Tugas Tiara Vanessa Spss

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Name: Taga Vanessa Now Gree 1 Uji Fenenratan flats > Sewness =] | Daci ay Kenermatan )(Oiketahui ) \Nilai skewness 0,292 clenean Slancar eeoc OF Gewness = 0, 209 Nilai Steves = 0,223 = 0,368 (42) Es) Stdl- erroc OU Farera fowtlrnyn adaian £2 brake olutetbuti cata Lherma! Aan 4yi Yana eligunatan adaiah Uyi paramere [eae Colpo oll gen 2.3.0, Boca beer ° Pasredl somaples Gkatuste “ cliclreatear hast “) |= Pacln poetese (He ater Sebeluen liberi vlamin ©) | Depa mar BSE N= 5 Mol Ceuaton |, 0620 clan Stel ec Mean O13 840 - SS aeen 7 Poole posh dese Cb paner Seber eliperi vetemin te) dengan mean G,S2, N =5 1 Hol devwor |, $40 dar Sle -Croe frean ©3643 b> Ongar béuenpulkar balucr cola Reurgtatan Hb J | Papen dar) soelum Ar ketucbin Aibertkan Utemn No. Dat O00 eon |= 0,933 clan Pwatue - 0,000 mar? > >it foloe! “teed eae ples Correlation haste Sebogni bertewt WN 29 olergan cone late corre lations a “> Ra a poh + takel pared Samples fest" ' oleixpattor here Seba’ bentut + Mai pence = d9bba cleegae elwidicer O15 969, Stance enor Mea } | O/1323 cewr chelrprttarn JOY interval Fepercayran dari perbeelann Bron nator t+ ~2, 300, GE ean nilar p value 2 9, 00 st Oytipuct “gal -eata _keed kacar He > re span en _menurat Penguecrran pre dam post pemberian blamir, Ba Mean S0/se Putte N Bh Li O60 [Or 3£40 0, O60 9 2,522 ', 6940/0, 3692 9,800 lnterpretasi > Pari bacu peneutian | cleheatean bahun ta ‘tebe sake: kacar Hb Sbetum Alberton Ulam 82 aber Bisco (Std -e0ec 0, 3540) clram kfarct~ Aewars NO¢20 Kemuchan Setelah _clubertkan suntan wt Gre locldlcla BQ \ Do}ab je) °opbpiabbe [adele Qc S22 - seen a (Carre for 8, s6y7) Ckegan Slarche deuagi [UL og4o + Terclapar qlai mean aor perbectaan antara PFE Udamin (2 dho port vitamin Qobian 8.966% (starcar cror mean ©,1323) dengan Stanckim ela 0,396, : a PHasad St Stapectik cheb pattan © wlue %, eto Kesimparin > Dae hace “UL datutk Aenpatten Pilati P value = 0, 060 (40,08) cpat chartikan bahwa niet’ L ckbauatr 6% Maka ba atdertrmra cen bo chioak can aetn_ferepruh terbacthe pemperern vgamin Bie tthactar pascen dreamda ckegon _ Cater vara chgurarac uryue uy Statesté Deiter chta pre tere Cen pott test fader Ub pasien EXAMINE VARIABLES=PreTest PostTest /PLOT BOX2LOT STEMLEAF /COMPARE GROUPS (STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES /CINTERVR:. 95 (MISSING LISTWISE /NOTOTAL. Explore Active Dataset Filter Weight Nef Rows inWorting Dats File Definition of Missing Missing Value Handling Processor Time Elapsed Time, 16NOV-2022 10:30:56 bataseto | User-defined missing values for dependent variables are treated es missing Statistics are based on ‘ese with no missing values for any dependent vaiable (PLOT BOXPLOT |STEMLEAF {COMPARE GROUPS STATISTICS. DESCRIPTIVES ICINTERVAL €6 (MISSING LISTWISE (OTOTAL, 00:00:00,50 00:00:00.57 [bataseto) Pretest PostTest Cate Processing Summa cases Vat bislng wn | rowom [| recom | w 9] 100.0% of s00.0% ° Mean 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound eee Upper Bound 5% Timed Mean ecan Variance St, Deviation Miu Maximum Range interquartile Range Shewness Kariosa Mean 25% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound Mean Upper Bound 5% Times Mean Median Variance ‘i, Deviation imum Maximum Range Interquartile Range Skowness Kutosis PreTest Prefest Sten-and-Leaf Plot Frequency Stem width: Each leaf: © 2,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 stem & wear 1,0 1 case(s) Pele PostTest PostTest Stem-and-Leaf Plot Frequency Stem & Leaf 3,00 a. 059 3,00 9. 08 2,00 10: 78 1,00 nso Stem width: 1,0 Each leaf: 1 Case(s) 110) 1054 sar] @ 20 as] any Poses ‘T-TEST PAIRS=PreTest WITH PostTest (PAIRED) /CRITERIA=CI(.9500) ([at3StNo-ANALYSIS. T-Test Notes $8NOV-2022 10:32:30 ‘Active Dataset DataSet0 Fiter Weight -enono> Split Fle of Rows in Working Data Fle User defn missing values are treated as missing ‘Statistic for each analysis Missing Value Handling are based on the cases with (Cases Used no missing or outoFrenge data for any variable ie the analysis ‘T-TEST PAIRS=PreTest WITH PostTest (PAIRED) ICRITERIA=Cl, 9500) IMISSING=ANALYSS. 00100200,00 00100:00,02| Definition of Missing (Dataseto} Part PostTest saa | salam | tens ai Jen commas Moar Caer ioe me tere [| ool el eal aged Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t Sig. (2alled) 95% Confidence terval ofthe Par 1__ ProTest-PostTest =$616] 7,307 CORRELATIONS {VARIABLES-PreTest PostTest /PRINT=TROTATL NOSTG /MISSTNG-PATRNTSE. Correlations Notes 16 NOV-2022 10:37:58 DataSet0 Active Dataset Fiter Weight ie Split Fle none> of Rows in Working Dats : Fe Userdefned missing values are treated as missing Missing Value Handling Defrition of Missing ‘Stabsties for each pair of variables are based on all the cases with vali data for that pai. CORRELATIONS NARIABLES=PreTest PostTest IPRINT=TWOTAIL NOSIG IMISSING=PAIRWISE. 00,00:00,02| 00,00.00.03, [pataseto) Pearson Correlation ‘Sig tales) N Pearson Comrlition Sig (tailed) N *. Correlation is significant atthe 0.01 level (2-aled),

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