 400 transceiver with a test transducer or
the TTC 400 to communicate with a transponder

2) Let the instructor configure your exercise

3) What may be wrong?

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Blank page

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11 SSBL Troubleshooting

Revision Date Written by

A 15 sept. 2004 kgr
B 15 jan. 2005 Kgr
C June 1, 2005 Kgr
D August 1, 2005 kgr
E May 1, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on handouts
B Minor corrections
C Added Slant Range ~500 m in 11.3a
D Added 11.4.
E New format. 11.1 and 11.2 updated. Minor changes.


11 SSBL Troubleshooting

11.1 Trouble types

11.2 SSBL step-by-step troubleshooting
11.3 SSBL Troubleshooting exercise
11.3.a All vessels
11.3.b Vessels with two or more transducers
11.4 Telemetry troubleshooting

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11.1 Trouble types

There may be several reasons way your HiPAP®/HPR 400 system is not working, and we will split the
reasons into four groups:

a) Hardware errors
b) Software errors
c) Operational errors
d) Acoustical problems

Hardware errors

The hardware errors are typically problems with the equipment, like empty transponder battery,
transducer damaged or hard disk damaged. This type of problem arises as part of equipment ageing,
abuse or equipment malfunctions for various reasons. The risk for equipment breakdown will typically
be reduced by performing the preventive maintenance. Hardware troubleshooting is part of the
technical course.

Software errors

Software errors are more subtle, like the configuration of the communication between gyro and
transceiver. This type of problems is usually solved during installation of the equipment.

Operational error

You as an operator have a great selection of configuration options available. Some of these
configurations may create problems at your location.

Acoustical problems

Noise, distance, ray bending or other environmental causes may create problems. In some cases, this
may prevent the system completely from being able to function. This problems may also be of a
temporarily type, which disappear when i.e. the weather improves. These problems may also be solved
by i.e. adjusting the power to a higher level, if thruster noise increases due to worse wether conditions

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11.2 SSBL step-by-step troubleshooting

1) Configure the display as shown in Exercise 7.4.

2) Make sure ‘Status bar’ is showing ‘Navigation’ (if you don’t see ‘Navigation’, contact the

3) Check Alarm and Event views.

4) If operations permit, try to ‘Reset’ the transceiver. Point on the transceiver on the ‘Status
bar’ and ‘right click’. Press the ‘Reset’ button.

5) Has there been any weather change lately, which is causing:

a) the thrusters to run differently

b) the vessels movement may give you problems
c) look for other changes

6) Select ‘Systems’ on the menu bar, and then ‘Default parameters’. Make sure you are using
proper values.

7) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbols in the ‘Positioning toolbar’, and select

a) Make sure ‘Default parameters’ are ‘checked marked’.

b) Compare the configuration with Exercise 9.1.

8) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbols in the ‘Positioning toolbar’, and select
‘Transponder …’. Press the ‘Read’ button, and check the settings.

a) Press the Read button

b) Make sure the transponder is enabled.
c) Make sure the sensor is enabled if needed.

9) If you have an unstable position, play around with:

a) the ‘Interrogation interval’ and ‘Transmit power’ in ‘Properties…’.

b) and ‘Nav. Tx Power’ in the ‘Transponder configure’.

Applies to HiPAP®

10) Reduce ‘Max Gain’.

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11.3 SSBL Troubleshooting exercise

11.3.a All vessels

1) Let the instructor configure your exercise.

2) Approximate Slant Range is 500 meters

3) This exercise contains several errors, describe below which errors you found.

4) Follow the step by step troubleshooting, as described in Chapter 11.2.

5) After you have solved all the errors, you shall receive positions from B18 (Inclinometer), B72
(Compass) & B73 (Depth).

a) _____________________________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________________________

c) _____________________________________________________________

d) _____________________________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________________________

f) _____________________________________________________________

g) _____________________________________________________________

h) _____________________________________________________________

Rev. K1 Page 212 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

12 System administration

Revision Date Written by

A July 1, 2005 kgr
B January 1, 2006 kgr
C May 1, 2006 kgr
C1 June 1, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part. Chapter 7.10 and Appendix A included in this chapter
B 12.6 changed.
C New format. 12.4 have a new name.
C1 Changes in 12.7


12 System administration

12.1 Introduction
12.2 APC 10 and APOS evolution
12.3 ‘Shutting down’ the OS
12.4 APOS Backup file (Image of the hard disk)
12.5 System Report
12.6 System Backup and Restore
12.7 Service Mode

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12.1 Introduction

The computers in the HiPAP® transceivers (HTC 10) and APOS (APC 10) operator stations are mainly
built upon components used in standard PCs. As such, they are subject to the same types of problems
we see in common PCs, except most of today’s PCs are connected to internet, and the problems
related to virus etc. does not affect us, since we are on a closed network, or no network at all.

Since the users do not have access to the installation software, we have developed several other
functions, which will help you to come around some of the most common problems we have seen the
users meet.

What we will focus on in this chapter is the system administration for the operator station.

There have been several changes on the APC 10 and APOS over the year. At present we distribute
APOS, were 47 indicates that this is release 47.

An overview of the main changes and improvements in the APOS releases is available in APOS Help,
see Exercise 7.1b.

APOS runs on Windows® computers. From the first version and until the summer of 2004, APOS was
delivered with Windows® NT. Microsoft stopped supporting Windows® NT in the summer of 2004,
and APOS is now delivered with Windows® XP. As an APOS user, we don’t see any big difference
between Windows NT and Windows®XP.

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12.3 ‘Shutting down’ the OS

It is two main ways to stop your APOS computer, the ‘right way’ and ‘wrong way’.

Wrong way

The wrong way to stop your computer is to use the power switch, reset button or simply pull out the
power cord.

Microsoft requires the user to stop all the programs on the computer, before you switch off the power.
The reason for this is Windows® may be in the middle of a process of saving data on the hard disk. If
the computer looses the power in the middle of such a process, the programs may not work properly
on the next start-up, and in worst case the computer may not start again.

If you use the front panel power switch on a Windows® XP computer, Windows® XP reads the power
switch button, and will not shut down the computer before the data is saved.

If you use the front panel power switch on a Windows® NT computer, the computer stops
immediately, and data may be lost.

Right way

When you select ‘Stop/Shutdown…’ from within File on the menu bar (see Fig. 7.7) in your APOS
program, both APOS and Windows® will stop.

By following this procedure, you will eliminate possible error sources, and in case something goes
wrong, the service engineer will not blame the error on the stopping procedure, if it really is something


1) Stop APOS and Windows, and shut off the power.

2) Do not restart

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12.4 APOS Backup file (Image of the hard disk)

Your APOS computer (OS) is supplied with a DVD or CD writer, and an ‘APOS Backup file’ (systems
delivered after November 2001). The backup program is Ghost from Symantec, and will make a copy (image)
of your hard disk, writing it to a CD/DVD.

This backup CD/DVD will serve as an emergency repair disk, if any software error should appear on your
hard disk.

Systems delivered with Windows® XP will have a DVD writer. A Windows® XP backup will not fit on a
single CD, but will normally fit on a DVD.

If your vessel has more than one OS, you need to make a backup of each, because they are configured

For those of you having systems delivered without any CD or DVD writer, I will strongly recommend you to
have the service engineer installing one, on his next visit.

Windows® NT

An image created on a Windows® NT computer can most likely be copied to any identical type of computer,
but you may need to reinstall the networks card. Windows® NT also gives us the possibility to create a hard
disk in Horten with a similar setup, and ship it to you.

Windows® XP

Microsoft is supplying different version of the Windows® XP. The one we are using is called an OEM
version. Each CD with Windows® XP has an individual serial number. The installation need to be registered
with Microsoft, and a code is needed. This simply means that this CD can’t be used on any other computer,
because part of the registration is to read the serial numbers of different components in the computer, like
hard disk, motherboard, CPU etc. You can change one or a few of the components for upgrade or repair, but
not all.

If you make an image of this computer, you will have to install the image on the same computer again, or if
you i.e. have a hard disk failure, you can change that.

We can’t configure a hard disk in Horten and ship it to you. In that case we will have to ship a complete


In chapter 13 you will find the user manual of the ‘APOS Backup file’. Read it and make an image.

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12.5 System Report

Note! This exercise is not available from the Trainer

The ‘System Report’ was included in APOS 4.1.0 (March 3, 2004), and give the user a possibility to see most
of the configuration settings.

1) Go to ‘Help’ on the menu bar, select ‘Index’ and ‘System Information’ and read about ‘System

2) Go to Utility > System Report. Save the report in: C:\APOS\Data

3) Open the report. Go to ‘File’ on the menu bar, select ‘Open…’ and all files. ‘Right click’ on the file,
and select ‘Open With’, and use ‘Internet Explorer’.

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12.6 System Backup and Restore

Note! This exercise is not available from the ‘APOS Trainer’.

1) Select ‘Utility’ > ‘System Backup and Restore’

2) Press the ‘Help’ button

Control questions

3) How often is a ‘System Backup’ made? _______________________________

4) Which one will be kept? _______________________________

5) Try a ‘Restore’

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12.7 Service Mode


APOS is protecting some of the configurations with passwords. Some passwords are available only for
the Kongsberg Simrad personnel, and one is available for the crew on the vessel.

The reason we are using passwords is to protect the user from doing unintended configurations.

For the crew, APOS can be in two modes:

1) Operator Mode, this mode is giving the minimum configuration possibilities, and
is considered to be the normal mode.

2) Service Mode, this mode is giving the Operator extended configurations. Use
this mode only in special circumstances, and it may be a good
idea to contact Kongsberg Maritime's service department, before
any use.

3) Administrator Mode, no use

NB! APOS have no indication on the main display to tell you that Service Mode is enabled. You
will have to enter the dialog box to see which mode is enabled (this feature was included in
APOS 4.2.0).

NB! The ‘Service Mode’ will be enabled for one hour, followed by an automatic return to
‘Operator Mode’.

APOS Software Versions preceding 4.2.0

APOS does not have a time-out on the ‘Service Mode’, which will change it back to ‘Operator Mode’
after a certain time.

It is therefore important to switch APOS back to ‘Operator Mode’ after the necessary configuration
change has been done.

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Operating situation: You need to change a parameter in a dialog box, where the ‘OK button’ is

Step by step

1) Select ‘User’ on the ‘Menu line’, and then ‘Logon…’

2) Select ‘User’ as ‘Service’
3) Enter 1997 as the password
4) Verify that APOS are in ‘Service Mode’

How can you do that? _________________________________________

5) After the necessary configuration change has been done, set APOS back to ‘Operator Mode’.
6) Verify That APOS are in ‘Operator Mode’

How can you do that? _________________________________________

Control Questions

1) Mark the two NBs and the OBSERVE in this Exercise.

2) How long will APOS stay in Service Mode? _______________________

OBSERVE: Not all configurations in APOS are PASSWORD protected by the Service
Mode. You must therefore be careful when operating. I will list a few, where
you will have to be careful:

1) Changing COM ports

2) Setting the transceiver in Training Mode

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13 Data sheets for ‘APOS Basic
Operator Course’

In this section you will find some data sheets, product descriptions, product
specifications and different brochures:

— 164508 HiPAP® 500

— 164509 HiPAP® 350
— 160956 HPR410
— 160957 HPR418
— 164523 MST
— 160762 SPT & MPT 31X
— 160760 SPT & MPT 33X

More datasheets are available at:

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Revision Date Written by
A 30 sept 2004 Kgr
B June 1, 2005 Kgr
C August 1, 2005 kgr

Revision Comments
A RPT is replaced by MST. Included ‘APOS LBL and MULBL Course’.
Transferred to Word
B MST replaced RPT
C Reference to internet. Moved to chapter 13.

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14 Responder

The purpose of this chapter is to tell you how to configure a responder in APOS, and a basic
introduction to the hardware. A complete introduction is available in the Instruction manuals.

Revision Date Written by

A June 1, 2005 kgr
B August 15, 2005 kgr
C January 15, 2006 kgr
D May 1, 2006 kgr
D1 June 1, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on Chapter 9.4a – d and 10.7b – c.
B Moved to chapter 14. Added 14.2b and c.
C 14.2b → 10.13c. 14.2c → 14.2b
D New format and automatic figure numbering added. Added
chapter 14.8 and 14.9.
D1 Changes in ‘Contents’, 14.1, 14.2, 14.2.a and 14.6


14 Responder

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Responder type, MST
14.2.a Responder to transponder change, MST (RPT) type
14.2.b Battery packs
14.2.c MST maintenance
14.3 Responder type, SPT or MPT
14.3.a Responder to transponder change, SPT or MPT types
14.4 Responder connection in the HiPAP® Transceiver
14.5 Responder in HPR 400 Transceiver
14.6 Change of Responder drive.
14.7 RPT transponders
14.8 ‘ROV graphic symbol’ in APOS
14.9 ROV heading

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14.1 Introduction

Kongsberg Maritime delivers responders as MPT/SPT types or MST types. The MST is a mini
transponder, and has no telemetry functions.

The RPT types of transponders are obsolete, and replaced by MST.

ROVs and ‘TOW Fishes’ can with great advantages be positioned with responders.

Some of the advantages of using a responder:

• Less sensitive to noise

• Reduced battery cost
• Higher position update rate
• Smaller size and less weight
• Increased operational time


• Wiring from transceiver through umbilical

For various reasons, the responder may stop working. Below is listed some reasons:

• broken umbilical and the responder will receive no trigger signal

• hardware error in the transceiver
• hardware error in responder
• connection between transceiver and the umbilical

Describe with your own word how you interrogate a responder compared to a transponder:





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14.2 Responder type, MST

General MST transponders are commonly used on ROVs, survey cables (not as
responders) etc.

In the bottom part of the transponder, 24 VDC is connected, as well as the

trigger signal. The MST will switch automatically from responder to
transponder if:

the responder looses the power (23 - 30 VDC)

no trigger signal within 65 seconds

The MST will function as a responder again, as soon as the power and trigger pulse is received again.

It is also possible to have the MST on i.e. an ROV, feed it with 24 VDC, and use it as a transponder.
This way you don’t have to worry about the battery capacity.

Operating Situation: You have a ROV in the water, were MST responder B16 is mounted, and
you want to interrogate it.

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5035 B16 MST 342

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘New’.

2) Configure B16 as a responder.

3) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol, and select ‘Properties’.

4) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about Responders

5) ‘Tick’ the ‘Responder’ check box, and observe that the drop-down list box underneath got

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Figure 14.1

6) Select, which drive you, want to use.

7) Press ‘Apply’ or ‘OK’ and observe the change on the transponder symbol in the ‘Positioning

8) If you have a responder 750 meters away (slant range). What is your update rate for this


9) If you have a transponder 750 meters away (slant range). What is your update rate for this


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14.2.a Responder to transponder change, MST (RPT) type

Operating Situation: We will proceed from the previous exercise.

We have a ROV in the water with a MST 324 responder, using channel

For some reasons, the umbilical broke.

You want to locate the ROV position for a possible recovery, and needs
to tell APOS/HiPAP® that the responder is now operating as a

Step by Step

1) ‘Right click’ on the responder (B16) you will turn into a transponder, and select ‘Properties’.

2) Unselect it as a responder. Make sure it is ‘Active’ and press ‘OK’.

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14.2.b Battery packs

The MST is usually fitted with a rechargeable battery, but can also be fitted with a lithium battery

Figure 14.2

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14.2.c MST maintenance

The main subjects related to MST maintenance are listed in the ‘MST instruction manual’, but a few
additional items will be listed here.

Charging the MST

The MST charger has a LED showing the charging status. Observe that this LED is also green after
the 180 minutes timeout

Greasing the connector

The MST transponders are equipped with Subconn® male/female connectors used as on/off switch.
The female plug contains 3 o-rings for each pin. This o-rings needs grease, as shown in the procedure

On/off plug

Transponder base

Figure 14.3

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On Subconn® homepage the following procedure is available:

1) What types of grease (lubricant) to use? ______________________________________

2) How much grease to use? __________________________________________________

3) OBSERVE: Using to much grease may damage the o-rings

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14.3 Responder type, SPT or MPT

General: The SPT and MPT RspSx types of transponders are mostly used on the plow
(plough) and tow fish tracking.

This transponders also have a 110 VAC option, meaning it can be powered
from an external 110 VAC power supply.

The default1 mode of the SPT or MPT RspSx types of transponders is responder
modes, i.e. the transponder function is disabled.

To make the responder operate as a transponder, the function will need to be


This function can be enabled also when the transponder is functioning as a

responder, but after a possible reset of the transponder, the transponder function
will be disabled

OBSERVE: The SPT/MPT RspSx types of transponders have a short tube, which also gives
you a small internal battery, compared to a full size SPT/MPT type of
transponder, see chapter 6.15c. When the 110 VAC is disconnected, the
transponder will start using the internal battery. We recommend you to
disconnect the internal battery, making sure you keep it fully charged.
Alternatively to keep the transponder supplied with 110 VAC.

1) What is the ‘quiescent time’ for an SPT 331 RspSx 110 VAC transponder?


2) What is the ‘Max continuous on time’ for an SPT 331 RspSx 110 VAC transponder?


Default is the setting in transponder/responder after a battery change, or a telemetry command telling the
transponder to go back to default mode.

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Operating situation: You are towing a plow. On the plow, a SPT 331 RspSx is mounted.
You will have to configure it as a responder. The battery is recently connected, so you can
assume it is in ‘Responder mode’.

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5035 B35 SPT 331/RspSx 110Vac

Step by Step

1) Select ‘File’ on the Menu bar, and then ‘New’.

2) Configure B35.

3) The default mode of an SPT 331/Rsp is responder mode2.

4) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol, and select ‘Properties’.

5) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about Responders

6) ‘Tick’ the ‘Responder’ check box, and observe that the drop-down list box underneath got

Figure 14.4

7) Select, which drive you, want to use.

8) Press ‘Apply’ or ‘OK’ and observe the change on the transponder symbol in the ‘Positioning

9) What happened? _____________________

This means that we will have to send a telemetry message to it, if we want to use it as a

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14.3.a Responder to transponder change, SPT or MPT types

Operating Situation: We will proceed from the previous exercise. For some reasons, the
pulling wire broke.

You will need to tell APOS that the responder will have to operate as a
transponder, as well as changing the transponder mode from responder to

Serial no. Channel Type + sensor

5035 B35 SPT 331/RspSx 110Vac

Step by Step

1) Right click on the responder B35, and select ‘Properties’.

2) Unselect it as a responder. Make sure it is ‘Active’ and press ‘OK’.

3) Right click on B35, and select ‘Transponder’, and then select the ‘Transponder Function‘

4) Press ‘Enable SSBL Tp’.

Control Question

1) Where is step 4) taking place?

Figure 14.5

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2) When you lift the plow onto the vessel, and disconnect the 110 VAC. What will happen to the



3) What steps do you have to take?



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14.4 Responder connection in the HiPAP® Transceiver

Figure 14.6

Figure 14.7

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Figure 14.8

Figure 14.9


If you have a HiPAP® Transceiver in the training facilities, find out where the responder is connected.

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14.5 Responder in HPR 400 Transceiver

Figure 14.10

Figure 14.11

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Figure 14.12

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14.6 Change of Responder drive.

1) How many responder drives do you have on your system?

• HiPAP® 500 ____________

• HiPAP® 450
• HiPAP® 350 ____________
• HPR 400 ____________

2) Make a sketch on the drawing underneath where the wire to responder is connected electrically.

Figure 14.13

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Operating Situation: You are towing a plow. On the plow transponder B35 is mounted. You
got some problems with the responder and will try to change the
Responder Drive

Step by Step

1) Right click on the responder symbol and select ‘Properties’

2) Change from ‘Drive 1’ to ‘Drive 2’
3) Press ‘OK’

Control Question

Figure 14.14

1) What else will you have to do before the change is taking place?


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14.7 RPT transponders

The main subjects related to RPT transponder maintenance are listed in the ‘RPT instruction manual’,
but a few additional items will be listed here.

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14.8 ‘ROV graphic symbol’ in APOS

APOS gives you the opportunity to make a graphic symbol of the ROV, or any other items were the
transponder or responder is installed.

Step by step

1) You have to be logged on in ‘Service mode’ to be able to create a Graphic Symbol, see
section 12.7.

2) ‘Right click’ on the transponder symbol, and select ‘Graphic Symbol…’

Figure 14.15


Figure 14.16

4) The ‘Standard Symbol’ is the one shown in Figure 14.17

Figure 14.17

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5) Select Custom Symbol and press Edit.

6) Go to Help for further details

7) The Insert rectangle button may be the easiest way to define a new symbol.

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14.9 ROV heading

APOS gives you the opportunity to read the ROV’s gyro and present the heading in the positioning

Step by step

1) You APOS operator station need to be configured with the ROVs gyro as an external input,
i.e. I:2.

Figure 14.18

2) ‘Right click’ on the responder symbol and select Properties. In the ‘Heading input’ group,
select the applicable gyro.

Figure 14.19

3) If you are using a ‘Standard Symbol’ for the ROV, see Figure 14.16, your view would look
like Figure 14.20, were an arrow is added, indicating the ROVs heading.

Figure 14.20

4) If you are using a ‘Custom symbol’ for the ROV, see Figure 14.16, your view would look
like Figure 14.21.

Figure 14.21

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This chapter is for information only. If times permit, the instructor may give a short introduction

Revision Date Written by

A January 15, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on a conference paper

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HAIN An integrated acoustic positioning and inertial navigation system

Roar Marthiniussen, Jan Erik Faugstadmo and Hans Petter Jakobsen,

Kongsberg Simrad AS, P.Box 111, 3191 Horten,Norway.

Abstract - Exploration on deeper water puts I. INERTIAL NAVIGATION

high requirements on underwater positioning
for both DP operations and survey applications. A. Principles of Inertial Navigation
Acoustic positioning systems are continuously
improved to meet new requirements.
Development carried out during the last years An Inertial Navigation System (INS) integrates
for the HUGIN AUV has brought new the output of three accelerometers and three gyros
technology available for combining acoustic to compute the position, the velocity and the
positioning with inertial navigation. Based on attitude.
this the HAIN system is developed as an
extension to the HiPAP and HPR systems.

HAIN Position Reference

The HAIN system for vessel positioning is an
aided inertial navigations system. The position
drift that is inherent in Inertial Navigation
Systems is limited by the acoustic position
measurements relative to transponder(s) on the
seabed. The system can be used both with Figure 1. The sensors in the Inertial Measurement
SSBL or LBL position input. The HAIN provides Unit
an improved position of the vessel which both The three accelerometers are mounted
has increased accuracy and higher update rate perpendicular to each other. Each accelerometer
than the original position from the acoustic measures the acceleration relative to the inertial
measurements. This extends operational water space. Integration of acceleration gives velocity,
depth and reduced battery consumption. and integration of velocity gives position.
Position output during acoustic dropout will be
maintained. The three gyros are also mounted perpendicular
to each other. Each gyro measures the angular rate
relative to the inertial space. Integration of angular
HAIN Subsea rate gives attitude, i.e. roll, pitch and heading.
The system is also available in a version for The accelerometers and the gyros are contained
ROV positioning for survey applications. In this in an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The figure
version the system also is interfaced to a above shows a picture of a Honeywell HG-1700
Doppler velocity log and a pressure sensor. IMU.
Most Inertial Navigation Systems to-day are
strap-down systems, with the IMU rigorously
The complementary solution connected to the body that is positioned. For HAIN,
Acoustic and Inertial positioning principles in the body is either a surface vessel or an ROV. The
combination is ideal, since they have integration of the accelerometers gives the velocity
complementary qualities. Acoustic positioning in the body co-ordinate frame. The integration of
is characterised by relatively high and evenly the gyros gives the attitude, which is used to
distributed noise and no drift in the position, convert the acceleration/velocity from the body co-
whilst inertial positioning has very low short- ordinate frame to an earth-fixed co-ordinate frame.
term noise and relatively large drift in the The basics described so far is simple.
position over time. Complexities arise because the navigation is done
The presentation at Oceans’04 will show the on the Earth and not in the inertial space. Different
HAIN operational methods, benefits and co-ordinate frames, Earth gravity and Earth rotation
accuracy figures.

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must be handled. This is done in well established
strap-down navigation equations.
Complexities also arise because all
measurements have noise added to them. The
noise consists of a white part and a colored part.
The white part is random Gaussian noise. The
colored noise is often referred to as a bias on the
measurement. The bias changes slowly, with a
time-constant of many minutes.
1) Initial values for the integration
An integration gives a change from an initial
value. Integration of acceleration gives change in
velocity. Integration of angular rate gives change in
2) Attitude
It is possible to calculate the initial attitude based
on the IMU sensors, by using the knowledge about
the Earth gravity, the Earth rotation and an Figure 2. HAIN processing block diagram
approximate value for the latitude. The IMU
sensors must be of good quality to manage this To the left we see the IMU with its gyros and
task, because the Earth rotation is slow compared accelerometers. The navigation equations read the
to the movements of the body. three gyros and the three accelerometers with 100
Hz. Based on these readings, the navigation
3) Position equations calculate the change in position, velocity
It is not possible to calculate the initial position and attitude. Due to noise and errors in the
based on the readings from the IMU sensors. An readings, errors in the calculation increase with
Inertial Navigation System must therefore get a time if not corrected for.
position aid from outside. The to right we see the Kalman filter. It estimates
4) External measurements both the attitude, velocity and position and the
sensor biases. It also calculates the accuracy of
In addition to the gyro and accelerometer each estimate.
readings from the IMU, an Inertial Navigation
System gets external measurements. The input to the Kalman filter is the difference
between the values calculated by the navigation
The external measurements to the HAIN are equations and the external measurements. We can
• The aiding position in latitude longitude and look at the depth measurement as an example. The
depth. It is used both to get an initial value pressure sensor on the ROV measures the depth.
for the position and to limit the drift that is The measured value is subtracted from the depth
inherent in Inertial Navigation Systems. calculated by the navigation equations. The
difference is read by the Kalman filter. The filter
• The heading. knows the expected accuracy of the depth sensor,
and it knows the accuracy of its own estimates. The
• The velocity.
depth correction is weighted based on this
The external measurements are used by a knowledge, and the estimates of the filter is
Kalman filter to compute corrections of the filter’s updated. New values for the position, velocity and
estimates. It is expained in more detail in the next attitude are sent to the navigation equations.
chapter. The corrections are weighted according to
The position aid in the figure is named “dGPS +
the expected accuracies of the measurements and
HiPAP”. The other alternatives for HAIN position
to the filter’s estimate of its own accuracies.
aid is “HiPAP” and “LBL”, as explained later. In all
cases, the latitude longitude of the aiding position is
subtracted from the latitude longitude calculated by
B. HAIN processing the navigation equations. The difference is
The figure below shows how the readings from processed by the kalman filter, as just explained for
the IMU and the external sensors are used. the depth.
The filter executes each time an external
measurement is read. It updates its estimates
based on the external measurement, and transfers
the new position, velocity and attitude to the
navigation equations. This transfer is often referred

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to as a “reset”. Therefore the values calculated by 2) The position aid for HAIN Vessel and HAIN
the navigation equations and those estimated by Subsea
the Kalman filter are very close to each other.
For HAIN subsea pos, the depth is measured by
The graphs shown later in the paper use the a pressure sensor on the ROV. For HAIN vessel
same colours as the figure above. Blue is used for pos, the depth is the depth of the reference point of
measurements, magenta for the navigation the vessel. The depth is in both cases processed
equations and green for the Kalman filter. as an external measurement.
The Kalman filter shown in the figure is often For HAIN vessel pos, the aiding position is the
referred to as the forward filter. It is executed in real position of the vessel in latitude longitude. It is
time, and does not have any knowledge of the generated either by a SSBL measurement or by an
measurements ahead in time. When the LBL measurement. In both cases the position of the
measurements are post-processed with the seabed transponder(s) must be known in latitude
NavLab, the forward filteer is first executed. Then a longitude. The SSBL transponder must have been
backward filter is executed. It uses the boxed-in, and the LBL array must have been
measurements both back and forward in time. This calibrated geographically. This must be done
gives a significant improvement in accuracy and before the HAIN vessel positioning is started. After
stability. The result from the backward filter is this, the HAIN vessel pos is independent of the
displayed in red on the graphs. dGPS.
For HAIN subsea pos, the aiding position is the
position of the ROV in latitude longitude. When the
C. Acoustics used as Position Aid ROV is positioned with SSBL from the vessel, the
1) The complementary solution latitude longitude position is a combination of the
acoustic position relative to the vessel and the
The noise on acoustic positions is dominated by dGPS position of the vessel. When the ROV is
the white noise. There is almost no correlation positioned with LBL, the LBL array must have been
between the noise on one measurement and the calibrated geographically in beforehand.
noise on the next measurement.
The noise on Inertial Navigation systems without
position aid is dominated by coloured noise, i.e. a II. HAIN POSITION REFERENCE
position drift.
This is illustrated on the next figure. The HAIN position reference system provides:

• improved acoustic position accuracy

The HAIN system will typically improve the
accuracy some 2-3 times. Example: If the “ping to
ping” deviation is 6 meters, the HAIN will reduce
this to approximately 2 meters.

• higher position update rate

The HAIN calculates a new position every 1
second regardless of water depth.

Figure 3. INS position drift and noise on acoustic • extends operational depth capabilities
Since both the accuracy and the position update
The noise on inertial navigation without position rate are improved, the HAIN allows operation in
aid and the noise on acoustic positions are deeper waters.
complementary. Acoustic positions are therefore
ideal as position aid for inertial navigation. The
white noise of the acoustic positions is reduced • longer transponder-battery lifetime
because the inertial navigation has a small white
noise. The coloured noise, i.e. the position drift, of The HAIN position update rate allows slowing
the inertial navigation is strongly reduced by the down the acoustic update frequency. This will result
acoustics, which has almost no coloured noise in less “ping” per hour, and thereby longer battery

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• position update during acoustic drop-out The information received from the HAIN
Computer is displayed and sent to external
The HAIN gives continuity in position output computer(s). APOS can request status information
even though the acoustic position should fail to in the HAIN Computer to be displayed, which helps
operate in periods of limited time. the operator to check the system in real-time.

D. System description 4) Accuracy

HAIN combines the acoustic measurements and
The figure below shows the HAIN used with a the readings from the IMU sensor installed onboard
HiPAP system. in an optimum way. The navigation equations
update the vessel position, velocity, heading and
attitude almost continuously based on the readings
from the IMU. The Kalman filter corrects these
APOS DP System values when new acoustic positions are available.
This result in improved position accuracy compared
to the acoustic measurements, as illustrated in the
figure below.
Computer HiPAP



Figure 4 HAIN Position Reference System Diagram

The HAIN positioning system can be used on
any vessel equipped with acoustic positioning

1) Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU

The IMU consists of three accelerometers and
three Fibre Optic Gyros measuring the vessel’s
accelerations and rotation in three axis very Figure 5 HAIN Position Reference Accuracy figures
The simulations for the expected accuracy are
2) HAIN Computer based on the following accuracy figures:

The HAIN Computer executes the navigation

algorithm, which consists of Strap-down navigation HiPAP angle accuracy 0.1° in x and y
equations and a Kalman Filter. The unit is
interfaced to an Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) and to dGPS position white noise 0.15m in North
the APOS (Acoustic Positioning Operator Station). and East

The HAIN Computer receives the aiding dGPS position colored noise 0.10m
positions (latitude and longitude) from the APOS Motion Sensor white noise 0.02° in roll and
and will limit the position drift that is inherent in pitch
inertial navigation systems. Vessel position,
attitude, speed and expected accuracy of the data Motion Sensor colored noise 0.1° in roll and
are sent back to the APOS at 1 Hz update. pitch
Accelerometers random walk 15µg/√(Hz)

3) Operator Station - APOS Accelerometers colored noise 0.5mg

The HAIN system is operated from the Acoustic Gyro random walk 0.0025°/√(h)
Positioning Operator Station. Accelerometers colored noise 0.05°/h
Compass 0.01°

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5) Data Logging 1) HAIN Computer
Data logging can be done on two levels: The HAIN Computer executes the navigation
algorithms, which consists of Strap-down
The HAIN Computer is logging all measurements
navigation equations and a Kalman Filter. The unit
on its hard disc. These data can be post-
is interfaced to the sensor signals coming from the
ROV-umbilical system. These signals come from;
The APOS can log measured and calculated Inertial Motion Unit (IMU), Doppler Velocity Log
vessel positions, attitude and velocity on its hard (ROV Speed), pressure sensor and heading sensor
disc. (Compass). The HAIN computer may interface
different types of sensors giving these aiding
All measurements and positions in the log files
are time-stamped. The APOS clock and the HAIN
Computer clock are both synchronised with the The HAIN Computer receives the aiding
GPS clock (1pps). positions (latitude and longitude) from the Acoustic
Positioning Operator Station (APOS) over an
The Technology
Ethernet interconnection and will limit the position
The HAIN product is based on technology from the drift that is inherent in inertial navigation systems.
advanced navigation developed in the HUGIN AUV ROV position, attitude, speed and expected
programme. accuracy of the data are sent to the APOS at 1 Hz
update. The source of the aiding position can be
The HAIN Subsea solution provides:
• improved acoustic position accuracy 2) Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU
• higher position update rate The IMU comes in a pressure container and
contains three accelerometers and three Fibre
Optic Gyros measuring the vessel’s accelerations
The HAIN system onboard the vessel comprises; and rotation in three axis very accurately.
• HAIN computer with interfaces to ROV
3) Operator Station
• Operator Station
The HAIN system is operated from the APOS
• HAIN software and has three main functions:
• Vessel position input from dGPS • Controls the HAIN system
• ROV position input from an acoustic system. • Integrates dGPS and local acoustic ROV

Hydroacoustic Aided Inertial Navigation • Displays position and sends position and
status data
The HAIN Subsea system can be used on ROVs
and other underwater cable-connected units. The information received from the HAIN
Computer is displayed and sent to external
E. System description computer(s). APOS can request status information
in the HAIN Computer to be displayed, which helps
The figure below shows the HAIN used with a
the operator to check the system in real-time.
HiPAP system and an optional LBL system.

DP System
HAIN 4) Accuracy
Com puter
HAIN combines the acoustic measurements and
Pressure, Attitude the readings from the sensors onboard the ROV in
an optimum way. The navigation equations update
the ROV position, velocity, heading and attitude
Converter R oll&Pitch

almost continuously based on the readings from

Fibre the IMU. The Kalman filter corrects these values
when new acoustic positions and when readings
RO V or intervention tool


Acoustic signals
from the other ROV sensors are available. This
result in improved position accuracy compared to
DVL IM U Depth the acoustic measurements, as illustrated in the
figure below.
Figure 6 HAIN Subsea System Diagram

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6) Post Processing Software - NavLab
The NavLab post-processing tool reads the files
logged by the HAIN Computer. When calculating
the ROV position, it uses measurements both in the
past and in the future, giving a better quality than
can possibly be achieved in real time. In this
process NavLab detects wild-points in the
measurements, which can be excluded from the
processing. NavLab exports the results to files for
use by the survey SW. NavLab can post-process
with other settings than you used during the
mission. It can process with offsets in the sensor
readings, and thereby compensate for constant
errors in the sensors that were detected after the
Figure 7 HAIN Subsea Accuracy figures
ROV mission.
The Technology
The simulations for the expected accuracy are
Both the HAIN and NavLab products are based
based on the following accuracy figures:
on technology from the advanced navigation
HiPAP angle accuracy 0.1° in x and y developed in the HUGIN AUV programme.
dGPS position white noise 0.15m in North
and East
dGPS position colored noise 0.10m
Motion Sensor white 0.02° in roll and
Motion Sensor colored noise 0.1° ° in roll and
Accelerometers random walk 15µg/√(Hz)
Accelerometers colored noise 0.5mg
Gyro random walk 0.0025°/√(h)
Accelerometers colored noise 0.05°/h
Depth sensor 0.1m
DVL white noise 0.02m/s
DVL colored noise 0.015m/s
Compass 0.01°

5) Data Logging
Data logging can be done on two levels:
The HAIN Computer is logging all measurements
on its hard disc. A new file is generated each 15th
minute with binary data. These data can be post-
The APOS can log measured and calculated
ROV positions, attitude and velocity on its hard
All measurements and positions in the log files
are time-stamped. The APOS clock and the HAIN
Computer clock are both synchronised with the
GPS clock.

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The HAIN position reference system has gone
through several sea trials on our own vessel,
“Simrad Echo”. The trials are done for debugging
purposes and accuracy analysis.
A short trial on an offshore DP vessel has also
been carried out.
The plots below are from the offshore trial.

The time-plot to the right shows the dGPS North

co-ordinate from the scatter plot on the previous
The time-plot to the left shows the HAIN position
in green and the HiPAP positions in blue. The
update rate of the HiPAP positions varies between
20 s and 5 s. In the last 10 ½ minutes there is no
HiPAP positions. The update rate of the HAIN
positions is 1s.
The scatter plot above show the vessel position
during the test, as logged by the dGPS. The north axis in the HAIN plot has the
transponder position as the origin. The north axis in
1. Sails backwards 150 m with HiPAP update
rate 20s the dGPS plot is in UTM. (If more questions about
the axes, tell that UTM north is not the same as
2. Stationary with HiPAP update rate 10s and geographical north, and that an UTM meter is not
then 20s exactly one meter.)
3. Changes heading first CCW 40° and then We see that there are some wild-points in the
CW 70°, with HiPAP update rate 20s. HiPAP measurements. The position QA test in the
HAIN has rejected these positions in real-time.
4. Sails a square with HiPAP update rate 20s.
We see that there is a good correlation between
5. Sails a square with HiPAP update rate 5s.
the plots, except during the 10 ½ minute interval (6)
6. Removes the HiPAP position aid from the without position aid. In this interval the vessel is
HAIN for 10 ½ minute. stationary, as shown on the dGPS plot. The HAIN
position drifts 50 m in the North direction.

DP used HAIN as the reference during operations 1

to 5. DP used dGPS as reference during operation
6, and just logged the drift in HAIN.

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F. Pipeline route survey

The HAIN Subsea system has been used for

positioning an ROV on a pipeline route survey in
the North-sea. The water depth was from 100 to
850 meters. The system was mobilized on
Normand Mermaid for the survey company
DeepOcean. In this project the HiPAP SSBL
system was used as the acoustic aiding position.
The screen dump shown below represents a
snapshot of the data that is post-processed and
shown on next page. The ROV is finished with a
line, it has stopped, moved to the next line and
started the new line.
The blue line is the HAIN history track. The grey
line is the HiPAP history track.
Figure 9 Zoomed scatter plot in turn

Line colours:
Blue – HiPAP real time, Green – HAIN Real Time,
Red – post processed
We see the same history track of the
measurements and the real time position as in the
screen dump. In addition we see the red track from
the post processing backward filter, which is the
most stable and accurate estimate of the position

G. Seabed mapping survey

The HAIN system has also been used on a 4000
Figure 8 HiPAP/HAIN Screen Dump metre deepwater project for Thales. In this project
an HPR 400 LBL system was used as the acoustic
aiding position.
As we will see later, the HiPAP measurements
were not as stable in the turn as when the
ROV/Vessel sailed the lines. It is probably caused The plot below shows the positions of the ROV
by more use of thrusters in the turn. as they where post-processed. The start of each
The scatter plot below is zoomed in the first line is marked with a circle.
corner of the turn, when there was some noise on
the HiPAP measurements.

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Line colours:
Blue – LBL real time, Green – HAIN Real Time,
Red – post processed
In the middle of the plot, the LBL positions tend
to jump almost a metre in the south east direction.
It is probably caused by either a reflection on one
of the range measurements or a missing range
measurement. The jumps do obviously not match
with the other input to the HAIN, and the HAIN
positions do not follow the jumps

The next figure shows when there is no noise on

the LBL measurements, the difference between the
Figure 10 Survey lines Depth 4000m HAIN positions and the measured positions is in
the cm range. The water depth is almost 4000
In order to see the performance of the system
we have investigated various sections of the
survey. The figure below shows a section where
there is some noise on the LBL measurements.

Figure 12 when good LBL, Depth 4000m

Figure 11 Performance when noisy LBL, Depth Line colours:

Blue – LBL real time, Green – HAIN Real Time,
Red – post processed

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16 Configure ‘light’
16 Configure
16 Configure for service engineers

Revision Date Written by

A 15 sept. 2004 kgr
B June 1, 2005 kgr
C September 1, 2005 kgr
D November 10, 2005 kgr
E January 15, 2006 kgr
E1 May 1, 2006 kgr
E2 May 22, 2006 kgr
E3 June 12, 2006 kgr

Revision Comments
A This is a new part, based on handouts
B New chapter number. ‘Transducer configure’ is not part of this course, but is
available in Appendix.
C Minor changes. Figure numbers added. Chapter 16.5 is expanded.
D Subjects related to DP communication are grouped together in 16.4e. Minor
changes throughout
E 16.2e and 16.3d added. Minor changes throughout. Autom. figure no. and sub
chapters added.
E1 16.3c changed. Configure ‘light’ part of the ‘APOS Basic Operator Course’
E2 16.3.f and g added. 16.7 modified. 16.5.a and b is removed. Minor changes
E3 Changes in 16.3.b,

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16 Configure ‘light’

16 Configure

16 Configure for service engineers

16.1 Objective
16.2 Configuration
16.3 Transceiver… (HiPAP)
16.3.a Reference - Change Gyro and VRS
16.3.b Transceiver Interface
16.3.c Transducer
16.3.d Operation Mode
16.3.e Data Acquisition
16.3.f Reset
16.3.g Spectrum Analyze
16.3.h Syncronization
16.4 Transceiver… (HPR 400)
16.4.a Reference
16.4.b Transducers
16.4.c Data Acquisition
16.4.d Synchronization
16.5 Output ...
16.5.a Connecting the APC 10 to the DP
16.5.b NMEA Positions - All Operator Stations are sending position
telegrams to the DP.
16.5.c HPR 400 Positions - Telling the DP which transceiver that calculated
the position
16.6 External interfaces…
16.6.a Configure a new GPS input
16.7 Transceiver Interface
16.7.a Serial lines
16.7.b Checking Ethernet configuration for the transceivers.

Rev. K1 Page 256 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

16.1 Objective

This chapter is split into 3 parts:

i) Configure 'light'

Configure 'light' is intended for operators, and will be part of the 'APOS Basic Operator

ii) Configure

Configure is intended for electrician as part of the 'HiPAP® Technical Course' or the 'HPR
400 Technical Course'.
It can also be selected as a module in the 'APOS Advanced Operator Course'.

iii) Configure for service engineers

This part will be covered in ‘internal training courses’.

In the Configure 'Light' part you will learn how to:

1) Change gyro and VRS on the HiPAP® system.

2) adjust HiPAP® transceiver amplifications and transducer beam width

3) Introduction to the 'Spectrum Analyzer' on the HiPAP® system.

4) Reset the transceiver

In the Configure part, you will learn Configure 'Light', as well as the items shown below

5) connect gyro and VRS to the HiPAP® transceiver

6) Connect the Operator Station (i.e. APC 10) to other computer systems (Surveyor, Blom,
ROV etc.)

7) connect a dGPS to the APC 10

In the 'Configure for the Service Engineer' part you will learn the above items, as well as the items
shown below

8) connect APC 10 to the DP (intended for internal training)


Rev. K1 Page 257 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

16.2 Configuration

When you press ‘Configure’ on the menu line, you will get the following menu.

Figure 16.1

Indicate on the drawing below, on which item each of these option suits.

Figure 16.2

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16.3 Transceiver… (HiPAP)

Step by step

1) Select Configure on the ‘Menu bar’, and then Transceiver… (see Figure 16.1)

2) If you have more than one transceiver, chose the one you need to configure,

Figure 16.3

16.3.a Reference - Change Gyro and VRS

In Figure 16.3, select Gyro Setup or VRS Setup to be able to change Gyro or VRS

Figure 16.4

Rev. K1 Page 259 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Control questions

1. If your vessel has an integrated operator station with the DP, and you select a new gyro on
the DP. What will happen on the gyro selection in the HiPAP/HPR system?


Figure 16.5

Rev. K1 Page 260 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

16.3.c Transducer

See Figure 16.3. Details of this dialog box is described in Appendix A (not included in this manual).

16.3.d Operation Mode

See Figure 16.3. The normal position is ‘Navigation’. Further information about the ‘Navigation’ and
‘Training’ mode in Chapter 8.15.d.

Rev. K1 Page 261 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

16.3.e Data Acquisition

Step by step

In Figure 16.3, select Setup.

Figure 16.7

In this dialog box there is two main functions that we are interested in, the Search sector and the Max
gain [dB].

Rev. K1 Page 262 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Search sector

1) In the HiPAP sw release T4.5.0, this selection also applies to the TX pulse

2) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about the ‘search sector’

3) Fill in the ‘source level’ for your system in the table below, and indicate in Figure 16.8 were
any changes in ‘source level’ applies.

Search Sector HiPAP 500 max SL HiPAP 350 max SL


4) What is the default ‘search sector’ and ‘source level’? _______________________

NB! All the values are measured in the vertical direction (center element).
The values are just approximate values (± 3dB), so the interesting point here is the
difference between the search sectors.

Figure 16.8

Rev. K1 Page 263 of 265 APOS Basic Operator Course

Max gain [dB]

i) Press the ‘Help’ button and read about the ‘Max gain [dB]
ii) If you have noise problems, adjust this value. Remember that a change of -3 dB
results in a 50% attenuation

In the drawing below, indicate were the changes taking place, when you play around with ‘Max gain

Figure 16.9

16.3.f Reset

In Figure 16.3, press the Help button and read about the Reset function.

In Figure 16.9, indicate what will be reset.

16.3.g Spectrum Analyze

The instructor will describe the function.

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16.4 Transceiver… (HPR 400)

Step by step

1) Select ‘Configure’ on the ‘Menu bar’, and then ‘Transceiver…’.

2) If you have more than one transceiver, chose the one you need to configure,

Figure 16.12

16.4.a Reference

All digital inputs to the HPR 400 have 9600 baud, except Gyro input as a NMEA telegram. This input
can be 4800 baud.

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