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Reinforced cement concrete skidding works on roof(per 100 sft of work) with minimum cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having
minimum fcr = 30 Mpa, and satisfying a specified compressive strength fc = 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice of
Code ACI/BNBCIASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-197-1-CEM 1, 52.5N (52.5MPa) / ASTM-C 150 Type - I, best quality Sylhet sand
or coarse sand of equivalent E.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter in position
and maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixing with standard mixer machine with
hopper, fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days, removing centering
shuttering after specified time approved, including cost of water, electricity, additional testing charges of materials and cylinders required by
engineer, including the cost of reinforcement and Considering 100 Cft. of work covering 400 Sft work 20'-0" X 20'-0" Panel X 0"-3" Thick.
(A) Cost of Concrete:
(a) 19 mm down crushed stone chips = 100.00 Cft. @ Tk. 195.00 Per Cft. = TK. 19500.00
(b) Sand (FM 2.5) = 50.00 Cft @ Tk. 45.00 Per Cft. = TK. 2250.50
(C) Cement OPC TYPE-1. (CEM-1) 52.5 = 22.00 Bag @ Tk. 415.00 Per Bag = TK. 9130.00
(d) Local carriage, sundries, T & P etc. L.S = TK. 450.00
= TK 31330.50

(B)Laying placing concrete @ 100 Cft of concrete using 1

mixer Machine in 1 day (from secondary input TK. 1,500.00
Item-A1) PWD Analysis-7.6.1
(C)Formwork/Shuttering, prop and necessary support etc
Secondary input item C-12 (4 X 20'-0" X = 1.85 Sam @ Tk. 399.00 Per Sam = TK. 738.15
0:- 3")= 20 Sft = 1.85 Sam

(D) 1/4" dia MS Rod placing @ 6" c/c = 162.39 kg @ Tk. 60.50 Per Kg TK. 9824.59
bothway 2 X 60 X 20' = 2400 Rft =
731.48 Rm F25 0.222 kg/Rm = 0.222 X
499.85 = 162.39 kg

Labour cost for fabrication

Rod binder = 0.75 NO @ Tk.500.00 Per Each = TK 375.00
Helper to rod binder = 0.75 NO @ Tk. 390.00 Per Each = TK 292.50
(E)Labour cost for placing laying rod & = 37.16 Sam @ Tk. 5.50 Per Sam = TK 204.38
spreading chemicals and ce TK=44264.62
TOTAL TAKA=. 44264.62
Contractors Profit 10% = TK. 4426.46
Overhead expences 3.50% = TK. 1549.26
TK. 50240.34
Added VAT with adjustment factor 1.058 7.50% TK 3768.02
GRAND Total = TK54008.00
Rate per Sft. = TK. 135.20
Rate per Sqm = TK. 1453.89

Say, Tk.1454Per Sqm.


বাংলাদেশ টেলিকমউনিকেশন কোম্পানী লিমিটেড,আগ্রাবাদ, চট্টগ্রাম এর মুলভবনের ছাদ মেরামত করন

Sl PWD Descripsion Qnty Unit Rate Amount
no schedul
e No
1 32.3 Picking up of damaged/unserviceable terraced (lime 756.50 Sqm Tk 53.00 40094.5
concrete) floor or roof etc. and removal of debris to a
safe distance
2 32.8.3 Cleaning and washing the mosaic floor etc. 756.50 Sqm Tk 17.00 12860.5

3 4.31/4.3 38 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:1.5:3) flooring 756.50 Sqm Tk 563592.5
1.2 with cement, best quality coarse sand (50% quantity of 745.00
Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and
50% best quality local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down
well graded stone chips, laying the concrete in alternate
panels, compacting and finishing the top with neat
cement and curing at least for 7 days in all floors
including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M) In ground floor
Add for each additional floor up to 5th floor
Tk 31.00(perSqm)TK(=609+155)=745/-
4 Analysis Reinforced cement concrete skidding works on roof(per 756.50 Sqm Tk 1099805.6
ret by 100 sft of work) with minimum cement content relates to 1454.00
pwd mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having minimum fcr = 30 Mpa, and
schedule satisfying a specified compressive strength fc = 25 Mpa
rate at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice
of Code ACI/BNBCIASTM & Cement conforming to
BDS EN-197-1-CEM 1, 52.5N (52.5MPa) / ASTM-C
150 Type - I, best quality Sylhet sand or coarse sand of
equivalent E.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone
chips conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing
shutter in position and maintaining true to plumb, making
shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in
position; mixing with standard mixer machine with
hopper, fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in
forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at
least for 28 days, removing centering shuttering after
specified time approved, including cost of water,
electricity, additional testing charges of materials and
cylinders required by engineer, including the cost of
reinforcement and Considering 100 Cft. of work covering
400 Sft work 20'-0" X 20'-0" Panel X 0"-3" Thick.

5 26.31 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 100 mm inside diameter 86 M 60286

and wall thickness 2.7 mm – 3.4 mm best quality uPVC eteTk=701/-
rain water down pipe fitting, fixed in position with head r
and shoes, bends, minimum20 mm width F.I. Bar clamp
and nails, and including all accessories such as round
grating/domed roof grating, bands, sockets approved and
accepted by the Engineer- in- charge.

Total Tk 1776639.1

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