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3, JUNE 2014 1203

An Approach for Controlled Reclosing of

Shunt-Compensated Transmission Lines
Karcius M. C. Dantas, Member, IEEE, Washington L. A. Neves, Member, IEEE, and
Damásio Fernandes, Jr., Member, IEEE

Abstract—An approach for controlled reclosing of transmission possible only by using a combination of controlled switching
lines with shunt reactive compensation is proposed here to reduce and surge arresters [1].
switching surge overvoltages. It consists of applying Karren- The application of controlled switching to transmission lines
bauer’s transformation as a matrix operator for the analysis
of voltage signals required to control switching operations. The has been reported since the 1970s [12]. But only during the
procedure also determines the arc extinction time for single and 1990s, was a practical procedure for controlled closing of shunt
double-phase-to-ground faults which may avoid unsuccessful compensated lines proposed [13]. Optimal making instants were
reclosing. A device to control the line reclosing was implemented predicted based on the zero crossings of the voltage across the
and evaluated through real-time simulations. An offline version CB. However, for lines with low compensation degrees, some
was implemented for parametric and sensitivity analysis through
the Electromagnetic Transients Program using actual parameters zero crossings may not occur, and the correct prediction of the
from the Brazilian Power System Grid. Several field oscillographic optimal making instants is jeopardized [14].
data, obtained from Brazilian power transmission lines with dif- To overcome these difficulties, the determination of optimal
ferent transposition schemes, were used to validate the proposed making instants based on the zero crossing of the line side
approach, and the results attest its efficiency. and source side voltages, regardless of the zero crossing of
Index Terms—Controlled switching, fault extinction, switching the voltage signal across the CB contacts, was proposed [15].
overvoltages, transmission lines. Likewise, an algorithm that makes use of the Prony method
is presented in [16]. That algorithm has a high computational
burden. Another approach which is based on the waveform of
I. INTRODUCTION the voltage signal across the CB contacts to predict a suitable
time interval for line reclosing is presented in [17]. However,
procedures that predict suitable making instants have better

C ONTROLLED switching has been a desirable method performance in mitigating switching surges [18].
for stress reduction, in particular, for the reduction of The approaches used up to now assume that the line-side
switching overvoltages becoming an issue of widespread in- voltage presents only one frequency component, corresponding
terest to utilities and manufacturers [1]–[4]. Its feasibility has to the positive sequence of the line reactor circuit, and may not
been studied for several years, and it has been shown that it can be appropriate when the zero-sequence component has a signifi-
be quite effective [5]–[11]. cant value (e.g, fault conditions). Nevertheless, the main reason
Traditionally, circuit breakers (CBs) with built-in preinser- for line reclosing is the clearance of a fault and the need to
tion resistors (PIRs) have been used to mitigate switching over- quickly restore the system. The existing procedures do not con-
voltages in transmission lines. However, PIRs make the CB me- sider the line-side voltage characteristics under fault conditions
chanically more complex and costly, and controllers have been or the possibility of a permanent fault [1], which could lead to
developed to replace them [3], [4]. Besides presenting an elec- unsuccessful reclosing and cause some damage to power system
trical performance similar to that of PIR, controlled switching apparatus [19]. In this paper, a step is made to overcome these
provides higher overall reliability, easy retrofit, CB performance drawbacks. The main contributions and some practical aspects
enhancements, and reduction of associated maintenance costs are as follows.
[1], [2]. In addition, the design of 500-kV transmission lines has • This is an improvement of the approach of [15]. For the first
been based on an insulation level of 1.7 p.u. and that was made time, fault conditions are considered and the application of
controlled switching is extended to situations not covered
in the literature.
Manuscript received January 30, 2013; revised May 31, 2013; accepted • The suitable making instants for line reclosing are deter-
October 15, 2013. Date of publication November 25, 2013; date of current mined from the analysis of the line-side voltage charac-
version May 20, 2014. Paper no. TPWRD-00134-2013.
teristics by applying modal transformation. Details of this
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal
University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande PB, CEP: 58.429-900, analysis are carried out to provide better understanding.
Brazil (e-mail:;; • The extinction time of single- and double-phase-to-ground
faults is determined now. Thus, reclosing onto the fault
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at may be avoided and damages to the power system are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2013.2289394 prevented.

0885-8977 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

• The fault extinction time determination may be very im-

portant to safely reduce line dead time and, as a conse-
quence, reduce the power system restoration time. This
may increase the power system reliability and availability.
• The proposed procedure has low computational burden.
• A device to control the line reclosing was implemented and
evaluated through real-time simulations, and the results at- Fig. 1. Connections of the Karrenbauer modal circuits for an opened line under
test its feasibility for practical applications. a single-phase-to-ground fault.
• The influence of capacitive voltage transformers on the
proposed procedure performance is addressed here.


For shunt-compensated transmission lines, after line de-en-
ergization, the line-side voltage presents an oscillating charac- So, under single-phase-to-ground faults, the oscillating fre-
teristic due to the circuit formed by the line capacitance and the quencies of the line-side voltage are determined by the argu-
shunt reactors inductance. This oscillatory waveshape may con- ments of the cosine functions in (4)–(6). At the instant in which
tain different frequency components. the fault is extinguished, the modal circuits are decoupled and
For a better understanding of the line-side voltage oscillating then the oscillating frequencies of the line-side voltage are then
behavior, consider the opening of a three-phase fully transposed determined by (1) and (2).
line with shunt compensation and no fault condition. Due to the
B. Double-Phase-to-Ground Faults (DPGs)
electromagnetic coupling between the line phases and the three-
phase shunt-reactors, the line reactor circuit has two natural os- For double-phase-to-ground faults, it can be shown that due
cillating frequencies and , which correspond to modes 1 to the modal circuits connection, there is only one oscillating
and 0, respectively. These frequencies can be determined by ig- frequency at the sound phase, which is given by (7). When the
noring the line series reactance, since it is very small compared fault is extinguished, the modal circuits are decoupled, and the
to the reactor reactance oscillating frequencies of the line-side voltage are then deter-
mined by (1) and (2)

and are the shunt reactor inductances while and C. Phase-to-Phase and Three-Phase Faults
are the line capacitances for modes 0 and 1, respectively. In the case of phase-to-phase faults, it can be shown that there
are two oscillating frequencies in the line-side voltage, which
A. Single-Phase-to-Ground Faults (SPGs) are given by (1) and (2). These frequencies are also observed
Under fault conditions, the oscillating frequencies of the line- after fault extinction, as discussed in the previous sections. For
side voltage can be obtained by means of fault analysis using three-phase faults, there may be trapped charges in the line.
modal transformation. In this paper, the Karrenbauer matrix was However, these charges are quickly damped out and after the
used as an operator, due to its simplicity. The relation between dead time, the line-side voltage can be neglected.
the line-side voltages in phase domain ( , , and ) and in
modal domain ( , , and ) can be expressed as III. BASICS ON CONTROLLED SWITCHING
The closing command for the CB is normally issued ran-
domly at some instant with respect to the phase angle
of the voltage across the CB contacts, which is the reference
signal for the controlled closing. Furthermore, the contacts
making instant occurs after a period of time commonly called
For single-phase-to-ground faults, it can be shown that after
the operating time of the CB . The timing sequence
line opening, the modal circuits are connected in series as in
for controlled closing is shown in Fig. 2, where the optimal
Fig. 1. The following equations for the modal voltages are
making instant is the zero crossing of the reference signal. The
method consists of controlling the instant , delaying it
for a time interval in order that , previously pre-
(4) dicted, occurs at the instant after .

A. Transmission-Line Closing
Line closing, or energization, is a typical switching operation
(5) on power systems. During this operation, there is no trapped

Fig. 2. Schematic-controlled closing sequence.

Fig. 4. Proposed controlled switching approach: flowchart.

Fig. 5. Reduced power system used in real-time simulations.

Fig. 3. Voltage across the CB contacts for 80% shunt compensated lines.
(a) No-fault condition. (b) Under single-phase-to-ground fault.

charge on the line and the optimal making instant for each line
phase is the zero crossing of the source-side voltage, which is
the reference signal for the controlled closing. A. Filtering and Sampling
The controlled switching system (CSS) receives voltage sig-
B. Shunt-Compensated Transmission-Line Reclosing nals (source side and line side) that are provided by potential
transformers (PTs). In order to minimize the aliasing effect as
For shunt-compensated lines, after the line opening, the line-
well as to attenuate high-frequency components, a third-order
side voltage presents an oscillating characteristic, and the ref-
Butterworth low-pass filter was used. After filtering, the signals
erence signal is the voltage across the CB contacts. The op-
are sampled by 960 samples/s. This rate is enough to reproduce
timal-making instants for a 80% shunt-compensated line, which
the signal without the aliasing effect and it is commonly used
occur at the zero crossing and at the minimum beat of the refer-
on digital power system protection.
ence signal, are indicated in Fig. 3(a). The reference signal for
a sound phase of this line under a single-phase-to-ground fault
B. Cause of Line Opening and Line-Side Voltage Analysis
is shown in Fig. 3(b). The influence of the frequency compo-
nent regarding mode 0, which significantly affects the reference Reliable fault identification and classification methods have
signal waveform, can be observed. been proposed in the literature [20]. Once the fault is identified
and classified, the protection system acts to clear the fault and
to open the line, that is when the proposed approach begins to
work. For the line-side voltage analysis, it is assumed that the
A new procedure for controlled reclosing of shunt-compen- cause of the line opening is previously known.
sated lines is proposed here. It is based on a simple zero-crossing 1) Line Opening Due to an External Fault: In this case,
algorithm and modal transformations to analyze the frequency the line-side voltage has two frequency components, related to
content of the line-side voltage after the line opening. This is modes 1 and 0. Its analysis starts at the time the line is opened by
an improvement of the approach proposed in [15]. Here, the ex- means of modal transformations using (3). Since each of these
tinction time of the single- and double-phase-to-ground faults is components assumes a sinusoidal waveshape, it is possible to
determined, preventing reclosing onto fault. The flowchart that estimate their amplitude and frequency based on zero cross-
summarizes this approach is shown in Fig. 4 and is discussed. ings. A zero crossing is detected whenever a sinusoidal signal


changes its polarity between two consecutive samples. The pe-

riods of the signals are determined by means of two consecu-
tive zeroes, and their amplitudes are determined by finding the
highest absolute value between these zeroes. This procedure is
also performed for the following cases.
2) Single-Phase-to-Ground Faults: Here, the frequency
component related to mode 1 can be evaluated for the sound
phases based on (3), (5), and (6), as soon as the line is opened.
On the other hand, the frequency component related to mode 0
must be evaluated only after fault extinction, due to the change
in its value.
3) Double-Phase-to-Ground Faults: While the fault remains
on the line, the oscillating frequency of the line-side voltage Fig. 6. Overvoltages along the line: (a) closing (64% compensation);
(b) closing (32% compensation); (c) reclosing (64% compensation); and
is determined by (7). After the fault extinction, new frequency (d) reclosing (32% compensation).
content is observed. Aiming to provide the suitable making in-
stants for line reclosing, the line-side voltage analysis must be
initiated after fault extinction. instead of checking the equality point to point,
4) Phase-to-Phase and Three-Phase Faults: Since the os- it is checked whether the signals are close to each other over
cillating frequencies of the line-side voltage for phase-to-phase a given interval, and techniques employed in evaluating the
faults are the same during and after the fault, its analysis can quality of curve fitting are used. A statistical parameter suitable
be started at the time the line is opened. Regarding three-phase for this purpose is the coefficient of determination . This adi-
faults, no analysis is necessary since no line-side voltage is ex- mensional coefficient quantifies the quality of the fit between
pected. In this case, the controlled line reclosing becomes sim- zero and one, where values closer to one indicate a better fit.
ilar to a line closing. The definition for is given as follows:

C. Fault Extinction (8)

It is necessary to check whether the fault is extinguished
where is the sum of the squared differences between
during the line dead time in order to prevent reclosing
and , in a range with samples of each signal
onto fault. The changes in the oscillating behavior of the
line-side voltage upon fault extinction (discussed in Section II)
are the basis for the proposed approach. Hence, CSS is able to (9)
identify the extinction of single- and double-phase-to-ground
faults, which account for more than 80% of faults in 500-kV and is the sum of the squared differences between the sam-
and 750-kV transmission lines at the Brazilian Power System ples of and its mean value in a range with samples
Grid. When other fault types occur, CSS waits until the prede-
fined dead time is reached in order to reclose the line.
1) Extinction of Single-Phase-to-Ground Faults (SPGs):
While the fault remains in the line , that is,
the signals and are equal and have a sinusoidal If is smaller than , a negative value for can be ob-
waveshape whose frequency is determined by the argument tained. This indicates a complete mismatch between and
of the cosine function in (4). After the fault, oscillates at . Here, in order to better visualize the results, if 0,
a frequency determined by (2) while oscillates at is set to zero. Considering a range of 16.67 ms (corresponding
a frequency determined by (1). Consequently, it is possible to one cycle of the fundamental frequency) and a sampling rate
to determine the extinction of SPGs based on the following of 16 samples/cycle, the value of is calculated for 16
statement: while with , the fault remains. samples. With each new sample, a new value for is calcu-
The statement above is valid only for the ideal situation where lated based on the latest 16 samples.
the fault impedance and the line series reactance are neglected, After the line opening, the value of must be close to one,
which makes the equality valid for any point in since the signals and must be close to each other.
the line. In practice, the sum of the modal voltages When the fault is extinguished, these signals become distinct
has a value directly proportional to the fault impedance. Then, from each other and a zero value for is expected. Thus, based

on the value of , it is possible to identify the extinction of TABLE III

2) Extinction of Double-Phase-to-Ground Faults (DPG):
Considering that the phases involved in the fault (e.g., phases A
and B) have zero voltage values, it can be shown from (3) that
the equality in (11) is valid. That is, the condition set to a DPG
involving phases A and B is the same for an
SPG involving phase A. Similar analysis can be performed for
an SPG involving phase B. So the extinction of a DPG can be
determined similar to the case of SPG, though the two phases
MOA: metal–oxide arrester.
involved in the fault must be analyzed PIR: preinsertion resistor and MOA.
CSS: controlled switching and MOA.
(11) CSS-F: controlled switching and MOA under fault condition.

D. Signals Estimation and Making Instants Computation

Once the fault extinction is identified and after analyzing the
line-side voltage, CSS predicts a list of possible optimal-making
instants for each phase, taking into account . An op-
timal-making instant is determined when the slope (derivative)
of the line-side and source-side voltage has the same signal at
the time they cross, which means a zero crossing of the refer-
ence signal at its minimum beat.

E. Controller Logic
The controller logic is responsible for the coordination of the
switching command. It acts to control this command in order
to accomplish the switching operation of each phase at the pre-
dicted optimal-making instants.
With CSS, it is possible to reclose the line at the first optimal-
making instants following the fault extinction and minimize the
dead time in which the line is out of service. In the case of line
opening due to external faults, the reduction of the dead time is
possible since the analysis of the line-side voltage starts right
after the line opening. This increases power system reliability
and availability.


Based on CSS, a device for controlled closing and reclosing
of transmission lines is proposed here. This device is imple-
mented for real-time evaluation using the Cbuilder tool of the
real-time digital simulator (RTDS) and receives the signals from
the power system needed to provide the controlled switching
via analog inputs. These signals are sampled by analog-to-dig- Fig. 7. Line-side voltage: reclosing due to a single-phase-to-ground fault.
(a) 64% shunt compensated line. (b) Fault extinction for item (a). (c) 32%
ital converters and filtered. Then, based on the line-side voltage shunt compensated line. (d) Fault extinction for item (c).
analysis, the suitable making instants are predicted. The status
of the breaker (open or closed) is monitored and controlled via
digital inputs and outputs. Also in real time, the extinction of maximum normal operating condition. The power system data
SPG and DPG is determined using the coefficient . are presented in Tables I and II.
A. Power System B. Simulation Procedure
The reduced system shown in Fig. 5, which is based on data In order to properly evaluate the method, the statistical scatter
obtained from the 500-kV North-Northeast Brazilian Power with respect to the CB operating time must be con-
System Grid, was used to evaluate the proposed device. It sidered. A description of typical values for this scatter can be
consists of a 400-km shunt-compensated line with 420-kV found in [5]. is given as a function of the CB-rated
class metal–oxide arresters (MOA) connected at both ends operating time and
of the line. The MOA has a protection level of 830 kV at 2
kA. The source voltage was adjusted to 550 kV, which is the (12)

Fig. 8. Frequency response for the CVT reported by [21]: (a) gain and
(b) phase.


Fig. 9. Single-line diagram from part of the Brazilian Power System Grid.
Fig. 10. Line-side voltage: (a) 29% compensation and SPG fault at Milagres,
(b) fault extinction for item (a), (c) 29% compensation and SPG fault at
TABLE V S. J. do Piaui, and (d) fault extinction for item (c).

Fig. 6. Line closing and reclosing with and without fault condi-
tions were considered. The overvoltages were evaluated at the
line ends and at 25%, 50%, and 75% of their total length. It is
Variations in the operating conditions, such as contacts aging observed that the use of PIR or CSS in conjunction with MOA
and wearing as well as stored energy of the drive and ambient limits the switching overvoltages efficiently.
temperature, can be compensated by sensors or adaptive control In order to make the comparative analysis easier, the max-
[6]. However, there is still inherent statistical scatter related to imum overvoltages values for each situation considered are
the operating time. These effects are taken into account using a shown in Table III. The better results obtained with CSS, which
Gaussian probability distribution and a scatter of 2 ms. eliminate the need for PIR, were due to the good accuracy on
Different line switching operating conditions were evaluated estimating the reference signals ahead in time, which enables
considering the sending end as the first to close: the determination of appropriate instants for the CB to close.
• reactors at both ends (64% shunt compensation); Higher overvoltages are obtained when the line is reclosed
• reactors at the sending end (32% shunt compensation). due to a fault occurrence compared against line reclosing with
The controlled switching performance is compared to the no fault. However, it is noteworthy that these overvoltages
preinsertion resistors method (PIR), using a resistance of 400 reach values similar to those obtained with line closing using
and an insertion time of 8 ms, which are typical values used controlled switching.
at the Brazilian Power System. For comparison purposes, situ- Using CSS, the line-side voltage for a line reclosing due to a
ations with only MOA at line ends during switching operations fault occurrence is presented in Fig. 7. It is observed that over-
are evaluated. voltages are low and that dead times required to reclose the line
were far below the 500 ms typically used, reducing the total time
C. Results in which the line is out of service. In Fig. 7(c) and (d), is used
For each case, 400 statistical simulations were performed and to identify the fault extinction. In all simulations, CSS was able
the maximum overvoltages values along the line, with a proba- to perform this identification successfully and to reduce the line
bility of occurrence smaller than or equal to 2%, are shown in dead time.

Fig. 11. Line-side voltage: (a) 58% compensation and SPG fault, (b) fault ex- Fig. 12. Line-side voltage: (a) 80% compensation and DPG fault at Milagres,
tinction for item (a), (c) 80% compensation and SPG fault, and (d) fault extinc- (b) fault extinction for item (a), (c) 80% compensation and DPG fault at
tion for item (c). S. J. do Piaui, and (d) fault extinction for item (c).

D. Potential Transformers Influence overvoltages, when compared with an ideal CVT. This is ac-
CSS receives voltage signals provided by capacitive voltage ceptable since the overvoltages originating from line reclosing
transformers (CVTs). Its influence on the proposed approach were limited to values below those obtained from line closing
performance is addressed here. (1.76 p.u. as shown in Table III).
The focus is on the inaccuracies in its secondary terminal in
relation to the primary. A 500-kV CVT model reported by [21] VI. PARAMETRIC AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
was used for analysis. Its frequency response is presented in An offline version of the CSS was implemented for para-
Fig. 8. Only at 60 Hz, does this CVT have a gain of 1.0 p.u. metric and sensitivity analysis by means of field oscillographic
and no phase shift. data and digital simulations using Electromagnetic Transients
For the analyzed cases (reclosing of 32% and 64% shunt- Program (EMTP). Different parameters were evaluated, such as
compensated lines), the oscillating frequencies of the line-side the line compensation (29, 58, and 80%); fault resistance (0.1,
voltage are 33.9 and 48.0 Hz, respectively. Regarding the CVT 10, and 100 ); and fault location along the line.
response, a small inaccuracy is observed to 64% shunt com- Data from the 500-kV Brazilian Power System Grid reported
pensation: gain of 1.003 p.u. and phase shift of 2.3 . For 32% by [15] were used to produce some case studies. Its single-line
shunt compensation, the errors are more evident: gain of 1.155 diagram is shown in Fig. 9. The focus is on the 400-km shunt-
p.u. and phase shift of 13.6 . These inaccuracies are reflected compensated line between Milagres and S. J. do Piaui. The line
in the reference signals used by CSS to predict optimal-making is modeled by using distributed constant parameters, and the re-
instants. lated sequence data are shown in Table V. The following oper-
Following the simulation procedure discussed in ating conditions were considered:
Section V-B, the maximum overvoltage values with a Case 1) Shunt reactors with 1.73 connected at
probability of occurrence of smaller than or equal to 2% are both line ends (58% compensation);
presented in Table IV: CSS with an ideal CVT and with the Case 2) Shunt reactors with 1.73 connected only
CVT reported by [21]. The latter had almost no influence for at Milagres (29% compensation);
64% shunt-compensated line. For a 32% compensated line, Case 3) Hypothetical situation for an 80% shunt-compen-
that CVT leads to an increase of 0.06 p.u. in the maximum sated line and reactors with 2.9.

Fig. 14. Line-side voltage signals (actual and estimated), for opening of the
500-kV transmission line between Fortaleza II and Quixada due to SPG on phase
B. (a) Voltage at phase A. (b) Voltage at phase B. (c) Voltage at phase C.
Fig. 13. Field oscillographic data for the line-side voltage regarding the line
opening due to SPG. (a) Fault on phase B of a 500-kV line between Fortaleza
II and Quixada. (b) Fault extinction for item (a). (c) Fault on phase C of the
500-kV line between Milagres and Quixada. (d) Fault extinction for item (c). For field cases, there is not enough information regarding the
fault occurrence (e.g., fault location, fault resistance, etc.). How-
A. Fault Extinction Analysis ever, the fault extinction was identified for all analyzed records.
For sensitivity analysis regarding fault location, single- The performance of CSS regarding signal estimation for the
phase-to-ground faults along the 29% shunt-compensated line case presented in Fig. 13(a) is shown in Fig. 14. After the fault
were considered. extinction identification and the line-side voltage analysis, these
For all case studies, the fault starts at 100 ms and at signals are estimated for a time interval of 150 ms ahead in time,
200 ms, the line is opened. Around 600 ms, the fault is extin- according to Section IV-B-2. The similarity between the esti-
guished. The proposed approach performance for faults at Mila- mated signals and the actual ones can be observed.
gres (monitoring point) and S. J. do Piaui (remote end) with fault Although the proposed approach was explained assuming the
resistances of 0.1 and 100 , respectively, is shown in lines to be fully transposed, that is, the parameters regarding
Fig. 10(b) and (d). Fig. 11(b) and (d) is used to demonstrate the modes 1 and 2 are the same, CSS is applicable to actual transpo-
sensitivity analysis regarding the shunt compensation degree. sition schemes. In the Brazilian Power System Grid, transmis-
Shunt compensation of 58% and 80% and fault occurrence at sion lines are transposed [10]. CSS was successfully applied to
the midspan with 10 were considered. the available Brazilian field oscillographic data to determine the
The proposed approach performance for double-phase-to- fault extinction time.
ground faults, with 10 , at both ends of an 80%
shunt-compensated line is shown in Figs. 12(b) and (d). For all VII. CONCLUSION
case studies, the fault extinction was identified regardless of A procedure for controlled switching of shunt-compensated
the evaluated parameters. transmission lines was proposed. By using simple techniques for
signal analysis, it was possible to identify the extinction time
B. Field Oscillographic Data
for single- and double-phase-to-ground faults, accurately pre-
Around 50 actual oscillographic records of single-phase-to- dict the suitable making instants for line closing and reclosing,
ground faults in the 500-kV North–Northeast Brazilian Power and to reduce the switchings surges. When other fault types
System Grid were used for the evaluation of CSS. Its perfor- occur, the CSS waits until the predefined dead time is reached in
mance for typical oscillographic data is shown in Fig. 13. In order to reclose the line. The results proved the efficiency of the
Fig. 13(a), the fault occurs around 50 ms and after the line approach, and a device based on the proposed CSS was imple-
opening (around 100 ms), the line-side voltage presents the mented for real-time simulations using the RTDS, confirming
frequencies regarding modes 1 and 0. its feasibility for practical applications.

The success of CSS depends on the correct identification of [15] K. M. C. Dantas, D. Fernandes, Jr., W. L. A. Neves, B. A. Souza, and L.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT trolled switching,” presented at the Int. Conf. Power Syst. Transients,
Delft, the Netherlands, Jun. 2011.
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their in- [19] I. Naumkin, M. Balabin, N. Lavrushenko, and R. Naumkin, “Simula-
tion of the 500 kV SF6 circuit breaker cutoff process during the unsuc-
valuable suggestions. cessful three-phase autoreclosing,” presented at the Int. Conf. Power
Syst. Transients, Delft, the Netherlands, Jun. 2011.
[20] F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, and N. S. D. Brito, “Real-time detection of
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[1] CIGRE Working Group A3.07, Controlled Switching of HVAC Circuit [21] E. Pajuelo, G. Ramakrishna, and M. Sachdev, “Phasor estimation tech-
Breakers. Benefits & Economic Aspects, Jan. 2004. nique to reduce the impact of coupling capacitor voltage transformer
[2] D. Goldsworthy, T. Roseburg, D. Tziouvaras, and J. Pope, “Controlled transients,” IET Gen. Transm. Distrib., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 588–599, Jul.
switching of HVAC circuit breakers—Application examples and ben- 2008.
efits,” presented at the 61st Annu. Conf. Protect. Relay Eng., College
Station, TX, USA, Apr. 2008. Karcius M. C. Dantas (S’04–M’10) was born
[3] Controlled Switching, Buyer’s & Application Guide, 3rd ed. Ludvika, in Campina Grande, Brazil, in 1982. He received
Sweden: ABB, May 2012, ABB. the B.Sc., M.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees in electrical
[4] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Advance—con- engineering from Federal University of Campina
trolled switching system, Japan, Mar. 2007, vol. 117. Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2005,
[5] CIGRE Task Force 13.00.1, “Controlled switching: A state of the art 2007, and 2012, respectively.
survey—Part I,” Electra, no. 162, pp. 65–97, Oct. 1995. Since 2010, he has been with the Department of
[6] CIGRE Working Group 13.07, “Controlled switching of HVAC cir- Electrical Engineering, UFCG. His research interests
cuit breakers: Guide for application lines, reactors, capacitors, trans- are electromagnetic transients in power systems and
formers—1st part,” Electra, no. 183, pp. 42–73, Apr. 1999. power quality.
[7] H. Ito, “Controlled switching technologies, state-of-the-art,” in Proc.
IEEE/Power Energy Soc. Transm. Distrib. Conf. Exhibit.: Asia Pacific,
Oct. 2002, pp. 1455–1460.
[8] U. Samitz, H. Siguerdidjane, F. Boudaoud, P. Bastard, J. Dupraz,
M. Collet, J. Martin, and T. Jung, “On controlled switching of high Washington L. A. Neves (M’95) received the B.Sc.
voltage unloaded transmission lines,” e&i Elektrotech. Inf., vol. 119, and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from
pp. 415–421, Dec. 2002. the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil, in
[9] M. Sanaye-Pasand, M. Dadashzadeh, and M. Khodayar, “Limitation 1979 and 1982, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in
of transmission line switching overvoltages using switchsync relays,” electrical engineering from the University of British
presented at the Int. Conf. Power Syst. Transients (IPST), Montreal, Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 1995.
QC, Canada, Jun. 2005. From 1982 to 1985, he was with FEJ, Joinville,
[10] K. M. C. Dantas, W. L. A. Neves, D. Fernandes, Jr., G. A. Cardoso, and Brazil. He was a Visiting Researcher with the Univer-
L. C. A. Fonseca, “On applying controlled switching to transmission sity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, from 2004
lines: Case studies,” presented at the Int. Conf. Power Syst. Transients, to 2005, and with UBC in 2005. His research inter-
Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2009. ests are electromagnetic transients in power systems
[11] M. Atefi and M. Sanaye-Pasand, “Improving controlled closing to re- and power quality. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the Department
duce transients in HV transmission lines and circuit breakers,” IEEE of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina
Trans. Power Del., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 733–741, Apr. 2013. Grande, Brazil.
[12] H. E. Konkel, A. C. Legate, and H. C. Ramberg, “Limiting switching
surge overvoltages with conventional power circuit breakers,” IEEE
Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-96, no. 2, pp. 535–542, Mar. 1977.
[13] K. Froehlich, C. Hoelzl, M. Stanek, A. C. Carvalho, W. Hofbauer, P. Damásio Fernandes, Jr. (M’05) was born in
Hoegg, B. L. Avent, D. F. Peelo, and J. H. Sawada, “Controlled closing Brazil in 1973. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
on shunt reactor compensated transmission lines. Part I: Closing con- degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal
trol device development,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil, in 1997 and
734–740, Apr. 1997. 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
[14] K. Froehlich, C. Hoelzl, M. Stanek, A. C. Carvalho, W. Hofbauer, P. engineering from Federal University of Campina
Hoegg, B. L. Avent, D. F. Peelo, and J. H. Sawada, “Controlled closing Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2004.
on shunt reactor compensated transmission lines. Part II: Application Since 2003, he has been with the Department of
of closing control device for high-speed autoreclosing on BC hydro Electrical Engineering, UFCG. His research interests
500 kV transmission line,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. are transients and optimization methods for power
741–746, Apr. 1997. system applications.

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