Odyssey Essay

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Miaco Martinez 1

Miaco Martinez


Mr. N’s English 9 Honors Class

Essay Template

“Essay Title”: Subject of Essay

Homer's, "The Odyssey," illustrates Odysseus as somebody able to overcome his obstacles,

related to his journey and learn from them. Just prior to the events of "The Land of the Dead,”

He learns the consequences of recklessness, as seen when his curiosity leads him to open the bag

of winds given to him by Aeolus, "Odysseus and his men sail to Aeolia, where Aeolus, king of

the winds, sends Odysseus on his way with a gift: sack containing all the winds except the

favorable west wind. When they are near home, Odysseus' men open the sack, letting loose a

storm that drives them back to Aeolia" (Homer, 1961, p. 576) This excerpt reveals a lesson to

Odysseus. His curiosity and trust in others lead him to accepting the gift. The gift turned into a

curse, but it also turned into a lesson. A lesson that taught Odysseus to stop having blind-trust,

making him realize that not everyone wishes for him to succeed, in fact, some pray for his

downfall. Another example of Odysseus developing his character is showcased by his out of

character arrogance when it comes to Polyphemus, "The Cyclops," "O Cyclops! Would you feast

on my companions? Puny, am I, in a cave man's hands? How do you like the beating that we

gave you, you damned cannibal? Eater of guests under your roof! Zeus and the gods have paid

you!' The blind thing in his doubled fury broke a hilltop in his hands and heaved it after us."

(Homer, 1961, p. 573) Once again, you can observe the consequences of Odysseus' mistake. He
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simply taunted the beast, and it made the cyclops a much larger threat. Odysseus escalated the

situation, not common for somebody with his personality to do. He made the problem much

worse for not only him, but also his crew with just a simple few words, an error he would never

make again. After observing this evidence, Odysseus' goal of arriving home is clearly trumped

by his journey. Each situation he is presented with, along with the challenges he faces, he

overcomes and ends the day by acquiring new and important knowledge.


Miaco Martinez 3

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