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Baby Panda Twins: Adorable First Moments

Quiz by: Ksenia Shkineva

1. Now these two baby panda twins are ... 2. On the second day they ...
days old.
 opened their eyes
 twenty-five  opened their mouths
 twenty-six  moved their tales
 twenty-nine

3. On the third day they ... 4. On the fifth day they started ...
 started to move their legs and tails  to move around
 started to become brown  become brown
 started to ask for a blanket  grow faster

5. By the eighth day their fur started ... 6. On the fifteenth day they started ...
pandas we know
 to take colour
 to take shape  to look hungry
 to grow  to look and be like
 to look more like

7. Every day they started getting more and 8. Now they look like pandas only ...
more ...
 in miniature
 weight  very small
 hair and coloration  furless
 strength

9. They are really ... to watch 10. They are the first pandas born in ... for
the last ...
 cool
 interesting  Australia...twenty-five
 nice  Japan...twenty-six
 America...twenty-six

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