Compliment and Congratulation Dialogue

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compliment and congratulation dialogue

theme : Ajun get scholarship to tokyo university because he is an outstanding student and
won many championships.

Haidar : “did you see ajun? he was called by miss naya,”

Wony : “Ajun? No i dont see him today, maybe you can ask Dimas, i saw him at garden was
studying with Daniel,”
Haidar : “Really? thank you wony,”

After that haidar is going to the garden to meet Dimas

Haidar : “Hey dimas, did you see ajun? i was help miss naya to call him,”
Dimas : “ajun? is he registered for the competition again? I am very jealous of him,”
Haidar : “maybe,I'm sure he has tons of trophies this semester,”
Daniel : “absolutly, we was saw ajun at library, you know he can’t live without books,”
Dimas : “ajun always sit at table number seven behind the english bookshelf,”
Haidar : “I thought it would be hard to find him, but thanks for the information bruh and sorry
if i disturb your studying activity,”
Daniel and Dimas : “that’s all right/no problem,”

at library,
Miss Nana : “wait? Haidar? is it somethin wrong that make you want to come to library?”
Haidar : “haha, im searching ajun, he was called by miss naya,”
Miss Nana : “owh, i shouldnt forget that you want to come to library for reading. I was saw
ajun walking to english bookshelf,”
Haidar : “yeah, dimas was telling me too, but thank you miss,”
Miss Nana : “pleasure,”

at table number 7
Haidar : “ajun,”
Ajun : “yes? oh haidar, what’s up?”
Haidar : “Miss naya was calling you for come to her room, dont ask me why,”
Ajun : “Haha thank you haidar, but why are you sweating?”
Haidar : “to be honest,i was saw dimas, daniel, and miss nana to search you,”
Ajun : “really? sorry bruh, i’ll treat you at second break,”

after that ajun is walking to miss naya’s room

ajun : “excuse me, miss naya this is ajun,”
miss naya : “finally, im waiting for long time,”
ajun : “sorry miss, i was on library. so are you gonna tell something?”
miss naya : “ofcourse, im sure you dont forget about your math competition 2 weeks ago,”
ajun : “yeah, is it something wrong, miss?”
miss naya : “no, the win announcement competition will be announced in 2 more days, and
on that day, we will return to the competition venue to attend, i hope you cant prepare
ajun : : “allright miss, lemme take some relax time for this 2 days,”
miss naya : “good, i know you’ll going to the winner at the competition,”
ajun : “i hope so, is there anything else to say? i want to go to canteen, miss,”
miss naya : “sure, you can go now,”
ajun : “thank you miss,”
then ajun walk away from miss naya’s room to canteen.

2 days after that. . .

now ajun and miss naya are at the competition venue. they sit on the reserved table. they
are waiting for long time, until the name of the winner will be announced.

MC : “this year's winner got a perfect score in the competition, the judges were even
surprised when they corrected the answer sheet, and maybe you can't wait to hear who won.
i’ll tell u know. the winner is. . . Ajun Prakarsa from Batavia High School, congratulations

Ajun and miss naya was suprised,

MC : “for ajun may come to the stage,”

Ajun is walking to the stage for taking the throphy,

Ajun : “good afternoon everyone, first i want to say thank you for god ofcouse, second, i just
want to say thank you for miss naya, because she was teaching me so i cant be the winner
at this competition, last, i want to say thank you so much for to the judges and competition

after that ajun and miss naya go back to school with the trophy,

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