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571-102 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION For Authorized Company Use Only SAFETY IN PLANT DESIGN |__DESIGN PRACTICES ‘Section TE SUBSECTION D | EXXON Date ENGINEERING DISPOSAL SYSTEMS January, 1985 CONTENTS Page score 1 REFERENCES 1 BACKGROUND 1 DESIGN PROCEDURE 1 Equipment Yenting and Drainage 1 on-Contaminated Aqueous 4 5 3 awdown Drum awdown Tank - Pheno ging Orim Figure \densible Slowdown Orun ar ble Blowdown Drum Sizing PROPRIETARY INFORMATION For Authorized Company Use Only EXON Senet [DESIGN PRACTICES: TION Section Page SUBSECTION ction yg 3 EXXON DISPOSAL. SYSTCHS ENGINEERING Pe Sanuary, 1985 Thia subsection covers the design of (a) facilities to handle equipment drainage and contaminated aqueous effluents and send them to appropriate disposal; (&) blowow dru ayatens to receive closed safety valve discharges, emergency vapor blowiowns, ete.; and (e) facilities for process stream diversion and slop storage. Also covered are criteria for selecting the appropriate method of disposal. Design of flares is covered in Subsection €, and Subsection C includes design af flare headers and safety valve headers. REFERENCES Design Practices (Besides other subsections of this section) Section IT, Design Temperature, Design Pressure and Flange Ra! Section V, Drums Section X, Puni Section XIV, Fluid Flow Offaite Design Practices Section XXII, Storage Facilities Basie Proctices BP3-4-4, Vents and Drains, Flushing and Cleaning Connections 8P3-9-1, Winterizing and Protection Against Ambient Temperatures @P3-12-1, Valve Selection Criteria 8P18-6-1, Impact Requirements fi Other Literature BPI Standard 650 ~ Welded Steel Tanks for Gil storage Materials BACKGROUND The purpose of the facilities deccribed in thie sudsection is to provide for safe handling’ ef variaus drainage materials and emergency streams, so that they may be safely routed to the sewer, tankage, flare, or other appropriate destination. Drainage systems specified herein ensure that flsmnaple or toxic materials nay be disposed of without hazard of Fire or injury wen equipment is taken out of service. Also described ate systens 20 nandle process water drawoff's, cooling water, and other aqueous effluent streans which may be cantan Anated with hydrocarbons, and which could otherwise create hazardous conditians if they 4 discharged directly to the sewer. Safety valve releases are routed to blowdewn druns when th toxic properties or other factors would make discharge to the atmos cnere haz ia are detailed in Suosection C. Emergency vapor blowsown facilities for process «nits ace described in Sueseetion F. liquid, Product and intermedi: disposal if they are off-spei shutdown of downstream equipment. may need to be divertea to alternative @ process startuc) or in tne event of amergency oesi9 panceouer Eu and Orainege pment Vent. General requirements for valving and ai Process equipment are detailed in 9P3-6~4. This 3 hugh point vents, as well as connections speci: for equipment drainage and venting at shutdown or wien taken gut of service, tlso caversa ate vents and araing for EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGIN 5203-x¥-0 ‘Section Fase xv-0 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | EY YON QecIGH PRACTICES For Authored Company Use Only Gctober, 1980 instruments, gage glasses, sample points, etc. As an additions] requirement not covered by BP3~6-4, ceqularly used drain connections and sample paints in Light ends service must be double valved. The requirements of BP3-6-4 for discharge af dangerous materials to closed arain systems are supplemented by the Fallowing paragraphs. Disposal of Orsinage of Process Equipment Contents ~ When items of onsite process equipment are taken out of service, aither indivigvally during plant operation or for general turnaround, means of draining ondsafe disposal of the residual liquié hycrocarton contents must be provided, in accordance with the following: Heavier than Light Heavier than Light ends, at temperature ends, at temperature Light énes BELOW FLASH. Vessels with Liquid toventory > Closed drain Closed drain Sewer’) 25 gallons (1) (2) (7) header header Vessels with Liquid inventory < Atmosphere Sewer 3}(6) sewer’) 25 gallons (1) (2) (7) (4) (6) Pugs (See alao Oesign Practices Atmogohere — Sewes(2)(6) Sewer’) Section X-H} (a) (5) (6) Compressor casing, eylinder and Closed drain -- = snockaue bottle itmins heaoer Notes 1. “Wessels” include toners. drums, and miscellaneous onsite equipment such as filters, strainers, separators, ete. Hest exchangers are treated separately below (see note”) 2, “Inventory” refers ta Liguid hydrocarbon contents at the top of the working Level rane. Tray noldue is ineluged, out piping contents are disregardec. Dorn connection to oily water sewer catch basin at least $0 ft fran any continuous ignition source. flush with water at point of discharge. However, this aisoosal rou should not be used for drainage af equioment containing Aigh pour point saterials that would solicify in the sewer, unless light flusning oil connections are provides for Aisplacing sucn materials from the squionent. at 4. Controilec release to atnosphe: st 50 FL from any continuous ignition so 5. Connections to the ciosed drain heacer may be 5 for Large volune Light ends pumos. 6. Refinery preference nay exceeds these requirements. In such cases, additional t-inen connections from ecuisnant to the closed ctain heacer may be installed (3/4 inen connec- Heat a sion are valves sam naintenanes snoula se sansis 3 Bie seave, according to anventory and contents, Shell sides ana tuoe ated separately. However, if the liquid contents of an exchanger can into conneeied equipment tnrougn ite process siping before closing ail the requirement far arainage to tne close arain hesder (2 reulating valves, called for ov the table nay be deletes. ERBE Design PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section t5-D_| Page For Authorited Company Use Only Oate September, 1978 Heat exchangers which are not valved for on-stream maintenance requice only a means of drainage for 3 unit shutdown situation. If the liquid contents of 3 heat exchanger cannot be gravitated or displaced (as part of the shutdown procedure) into a connected vessel which Is provided with appropriate means of drainage, thea the exchenger 3 bbe considered as a “vessel” and provided with drainage facilities according to inventory and contents in the table . The methods of equipment drainage described above ate considered 10 provide sale disposal of liquid! hydrocarbon contents for application to most process unit designs. Draining 10 atmosphere ut sewer, when permitied by the above guidelines, is subject to good operating judgement in consideration of prevailing conditions (wind direction, adjacent ignition sources, need for protective clothing, etc). Pollution control con: of closed drain header connections, ld tions may require mu Closed Drain Header Systems for Flammable Liquids - Closed liquid drain headers are provided, according to the criteria described in the preceding paragraphs, for the safe drainage of light ends an light stocks which would otherwise cause hazardous releases of hydrocarbon to the atmosphere or to the sewer. The connections are relatively small, intended for preparation of equipment for maintenance. Design of closed drain header systems should be as follows: 1, Connections to equipment are typically 50-mm and 80-mm for process vessels and. according to the size of the equipment. Each connection includes an accessible lock \ Double block valves are provided if required by BP3-12-1. A check vaive siuuld be if overpressure or other hazard could result from reverse flow during simultaneous d irom more than one vessel. Individual connections from the equipment are made into the top of the drain header. 2. The header is normally an 80-mm pipe (50-mm may be adequate for small units) and is routed via an overhead pipe rack (Which is generally sloped) drum, changers, alve 2 non-condensible blowdown header is rated the same as the highest pressure rated equipment conn: fitted with a safety valve if designed for a lower pressure rating. Sections of separated by check valves, may be designed for different pressure ratings, but saiety val protection is still required for the lower-rated sections, unless the header cannot be over- pressured to more than 1.5 times the design pressure. The header must be designed for the extremes of high and low temperatures and corrosive conditions which can arise from the discharge of process streams into it. The flashing and autorefrigeration of light ends liquids may for C,°s, and alloy steels for C. of special materials by segregating such streams into separate sub-headers of the system, These sub-headers may be routed separately to the blowdown di cut-off valve in each, or may be combined into a singie line with a his Wh temperature header is continued for the rest of the combined line, and is also into the other header for 6 m, preceded by a low-temperature check vaive. to it; or it is josed drain mn with a Aigh-ievel ced and insulated in a re ambient temperatures or stream temperatures could result in solidification of ‘eavy process streams, or in freezing of water or moisture that may be pres 6. Several 25-mm valved stubs should be provided at appropriate points porary drain connections can be made from equipmer would not be justified because of infrequent usa ted at grade, within 30 m of such equipment osed Drain Headers for Special Materials - Closed drain headers are normally orovided sor safe of equipment containing severely toxic, corrosive, pollutant or high-cost chemicais + cid, monoethenolamine, sulfur dioxide. catacarb) where there is an appreciable inve: number of processing vessels in a piant. The header should be at least §0-mm in diame! ied into the major vessels and equipment with 25-mm minimum size connections (20-mm is adequ: Fr, to which stubs should be EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ Section 15-D. Page 4 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E Dae September, 1978 For Autnented Comomy Use Only DESIGN PRACTICES for pumps). The header may be routed to a gravity drain drum (with recovery to the process by pump or 825 pressurization), or to a pummp-out pump returning to the process, or in the case of sulfuric acid, to the acid blowdown drurn. If the drain drum requires a vent, the vent should be piped to a closed system or sufe location, depending upon the toxicity and vapor pressure of the materials drained. Disposal of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aqueous Plant Effluents Aqueous Drawoffs from Hydrocarbon Vessels - Water or aqueous materials that are withdrawn con- tinuously or intermittently from vessels where they directly contact hydrocarbons (e.g., process water from distillate drums, and spent wash water or spent caustic solution from settlers) must be disposed of in such a way that entrainment or inadvertent withdrawal of hydrocarbon will not create a hazard. Disposal is therefore a function of hydrocarbon category, as follows: 1. Vessels Containing Light Ends - Discharge to water disengaging drum. sour water disengaging drum or spent caustic disengaging drum according to subsequent treatment methods. These drums must be designed in accordance with this Subsection. 2. Vessels Containing Hydrocarbons Heavier than Light Ends, at Temperatures Above their Flash Points, provided that they do not fall in category (4) below a. Continuous automatic level controlled drawoff: discharge as for (1), above, or into a vented section of the oily water sewer through a closed connection. If the drawoff is sour water or spent caustic, see (c) below. b. Intermittent manually controlled drawoff: discharge through open connection to oily water sewer catch busin, If the drawoff ts sour water or spent caustic, see (c) below. ¢. Sour water or spent caustic must be discharged as in (1) above, or to an atmospheric collection tank for subsequent disposal, provided that it has adequate venting capacity for the contingency of receiving hydrocarbon and has means of skimming liquid hydrocarbon. 3. Vessels Containing Hydrocarbons Heavier than Light Ends at Temperatures Below their Flash Points: a. Discharge 10 an oily water sewer catch basin through an open connection, except when the drawoif is sour water or spent caustic. b, Sour water or spent caustic must be discharged as in (1) above, or to an atmospheric collection tank for subsequent disposal, provided that it lias meuns of skimming liquid hydrocarbons, 4. Hydrocarbon Liquids Heavier than Light Ends, but which are ac elevated temperatures such that their tue vapor pressure is 103 KPa abs. or higher, must be considered as light ends. Aqueous drawoffs from vessels containing such materials (e.g., crude desalters) must there- fore be discharged in accordance with par. (1), above. $. Water from Tankage - Special disengaging facitities are not provided for water withdrawn from offsite tankage and pressure storage. Details of water drawoffs from these installations are covered by appropriate Busic Practices, Refer also to Subsections B and J. Aqueous Effluents from Heat Exchangers - Tube failure in a water-cooled or steam-heated exchanger in hydrocarbon service will result in contamination of the effluent cooling water or condensate by the process stream if the latter 1s at 2 higher pressure. These efflucnts must therefore be disposed of such that hydrocarbon contaminations can be Safely contained. Design requirements are us follows: |. Special disengaging facilities are required in the following cases a. Coolers and condensers in tight ends service ‘with the Aydrocarbon inlet pressure than the cooling water outlet oressure under normal operating conditions, ind b, Steam iiuters and reboilers with the hydrocarbon inlet pressure greater : densate outlet pressure under normai operating conditions. and where the at steam condensate temperature has a true vapor pressure of 103 kPa abs. or greater. ter wan the von- EXXON SESEARCH ANO ENGINEEAING ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section [5-D_ | Page 5 fwerarc) DESIGN PRACTICES For Auwmorited Company UM Oy | Date Sentember, 1978 2, The special disengaging facilities may consist of one of the following: a. A water disengaging drum designed in accordance with this subsection. b. A cooling tower, in the case of a recirculating cooling water system, provided that the safety features described in this subsection are incorporated. c. A condensate disengaging drum, in the case of steam condensate where revovery and re-use is required, designed in accordance with this subsection. 3. For coolers, condensers, steam heaters and reboilers which are not covered by cases (a) of (b) in paragraph | above, ettluent cooling water and condensate are discharged as follows: a. To clean water, oily water or bypass sewer, in accordance with Section 4, or: b. To an atmospheric collection tank, in the case of steam condensate where recovery and re-use are required. If the hydrocarbon pressure at the exchanger inlet is greater thn the condensate outlet pressure, then the tank must have means of skimming liquid hydro. carbon and the tank vent should be large enough safely to relieve the pressure generated, The vent must be in a safe location, Blowdown Drums Criteria for Selection of Condensible or Non-Condensible Blowdown Drum - The main purpose of a biowdown drum is to disengage closed safety valve releases and various drainage, blowdown and diverted materials into liquid and vapor streams which can be safely disposed of to appropriate storage and flaring facilities, respectively. Entrainment of liquid hydrocarbon into a flare stack is not acceptable, since it may result in burning liquid falling onto the ground or adjacent facilities. For this reason, a blowdown drum is required. However, even if the blowdown drum is effective in disengaging liquid and vapor, further con- densation may occur downstream if the vented vapor leaves the drum at a temperature above ambient. A proportion of such condensible materials in the blowdown drum vapor release may condense as 2 result of cooling in the flare header and contact with seal water, and thon disengage in the flare seal drum: while condensible vapors which are not condensed out at'this stage may condense in the flare stack or its inlet line, creating the potential for hazardous fallout of burning liquid from the ydro- carbon in the seal drum will be entrained out with the effluent seal water, which is normally routed to the sewer, and may result in pollution, toxicity or separator overload problems. If the extent of hydr carbon condensation downstream of the blowdown drum is such that the magnitude of these resulting problems exceeds acceptable limits, then one or more of the following features may be considered as methods of reducing or eliminating it: 1. Select a condenstole blowdown drum for condensible releases, rather chan the non-condensible type. If a condensible blowdown drum is not suitable for handling the total blowdown service (e.g., if cold liquids are involved), then a combination of a condensibie and a non-condensible drum may be used. 2. Locate the blowdown drum (when the non-condensible type is used) at a minimum permis. sible sp: 1g (per Subsection E) from the flare, to minimize condensation in the Mare header. 1 3, Install a knock-out drum immediately upstream of the fare seal drum, to remove materi condensed in the flare header, 4, Provide settling facilities to separate hydrocarbon liquid from the flare seal water effluer and appropriate means of disposal, ¢.g., to slop storage. 5. Where a group of connected vessels is considered as one unit for pressure relict’ purposes. consider the possibility of an alte cation for the PR valve such th stream would contain a smaller quantity of condensible matenais. Advantages of Condensible Blowdown Drums’ 1, They ure effective as a means of removing heavy hydrocarbon vap: streums, thus minimizing condensation problems in downstream EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING Company HAM PARK, Na Section 15-D_| Page 6 _ PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E Dae Suptember 1978 | __‘e sutorued Comvany use On. | (erate) DESIGN PRACTICES 2. They are effective as a means of reducing flare capacity requirements. 3. They are able to disengage oil mist better than non-condensible types are. Disadvantages of Condensible Blowdown Drums: 1, Even though some oil may be removed through skimming connections (if provided), con- densed hydrocarbon is discharged with the effluent water, often in the form of an emulsion, which may resuit in pollution, toxicity or separator overload problems, However. these may be eliminated, if justified, by emulsion breaking and/or settling Facilities and appropriate means of disposal for the separated oil. 2. They are unable to handle significant quantities of liquid light ends or materials cooler than orc. 3. Large condensing loads, if handled on a steady state basis, result in appreciable cooling water and blowdown drum capacity requirements. These loads may be reduced, however, by the use of unsteady state condensing, .g., by worm cooler, as described later in this subsection Non-Condensible Blowdown Drums (Normal Service) - Non-condensible blowdown drums for normal aydrocarbon service are designed in accordance with the following: 1. A typical non-condensible blowdown drum and its associated equipment and headers are illustrated in Figure | 2. A single blowdown drum may be used for more than one process unit, if economically attractive. However, when this is done, all units.served by it must be shut down in order to take the drum out of service, unless cross connections are made to another systern of adequate capacity. 3. Normally all closed safety valve discharges are combined into one header entering the drum, although separate headers and inlet nozzles are acceptable if economically advantageous. The following releases are also normally routed into the safety valve header a. Fuel gas knockout drum condensate and absorber overhead gas knockout drum liquid, b. Compressor suction and interstage knockout drum liquid c. Emergency vepor blowdowns, if provided. d. Vapor streams diverted from process units, if this facility is provided (see “Process Stream Diversion and Slop Storage,” in this subsection). Dry gas streams, where there is no possibility of liquid entrainment, may however be diverted directly to the flare header. Sizing, design temperature, and installation requirements for safety valve headers are covered in Subsection C. . The closed liquid drain header is run as a separate line to the drum and provided with a hieh- level cut-off valve with local manual reset. In some cases the closed drain system is segregated into a number of sub-headers, as described earlier in this subsection. Hydrocarbon liquids may be bypassed around the drum through a connection from the closed drain header directly to the pumpout pump suction, provided that the liquid can be routed to a safe disposai location, considering its vapor pressure and temperature, Emergency liquid pulldown connections, if provided, are routed to the blowdown drum via the closed drain header. a 5. As described later, diversion of liquid streams in the light ends range, when provided on pro- cess units, may in some cases be routed to a non-condensible drum for disposal, In these cases, the diversion stream is normally tied into the closed drain header upstream of the hi off vaive, increasing the header size if necessary. (But see paragraph 6(b) below fo (0 this’ routing) 5, Sizing of the biowdo nis are based on the follow- gure 2): p below the LH(CO)A (A-B in Figure 2.) is the light ends stream diversion re- (if required, see “Process Stream Diversion and Slop Storage” in this subsection) drum and location of the level ins! ER&E (aera] JPRIETARY INFORMATION Section —[5-D | Page 7 DESIGN PRACTICES For auwioned Gompany Use ny Dae September, 1978 or the closed drainage requirement for residual process liquids at a normal shutdown, whichever is greater. This closed drain requirement is taken as 10% of the total liquid hydrocarbon inventory of all vessels in one process unit which are provided with closed drain header connections. This assumes that 90% of the liquid inventory of these vessels can be removed by pressuring or pumping out through normal process disposal routes. The process unit to be used for sizing purposes is the one which has the largest closed drain requirement and which can shut down independently for tumaround. inventory of vessels is calculated at the top of the working level range, excluding tray holdup and th contents of piping. In the case of vessels containing large liquid inventories, e.g., surge drums, the individual closed drain header requirement may be reduced below 10%, where appropriate, by taking credit for altemative means of disposal of the liquid contents, e.g... water displacement to storage. When an oil layer is required for steam coil protection (see par. 12 below), appropriate drum volume must be allowed. b. IF the facility of light ends stream diversion to the blowdown drum is required to be con- tinuously available for safety reasons (as opposed to economic or operability reasons), then the sizing basis described in paragraph 6(a) above is modified as follows: (1) A low LH(CO)A is provided, actuating a cut-off valve in the closed drain header. Holdup below this LH(CO)A is the closed drainage requirement, calculated as in 6(a) above (2) A second LH(CO)A is provided at a higher level, actuating a cut-off valve in the liquid diversion stream, which is routed to the blowdown drum by a separate line. (3) The holdup between the two LH(CO)A’s must equal the liquid diversion requit The space in the drum above the LH(CO)A (above the upper LH(CO)A when two are instailed) is made up of a holdup capacity (B-D in Figure 2) for 30 minutes’ accumulation quid safety valve releases, plus a vapor space (D-F) for the associated vapor release. ne drum sizing is determined by the single contingency which requires the maximum combined space B-D plus D-F. 1@ contingency which requires the maximum combined space B-D plus D-F and which determines the drum sizing (as described in para c. above), other contingencies are considered as follows: ment, (1) The single contingency which results in the largest accumulation (B-E) of liquid safety valve releases during 30 minutes, regardless of any associated vapor rate. T! point E is used for pumpout pump sizing, as described in para 16 below (2) The single contingency which results in the largest vapor load, regardle: ciated liquid load, is used 10 determine the maximum required vapor spac high level alarm is placed at point C. , In considering the contingencies described in paragraphs ¢. and d. above, ¥: loads are evaluated on the following basis: (1) Vapor load considerations must include all safety valve, emergency vapor and vapor stream diversion sources which release as a result of a singi (2) Liquid loads are considered from all safety valves that discharge as a result of a single contingency, plus in each case an allowance for knockout drum liquids (fuel gas K.O. drums, absorber overhead K.O. drums, and compressor suction and interstage K.O. drums) equal to the inventory of all drums which discharge to the blowdown dram, at their LHA point. (3) Vapor space velocities normaily should not exceed 100% of demonstrates that this keeps liquid entrainment into the flare limuts, However, a velocity of 175% of eritic “1.5 Times Design Pressure Rule” to r contingency. al; experience line within acceptable I is permitted when one 3s appiying me mote contingencies (See Sudsection C} EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. Section 15-D_ | Page 8 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E Cae Sa] fwvnuonce cohewr'uelon | ER&E DESIGN PRACTICES Ve = 0.048 Eq. (1) 7 where: Ve = Critical vapor velocity, m/s. py, = Liguid density, kg/m? at operating conditions. py = Vapor density, ke/m? at operating conditions. Crinkled wire mesh screens are not permissible. (4) The depth of the vapor space should tinder no contingency be less than 20% of the drum diameter, of less than 300 mm. f. LL(CO)A with local manual reset is provided to trip the pumpout pump when the liquid hhas been pulled down to a low level (see para 13. for exact location), 7. The blowdown drum design pressure is 345 kPa gage. 8. The maximum allowable operating pressure in the blowdown drum is determined by the lower of the followin; a. The maximum allowable back pressure on safety valves which discharge to the blowdown drum, according to set pressure and type of safety valve, or b. The pressure at which vapor diversion from any gas compressor suction to the blowdown drum is required to be released. These facilities are normally provided on cat cracker and steam cracker process gas compressors. ¢. The maxizium allowable operating pressure on any other condensible blowdown drum, water disengaging drum. ete., which vents into the same Mare header. Overall sizing and pressure drop in flare systems are covered in Subsection C. 9. The blowdown drum design temperature is set by the extremes of emergency operating tem- perature which can result from any of the streams tied into it. If materials are handled at temperatures below 15°C, or if they can autorefrigerate to below 15°C, a minimum design temperature must aiso be specified, 10. Blowdown drum materisis must be adequate for any corrosive substance that may be released into it, and for the temperature limuts defined by paragraph 9. above. 11. A steam coil is provided in the blowdown drum for deicing, winterizing and weathering pur- poses, Sizing of the coii is based upon weathering off the light ends from the flashed liquids at the maximum level accumulated as a result of any of the design contingencies described in paragraph 6 above. This material must be weathered in two hours to temperature and vapor Pressure conditions which will permit safe pumpout to associated slop or other receiving facilities. In some cases weathering must be followed by cooling of the pumpout stream (sez paragraph 17 below). For most applications a steam coil consisting of a nominal 60 m of 50-mm pipe is adequate. The coil should be stoped to insure condensate drainage 12. For services where the heating coil may be exposed to cold or autorefrigerated liquids. the design should be such as to prevent blockage by freezing of steam condensate. The following methods are available to achieve this a. A SO-mm steam trap bypass direct to sewer. This is required in all cases where tempera tures below 0°C may occur in the blowdown drum. b. Provision of a line for injection of iow-pour gas oil or similar material into the blowdown drum. A level of aus oil submerging the coii acts as a heat sink. but this volume must be allowed for when the drum is sized. This is the normal protection used when temperatures below 45°C may occur in the slowdown drum ¢. Connections for methunoi injection into the steam coil iniet and outlet piping for de-icing, d. Use of vertical double-pipe (bayonet type) steam heaters. EXXON RESEARCH ANG ENGINEEMI!, LUMPANY — oR PROPRIETARY INFORMATION {Section 15-D | Page 9 For Authoriand Company Use Only aaa ee tos . fewig DESIGN PRACTICES ©. Use of a hot oil heating medium to the coil, or a cascade heating system (e.2., steam-methanol), 13. The drum is provided with a drawoff boot of nominal 600-mm diameter by 900-mm in height, with a separate steam coil fabricated from 25-mm pipe. Normally it is aot necessary to withdraw hydrocarbon and water separately, and the pumpout pump takes suction from the bottom of the boot. The LL(CO)A is located as close as possible to the top of the boot to ensure that the pump is shut down before losing suction. 14. If the drum may occasionally receive water, caustic or similar aqueous streams, which would create problems in receiving facilities if pumped out with the hydrocarbon, then means of separate drainage should be included. This may consist of a connection to the sewer from the bottom of the boot; or in the case of sour water, a connection off the pumpout pump dischurge routed to sour water facilities or other suitable disposal 15. Sizing, design temperature and installation requirements for blowdown drum vapor ou! piping to the flare are covered in Subsection C. 16. A steam-driven manually controlled pump is preferred for the pumpout service. A reciprocat- ing pump is preferred due to its greater ability to hold suction with volatile liquids; however, if a centrifugal pump is used, both suction and discharge lines must be vented back to the drum, the discharge vent being sized for 15% of the pump capacity. Pump sizing is based on pumping out in 2 hours the total drum contents from the maximum accumulated liquid level as defined in paragraph 6(d), above. Due to the wide range of fluids handled, the pum should be specified for 2 to 2.5 m NPSH requirement at the suction flange (See Section 10). Drum elevation should be such as to meet the pump NPSH requirement. The pump design temperature should be the same as that of the blowdown drum, and design pressure is set according to the disposal routing downstream. Disposal of pumpout material from the blowdown drum is normally to pressure slop stora; lignt atmosphenc stop storage, or other atmospheric tankage. As described in Subsection B. design features must be incorporated to avoid the hazards of excessive vapor evolution or boil-over which can result from routing light or hot materials to atmospheric tankage, Requirements for weathering off light ends from liquid accumulated in the blowdown d are defined in paragraph 11 above. In addition, a cooler should be provided in the discharge line from the pumpout pump it either of the following applies: a, The blowdown drum can r hot liquids (above 93°C), or b. The blowdown drum liquid (after weathering if necessary), if rout tank for disposal, could result in the true vapor pressure of matel 13 90 kPa abs, ‘The cooler should be sized to cool the maximum pumpout flow to S0°C. to an atmospien in the tank exceeuing Non-Condensible Blowdown Drums (Special Service) - In some cases, because of sev osion problems or for special process reasons, a unit must have its own separate blowdown system. The suifuric acid alkylation process is an example, Here the discharge from safety valves which can contain acid emul: sion presents two particular problems: corrosion and siow disengaging of hydrocarbon trom acid. The first vessel in the blowdown system is therefore an acid-hydrocarbon separator. This drum is provided with a pump to transfer disengaged acid to the spent acid tank, Disengaged liquid hydrocarbon is preferably pumped back to the process, or to slop storage or a regular non-condensibie blowdown drum The vented vapor stream from the acid-hydrocarbon separator is bubbled through a layer of caustic soda solution in a neutralizing drum and is then routed to the flare header. To avoid corrosion in the special acid blowdown system, no releases whic! tain water or alkaline solutions are routed sto it EXXON RESEARCH AN ENGINEERING COMPANY 65206-15-0 Section Page ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION DESIGN PRACTICES For Authorized Company Use Only toa METRIC. Condensible Blowdown Drums - Condensible blowdown deums (see Figure 3) are provided as a means of preventing liquid hydrocarbon condensation in flare systems, to reduce flare capacity requicenents, or to prevent discharge of condensable nydrocarbons to the atnos phere. In some cases’ they serve the additional purpose of reducing the maximum tempera ture of flared gases and hence minimizing thermal expansion problens in the mechanical design of Flere stacks. A condensitie viomuown urum functions by a direct contact water spray arrangement, which condenses entering nydrocacbon vapors heavier than Light ends. Condensed hydrocarbons and effluent water are discharged througn a seal to the sewer, and uncondensea light hydrocarbon vapors are vented to the flace or to the atnopshere The design basis for condensible blondown drums 18 as follows She maximum vapor load on the drum 1s based on the largest release from safety valves discharging as a result of a single contingency. Vapor velocities in the drum are based on 100% of ceatical velocity (see £q. 1). However, 3 velocity of 175% of eratical is permitted when one is applying the "1.5 tumes Design Presgure Rule” ta Femote contingencies (see Subsection C). Crinkled wire mesh screens are not permas- sible. 2, The vapor outlet should preferably be connected to the Flare system. However, when the safety valve releases and other streams tied into the rum contain only a srall Quantity of noncondensible hydrocarbons or anets, and where na pollution problens are anticspated, then an atmospheric vent 1s acceptable, subject to the follow condi tena: The vent must be located at least 15 m above grace, and at least 3m any equipment with a horizontal cistance of 15 m. b. The vent must be located such that sf inadvertent ignition of the maximum hydeo- carbon vanor release should acrur, the resulting radiant heat densitiss at geac Go not exceed the prescribes limts for personne! exasu: fee Subsection = c. The dispersion of Flammable or toxie mate: adjacent equipment and working areas. als must be adequate in relation to J." The vent must be provaced with tion snd snuffang, as ‘or flashback pro} eam or inert gas injec quired by Subsection 8. 3, The blowdown drum design pressure should be 345 kPa, gage. "ction V, tagether with the Following paragrashs, des: and donut ‘section and the other internals of the drum. bes the design af the disc Water requirements are normally based on reducing gas and liquid outlet temperatures to about 65°C. Selection af the op! mperature is based on considerations of temperature and composition of entering streams, and the extent to which suoseauent condensation of effluent vapors downstream of the drum can be tolerated. the water Supply should be taken from a reliable water system. If a recirculating coolang water system 15 used, then the circulating pumps and cooling tower basin mst nave adequate capacity to supply the maximum condensible blowown deun requirenent for 20 minutes. An on-off type temperature controller in the iniet line actus) nteol valve in the water supply. line, ction orifice in the © valve bypass admits 0.u ta 1.2 un3/s contanously to maintain che outiee emergency backuo water connection from the firenain 18 provided, with an ftom the control house, and 3 restriction orifice sized for the maxim Guicement. A high temperature alarm is required in the vapor outlet fron the drum. pag 10 old revion missing EXXON RESEARCH ANG ENGINELAike COMPANY - FLORHAM PARK, Section Pa 15-0 [P12 | proprietary ineor Marion ER&E Date warch, 1982 | For Autonzed Company Use Only DESIGN PRACTICES 6. fhe water holdup in the hase af the drum 1s sized in accordance with Section V. T. The seal height in the Liquid effluent tine (assuming 100% water) normally is siceo for 175% of the macinum drum operating pressure, of J m, whichever is greater. How ever, 2 seal neignt of only 110% of the maximum drum operating pressure is permit tea unan one is applying the "1.5 tines Desiqn Pressure Rule” to remate contingencies (see Subseetion C). 8. The maximum allovable opersting pressure for the purposes of sizing flare headers and calculating safety valve back pressures is taken as 7 to 14 kPa, gage at the drum, unless lower presgures sre required by apecial process considerations. Consideration must be given to steam that is generated by evaparation ef cooling water at Nigh loadings. 9. Because of the continuous water Flow through a candensible dloxdown drum, it can safely handle cold of autorefrigerating releases anly to the extent that ‘effluent Liquid and vapor temperatures remain above 09C Unsteady State Condensible Blowdown Systens - In some cases shere condensing loads a! hugh, of were it is requires to recover condensed liquid blowdown material for pollu- tion, toxicity or economic reasons, an unsteady state condensing system may be appropri~ ate. Examples of sucn applications are as follow: 1, Worm Coaler on Condengable Slowdown Drum Inlet. By use of a worm cooler in the Gonaensibie blowdown drum aniet, the ugh water requirement for direct contact condensing is avoided. The worm cooler must be elevated ano the coil continuously sloped to aavid any Liquid traps in the safety velve header. The noidup of static water in the cooler must de adequate foc the cesign condensing duty during 30 min- utes, allowing for heating-up of the water in that period. This type of cesicn should not be applied shere solidification of heavy materials within the cooler coil may occur. 2. Phenol Condensible Blowdown Tank. A blowdown tenk is used in phenol treating plants fo handle streams containing pnenal and nesvy hydrocarbons (luoriceting oil stocks). The plewdown tank is illusteatea in Figure 4. The design basis is as follows a, The maximum vapor Load to the tank is based on the largest release from satety valves discharging a6 2 rosult of a single contingency. b. Equipment design temperature is 175°C. Design pressure is 1.5 ka, gage in the vapor soace with the tank full of liquid, and the tank construction incerporates 3 weak roofshell weld seam per API 650, 1@ atmospheric vent stack is concentric with the tank and terminates at least 15 A above grade and at least } m above the Righest equigwent within @ horizontal distance of 13m. Additional elevation must be provides if necessary to ensure that phenol caneentrations at grade and at working platforms do not exceed the Threshold Linit Yalve (LV). The stack is slotted at the top of the tank, with the slot area aized for a maximum tank vapor space pressure of 1 KPa, gage at maximum vapor Load. The tank is provided with continuous nitrogen blenketing for flashback protec fon, sized in sccarcence with Suvaection 8. of phenol held im the tank to cool and absory the phenol in @ entering vapor cient extract, at 38°C, is requires to aosoro the Targest quantity of phenol disenarges in SU minutes by safety valves asa cesult DF a single contingency, without exceecing 930C extract temperature. Tank size must be adequate to hold the mixed phase inventory existing during maxinum load conaations, and tank dimensions are selected such that the maxirum liquid level pelow the elevation of the Meader which collects the shenol-bearing releases. EXAON RESEARCH AND CMC™CTEING COMPANY - FLORHAM PARK, HJ. ER&E DESIGN PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section 15-D | Page 13 ger DE Fercaunotued Conswn tin Oni | Bate” Soreambor T9TR 7 7. Sizing of the drum and seal leg is determined by the following: a. When the pressure in the drum vapor space is atmospheric, the level must be such that the vapor space is adequate to dissnguge water droplets from hydrocarbon vapor at design vapor load (in accordance with Section 5), and the seal leg must have a large enough dia- meter to pass the maximum water rate. b. When the pressure in the vapor space equals the maximum allowable operating pressure, the water surface should be depressed to a minimum operating level, at which capacity for disengaging vapor from water 1s adequate for the design load, as determined from Section 5. Also, the back pressure must not depress the water level below the effective depth of the vortex breaker. This applies, regardless of whether the back pressure results from vapors being released through the drum, or from the back pressure surge imposed from a closed release system. The minimum operating level should be not less than 450 mm above the bottom of the drum. A low level alarm (LLA) is provided at the minimum operating le or alternatively high pressure alarm may be installed, set at the corresponding vapor space pressure. c. The height of the seal in the liquid outlet (assuming 100% water) normally should be equivalent to 175% of the maximum allowable operating pressure, or 3 m, whichever is greater. However, a seal height of only 110% of the maximum drum operating pressure is permitted when one is applying the “I.5 times Design Pressure Rule” to remote con- tingencies (see Subsection C) 8, The drum should be provided with a high level alarm (to give warning of overload or seal blockage) located 150 mm above the level which corresponds to zero gage pressure in the vapor space and maximum water flow. 9. A vortex breaker should be installed at the water outlet to prevent hydrocarbon entrainment to the sewer, if the relevant critesia in Section 5 are satisfied. 10, Effluent water from the seal is discharged through a closed connection to a vented sewer manhole, so that any air drawn in through the siphon breaker vent may be disengaged, and io prevent hydrocarbon release at grade level. 11, Four skimming connections with trycocks should be provided at the outlet end of the drum. at the normal liquid level, and at 150 mm, 300 mm, and 450 mm below the normal level. Liguid hydrocarbon skimmed from these connections should be pumped to a suitable slop system. A connection to the suction of a blowdown drum pumpout pump, if available. is adequate for this purpose, Disengaging Drums for Other Aqueous Streams - Aqueous plant effluent and drawoff streams such as steam condensate, sour water, or spent caustic soda solution may require disposal to a disengagin drum, but the regular water disengaging drum may not be suitable. Special disengaging drums may there fore be required; for example, in the following cases: xr facilities. 1. Condensate is to be recovered and returned to eating and boiler feed wa 2. Sour water is to be routed to sour water stripping facilities, be recycled to fresh caustic make-up facil facilities. , OF routed £0 deodo: e design of these drums generally follows the same basis as that for water disengaging drums, xcept that a pump (with spare) is required to transfer the aqueous liquid under level control to appropriate receiving facilities, Combination Disengaging and Blowdown Drums - In some cases, it is possible to combine the func- tlons of blowdown and disengaging drums in one vessel. However, PR devices discharging liquid hydrc caroons lighter than pentane should not be connected into the drum if there is a possibility that such ‘iguids vould accumulate and be released to the sewer through the seal ieg. Also, the drum vent should does not match previous page 16 COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, Nu. “Section 15°D | Page Speen DESIGN PRACTICES Date September, 1978, be sized to prevent pressure buildup due to vaporization. In these applications, the design criteria for both services must be met and special attention should be paid to potential hazards and problems which may be introduced, such as: 1. Liquid traps in safety valve release lines. 2, Combinations of wate and pressure surges. 3. Combinations of water and cold or autorefrigerating hydrocarbons which could result in freeaing problems. \d hot hydrocarbon releases ‘nich could result in steam generation 4. Reliability of water supply, if condensible blowdown and water disengaging services are combined 5.Contingencies which may require the drum to be used for both services simultaneously. Cooling Towers - When the criteria detailed above under “Disposal of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aqueous Plant Effluents” require a means of satvly disengaging hydrocarbon from effluent cooling water, an acceptable alternative to a water disenguging rum in recirculating water systems is a cooling tower which incorporates the following features 1. Induced draft with stack. 2, Proper electrical area classification Hydrocarbon gas alarm in the water return header to the cooling tower. Process Stream Diversion and Slop Storage Materials to be handled - Plant designs must include such as the following: 1, Liquid hydrocarbons accumulated in non-condensible blowdown drums, originating satety valves, closed drain headers, knockout drum drainage, etc. Facilities are normally pro vided at the drum for weathering volatile liquids and cooling hot liquids before disposal. 2. Oil-water mixtures and emulsions, e.g., from separators, tank bottoms, ballast water, ete. Heating of such materials is often necessary to separate oil and water. jeans safe disposal for various slop materials, 3. Off-specification product during startup, shutdown or plant upsets. Means of disposal of all off-specification product streams must be availabie. In many cases, blending off in product tankage or downgrading to another product is possible 4. Streams which must be diverted because of emergency shutdown of downstream equipment (e.g., compressor failure). Diversion routes should be provided where such a contingency would otherwise require the immediate shutdown of the affected process unit, resuiting in appreciable economic and operational debits. Methods of disposal - The following means of disposal may be considered for disposal of slop materials such as the above: |. Flare - Vapor streams, such as compressor suction diversion on catalytic cracki cracking units, are normally routed to a flare. Gas burning main - Light hydrocarbon vapors may be routed into gas burning mains for disposal. If a propane vaporizer is available, this may be used as a means of routing liquid light ends to the burning main. and steam 3. Storage facilities - Recycling or blending of liquid streams into feed or product storage. ctc., can be used in many cases, However. the design of such disposal systems must include +o sideration of the potential for excessive vapor evolution and boilover n arise routing light materials or hot streams to tankage. These hazasds, together with appropriate design features to minimize th discussed in Subsection B. EXXON RESEARCH 4NO OMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, NJ ER&E Design practices | eRorRleTARY IroAwarion [Seton 15: [Pome_15 For Authorized Comeany Use Only Oate September, 1978 4. Slop Storage handled: Slop storage facilities ure of three basic types according to the materials a. Pressure siop storage, for light ends materials b. Light atmospheric slop storage, for materials which do not require heating for emulsion breaking, ¢. Heavy atmospheric slop storage, for materials requiring heating for emulsion breaking. In the case of (b) and (c), the same safety consideratiuns must be applied as in paragraph G). Materials accumulated in slop storage are normally routed to rerunning facilities of blended into appropriate tankage for disposal. Design of Slop Storage Facilities - When selecting the means of stream disposal one should use routes which, to the maximum extent possible, utilize normal plant facilities and tankage, etc, Streams which cannot be handled in this way require slop storage facilities. Sizing of slop storage facilities is usually based upon the normal flow rates of all streams which must be diverted to siop under a single contin- gency, for the period of time necessary to eliminate the contingency or to carry out a controlled shutdown 1, Pressure Slop Storage - If pressure slop storage is required to handle slop materials in the light ends range, it must comply with the following: a. The type of pressure slop storage vessel is selected on the basis of cost. Generally a spheze or spheroid is cheaper than a drum for capacities over 160 m? the vessel is vented to a low pressure gas line (if available) or to the flare header, through essure contro} valve, The design vapor load is based on the single contingency (e.., d diversion from @ particular unit) which results in the largest quantity of flashed vapor from entering liquids. ©. Overpressure and vacuum protection must be provided in accordance with Subsection C. d. A high lev |A) is provided at 85% of the vessel volume capa level cutoff which shuts off inlet flow when the level reaches 92% full. €. A manually controlled pumpout pump is provided to transfer slop to a suitable process { for rerunning, The size of the pump is determined by rerunning requirements. When the blowdown drum and slop storage vessel are close together, the pumpout pumps may be manifolded so that both are interchangeable in either service. b y, and aiso a hign As an alternative to special pressure slop storage, the necessary holdup may be provided in a non-vondensiole blowdown drum, as described earlier in this subsection. 2, Light and Heavy Atmospheric Slop - Light and heavy atmospheric slop storage are normally both necessary in the average refinery. Sizing depends on the refinery complexity, volume and number of finished and intermediate products, and available means of disposal or rerunning, Further details are given in Offsite Design Practices, Section 22. aac AND ING SOMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. Section 15-D [Page 16 | proprietary information | ER&E psection amt S=D IM ESEEICR RETARYAL fem) DESIGN PRACTICES Ose Sopiember, 1973 |__FO uments Comnany use ny | META] COWN OHUM Ana = Stoped Down Water Orawoft ER&E (merRIc] DESIGN PRACTICES | TROPRIETARY mronwarion [Seon 15:D [Pie For Authorized Company Use Only 17 Date September, 1978 3 NON CONDENSIOLE 8. EXCCON RESEARCH AND ENG! Pumpou lored Drain COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ Section 15-D | Page 13 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E eo Saale antoaell ay CES CULES Figure 3 CONDENSIOLE BLOWDOVM DAUM Vent to Flare Header Sionon Breaker Vent aay AG. 1 LT) Norma ievet at (OS) te ana tro rs \ aan Safety Vaive Hanger 178% of cram Soerating er Seat init tog sizes For “remote” contingencies, 110% sa\ ceoth roth aezeprauie live Test for deta EXXON RESEARCH ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION [Seetion_15-D | Page 19 DESIGN PRACTICES | fa°Ktnaned conoev Uw Ow ome Sonatas Figure & Condensiste Asieazs containing Connection CONDENSIGLE BLOWOOWN TANK . PHENOL SERVICE x Slots sine for maximus Vacuum Breskiog am] ot KPa gene. *PANY — FLORMAM PARK, NJ. comoined Ven snd Rost Suowort Lae Nitrogen Blanking Makeup Process Unit Section _15-D__| Page__20 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E prcign PRACTICES Date September, 1978 For Aumoriaed Company Use Only (Mera) Figure 5 WATER DISENGAGING DRUM EXXON RESEARCH 3)

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