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Ethical considerations include concepts of intellectual property, source disclosure,

paraphrasing, copyright
2. Plagiarism is not informing the original author that you have used their work
3. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology
4. Which of the following is not type of referencing style? EUP
5. A reference or citation is giving credit to the original author’s idea
6. Creative Commons is a noon profit organization that released free copyright licences.
7. Digital government transformation mandate national governments to provide
technological tools to all citizens of a country
8. Which of the following is the best way to narrow the digital divide by building up IT
9. Intellectual Property is divided into two categories industrial property and copyright
10. When you copy and paste from other author’s work without referencing your sources
literary theft
11. The human development approach is a new development paradigm that looks at the
process of development through a more people centred and approach
12. Which of the following statements is false paraphrasing means to present as new , an
original idea or product derived from an existing source
13. One of the following is not a type of plagiarism The mash up
14. Copyright is best suitable for individuals than businesses
15. Plagiarism occurs due to some of the following reasons:
16. A four step iterative process in digital government transformation does not include
annually reporting to the united states about the national government’s technological
17. Pillars of e-readiness Connectivity, technology infrastructure, business environment
18. According to the Unisa Policy for Copyright infringement and Plagiarism submitting
identical work for a group project or assignment

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