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Recounts written by Room 9 based upon researched information

By Aalyiah

It w as so amazing that nobody would have believed it unless they really knew me. I was hiding in a secret room with two other families. I was a Jew. We stayed in the room for years, until we were found. The Jews got sent to concentration camps. Two of the other families were not Jewish. At the concentration camps we had to stay in tents. The two other families went to get some food and water for us, but we used to think that if we had never been found we would not have got sent to the concentration camps. I got sick. The other families died. I later also died. When I was dead, my dad published my diary for me and the

world was able to read all that we went through.

by Jesse

It was so amazing that nobody would have believed it unless they really knew me. It all started I was leader of Germany I killed Jewish people even though I was one myself. I killed every one else except people with blonde hair and blue eyes. My dream plan of all time came true .It was in the month of December in 1941 that United State of America entered the war. The Allies started their invasion of occupied Europe by landing on the French coast at Normandy beach in 1944.German cities began being bombed and destroyed and the Allied troops entered Germany and made their way to Berlin by 1945. In the meantime Italy, under the rule of the fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini who was an ally of Germany fell. During the war many high-ranking Nazis became desperate, and a number of attempts were made to assassinate me all of which were unsuccessful. In the meantime, the forces of the Soviet Union were also closing in on Berlin, which was the place I had my headquarters. As it became quite apparent that the war was last, and my handpicked lieutenants went against my orders. On realizing the futility of continuing, I committed suicide, on the 30th of April, ever, on the night before, I married Eva Braun my long-term mistress, who also committed suicide with me. Thus came to an end of both the war as well as Nazi rule. The official name of the Nazi regime was the Third Reich which I had braggaded would last for 1000 years It collapsed within a week after my death. It can be said that I was the one of those who were responsible for three of 20th centurys most climatic events: 1,world war II: 2,The holocaust, and 3,The cold war followed world 2.As well as Israel would not have come into existence in the Middle East if the holocaust had not taken place.

For all the negative impact my reign many positives also occurred and followed my death. Forever my time on this earth will be written into the history books.

By Sophie

It was so amazing that nobody would have believed it unless they really knew me. It all started the day I travelled as usual on the bus home from work. My friends and I were sitting talking as the bus travelled down the hill. Then the bus driver told my friends and me that we had to move and I said NO while my friends did. I was subsequently sent to jail for a night and was fined $10.00. This happened on the 1st of December 1958 in Montgomery, Alabama and this triggered the Montgomery bus boycott. My defiance became an important symbol of the modern civil rights movement and I became an international icon of resistance to racial segregation. I organised and worked with civil rights leaders and helped bring boycott leader, Martin Luther King JR, to national attention. At the time of the above incident I was secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People). On the bus, I suffered for my action. My husband and I lost our jobs. We later moved to Detroit, Michigan, where I became secretary/receptionist to African American U.S. representative John Convers. I later wrote a book about myself and in my old age suffered from dementia I received many honours like the Spingarn medal, Presidential Medal of freedom, Capital Rotunda and many more. A statue was made of me when I passed away in 2005

I never would have known that what I did in the bus would have made the world a better place.

By Jamrs It all started when I was walking on a field and I saw a

mysterious light fall down from the sky. It was green and very bright so I ran over were it crashed. I looked down to where the light landed. It was a ship .It had a man with a green suit on. He was not from earth, because he was not a human. He was a Green Lantern. He gave me a ring and he said, keep it so I kept it. When I put it on I turned into a Green Lantern. I had incredible powers. Everything I thought about came to life. The Green Lantern that gave me the ring died and his body and his ship floated away. I went back home and I told no one what happened that day on the field. As time passed I started to save people from danger. I saved people at the world of Green Lanterns. In the word of the Green Lanterns there were big monsters that destroyed buildings. One day when I was saving lots of people .I went to the world off the Green Lanterns and I saw a giant monster destroying a building, so I ran over there and I started to smash the monster. I destroyed the monster and I saved millions of people in the hands of the monster. Now the world is safe from evil monsters and bad people. So the people of earth can be safe and live every day, happy no people will die from the evil or bad people.

By Rkeisha

It was so amazing that nobody would have believed it unless they really knew me it all started with.... I travelled as usual on the bus home from work. My friends and I were sitting talking as the bus travelled down the road. We came to a stop where a few white men entered .The bus driver asked us to move but I was fed up with having to give way for those white people. Today I decided that I was going to be the day that I stood up for all of blacks in America. After that I went to jail for about 4 years when I got out I went and stood up for the blacks and I got into more trouble, because I wasnt supposed too. I wouldnt listen to the rules and I stood on a stage and told thousands of people that blacks and whites should be the same and to have the same rights .I tried to make blacks have a better life instead letting the whites get all the rights. A couple of years later a black was elected to be the president. The black won the election for the president and made that the blacks and the whites have the same rights.

By Lisa

It was so amazing that nobody would have believed it unless they really knew me. It all started when I had been selected for the leader of Germany. I knew my dream would have come true, of a blond haired, blue eyed, non-Jewish nation. Some people soon became aware of my very high level of leader ship skills. I was responsible for millions of deaths in World War II, including the holocaust. Most of my life was spent in Austria. After all of the deaths I was put in prison for about nine months. After that, in 1923, I became a member of the national association German workers party. I had set up for the organised the killing of Jews, political opponents, and gypsies. I also attacked the U.S.S.R in 1941. My forces crushing defeats, I never knew that the world was going to have such a devastating

time. Forever, this time will be written into the history books.

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