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Implementation Measures for Construction Safety Management of

Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway (Trial)
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第 1 条 为加强亚吉铁路施工安全管理,确保行车、人身和施工安全,根据亚吉铁路《铁路技术管理规
Article 1 These Measures are hereby formulated to strengthen construction safety management of Addis Ababa-
Djibouti Railway and ensure operation, personal and construction safety in accordance with Technical Management
Rules of Railways, Rules for the Investigation and Handling of Railway Traffic Accidents, Rules for Organization of
Train Operation and other relevant regulations combined with the actual situation of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway.
第 2 条 本办法适用于亚吉铁路及其延伸的各专用铁路、铁路专用线的铁路施工管理,铁路施工包括营业
Article 2 These Measures are applicable to railway construction management of special railways and private sidings of
Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway and its extension. Railway construction includes operation line construction and
adjacent operation line construction.
The operation line construction refers to the overhaul, maintenance and repair of various railway facilities that affect the
stability, use and operation safety of the equipment of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, as well as technological
transformation and construction of new projects.
The adjacent operation line construction refers to the construction operations that affect or may affect the stability, use
and operation safety of the equipment of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway within a certain range on both sides of the
operation line, such as new railway projects and local projects.
第 3 条 本办法规定了天窗、铁路施工分类、施工组织领导、相关方职责分工、施工方案审核、施工计划
Article 3 These Measures stipulate the contents of the interval for construction, railway construction classification,
construction organization and leadership, division of responsibilities of relevant parties, method statement review,
construction plan preparation and approval, construction operation organization and implementation, and construction
safety management responsibilities.
第 4 条 铁路施工必须坚持“安全第一”的原则,建设、设计、施工、行车组织(调度中心、车务段、机
Article 4 The principle of "safety first" must be adhered to in railway construction, and units and departments of
construction, design, execution, train operation organization (Dispatching Center, train operation depot, and rolling
stock depot), and equipment management must strictly implement these Measures.
第 5 条 铁路施工是运输组织的重要组成部分,要坚持运输、施工兼顾的原则,加强施工计划管理,加强
Article 5 Railway construction is an important part of transportation organization. The principle of taking both
transportation and construction into consideration must be adhered to, and construction plan management, safety
prevention and control, and construction organization and transportation organization during construction must be
第 6 条 路内施工单位是指行车设备的设备管理单位,包括维保中心、车务段、客运段、机辆段。
Article 6 The on-track construction unit refers to the equipment management unit of the operation equipment, including
the comprehensive infrastructure maintenance center, the train operation depot, the passenger traffic depot, and the

rolling stock depot.
路外施工单位是指路内施工单位以外的施工单位(含原 EPC 施工单位)。
The off-track construction unit refers to a construction unit other than on-track construction units (including the original
EPC construction unit).

第二章 铁路营业线施工项目及类别划分
Chapter II Railway Operation Line Construction Projects and Classification
第 7 条 根据施工项目性质、组织复杂程度、对运输影响程度,将铁路营业线施工分为 I、II、III 三类。
Article 7 The railway operation line construction is divided into three categories: I, II, and III according to the nature of
the construction project, the complexity of the organization, and the degree of impact on transportation.
I 类施工项目是指,行车设备大修、更新,技术改迁、新线引入以及其它施工组织较复杂、对运输影响较
大、开通后改变行车条件的施工项目。I 类施工项目由施工协调小组审定施工方案,落实相应盯控责任。
Category I construction projects refer to the overhaul and renewal of operation equipment, technical relocation,
introduction of new lines, and other construction projects that are more complex in construction organization, have a
greater impact on transportation, and change operation conditions after opening. For Category I construction projects,
the construction coordination team shall examine and approve the method statement and implement the corresponding
monitoring responsibilities.
II 类施工是指需要较长时间轨道占用,或使用小型养路机械作业,开通后不改变行车条件的施工项目。
Category II construction projects refer to the construction projects that require to occupy the track for a long time, or
use small track maintenance machinery for operation, and do not change the operation conditions after opening.
III 类施工是指作业时不上道,或使用随时能撤出线路的便携检测设备和小型工机具进行的施工项目。
Category III construction projects refer to the construction projects that do not occupy the track during operation, or use
portable testing equipment and small tools that can be withdrawn from the line at any time.
I、II 类施工必须在天窗内实施,III 类施工可在天窗外进行。
Categories I and II construction projects must be carried out within the interval for construction and Category III
construction projects can be carried out beyond the interval for construction.
Different types of construction projects comply with different regulations in terms of method statement preparation,
approval process, plan submission, review, release, registration and de-registration process, and the level of the
construction leader.
具体分类见附件 1 铁路营业线施工项目。
See Annex 1 Railway Operation Line Construction Projects for the specific classification.

第三章 天窗规定
Chapter III Regulations on Interval for Construction
第 8 条天窗是指经调度中心同意,不安排列车运行,用于铁路施工的时间段。运营部在铺画运输图时,
Article 8 The interval for construction refers to the time period for railway construction without arranging train
operation with the consent of the Dispatching Center. The Operation Department shall consider the interval for
construction and period when plotting the transportation map. The specific provisions are as follows:
(I) According to the operation conditions of passenger trains, the Dispatching Center may announce single and double-
day contour interval for construction, and the specific time will be arranged according to the Dispatching Center's daily
plan. In principle, the intervals of trains suitable for construction are arranged as contour interval for construction.
(二)技改工程、线桥大修及大型养路机械作业、接触网大修及改造时,原则上安排不少于 240 分钟。
(II) In principle, no less than 240 minutes shall be arranged for technical renovation projects, overhaul of tracks and

bridges and large track maintenance machinery operations, and overhaul and reconstruction of OCS.
则上每次不少于 180 分钟。
(III) For other construction projects, the duration and time period shall be reasonably arrangeed according to the
construction requirements and transportation conditions, and can be arranged in several times according to the actual
transportation conditions. In principle, it shall not be less than 180 minutes each time.
(IV) When arranging operations for a larger interval for construction, other operations in related sections shall be
arranged simultaneously to the greatest extent.
(V) In principle, the interval for construction is arranged on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and no interval for
construction is arranged on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
(VI) In principle, the interval for construction of the receiving-departure track is arranged synchronously with the
interval for construction of the main track. The interval for construction of the receiving-departure track and other
station tracks that do not affect the carrying capacity of the main track shall be negotiated by the construction unit with
the train operation depot, and the results shall be reported to the construction management office for determination.
(VII) The construction operations of the relevant operation equipment in the rolling stock depot or the turnaround depot
shall be arranged by the rolling stock depot or the turnaround depot under the premise of ensuring safety and not
affecting the entry and exit of locomotives and the placement and pulling of rolling stocks.

第四章 铁路施工组织领导
Chapter IV Railway Construction Organization and Leadership
第 9 条 为加强施工组织领导,运维公司组建施工协调小组。
Article 9 CCECC-CREC JV Project Office shall set up a construction coordination team in order to strengthen the
construction organization and leadership.
The team leader and deputy team leader of the construction coordination team are the Deputy Operation General
Manager and the Deputy Repair and Maintenance General Manager of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office. The team
members include the construction management office, the Operation Department, the Repair and Maintenance
Department, the Safety and Quality Department, the train operation depot, the comprehensive infrastructure
maintenance center, the rolling stock depot, the passenger traffic depot, and the construction, design and execution
The specific coordination work of construction can be organized and implemented by the construction management
office assigned by the team leader.
第 10 条 施工协调小组的主要职责:
Article 10 The main responsibilities of the construction coordination team:
(I) Be responsible for organizing relevant departments and units to coordinate to solve the problems with railway
construction, transportation, safety and so on.
(II) Be responsible for organizing and coordinating to solve temporary problems during construction.
(三)负责组织审定 I 类施工项目施工方案、施工过渡方案、施工安全措施等。
(III) Be responsible for organizing the examination and approval of method statements, construction transition plans,
and construction safety measures for Category I construction projects.
第 11 条 施工负责人由施工单位按照施工类别安排相应人员担当。
Article 11 The construction leader shall be undertaken by the corresponding personnel arranged by the construction
unit according to the construction category.
(一)I 类施工项目由施工单位负责人或分管副职担当。
(I) The construction leader of Category I construction projects shall be undertaken by the construction unit leader or the
deputy leader.
(II) The construction leader of Category II construction projects shall be undertaken by the leader of the construction
unit or the workshop director (or deputy director).
(III) The construction leader of Category III construction projects shall be undertaken by the deputy director or foreman
or squad leader of the workshop. The above provisions are principles, and the specific construction leader shall be
undertaken by competent personnel designated by the construction unit leader within the prescribed scope according to
the needs of the construction projects.
第 12 条 施工负责人的主要职责:
Article 12 Main responsibilities of the construction leader:
(I) Be responsible for the organization and command of the construction site. Check all preparations for construction
and opening, command on-site construction, arrange construction protection, confirm train release conditions, etc., and
be responsible for construction safety.
(II) Be responsible for coordinating to solve problems during construction, coordinating construction operations of
various units, mastering construction progress, feeding back on-site information, and reporting the construction
situation to the construction coordination team in a timely manner.
(III) Be responsible for summarizing and analyzing the construction organization, progress and safety, etc.
第 13 条 各部门(单位)施工组织责任:
Article 13 Construction organization responsibilities of each department (unit):
施工管理办公室:施工管理办公室设专人负责施工管理工作。参与 I 类施工方案审核,编制下达月度施工
Construction management office: The construction management office shall appoint a special person to be responsible
for construction management. Participate in the review of method statements for Category I construction projects, and
prepare and issue monthly construction plans; prepare daily construction plans; assess the achievement rate and
utilization rate of the interval for construction, and summarize the work regularly; coordinate and balance construction
and transportation according to the actual situation of transportation, production and construction; implement the
construction coordination work designated by the construction coordination team.
准和安全措施;参与 I 类施工方案审核。客运专业根据施工方案制定客车调整方案,提前向社会公告;按
Operation Department: Organize the formulation of construction operation measures, and organize the formulation of
traffic flow and transportation adjustment plans for construction that has a greater impact on transportation; be
responsible for the professional management and organization of construction operations (including passenger and
freight equipment) in this department, and formulate and implement the management system, operating criteria and
safety measures for construction operations in this department; participate in the review of method statements for
Category I construction projects. The passenger transport discipline formulates the passenger train adjustment plan
according to the method statement, and announces it to the public in advance; cooperate with the construction discipline
to do a good job in the organization of passenger transport according to the requirements of the construction and
transport flow adjustment plan, and maintain the order of the passenger trains in passenger stations. According to the
transport plan, the freight discipline organizes to formulate measures to stop and limit arrival of trains and adjust the
freight flow; participate in on-site supervision and guidance as required.
Dispatching Center: Correctly and timely issue the daily construction plan according to the prescribed procedures, issue
dispatching orders, and make adjustments to the transport command during the construction period; check the receipt of
dispatching orders, and be responsible for organizing the construction implementation as planned.
施工所影响 2T 设备的移设工作;按施工任务及运输车流调整方案的要求,安排好列车技检作业。
Rolling Stock Department: Be responsible for the professional management and organization of the construction
operations of the department, formulate the management system, operating criteria and safety measures for the
construction operations of the department; participate in the formulation of the construction operation measures. The
rolling stock depot shall send personnel to participate in the construction of abnormal operation involving changes in
the operation mode, and be responsible for monitoring the running token, the joint control of locomotives, and the
operation speed of the locomotives and other operations; allocate and adjust locomotive power according to
construction requirements. The rolling stock discipline is responsible for supervising the relocation of the 2T equipment
affected by the construction; arrange the technical inspection of the train according to the requirements of the
construction task and the adjustment plan for the transport flow.
安全措施,并检查落实情况;参加施工行车办法的制定;组织本部门 I 类施工方案审核;按规定组织协调
Repair and Maintenance Department: Be responsible for the professional management and organization of the
construction operations of disciplines of the department, formulate the management system, operating criteria and
safety measures for the construction operations of the department; participate in the formulation of the construction
operation measures; check the implementation; participate in the formulation of construction operation measures;
organize the review of the method statements for the department's Category I construction projects; organize and
coordinate construction according to regulations, and participate in on-site supervision and guidance.
Safety Supervision Department: Participate in the formulation of construction operation measures, supervise the
implementation of construction safety measures and operation measures, and correct problems immediately they are
found; inspect the monitoring of personnel in various units, and control key links according to construction organization
measures; supervise and inspect the implementation of operation and personal safety measures during construction.
第 14 条 沟通机制
Article 14 Communication mechanisms
The Dispatching Center maintains smooth communication with the construction unit.
The Dispatching Center shall strengthen transport organization and dispatching command to ensure the realization of
the number of intervals for construction and the time of intervals for construction. If the start and end time of the
operation needs to be changed due to reasons such as delays in passenger trains, the train dispatcher shall notify relevant
station controller in advance (Dispatching Center liaison). The station controller shall notify the station liaison, and the
station liaison (Dispatching Center) shall notify the construction leader.

The construction leader shall keep in touch with the station (Dispatching Center) through the station liaison (Dispatch
Center liaison). When it is expected that the operation cannot be completed as planned or there are other changes, the
station (Dispatching Center) shall be informed in time, and effective measures shall be taken for remedying in a timely
manner, so as to minimize the impact on transport. The progress shall be reported at any time.
第 15 条 施工主体单位的划分
Article 15 Division of main construction units
The interval for construction shall be comprehensively used as far as possible, and the main unit shall be specified in the
daily construction plan when the interval for construction is used comprehensively.
(一)纳入 I 类施工计划的施工,施工主体由施工协调小组明确。
(I) For the construction included in the Category I construction plan, the main construction unit shall be specified by the
construction coordination team.
(二)II 类、III 类施工主体划分
(II) Division of Categories II and III construction units
1.Indode、Nagad 维保中心管内各专业尽量综合利用天窗和轨道车等资源,维保中心组织各专业共同编
1. The disciplines within the jurisdiction of Indode and Nagad comprehensive infrastructure maintenance centers shall
make comprehensive use of resources such as intervals for construction and rail cars. The comprehensive infrastructure
maintenance centers shall organize all disciplines to jointly formulate the daily construction plan. In principle, the track
maintenance discipline shall be the main body. Other disciplines shall negotiate with the track maintenance discipline to
jointly determine the construction operation range and safety protection distance.
2.Mieso 至 Bike 间,两个维保中心原则上不综合利用天窗,区间占用以 Nagad 维保中心为主,确需综合
2. In principle, the two comprehensive infrastructure maintenance centers do not comprehensively utilize the interval
for construction between Mieso and Bike, and the occupation of the section is subject to the Nagad comprehensive
infrastructure maintenance center. When it is necessary to comprehensively utilize the interval for construction, the
Repair and Maintenance Department shall negotiate with the construction management office for coordination and
3.Dawanle 至 Ali sabieh 间,原则上不综合利用,区间占用以 Nagad 维修车间为主,确需综合利用天窗时,
由 Nagad 维保中心确定,并制定单独施工措施。
3. In principle, the two comprehensive infrastructure maintenance centers do not comprehensively utilize the interval
for construction between Dawanle and Ali sabieh, and the occupation of the section is subject to the Nagad repair
workshop. When it is necessary to comprehensively utilize the interval for construction, the Nagad comprehensive
infrastructure maintenance center shall determine and formulate separate construction measures.
(III) The construction leader of the main unit is responsible for coordinating the construction organization of each unit.
Each unit must obey the command of the construction leader of the main unit, do a good job in safety protection, and
complete the construction tasks on time to ensure that the specified train release conditions are met. The construction
leader of each construction unit shall determine whether to comprehensively use the method statement of each unit in
the section, and all parties shall maintain smooth communication to ensure construction safety.

第五章 铁路施工方案编制及审核
Chapter V Preparation and Review of Railway Method Statement
第 16 条 施工方案由施工单位制定,相关设备管理单位会签。施工方案应包括:施工项目及负责人、作
Article 16 The method statement shall be formulated by the construction unit and countersigned by the relevant
equipment management unit. The method statement shall include: construction project and leader, operation content,
location and time, impact and speed limit range, equipment changes, construction methods and procedures, construction
transition plan, construction organization, construction safety measures, construction protection methods, train
operation conditions, acceptance arrangements and other basic contents.
第 17 条 I 类施工方案由主管业务部门负责组织审查,并提交施工协调小组,施工协调小组及时组织召开
施工方案评审会,对方案进行审定;II 类施工方案由施工单位负责人审核;III 类施工方案由施工单位车
Article 17 Category I method statements shall be reviewed by the competent business department and submitted to the
construction coordination team. The construction coordination team shall organize to hold a method statement review
meeting in a timely manner to examine and approve the method statement; Category II method statements shall be
reviewed by the construction unit leader; Category III method statements shall be reviewed by the workshop director
(deputy director) of the construction unit.
第 18 条 施工方案审核通过后,施工单位应按施工类别与设备管理单位和行车组织单位及相应业务主管
Article 18 After the approval of the method statement, the construction unit shall sign a construction safety agreement
with the equipment management unit, the train operation organization unit and the corresponding business department
according to the construction category.
安全协议签订原则:I 类施工一事一签,II、III 类施工一年一签,施工安全协议建档并留存一年。协议期
The principle for signing the safety agreement: Sign one safety agreement for every event in Category I construction,
sign one safety agreement per year for Categories II and III construction, and the construction safety agreement shall be
filed and kept for one year. When the construction content changes within the term of the agreement, a supplementary
safety agreement shall be signed.
Nagad 维保中心北方公司与 11 局、大桥局分别签订施工安全协议,约定配合事项及责任。
The North Construction Co., Ltd. of Nagad comprehensive infrastructure maintenance center has signed a construction
safety agreement with China Railway 11 Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and MBEC respectively to agree on cooperation
matters and responsibilities.
The basic contents of the construction safety agreement shall include: ① Project overview (construction project,
operation content, location and time, and scope of influence); ② Construction responsibility area and term; ③
Technical standards, regulations and specifications to be followed by both parties; ④ Safety protection contents,
measures and the safety division of the Discipline Combination Department (according to the actual situation of the
work site and discipline, both parties shall formulate specific terms); ⑤ Safety responsibilities, rights and obligations of
both parties (including common safety responsibilities and their respective safety responsibilities); ⑥ Liability for
breach of contract and economic compensation methods (including legal responsibilities borne by both parties in the
event of a railway traffic liability accident); ⑦ Safety supervision, inspection, and cooperation costs for infrastructure,
renovation and renovation projects; ⑧ Construction safety risk security deposit (subject to the penalty amount in the
Traffic Accident Police Report); ⑨ Other contents specified by laws and regulations.
When submitting an application for a construction plan, the construction unit must submit a construction safety
agreement simultaneously. The relevant units or departments of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office shall not review the
application for the construction plan without signing the construction safety agreement, and construction is strictly

第六章 铁路施工计划编制

Chapter VI Preparation of Railway Construction Plan
第 19 条 铁路施工计划分为年度施工轮廓计划、月度施工计划、施工日计划。
Article 19 Railway construction plans are divided into annual construction outline plans, monthly construction plans
and daily construction plans.
第 20 条 运维公司各业务部门负责组织编制本部门年度施工轮廓计划,报施工管理办公室备案。施工管
Article 20 Each business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office is responsible for organizing the preparation
of the department's annual construction outline plan and reporting it to the construction management office for the
record. The construction management office shall organize relevant departments (units) to prepare monthly construction
plans and daily construction plans.
第 21 条 运维公司各业务部门于每年 12 月初组织编制次年年度施工计划,各相关单位应提前提出本单位
Article 21 Each business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office shall organize the preparation of the annual
construction plan for the following year at the beginning of December each year, and each relevant unit shall submit its
annual construction plan in advance. The annual construction plan includes: main construction such as overhaul and
technological transformation of station yard, line, bridge and culvert, signal, interlocking and blocking, communication,
power supply, electric power, vehicle and other operation equipment, and operations of large track maintenance
第 22 条 月度施工计划(格式见附件 3),编制程序如下:
Article 22 The monthly construction plan (see Annex 3 for the format) shall be prepared as follows:
(一)I 类施工原则上一事一议,施工管理办公室定期编制月度施工计划。施工单位根据年度施工计划安
排和设备需求,提前调查,填写施工计划申请表,单位负责人批准后,于每月 20 日前将施工计划申请表
上报运维公司主管业务部门审核,部门专业主管批准后,每月 25 日前报施工管理办公室,施工管理办公
(I) In principle, the agreement shall be signed for every event in Category I construction, and the construction
management office shall regularly prepare a monthly construction plan. According to the arrangement of the annual
construction plan and equipment requirements, the construction unit shall investigate in advance and fill in the
construction plan application form. After approval by the unit leader, it shall submit the construction plan application
form to the competent business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office for review before the 20th day of each
month. After approval by the discipline supervisor of the department, it shall report to the construction management
office before the 25th day of each month. The construction management office shall organize to hold the review and
preparation meeting for the monthly construction plan in time, and prepare the monthly construction plan. After
approval by the Vice GM, it shall be issued in the form of documents of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office.
(II) While submitting the application for the construction plan, the construction unit shall also submit: construction
design documents, method statements and acceptance arrangement, method statement design (construction organization
and director, construction safety and quality guarantee measures and protection methods, and train operation
conditions), construction safety agreement and other basic contents.
(III) At the review meeting for the monthly construction plan, the construction coordination team shall determine the
specific monitoring and guarantee methods and arrangements according to the characteristics and actual conditions of
each construction task.
第 23 条 施工日计划编制程序如下:
Article 23 The preparation procedures for the daily construction plan are as follows:
(一)I 类、II 类施工均应提报施工日计划。施工单位于施工前 2 日 9:00 前向施工管理办公室提报单位负
(I) For Categories I and II construction, the daily construction plan shall be submitted. The construction unit shall
submit the Application Form of Daily Construction Plan reviewed by the unit leader to the construction management
office before 9:00 on the 2nd day before construction, and the daily construction plan shall indicate the construction
category. The daily construction plan of the off-track construction unit shall be submitted to the equipment management
unit for review and confirmation in advance.
(二)施工管理办公室将施工单位提报的施工日计划申请与 I 类施工月度施工计划(已批复)、自轮运转
设备开行、天窗点时间等项目进行核对,编制施工日计划,于施工前一天 16:00 前将编制完成的施工日计
(II) The construction management office shall check the application for the daily construction plan submitted by the
construction unit with the monthly construction plan for Category I construction (approved), the operation of self-
rotating equipment, and the time of interval for construction, etc., prepare the daily construction day and submit the
completed daily construction plan to the director (deputy director) of the Dispatching Center for approval before 16:00
one day before construction. Then it shall be incorporated into the daily dispatching plan, and distributed to the
construction units, comprehensive infrastructure maintenance centers, train operation depots and stations, locomotive
depots, passenger traffic depots, Repair and Maintenance Department and Rolling Stock Department of CCECC-CREC
JV Project Office. The construction unit is responsible for notifying the relevant cooperating units.

第七章 计划变更及临时施工
Chapter VII Plan Change and Temporary Construction
第 24 条 纳入施工日计划的作业项目原则上不准停止施工,因专特运及调整车流等原因需停止施工时,
须经分管运营副总经理批准并于前 1 日 16:00 前通知有关单位。
Article 24 In principle, the construction of projects included in the daily construction plan shall not be stopped. If the
construction needs to be stopped due to special transport and traffic flow adjustment, it must be approved by the Deputy
Operation General Manager and relevant units shall be notified before 16:00 on the previous day.
For the stopped construction, the construction management office shall coordinate with the construction unit for
rearrangement as soon as possible.
第 25 条 施工单位原则上按下达的施工日计划登记施工,如特殊原因无法按计划实施时,于前 1 日 9:00
Article 25 In principle, the construction unit shall register the construction according to the daily construction plan. If it
cannot be implemented as planned due to special reasons, the application form for change of daily construction plans
signed by the construction unit leader shall be submitted to the construction management office before 9:00 on the
previous day to explain the reason for the change, and the relevant cooperating units shall be notified simultaneously.
第 26 条 对于突发性设备故障和灾害的紧急抢修,轨道状态超过临时补修标准及重伤设备处理等需临时
Article 26 For emergency repairs due to sudden equipment failures and disasters, construction that needs temporary
blocking, such as the track condition exceeding the temporary repair standard and the treatment of severely damaged
equipment, shall be handled according to the following procedures:
(I) When it is necessary to temporarily block the key points, the equipment management unit shall submit an application
to the competent business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office for verification. After approval by the
director (deputy director) of the Dispatching Center, the Dispatching Center will arrange the construction.
见附件 2)内登记,通过车站值班员报告列车调度员经调度中心值班主任批准,发布调度命令进行抢修,
(II) When the operation safety is endangered and the equipment needs to be repaired immediately, the equipment
management unit shall take measures according to the regulations, register it in the "Inspection Register of Train
Operation Equipment" (see Annex 2 for the format), and report it to the train dispatcher through the station controller
for approval by the shift supervisor of the Dispatching Center, which shall issue a dispatching order for emergency
repair. The equipment management unit shall notify the cooperating unit and the competent business department of

CCECC-CREC JV Project Office simultaneously.

第八章 邻近营业线施工
Chapter VIII Adjacent Operation Line Construction
第 27 条 邻近铁路施工分为 A、B、C 三类。电气化铁路接触网支柱外侧 2 米(接触网支柱外侧附加悬挂
外 2 米,有下锚拉线地段时在下锚拉线外 2 米)、非电气化铁路信号机立柱外侧 1 米范围称为铁路设备安
Article 27 The adjacent railway construction is divided into three categories: A, B and C. The range of 2 meters outside
the OCS mast of electrified railways (2 meters outside the additional suspension outside the OCS mast, and 2 meters
outside the cast anchor stay when there is a cast anchor stay section), and 1 meter outside the signal column of non-
electrified railways is called the safety clearance of railway equipment.
(一)邻近铁路进行以下影响铁路设备稳定、使用和行车安全的工程施工,列为 A 类施工,必须纳入月
(I) The following project construction that affects the stability, use and operation safety of railway equipment on
adjacent railways is classified as Category A constructions and must be included in the monthly construction plan.
1. Construction within the safety clearance of railway equipment during hoisting operations.
2. Erection or dismantling of various iron towers, masts and OCS poles that are within the safety clearance of railway
equipment during the operation.
3. Excavation of subgrade, subgrade grouting, foundation pile construction and other construction items that affect the
stability of the subgrade.
4. The construction requiring speed limit on the adjacent railway.
(二)邻近铁路进行以下可能因翻塌、坠落等意外而危及铁路行车安全的工程施工,列为 B 类施工。B
(II) The following project construction that may endanger railway operation safety due to accidents such as collapse and
falling is classified as Category B construction. For Category B construction, protective facilities shall be set up and
approved by the competent business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office. If it is determined that protective
facilities cannot be set up, it shall be included in the monthly construction plan.
1. Use a crane whose height or working radius is greater than the distance between the crane and the safety clearance of
the railway line equipment for hoisting.
2. Various construction items that affect the stability of railway communication towers, communication base stations,
repeaters, computer rooms, power supply towers, and masts.
3. Construction of equipment and materials for cast-in-place beams, steel sheet piles, steel pipe piles, scaffolding,
falsework and so on for adjacent railways that may intrude into the safety clearance of the railway line equipment after
4. Construction during which there is a possibility that objects may fall in the section of railway cuttings, and may
intrude into the safety clearance of railway line equipment after falling.
(三)邻近铁路进行以下可能影响铁路路基稳定、行车设备使用安全的施工,列为 C 类施工。
(III) The following construction that may affect the stability of the railway subgrade and the safe use of operation

equipment on adjacent railways is classified as Category C construction.
1. Operations of forklifts, excavators, bulldozers and other construction machinery.
2. Excavation of foundation pits, dewatering and construction of digging piles.
3.邻近供电、通信、信号电(光)缆沟槽及供电支柱、通信信号杆塔 10 米范围内的挖沟、取土、路基碾
3. Constructions such as trenching, borrowing, and subgrade rolling within 10 meters of adjacent power supply,
communication, signal electric (optical) cable trenches, power supply masts, and communication signal towers.
4. Construction that does not intrude into the safety clearance of railway equipment, such as binding of steel bars,
installing and removing of formwork.
5. Subgrade filling or spoiling, etc.
(IV) Other adjacent railway construction items that affect or may affect the stability, use and operation safety of railway
equipment shall be classified by the competent business department according to the above principles.
第 28 条 A 类及纳入月度施工计划的 B 类施工项目,按铁路营业线施工有关规定执行。邻近铁路 C 类及
未纳入月度施工计划的 B 类施工由施工单位编制、设备管理单位负责审核《邻近铁路线施工安全监督计
划》(格式见附件 7),报主管业务部门备案。施工时由施工单位派安全监督员到场监护,设备管理单位
Article 28 Category A and Category B construction projects included in the monthly construction plan shall be
implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations on the construction of railway operation lines. For the
construction plans for construction of Category C adjacent railways and Category B not included in the monthly
construction plan, the Construction Safety Supervision Plan for Adjacent Railway Lines shall be prepared by the
construction unit, reviewed by the equipment management unit (see Annex 7 for the format), and submitted to the
competent business department for the record. During construction, the construction unit shall send a safety supervisor
to monitor the site, and the equipment management unit shall be responsible for the station.
第 29 条 未纳入施工月计划或施工安全监督计划的项目严禁组织施工。邻近铁路的施工必须在批准的时
间范围内进行。施工单位应在前一日 9 点前将次日施工安排(包括施工起止时间、地点、项目等)书面
Article 29 Construction must not be organized for projects that are not included in the monthly construction plan or the
construction safety supervision plan. Construction on the adjacent railways must be carried out within the approved
time frame. The construction unit shall notify the equipment management unit in writing of the construction
arrangements for the following day (including the start and end time, location, and projects) before 9:00 on the previous
day, so that the equipment management unit can arrange station liaison. The specific notification method shall be
negotiated by the construction unit and the equipment management unit and specified in the safety agreement.
(一)纳入月度计划的邻近铁路施工按照铁路营业线 I 类施工办理。各相关部门、单位应做好施工计划、
(I) The construction of adjacent railways included in the monthly plan shall be handled in accordance with the Category
I construction of railway operation lines. All relevant departments and units shall do a good job in the approval and
signing of construction plans, safety agreements and method statements, strengthen the organization, leadership and
safety monitoring of the construction site, and strictly control key links such as order issuance, construction registration
and de-registration, and post-point release. They shall conscientiously organize pre-point preparatory meetings and
post-point summary meetings to ensure construction safety and normal transport order.
The construction safety agreement must be signed for the construction of adjacent railways. The safety agreement shall
be signed by the construction unit, the equipment management unit and the train operation organization unit
respectively. The construction unit can organize the construction only after the safety supervision personnel arrive at the
(II) It is the joint responsibility of the equipment management unit, the construction unit and the train operation
organization unit to ensure the construction safety of adjacent railways. All units shall firmly establish safety awareness,
strictly implement various rules and regulations of construction, formulate scientific method statements, implement
safety measures and responsibilities, and implement an accountability system. They shall achieve a clear division of
labor, clarify responsibilities, take specific measures, and perform management.
(III) The safety supervisor shall conscientiously perform the functions of safety supervision. The safety supervisor has
the right to stop the construction of construction units that violate regulations, fail to implement safety measures, and
endanger operation safety.
(IV) The construction unit must carry out safety protection at the construction site in strict accordance with the
requirements of the method statement during the construction to ensure the safe operation of the adjacent railways.
The construction, execution, equipment management units and other departments shall immediately stop and correct the
behavior of concealing or omitting construction projects and the behavior that is unplanned, beyond the plan, not
declared in accordance with regulations and illegal, and endangers operation safety. They shall be handled by the Safety
and Quality Department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office according to the regulations.

第九章 施工组织实施
Chapter IX Construction Organization and Implementation
第 30 条 施工前准备
Article 30 Preparations for construction
分工、职责以及施工作业安全、人身安全和行车安全等控制措施。在同一区段连续进行的施工,以及 II
类、III 类日常施工可制定总体安全措施。
1. Construction safety measures must be formulated for all construction tasks, including construction time, location,
content and scope of influence, specific division of labor and responsibilities of employees and cadres, as well as
control measures for construction, personal and operation safety. General safety measures can be formulated for
continuous construction in the same section, as well as for daily construction of Categories II and III projects.
2. Construction units shall make various construction preparations in advance according to the daily construction plan.
Notify and coordinate with all cooperating units. Make technical disclosures to the cooperating units and construction
personnel. The cadres and employees must be clear about the construction content, train operation organization,
operation procedures and other key matters. Check the preparation of construction equipment, materials, labor,
transportation organization plan, safety measures, etc., go through the key registration procedures as required, organize
construction according to the time approved by the construction dispatching order issued by the train dispatcher, and de-
register the points in time after the operation is completed.
3. Cooperating units shall prepare cooperating personnel, equipment and materials according to the request and

cooperating tasks of the construction unit.
4. The train operation organization unit shall formulate the train operation organization methods and safety control
measures during the construction period in advance according to the construction plan and method statement. After
receiving the daily construction plan for the following day, the station will check the daily construction plan and notify
the dispatcher in time if any problems are identified.
5. The rolling stock depot shall notify the relevant drivers of the daily plan and precautions in time.
6.纳入月度计划的施工,施工前召开施工预备会,由施工协调小组确定施工预备会的组织单位。II 类、III
6. For the construction included in the monthly plan, a construction preparatory meeting shall be held before
construction, with the organization unit of the construction preparatory meeting determined by the construction
coordination team. For Categories II and III construction, the construction unit shall organize the station and the
cooperating unit to hold a preparatory meeting.
第 31 条 施工中有关要求。
Article 31 Relevant requirements during construction.
1. Service train organization.
(1) When the lines in the section and the station are blocked simultaneously, the relevant turnouts on the route must be
locked, and they must be tightened when there is large track maintenance machinery in the throat section.
(2) When a service train runs from an unblocked line in the station to a blocked section, or when a service train enters
an unblocked line in the station from a blocked section, it must be handled according to the order of the train dispatcher.
2. Slow running organization due to construction.
When slow running is required due to construction, the construction unit shall set up slow running board according to
regulations, and shall not arbitrarily expand or shorten the distance; the locomotive crew must control the running speed
in strict accordance with the slow running location and speed limit standards.
3. Relevant requirements.
(1)非正常情况下接发列车,站长(或主管副站长、车间主任)必须到岗监督作业,严格执行作业标准 ,
(1) During train reception and departure under abnormal conditions, the station master (or assistant station master or
workshop director) must be on duty to supervise the operation, strictly implement the operating criteria, and implement
construction safety control measures. They shall control the key links such as issuing operation orders, confirming that
the section is free, checking and confirming the route, filling and delivering running tokens, and using pilot signals. The
construction and opening must strictly comply with the procedures for opening by registration of the construction unit
and the equipment management unit, the signature of the station and the issuing of the opening order by the train

(2) Strictly implement the relevant requirements for safety measures for operations in the electrification section. For
construction that requires power outages, the construction and cooperating units must confirm that the train dispatcher
has issued the construction dispatching order and the power supply dispatcher has issued the power outage dispatching
order before construction.
(3) The construction unit shall carry out construction in strict accordance with the approved design documents and
method statements, implement relevant technical standards, operating criteria, technological processes and control
measures, and strictly prohibit operations beyond the scope to ensure construction safety and quality.
4. Construction protection requirements.
(1) Construction units shall effectively strengthen the connection and protection prior to, during and after the interval
for construction, and must set up protection in strict accordance with the regulations for the operation of key links such
as blocked lines, OCS power outages, and mobile operating vehicles. Construction shall not be started without proper
protection. The setting and removal of protection signals shall be decided by the construction leader.
(2) The construction unit shall set up station liaison and on-site protection personnel in accordance with regulations, and
must stop operation when communication is suspended.
(3) During the first-line operation in the double track section, it is forbidden to handle equipment and railway materials
across the adjacent railway line. In special circumstances where it is necessary to cross the adjacent railway line, special
personnel shall be set up for protection and effective safety measures shall be taken.
(4) Construction units (equipment management unit) shall strengthen the planned management and on-site control of
maintenance operations outside the point of the interval for construction, and refine and formulate practical and
effective safety control measures to ensure operation safety.
第 32 条 施工后开通。
Article 32 Opening after construction.
1. Before opening, the construction unit must confirm that the quality of the line meets the conditions for releasing
trains and that the rail materials do not intrude into the clearance.
2. After the construction of the signal, interlocking and blocking equipment in the station, it must be blocked for a
comprehensive interlocking test. The interlocking relationship must be confirmed before opening for use.
3. For the construction of lines and turnouts that cannot be pre-rolled on the disturbed ballast bed, the first train after the
opening must not be a passenger train. It can be regarded as track rolling when one of the following conditions is met:
① The large track maintenance machinery passes through the track stabilizer during construction; ② The construction
train passing through the heavy rail motor car after the opening; ③ Passing through a single locomotive after the
第 33 条 运输部门在日常运输组织中,必须按批准的施工计划给足点,调整好列车运行秩序。施工单位
由调度中心组织认真分析,制定并落实整改措施。对延点在 60 分钟以内的施工,由运维公司主管业务部
门组织分析会,并责成施工单位分析延点原因和制定整改措施。对延点超过 60 分钟的施工,由安全质量
Article 33 In the daily transportation organization, the Transportation Department must provide sufficient points
according to the approved construction plan and adjust the train operation order. The construction unit shall strengthen
the construction organization and improve the achievement rate of the construction plan. If the construction points are
not given enough as planned, the method statement and transportation order are disrupted, the Dispatching Center shall
organize a careful analysis, formulate and implement rectification measures. For the construction with a delay of less
than 60 minutes, the competent business department of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office shall organize an analysis
meeting, and instruct the construction unit to analyze the reasons for the delay and formulate rectification measures. For
construction with a delay of more than 60 minutes, the Safety and Quality Department shall organize relevant
departments and construction units to hold an analysis meeting to analyze the reasons for the delay, formulate
rectification measures, and put forward and report suggestions for handling to CCECC-CREC JV Project Office.

第十章 铁路施工登销记及调度命令下达
Chapter X Railway Construction Registration and De-registration and Issuing
of Dispatching Orders
第 34 条 纳入月度施工计划的施工及 II 类施工
Article 34 Construction included in monthly construction plan and Category II construction
施工负责人应确认已做好一切施工准备,于开始前 30 分钟,由施工负责人(驻站联络员)在车站《行车
设备施工登记簿》(运统-46)(格式见附件 2)内登记,通过车站值班员向列车调度员申请施工。调度
The construction leader shall confirm that all construction preparations have been made. The construction leader
(station liaison) shall register 30 minutes before the start in the station's Construction Register of Train Operation
Equipment (Transport Statistic-46) (see Annex 2 for the format) and apply to the train dispatcher for construction
through the station controller. The dispatcher shall issue dispatching orders according to construction requests.
第 35 条 III 类施工
Article 35 Category III construction
作业前,施工负责人应确认已做好一切作业准备,于开始前 30 分钟,由施工负责人(驻站联络员)在车
Before the operation, the construction leader shall confirm that all the preparations for the operation have been made.
The construction leader (station liaison) shall register 30 minutes before the start of the operation in the station's
Inspection Register of Train Operation Equipment, which shall be signed by the station controller. The construction
leader must set up station liaison and on-site protection personnel in accordance with regulations, and must stop
operation when communication is suspended. The station liaison shall keep track of the train information and inform the
site in a timely manner. The site shall lower the track, avoid vehicles and protect according to the train situation.

第十一章 施工安全管理责任
Chapter XI Construction Safety Management Responsibilities
第 36 条 确保施工安全是建设、设计、施工、行车组织、设备管理等单位和部门的共同责任。各单位要
Article 36 It is the joint responsibility of construction, design, execution, train operation organization, equipment
management and other units and departments to ensure construction safety. All units shall firmly establish safety
awareness, strictly implement various rules and regulations, implement safety measures and responsibilities, correctly
handle the relationship between construction and operation safety, strictly follow the principle of "safety first", and
meet the needs of operation safety. They shall achieve a clear division of labor, clarify responsibilities, take specific
measures, and perform management.
第 37 条 建设单位负责按照有关规定审核设计、施工单位的资质,审查施工单位的工程技术人员、机械
Article 37 The Client shall be responsible for reviewing the qualifications of the design and construction units in
accordance with relevant regulations, and examining the engineering and technical personnel, mechanical equipment,
construction organization design, and work safety guarantee measures of the construction unit. Organization,
coordination, supervision and inspection shall be completed to ensure operation safety in design, project bidding,
approved method statements, safety training for project managers and related personnel, legal education, daily
supervision and inspection of project quality and safety, and project completion acceptance.
第 38 条 施工单位负责对全体施工人员进行施工安全教育,建立完善的施工安全责任制;要严格执行铁
Article 38 The construction unit is responsible for educating all construction personnel on construction safety, and
establishing a sound construction safety responsibility system; the construction unit must strictly implement various
rules and regulations of railway construction, formulate scientific method statements, and formulate method statement
diagram, construction flow plan and diagram, and key safety control sheet for Category I construction; it shall also
organize construction in strict accordance with the approved statement, scope and approved blocking and slow running
第 39 条 施工负责人对施工项目的安全工作全面负责。因施工原因发生的铁路交通事故,首先要追究施
Article 39 The construction leader shall be fully responsible for the safety of the construction project. In the event of a
railway traffic accident due to construction, the construction leader must first be held accountable.
The construction leader shall have the necessary construction safety qualities. Construction project managers, deputy
managers, and principals in charge of safety, technology, and quality must participate in the training on railway
construction safety, and those who have not received training or are unqualified for training are not allowed to
undertake the above-mentioned work.
第 40 条 施工单位的安全员、防护员带班人员和工班长必须经能力建设部培训考试合格后上岗;特种作
Article 40 The safety officers, trainers, shift persons and supervisors of the construction unit must pass the training and
examination of the Capacity Building Department before taking up their posts; special operators must hold certificates
for employment in accordance with relevant regulations. If the untrained or unqualified personnel undertake the above-
mentioned work, the leaders of the construction unit shall be held accountable.
第 41 条 轨道车、施工机械等自轮运转特种设备上线运行必须符合铁路的有关规定。施工单位要接受运
Article 41 The operation of rail cars, construction machinery and other self-rotating special equipment must comply
with the relevant regulations of the railway. The construction unit shall accept the supervision and inspection of the
safety inspectors from operation and equipment management units and departments, and immediately rectify the
problems found in the inspection.
第 42 条 封锁施工开通后,施工单位和设备管理单位要加强检查和整修,设备管理单位要严格把关;开
通后列车运行速度必须按速度阶梯逐步提高(按附件 8 执行)。线路慢行应尽快恢复正常速度,并按有
Article 42 After the opening of the blocked construction, the construction unit and equipment management unit shall
strengthen inspection and repair, and the equipment management unit shall strictly control the process. After the
opening, the running speed of the train must be gradually increased according to the gradient (implemented in
accordance with Annex 8). Slow running of the line shall resume normal speed as soon as possible, and handover
procedures shall be handled as soon as possible according to relevant regulations.
第 43 条 纳入月度施工计划的施工,施工单位至少在正式施工 72 小时前向设备管理单位提出施工计划、
Article 43 For construction included in the monthly construction plan, the construction unit shall submit the
construction plan, construction site and scope of influence to the equipment management unit at least 72 hours before
the official construction. After receiving the construction request from the construction unit, the equipment management
unit shall carefully check the method statement, plan and the scope of influence, and send personnel to supervise the
construction safety before commencement.

第 44 条 设备管理单位应积极协助设计和施工单位核查既有设备情况,提供地下管、线、光电缆等隐蔽
Article 44 The equipment management unit shall actively assist the design and construction units in checking the
existing equipment, and providing the accurate location of the hidden facilities such as underground pipes, wires and
optical cables. When the accurate location cannot be provided, the design unit shall explore and verify with the
construction and equipment management units to delineate the protection scope. When the safety agreement is signed,
the safety responsibilities of all parties shall be clearly defined.
第 45 条 设计和施工单位对既有设施应有可靠的防护措施,防止施工中造成损坏。由于设备管理单位提
Article 45 The design and construction units shall take reliable protective measures for existing facilities to prevent
damage during construction. If any damage is caused by the wrong location of the facilities provided by the equipment
management unit, the equipment management unit shall take responsibility and repair it in time. If any loss is caused by
the wrong location or omission of the facilities provided by the design unit, the design unit shall take the main
responsibility. If the location of the facilities provided is accurate, and the loss is caused by construction, the
construction unit shall take the main responsibility. The construction unit and the equipment management unit shall
monitor the existing equipment frequently. If any abnormality is found, the construction must be stopped immediately
for handling and can be continued only after confirming that there is no impact on the existing equipment. When the
existing equipment is damaged due to construction, the construction unit shall organize rush repairs in time, and the
equipment management unit shall actively cooperate to restore normal use of the equipment as soon as possible.
第 46 条 行车组织部门必须积极做好施工组织协调工作,制定非正常情况下的行车组织措施,提前调整
Article 46 The Train Operation Organization Department must actively perform construction organization and
coordination, formulate train operation organization measures under abnormal conditions, adjust traffic flow in
advance, and strengthen operation organization and command during construction to create conditions for construction
The Train Operation Organization Department shall strengthen the train operation organization and dispatching
command during construction. During train reception and departure under abnormal conditions, the station master (or
assistant station master) must be on duty to supervise the operation, strictly implement the operating criteria, and
implement construction safety control measures. They shall control the key links such as issuing operation orders,
confirming that the section is free, checking and confirming the route, filling and delivering running tokens, and using
pilot signals. The construction and opening must strictly comply with the procedures for opening by registration of the
construction unit and the equipment management unit, the signature of the station and the issuing of the opening order
by the train dispatcher.
第 47 条 各级施工协调小组,必须提前确定现场监控人员,深入施工现场,做好组织协调工作,强化现
证施工安全。施工现场安全重点监控表见附件 6。
Article 47 Construction coordination teams at all levels must determine on-site monitoring personnel in advance, go
deep into the construction site to perform organization and coordination, and strengthen on-site safety monitoring. The
personnel of construction, design, execution, equipment management, train operation organization, safety supervision
and other departments and units shall clarify the work priorities under the leadership of the team leader or deputy team
leader, focus on key links, supervise the implementation of safety measures, and coordinate to solve the temporary
problems during the construction to ensure the safety of construction. See Annex 6 for the key safety monitoring table
on the construction site.

第十二章 附则
Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions
第 48 条 本办法自 2020 年 10 月 1 日起实行,前发《亚吉铁路施工安全管理实施办法》(亚吉司技术
〔2020〕7 号)同时废止。
Article 48 These Measures shall be implemented from October 1, 2020, and the previously issued "Implementation
Measures for Construction Safety Management of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway" (AJSJS [2020] No. 7) shall be
abolished simultaneously.
第 49 条 本办法由运维公司施工管理办公室负责解释。
Article 49 The construction management office of CCECC-CREC JV Project Office shall be responsible for the
interpretation of these Measures.

1. Railway Construction Projects
2. Format of Inspection (Construction) Register of Train Operation Equipment
3. Format of Monthly Construction Plan
4. Application Form of Daily Construction Plan
5. Application Form of Daily Construction Plan (Temporary)
6. Key Safety Monitoring Table on the Construction Site
7. Format of Construction Safety Supervision Plan for Adjacent Railway Lines
8. Conditions for Releasing Trains for Various Railway Construction Operations

附件 1
Annex 1

Railway Operation Line Construction Projects
序号 专业 作业 Construction Category
S/N Discipline Operation
PRO101 Technological transformation of line and station yard √
equipment, introduction of new lines, electrification
transformation, etc.
PRO102 Construction of bridges, culverts, pipelines, aqueducts √
and power lines, communication lines, oil and gas
pipelines crossing lines and station yards, and laying of
crossings, level crossings and other equipment and
工程 在铁路安全保护区内架设、铺设管道、渡槽和电
Works 力线路、通信线路、杆塔、油气管线等设施的施
PRO103 Construction of erecting and laying pipelines, aqueducts √
and power lines, communication lines, towers, oil and
gas pipelines and other facilities in the safety protection
zone of the railway.
PRO104 Blasting operations in the specified safety zone, √
operations on concealed works of the line (including
communication, signal, and power cable routing), and
various construction operations that affect the stability
of the subgrade.
OP101 Construction that changes the operation conditions after √
其它 other construction operations.
us 运维公司审定认为 I 类施工内容的。
OP102 Verified to be Category I construction by CCECC- √
CREC JV Project Office.
工务 路基、桥涵大修施工。
CT101 √
Track Subgrade, bridge and culvert overhaul construction.
CT101 成段破底清筛、更换钢轨、更换轨枕及成组更换 √
40mm 的成段起道或拨道,拆开接头成段调整轨
Overhaul construction of the line such as ballast bed
cleaning by breaking bottom in sections, replacement of
the rails, replacement of the sleepers, and replacement
of the turnouts in groups, track lifting or track lining in
sections with a track lifting or lining volume exceeding
40mm at a time, and decomposition of the joints to
adjust the rail gaps in sections, insertion of short rails,
and construction of large track maintenance machinery.
CT201 Replacement of the turnout point rail, frog and stock √
rail; replacement of the long points sleeper under the
switch machine of the turnout.
CT202 Maintenance operations on the switch point of the √
CT203 Decomposition of insulating joints and the fat edge √
CT204 √
Replacement of the joint bar.
CT205 √
Replacement of turnout pads.
CT206 √
Continuous replacement of coupling accessories.
CT207 √
Local even distribution of rail gaps.
CT208 √
Local ballast bed cleaning by breaking bottom.
CT209 √
Continuous sleeper respacing.
CT210 Excavation of side trenches or foundation pits with √
small blasting (limited to the range that does not affect
the stability of the subgrade).
CT211 Rectify line diseases with small track maintenance √
machinery and replacement or repair of damaged parts
of tracks (turnouts).
一次起道量、拨道量大于 20mm 且不超过 40mm
CT212 Track lifting or track lining operations with track lifting √
or lining volume of greater than 20mm and not more
than 40mm at a time.
CT213 √
Replacement of the sleeper.
CT214 √
Replacement of the rails.
CT215 √
Welding and repairing of rails (frogs).
CT216 √
Artificial local track lowering.
CT217 桥梁施工进行试顶需要起动梁身并回落原位;拨 √

正支座;支座垫砂浆厚度在 50mm 及以下。
For bridge construction, it is necessary to start the beam
body and return it to its original position; set the bearing
right; the thickness of the bearing pad mortar is 50mm
or less.
CT218 √
Replacement of bridge ballast retaining blocks
CT219 √
Replacement and installation of bridge guard rails
CT220 √
Replacement of bridge supports, railings, and anchors
CT221 √
Repair of crossing surfacing or renovation of crossings
CT222 √
Collapse rock clearing operations for which the operator
is not on the line, but it may affect the operation safety.
CT301 √
Dangerous tree cutting operations for which the operator
is not on the line, but it may affect the operation.
螺栓扣件点油或隔 3 松 1 涂油。
CT302 Greasing of the bolt fastenings or application of oil to 1 √
fastener released every other 3 fastenings.
CT303 √
Pad operation.
CT304 √
Tamping of pads withdrawn.
一次起道量、拨道量小于 20mm 的起道、拨道作
CT305 √
Track lifting or track lining operations with track lifting
or lining volume of less than 20mm at a time.
CT306 √
Ballast bed cleaning without breaking bottom
CT307 Ballast trimming (except for the switch point of the √
方正轨枕连续不超 3 根
CT308 Sleeper respacing for not more than 3 pieces √
CT309 √
Supplementation and replacement of bridge boardwalks
CT310 √
Derusting and painting of bridge railings and brackets
CT311 使用探伤小车、轨检小车等随时能撤出线路的便 √
Use of portable equipment such as flaw detection trolley
and rail inspection trolley that can be withdrawn from
the line at any time for online inspection and testing.

CT312 Reinforcement of pre-unloaded railway materials, √
painting of line signs, ballast trimming, and cleaning of
garbage or waste.
CT313 Other operations that do not affect the normal use of √
track and bridge equipment within the fence beyond the
toe of the slope of the ballast bed.
CT314 Operation of service trains to operators, handling √
equipment, and materials.
信号、通信 在信号、联锁、闭塞、CTC 等行车设备上的大
Signal and 修、改造施工。
SIG101 communicati Overhaul and reconstruction construction of signal, √
on interlocking, blocking, CTC and other operation
SIG201 √
Check test of signal interlocking relationship.
SIG202 Replacement of single sets of indoor and outdoor √
SIG203 Dismantling and changing of wiring and other motion √
line operations involving interlocking.
SIG301 Overhaul of outdoor signaling equipment such as switch √
equipment of the turnout, track circuit, signal, cable,
ground wire, and various boxes.
SIG302 Overhaul of equipment in signal machinery room and √
machine room.
CTC 设备检修。
SIG303 √
Overhaul of CTC equipment.
SIG304 Optical cable route inspection, indoor and outdoor √
equipment inspection and turnout conversion test and
other operations that do not affect the mechanical
strength and electrical characteristics of communication
and signaling equipment.
Software and hardware construction of equipment such
COM101 as transmission network, optical cable, digital √
dispatching, train dispatching radio, and communication
power supply that interrupt the operation
communication services.
COM102 影响亚吉铁路正常运营的铁路重要信息系统运行
环境改造、软硬件平台更新、应用软件变更等施 √

Construction of operation environment transformation,
software and hardware platform update, and application
software change of important railway information
systems that affect the normal operation of Addis
Ababa-Djibouti Railway.
COM201 Renovation of optical cable, transmission, telephone, √
wireless, and power supply equipment that affect the
operation communication services.
COM202 Overhaul of transmission, optical cable, telephone, √
wireless, and power supply equipment that affect the
operation communication services.
COM301 Routine maintenance of communication equipment, √
lines and ancillary facilities that do not affect the normal
use of the operation communication services carried out
outside the toe of the slope of the ballast bed.
COM302 Other operations that can be completed during the √
供电 牵引供电变配电设备、电力、接触网技术改造及
Power 大修施工。
supply Technological transformation and overhaul of traction √
power supply transformation and distribution
TPS101 equipment, electric power, and OCS.
TPS102 更换或拆除支柱、软横跨、硬横梁。
TPS103 Replacement or removal of masts, head spans, and √
portal booms.
Replacement of contact wires, catenary and additional √
TPS201 OCS maintenance operations using the OCS operating √
TPS202 √
Replacement of OCS parts.
TPS203 Comprehensive inspection and monitoring of the OCS √
TPS204 Replacement of the cantilever support of OCS, √
compensation device, section insulator, overhead
crossing, disconnector, etc.
TPS205 接触网悬挂、分相、分段、线岔等检查调整。 √
Inspection and adjustment of OCS suspension, neutral
zone, section, overhead crossing, etc.

TPS206 √
Inspection and maintenance of OCS boosting, return
wire, upper ground wire, and additional suspension.
TPS207 Cleaning and maintenance of the insulating parts of √
TPS208 Other operations that can be completed during the √
Inspections of walking inspection, static measurement,
TPS301 temperature measurement and other equipment of OCS;

handling of bird nests and foreign objects for OCS; sign
installation and renovation within the fence beyond the
toe of the slope of the ballast bed, foundation repair,
grounding device renovation, mast foundation pit
excavation and other operations that affect the normal
operation of the equipment.
房建 车站站台、雨棚、天桥等建筑物及客运上水和吸
Housing 污设备、站场供水设施技术改造及大修施工。
construction Technological transformation and overhaul of station
BC101 platforms, canopies, overpasses and other buildings, as

well as water supply and sewage suction equipment for
passenger transportation, and water supply facilities at
station yards.
BC201 Repair of canopies and roofs and eaves boards of station √
buildings across the line.
BC202 √
Repair of canopy ceiling board.
BC203 √
Repair of decorative boards above lines.
BC301 √
Platform and canopy clearance survey.
BC302 √
Dredging and repair of canopy downpipe.
BC303 √
Cleaning of sundries in canopy gutter and repair.
BC304 √
Repair and lamp replacement of canopy lighting circuit.
BC305 √
Repair of platform concrete capping.
BC306 √
Repair of houses on both sides of the station track.
BC307 更换线路间客车栓井、阀门井、水表井及井内设 √

Replacement of the fire hydrant chamber for passenger
trains, valve wells, water meter wells and equipment in
the wells between lines.
BC308 Replacement of the water supply pipes between the √
lines and of the fire water supply equipment on the
BC309 Other operations that do not affect the normal operation √
of the equipment.
更换 TFDS 沉箱、侧箱。
WG201 √
Replacement the TFDS caisson and side boxes.
WG202 Installation, removal and replacement of large √
components of equipment such as fixed derailers and
brake test devices for the rail cars.
TFDS、THDS 设备的半月检、月检、季节性整
WG301 √
Semi-monthly inspection, monthly inspection and
seasonal repair of TFDS and THDS equipment.
更换 THDS 探头箱、轴温探测器。
WG302 Replacement of the THDS probe box and hot box √

车辆 调整或更换 TFDS 轨边设备。

WG203 Adjustment or replacement of the TFDS trackside √
WG303 Adjustment and fastening of the check plates, and √
replacement of the magnet steel, car number antennas
and fixtures.
WG204 √
Replacement, alignment or welding of trackside cables.
WG304 √
Regular verification and calibration of equipment such
as fixed derailers and brake test devices for the rail cars.
WG305 Other operations that do not affect the normal operation √
of the equipment.
FT201 Replacement of the pressure and shear sensors for the √
dynamic weighbridge .
货运 及磁钢卡具等。
FT202 Freight Replacement of the antenna, magnet steel and magnet √
steel fixtures of the supporting car number identification
equipment for the dynamic weighbridge.
FT203 √
Minor repairs of the dynamic weighbridge.

PT201 Update of water supply equipment between station √
PT301 Replacement and maintenance of dynamic electronic √
screens, static identification light boxes, and platform
video cameras and broadcast speakers hung on the
transport 检修股道间上水设备。
PT302 Overhaul of the water supply equipment between the √
station tracks.
PT303 √
Repair of canopy broadcast and video lines.
PT304 Other operations that do not affect the normal operation √
of the equipment.

附件 2
Annex 2

Format of Inspection Register of Train Operation Equipment
Transport Statistic-46 (Inspection)

(1)检查试验结果,所发现的不良及破 消除不良及破损的时分及签字
通知时间 到达时间
损程度 Time and Signature for Eliminating Defects
Notification Time Time of Arrival
(1) Check the test results, the defects and and Damage
the degree of damage found
月日 时分 (2)设备故障状况,影响或停止正常使 通知方法(用
工作人员到 种办法进行修理的。工作人
Date Time 用 的 设 备 名 称 、 范 围 及 有 关 限 制 要 求 电话或口头)
达后签字 员及车站值班员签字
等。 月日 时分 Method of 月日 时分 月日 时分
Signed by Causes of damage and
(2) Equipment failure status, name, scope Date Time notification (by Date Time Date Time
staff upon defects, and ways to repair
and relevant restriction requirements for phone or
arrival them. Signed by staff and
the equipment whose use is affected or verbally)
station controller
normal use is stopped.

Note: Fill in the routine monthly or quarterly joint inspection of the equipment in the station according to the Technical Management Rules of Railways, and fill according to the
instructions of the superiors in the event of telegram, notification requirements or joint equipment inspection before holidays.
Format of Construction Register of Train Operation Equipment
Transport Statistic-46 (Construction)

请求施工(慢行及封锁)登记 承认施工 施工后开通检查确认、销记 施工开通 备注

Request Construction (Slow Running and Blocking) Acknowledge Construction Opening Inspection, Construction Opening Remarks
Registration Confirmation, and De-registration
After Construction
本月施工编 施工项目 月日 (1)影响使用范围 所需时 (1)命令号及发令时间 月日 (1)恢复使用范围和条件 (1)开通(恢复常速)命令号
号 Construction 时分 (需要的慢行或 分 (1) Order number and 时分 (开通后恢复常速确认) 及开通时间
Constructio project Date 封锁条件) Required issuing time Date (1) Restore the scope and (1) Opening (restore to
n No. of this Time (1) Affect the time (2)慢行及封锁起止时间 Time conditions of use (restore to normal speed) order
month scope of use normal speed after number and opening time
(2) Slow running and
(required slow opening) (2)施工负责人(驻站、中
blocking start and end
running or (2)施工负责人(驻站、中 心联络员)签名
blocking 心联络员)签名
(3)车站值班员签名 (2) Signature of the
(2) Signature of the construction leader (station
(2)施工负责人 (3) Signature of the station
construction leader (station or center liaison)
(驻站、中心联 or center liaison) (3)设备单位检查人签名
络员)签名 (4)施工负责人(驻站、中
(3)设备单位检查人签名 (3) Signature of the
(2) Signature of 心联络员)签名
(3) Signature of the inspector of the equipment
the construction (4) Signature of the
inspector of the equipment unit
leader (station or construction leader (station
unit (4)车站值班员签名
center liaison) or center liaison)
(4)车站值班员签名 (4) Signature of the station
(4) Signature of the station controller
(3) Signature of
the inspector of
the equipment

(4) Signature of
the station
附件 3
Annex 3

Format of Monthly Construction Plan

编号 施工 线路 行别 施工项目 施工 施工地 封锁时间 施工内容及影响范围 限速及行车方式变 设备变化 运输组 施工配合单位 备注

No. 类别 Line Line Construct 日期 点 Blocking Construction Content 化 Equipment Change 织 及负责人 Remar
Cons Cate ion Const Constr Time and Scope of Influence Changes in Speed Transpor Construction ks
truct gory project ructio uction Limit and t Cooperating
ion n Site Operation Mode Organiza Unit and
Cate Date tion Leader
区间及 封锁起止 施工内容影响范围 限速要求行车方式 线路数据变化: 主体施工单位
起止里 时间(封 Construction content Speed limit Line data changes: (职务)
程 锁时间分 and scope of influence requirement and 站场线路、道岔、径 Main
Section 钟) operation mode 路变化: construction
and Blocking unit (title)
Station yard line,
start start and turnout and path (姓名)
and end end time change: (Name)
mileage (blocking
time in 信号机位置及显示变 施工单位
minutes) 化: Construction
Signal location and unit
display changes: (职务)
接触网信号标志位置 (title)
变化: (姓名)
Changes of the position (Name)
of the OCS signal
marks: 配合单位
Other changes:

Filling requirements: "No.", "Construction Level", "Line", "Line Category", "Construction Project", "Construction Date", "Construction Site", and "Construction Unit and Leader"
columns shall be filled in by the main construction unit; the "Blocking Time" and "Speed Limit and Operation Mode Changes" columns shall be filled in by the construction unit; the
"Construction Content and Scope of Influence" column shall be filled in by the main construction unit and the cooperating unit; the "Equipment Change" column shall be filled in by
the main construction unit and the equipment management unit.
附件 4 施工日计划申报表
Annex 4 Application Form of Daily Construction Plan

XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 日施工计划申请表
Application Form of Construction Plan Dated XX, XX, XXXX
序 月计 类别 施工项 施工时 区间 行别 起止 施工车 始发站 终到 作业内容 影响行 是否 停电 限速及 设备变 主体 联 配合单 备注
号 划号 Categ 目 间 Secti Line 里程 辆 Depart 站 及要求 车范围 停电 范围 行车方 化 单位 系 位 Rema
S/ Mont ory Construc Construc on Categ Start Construc ure Arri Operatio Scope Pow Outa 式变化 Equip 及负 电 Coopera rks
N hly tion tion ory and tion Car Station val n Content of er ge Chang ment 责人 话 ting unit
Plan project Time End Stati and Influen Outa Ran es in Change Mai Pho
No. Mile on Requirem ce of ge ge Speed n ne
age ents Operat Limit Unit
ion and and
Operat Lead
ion er
工务工区 Civil Workshop
Track maintenance section Civil Workshop
电务工区 ETS workshop
Communication and signaling section ETS Workshop

工务: 施工单位负责
Track maintenance: Reviewed by construction
unit leader

制表: 日计划主任审批:
Prepared by: Approved by director of daily plan:

电务: 人审核:
Communication and
signaling: :

提交时间: 年 月 日
Submission time: MM/DD/YYYY
附件 5
Annex 5

Application Form of Daily Construction Plan (Temporary)

施工日期 线路别 申请日期
间 止 年月日
Construction Line Application
Blocking End MM/DD/YYYY
Date Category Date


施工里程 mileage 施工地点
Construction Construction
mileage 结束里 Site

Content and
Scope of
Speed limit
length and
Other matters
Previous speed limit

(order number) that
needs to be cancelled
for rolling construction
Station track occupied
by the operating vehicle
during operation

施工负责 职务
主体单位 人 Title 电话
Main unit Construction 姓名 Phone
leader Name
cooperating unit
审核人 职务 时间 年 月 日
The competent business
Reviewer Title Time MM/DD/ YYYY
department reviews,
confirms and agrees
The construction 审核人 职务 时间 年 月 日
management office Reviewer Title Time MM/DD/ YYYY
reviews, confirms and

The Deputy Operation
General Manager

This form shall be submitted to the Deputy Operation General Manager for approval after being approved by the
relevant competent business department and the construction management office.

附件 6
Annex 6

Key Safety Monitoring Table on the Construction Site
施工编号 施工日期
Construction No. Construction
计划时间 实际时间
Planning time Real time
施工项目 施工地点
Construction Construction
project Site
施工等级 施工单位
Construction Construction
Level unit
management unit
单位及部门 单位 职务 姓名 重点监控处所 监控关键项点
Units and Unit Title Name Key monitoring Key monitoring points
departments locations
Team leader or
deputy team leader

Note: Units or departments such as safety and quality, operation, rolling stock, Repair and Maintenance Department,
construction unit and competent department, design, supervision and other units or departments shall fill in the "units
and departments" column in order.

附件 7
Annex 7

Format of Construction Safety Supervision Plan for Adjacent Operation Lines

编 类别 线路 行別 施工项 施工 施工地 施工内容 施工机 建设单位 施工单位及 监理单位及 设备监护单 审核部门 备注

号 Categ Line Line 目 日期 点 Construction 械 Client 负责人 负责人 位及负责人 Review Rema
No. ory Categ Construc 及时 Construc content Construc (项目管理 Constructio Supervision Equipment Departme rks
ory tion 间 tion Site (标明机械或 tion 单位及联系 n Unit and Unit and Monitoring nt
project Constr 施工处所至线 Machine 人、手机 Leader Leader Unit and (涉及部
uction 路中心距离) ry 号) (单位名 (单位名 Leader 门)
Date (Indicate the (标明 称、职务、 称、职务、 (单位名 (Involved
and distance from the 施工机 姓名、手机 姓名、手机 称、职务、 department
Time machinery or 械高 号 号 姓名、手机 s)
unit and
construction 度) contact (Unit name, (Unit name, 号
location to the (Indicate person and title, name title, name (Unit name,
center of the line) the height mobile phone and mobile and mobile title, name
of number) phone phone and mobile
constructi number) number) phone
on number)
1 B 亚吉 上下 架梁、 1~31 亚吉上 邻近亚吉上下 架桥机 XX 公司 中铁*局 XX 北**建设工 维保中心 维保中心 新增
Addis 行 桥面系 日, 下行 行跨线孔两侧 (高 XX Company 铁路工程三 程监理公司 Comprehensi Comprehen 项目
Ababa Up 施工 每日 303km+3 两孔桥梁架设 6m) 标段项目经 监理工程师 ve sive (续
- and Girder 9:00- 44m 以及桥面系施 Bridge 理部指挥长 张 infrastructure infrastructu 签项
Djibo down erecting 17:00 Up and 工,两端距既 girder **139****5 张 **186****1 maintenance re 目)
uti and 1st to down 有线中心距离 erection **150****1 398 center maintenanc New
Railw bridge 31st 303km+3 分 别 为 equipmen 002 Supervision 张 e center project
ay deck 13.73m,9.41m Engineer of
day, 44m of t (height Director of Engineer of **136****5 安全质量 s
constructi Engineering
9:00- Addis The two-hole 6m) the Project North** 531 部 (renew
on Department
17:00 Ababa- bridge erection Management Construction Zhang**136* Safety and al
every Djibouti and bridge deck Department Engineering ***5531 Quality project
day Railway construction on of the Third Supervision Departmen s)
78 维保中心
both sides of the Section of the Company t
up and down line- XX Railway Zhang**186* ve
crossing holes Project of ***1398 infrastructure
adjacent to Addis China maintenance
Ababa-Djibouti Railway * center
Railway, with the Bureau 张
distance between Zhang**150* **180****2
both sides and the ***1002 151
center of the
existing line of
13.73m and
9.41m 维保中心


Addis train


施工单位:(签字盖章) 监理单位:(签字盖章)
Construction unit: (signature and seal) Supervision unit: (signature and seal)
项目管理单位:(签字盖章) 车务段:(签字盖章)
Project management unit: (signature and seal) Train operation depot: (signature and seal)
维保中心:(签字盖章) 施工单位或项目管理单位经办人:(姓名、手机号)
Comprehensive infrastructure maintenance center: (signature and seal) Manager of construction unit or project management unit: (name and mobile phone number)
附件 8
Annex 8

Conditions for Releasing Trains for Various Railway Construction Operations
项 目 施工条件 作业方式 放行列车条件
Project Construction Operation Conditions for Releasing Trains
Conditions Mode
一、影响 (1)破底清筛 封锁施工 两捣一稳作业后,开通后第一列 35km/h,第二
道床路基 (1) Ballast bed Blocking 列 45km/h,自第三列起限速 60km/h,至次日
稳定的施 cleaning by construction 捣固后第一列限速 60km/h,第二列起限速
工作业 breaking bottom 80km/h 至第三日捣固后限速 80km/h,至第四
I. (2)更换道床石 日捣固后恢复常速。
Constructio 砟 After two tamping operations and one stabilizer
n operations operation, the speed limit of the first train is 35km/h
(2) Replacement of
that affect and that of the second train is 45km/h after the
the ballast of the
the stability opening. The speed limit is 60km/h from the third
ballast bed
of the ballast train. The speed limit of the first train is 60km/h after
bed (3)成段更换轨
tamping on the next day. The speed limit is 80km/h
subgrade 枕(板) 大型养路 from the second train. The speed limit is 80km/h
(3) Replacement of 机械捣 after tamping on the third day and it returns to
sleepers (slabs) in 固、稳定 normal speed after tamping on the fourth day.
sections 车作业
三捣两稳作业后,开通后第一列 45km/h,第二
(4)成组更换道 Tamping 列起限速 60km/h,至次日捣固后第一列限速
岔 and track
60km/h,自第二列起限速 80km/h,第三日捣固
(4) Replacement of stabilizer
operations 后恢复常速。
turnouts in groups
with large After three tamping operations and two stabilizer
(5)基床换填 track operations, the speed limit of the first train is 45km/h
(5) Foundation bed maintenanc after the opening. The speed limit is 60km/h from
replacement e machinery the second train. The speed limit of the first train is
(6)一次起道量 60km/h after tamping on the next day. The speed
limit is 80km/h from the second train and it returns
to normal speed after tamping on the third day.
40mm 的成段起
道或拨道 道岔施工后直向、侧向按此标准分别阶梯提速
(6) Track lifting or 未达到上述捣固、稳定遍数的,应相应降低列
track lining in 车放行速度。
sections with track After the construction of the turnout, if the vertical
lifting or lining and lateral speed increases subject to this standard do
volume of greater not reach the above-mentioned times of tamping and
than 40mm at a stabilizing, the train release speed shall be
time correspondingly reduced.
(7)利用小型爆 小型养路 开通后第一列 25km/h,第二列起 35km/h,至
破开挖侧沟或基 机械捣固 次日捣固后第一列限速 35km/h,第二列起限速
坑(限于影响路 Tamping 45km/h,至次日捣固后第一列限速 45km/h,第
基稳定范围) with small 二列起限速 60km/h,至次日捣固后第一列限速
(7) Excavation of track 60km/h,第二列起限速 80km/h,至第三日捣固
side trenches or maintenanc 后限速 80km/h,至第四日捣固后恢复常速。
foundation pits with e machinery
The speed limit of the first train is 25km/h after the
small blasting
opening. The speed limit is 35km/h from the second
(limited to the
train. The speed limit of the first train is 35km/h after
range that affects
tamping on the next day, and the speed limit is
the stability of the
45km/h from the second train. The speed limit of the
first train is 45km/h after tamping on the next day,
and the speed limit is 60km/h from the second train.
The speed limit of the first train is 60km/h after
tamping on the next day. The speed limit is 80km/h
from the second train. The speed limit is 80km/h
after tamping on the third day and it returns to
normal speed after tamping on the fourth day.
(1 )施工期间 当 日第一列 15km/h ,第二列
25km/h,第三列起限速 35km/h,至下次封锁前
(1) During the construction period, the speed limit of
the first train is 15km/h on the day, and that of the
second train is 25km/h. The speed limit is 35km/h
from the third train until the next blocking
(2)施工结束,开通后第一列 15km/h,第二
人工捣固 列 25km/h,第三列 35km/h,不少于 4 小时,
Artificial 以后按 45km/h、60km/h、80km/h 各不少于 24
tamping 小时捣固后阶梯提速,其后正常。
(2) After the construction is completed, the speed
limit of the first train is 15km/h, that of the second
train is 25km/h, and that of the third train is 35km/h
after the opening for not less than 4 hours. Then the
speed is increased by 45km/h, 60km/h and 80km/h
respectively for not less than 24 hours after tamping
and it returns to normal speed thereafter.
项目 施工条件 放行列车条件
Project Construction Conditions Conditions for Releasing Trains
二、不影 (1)成段更换钢
响道床稳 轨
定的施工 (1) Replacement of
作业 the rails in sections
II. (2)成段调整轨
Constructio 缝,拆开接头并
n operations
插入短轨头 开通后第一列 45km/h,第二列 60km/h,第三
that do not
affect the (2) Adjustment of 列 80km/h,其后恢复常速。
stability of the rail gaps in 封锁施工 After the opening, the speed limit of the first train is
the ballast sections, Blocking construction 45km/h, that of the second train is 60km/h, and that
bed decomposition of
of the third train is 80km/h, and then it returns to
the joint and
normal speed.
insertion of the
short rails
(3) Repair of the
bottom slope of the
rail in sections
定,比照第一大 开通后第一列 35km/h,第二列 45km/h,第三
项办理) 列 60km/h,其后恢复常速。
(1) Overhaul of the 封锁施工 After the opening, the speed limit of the first train is
crossing (if it Blocking construction 35km/h, that of the second train is 45km/h, and that
affects the stability
of the third train is 60km/h, and then it returns to
of the ballast bed, it
normal speed.
shall be handled
according to the
first major project)
三、桥涵 (1)更换或拨正 封锁施工 施工作业期间,封锁开通后限速 35km/h 至下
施工作业 混凝土梁 Blocking construction 次天窗前,施工作业结束后,第一列限速
III. Bridge (1) Replacing or 35km/h 以后限速 45km/h,不少于 24h,再限速
and culvert setting the concrete 60km/h80km/h 各 1 列后恢复正常。

construction beams right
(2) Raising or
lowering bridges
更换桥梁支座或 During construction, the speed limit is 35km/h after
翻修支撑垫石、 the blocking opening to the next interval for
construction. After the construction is completed, the
50mm speed limit of the first train is 45km/h and it is
35km/h thereafter, for not less than 24 hours. The
(3) Setting the speed limit returns to normal speed after the speed of
bearing right, 1 train is limited to 60km/h and 80km/h respectively.
replacing the bridge
bearing or
renovating the
supporting pad,
with the thickness
of the mortar
exceeding 50mm
(1) Repair or
有砟轨道桥面、 施工作业期间,限速 35km/h
Construction of slow
桥台顶面防水层 During construction, the speed limit is 35km/h
Waterproof layer of
ballast track bridge
deck and abutment
施工作业期间,限速 35km/h;施工结束后,第
(1)线路架空或 一 列 35km/h 不 少 于 12 小 时 , 后 限 速
加固后桥涵顶进 45km/h、60km/h 各不少于 24 小时,后 80km/h
(1) The bridge and 一列后恢复常速。
culvert are jacked 慢行施工 During construction, the speed limit is 35km/h. After
in after the line is Construction of slow the construction is completed, the speed limit of the
elevated or running first train is 35km/h for not less than 12 hours. The
reinforced speed limit is 45km/h and 60km/h for not less than
24 hours thereafter, and the speed limit returns to
normal speed after the speed of one train is limited to
(1)新建明、棚 施工作业期间,本线限速 35km/h,临线列车常
洞的基础施工 慢行施工 速运行;基础施工结束后恢复常速
(1) Foundation During construction, the speed limit of this line is
Construction of slow
construction of new 35km/h, and the trains on the adjacent line run at a
open and shed constant speed. After the foundation construction is
tunnels completed, it returns to normal speed
(1)路基注浆、 慢行施工 按经审查批准的施工设计文件所确定的施工条
挖孔桩、路基降 Construction of slow 件和列车放行条件执行
水及影响行车的 running Implement according to the construction conditions
其它施工 and train release conditions determined in the
(1) Subgrade reviewed and approved construction design
grouting, digging documents
piles, subgrade
dewatering and
other construction
operations that
affect the train


Note: For other construction projects not listed in the table, CCECC-CREC JV Project Office can determine the
construction conditions and train release conditions by comparing the similar construction operations in this table.


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