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Pressed but not Crushed

2 Corinthians 4:6-10 (NLT)

I. Introduction
a. Kumustahay
b. Review last Sunday
c. Pressed but not crushed
i. Tanan has the potential to be stressed, pressured and be crushed
ii. Maski unsa man imo level sa imong spirituality, maka experience gyud ta ani
1. Uban, gakatawa pero stress, pressured or even crushed na d i
2. Bata, tigulang, dato or pobre dili nato malikayan ang reality sa life
a. Stress sa work, stress pud ang walay work: studies, anak,
kabtangan, tambok..etc
iii. Kung imong pgtanaw sa Christian life is stress, trouble free etc. your wrong!
1. Walay level sa anointing ang maka exempt sa pressure in life
iv. Some Christian dili gatoo sa mga pastors kay they are experiencing the
process but ila gaka dunggan ang process
1. Most of the times pastors preach the promise but not the process
2. Nindot lage tong gina wali ni pastor pero ngano ani man akong gaka
a. To good to be true kaau ang pulong sa Ginoo
v. Paul, timothy, barnabas,
1. They give up, surrendered everything to the Lord
a. Dreams, possession, positions, career
2. Man of God- they still experience crushing and pressing
a. PRESSURE- press is sure
b. 1 Peter 4:12(NLT)-don’t be surprises
i. Satan is not attacking us by surprise
1. Satan knows u need to be attacked, he is
constantly putting pressure around you
2. Pressure sa balay, studies, work, even sa
3. Murag wala na gyud kahumanan, walay ka gawasan
a. Murag wala ngyud kay gahom nga mo overcome anang
problemaha, pressure
b. Satan will pressure you until your breaking point and be
vi. We cant stop the pressued, BUT! We cannot be crushed by it
1. We can overcome it!!
2. God will allow the pushing, the pressing but God will provide a way
a. Problem sa health, financial, studies etc!
b. At time mag as ta, LORD why is it happening to me?
i. Thank God because he is working it out for U
II. Chapter 4- treasure in Pressure
a. The church is facing trials
i. Because of their prayer Gods power has been activated and they made it
ii. They acknowledge that their power is limited but Gods power is unlimited
1. It’s only the Power of God we can only overcome all pressures in life
b. God has entrusted us treasure with in us
i. Gospel- the overcoming power of God
ii. They were bringing a treasure that’s why they are experiencing pressure
1. DIAMOND- grabe ng pressure ayha mahimong treasure
a. Not pressure no treasure
2. Satan will not stop you if you dint have the treasure, ehatod paka
niya kung aha ka gusto
a. Nganong e stop man ka niya kung kauban man d I mo
3. There treasure in pressure
c. God has a purpose for their pressure
i. God allows it because of a purpose
1. V8- pressured in every side
a. Paul is smart, intellectually high
b. Ilado kay maalamon kaau but still experience pressure
i. Life and death pressured
c. Daghan kau tag pressure
i. Music team- pressure to sing better etc.
ii. Father- pressure to provide
iii. Worker- to perform
iv. Student- mo pasar
2. Pressure is also in success
ii. If you decide to devote yourself to the treasure that you have expect
d. God has a Favor/ exemption for you
i. Squeezed/ pressed but not crushed!
1. Suga- need e press ang switch para mosiga
2. Piano- need to be press para motingog
ii. Pressure produces something
1. Pressure in every side
a. Kung 1 side lang murag kaya pa
i. Balay, studies, work naa pa gyud c pastor!
b. Kada lingi naay pressure
iii. Luke 22- prayer of gethsemane
1. Sweat like blood- grabe nga pressure
2. Gethsemane- oil press
a. Olive tree- produces olive oi- but need to be press
b. Oil that is used for anointing
i. Sometimes God will used the pressing to produce
ii. Anointing will come out from that pressure you are
1. Expansion, healing out of that pressure
2. Wisdom will flow out of that pressing
3. New level will flow out of that pressure
3. If you want to have an anointing we must experience pressing
a. If you want MEGA life- mega anointing- mega challenges
b. Gusto ta ug DAKO pero dili gusto mgpa DAKO
i. Pressing prodices DAKO
ii. Take this cup away from me
iv. Pressing is only a session
1. It’s just a stage of life
a. Ayaw ug tambay, ayaw katulog
2. It’s not your destination
3. 1 john 4:4- greater is HE
a. You surrounded, in trouble it seems no way out
i. Gina lakag gyud ka sa pressured
ii. Hit where you don’t expect it
e. There is a way out
i. There is always a hope, there is no hopeless case in Jesus
1. God will provide a way
a. Jonah- if God allowed nga I labay ka sa dagat God will
provide a whale (a way out) to bring you to your real
b. That’s the grace of God in your life
2. you are stronger that what you think
a. we did not just survived but we thrived
b. our strength/capacity will always be tested by pressure
i. imong problema sa grade 1 dili na nimo problema
1. na gane nimo kungkita kag ng
problema sa problema nga imo na
3. there is always a limit to wat we can bear
a. breaking point- Lord it is too much!, kapoy na Lord
b. Gideon- weakest sa ilahang clan
i. God used him to deliver the Israelites from the
ii. 32k soldiers- too much
1. Ipa uli nag tawalawan- 22k left
iii. 10k- too much
1. Y- kung modaug maka ingon mo ug daghan
man gud, experience man gud ta, mayo man
gud ta
iv. 300 against thousands enemy
1. God is on their side- they won the battle
v. They won the battle but the assignment is not
1. They hunt the 2 kings until they reache the
border of Jordan river
2. Judges 8:4- they were tired/ exhausted
a. Fought hard, pursuit the enemy
3. You made it this far but the Lord is not yet
finished, naa pay assignment
c. You made it but you are tired
i. Gikapoy man ka sa kagahapon but our task is not
yet finished
1. Kapoy kau trabhao pero pg sweldo dretso sa
bills tanan
2. Kapoy kau under appreciated ka, ginuhat
mon a ang tanan pero wala man lang g
Thank you!
ii. Sahay kapoy naka sa imong self
1. Overthink- tulog ka pero mgmata gikapoy ka
a. John 14:1
2. Mas daghan paka scars than stars
3. Layo na kau kog na abtan maong gikapoy
a. Stop pleasing others- sometimes
theier expectation to us is the
reason why we are exhausted
iii. V4b- CONTINUE!
1. Press on-move forward
a. The solution of exhausted is resting
not quitting
III. Conclusion
a. 2 cor 4
i. V8-9
1. Down sa first round it does not mean homana nag away
ii. V16- never give up
1. There is renewal every day
2. Only in Jesus we can have peace and rest
3. We abuse the pandemic para dili nata mgpagamit kang lord
iii. If you are exhausted dili katre, kwarta ang maka hatag sa ato ug
1. If you are press, we need Gods presence in our Life
iv. V17-will not last long
1. There is reward in pressured
2. The present circumstance is nothing compare to the eternal reward
v. KEEP moving forward
1. Paul and Gideon continued
2. Its not more than that what God has instore for you
3. You are to bless to be stress
vi. Whatever we are facing by Gods grace we can overcome
1. Stanza sa Yes LORD amen
b. Matthew 11:28
i. I will give you rest

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