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Block crawling of parameterized duplicate

When and how to use the URL Parameters tool

URL parameters and duplicate content

If your site uses URL parameters for insignificant page variations (for instance,
color=red vs color=green), or if your site uses parameters that can show essentially
the same content using different URLs (for example,
style=polo,long-sleeve and
sleeve), Google might be crawling your site inefficiently.

Here is an example of URLs that lead to essentially duplicate content, distinguished only
by different parameters:

URL Description Static, non-

parameterized page URL uses parameters

category=dresses&color=green category and color
to deliver the same
content as non-
parameterized page. URL includes

limit=20&sessionid=123 parameters to limit
the number of
results, and a session
ID for the user to
show the same

If you have many such URL parameters in your site, then you might benefit by using the
URL Parameters tool to reduce crawling of duplicate URLs.

Important: If your site serves duplicate content to different URLs without using
parameters, you should define a canonical page rather than block crawling, as
described in this page. 01/04/22, 3H52 PM

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Block crawling of URLs containing specific
You can prevent Google from crawling URLs that contain specific parameters, or
parameters with specific values, in order to avoid crawling duplicate pages.

You should use the URL Parameters tool only if your site fulfills ALL of the following

• Your site has more than 1,000 pages, AND

• In your logs, you see a significant number of duplicate pages being indexed by
Googlebot, in which all duplicate pages vary only by URL parameters (for example: and

Incorrect usage warning

You should use the URL Parameters tool only if your site fulfills the requirements
above, and you are an experienced SEO. Using the URL Parameters tool
incorrectly can cause Google to ignore important pages on your site, with no
warning or reporting about ignored pages. If this sounds a little dire, it's because
many people misuse the tool, or use it unnecessarily. If you are unsure whether
you are using this tool correctly, it's better not to use it.

You can specify Google's behavior when crawling your site with specific parameters.
Parameter behavior applies to the entire property; you cannot limit crawling behavior for
a given parameter to a specific URL or branch of your site.

To use the URL Parameters tool:

1. Verify that your site meets the requirements listed previously.

2. Open the URL Parameters tool.
3. Either Edit an existing parameter, or click Add parameter to create a new one. Note
that this tool is case-sensitive, so type your parameter name exactly as it appears in
your URL.
4. Specify whether your URL parameter affects page content: 01/04/22, 3H52 PM

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• No: Doesn't affect page content: Your parameter doesn't affect how page content
is presented. This type of parameter might be used to track visits and referrers,
but has no effect on the actual content of the page. For example, sessionID or
userName. If Google finds many URLs that differ only in this parameter value, it will
crawl one of them. Google tries to detect these types of parameters, but if your
logs indicate that we are not identifying this static parameter correctly, you can
specify it here.
• Yes: Changes, reorders, or narrows page content: Your parameter can change
page content. Examples might be brand, gender, country, or sortorder.
Choose the purpose of the parameter:
• Sorts (for example, sort=price_ascending): Changes the order in which
content is presented.
• Narrows (for example, t-shirt_size=XS): Filters the content on the page.
• Specifies (for example, store=women): Determines the general class of content
displayed on a page. If this specifies an exact item, and this is the only way to
reach this content, should select "Every URL" for the behavior.
• Translates (for example, lang=fr): Displays a translated version of the content.
If you use a parameter to show different languages, you probably do want
Google to crawl the translated versions using hreflang to indicate language
variants of your page rather than blocking content with this tool.
• Paginates (for example, page=2): Displays a specific page of a long listing or

• Which URLs with this parameter should Googlebot crawl? Choose an option to
indicate Google's behavior when encountering URLs that contain this parameter:
• Let Googlebot decide: This setting is the default for already-known
parameters. Select if you're unsure of a parameter's behavior, or if the
parameter behavior changes for different parts of the site. Googlebot can
analyze your site to determine how best to handle the parameter.
• Every URL: Tells Google never to block URLs with this parameter. URLs with
unique values of this parameter do not contain duplicate content. For
example, after you implement this type of setting for URLs containing the
productid parameter, Google automatically considers the URL
to be entirely different from
because each URL has a different productid parameter value.
• Only URLs with value: Tells Google to crawl only URLs where your URL
parameter is set to a specified value. URLs with a different parameter value 01/04/22, 3H52 PM

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won’t be crawled. This is particularly useful if your site uses the parameter
value to change the order in which otherwise identical content is displayed.
For example,
sort=price_high contains the same content as You
could use this setting to tell Googlebot to crawl only those URLs where
sort=price_low to avoid crawling the duplicate content.
• No URLs: Tells Google not to crawl any URLs with a specific parameter.
Google won't crawl any URLs containing the parameter you entered. For
example, you can tell Google not to crawl URLs with parameters such as
pricefrom and priceto (like
ceto=1000) to prevent unnecessary crawling of duplicated content already
available from

5. If your site uses multiple parameters in a URL, see managing URLs with multiple
6. Note that your rules might be inherited by other properties (see Inheritance of
parameter rules).

Inheritance of parameter rules

If you have separate properties for http and https, or separate parent and child
properties (for example, and, or and then your parameter settings might be inherited between properties,
according to these rules:

• http/https: If only one of your http or https properties has rules, then the rules are
applied to both. If both your http and https properties have their own rules defined,
then only their own rules are applied.
• Parent/child: If a parent property ( has parameter rules, any child
property ( without parameter rules inherits those rules; any child
property with parameter rules uses only its own rules. Note that subdomains
( count as children of parent domains (

Managing URLs with multiple parameters

A single URL can contain many parameters; you can specify crawling settings for each
one separately. If a single URL contains multiple managed parameters, Google will obey
the following rule when deciding whether to crawl the URL: 01/04/22, 3H52 PM

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The more restrictive parameter settings override the less restrictive parameter

For example, below are three URL parameters and their respective Google crawling

Parameter Parameter crawl settings

shopping-category Crawl all URLs with this parameter

sort-by Crawl only URLs with value = production-year

sort-order Crawl only URLs with value = asc

Example 1

Google won't crawl this URL because the sort-by parameter is not set to
production-year even though the URL contains a valid sort-order value (asc)

Example 2

Google can crawl this URL because the sort-by and sort-order values match the
allowed settings.

Example 3

Google can crawl both URLs because they don't have any flagged parameters.

English​ 01/04/22, 3H52 PM

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