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A USB (Universal Serial Bus) pen drive/flash drive is a storage device that comprises of flash memory

with an assimilated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. A Cloud Storage is also alike case where in the

data is put in storage remotely and is retrieved whenever desire But a hitch of this USB flash drives is its

small size because of which it can easily be misplaced or gone astray. This is a specific problem if the data

it contains is delicate or private. In Cloud Storages the data can be whipped or misused if the username

and password of an account to access the storage is lacerated by someone. There are many more

shortcomings like limited storage, no security, back up, temp files, no remote deactivate etc.

I-Twin is a 'boundless' protected USB device that permits users to access, edit & share all their files &

media among any two online computers universally in the world. The only boundary is the size of your

computer's hard drive I-Twin is an inventive resolution that consents distant file access without the

security and secrecy risks of the cloud and USB flash drives. It's very easy to access as a USB device and

no superior setting up is required. I-Twin uses carefully examined crypto rules and algorithms (AES 256

bit encryption). It has features resembling bi-directional file access, no temp files, remote disable, smart

key generation, and secret code support and twin trust validation.



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