Chess Illinois Tournament - 1965

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White has 20 proper compensation for his Queen.side Inferiority. $0 he plays for complications. 23 xP Biacie weakens his position by thus separating hls majority Pawns, 23 . Q-R4, which pins the enemy's King Bish. op, 18 better. 24 8-05! Now White has quite a good postion For one thing he threatens 25 RxR}, RSR 26 BBB! EY N-N7 ‘This error enables White to launch a winning combination, According to the Deutsche Schachzeitung, Black needs to ty 4... RxRf 25 RAR, Q-R2. Even then, tough, White has a food game, 25 BxPH!! 7 ‘This combination is largely based on the unprotected state of Black's Queen. 2 kxs 26 @-ast KB 27 B-a6} ROK Now Black's difficulty appeai B-K2 falle against 28 RxD, RAR 29 Q-KG! with threats on both Rooks and worst of all of 30 BxRt and 31 QxQ. 28 RAKE! White here threatens Black's Queen by 29 BxR} and also 29 RxBt, PxR 30 COMING SOON! The Chess Charts Blue Book All the openings—in easily read chart form—in a set of two uni- form volumes. Based on a statis- tical analysis of 60,000 tourna- ment games by the world’s great- est players. The winning percent- age shown for every move. A posteard request will bring you free sample pages and complete information about the sensational money-saving offer. pre-publication Q-K6 with consequences just described above and finally also 29 R/1-K1. Mess Rai ‘The text is insuffictent, but go are other moves, Unticker gives this varia- fon: 28... Q-Rz 29 R/I-K1, R/-B2 30 RxBt, Px 31 Q-K6, N-Q6 22 QxPI, BRL $3 KS, KG? SY HAKY, KSB 35 Q-B6s, K-Q4 26 Q-Ket, K-Q5 37 Q-Q6F, and White wins. 29, BxRt axe 30 RQ PQ 31 RAN, Resigne Black has no compensation for th change. EET Uy ILLINOIS 1965 ark Club Championship in Chicago Old Line, New Point Black's Tine was once recommended by Rubinstein but never trusted in tour. nament play. With this game, its rept. tation worsens becanse of the new sac- ficial points therein, Bx. Gom) RUY LOPEZ R. Verber Dr, Martinowsky white Black 1 Paks PaKa 2 NoKDS Nass 3 ENS PoKNS Rubinstein analyzed and defended this Fianchetto Defense as playable almost titty yeers ago, It was tried but a few times in the early twenties 4 Pas NP 6 QxP Bs 5 NxN PRN 7 PKS GUNS sag .... ‘Phis strong Pawn sacrifice was. ree. ommended by Marocay. § QxQ, RPxQ Ddeeame the subject of controversy be. tween Tartakover and Rubinsteln, Nei. ther side produced convincing evidence Bi... P-QBS 10 N-BS QxPt SBOE GR eK: . White has fine compensation for the Pawn, Meee Pas ‘This ts the most natural move, Here is a new point imparting theor. tical value to this game. On 12 PxN 13 B-N5t followed by 14 0-0-0, White's attack over.compensates for the piece, Verber claims, and he be right. ‘A second line, ems to though more complt- cated, also favors Whnte according to Verber: 12 0-0-0, B-KS 13 BxQP! eg. 12... PRB OM QS with a winning attack or 1... Bx 11 NxB, QxN 15 @ 13! QxRP 16 QxR, and Bleck Incks compensation for the Exchange, tyes 5 BKet Best, according to Verber: but, if this Is the best, then the whole variation cer. tainly favors White 13 @-a¢! Not 12 14 NBS Alter 14... . BxP 15 Q-Q2, White has considerably ‘more compensation for the Pawn than before as, with no Pewn left {in the center, White's pieces exert tre- ‘mendous activity. Bas BAND 1 N-BTH? N-k2 15 0-0-0 oa 16 Bxa B85} 17 KeNT 0-0 Black has escaped the dangers of the middle gamo but still faces difficulties fas his Pawn formation is slightly weak- ened on both wings, his minor pleces are precariously placed and his Queen Rook Is charged with protecting a Pawn, 18 P-KRS! P-aN4 Black cannot prevent P-KN4: eg. 18 + P-KRA? 19 P-KN4, PxP ete, run into mate 19.B-NS PLaRs 21 PANS Px 20 P-QRé QR-NI 22 BXRP B-K3 BNKE Le Now White begins exploiting Ms su. perior position by attacking, KES ‘The Knight assumes a post of perfect activity whereas it strays after 24 N-BGt, K-B2 25 Nx, Bas Roe2 8-03 26... BABS 27 RQ. PxP 28 N-a7, R-RI 29 N-BGt, K-BI 80 PsP algo con. fers a clear advantage on White. 26... FRI Is Black's best here, 27 N-Q7 R-QN2 SUI, 27... RRL Is best. 28 N-B6t ket 29 Ne PxN Not 28. . . NxN? 30 RXN as 30 PXR loads fo an immediate mate 30 RxPE . 7S Geos P= ah check | = la oh (CHESS REVIEW, MARCH, 1966 ‘Thanks to the possible R-KS mate, White can start collecting Pawns, He now wins rather easily RNS BB? M1 R-QT: eg. 3 (17 82 R-QS} and mate follows. 31 ReRP. PxP 32 PxP R85 38... RXBP falls against 81 B-QK. 33 PNB, Red 34 RRB} kog2 Black loses the Exchange on 34 KONI % RsRt, BXR 35 B-Ni, RoR 37 BLNS, R-N2 $8 BABB. The same happens atter'31. , . BNI 35 B-KS! 35 B-Ke} Ket 36 B-a7§ > 36 BXPS 1s not bad either: s. RANT | SB BXR NAB nh} BAR OR KA And White ultimately won, ao aah WEST GERMANY 1965 National Championship Si Parla Itali ‘The Giuoco Piano, In most languages Ned the Italian Opening, is rarely ‘adopted today, probably because it is too rich in long, forced variations which must be Kuown To die specialist, is stil @ fine opening a3 this sample shows. 8 a Givoco PIANO Max Elsinger N, Degenhardt White Black 1 PK PKS 6 PXP BANS 2N-KBS N-QBS = 7.N-B3_NxKP 288 86+ 80:0 BN 4P62 N83 «9 POS BBS 5 PQs = PXP 10 RKY Despite the rarity of this opening, isinger 1s an old spect ‘The recommended line, given in every book on openings and supposedly lead ing toa draw, Is 10... NoK2, 11 ARN NRE 11... N-K2 may atill be better, The Knight on the rim is out of action 12 Bas 3 13 Bae PBs 14 RKBS White threatens to sacrifice the Ex. change with great effect: 18 RxB! fore. Ing 15... PXR. ee. 15 ORG 16 KY eK Pans ‘Was there ever such a position! Now White's main threat is 17 Q-K¢ winning 1 ploce. ee PBs a7 PLRNAL we Another sacrifice of the Exchange, Teves Bae Here or next move, Black wins the xchange by e-KNA; but ne daren't as REP gives White too strong fan attack, 1 QB2 PxP ‘This desperate move, however, 1s n0 better than... P-KNG, 19 BxPt Kat 20 @-NB BK 20... Q-K1 ts no better because of 20 RaB! QxR 21 QRS, 21 ReRt axR 22 a-K6: wd ‘The conclusive sacrifice, and threat of mato forces Black to accept Bowes KxB. 23 NONE xn Else, 23... . KRI 24 Q-BS ete. 2% BxQ BNI 26 RXR BAR 25 QxNP | -R-KT 27 @-BB_ Resigns Genuine Ivory Gift Chess Set, Staunton Design, 32" King Retail Value $125.00 . . . Your cost $65. Use for gifts, fund raising etc. Mail $1.00 for glossy print to: Philip Balaban, P. 0. 625, Linwood Station, Detroit 6 Mic Member Kingsman's Chess Club eo How do you best win on A. P-QB4,81,,. P-NSand G1... KRI? No.2 ‘You are Black How do you best win on D1 P-KRS, ET QsRP, F 1 QsBP and ¢ 1 Rw No. 3 You are White How do you best win on H1.. 11... PNB and 1... N-Q2 No. 4 You are Black PK, CHESS REVIEW, MARCH, 1966 | tow 1Q-Ke ‘and 1 Q-O87 Solutione an pace &6. best win on K 1 P-Q5, L 9

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