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Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 4, pp.

835– 844, 1998

Copyright © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0360-3016/98 $19.00 1 .00

PII S0360-3016(97)00915-2

● Clinical Investigation




*Paediatric and Neuro-Oncology Group and ‡Department of Neuropathology, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK; and †Division of
Oncology, Department of Health Sciences, and §Department of Physics, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Purpose: Previously we have demonstrated that radioimmunoconjugates can be injected into glioma resection
cavities to deliver a boost of radiation to the cavity edge with little toxicity to the normal brain. In the
mathematical models we have previously published to assist in the development of this strategy we assumed that
antibody remains associated with the cavity edge and no diffusion occurs. However, moderate diffusion might be
beneficial while, if this were excessive, it would decrease the therapeutic index markedly.
Methods and Materials: Selected individuals with relapsed malignant glioma underwent further surgical
debulking; 90Y MoAb radioimmunotherapy; and open biopsy to determine the extent to which the conjugate
diffuses from the cavity edge. Samples from these patients were taken in radial tracts and the corrected activity
in each sample was plotted against distance from the cavity wall to determine appropriate diffusion constants.
Results: Our data indicates that diffusion of radioimmunoconjugate from the edge of a glioma resection cavity
appears to be an exponential process. The mean Ro for each patients data set ranged from 0.48 – 0.63 (overall
mean 0.6) cm. A dosimetric model was developed that translates these measurements into estimates of radiation
dose. Applying the clinical data to this model indicates that, in each patient, the peak dose is delivered 0.16 – 0.18
cm below the cavity margin, and the mean dose at 2 cm deep is 5.3% (4.4 –5.8%) of the peak.
Conclusion: The model described can be used to translate diffusion constants measured by any method into
estimates of absorbed radiation dose. Assuming similar diffusion kinetics, it can also be used to predict the dose
deposited if alternative radionuclides are linked to MoAb, although the effect of dose rate should also be
considered. In the future, it may be possible to manipulate diffusion by using either different antibodies or
antibody fragments for intracavity radioimmunotherapy. Before this can be done, however, further data are
needed and a noninvasive approach to measuring diffusion would clearly be optimal. © 1998 Elsevier Science

Glioma, Intratumoral, Radioimmunotherapy, Diffusion.

INTRODUCTION sparing the normal brain. Some encouraging results have

been seen in selected patients (2). However, implants with
Malignant glioma remains a therapeutic challenge for which traditional solid sources necessitate a second invasive pro-
no satisfactory treatment exists. The majority of high-grade cedure, and it is difficult to tailor the isodose contours to
tumors recur at the primary site within a year of diagnosis, individual target volumes.
and survival from the time of relapse is usually short. While To avoid these problems, the authors have investigated
a dose– effect relationship has been established with ioniz- the feasibility of directly injecting radiolabeled monoclonal
ing radiation (1), it is impossible using conventional exter- antibodies (MoAbs) into tumor resection cavities as a form
nal beam irradiation to extend median survival by more than of ‘‘liquid brachytherapy.’’ The clinical procedure, toxicity,
a few months without causing unacceptable neurotoxicity. pharmacokinetics, and dosimetry of this approach have
Interstitial brachytherapy appears an attractive option, of- been reported in pilot studies using Iodine-131 (131I) (3) and
fering the possibility of increasing the dose to tumor while Yttrium-90 (90Y) (4) radioimmunoconjugates. The MoAb

Reprint requests to: Dr. J. T. Kemshead, Frenchay Hospital, J.T.K. is grateful for funding from the Cancer Research Campaign
Pediatric and Neuro-Oncology Group, Bristol BS16 1LE, UK. and the Skin Cancer Research Fund, Frenchay Hospital. We also
Acknowledgements—The authors express their gratitude to Amer- acknowledge the courage and altruism of the patients and bereaved
sham International for supplying Yttrium-90 for this project, and relatives who permitted the clinical data to be accrued.
The Imperial Cancer Research Fund for supporting the study. Accepted for publication 17 October 1997.

836 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 4, 1998

employed in these studies binds to the human neural cell of local administration. The latter clearly does not happen as
adhesion molecule (NCAM), which is present on normal demonstrated by radioimmunoscintigraphy, but the extent
neural cells as well as all gliomas tested (5). This antibody to which diffusion occurs and the impact this has on our
was chosen to maximize the targeting of radionuclide to the dosimetric model is the key to further development of the
edge of the resection cavity, thus increasing the fraction of strategy. If reliable measurements can be made, and trans-
the emitted energy that is absorbed in the adjacent cuff of lated into estimates of absorbed dose around the cavity, it
tissue. This will include a combination of normal neural might be feasible to use antibody fragments for therapy to
tissue and tumor cells. Within the context of targeting to the manipulate the degree of diffusion occurring. Unfortu-
wall of a resection cavity the use of an antibody that nately, with the isotopes employed, no satisfactory nonin-
crossreacts with tumor and normal neural elements has vasive method of measuring diffusion has been found, and
several advantages. It maximizes the binding of radionu- consequently, data was sought from patients who agreed to
clide to the wall, enhances ‘‘crossfire’’ and, in a situation of open biopsies of the cavity wall following 90Y MoAb ad-
minimal residual disease, should prevent excessive diffu- ministration. Data are presented from two patients under-
sion of the conjugate into the normal brain parenchyma. going such a procedure, and from a third where samples
Furthermore, it should limit absorbance of radiolabeled were taken at autopsy. The methods used to analyze these
MoAbs into the bloodstream and reduce bone marrow tox- samples and the results obtained are reported below. Using
icity (3, 4). these data we have developed a mathematical model to
To increase the depth of tissue exposed to radioimmuno- translate the diffusion constants derived from clinical mea-
conjugate Phase I/II studies with 131I were discontinued and surements into estimates of absorbed dose in Gy at any
Y was conjugated to MoAb. The maximum energy of the distance from the cavity wall. This model reveals the impact
b-particles emitted by 90Y is higher than from 131I (2.27 cf. diffusion can have on tumor dosimetry, and it indicates
0.8 MeV), resulting in greater tissue penetration. The potential future directions to maximize the efficacy of tar-
‘‘R95’’ in tissue, i.e., the distance in which the particles geting radionuclides to tumor resection cavities.
transfer 95% of their energy, is 5.94 mm for 90Y compared
to 0.992 mm for 131I. 90Y is a less hazardous isotope to
handle due to the absence of g emissions, and in the course
of our studies we demonstrated that outpatient administra- Study design
tion should be feasible. Direct biopsies of the cavity wall were possible in three
To assist our understanding of the radiation doses deliv- individuals who entered the pilot study of intratumoral 90Y
ered to the cuff of tissue surrounding a resection cavity a radioimmunotherapy for patients with relapsed malignant
mathematical model was developed. As the site of individ- glioma. In this study, suitable patients were identified by
ual tumor cells cannot be determined, the tumor dose was neurosurgeons. Tumor resection was performed, and an
defined as the mean radiation dose delivered to tissue sur- Ommaya reservoir placed in the cavity at the end of the
rounding the cavity, to the depth of the R95 of the radionu- procedure. One month after surgery, a ‘‘tracer’’ injection of
clide employed. In the model we assume that the walls of 37 MBq of 90Y/MoAb was injected via the reservoir, and
resection cavities are rigid, and isotope does not diffuse into serial radioimmunoscintigraphy performed to exclude leak-
normal brain parenchyma. As it is not possible to accurately age of the isotope from the resection cavity. If the tracer
define either the surface area of the cavity or the degree of study was satisfactory, a ‘‘therapy’’ injection of approxi-
MoAb binding, we developed a model to take these vari- mately 740 MBq of 90Y/MoAb was administered in an
ables into account. In doing so we made the assumption that identical fashion. Data were collected to establish clinical
the cavity was spherical in nature. Using this model with the toxicity, clearance of isotope from the cavity, and radiation
data accrued on the clearance of radioimmunoconjugate doses to the cavity wall and critical body organs (4). If
from the cavity, we estimate doses to the cavity wall were clinical status permitted, this treatment was repeated, with a
very high in comparison with those delivered to normal maximum of three therapy injections being given at approx-
tissues. This reflects the high therapeutic index inherent in imately six weekly intervals.
brachytherapy, and the further dose advantage that can be
obtained if targeting is achieved. However, in the absence of Monoclonal antibody (MoAb)
diffusion, the absorbed dose decreases exponentially with ERIC-1 is a 155 kDa murine MoAb of the IgG1 isotype.
distance from the cavity surface and, theoretically, the mean Clinical grade reagent was produced from spinner cultures
dose will be delivered at approximately 0.2 mm below the and purified from the culture medium by a combination of
surface when 90Y is the radiolabel, and 0.03 mm if 131I is ammonium sulphate precipitation, protein A chromatogra-
used. Both of these distances are extremely short in com- phy, and dialysis. The final product was concentrated to
parison to the depth of malignant cells present even after approximately 4.0 mg/ml and stored at 4°C. Batches of
macroscopic resection. It was, therefore, recognized that antibody released for clinical use contained greater than
moderate diffusion of the isotope into the brain parenchyma 98% monomeric immunoglobulin, and were shown to be
might be advantageous, although unrestricted diffusion bioreactive, sterile, and pyrogen free.
would decrease the therapeutic index and obviate the intent ERIC-1 was radiolabeled with 90Y (Amersham Interna-
Diffusion of 90
Y MoAbs from glioma resection cavities ● HOPKINS et al. 837

tional) using a diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) to the short half-life of 90Y, it was not feasible to await
linkage, at a substitution ratio of 2 DTPAs/molecule complete fixation, and it was therefore removed after 24 h,
ERIC-1. The radionuclide was incubated with DTPA/ and serial slices made across the lobe containing the tumor
ERIC-1 using metal-free solutions and incubation tubes for cavity. One hundred and fifty biopsies were taken from
30 min at room temperature. Unconjugated 90Y was re- these slices, in tracks radiating out from the cavity. The
moved from the reaction by G25 gel-filtration chromatog- radioactivity in each biopsy was assayed, and the remaining
raphy. The MoAb was radiolabeled to a specific activity of tissue was sent for histological examination. An example of
300 MBq/mg protein with a labeling efficiency of approx- a single slice, with the sites of the cavity and the biopsies
imately 95%. The percentage of free radionuclide in the marked, is shown in Fig. 1.
final antibody preparations was determined by a combina-
tion of thin-layer chromatography and fast-protein liquid Specimen processing
chromatography. Typically radioimmunoconjugates used Each biopsy was placed in a numbered 2.5-ml test tube
for patient administration were shown to contain in excess that had been weighed prior to use. The tubes were weighed
of 98% monomeric radiolabeled IgG less than 1% free 90Y again, and the weight of tissue, in milligrams, deduced by
and had a bioreactivity of approximately 60% as determined subtraction. The radioactivity in each tube was assayed in
by a binding assay using a human brain homogenate as a terms of ‘‘counts per minute’’ in an LKB ‘‘Compugamma’’
target. In addition, preparations were rechecked for sterility counter. The efficiency for assaying specimens of similar
and pyrogenicity. Preparations of 90Y ERIC-1 were given to volume containing 90Y had been demonstrated previously to
patients within 12 h of radiolabeling to reduce the possibil- be low (12.5%) but constant. Wherever three or more biop-
ity of radiolysis, although in vitro studies over a 7-day sies had been obtained in a single radial tract, the corrected
period did not reveal any changes in either bioreactivity or activity in each sample was plotted against distance from
the stability of the radioimmunoconjugates. the cavity wall. An exponential curve-fitting program was
applied to each curve (Cricket Graph III™), to find the
Patients ‘‘best fit’’ constant for diffusion. For the sake of mathemat-
Open biopsies of the cavity wall after intratumoral 90Y/ ical manipulation of the data, it was desirable to express the
MoAb were possible in two individuals for different rea- degree of diffusion in terms of the ‘‘Ro’’, which is the
sons. Autopsy samples were available from a third patient. reciprocal of the exponential constant (base e). In this situ-
Patient 1 had previously received three intratumoral ra- ation, the Ro represents the distance, in centimeters, in
dioimmunoconjugate injections (one of 131I MoAb, and two which the counts/mg fall to 0.368 of their previous value.
of 90Y MoAb). She relapsed 8 months after the last treat- The Ro was evaluated for each individual biopsy tract.
ment, and underwent a further craniotomy for tumor resec-
tion. An Ommaya reservoir was already in situ, and she
consented to having a ‘‘tracer’’ dose of 30 MBq of 90Y/
MoAb (approximately 100 mg MoAb) injected 48 h prior to Sample analysis
the procedure, specifically so that biopsies could be taken to Plots of radioactivity against distance from the edge of
measure diffusion. Upon operation, a solid mass of tumor the resection cavity suggest that a moderate degree of dif-
was found, with invasion of the cannula of the Ommaya fusion was occurring, and, within the limitations of the data,
reservoir. There was a residual tumor ‘‘cavity,’’ with ne- that this was following exponential kinetics. Figure 2 illus-
crotic tissue and debris. Twenty-three biopsies were taken trates the counts seen in four radial tracts (data from patient
under direct vision, at measured distances from the tip of the 3). The number of tracts from which biopsies were obtained
cannula. in each patient and the Ro values calculated, are listed in
Patient 2 had an elective craniotomy to raise an infected Table 1. The mean and median Ro value is shown in each
bone flap 1 week after her third 90Y MoAb injection (921 case. Considering the nature of data accrual, it was encour-
MBq 90Y/3.1 mg protein). Six biopsies were taken during aging that the results were broadly similar, suggesting a
the procedure, one of which was simply debris from inside moderate degree of diffusion of antibody conjugate into the
the cavity, while the other five were tissue at measured brain parenchyma in each case. Clearly, most data points
intervals from the wall. Unfortunately, however, a biopsy were obtained for patient 3. Diffusion from the cavity ap-
taken from the cortical surface 3 cm from the margin of the peared relatively similar around the cavity, although there
cavity was contaminated at the time of operation by ne- was one tract that differed markedly from the other. Anal-
crotic, infected debris from inside the cavity. This sample ysis of the tissue around this tract showed that it had a
was therefore disregarded, and only four samples at mea- similar architecture to the others, discounting the suggestion
sured distances from the wall were available for examina- that diffusion might be favored in areas that were highly
tion. necrotic. For completeness, all the data was averaged from
Patient 3 succumbed to a fatal pulmonary embolus 6 days this patient to give a mean Ro from the 22 tracts of 0.628,
after her second 90Y/MoAb therapy injection (712 MBq/2.4 range 0.540 – 0.631).
mg protein). Permission was granted for postmortem stud- Immunocytochemistry using an antimouse Ig indicated
ies, and the brain was removed and placed in formalin. Due that MoAb could be detected in areas where 90Y was found
838 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 4, 1998

Fig. 1. A single slice of brain tissue taken postmortem from patient 3. The radial biopsy tracts are indicated. Sections
were subsequently examined histologically, and found to contain necrotic tissue (N), tumor tissue with areas of necrosis
(T) and normal brain parenchyma (P), as shown.

implying that radionuclide remained attached to the MoAb. munoconjugate. A mathematical model was devised to
This result indicates that the diffusion observed was not translate the diffusion constants obtained from our clinical
simply due to the 90Y detaching from the antibody and data into estimates of absorbed dose at any given depth from
entering normal brain tissue, although this could not be the edge of the wall. The basis of the model is the work of
definitively established. Langmuir et al. (6) where calculations determining the
The effect that this degree of diffusion would have on radiation dose to spheroids as a result of radioimmunocon-
tumor dosimetry was then examined in the model described jugate administration are described. The final equation de-
below. termined here was written in Mathematica V2.0 ™ with the
assistance of Wolfram Research, and evaluated using an
Apple Macintosh™ Quadra 700.
Isotope is assumed to be spread uniformly over the sur-
Translation of diffusion constants into estimates of face of a spherical cavity of radius rcav, and to have
absorbed dose diffused into the wall with exponential diffusion kinetics
The radiation dose to tissue in the wall of the cavity is defined by the Ro. The formula evaluates the dose delivered
clearly affected by the degree of diffusion of the radioim-
Table 1. The number of biopsy tracts and the ro values
calculated in patients who underwent open biopsies, and the
mean and median ro for each individual

Number Mean Median

Patient of tracts Ro Values obtained (cm) Ro Ro

1 3 0.488, 0.709, 0.423* 0.540 0.488

2 1 0.631 0.631 0.631
3 22 0.366, 0.447, 2.858, 0.374, 0.628 0.518
0.390, 0.567, 0.601, 0.236,
0.597, 0.853, 0.601, 0.744,
0.230, 0.352, 0.843, 0.744,
0.528, 0.261, 0.507, 0.287,
0.365, 1.075

* Values of Ro are calculated to three decimal places, but this

Fig. 2. An illustration of the counts measured in biopsies taken in should not be taken as an estimate of the accuracy of the data. A
four radial tracts in a single slice of brain tissue taken postmortem more realistic appraisal of the accuracy of the biological data
from patient 3. would be to assume that Ro values are correct to the nearest 0.1 cm.
Diffusion of 90
Y MoAbs from glioma resection cavities ● HOPKINS et al. 839

Fig. 3. The configuration of the point sources, r9, each at distance

r, and the target, x9, at distance x, from the cavity center. The
distance between r9 and x9 is termed z. r9 and x9 may lie on separate
tracts, offset at angle u.

at any single point, x9, which is defined in terms of its

distance, x, from the center of the sphere (not from the
cavity wall). The total dose at x9 is the sum of contributions
from activity at many points around the cavity. Each of
these individual point sources, r9, is defined as being at
distance r from the center of the sphere (Fig. 3).
The dose contributed to x9 from each point will depend on
the activity at r9, and the distance from r9 to x9, which is Fig. 4. The configuration and dimensions of the equidistant rings
called z. Knowing these two parameters, the initial dose rate of source that contribute dose to point x9. The scale of the rings is
at x9 can be calculated using standard conversion factors exaggerated for clarity.
appropriate for the isotope’s emissions (7). These conver-
sion factors are called cf in the final equation.
equivalent to the injected activity, because some isotope has
Calculation of the activity at each point r9 diffused into the wall. The value of Ascav is related to the
The range of values for r must be defined initially. In injected activity (IA), in MBq, by the Ro.
theory, if diffusion is exponential, the upper limit for this
value would be infinity. However, this is inappropriate IA
clinically, and would give rise to an impossible calculation. A scav 5
4pR o(rcav 1 2R orcav 1 2R o2)
The maximum range of the b-particles emitted by 90Y is
1.17 cm, which is defined as bmax. The maximum value of
It is not necessary to integrate the contribution to the
r, called rmax, is therefore taken as x 1 bmax, and the
initial dose rate at x from each of these point sources
minimum value, rmin, is defined as x 2bmax. Values of r
individually. While some points r9 lie on the same tract as
lower than rcav are excluded, i.e., the calculation does not
x9 from the center of the cavity, most do not. The angle
sum dose from isotope within the cavity, only that bound to
at the cavity center between the tracts on which x9 and r9
the wall.
lie is called u. Where x9 and r9 lie on the same tract, u
The activity at each point source r9 will depend on the
equals 0. For each combination of values of r, from rmin
activity on the surface of the cavity, the radius of the cavity
to rmax, and u, from 0 to 180°, there will be an equidis-
and the Ro. It is calculated as follows:
tant ring of isotope contributing equally to the dose rate
at x9 (Fig. 4). It is, therefore, possible to calculate the
rcav 2 r total activity in each ring, and then sum the contribution
A r9 5 A scav Exp
Ro from each to the dose rate at x9.
It is necessary to evaluate the volume of each ring to
where Ar9 is the activity at distance r (MBq cm23), Ascav is calculate the total activity in the ring. To establish this, and
the activity on the cavity surface (MBq cm23), rcav is the for use in the final integration equation, the ranges of r and
cavity radius (cm), r is the distance of point r9 from the u must be divided into steps, which are termed dr and du.
center (cm), and Ro is the distance in which the activity falls These steps must be small in comparison with the other
to 0.368 of its former value (cm). units in the calculation, including the tracklength of the
In this model it is assumed that all of the injected activity b-particles. When the model was used to calculate the dose
binds to the wall of the cavity. However, Ascav is not from a 90Y source, dr was defined as 0.1 cm, and du as 0.1°.
840 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 4, 1998

The length of each ring will be 2P q, where q is the radius Table 2. The relationship of distance, as a fraction of the total
of the ring around the tract on which x9 lies, the width will b-particle track length, to initial dose rate (mGy cm2 MBq21),
from Prestwich et al., 1989 (8)
be r du (actually r Sine du, but as the angle becomes very
small, the sine equates with the angle), and the depth dr. The Scaled Distance Calculated beta dose distributions
volume of the ring is therefore:
0 97.98
0.04 93.12
Vol ring 5 2 P qrd u dr 5 2Pr Sin ud u dr2
0.08 91.14
0.12 87.81
0.16 83.64
because 0.2 78.79
0.24 73.36
q 5 r Sin u 0.28 67.43
0.32 61.08
0.36 54.4
The total activity in each ring, Aring, (MBq), is then found 0.4 47.46
from: 0.44 40.41
0.48 33.48
0.52 26.9
A ring 5 A r9 Vol ring 0.56 20.84
0.6 15.49
0.64 10.95
Calculation of the distance z 0.68 7.309
The distance, z, of each ring from x9, can be expressed in 0.72 4.553
terms of r, x and u, using the cosine rule: 0.76 2.619
0.8 1.374
0.84 0.644
z 2 5 x 2 1 r 2 2 ~2xr Cos u ! 0.88 0.2633
0.92 0.09145
0.96 0.02626
Calculation of cf 1 0.00631
Standard tables produced by Prestwich et al. (8) list
‘‘Calculated Beta Dose Distributions,’’ which relate the
distance from the source to the target, as a fraction of the
b-particle track length, to initial dose rate, for several (cm2), to give a multiplication factor with units of mGy
b-emitters. The track length of the b-particle is divided into MBq21 h21.
25 parts. Table 2 lists these values for 90Y.
The units of these factors are mGy cm2 MBq21 h21. They Calculation of the total dose from the initial dose rate
can, therefore, be used to calculate the initial dose rate at x9, The total dose is derived from the initial dose rate by
in mGy h21, by multiplying by the activity, Aring, in MBq, integrating the curve for dose rate (mGy hr21) against time
and dividing by the square of the distance z, in cm2. (h) from the time of injection to infinity. The dose rate falls
during this period, and the rate at which it falls is deter-
Calculation of the initial dose rate at x9 mined by the effective clearance of isotope from the tumour
The initial dose rate at x9 is found by a double integration cavity. To evaluate the absorbed dose at x9 from the time of
that sums the contributions from all the rings of activity for injection to infinity, the formula is simply:
values of r and rmin to rmax, and values of u, from 0 to
180°. These integrations happen in tandem: Initial dose rate at x
Total dose 5
Clearance constant (base e)

DR ~ x9! 5 2 P E E
r max

r min 0
A scav Exp
rcav 2 r 2
r The initial dose rate was in mGy h21, and therefore, the
result is in mGy, and is divided by 1000 to give an answer
in Gy. The calculation must be performed for a range of
cf values of x9 to give a profile of the dose delivered at
3 Sin u d u dr
z2 different depths within the cavity wall.

where Dr(x9) is the dose rate at x9 in mGy hr21, Ascav 3 Application of the model
Exp(rcav2r)/Ro is Ar9, the activity at distance r (MBq This model was used to evaluate individual dose profiles
cm23), and 2 P r2 Sin ududr is the Volring (cm3). in the three patients described above. To do this, the injected
These parts of the integrand give the activity in each ring, activity, the cavity radius, the Ro of diffusion and the
Aring (MBq). (cf)/(z2) is the appropriate conversion factor cf effective clearance constant (base e) for isotope in the
(mGy cm2 MBq21 h21) for the distance z, divided by z2 tumour cavity were substituted into the equations defined
Diffusion of 90
Y MoAbs from glioma resection cavities ● HOPKINS et al. 841

Table 3. Summary of the parameters used in the dose radiation dose to tumor while sparing normal tissues (7, 9).
integration equation for each patient Both approaches have proven feasible in the management of
Parameter Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 malignant gliomas, where relapse is usually local and re-
sponse to conventional radiotherapy has been demonstrated.
Injected activity (MBq) 30 921 712 Dosimetric analysis, modeling tumor excision cavities as
rcav (cm) 1.6 2 1.6 spheres and assuming that diffusion does not occur suggests
Ro (cm) 0.54 0.631 0.628
Effective exponential
that high doses can be delivered to the cavity margins with
clearance constant minimal normal tissue toxicity (K. Hopkins, unpublished
(h21) 0.0132618 0.0122387 0.0124448 data). In this scenario, the cuff of the tissue within the range
of the b-particles emitted by either 131I or 90Y is extremely
narrow, and this factor may limit clinical efficacy. However,
if excessive diffusion occurs, toxicity would be increased
above. Where possible, parameters specific for each patient and the therapeutic index would be much lower than pre-
were employed in the calculations. viously predicted.
In each case the injected activity was known and the Establishing the degree of diffusion that occurs after
assumption was made that all of the radioimmunoconjugate intratumoral injections is therefore desirable, but is not
bound to the cavity wall. Individual Ro values were used straightforward. It is unlikely that any in vitro model could
from the biopsy data detailed above. In patient 1, an esti- give a useful indication. Potentially, information could be
mate was made of the cavity radius at operation, but the obtained from in vivo studies using a large animal model;
effective clearance constant could not be measured as the for instance, by creating an excision cavity in a pig’s brain,
patient underwent surgery 24 h after the injection. The injecting a radiolabeled MoAb, and later sacrificing the
clearance constant calculated at the time of her last intratu- animal and counting the mean activity in serial sections of
moral injection was, therefore, used in the calculation. In the brain around the cavity. However, the inherent differ-
practice, the effective clearance constant is largely deter- ences between humans and the animals mean that the results
mined by the physical decay of 90Y (4). In patient 2, the obtained would be an unreliable indication of the clinical
effective clearance constant was established prior to sur- situation, and this course was, therefore, considered unjus-
gery. The cavity radius was not measured, and a value of 2 tifiable.
cm was crudely estimated from CT scan data. In patient 3, The authors tried to identify a satisfactory method to
the cavity, which appeared rhomboidal, was measured at measure diffusion in vivo after intratumoral injections of
postmortem, and the radius of a sphere of equivalent volume 90
Y radioimmunoconjugates, as an extension to a pilot study
was calculated. The effective clearance constant was calcu- of this treatment in patients with relapsed malignant glio-
lated from data collected after the therapy injection, prior to mas. A noninvasive method was sought initially, to enable
the patient’s death. These parameters are summarized in sufficient data to be accrued to permit confident statements
Table 3. to be made. With an isotope with superior emissions for
The doses at serial distances from the cavity center were imaging, for example, Indium-111 (111In), single photon
calculated in each case. For comparison, the dosimetry that emission computerized tomography (SPECT) can be used to
would be predicted had diffusion not occurred was also measure diffusion (10). However, this would involve pa-
calculated. This was achieved by performing a single inte- tients in additional intratumoral injections, and might not
gration for values of u from 0 to 180°, as r is now constant reflect the diffusion kinetics of subsequent therapy doses
(equal to rcav). While absolute doses differ widely between with alternative radionuclides due to different charge ef-
the patients, due to the difference in injected activity, the fects. SPECT imaging was not permitted for more than a
peak doses calculated allowing for diffusion occurred be- week after therapy doses of 131I conjugates because of the
tween 0.16 and 0.18 cm below the cavity margin, and were radiation hazard to staff. Measurements after this period
equivalent to 13.7, 13.3, and 11.2% of the doses estimated may not necessarily reflect the kinetics of diffusion in the
at the cavity edge if no diffusion occurred. However, at 2 early phase after the injection, when the majority of the dose
cm below the cavity margins, the doses calculated in the is delivered. The efficiency of imaging 90Y is low, and
presence of diffusion represented 4.4, 5.8, and 5.7% of the although serial images were obtained after tracer injections
peak values. For the two therapy injections, this equates to of 74 MBq, interpretation of the data proved very difficult.
doses of 34 and 46 Gy. In contrast, insignificant doses Methods of measuring diffusion directly were, therefore,
would be delivered to tissue at this depth if no diffusion considered. Selected patients gave consent to computer-
occurred (Fig. 5 A, B, and C). directed biopsies of the cavity wall under general anesthesia
after their therapy injections, and the results of these were
DISCUSSION analyzed to try to obtain a diffusion constant. However, this
was clearly a very invasive procedure to perform for re-
Intracavity radioimmunotherapy and the direct infusion search purposes, and many individuals were excluded on
of MoAbs into tumors has been investigated by several medical grounds. Patient and sample numbers were too low
groups using a variety of radionuclides, to enhance the for conclusions to be drawn. Although no satisfactory rou-
842 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 4, 1998

Fig. 5. The profiles of dose (Gy) against distance (cm) from the cavity center. The abscissa is at the cavity margin in
each case. (A) Patient 1: i) without diffusion, ii) with diffusion. (B) Patient 2: i) without diffusion, ii) with diffusion.
(C) Patient 3: i) without diffusion, ii) with diffusion.

tine method of measuring diffusion was established, useful occurs between 0.16 – 0.18 cm below the cavity margin,
data became available fortuitously from open biopsies taken with doses at 2 cm below the margin being 4.4 –5.8% of the
from three patients after intratumoral injections. The num- peak doses. These results are encouraging and suggest that
ber of samples and the clinical details varied widely be- if this degree of diffusion were standard, intratumoral ra-
tween cases, but analysis of the specimens suggested that dioimmunotherapy could contribute to clinical efficacy with
modest diffusion of isotope occurred, and the data were acceptable normal tissue toxicity.
consistent with an exponential process. The data were used The data presented above were obtained from patients
in a dosimetric model, designed to assess the impact of who had received more than one injection of radioimmu-
diffusion on tumor dosimetry. Several assumptions are in- noconjugate. It is possible that the degree of diffusion
herent in this model; that resection cavities are spherical, could be affected by the generation of an antimouse Ig
that isotope is spread evenly around the margin, that all of response within and around the tumor cavity, although
the antibody binds to the cavity wall, and that diffusion into our attempts to measure such a response indicated that if
the wall is uniform. It is unlikely that any of these will apply it was present, it was at a very low level. In addition, the
in the clinical situation; hence, the model must be taken as degree of diffusion that occurs may be dependent upon
a guide to understanding the potential benefits of diffusion, the MoAb used. In the above studies an antibody was
rather than concentrating on the accuracy of the resulting chosen that binds to both glioma and normal brain pa-
dosimetric data. The results suggest that the peak dose renchyma. This might reduce diffusion due to the excess
Diffusion of 90
Y MoAbs from glioma resection cavities ● HOPKINS et al. 843

Table 4. Estimation of the depth of tissue receiving either 300 1.12 cm for a Ro of 0.6. These figures illustrate how
or 100 y with different degrees of diffusion of radiolabeled critically diffusion can affect dose. If little diffusion
MoAbs from the edge of a tumor resection cavity
occurs, higher peak doses occur close to the cavity edge,
Calculated depth of tissue exposed to (cm) but the effect is restricted to a small cuff of tissue. If
diffusion is higher, lower peak doses can be expected but
90 131
Y I the cuff of tissue exposed to a set dose is greater than if
Ro 300 Gy 100 Gy 300 Gy 100 Gy no diffusion occurred. If one takes the extreme of exten-
sive diffusion, then a large cuff of tissue will be exposed
0 0.28 0.47 0.08 0.1 to a low dose of radionuclide, negating the effect of
0.1 0.42 0.58 0.24 0.34 targeting.
0.2 0.52 0.76 0.3 0.52
0.3 0.56 0.92 0.29 0.6
If one assumes that antibody diffusion is not affected
0.4 0.56 1.0 0.24 0.64 by the radionuclide linked to the immunoglobulin (a
0.5 0.5 1.08 0.14 0.64 point that remains to be established), the model described
0.6 0.38 1.12 N/A* 0.62 above can also be used to predict what may happen if
targeting is attempted with an alternative radionuclide. In
Dose estimates have been made for 90Y and 131I radioimmuno-
conjugates. the case of glioma, antibodies conjugated to 131I and 90Y
* Dose to the cuff of tissue surrounding the cavity was calcu- have been linked to MoAbs and infused into resection
lated to be less than 300 Gy. cavities. Substituting appropriate values for 131I in the
above model (injected activity 2220 MBq) illustrates that
much of the perceived benefits of using 90Y for targeting
of antigen around the cavity site. Other studies involving are lost if 131I radioimmunoconjugates diffuses form the
the introduction of MoAbs into glioma resection cavities cavity edge (Table 4). However, it is misleading to com-
have used reagents recognizing tenascin, which means pare actual doses as the effect of dose rate needs to be
that these will only bind to glioma and activated glial considered and, therefore, further manipulation of data is
cells (7, 9). Whether these MoAbs will diffuse into needed to predict biological effect. Finally, other factors,
normal brain parenchyma to a greater extent is unknown such as cost of the isotope, availability of clinical grade
and worthy of further investigation. It is also possible to material, suitability for radiolabeling, and radiation pro-
undertake targeting studies with antibody fragments such tection considerations will also necessarily influence the
as (Fab)2 (100 kDa), and single-chain Fvs (30 kDa), final choice of the radiolabel.
which should also diffuse from a resection cavity to a However, before one can make clinical judgments re-
greater extent than whole Ig (155 kDa). garding the choice of antibody and radionuclide for intra-
Using the model described above, it is possible to tumoural targeting, a reliable method of measuring diffu-
predict how dose deposition is affected by diffusion. To sion is required. While useful data was accrued from the
illustrate this point, values of Ro from 0 – 0.6 were sub- clinical samples obtained in this study, patient numbers
stituted into the model, the radius of a tumor cavity was were small and further confirmation of the results is re-
taken as 2.0 cm, and the injected activity of 90Y MoAb as quired. Many individuals with malignant gliomas undergo
740 MBq. The depth of tissue that receives a dose of 300 reoperation at some stage, and, in the future, where this is
Gy was calculated to be 0.28 cm for a Ro of 0 (no scheduled for a patient with an Ommaya reservoir already in
diffusion). With a Ro of 0.4, the depth of brain exposed to situ, permission will be requested to give a tracer dose of
300 Gy was 0.58 cm, the value falling to 0.38 cm if a Ro radiolabeled MoAb and take biopsies at the time of opera-
of 0.6 cm was assumed (Table 4). A similar calculation tion. Attempts to optimize SPECT imaging are also con-
predicting the depth of tissue receiving a dose of 100 Gy tinuing, as a noninvasive method of measuring diffusion
gave figures of 0.47 cm if no diffusion occurred, rising to would clearly be preferable.

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