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" Here is the Patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and

the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.

VOL. 75, No. 22. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., MAY 31, 1898. WHOLE No., 2274.

for man. " This do," he said, " in remem- therein; which are offered by the law; then
Verim) anb i?eralb, brance of me." This was the point of transi- said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, 0 God.
tion between two economies and their two He taketh away the first, that he may estab-
Seventh - day Adventist Publishing Association, great festivals. The one was to close forever; lish the second. By the which will we are
BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. sanctified through the offering of the body of
the other, which he had just established, was
Terms, in Advance, $1.5o a Year. to take its place, and to continue through all Jesus Christ =once for all. And every priest
Address all communications and make all Drafts and Money. time as the memorial of his death. standeth daily ministering and offering often-
Orders payable to " And he took bread, and gave thanks, and times the same sacrifices, which can never take
REVIEW & HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich.
brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is away sins: but this man, after he had offered
my body which is given for you: this do in re- one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the
membrance of me. Likewise also the cup after right hand of God."
supper, saying, This cup is the new testament Christ designed that this supper should be
in my blood, which is shed for you. But, be- often commemorated, in order to bring to our
‘! I AM with thee." He bath said it
In his truth and tender grace; hold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with remembrance his sacrifice in giving his life for
Sealed the promise grandly spoken me on the table. And truly the Son of man the remission of the sins of all who will believe
With how many a mighty token goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that on and receive him. And this ordinance is not
Of his love and faithfulness. man by whom he is betrayed!" " I speak not to be exclusive, as many would make it. Each
He is with thee in thy dwelling, of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but must participate in it publicly, and thus bear
Shielding thee from fear of ill, that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that witness: I accept Christ as my personal Saviour.
All thy burdens kindly bearing, eateth bread with me bath lifted up his heel He gave his life for me, that I might be rescued
For thy dear ones gently caring, against me." from death.
Guarding, keeping, blessing, still.
With the rest of the disciples, Judas partook "And supper being ended, the devil having
He is with thee in thy service,— of the bread an& wine, symbolizing the body now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's
He is with thee certainly,— and blood of Christ. This was the last time son, to betray him; Jesus knowing that the
Filling with the Spirit's power, that Judas was present with the twelve. But Father had given all things into his hands, and
Giving, in the needing hour,
His own messages by- thee. that the Scripture might be fulfilled, he left the that he was'come from God, and went to God;
sacramental table, Christ's last gift to his dis- he riseth from supper, and laid aside his gar-
He is with thee,—with thy spirit, ciples, to complete his work of betrayal. 0, ments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
With thy lips, or with thy pen! After that he poureth water into a basin, and
In the quiet preparation,
why did not Judas at that solemn service rec-
In the heart-bowed congregation,— ognize in its true light the awful work he had began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe
Nevermore alone again. pledged himself to perform ? Why did he not them with tte towel wherewith he was girded.
— Frances Ridley Havergal. throw himself penitent at the feet of Jesus ? Then cometh lie to Simon Peter: and Peter saith
He had not yet passed the boundary of God's unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus
THE LORD'S SUPPER AND THE ORDI- mercy and love. But when his decision was answered and said unto him, What I do thou
NANCE OF FEET-WASHING.—NO. 1. made to carry out his purpose, when he left knowest not now; but thou shalt know here-
the presence of his Lord and fellow disciples, after. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never
- MRS. E. G. WHITE. that barrier was passed. wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash
In this last act of Christ in partaking with thee not, thou bast no part with me. Simon
" THEN came the day of unleavened bread, his disciples of the bread and wine, he pledged Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only,
when the passover must be killed. And he himself to them as their Redeemer by a new but also my hands and my head. Jesus said
sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare covenant, in which it was written and sealed to him, He that is washed needeth not save to
as the passover, that we may eat. And they that upon all who will receive Christ by faith wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye
said unto him, Where wilt thou that we pre- will be bestowed all the blessings that heaven are clean, but not all. For he knew who should
pare? And he said unto them, Behold, when can supply, both in this life and in the future betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all
ye are entered into the city; there shall a man immortal life. clean."
meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow This covenant deed was to be ratified with The children of God are to bear in mind that
him into the house where he entereth in. And Christ's own blood, which it had been the office God is brought sacredly near on every such oc-
ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, of the old sacrificial offerings to keep before casion as the service of feet-washing. As they
The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guest- their minds. This was understood by the come up to this ordinance, they should bring to
chamber, where I shall eat the passover with apostle Paul, who said: "For the law having their remembrance the words of the Lord of
my disciples ? And he shall show you a large a shadow of good things to come, and not the life and glory: "Know ye what I have done
upper room furnished: there make ready. And very image of the things, can never with those to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye
they went, and found as he had said unto them: sacrifices which they offered year by year con- say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and
and they made ready the passover. And when tinually make the comers thereunto perfect. Master, have washed your feet.; ye also ought
the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve For then would they not have ceased to be to wash one another's feet. For I have given
apostles with him. And he said unto them, offered? because that the worshipers once you an example, that ye should do as I have
With desire I have desired to eat this passover purged should have had no more conscience done to you. ily, er verily, I say unto you,
with you before I suffer: for I say unto you, I of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a The servant is not greater than his lord; nei-
will not any more eat thereof, until it be ful- remembrance again made of sins every year. ther he that is sent greater than he that sent
Aired in the kingdom of God. And he took For it is not possible that the blood of bulls him. If ye know these things, happy are ye
Whe cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and of goats should take away sins. Where- if ye do them."
and divide it among yourselves: for I ay unto fore when he cometh into the world, he saith, The object of this service is to call to mind
you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a the humility of our Lord, and the lessons he
until the kingdom of God shall come." body hast thou prepared me: in burnt-offerings has given in washing the feet of his disciples.
The symbols of the Lord's house are simple and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. There is in man a disposition to esteem himself
and plainly understood, and the truths repre- Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the more highly than his brother, to work for him-
sented by them are of the deepest significance book it is written of me), to do thy will, 0 self, to serve himself, to seek the highest place;
to us. In instituting the sacramental service God, Above when he said, Sacrifice and and often evil-surmisings and bitterness of
to take the place of the Passover, Christ left offering and burnt-offerings and offering for spirit spring up over mere trifles. This ordi-
for his church a memorial of his great sacrifice sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure nance preceding the Lord's Supper is to clear
away these misunderstandings, to bring man soon coming is to be preached. Rather than ing as it were from a distance, that by it, and
out of his selfishness, down from his stilts of become discouraged, simply regard these scoff- following it, man might find his way back again
self-exaltation, to the humility of spirit that ers as one of the inevitable signs of the last to God. It gave man a new lease of life.
will lead him to wash his brother's feet. It is days, and take fresh courage and press on. But it was only a lease,— a lease that might
not in God's plan that this should be deferred The text also says that these "scoffers" are expire at any moment.
because some are considered unworthy to en- " walking after their own lusts." The lustful- And so we live.
gage in it. The Lord washed the feet of Judas. ness that other scriptures so fully tell us will As in that day when earth hung in the dense
He did not refuse him a place at the table, mark the last days is also spoken of in these shadows of night God's word sent light into the
although he knew that he would leave .that verses. When the "last-days" scoffer hears the gloom, and all the shadows fled away, so now
table to act his part in the betrayal of his Lord. message of the soon coming of the Lord, his he sends light into the lives of those who are
It is not possible for human beings to tell who conscience is aroused; he believes in his very prisoners of despair. Satan wAuld keep men
is worthy, and who is not. They can not read soul that the message is from God. But his in this deep gloom; for he " bath blinded
the secrets of the soul. It is not for them to darling lusts come up before his mind; and the minds of them which believe not, lest the
say, I will not attend the ordinance if such a sooner than give them up, he begins to stifle light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is
one is present to act a part. Nor has God left his conscience by scoffing at what the word of the image of God, should shine unto them."
it to man to say who shall present themselves God has convinced him is truth. 0, with what But " God, who commanded the light to shine
on these occasions. carefulness and prayerfulness should we present out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts."
The ordinance of feet-washing has been the message, lest those who are trembling in It is the same work in both cases. The World
especially enjoined by Christ; and on these the balances be turned into scoffers! For our hung over the abyss, shrodded in darkness,
occasions the Holy Spirit is present to witness words and lives should show that the riches of with no life, having no form, utterly void,
and put a seal to this ordinance. He is there Christ is infinitely good and greatly to be de- silent, and useless. It was death. And lik
to convict and soften the heart. •He draws the_ sired, and that every man should hasten to cast to that our lives, too, may be black with si
believers together, and makes them one in off his debasing lusts, and receive instead the there may be no light there, not a ray of hop
heart. They are made to feel that Christ is perfect joys of our Lord. we have ceased to live; we are dead.
indeed present to clear away the rubbish that These scoffers are also " willingly ignorant." But remember, the earth did not remain for-
has accumulated to separate the hearts of the They refuse the plain word of God, which shows ever in darkness. Athwart the gloom that en-
children of God. that the "heavens were of old, and the earth veloped .the earth, God commanded the light to
These ordinances are regarded too much as a standing out of the water and in the water: shine. In obedience to that word, light came.
form, and not as a sacred thing to call to mind whereby [i. e., by the word of God] the world And so there is no need of our resting forever
the Lord Jesus. Christ ordained them, and that then was, being overflowed with water, in the darkness. He who performed the mar-
delegated his power to his ministers, who have perished." Just as the scoffer makes light of velous work of creation speaks to your life,
the treasure in earthen vessels. They are to the coming of the Lord, in like manner also "Let there be light." Is there light? He
superintend these special appointments of the does he laugh at the idea of a flood; but God will not act against your will. You have but
One who established them to continue to the caused these things to be written hundreds of to say as God says; and sin and sorrow, like
close of time. It is on these, his own appoint- years ago, so that when this time should be the owls and the bats, with the darkness, will
ments, that he meets with and energizes his reached; we might not be overthrown. We flee away. And then, when the glorious light
people by his personal presence. Notwith- should not become confused at any of these has dawned, you may say, with Paul, " I live;
standing that there may be hearts and hands scoffings. Stand in the clear light of God's yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." Darkness
that are unsanctified who will administer the word, and you will see everything in its true is death, and light is life.
ordinance, still Jesus is in the midst of his peo- character. None of this scoffing will move us " And the life was the light of men."
ple to work on human hearts. All who keep to doubt if we stand in this position; instead,
before-them, in the act of feet-Washing, the we shall see it only as a sign of our times, and
humiliation of Christ, all who will keep their press on. The fact that God could foretell
hearts humble, and keep in view the true taber- these things hundreds of years ago should fill
nacle and service,. which the Lord pitched and our souls with unbounded faith in his every
(Newburg, W. Va.)
not man, will never fail to derive benefit from word.
every discourse given, and spiritual strength
from every communion. These ordinances are No ONE, unless looking at events through
LIGHT AND DARKNESS. the smoky spectacles of theology, can see the
established for a purpose. Christ's followers
are to bear in mind the example of Christ in slightest evidence that an era of universal peace
his humility. This ordinance is to encourage is about to dawn. The tremendous war prepa-
(Jacksonville, Ill.)
humility, but it should never be termed humili- rations in the earth portend, instead, a period
ating, in the sense of being degrading to hu- By sin, man was separated from his Creator,
of war, attended with such destruction and
manity. It is to make tender our hearts toward and darkness like despair enshrouded his soul. bloodshed as have never been in the history of
one another. Once he had enjoyed the light of the glory of the world. • The following from the Wheeling
God as truly as he still beholds the splendor of (W. Va.) Register of May 15, 1898, is a can-
the sun. But darkness is negative; it is the did, yet terrible, statement of the situation:—
absence of light; it is nothingness. In its ab- While at present only one war-cloud is clang
A. 0. TAIT. solute sense, it is death. Any living thing ously near, there are indications that the interna-
placed in absolute darkness would immediately tional sky is by no means clear. War mutterings
(Oakland, Cal.)
have been heard of late, east, west, north, and south;
die. The absence of spiritual light is spiritual and it has been considered a not unlikely thing that
IT is stated in 2 Peter 3 : 3 that " there shall death, just as the absence of physical light is some day may see the nations of the earth engaged
come in the last days scofers." And the special physical death. in a life-and-death grapple, in which the terrible
object of their derision is plainly pointed out; Separation from light means darkness; and weapons in use at the present day will cause carnage
that will drench the universe in blood.
for the text says they will be saying, "Where so, as man withdrew from God, the source of A war with Spain may be short, and peace may
is the promise of his coming?" Then there light, he wandered into the- shadow of death reign again in a few weeks. It may ,be prolonged,
is, in reality, a prophecy in these verses that and oblivion. In that very day he chose death. and in the latter event the nations that are at this
some will be recounting the "promise of his In that very day, so far as his own act went, time neutral will find their interests more or less
interfered with. It will be to Great Britain's in-
coming." And in derision this scoffing class, he was dead. And, dying, he would die. terests to see the war brought to a sudden close;
say, "Where is the promise ?" But God in mercy did not allow man to with- for war means a stoppage of commercial relations
Have you spoken to others of the precious draw himself entirely from the source of life. with one of her best customers. Should Great
"promise of his coming" ? And have you not Though man groped and stumbled in the dark- Britain undertake to interfere in the fight between
heard, again and again, the jeers of the "scoff- ness, not knowing whither he went, God had the United States and Spain, it will require slight
provocation for her watchful enemy, Russia, to take
ers" ? There is no subject presented to-day mercy. He did not consign man to absolute advantage of the fact that the attention of Eng-
that people take more delight in making sport darkness, which is absolute death. He gave a lishmen is temporarily distracted from the East
of than of the second coming of Christ. Those ray of light. He came with a message of hope. situation, to commit some act that will set a ma
who believe in this glorious doctrine of the " I will put enmity," he said to the deceiver, to the train of gunpowder laid to the magazine
Lord's soon coming are regarded by many as• " between thee and the woman, and between the Orient.
Under such circumstances it will be in keeping
very foolish, and even fanatical. Yet there is thy seed and her seed." As he bad separated with the present indications for Japan to join forces
nothing that the Bible more clearly or more light from darkness by his own word at the with Great Britain; and for Germany, France,
fully holds out, in both promise and prophecy, creation of the world, so now, by his word, he Austria, and Italy to be forced into a gigantic war
than the great truth that Jesus is coming again. separated light from darkness in the realm of that will change the map, and perhaps sweep away
If you are rejoicing in this hope, do not the soul. He erected a barrier between the With millions of men against her, Great Britain
become discouraged by the " scoffers" of these two. He said to darkness, " Hitherto shalt has shown that she does not consider her strength
" last days," knowing that they are just as thou come, but no further." This gave man puny. She boasts of her " splendid isolation," and
surely to appear as the gospel of the Master's, another opportunity. It gave man light, shin- talks confidently of her ability to cope with armies
numbering millions by the simple process of bottling have to follow Enoch in the other record of his TWO GREAT SPIRITUAL FORCES:
them up in their own fortified harbors, and com- life; for he " walked " with God.
pelling them to stay there until they tire of their
imprisonment, and sue for peace. With her vast May the Lord grant that we shall be so R. A. UNDERWOOD.
navy, Great Britain feels absolutely confident that agreed as to walk with God, yielding our ways _(Mesopotamia, Ohio.)
she can settle Germany in a very short time. Ger- to the control of the Holy Spirit, that the heav-
many's limited seaboard would make the invest- enly testimony may be borne of us as of Jesus, I HAVE called attention to the fact that there
ment of her coast towns, say the Britishers, a matter are only two great spiritual forces at work in
of the greatest ease; and then, says John Bull, what
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
would be the use of Germany's millions of trained pleased." this world,— Christ and his angels, with the
men? There is truth in the argument when the Holy Ghost in command, and Satan and his
comparative size of the German and British navies is angels. Man is the one to be captured, de-
considered; for Britain possesses no less'than 2,243 MY DREAM. ceived, and led into death by Satan; while the
ships of war, while Germany possesses only 967. It mission of Christ is to set at liberty the cap-
would be a different story should France join Ger- MRS. L. D. AVERY-STUTTLE.
many; for in that event she would bring her fine tives, and give them life eternal.
(Battle Creek, Mich.)
navy of 2,220 ships to join those of Germany. Italy DANGER OF BEING DECEIVED.
has a fairly good navy; and Britain, should she find I SLEPT one night, and, sleeping, dreamed
an ally in this nation, would secure the help of 795 A strange, strange dream, so sad it seemed! Both are spirits. John 16: 13; Eph. 2 : 2.
war-ships; but in Russia she would. have another I had a Friend; I loved him well; Both are powerful. Acts 1 : 8; 2 Thess. 2 : 9.
enemy, with a navy of 1,260 ships. Turkey has 392 His love for me none, none, could tell.
war-ships of all kinds, but they are not formidable Both work miracles. Mark 16 : 17, 18;
And 0, it was so sweet, so great, • Heb. 2 : 4; 2 Thess. 2 : 9-13; Rev. 16 : 13, 14.
craft, and would not make a serious impression That to his boundless, vast estate
in a naval fight with modern boats. Japan has He made me heir! All, all, was free, Both appear as angels of light. Matt. 28:
a fine little navy of 217 ships of all classes, and To prove his wondrous love for me. 2, 3; Acts 10 : 30; 2 Cor. 11 : 13-15.
would -do effective work in the Orient; but she would
scarcely be an ally upon whom England would count If both these spirits appear in shining light,
His friendship was no common thing:
to balance the force on her side with that of a com- My Lover was a Prince, a King. if both are powerful and both work miracles,
bination of continental powers. His face was fair; his piercing eye how can we detect the one from the other ?
But it is the awful carnage that would result from Was like the sun in midday sky; Thank God we may know: God's word has
such a combination of forces as that suggested that His countenance, exceeding bright; made clear the work of each. "Beloved, be-
makes men stop appalled at the very thought of a His hair as purest snow was white;
general international war, like that which has been His voice Was like the murmuring sea,— lieve not every spirit, but try the spirits
so calmly discussed many times recently. It will Yea, altogether fair was he. whether they are of God." 1 John 4: 1.
be a world at war,— not a few thousand fighting "When they shall say unto you, Seek unto
men pitted against one another, but the flower of A glorious message came one day
From this loved Friend so far away;
them that have familiar spirits, and unto wiz-
the manhood of nations taking opposite sides, every
man capable of bearing arms being impressed into But ah! the motes and beams of sin ards that peep, and that mutter: should not a
the fight for home and fatherland,— a deluge of My blinded eyes had fallen in, people seek unto their God? . . . To the law
blood as there' was once a deluge of water, that Until I was so blind, indeed, and to the testimony: if they speak not accord-
would threaten the same dire results to the world. That I could scarce my letter read. ing to this word, it is because there is no light
The peace-at-any-price party may be excused for At last the precious words I read. in them." Isa. 8 : 19, 20.
their utterances when such a result is contemplated
"Behold, I come!" the message said; Lucifer, once a shining seraph, is still a
as that which would ensue from a general conflict of Thou mayst not know the day nor hour
the nations. mighty being. He would have the world be-
When I shall come in might and power;
While the cry of " peace and safety " is be- It may be midnight, morn, or noon; lieve (he has succeeded with many) that he has
ing heard, a " time of trouble, such as never Watch thou; but know I'm coming soon." no personality, the. same as he would have us
was " draws on. Are we ready for the issue ? believe that God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost
Alas! I was so poorly dressed,—
How could I welcome such a Guest? have no personality.
From such high state how could he come, THE DIFFERENCE.
"HE PLEASED GOD." And deign to grace my humble home?
The Holy Spirit. John I4 : 22. "The Prince of this .World."
But lo! my bitter need he knew; John 14:30.
T. E. BOW EN. And in his tender love so true, Christ says: "He shall " How art thou fallen
(Newburg, W. Ye.) He sent a robe, and bade me take glorify me." John 16: from heaven, 0 Lucifer,
And wear it for his blessed sake, — 13, 14. "He that seek- son of the morning! . . .
A glorious robe, so fair and bright,— eth his glory that sent for thou hast said in. thine
IN that wonderful chapter of record as to the A spotless dress of purest white. him, the same is true, heart, I will ascend into
achievements of faith, we find the statement and no unrighteousness heaven, I will exalt my
I took the robe; it seemed so fair is in him." John 7 : 18. throne above the stars of
that Enoch was translated by faith. At this God: . . . I will be like
I longed the glorious dress to wear;
time no such occurrence had ever taken place. But 0, the wearying cares of earth, the Most High." Isa. 14:
No precedent could be cited where a man had Her revelry and godless mirth, 12-14; see also Eze: 28:
been taken bodily to heaven from this world. Engrossed my heart (I knew it not) 12-17.
To human speculation, it would be an utter Until my dress I quite forgot; "He shall not speak "He that speaketh of
Or in my careless moments gay, of himself; but whatso- himself seeketh his own
impossibility. But God revealed his purpose I hid my glorious robe away, ever he shall hear, that glory." John 7 : 18:
to Enoch in some way beforehand, and Enoch But thought to put it on some day. shall he speak: . . . for
believed that the One with whom he had been he shall receive of mine,
The days passed by with noiseless wing,—
walking so many years was abundantly able to Winter and summer, fall and spring.
and shall show it unto
perform his purpose; so, by this belief, this you." John 16 : 13, 14.
At last, with tearful, sad surprise,
confidence, Enoch was translated. God took I saw, within the eastern skies, He is the Spirit of Satan " abode not in the
him, when he had served his generation, and The gleaming of his chariot-car, truth, and sanctifies by truth, because there is
Like beams of glory from afar. the truth. John 17: 17. no truth in him. When
his place was no more found among the sons
. I sought my robe; —too late! too late! he speaketh a lie, h e
of men. The Bridegroom stood before my gate. speaketh of his own: for
But this is not all. The statement is made he is a liar, and the fa-
All unprepared to meet my Guest, ther of it." John 8 : 44.
that "before his translation he had this testi- I stood in fifthy garments dressed.
mony, that he pleased God." That is cer- I woke. Day had begun to beam; The Holy Spirit puts. Satan fills the heart
tainly a wonderful testimony. God testified to I thanked my God 't was but a dream, into the mind a love of with the spirit of car-
And that I still might change my dress truth, and writes the law nality. "The carnal
Enoch in such a way as to assure him that his mind is enmity against
For Jesus' robe of righteousness. in the heart. "I will
life had pleased his Creator. We read of no put my law in their in- God: for it is not subject
wonderful work that Enoch had done; but his ward parts, and write it to the law of God, neither
pure, simple life pleased God. That was in their hearts." Jer. indeed can be." Rom.
THE service to men, the motive of which is
enough. He had like passions with humanity; 31 : 33. Written n o t 8 : 7. Satan has no love
the love of Christ, the purpose of which is their with ink, but with the for truth. See 2 'Chess.
but he had become so acquainted with God, salvation, is the practical theology which enters Spirit of the living God; 2 : 10-42.
had walked so closely by his side, that these where dogmatics can gain no standing-room, not in tables of stone,
human frailties were overcome, by divine and where ecclesiasticism finds the doors doubly but in fleshy tables of

I? power, to such an extent that the truthful testi-

mony was borne of him that " he pleased God."
The lesson comes home forcibly to the peo-
barred.—Rev. F. M. North, D. D. the heart." 2 Cor. 3 : 3;
see Isa. 8 : 20.
The Holy Spirit always Satan always leads to
ple living now, when, to escape the combined Too many Christians read the Bible with a leads the seeker for truth disobedience of the law
in the paths of obedience of God. " Wherein in
forces of evil, the only way out will be through penknife in their hands. They go at the word and peace. " Great peace time past ye walked ac-
the air. That means translation. And as of God with scissors, and snip a piece here and have they which love thy cording to the course
Enoch had the testimony, before he was trans- there, and when they get through, they find law: and nothing shall of this world, according
lated, "that he pleased God," has not the the whole of the Old Testament gone. You offend them." Ps. 119: to the prince of the power
ask me if I believe in everything the Bible 165. " Seeing ye have of the air, the spirit that
time fully arrived when the remnant should now worketh in the chil-
purified your souls in
also be getting the assurance, individually, says. Of course I do. So does every other obeying the truth through dren of disobedience."
that their lives please God? If so, we shall Christian. — Moody. the Spirit." 1 Peter 1 : 22. Eph. 2 : 2.

One Spirit is the power and spirit of love; worlds and the loyal angels will not be permit- " AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER ?"
the other, the power of force and hate. One ted to enjoy in the same fulness.
Spirit gives liberty; the other is the spirit of "Let everything that bath breath praise the M. E. OLSEN.
bondage. One is the Spirit of light, and is as Lord;" "for his mercy endureth forever." (Sanitarium.)
open as the day; the other is the spirit of dark- " Praise ye the Lord."
ness, and works under cover. One Spirit is TRUE religion is best shown by the way we
the spirit of meekness; the other spirit is that treat our fellow men. If our heart goes out
of arrogance and pride. One is the Spirit of SENSITIVENESS OR SELFISHNESS ? in loving sympathy for every human being,
peace and rest; the other is the spirit of unrest whether rich or poor, high or low, white or
Rev. George H. _Hubbard, in S. S. Times.
and turmoil. One is the Spirit of life; the black, agreeable or disagreeable, friendly or
other is the spirit of death. hostile,— in short, with humanity in any and
SENSITIVENESS is a Christian grace; sensitive- every form,— then we may be pretty sure that
Notwithstanding the contrast is so great, and
the two spirits are so opposite in all their work- ness is an unchristian vice. The sensitive per- we have the indwelling Spirit of Christ. As
ings, still many will be snared and taken by son is a blessing to society; the sensitive person John says, "We know that we have passed
the artful deceptions of Satan. is a nuisance in any community. The sensitive from death unto life, because we• love the breth-
The last great struggle for the mastery deep- spirit should be assiduously cultivated by all; ren." This verse tells that very thing when
ens as it draws to its close. " Even him, whose the sensitive spirit is by all means to be striven we simply remember that our brother, just as
coming is after the working of Satan with all against and conquered. our neighbor, is every one who is in need.
power and signs and lying wonders, and with all It all depends upon what you mean by 0, if we could only get rid of our narrow,
deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that "sensitiveness." There is a true sensitive- selfish ideas of God and religion, we should
perish; because they received not the love of ness, which implies great delicacy of feeling derive much more enjoyment from spiritual
the truth, that they might be saved." 2 Thess. and perception; and there is a false sensitive- things! God wants to use us as channels
2 : 9, 10. " There shall arise false Christs, ness that should be spelled " selfishness." through which to let his richest blessings flow
and false prophets, and shall show great signs What a pity that one name should be applied out to the world, but the trouble is that our end
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possi- to two qualities so nearly opposite! of the channel is closed up. When the Lord
ble, they shall deceive the very elect." Matt. There is the "sensitive-plant." How it gives us a rich spiritual blessing, we treat it in
24 : 24. " I saw three unclean spirits like shrinks from every rude touch ! Just brush much the same way as did the man whose farm
frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, its leaves carelessly with your hand, and brought forth plentifully. He did not have
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of straightway they fold themselves close to- room for all his fruits and grains; conse-
the mouth of the false prophet. For they are gether and droop downward, a touching picture quently he should have divided them with his
the spirits of devils, working miracles, which of hurt feelings. brethren who were in need: and he you'd
go forth unto the kings of the earth and of Society abounds in sensitive-plants. They have done so had he remembered that he was
the whole world, to gather them to the bat- grow luxuriantly in the church. Everywhere his brother's keeper. Instead of that, he con-
tle of that great day of God almighty." Rev. we may find them. They are always on the cluded to tear down his barns, and build
16 : 13, 14. lookout for slights and criticisms. They think greater ones, and then store up in them all his
Arrayed on one side is the infinite God, with a great deal about their rights and dignities. goods, live at ease, eat, drink, and be merry,
all the loyal subjects of his throne; on the They may be good workers, but they must be because his wants were supplied for many years
other side are Satan, fallen angels, and de- appreciated. Their feelings are very tender, to come. So when the Lord to-day grants us
ceived, fallen men and women. Reader, on and they wear them where they will be ex- rich blessings, spiritual or physical, we are
which side of these battle lines will you stand? posed to the most violent shocks. A suspicion prone to think that they are intended solely
Ah, on which side do Iou now stand? The of neglect, a word of opposition or criticism, for us,— that they are a mark of God's ap-
bugle notes are calling for all to have on the and they are offended. They stop work at proval of our ways, and an indication that we
whole armor, and to quit themselves like men. once, and will not do anything more till they are better than other people. This view of the
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the have been duly flattered and cajoled. And matter naturally makes us sit down to en joy
Lord, and in the power of his might. . . . For even then they often assume the air of martyrs. them at our ease. The result is that we do not
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against But are they as careful of the feelings of get any more, and by and by we backslide, all
principalities, against powers, against the rulers others as they expect others to be of their because we continually forget that we are our
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual feelings ?—Very rarely. As a rule, your brother's keeper, that God holds us responsi-
wickedness ["wicked spirits," margin] in high sensitive soul is quite careless of the rights ble in a very large measure for the condition
places. Wherefore take unto you the whole and feelings of others. When you hear one of other men as well as for our own.
armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand say, " I am exceedingly sensitive," it is safe
"And he said, What hast thou done ? the
in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. to conclude that he is exceedingly selfish.
voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about True sensitiveness, on the other hand, is
from the ground." If the Lord were to speak
with truth, and having on the breastplate of that delicacy of spirit and quickness of percep-
to-day, would he not say the very same thing
righteousness; and your feet shod with the tion that makes us very tender in our treat-
to many of his professed people? We may
preparation of the gospel of peace• above all, ment of others. It does not make us more
not be murderers, it is true, in the same sense
taking the shield of faith, wherewith' ye shall be ready to take offense, but it saves us from
that Cain was; but, viewed from the gospel
able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. giving offense. It makes us considerate of the
standpoint, our selfish course in sitting at ease
And take the helmet of salvation, and the weaknesses and prejudices and foibles of our
when souls are perishing all about us for lack of
sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." neighbors. It restrains us from trespassing on
light which we could give them, is surely little
Eph. 6 :10-17. their rights and prerogatives.
better. A man who kills his brother by neg-
Jesus Christ was the most truly sensitive of
Could our spiritual vision be quickened, we should lecting to save his life when well able to do
see souls bowed under oppression,• and burdened men, yet he never took offense. His own so, must be guilty before God as really as the
with grief, pressed as a cart beneath sheaves, and feelings were entirely consecrated to his work.
ready to die in discouragement. We should also
man who lifts his hand against his fellow man,
He never " stood on his dignity; " he never
see angels flying swiftly to aid these tempted ones, who and strikes him dead by a murderous blow.
claimed his rights; he never fretted because
are standing as on the brink of a precipice. The On the judgment-books of heaven, sins of
angels from heaven force back the hosts of evil that en- he was not appreciated. But how tenderly he
omission can not be regarded as of less con-
compass these souls, and guide them to plant their treated the feelings and rights of others,—how
sequence than sins of commission. We are
feet on the sure foundation. The battles raging patient with Samaritan prejudice, how gentle
between the two armies are as real as those fought responsible to the extent of our powers, circum-
toward Galilean ignorance and stupidity, how
by the armies of this world, and on the issue of stances, and capabilities. If we have received
careful at all times to treat even bigotry and
the spiritual conflict, eternal destinies depend.— special light and knowledge from God, it is in
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing," pages 164, superstition in such a manner that the smallest
order that we may communicate it to • those
165. bud of faith should not be blighted!
who live in ignorance and darkness. If we have
Not simply is this world interested in this Of such sensitiveness the world can never
strength of character and will power to keep us
struggle, but the whole universe of unfallen have enough. Quickly to perceive that we are
from yielding to appetite, it is in order that we
worlds is watching the daily conflicts between hurting another's feelings, or that we are
may take our weak brother by the hand, bear
the spirit forces.' 0 that our eyes might be touching an unwelcome topic; to avoid all
with his infirmities, and point him to our com-
opened to see that " they that be with us are words or actions that might make others un-
mon Saviour, whose strength is made perfect
more than they that be with them," — yea, that happy; to have the faculty of soothing ruffled
in weakness.
we might catch one glimpse of the eternal spirits and relieving the friction and jarring of
This is our Lord's injunction: "Freely ye
crown of rejoicing that awaits the faithful sol- life,—this is a great gift; it is a most Christly
have received, freely give." If we fail faith-
diers of Jesus Christ! Loyal angels, charged grace. But he who possesses it will never be
fully to discharge our S responsibility in these
with the work of ministering to us, would heard saying, " I am exceedingly sensitive."
things; if we stand by, and see a weak brother
gladly take our place; for the redeemed will perish for lack of help, spiritual or physical,
sing a song, and share in the glory of Christ in " No man is doing all that he ought for which we might render, even at considerable
a manner, that even the subjects of unfallen Christ, who is doing less than he can." sacrifice to ourselves, his blood will be upon
our garments; and we shall hear from the Except ye fast to the world, ye shall in no wise learned critics, we must come to the conclusion
righteous Judge in the last day the awful find the kingdom of God; and except ye keep that if these are genuine sayings of Christ, they
words, "Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the Sabbath, ye shall not see the Father." mean just what they say, and are in harmony
the least of these, ye did it not to me." If this be accepted as a veritable saying of with the received. Gospels, which also mean
Let us thank the Lord that there is still op- Christ, it is a plain direction that the Sabbath what they say.
portunity for us to work for him. Soon proba- should be kept; The fourth commandment I base nothing upon these sayings. The one
tion's hour will end, every case will have been itself is not a clearer command than this. referring to the Sabbath is not needed to prove
eternally decided, and the door of mercy will Furthermore, it is in perfect harmony with that the Sabbath should be kept; nor do we
be forever closed. Then it will be too late to Christ's practise and teachings as set forth in need the one in regard to fasting to prove that
work for Jesus,--- too late to open our homes to the Gospels. None but the Pharisees ever fasting is a religious duty. But I do affirm
the poor and needy, too late to feed the hun- dared to accuse Christ of breaking the Sabbath, that, taking the sayings I have quoted as they
gry, clothe the naked, visit those who are in and they could bring the charge only by blend- read, and according to their obvious sense,
prison, comfort the sorrowing, or give of our ing their own notions and traditions with the they agree with the custom and teaching of
money to forward the Lord's cause. Now is Sabbath law, and demanding the observance Christ in regard to the Sabbath (Luke 4 : 16),
the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. of them. Christ's statement, "I have kept and his teaching in regard to fasting.
To-day the Lord is calling fOr help. Shall we my Father's commandments," and his reply
not respond joyfully, and say: "here am I, with to those who accused him of Sabbath-break- LIQUEFIED AIR.
my house, my farm, and all my property; all ing,— that if they had known the meaning of a
these things belong to thee, Lord; take and use certain scripture, they "would not have con-
demned the guiltless" (Matt. 12 : 7),— are suf- SOME of the properties and phenomena of
them as thou shalt see fit"?
*'- If we do this, the ,Lord has promised that ficient proof that he kept the Sabbath. liquefied air, witnessed by himself, are reported
he will open the windows of heaven, and pour But since the majority of professed Chris- by William Henry Hale, Ph. D., in the follow-
us out so great a blessing that we shall not be tians have, in their doctrines and practises, ing account. Surely wonders will never cease:—
able to receive it. Then we shall have copious departed from Christ's example and teachings Liquid air is a clear, colorless liquid, when filtered,
showers of the latter rain: Then our soul shall in this respect, and, like one of old, have resembling water. It is intensely cold, the tempera-
ture being three hundred and twelve degrees below
be as a watered garden, and as a fountain whose chosen another day, of their own devising zero. It is constantly boiling, as it absorbs heat
waters fail not. Then shall the promise be (see 1 Kings 12 : 33), it can not be expected from the surrounding objects, and thus it gradually
verified, "My people shall be satisfied with that they will change their course should there resumes the gaseous condition. If enclosed in ves-
my goodness, saith the Lord." Let us, with be found other sayings of Christ, which are sels thickly surrounded with a non-conductor, how-
ever, it boils very slowly, and may be kept thus in
earnest prayer and heart-searching, seek such opposed to their practises. So, immediately an open vessel for many hours, and may be trans-
a perfect consecration. upon the discovery of this supposed saying of ported from place to place.
Christ, the critics and theologians who believe I visited Mr. Tripler's laboratory, March 24. He
that it is a real saying of Christ, make haste to had just sent off a quantity of liquid air to Johns
AN EARLIER GOSPEL. declare that it does not mean just what it says! Hopkins University, a distance of one hundred and
ninety miles, to be used by Prof. George F. Barker
For instance, Prof. J. R Harris, of Cam- in a lecture there.
M. E. KELLOGG. bridge University, who is a firm believer in At the time of my visit to the laboratory, Mr.
(Wattle, Creels:, NUM.) the authenticity of these sayings, declares of Tripler was entertaining a party of friends by ex-
those ive have quoted, " They have nothing hibiting the properties of liquid air. Cold as it is,
IN recent years, discoveries of fragments of to do with fasting or keeping the Sabbath the fingers may be plunged into it for an instant,
because it is in the spheroidal state, and does not
writings have been made of very great age, pre- in the common sense"! He further says: actually wet them. When poured upon any sur-
sumably of the second century after Christ, "The idea that it involves the obligation of face, it breaks into drops, which immediately vola-
containing his reputed sayings. The credence fasting and Sabbath-keeping is the exact oppo- tilize. So rapidly does it absorb heat from all
that is given these by scholarly critics has site of the truth "! And that is simply to say surrounding substances, that when poured into a
glass tube standing in water or whisky, the liquid
raised the question whether there may have that if Christ said this, he meant the exact op- surrounding the tue is soon frozen. As the liquid
been earlier writings containing the history of posite to what he said! air boils away, the nitrogen first evaporates, be-
Christ's work on the earth than any that we Let us suppose for a moment that these cause the boiling-point of liquefied air is lower than
now possess. The apostle Paul quotes an ex- sayings read differently,— that they were di- that of nitrogen. After a while nearly pure liquid
oxygen remains. A cup of ice was removed from
pression of Christ, "It is more blessed to give rectly opposite to what they do say: " Ye the outside of one of these tubes. Inside it liquid
than to receive" (Acts 20 : 35), which is not need not fast; and ye need -not keep the Sab- oxygen was poured; then steel was burned in the
recorded in any of the four Gospels. Other bath," would these zealous and learned critics, oxygen.
expressions, not in the Gospels, but found in who are now so eager to prove that Christ did In another experiment a blowpipe was extem-
porized by putting liquid air into a vessel to which
the writings of Clement and Polycarp, lead not mean what he said, reason in the same a tube was attached ; and the vaporization of the air
critics to believe that there was a writing of way as now, and urge that we must fast and forced air through the tube so as to blow to red heat
ancient date containing at least some of the keep the Sabbath? If not, why not? an ignited hard carbon, which was then plunged
sayings of Christ, which was known to Paul The professor goes back to some of the writ- into liquid oxygen, and burned intensely in the
and to others; and that they quoted from it. ings of the early " Fathers " of the church, and midst of the surrounding cold liquid. The char-
acteristic odor of ozone was noticeable.
This may be true; but the further deduction finds them inculcating the idea that Christians The air, as it vaporizes, does so in a white cloud,
of the critics-- that the writers of the four ac- need not fast nor keep the Sabbath, and so he like the vapor of water. Some liquid air was en-
cepted gospel narratives drew their information would judge the meaning of the words of Christ closed in a bottle in which a tube was fitted; and the
from some previous history—does not neces- by the words of these Fathers. Would it not pressure of the boiling air caused a fountain of vapor-
sarily follow. Matthew, Mark, and John were be better to judge the meaning of these reputed ized air to issue from the tube.
A bung pounded into a bottle containing liquid
eye-witnesses of Jesus' miracles, and heard his sayings of Christ by his own accepted words air, was blown to the ceiling with a loud pop.
teaching; Matthew and John were intimately upon similar subjects ? Shall we allow Christ's Liquid oxygen is somewhat heavier than water.
associated with him; while Luke "had perfect words to be explained by Justin or Clement, Liquid air was poured upon water. After the nitro-
understanding of all things from the very first." rather than by himself ? gen had boiled off, the oxygen would sink into the
water in little globes, which descended till they
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit guided them in We would now ask, What did Christ teach reached a depth of water where the ebullition of the
their writing. We are therefore fully satisfied in regard to fasting?— "Then came to him the descending globe became so violent as to raise it
with the divine authenticity- and inspiration of disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the again to the surface. This process was repeated
the record of Christ as we have it. There can Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? over and over again — a very pretty experiment.
The cold of the liquid air is so intense that india-
he no earlier records than those written by men And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of rubber, immersed in it, became brittle, and broke
who were "eye-witnesses of his majesty." the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bride- like glass, as did also a tin cup containing liquid air.
2 Peter 1 :16. groom is with them? but the days will come, An exhaust pump was attached to a glass tube
Yet at the same time due reverence for Him when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, containing liquid air, and the vaporized air was
who spake as never man spake before or since, and then shall they fast."' Matt. 9 : 14, 15. drawn off, causing violent ebullition in the tube. So
great a degree of cold was thus produced as to cause
should incline us to treat with respect any Those days soon came, and the bridegroom a liquefaction of the air of the room on the outside
words that appear to have emanated from him, was taken from them. He is gone from, his of the tube, and even some crystals of frozen air
testing them always by comparing them with people now, and will be gone until he comes were formed, the temperature requisite to freeze air
his known words. the second time. Are not these days, then, being about four hundred degrees below zero.
days of fasting ? The early church practised Such .is the avidity of liquid oxygen for hydrocar-
These latest found sayings ascribed to Christ bons, that violent explosions are caused by burning
were discovered in Egypt. They have all the fasting. See Acts 13 : 2; 14 : 23; 1 Cor. 7.: 5; such substances as alcohol or cotton waste in the
signs of a very great antiquity. Most of these 2 Cor. 11 : 27. It may be that Justin Martyr, oxygen. An iron pipe, open at both ends, and a
expressions are similar to those found in the and others .of the so-called " Fathers," did not copper pipe, open at one end, were shown at the
accepted Gospels. One of them refers to the fast; but it is absolutely certain that Paul, and laboratory, both of which bad been shattered by ex-
plosions thus caused, the energy of chemical com-
Sabbath, in which no one, since all admit that others under his direction, did fast. It is also bination being so enormous that the resulting gases
Christ kept the Sabbath, can fail to be inter- certain that Paul kept the Sabbath. Acts broketheir way through the tube, instead of escap-
ested. The saying reads thus: "Jesus saith, 28 : 17. So, contrary to the opinion of the ing through the open end, only a few inches distant.
"Mother," he cried, " where is the outfit for for food; and to pay money and send clothing
that single bed in the storeroom? I want to those who, in missions, hospitals, and out in
everything that goes with it,— mattress, sheets, the public field, as teachers of truth, are trying
"That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth ; a whole change, everything, you know, to make to change the conditions that make beggars
that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the
similitude of a palace." Ps. 1.14:1.2. a good bed,—and quick, too; a dray will be and outcasts.
here in ten minutes." As far as possible, protect the eye and heart
THE SHUTTLECOCK CRIES OF THE HEART. " Well, but, my son "— of the sensitive, generous child from the sight
" No time to explain now, mother,— that's of the degradation and sorrows of sin which it
WE wish to come back with as fond a desire a good girl; you know me, and I know you; would be impossible for him to relieve. Of
As ever we wish to depart; I '11 explain later. Just jump around, now. course, it is impossible entirely to shut these
'I want to go somewhere," " I want to get back,", There comes the cart this minute. My! but things away from him, especially in the summer
Are the shuttlecock cries of the heart.
he 's a good fellow, clear up to date. I'11 put days, when the traveling mendicant is abroad
When the high tide of summer breaks over the the heavy things aboard while you 're getting in the country as well as in the town.
year, the bedclothes and things; and, say, won't you For his own safety, the little one should be
We float on its flowery crest have Mary put up all there is cooked to eat in taught to be chary of his greetings to strangers.
Till it leaves us adrift on the pine-covered, hills
Or the beautiful valleys of rest. the house, and some 't ain't cooked, a big lot ? The little lass who is always ready to turn her
I '11 foot the bill, out of my next month's, you sweet blossom of a face up for a kiss to any
But the sad- winds of autumn, like wandering cries, know, unless you want to go snacks on it with one who asks for it, if she is not taught the
Seem the voices of spirits that roam, me. You can afford to do that, too; for it's a true principles of such giving and withhold-
And they echo our thoughts through the deepen-
ing skies,— big thing, and no mistake;" and he was off, ing, will be in danger of ending in sorrow, if
Our longing and hunger for home. shedding his coat as he went down the stair- not in shame, the life that began as sweet and
way at a bound to the storeroom; while his innocent and free as that of a bird,— itself a
And blessed are they who return to their homes,— mother, without a moment's hesitation, went reminder of what should always be the estate
As blessed as they who depart:
" I want to go somewhere," " I want to get back," to the closet for the bedding, tossing an order of every open-hearted child of Adam's race, but
Are the shuttlecock cries of the heart. for the food into the kitchen as she went. which, alas! can never be as long as sin is in
— 8. Walter Foss. She knew it was all right; for her boy knew the world to make a prey of every generous
how to earn and protect his share of the family nature.
THE OPEN-HEARTED CHILD. income, and how to give according to the Both to give and hold in the name, and for
Scriptural rule. the sake of, Jesus our Lord, is the only honest
MKS. S. M. I. HENRY. That Scriptural rule! How amazingly it and safe rule.
(Sanitarium.) manifests the practical nature of our Heavenly
Father's care in all things! He so took into A SUNNY LIFE.
THE child who frankly returns every glance, account that we are much more material than
who responds to every outstretched hand and spiritual in this world, that he, from whom we IN his last days, Oliver Wendell _Holmes said
smile, who artlessly offers you a share of every receive all things, and who alone has a right to that he owed a debt of gratitude to the nurse
mouthful of his food, arid is ready to give all we have and are, has left in our absolute of his childhood, who studiously taught him to
away anything he possesses to any one who control nine tenths of all that comes, to us; ignore unpleasant incidents. If he stubbed his
asks for it, who never has anything to conceal, while he has reserved for himself only one toe, or skinned his knee, or bumped his nose,
has a right to be carefully protected from his own tenth, and does not even force the collection of his nurse would never permit his mind to dwell
generous nature, or rather, from the rapacious that, but leaves it to our sense of right and jus- upon the temporary pain, but claimed his at-
world, that will take advantage of it to make tice whether we consecrate it to his use or not. tention for some pretty object, or charming
of him a prey and a tool. The child should be taught that not only story, or happy reminiscence. To her, he
He should, as early as possible, be taught " all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed said, he was largely indebted for the sunshine
the Scriptural basis of giving and of holding of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the of a long life. It is a lesson which is easily
(for the one includes the other). Every child Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord" (Lev. 27 : 30), mastered in childhood, but seldom to be learned
should practise his own giving, should give and that it will be wise to cultivate the same in middle life, and never in old age.— Se-
of his own, and, therefore, should have of his willing spirit which led Jacob to say, "And of lected.
own to give. all that thou shalt give me I will surely give
WISHING to give your wardrobe proper care,
In any home where there is ordinary food the tenth unto thee," but also that the nine
you must not forget to look every day at the
and clothing, there is enough to let every in- tenths is just as sacredly to be kept as a basis
dividual member have his share, and be taught for other operations in benevolence and in binding of your skirt, at the buttons on your
boots, at your veil and gloves—indeed, you
how to use it for the best good of the whole, business, out of which other tithes shall ma-
must glance at all that has unceasing wear. A
and by this means learn the value of every terialize later on. To give one's capital all
fresh binding will sometimes alter the entire
kind of produce, as well as of every penny, away, so that one has nothing left to work
appearance of a girl, making her look neat and
and that a penny given or spent is gone so that with, would be robbing God as much as to
withhold the tithe. dainty, where before the ragged edges of her
it can no longer be counted.
The one tenth, being the Lord's, should, of skirt suggested that she was at once untidy and
Here is an " open-hearted, good fellow " as
everybody calls him: he can not resist any course, be counted out like any other debt, by ignorant. Shabby finery is inexcusable. Chif-
fon that has become worn and ragged, when it
appeals; a church collection takes all he has in even the youngest child who is old enough to
can not be replaced, should be removed, and
.his pocket; a dedication, if there is money to count his pence, or his little harvest of flow-
be raised, will bring from him a liberal sub- ers, vegetables, and fruits; and, from the bal- something simpler substituted for it. Tears,
scription, which he is sure he can raise, some- ance, a generous portion should be set aside for worn places, and rips are never seen on a well-
A visit to a mission will pure benevolence, subdivided to meet the needs bred girl; for from her early youth she has
how, in time.
almost make him take his coat from his back; which various interests represent; and that bal- learned how to wield her needle well, and
at least it will send him home to make some ance, whatever proportion has been prayerfully mend all her belongings with as much dainti-
fiercely benevolent demands upon the hostages decided is right, should be kept at work in the ness as she embroiders.—Ruth Ash/more.
of poverty, which are hidden away among the various channels of fruitful service, to the end
household stores. that the Lord's portion shall increase from THE boys who never saw a college campus,
These impulses are all right, as impulses; month to month and year by year. who do not know the difference between a rule
but an impulse is as unsafe as a rule of con- I know many good people whO never have of geometry and a theory of science, but who
duct in matters of benevolence or religion as in anything to give at times when they really do know how to get into the ways of industry
argument, and will, sooner or later, leave a ought to give, simply because at some times and of usefulness,— the boys who support
man somewhere down in a heap, covered with they give away, on the impulse of the moment, themselves, and in many instances keep father-
contempt. all that is at hand, so much more than could less families from actual poverty,— the boys
There should be, in every home, that sense be afforded that retrenchment, even in paying who are at work to-day; who are in the public
of having all things common that would make to the Lord his own, seems absolutely necessary. schools, in every night-school, in every busi-
it possible for any member of the family to Teach the children never to give money, or ness college; who are supported by no en-
lay claim, in a case of emergency, to anything anything which can be converted into money, dowment, aided by no philanthropy; whose
that a true benevolence should require. And to those who come begging at the door, how- knowledge is paid for by themselves, or comes
when all have an equal share, and have been ever pitiful may be their tale of woe. The out of the hard-earned money of struggling
trained to the true principles of scattering man or woman who begs from door to door parents,— parents who are eager one day to
abroad, the fainily could afford to meet even a can not be helped by money. The children see their boys among the merchants or the hon-
startling demand, and wait for explanations. should be taught to pity the poor victims of ig- ored employees of the community in which
In such a home I once saw a young man norance and vice, whether beggars or not; to they live,—these young men are the saving
come rushing into his mother's room, out of understand that beggary comes from a failure salt, not only of commerce, but of the nation.
breath, and fairly pale with earnestness. to "trust and obey;" to respond to every call — Success.

vaggelislie everagre. false strength, that we are the worse for hav-
ing. They do not give a particle of natural
the amount. The lady smiled and said, "Do
you consider that a reasonable charge, consid-
strength."— "Testimonies for the Church," ering the circumstances ?" to which the doctor
Vol. II, pages 64, 65. replied: "That is my charge for that operation;
The nature of these things being to affect your circumstances have nothing to do with it."
POISONED by alcohol, blear-eyed, and illy clad, the nerves without strengthening them, to act The lady went to her desk, drew a check for
Cursing his fate as he shuffles along, upon the system without digestion,. it is clearly five hundred dollars, and presented it to him.
Crushed, and bereft of the once earliest will he had, evident that their course in the system is di- He. looked at it and handed it back, saying: " I
Penniless, homeless, and jeered by the throng; rectly the reverse of the natural, and that there- can not accept this. My charge for that opera-
Friends have assisted him, pastors have prayed with
fore they are not in any sense foods. The tion is fifty dollars."
He has been rescued and lost o'er and o'er: very purpose of the digestive system is to pre- "-Very well," the lady replied; "keep the
Do not yet give him up; pull from his lips the cup; pare the material which the system must have check, and the balance to my credit." Several
Speak to him kindly, and try him once more. to sustain it. According to this process, the months afterward she received a lengthy item-
Though 't is disheartening never to thrive with him, nerves are the last parts of the system that are ized bill, upon which were entered charges for
Sad his relapses from virtue to shame, reached or affected by that which is taken into treatment of various kinds rendered to all sorts
Give him not hopelessly up: if you strive with him; the system, and then they are affected only to of humanity, male and female, black and white,
Some spark of good may be fanned into flame; be strengthened and built up and prepared for who had been treated at her expense. She
Some potent memory,— haply a mother's voice,
Teaching him virtue and wisdom of yore, further efficient work. On the other hand, was so delighted that she immediately placed
May be recalled to his.ear by another's voice: whatever affects the nerves first of all, what- another check for five hundred dollars to her
Speak to him kindly, and try him once more. ever reaches the nerves without the digestive credit on the same terms, and it is now' being
process, being the reverse of the order of na- earned in the same way.— Selected.
Christ in his charity taught those who came to him
Ill deeds should pardoned be seventy times seven; ture, can only tear down and destroy.
Succor the least, here, and. you do the same to him,— Nor is this all. The order and course of
These are his precepts in earth and in heaven. nature being thus reversed, its functions are EXPERIMENTS ON SMOKERS.
0, then, when laboring hard for humanity, perverted; an unnatural appetite is created,
Never believe that you labor in vain! A RUSSIAN physician examined a number of
Kindness will conquer the drunkard's insanity,—
which imperiously demands that it shall be
supplied, in spite of every other consideration; students to ascertain if their health was affected
Speak to him kindly, and try him again.
and thus a perverted, unnatural appetite pos- by tobacco. Of the smokers, 16.09 per cent.
—Francis S. Smith.
sesses and controls the man, instead of his be- were found to have some affection of the breath-
ing free to control himself. He is the slave of ing organs, while only 10.69 of the non-smokers
" TOUCH NOT, TASTE NOT, HANDLE NOT." a perverted appetite, instead of being his own were thus affected. In respect to diseases of
free man. the digestive organs, the figures were respect-
III. The principle here touched contains the sum ively 11.88 for those who smoked and 9.92
WE will now quote from the Testimonies, on and substance of all temperance. Temperance per cent. for those who did not; and of both
the nature and effects of tea and coffee upon is literally self-control. That is the Bible idea tracts combined, 8.77 for the smokers, and
the human system. And in only a few short expressed in the word "temperance." That 3.22 per cent. for the non-smokers.
sentences both the science and the philosophy is the meaning of the Greek word that is trans- In every case for' many years when careful
of this whole subject are set forth so plainly lated " temperance." So what temperance is, examinations have been made as to the com-
and so simply that anybody can understand it and all that it is, is simply self-control. You parative health of smokers and non-smokers,
all. Thus we read:— use the word " self-control " all the time, in- or their standing in their studies, or their skill
" To a certain extent, tea produces intoxica- stead of the word 4 ‘ temperance," and you will in gymnastic feats or in athletics, the latter
tion. It enters into the circulation, and gradu- be enabled better to understand and to practise have had an advantage over the former. These
ally impairs the energy of body and mind. It genuine temperance. For you can see, readily figures show the evils of tobacco better than
stimulates, excites, and quickens the motion of enough, that nobody can be temperate while anything else. Tobacco lowers the physica-
the living machinery, forcing it to unnatural using anything that tends to create an appetite and mental standard of the man. Ile is simply
action, and thus gives the tea-drinker the im- for itself, and thus to take control. You can less capable than he would be. This is al-
pression that it is doing him great service, in see plainly that no person can be temperate there is of it. Is this enough I— Selected.
imparting to him strength. This is a mistake. while using anything that affects the nerves,—
Tea draws upon the strength of the nerves, and anything that gets strength out of him without NECESSITY OF THOROUGH MASTICATION.
leaves them greatly weakened. When its in- first putting it into him,— anything, " from
fluence is gone, and the increased action caused tea to hashish." And as temperance — self- THE active principle of alkaline saliva is
by its use is abated, then what is the result ? — control -- is one of the three grand divisions of called "ptyalin." In the duodenum we have
Languor and debility corresponding to the arti- Christian truth, it is easy to see that the use of secreted by the liver and pancreas three di-
ficial vivacity the tea imparted. When the any of these things is not in any sense in har- gestive ferments: first, amylopsin, which fin-

, system is already overtaxed and needs rest,

the use of tea spurs up nature, by stimulation,
to perform unwonted, unnatural action, and
thereby lessens her power to perform, and her
ability to endure; and her powers give out long
mony with the Christian profession. The use
of any of these things is contrary to both health
and Christianity. It is perfectly plain that it
is the will of Cod that we shall prosper and be
in health, even as our souls prosper; and this
ishes up the digestion of the starches and
sugars; steapsin, for the emulsifying and sa-
ponifying of the fats; and the trypsin, dealing
with the albuminoids. The albuminoids are
the meats, eggs, milk and its product, cheese;
before Heaven designed they should. Tea is will can not be fulfilled in those who continue the gluten of grains; the legumin of the pulse
poisonous to the system. Christians should let the use of any of these things. They are not family, such as old peas, beans, and lentils;
it alone. . . . foods at all; they are only poisons. Let them and the fleshy fungi, as mushrooms. These
"The second effect of tea-drinking is head- forever alone. are supposed to be digested in the acid secre-
ache, wakefulness, palpitation of the heart, in- tions of the stomach, the active principle of
digestion, trembling of the nerves, with many THE RIGHT KIND OF DOCTOR. which we choose to call pepsin. Not to have
other evils." indigestion, then, we must first see that the
Now as to coffee:— A GOOD true story is told of a San Francisco combinations of food are suited to our manner
" The influence of coffee is in a degree the philanthropist and a doctor with a conscience. of eating, then simply cooked and not made
same as tea, but the effect upon the system is A wealthy lady several years ago developed an complex in serving. We must thoroughly
still worse. Its influence is exciting, and just insignificant wen on her face. -In her travels masticate all starchy foods, that the digestive
in the degree that it elevates above par, it will in Europe, she consulted an eminent surgeon secretions may penetrate to the very center of
exhaust and bring prostration below par. Tea- as to its removal, and was advised not to have every particle, within a certain time.
and coffee-drinkers carry the marks upon their it taken off.. An Eastern surgeon of equal See that all foods are cut across the grain,
faces. The skin becomes sallow, and assumes eminence also declined to perform the opera- that the gastric secretions may act promptly,
lifeless appearance. The glow of health is tion. Returning to San Francisco, she showed and eat only the proper amount for necessary
n ot seen upon the countenance." it to a physician and surgeon of no national nutrition; avoid excessively sweet mixtures,
ir And now of both together read:— reputation, but a man whose skill was unques- fried foods, complicated pastries, acids, such as
. "Tea and coffee do not nourish the system. tioned. He examined it carefully, and said pickles or foods covered with vinegar, excess-
The relief obtained from them is sudden, be- there would be no trouble about it; it was a ively hot or very cold foods, or ice-water,
fore the stomach has time to digest them. This simple operation. Dreading to risk it after which is the most objectionable of liquids.
shows that what the users of these stimulants such eminent warning, she delayed action, but A frequent cause of indigestion is the mingling
call strength, is only received by exciting the finally asked another examination and opinion. of too great a variety of food in the mouth.
nerves of the stomach, which convey the irrita- The same conclusion was reached; and the op- Take one food, masticate and swallow it, then
tion to the brain, and this in turn is aroused to eration followed, with wholly successful results. another. Do not take a mouthful of toast and
impart increased action to the heart, and short- One day, when the doctor called, his bill was then a swallow of tea, unless you wish to suffer
lived energy to the entire system. All this is asked for, He presented it, fifty dollars being from indigestion.--Yrs. Borer,
the universe in himself, is known, is made they are " grievously offended" that they
-44.0t alien! and qaid. known, and is accomplished, only in Christ. should continue in sin when they do " so
" Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." This eternal harmony of all things with God long " to " keep from sinning." Yet at the
and in God, is the destiny prepared from eter- same time they do not want to acknowledge qi
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., MAY 31, 1898. nity for every soul. that it is utterly and hopelessly impossible for
ALONZO T. JONES, Having been purposed in himself, and from them to keep from sinning. They will not
ITRIATI SMITH, eternity, it was purposed before there was a surrender all to God, and acknowledge their
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS. single creature in the universe. utter and eternal hopelessness in anything but
Wm. W. PRESCOTT, HENRY P. IloLsER. As this grand purpose was the destiny fixed him and his power to keep them from sinning.
for every soul that should be, before a/ny soul They do not want to sin. 0, no! But more
was, thus every soul that ever should be was than this, they do not want to avail themselves
GOD is " the eternal God."
pre (before) destinated to this eternal harmony of the only means, in the • only way under
The Spirit of God is therefore " the eternal
with God and in God. heaven, that has been provided by which they
As Christ is the expression of this eternal shall not sin. That only means is the power
The Spirit of God is "the Spirit of life;"
purpose of eternal harmony, with God and in of God living in the soul; and the only way to
and he, being "the eternal Spirit," is the
God, this is how it is that God has predesti- employ that only means is absolute and uncon-
Spirit of eternal life.
nated us "to be conformed to the image of his ditional surrender, everlastingly maintained,
How, then, can anybody have eternal life
Son," and how it is that he has "predestinated to God.
without having the Spirit of God?
us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Therefore, "Let not sin reign in your mor-
But God wants every soul to have eternal
Christ to himself." " In whom also we have tal body, that ye should obey it in the lust
life. He therefore wants every soul to have
obtained an inheritance, being predestinated thereof." Let Christ live in you, let him reign
the Spirit of God.
according to the purpose of him who worketh in you, " that the life also of Jesus may be
He "so loved the world, that he gave his
all things after the counsel of his own will." made manifest in your mortal flesh."
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
"Neither yield ye your members as instru-
him should not perish, but have everlasting And this is how it is that "Christ is all, and
ments of unrighteousness unto sin; but yield
life." in all," to every creature; and why it is that
And when God so loved the world as to give yourselves unto God, as those that are alive
"when all things shall be subdued unto him,
from the dead." Yield to him wholly, body,
his only begotten Son, in order that we might then shall the Son also himself be subject unto
soul, and spirit. Yield to God "your mem-
have eternal life, will he, can he, withhold him that put all things under him, that God
bers as instruments of righteousness."
from any soul the eternal Spirit by whom alone may be all in all."
any soul can have eternal life?
" He that spared not his own Son, but de- STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL.
livered him up for us all, how shall he not
THE key-note of the book of Daniel is the
with him also freely give us all things? " " LET not sin therefore reign in your mortal great truth that " the Most High ruleth in the
Is the eternal Spirit, the Holy Ghost, among body." kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever
the " all things " that are 4 ' freely " given ; ; with "Neither yield ye your members as instru- he will." This was the great culminating les-
him " ? ments of unrighteousness unto sin." son in the instruction to Nebuchadnezzar. It
Here is the answer: Peter at Pentecost said These commandments show that the whole was the disregarding of this great lesson by
of Christ, " Being by the right hand of God responsibility for sinning lies with us. Belshazzar, that caused to be written the terri-
exalted, and having received of the Father the We are sinners; yet the Lord has, over and ble handwriting on the wall, announcing the
promise of the Holy_ Ghost, he hath shed forth over, expressed his wish that we shall not sin, doom of Belshazzar and of Babylon, which fell
this, which ye now see and hear." and has made abundant provision by which upon both "that night." That great truth
This is why it is that our Heavenly Father every soul can be kept from sinning. was acknowledged, and its lesson was learned,
is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them Still he will not compel any one to use the by Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian.
that ask him than we are to give good gifts means which has been so abundantly supplied. And by prophetic sketches in the seventh,
even to our own needy children. Though, having fully supplied the means by eighth, and eleventh chapters of the book, that
Do you want eternal life ? You must have which every soul can be kept from sinning, great truth is so fully and so clearly illustrated
the eternal Spirit, who is eternal life. and every soul being perfectly free to employ that no one, whether the ruler of a world's em-
Do you want the eternal Spirit ? " Ask, all the means supplied, every person is now pire, or a poor peasant, can be without excuse
and it shall be given you." " Receive ye the responsible for his sinning as certainly as if he in ignorance of it.
Holy Ghost." had never sinned at all. In the seventh chapter of Daniel, the coursed'
Thus it is upon a foundation of justice and of the kingdom of men is outlined from the
IT is God's purpose to gather together, into equity as clear as if men had never sinned at days of Babylon to the end of the world, by
one grand and eternal harmony, all things all, that the Lord now appeals to every soul four great beasts, representing the four great
" both which are in heaven, and which are on not to sin. And every soul who now does sin, world-empires; then ten horns on the head of
earth." does it because he refuses to accept the pro- the fourth, representing ten kingdoms, into
This purpose " he hath purposed in himself." vision made to keep him from it. which the fourth would be divided; and finally,
Having been purposed in himself, it has been his It is not enough for any one to say, "I do another one, arising among the ten, uprooting
purpose from eternity. And having been his not want to sin." For it is possible not to three of them, and continuing until "the judg-
purpose from eternity, it is his eternal purpose. want to sin, and yet at the same time not to ment shall sit, and they shall take away his
This purpose he hath " purposed in Christ want to employ the only means by which we dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto
Jesus our Lord." Being his eternal purpose, can be kept from sinning. the end;" and then "the kingdom and domin-
and purposed in Christ, it is "the eternal pur- That is to say, it is possible for a person not ion, and the greatness of the kingdom under
pose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our to want to sin, and yet not want to employ the the whole heaven, shall be given to the people
Lord." only means by which he can be kept from sin- of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom
This purpose is to " gather together in one ning, because he wants to keep himself from is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions
all things," "both which are in heaven, and sinning. He would be glad not to sin, if only shall serve and obey him."
which are on earth." Arid having been pur- he could accomplish it himself. He wants to In the eighth chapter of Daniel the tours
posed in himself, he himself is the "One " in keep himself from sinning, he does not want of the kingdom of men is again outlined, from
whom all things in heaven and on earth are to be kept from sinning. It is himself, and the rise of " Media and Persia," through the
to: be gathered together in grand and eternal sufficiency only in himself, that he wants to domination of " the king of Grecia " and the
harmony. find; he does not want to acknowledge that four divisions of his empire, to and through
This purpose is also to " gather together in he is dependent solely upon God, and that all the rising and working of another power, of
One all things in Christ, both which are in sufficiency is only of God. " fierce countenance, and understanding dark
heaven, and which are on earth." And this This is precisely the mistake that thousands sentences," whose power would " be mighty; "
shows that God's purpose for the harmony of of people make: they " do not want to sin," which would "destroy wonderfully, and pros-
per and practise; " which, " through his policy heaven and earth, . . . and rested the sev- of all, that the Sabbath is not physical but
also," would "cause craft to prosper in his enth day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sab- spiritual. The next is that God appointed it,
hand; " which would " magnify himself in his bath day, and hallowed it." Then so long as and that is enough for anybody who respects
heart," and even " by peace " would " destroy it remains a fact that the world was created in the Lord. And another is that God specially
many;" which would set itself up to reign in six days, and that the Sabbath is to be remem- blessed a definite day, and that means some-
place of " the Prince of princes," the Lord bered in consequence of that fact, just so long thing. To Abraham it was said, "I will bless
Jesus himself; and which, at the last, would will the Sabbath law be "of perpetual binding thee, . . . and thou shalt be a blessing."
be " broken without hand " in the mighty obligation upon all men" — and that will be So when an individual or a thing is blessed of
breaking caused by that " stone cut out with- forever. W. E. C. God, it is that that individual or thing may
out hands, which smote the image upon his reflect a blessing. True Sabbath-keeping will
feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them AN ILLUSTRATION.
bring a blessing to those who worship "in
to pieces," when " the iron, the clay, the brass, spirit and in truth." And since the blessing
GEOLOGY reveals the fact that in ages gone
the silver, and the gold " are all " broken to comes only to those who do so worship, how in-
(not far enough back, however, to be neces-
pieces together, and become like the chaff of consistent and unreasonable appear all efforts
sarily outside the Mosaic record), vast quanti-
the summer threshing-floors; and the wind car- at enforced Sabbath-keeping; and how utterly
ties of vegetable products were produced in
ries them away, that no place is found for foreign is such professed Sabbath-keeping to
different parts of the country,— forests, and
them." that really appointel. by Jehovah!
ferns, and other growths, which served for sus-
In the eleventh chapter of Daniel the course W. E. C.
tenance to the gigantic animals which roamed
of the kingdom of men is yet again outlined
its hills and dales: but all that disappeared
from the "third year of Cyrus,." through the TRUE TEACHERS OF GOD'S LOVE.
long• ago, giving place to later and smaller
reigns of his "three" successors, and even of
forms. Was it not a loss that those vegetable
"the fourth," who was "far richer than they " GOD is love." Every manifestation of his
productions of such vast forms and quantities
all," and who, "by his strength through his creative power is an expression of love. All
should perish? — No; they are doing more
riches," would "stir up all against the realm his dealings with the human family, both be-
good now than they did in the days of their
of Grecia;" then through the reign of the fore and after the fall, were designed to teach
life. They now constitute the great coal-beds
"mighty king" of Grecia, who would "rule man that love is the character of God. Every
upon which so much in the line of the various
with great dominion, and do according to his dissatisfaction with God's dealing, every seek-
manufacturing industries and civilization de-
will; " then through the breaking of his king- ing of an opposite course, has led to sin, the
pends. What would the world do to-day if
dom, and its dividing "toward the four winds result of which has been sorrow and sadness.
the immense resources of our coal-fields were
of heaven, and not to his posterity, nor ac- This began in Eden, when Satan said: " God
suddenly blotted out of existence ?
cording to the dominion which he ruled," but doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then
Take another item at our own doors. A few
it would be " plucked up, even for others your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as
days ago, to look out upon the face of nature
beside those;" then through the, reigns of six gods, knowing good and evil." Partake of
was like looking out upon an ocean of bloom;
kings "of the north" and six kings "of the the tree of knowledge, said Satan; for it has
trees bowed under their banks upon banks of
south;" then through the exalting of the "chil- good as well as evil in it. Take the good; and
blossoms, which delighted the eye, and filled
dren of robbers " "to establish the vision;" by wisdom thus imparted, you will be as gods,
the air with fragrance. These have now, in
then through the reign of the children of rob- knowing good and evil. This Eve learned by
this locality, all disappeared. Is this not a
bers themselves, and their successors down to sad experience; and for six thousand years this
loss ? Would it not have been far more desir-
the "king of the north," who "shall plant the able to keep the blossoms and the fragrance deadly mixture has brought sorrow and death
tabernacles of his palace between the seas in to the human family.
with us? Is it not to be regretted that we
the glorious holy mountain," and " come to his Adam was an intelligent man. Every fowl
could not retain all this beauty and fragrance
end," with none to help him,—to " that time" of the air and every beast of the field was
always ? —No; for there is something better
when Michael shall "stand up, the great Prince brought before him on the day of his creation,
to follow. Fruit will be wanted by and by;
which standeth for the children of thy people: "to see what he would call them." And his
and these are the necessary stages of its devel-
and there shall be a time of trouble, such as mind acted with such perfect precision that in-
never was since there was a nation even to that stantly, as the creatures were passing, he-gave
The same rule holds good in the work of the
same time: and at that time thy people shall to each the name that exactly described it; for
Lord. It takes much thought and labor to
be delivered, every one that shall be found " whatsoever Adam called every living crea-
prepare books setting forth the truth; and it
written in the book. And many of them that ture, that was the name of it." Gen. 2: 19.
requires means to circulate them. Money
sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, As it is impossible for one to understand how,
must be had to send forth missionaries and all
some to everlasting life, and some to shame in a dream, the mind in a very few moments
other kinds of laborers, to carry the light to
and everlasting contempt." these who are sitting in darkness. Looking at takes in the events of a lifetime, so no one in
Thus fully, and thus specifically, is sketched his present condition can measure the powers
all this expenditure, may not the' query well
in the book of Daniel, and by the hand of of the human mind as it was when God first
arise, Is it not too bad to hand out so much
Daniel, five hundred and thirty-four years created man (for he made him but little lower
means, and put forth so much labor, as it re-
before Christ, the history of the kingdom of than the angels); or what it will be in the fu-
quires to carry on this work? — The answer is,
men from that day to the end of the world. ture state; or what it may become, even in this
Not at all; for there is a kingdom of heaven to
And all this was so fully and so specifically life, when every faculty of the mind is conse-
come; there is a more blessed harvest to be
written, "to the intent that the living may crated to God. " I will make a man more
gathered by and by; and these are but the pre-
know that the Most High ruleth hi the king- precious than fine gold; even a man than the
liminary stages of that glorious state. Better
dom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he golden wedge of Ophir."
and more useful than the coal-fields which have
will." And this is the key-note, and the one But God did not create man without oppor-
come to us from earth's past ages of vegetation,
great lesson, of the book of Daniel. better than the most abundant harvests which tunities for mental, moral, and physical im-
Next week we purpose to go over this ground provement. He placed him in the garden of
come from all earth's blossoming times, will
again, and put the names of the empires, king- be the fruit that will be seen in the kingdom Eden, where was " every tree that is pleasant
doms, and kings in place of the symbols. of heaven, from the efforts put forth here in to the sight, and good for food; the tree of
the cause of God. And for this reason the life also in the midst of the garden, and the
THE Presbyterian General Assembly, in its apostle says, " And let us not be weary in tree of knowledge of good and evil." Man
late sitting at Winona Lake, resolved "that well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if was placed in the garden to dress it and to keep
the law of the Sabbath is a law of perpetual we faint not." U. S. it; and, by refusing to eat of the tree of knowl-
binding obligation upon all men." That 's edge of good and evil, to develop a righteous
orthodox.. The Sabbath originated as a me- THE question is not infrequently raised why character.
morial of a specific act,— the creation of the the observance of a definite day for the Sabbath A garden represents the church of Christ, in
world. Jehovah says: "Remember the Sab- is necessary, since, from a physical point of which there is everything that is pleasant and
bath day: . . . for in six days the Lord made view, all days are alike. The answer is, first good. Christ is also a garden to his people,

and he is the tree of life. Had not man sought lesson of following Christ in his humble life, Commenting on this incident, the Detroit
knowledge from that which contained evil, that are revealed. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, News-Tribune remarks:
garden would ever have been his home. Angels Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground There are a good many " open questions " relat-
would have instructed him in its keeping; and and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it ing to Sabbath observance. But religious people
as his decendants went forth, and made them- bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his strangely fail to see that these questions relate to
selves homes, the earth, in time, would have life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life their own conduct; and not that of other people.
There is not the slightest objection to any man's
been covered with homes like the garden of in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."
observing the Sabbath as the Puritans observed it.
Eden. John 12 : 24, 25. Now comes the application: The News-Tribune would be out of its sphere if it
The trees and flowers in the garden would " If any man serve me, let him follow me; were • to scoff at the way the Adventists, Presby-
have been to man a source of education, not and where I am, there shall also my servant terians, Roman Catholics, or any other religious
be: if any man serve me, him will my Father body, choose to limit their own action on the first or
only in agriculture, but also in spiritual truths.
honor." Verse 26. Who will become as dis- seventh day of the week. The News-Tribune has not
Trees are used as a figure both of the righteous only a right, but a duty, to resist the efforts of any
and of the wicked; for both good and bad men interested as the seed, to give his life for of these religious bodies to dictate the manner in
are compared to trees. The godly are called others, imitate Christ, and become rich in fruit which the rest of the world shall observe this cere-
" trees of righteousness," and are to bring forth unto eternal life ? What we from the heart monial part of life. Sabbatarians always fail to see
fruits of righteousness. Of the ungodly it is renounce for Christ, simply seeing Christ's love this point. They fail to see that what is law to them
in it, will bear fruit and be honored from above. is not necessarily to be forced on other people. If
written: "Every tree that bringeth not forth the gentleman who proposed to induce the Presby-
good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the On the other hand, he who fails to renounce terian Assembly to ask the President not to begin any
fire." They are " trees whose fruit withereth, all for Christ, will lose eternal life in the king- battles on Sunday, had simply proposed that " We,
without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the dom of God. These are lessons drawn from Presbyterians, resolve not to do any fighting on
roots." "A good tree bringeth not forth evil the text-book of the world's great Teacher; Sunday," the resolution would have been all right
and shall not those whom he honors as fellow if the Assembly had adopted it. But to impose this
fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth rule on seventy million fighting people is too absurd
good fruit." "Make the tree good, and his teachers, both learn and teach, from the same to turn into a respectable joke.
fruit good." text, because they are under the same contract,
W. E. C.
Are there not, then, in the cultivation of the being members of the same firm ?
soil, lessons for man in his fallen condition ? S. N. H.
and did not God design, when he placed man
in the garden, to teach him, through the ob- PRESBYTERIANS, SUNDAY, AND WAR.
AN incident, called out by the present "un-
ject-lessons before him, deep and spiritual pleasantness" between the United States and
truths of himself and of his character? Christ AT Winona Lake, Ind., the one hundred and
Spain, indicates, in contrast with conditions
furnishes us a key to this in his words to the tenth General Assembly of the Presbyterian
lately prevailing in our own country, a state of
disciples: " Consider the lilies of the field, Church of the United States was lately held.
feeling now existing that is more pleasing to
how they grow,"— not how they appear after On May 20 the report of the Committee on
contemplate than a state of disunion and war;
they are grown. He speaks of the beauty of " Sabbath Observance " was presented; and
and this incident seems to be worthy of at least
their simplicity as superior to that of Solomon for two hours there was, from all accounts, a
a passing notice.
in all his glory. The prophet understood that stormy time. The report embodied a series of
Our readers will remember that in the year
there were lessons in the growth of the lily resolutions of a more radical character than
1861, the historic regiment known as the
when he said, " I will be as the dew unto had ever been presented to the General As-
" Massachusetts Sixth " passed through Bal-
Israel: he shall grow as the lily, and cast sembly. One clause called upon all members
timore, on its way to the South during the
forth his roots as Lebanon." of the church to abstain from the purchase and
Civil War. The city of Baltimore, like other
There are lessons in the growth of the lily reading of Sunday newspapers, the riding of
cities in the South, was then hostile to the
that illustrate a Christian experience. Both in bicycles, or driving for pleasure, recreation, or
North; and that famous regiment there had the
its rootlets and in the soil from which it grows, business on Sunday. It also placed a ban on
first taste of that fratricidal strife. The soldiers
there are lessons full of life and instruction. all forms of amusement, unnecessary work
were met by an angry crowd, with curses and
It would appear that there is a field for study and visiting, and Sunday excursions. Another
jeers, stones and other deadly missiles, and
in, the lily, and the same is true of every other clause requested the directors of the trans-
some of them lost their lives.
flower. Is not the living power of God as Mississippi Exposition, which is about to open
at Omaha, to close its gates on Sunday. May 21, 1898, the same regiment passed
clearly seen in vegetation as in the human through the same city, on its way to join the
body? and are not the same lessons taught in But the resolution that brought forth the
most pronounced feeling was one requesting army now gathering for the invasion of Cuba.
both? The truths wrapped up in nature are And now behold the contrast! Fifty thousand
worthy of the most careful study. the President to avoid any unnecessary use of
citizens gathered in the plaza in front of the
God's idea of the study of botany is not, the army and navy on Sunday. No sooner
was it read than a dozen men were clamoring for station, when the trains bearing the soldiers
then, to learn the facts concerning the outward came in, not this time to hurl against them
appearance of each flower or tree, and from recognition. Finally Rev. W. H. Hudnut, of
fierce taunts and missiles of death, but to greet
these facts to make classified lists of all; but, Brooklyn, N. Y., spoke, moving that the reso-
lution be stricken out. "For," said he, "if them with cheers and wreaths of roses. A com-
while all this may form a part, he intends the mittee of the leading citizens and ex-mayors
great, ultimate lessons to be the deep spiritual Dewey had not struck the blow in Manila Bay
welcomed them to the city. The mayor pre-
truths, and that they shall be applied to the on Sunday,— and I claim it was a holy act,—
sented the commanding officer with an im-
heart of the student. It is these lessons, he might never have —"
mense design of flowers in the form of a shield,
woven into practical life, that are of far more The conclusion of the sentence was lost in
on the face of which was a figure of two clasped
value than even the most thorough knowledge the applause that followed. When quiet was
hands, and the inscription, "Maryland to Mas-
of forms and structures, which, studied alone, restored, Rev. J. A. Green, of Negaanee,
sachusetts;" while from streamers extending
are but the form without the power. Mich., waved his hand for recognition, and
said from the baskets were such mottoes as these:
God, to whom was known "all his works " Baltimore Welcomes the Sixth Massachu-
from the beginning of the world," made no assembly can not afford to go on record as
setts;" "Flowers, not Bullets;" "May the
instructing President Mc Kinley in the direction of
mistake in making a garden, and placing man the army and navy. It would be improper at this ' Memory of 1861 be Effaced by the Welcome
in it to dress it and to keep it; for thus he in- time. I. am sure that we, as a church, have every of 1898." One hundred Confederate veterans,
tended to teach him those lessons that would confidence in his ability to direct the armed forces headed by Captain Colston, acted as a guard
call forth that gigantic mind to a far greater of the nation in' this war for humanity's sake. of honor. The hospitalities of the city were
and higher view of the character of the Creator. This brought forth a volley of cheers and extended to the soldiers in the way of refresh-
The entire gospel is found in every indi- applause, that shook the auditorium. It was ments, the distinction of processions, and other
vidual part of the vegetable world. In the just as significant as a formal vote endorsing enthusiastic demonstrations. On arriving at
planting of the seed, its death and growth, the President's war policy. There was much the Camden station, every soldier was presented
the resurrection from the dead, as taught by of:this kind of talk, but at last the resolution with a decorated box containing sandwiches
the apostle in 1 Cor. 15 : 34-42, and also the was laid on the table. and candles, and a card with crossed American
and Cuban flags, and the American coat of way will victory come to the flag of America), Skim it well, then skim the skimmings —
arms, with the inscription underneath, "For and all professing to be brethren, and one in Boil it down.
- ' God, Our Country, and Humanity." Christ! When you 're sure 't would be a sin to

1 One effect of the war on this country is very

evidently seen, even now; and that is the ce-
This isn't all. Here is a stanza of a "Battle
Prayer" that is but a sample of many others
Cut another sentence in two,
Send it on, and we '11 begin to —
Boil it down."
menting more firmly together of the different that are appearing in the press of to-day: -- W. E. C.
parts of our land, and the more rapid closing
" Thou Lord that helped at Lexington,
up of what is called the bloody chasm between Thou God of Bunker Hill, SPEAKING of one of the early pioneers in
the North and the South, caused by the Civil Look down upon the nation now, this work, an admirer of him a few days ago
War. Such occurrences as the one here men- Protect and guide us still. remarked, "I always loved him, above all, for
tioned aro little cheering gleams of light against In thee we trust, his sincerity."
And win we must,—
the dark background of war. U. S. What is the significance of the word " sin-
God grant it be thy will."
cerity " ? — Away back in the days when Rome
THE GOSPEL OF WAR. This is said to be a war, not of conquest, but flourished, and magnificent palaces lined the

for humanity; but it is an open secret that no banks of the Tiber, there was a great demand
THERE 15 nothing in the teachings of Christ war of modern times has developed more of for skilled workmen in the construction of these
that sanctions war. War and Christianity are the weakness of humanity — jealousy, strife for habitations. Oftentimes deceit was practised.
antipodes — just as far apart as the east is from position, clamor for title and honor—than this The edges of the marble would get chipped, or
the west. Yet from the days of the Saviour one. All this shows that self is at the bottom, a flaw would appear too late to be remedied
down to the present time, many of the most and is really the mainspring of much that passes without considerable expense, so the defects
destructive and cruel wars have been waged for patriotism. were puttied up, and made to appear all right
solely in the name of religion. Much as we may deplore the present condi- by means of a prepared wax. . This deception
The gospel of Christ is a gospel of peace; tion of things in Cuba, and the circumstances could not be detected until the weather tested
yet right within the bosom of the church, there that brought about the present struggle, still, as the buildings, and the heat or dampness dis-
is being fostered a spirit of militarism that few Christians, we can not enter into the spirit of closed the wax. When it was found that these
appreciate. In England the " Boys' Brigade," the war; for to do so will surely separate us frauds were being practised, a clause is said to
a volunteer military organization within the from Him who said, " The Son of man is not have been introduced into all building contracts,
church, and wholly religious,, now numbers come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." demanding that the whole work, from first to
eight hundred companies, with twenty-eight W. E. C. last, should be sine cera,—that is, without wax,
hundred officers and thirty-five thousand boys. —and it is from these Latin words that our
A short time ago, at their annual meeting in WRITING FOR THE PRESS.
word "sincere" is said to have come.
Queen's Hall, Lord Reay, who presided, said: MANY people covet the ability to write
So, then, a sincere man is one who is just
" The defense of the British Empire depends acceptably for the press. Aside from all the what he pretends to be—nothing more, noth-
largely on the volunteer force, and there can ing less. How few people there are who are
rules of grammar and rhetoric, there is one
be no better nucleus for future volunteers than paramount to them all, and that is, Be natu- building up their Christian character "without
is provided by this movement." ral.. Write as you talk. Have something to wax" ! But this is the only kind that will
The same spirit is finding sanction in the say that the people want to know; then tell stand in the testing time; for it must be " with-
United States; and in scores of churches can it in simple language. We guarantee that but out spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing," — ab-
be found companies of " Christian cadets," few such articles will find their way to the solutely "without fault." The blood of Christ,
officered, armed, and drilled precisely the same waste-basket. Write plainly; and on only one and that alone, can do the work.
as is done in the regular military companies of side of the sheet. W. E. C.
the government. Having written what you have to say just as
Now when it is known that this war spirit you would say it, say it over to yourself as you
that is permeating the youth of the churches is would say it to your neighbor, and you will it rogremi that fau51.
inculcated and encouraged by the pastors of then know exactly where to put the punctua-
" He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall
these' churches, is it any wonder that we find tion marks. doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with
him." Ps. 126 : 6.
the ministry of the land among the most active Remember that this is an age of telegraphs
supporters of the war ? In a late issue the and railroad trains, and that people appreciate
Baltimore Methodist expresses the hope " that short articles more than long ones; therefore
no religious sentiment will be thrust into it do not put too many points in one article, nor WE received word in the last mail that the

# [the present war] to embarrass the situation." present too much evidence on one point.
But that is just what is in it on both sides. At And then, lastly, the advice of the old miller
" Pitcairn " is not coming out this season, so
now we are planning to get along the best we
Manila the priests sought, by the following ap- to his son is applicable to those who write for can for a few more months without the help
peal, to inspire their subjects with zeal to de- the press: "John, always shut down the gate we so much need. Though Satan has been
working hard during the past few months to
fend their country:— when the grist is out." tear down and destroy, every experience has,
Christians, defend your faith against heretics who The following stanzas we clip from an ex- by the grace of God, led us to seek the Lord
raise an insuperable barrier to immortal souls, en- change, and give them here as the most prac- more earnestly. We labor under peculiar and
slave the people, abolish crosses from cemeteries,
tical advice on writing for the press that we rather difficult circumstances here, very differ-
forbid pastors to perform baptism, matrimony, or ent from anything we ever experienced in the
funeral rites, or to administer consolation or grant ever remember having seen, at least in verse: —
United States, and often feel perplexed to
absolution. "If you have a thought that's happy, know what we should do. But we know that
In New York City one of the leading Prot- Boil it down; the Lord is no respecter of persons, and trust
estant churches has opened its doors for a Make it short, and crisp, and snappy— him to supply the wisdom which we lack.
Boil it down. A proniinent man here in Papeete has re-
midday meeting, to pray "for the success of When your brain its coin has minted, cently united with us by baptism, and partici-
the American arms in our struggle with Spain." Down the page your pen has sprinted, pated with us in the ordinances at our last
Over two hundred people attended the first serv- If you want your effort printed, quarterly meeting. He is zealous for the

It ice, and it was so pronounced a success that

"other churches will doubtless at once adopt
the plan."
Boil it down.
" Take out every surplus letter —
Boil it down;
truth, and faithful in paying the Lord's tithe,
which was about sixty-five dollars for the past
This is only following in the wake of the Fewer syllables the better — As we have written before, we still hope to
Boil it down. be able to start a school of our own in this
proclamation to Catholics in America that "un- group of islands. Our four boys are now at-
Make-your, meaning plain; express it
til the close of this war, every priest shall, in So we '11 know, not merely guess, it; tending the government school in Papeete.
his daily mass, pray for the restoration of peace Then, my friend, ere you address it, This school had not been running for some
by a glorious victory for our flag." Think of Boil it down. time; but now a good teacher from France has
American Catholics thus praying for the exter- "Boil out all the extra trimmings — been secured, and it started, the first of the
mination of Spanish Catholics (for in no other Boil it down; year, with four pupils. The number has since

increased to sixteen, all of whom are boys. is also teaching the truth through preaching, T. Babienko, who was ordained eight years
The clergy oppose the government schools; distributing literature, etc. We receive calls ago as our first Russian laborer. He has since
and as there have been none here in Papeete for labor from the other islands of this group, spent seven years in exile; but the Lord fa-
for some time, nearly all the children attend
the church schools, of which there are two, the
Protestant and the Catholic. In accordance
and also from surrounding island groups.
Some have begun to observe the Sabbath, and
wish for further instruction. Brethren, we
vored his escape, and he is now here with his
family, doing what he can to further the truth,
especially by correspondence. My next visit
with the French law, the boys and girls are need men and money; what are you going to was to Hungaria, where Brother Tentesch is
separated in the church schools, and taught in do to help us ? Are you willing to come your- doing Bible and canvassing work with fair suc-
different buildings. The Protestant school has self ? or wills you help send some one ? cess. We had good meetings at four different
about, six hundred pupils. There are one hun- B. J. CADY. places. There are now twenty-five Sabbath-
dred and sixty in the boys' department, with keepers in Hungaria, a small beginning among
only one competent teacher. Of course he AMONG THE CHURCHES IN SWEDEN. a population of twenty million. We celebrated
can not teach so many alone, so some of the the ordinances at two places, and baptized one
more advanced pupils assist him by teaching AFTER a two-days' meeting at Nyhyttan (the' convert. Here are also urgent calls for litera-
the primary classes. These assistants are TaL name of the farm bought for school purposes) ture in the Slavonic. More publications are
hitian boys, who have had but little education, with Elder 0. A. Olsen and the Conference also needed in the Rumanian and Hungarian
and do, not speak French with the best accent. Committee, where important decisions were tongues.
The highest classes are not far advanced; made in regard to the school and farm, I came I am now on my way to Prague, Bohemia,
but as it is, only a few of the pupils persevere to A_m5.1, where Brother L. Carlsson is laboring. where there is a company of six, the only Sab-
until they can receive a diploma. We are in- I remained two days, and we were much bath-keepers among over twenty-one million
formed that in France much more is required blessed. A church with fourteen members people. Many obstacles are to be overcome,
of a pupil before he can obtain a diploma, but was organized. One meeting was held about especially in Austria, where Catholicism has
that it is very easy to pass the examinations ten miles out in the country, where a family full sway; yet the Lord will also raise up
here. The teachers in the Catholic school are rejoice in the truth they have just received. witnesses here, as he did of old. Among
monks and nuns, and they have about as many The interest there to hear the word is good. fifty million people, speaking eight different
pupils as are in the other school. The govern- The next day I went to Goteborg, where I re- tongues, we have now only four laborers, and
ment schools are favorable to those who ob- mained till the following day. The work of scarcely one hundred Sabbath-keepers. Every-
serve the seventh day, in that they have the God has made progress since I was there last where more literature is needed. May the day
weekly holiday upon Saturday, while the church winter, and all the friends were of good cour- soon come when all can be provided with read-
schools have Thursday for the holiday. Ac- age. Some who, for a long time, have been ing-matter, and the truth go with power.
cording to a French law, which they are now convinced that they ought to walk in all the L. R. CONRADI.
beginning to enforce here in a mild way, all commandments of God, had found grace to do
children between the ages of six and thirteen so, much to our joy and theirs. IN THE STATES.
must attend school five days in each week; but Brother Birger Anderson met me at Halm- (Compiled from the State papers.)
this law is applicable only to the native people stad; and together we visited Hesleholm, Kris-
and the French. Foreigners are exempt. tianstad, Kalleberge, and Karlskrona. In Atlantic Conference.
In order for us to have a school in these Kalleberge the Lord had opened some hearts FORD'S STORE, MD.— Fourteen went forward
French islands, we must have a teacher who is to the truth, and these were so thankful that it in baptism at the time of the colporteurs' insti-
a French citizen, and who has a diploma from brought much joy to our hearts also. A church tute lately closed at this place. The occasion
a French school. To our knowledge, one who of ten members was organized. I then visited was one of great rejoicing.
can be spared for this place has not yet been Wrigstad, Linkoping, and Norrkoping; and
found. Is there not some brother of this now I am here at Stockholm, in company with Colorado.
tongue who, though he may not be fitted at Brethren 0. A. Olsen and E. Lind, to go to
present for teaching, can enter some 'French BOULDER. —As the result of the meetings
Helsingfors, Finland, to attend the yearly
school, study for a while, obtain a diploma, held by Elders Ballenger and Warren, ten were
meeting. L. JOHNSON.
baptized, three of them being rebaptisms. A
and then come to our assistance? A man. and Stockholm, 314 4.
his wife, each capable of teaching, would be new life has been infused into the hearts of the
just what we need for our school. people, as is shown by the increased missionary
We have been glad to see the new develop- ALONG THE DANUBE. work, and the taking up of long-neglected duties
ments in the educational line in our denomina- and privileges.
tion, and pleased that so many of our brethren, WHILE the work in the German Empire is CANON CITY. —Two have lately accepted the
already realize the importance of having Chris- steadily gaining, it is also slowly gaining a faith, and others are in the valley of decision.
tian teachers for their children. Now, breth- foothold in the other countries belonging to FORT COLLINS. — The children of the church
ren, if you need denominational schools in the this great mission field. In Holland there
are selling tracts and papers with excellent suc-
United States, as you certainly do, though the are now four flourishing companies,— at Am- cess. Seven were lately baptized and united
public schools there surpass those of nearly sterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Helder,—
with the church.
every other country, do you not think that we also some scattered Sabbath-keepers, about
need at least one good denominational school eighty in all. Elder R. Klingbeil and Brother LAVETA.— The message, " Receive ye the
here ? Most of your children have good home Rijsdam are meeting with good success in their Holy Ghost," has been gladly accepted by all
training; but here both parents and children ministry. At first it seemed hard to get the the church. Two were converted and baptized.
need instruction in every principle of Christian canvassing work started; but now twelve are WENTZ. — Three persons who accepted the
living. laboring with fair success, and our Holland truth during the week of prayer were baptized
We have already made a beginning, having paper, Ziona- Wachter, is gradually gaining in and added to the church. Others await this
several children in training, and we need some circulation. We print an edition of fifteen ordinance.
family immediately to take charge of them, hundred.
—a man and his wife, who can watch over them After an encouraging visit in Holland, also Iowa.
as a father and mother, and direct them in their in Rhenish Prussia and southern Germany, it
Work, both indoors and out. If we could se- was my privilege to administer, April 26, the ALGONA.— At a short series of meetings just
cure the money to purchase a small farm, and first baptism in Bulgaria. Several Armenian closed, one sister was baptized and united with
fit it up for a sort of industrial school, it might sisters moved to Rustchuk from Constantinople. the church.
be made almost self-supporting in time. Then, Last January, Brother A. Seefried, who knows DES MOINES. —The camp-meeting is in ses-
as soon as we could secure a teacher, we could the Bulgarian and Turkish languages, began to sion, with a large attendance. The Beacon
begin our school. With only a small amount labor in this city, and a good interest has al- Light Mission lately opened is looked upon
of money, we could make a good start, and I ready been created. A considerable company with favor by the public, and already has been
believe that many of our brethren would be attended our meetings. Through an interpreter the means of doing considerable good. A. res-
glad of the privilege of helping us to get this the Bible studies were conducted on alternate cue home for women is also being fitted up,
enterprise started. I am sure that you could evenings in Turkish and Bulgarian. During and will soon be ready for occupancy.
invest .your money in no better cause. We the day we met with our own people. We
baptized two in the Danube; and five united LIBERTYVILLE. — A church organization was
believe that this is a work which the Lord
with us to celebrate the ordinances of the perfected recently, and officers were elected.
would have done, and that he has blessed, and
Lord's house. Steps were taken to secure The brethren are all of good cheer, and alive
will continue to bless, the efforts put forth for
publications in the Bulgarian language, as to the significance of rapidly passing events.
its advancement. There is DO better way to
reach this people than through their children. there is considerable call for them. ROCKWELL.— A Sabbath-school of twenty
Brother Drollet is at present in the Tuamotu From Rustchuk I went on the Danube to members has been organized, and al though
Islands; and while he went there to engage in Rumania, where we had good meetings at there is considerable outside opposition, the
the business by which lie supports himself, he three different places. Here I met Brother work moves forward.
Indiana. STAUNTON. The work is onward at this recognized that the Holy Spirit is our teacher.
EVANSVILLE. — A mission has been estab- place. A tent is pitched, and public meetings The evening after the Sabbath I visited some
lished, and a good work is being carried on. have begun. Cottage meetings are being held, homes, and made friends with some who had
There are more openings for labor than the with good success, and an ingathering of souls opposed the truth.
workers can fill. Several have taken their is expected. Sunday morning at nine o'clock I talked on
stand for God and his truth, and others are mission work, Christian Help work, etc. I
"almost persuaded." Wisconsin. was to leave on the train at 12:28; but we
BARABOO.— May 7 a company from this were having such a glorious time that I could
Michigan. church drove to the Baraboo River, where six not get away, and missed the following train,
were baptized. too, simply because there seemed to be no
BURT. — A few meetings here were much
stopping-place for the meeting. A good Chris-
appreciated. Several made a start for the EUREKA. — A few meetings held here re- tian Help band was organized, and every one
kingdom; these are now awaiting baptism. sulted in two being baptized, and another. gave present took a firm stand in regard to complete
1VIEsicx.-- One family has lately begun the 'his heart to God. consecration.
observance of the Sabbath, and several others WAUSAU. — A church of thirteen members I reached Edinboro, Pa., Friday evening,
are deeply interested. has just been organized, with which others will and had a little meeting with the brethren
SHERIDAN. —A six weeks' meeting has just soon unite, as there are fully a dozen keeping that night. The following day I held two
closed. The attendance has not been large the Sabbath who are not yet identified with any meetings, and went three miles to treat a sick
any of the time. Four are rejoicing in the church organization. The Sabbath-school num- brother who has been in the dark a long time.
-, truth as the result of the effort. bers about thirty-five. The following morning I gave him another
treatment, and left him feeling much better.
Our meetings at Edinboro were held at the
Minnesota. CHICAGO. home of Sister L. M. Talbott, a devoted Chris-
FULDA-- Three were baptized, and a church tian woman, who is not only walking in the
of fourteen members was organized. A lot THE Star of Hope Mission continues with un- light herself, but is doing all she can to help
has been purchased, and by fall it is hoped that. dimmed radiance to reflect the glorious light of others as well. She had with her at this time
a house of worship will be erected. the gospel. Its rays penetrate many a hitherto Sisters Vincent and Huie, who are laboring
. MANKATO. — As the result of the effort lately dark and gloomy home, if the abiding-places of earnestly in Oil City. One of the most pleas-
put forth here, eleven identified themselves some of the unfortunate poor of this locality ant experiences of my trip was to kneel with
with commandment-keepers. A church organi- can be called homes. Between the saloon and these consecrated, motherly women, and Brother
zation was perfected, and officers were elected. the lodging-house, there is little choice when it George Sears, who had left his plow in the
comes to the question of spending the evening, furrow, and driven twenty miles with me, to
Montana. though the saloon is rather favored because of attend this meeting, and plead with God for
the life and excitement to be found there; but the outpouring of his Holy Spirit, to the end
BurrE.— The church building is at last com-
when the peace and quiet enjoyment of an that he might be glorified, and his kingdom
pleted, and was dedicated May 1. It is brick
evening at the Star of Hope Mission are taken advanced in that place.
veneered, twenty-six by fifty-two feet in size,
into consideration, those who have a remem- The Lord answered our prayer with a most
nicely frescoed, lighted by electricity, and corn
brance of mother's prayers or the prayers of beautiful blessing. A number of neighbors
pares favorably with other churches of the city.
some other loved one, give the mission the were in, and manifested keen interest. One
The business men were liberal in their dona-
preference. The service is enlivened Sunday lady's presence was especially noticeable, be-
tions. A mission has also been established
evenings by the beautiful singing of the Cham- cause she was known to be prejudiced, and
here. The mission building is of good size,
inade quartet. Two other quartets also visit no effort had been made to get her to come.
and is well fitted up for doing Christian Help
us occasionally, and sing the gospel. She seemed to have come from her work,
work. /It is centrally located.
HARRY C. LYMAN. just as she was, and we know now that the
Oklahoma. Lord had given her a special invitation to come
OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA. to the meeting. She offered to fill the house
GUTHRIE.— Work on building a church has with people if we would continue the study at
been postponed until after the coming camp- I FIRST visited Bowling Green, -Ohio. Few another time. The sisters from Oil City re-
meeting. A Sabbath-school has been organ- members of this church live in town, most of mained with Sister Talbott a week longer to
ized. them being widely scattered in the country. help in the work, and they found plenty to do.
HENNESSEY.— The meetings held near here Though the roads were bad, I think every The interest is really wonderful—greater than
in the country have closed. The attendance family was present. Old graybeards who have it has ever been before, notwithstanding the
was large. Six persons, all heads of families, been in the truth more years than I am old, fact that the message has been preached there
took a firm stand for the truth. As many more wept, kissed me, and wished me Godspeed. many times for many years, and by able men.
are deeply interested. Some dedicated their farms; others, small At Bear Lake I held meetings from house
NORMAN.— A carload of lumber has just pieces of land; all- wanted to do something to house, and much interest was manifested.
been shipped here with which to build a for God. The following day I spent visiting Many who were not Adventists attended.

It church.
OKLAHOMA CITY. — The meetings in the Mc-
among the brethren, afterward meeting with
the churches at Portage River, Findlay, Tiffin,
and Clyde.
Those who came the first night, came in a
terrible storm and through mud and darkness
the next night. One young man who is not a
Cracken schoolhouse nearthis place have closed.
Thirty-five sermons were preached, eighty visits Arrived at the latter place, I walked out to Christian promised to give his heart to God.
made, and $32.70 worth of books sold. A de- the home of Brother Oliverrs, ea and spent Brother John Ayling and his wife are working
bate came up, which was a glorious victory for two hours with him and his wife. They have here.
the truth. A Sabbath-school of thirty-five was been Sabbath-keepers for forty years. It did The hand of Providence was manifested in
organized, and eighteen entered into church me good to hear them tell of the early workers, bringing me to the place of meeting at War-
relationship. the sacrifices they made, and how God worked ren just at the hour that the brethren, unknown
for his truth. It seemed to do them good to to me, had appointed the meeting. I spoke
Texas. know that the same spirit of devotion, self-sac- twice, once before, and once after, Sabbath-
rifiee, and consecration is moving God's people school. The Holy Spirit carried the message
ADHALL.— A flourishing company was lately again. I took their subscription to Gospel of home to all hearts, and we saw new light and
raised up. A minister visited this company in Health,. beauty in the health-reform principles, and re-
the early part of the month, and six persons, At Erie, Pa., I began a meeting soon after newed our allegiance to our Heavenly Father.
five of them heads of families, were baptized. ten o'clock; and with an intermission of three With tears in their eyes, the brethren rose to
' DALLAS.— A lively interest has been awak- quarters of an hour, and an hour for Sabbath- their feet, and consecrated all— homes, farms,
ened in the church, some good work is being school, the company remained together till and lives — to God.
done, and excellent results are hoped for. nearly five o'clock. In the forenoon we stud- I entered the names of some of these conse
ied the "Complete Gospel," and saw very crated ones in my pocket memorandum; and
Virginia. clearly that the people of God are to occupy a as I closed the book, and took up my satchel
position, physically and spiritually, where the to leave, one sister pressed forward, and said,
DAwvILLE.— Thirty-five are now obeying the glory of the Lord will be revealed in them. eagerly, "I want my name on that list." It
Lord, including a small company at Halifax. Most of my talks clustered about Isa. 40 9, was .a very touching incident. 0 that all our
All are of good cheer. and the people everywhere seem to regard it as people might be as eager to have their names
KILMARNOCK. A ten days' meeting was held a special message for us now. Sabbath after- entered on God's consecration roll! The book
with this church recently, and four were added noon was devoted to studying how we can get of life must be a consecration roll, because
to the company. It was a season of refreshing up into the high mountain physically. Many only -true disciples of Jesus will be entered
for all. questions, were asked and discussed, and all there, and Jesus said: "Whosoever he be of

you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he can holding meetings in two places. Brethren —May 24 was the birthday of Queen Victoria.
not be my disciple." R. T. Nash and E. P. Auger have been with She is now seventy-nine years old, and has ruled
over the English dominions sixty-two years the
At Bradford the work seemed to go a little me in these meetings, and are giving valuable coming month. Few sovereigns in all the history
hard at the first meeting; but we sought the assistance. R. S. OWEN. of kings and queens have had so long a reign.
Lord earnestly in prayer, and he answered us • — During the stay of the volunteers in the vari-
most graciously. Our second meeting lasted ous encampments, the life-insurance agents have '
from 7 : 30 to 10 : 30 P. M. Christ was held up KENTUCKY. been reaping a harvest. At Camp Eaton, Island
as the perfect standard. I was impressed to Lake, Mich., it is said that nearly half a million dol-
invite those who would accept him, and lay SINCE my last report, I have labored five lars of insurance has been written in the 'last three
days in Randolph, baptizing two persons; also weeks. _
everything upon God's altar, to rise to their
sixteen days at Utica, where a Baptist minister —Passports to American and British subjects for
feet. Tears fell fast, and nearly every one travel in the interior of Turkey have been refused by
arose. I then explained that a Christian Help and his son accepted the truth, and others are the Turkish government. United States Minister An-
band is a band of missionaries, and a mis- interested. Elder Starr was with me part of gell has entered a protest against the authorities for
sionary is one who has consecrated himself the time at this place. I spent eight days in. this discrimination, as these two nations are the
and all he possesses to God. All saw at once company with Elder Starr at Render. Several only ones refused the privilege.
that the step we had taken had virtually organ- have recently accepted the truth here, three —May 22 Joe Mitchell, a colored brakeman on
ized us into a Christian Help band; so, after a were baptized, and eleven signed the covenant. the Illinois Central Railroad, pushed from the train
Their Sabbath-school has a membership of a white boy tramp, and in falling both the boy's
season of prayer, we elected regular officers. legs were severed' at the knee. The brakeman was
0. M. HAYWARD. eighteen. At Higdon, where an interest had arrested; and while waiting at the depot at Rives,
been awakened by Bible readings and other Tenn., to be taken to jail, a mob hanged him.
missionary work, I spent eleven days. Two — Anything nowadays to be sensational. On.
WISCONSIN. persons, a man and his wife, fully accepted the the 25th inst., at Muncie, Ind., Frank Snell, a local
truth, and were baptized. They, with their bicycle dealer and fast rider, was married in the
ASHLAND. -Elder T. B. Snow and Brother children, and another family, who have been Presbyterian church to Miss Addle West. The
J. B. Locken began, to do gospel work in Ash- keeping the Sabbath for two years, will hold couple mounted their bicycles, balancing each other
land last July. A small beginning had pre- Sabbath-school together. by holding hands while the ceremony was performed.
viously been made, and a few were keeping the R. G. GARRETT. —May 24, near Albuquerque, N. M., bandits held
Sabbath; but no systematic effort had been put up the California express on the Santa Fe, tumbled
forth to proclaim the message to the people. the through safe into a ditch, and by means of dy-
namite blew it open and rifled its contents. The
In their work they used our literature, chiefly
the Signs of the Times, did Bible work, and ew 4 thetelt. robbers escaped on horses that were waiting. No
passengers were molested. A large posse is in pur-
gave public lessons as the way opened before suit.
them. From the beginning their work has FOR WEER ENDING MAY 28, 1898. — Evangelina Cisneros, the young Cuban girl whose
been blessed, and souls have accepted the escape from a Spanish prison in Cuba a few months
Saviour. They were not situated so as to do —It is stated that fully 600 of the 3,000 Kansas ago was one of the romantic incidents of the war, is
much preaching, for want of a convenient volunteers are school-teachers. soon to become the wife of Carlos Carbone', for-
—It is said that four fifths of the people in Lon- merly a Cuban banker, who helped to rescue her, and
place, but they made much of the Sabbath- who has been nominated by President Mc Kinley as
don never enter a place of worship.
school opportunities. lieutenant and aide on the staff of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee.
As a result, a church of twenty-two members sold —Upward of 10,000,000 American flags have been
since the blowing up of the "Maine." —May 23 the Massachusetts W. C. T. U. adopted
has just been organized. Seven of these were resolutions expressing abhorrence of the spirit of
—The government paid $75,000 for the secret revenge embodied in the phrase, ''Remember the
baptized May 15, in Ashland Bay, by Elder and right to manufacture the Whitehead torpedo.
T. B. Snow. Four of these new members are 'Maine,' " and asking Secretary Long to refuse to
—An English lady sent the pope an Easter egg buy any goods bearing that motto. This refers par-
yet to be baptized, and twelve others have re- valued at $5,000. It contained a ruby and diamond ticularly to the hardtack furnished the government
quested baptism; when all are received who ring. by a St. Louis firm, on each piece of which the
have applied, the membership will be thirty- —May 25 President Mc Kinley issued his second phrase is stamped.
four. The interest has not abated, and prom- call for volunteers, the number asked for being —On rush.' telegram from Washington, May 22,
ising openings are abundant. We hope to see 75,000. the Carpenter Steel Works of Reading, Pa., sent out
a strong church established in this northern —An explosion occurred in the steel mill at Gran- 150 thirteen-inch projectiles, destined for Sampson's
city. ite City, Ill., near St. Louis, on May 24, and twenty fleet. These weigh 1,200 pounds each, and will go
through anything Spanish afloat. Over eight hun-
Plans are well in hand for building a meet- people were seriously injured. dred projectiles of somewhat smaller size are on
ing-house, and with it, a room for a church — On the 25th inst., 2,500 soldiers sailed, in hand, and they will go to San Francisco for Dewey at
three transport ships, from San Francisco, Cal., for
school. The site, which is offered at very rea- Manila, Manila. The thirteen-inch projectiles are popularly
to help Admiral Dewey. known as "McKinley's peacemakers."
sonable terms, is centrally located, and we
— May 22 a great fire broke out in the Zollern — The State Department has made formal response
believe that it is the Lord's will that this work mine, at Dortmund, Prussia. It is feared that at
should go forward without halting. All are of least forty-five miners perished. to the Austrian government concerning the Hunga-
rians killed at Hazleton, Pa., in the riots of last, fall,
good courage. WM. COVERT. —A legacy of $900,000 has just been left to Mr. The governor of Pennsylvania sent in a report', made
J. Hudson Taylor for the work of the China Inland up mostly of a record of the celebrated trial; this
Mission. The name of the donor is withheld. was reviewed by the attorney-general and supple-
MISSISSIPPI. mented by a strong argument to maintain the posi-
—May 22 the members of the _Indianapolis and
Kansas City baseball teams were arrested for play- tion taken by our government; namely, that it was
BURNSVILLE.- I began meetings in a coun- ing baseball on Sunday. The idea is to test the law. not responsible, under the circumstances, for the
try church near this place, May 6. Three killing. .
—Up to the 24th inst., $295,000 worth of provi- —News has reached England of an unparalleled
families of our brethren from the North had sions had been forwarded to Camp Thomas, near
incident in Christian missions. In a village three
settled here for the purpose of holding up the Chattanooga, Tenn., for the 35,000 men now in hours distant from .tying-po, China, a Buddhist tem-
light of truth. Their influence created a de- camp. ple, its idols, and some very valuable land and gar-
sire to hear the message, and the attendance — The steamer " Algoa,'" on its last trip from dens attached, have been voluntarily assigned by
was good, considering the busy season. The San Francisco to Marseilles, carried wheat that deed of gift to the Free Methodist mission, for use
Lord blessed in the preaching of his word, and would have filled 30 freight-trains of 40 cars each.
The import duty was 700,000 francs.
as a Christian mission station. The head men of
three villages surrounding the temple have given
some have already decided to obey the truth. their written consent to the establishment of the
These are persons of influence, who will, we neers' — A strike of the Portable Hod-hoisting Engi- mission there.
Union at New York has been ordered. Ndarly
trust, be a help to the cause in this field. Special 6,000 men are involved, and the action has affected —It is estimated that between 1882 and 1889,
meetings have also been held with the brethren, work on about seventy-five large buildings in the about 10,000 laborers were employed on the Panama
and a church of nine members has been or- city. Canal. About £20,000,000, English money, has
ganized. The Spirit of the Lord was present — It is reported that Senor Leon y Castillo has been spent for machinery and other expenses, while
labor, salaries, materials, etc., consumed £55,000,-
in these meetings, and this church starts out in been commissioned to endeavor to float, in the Lon- 000. It is thought that only about £30,000,000
a state of harmony and love, and with a faith as don market, a Spanish loan of $50,000,000, giving
security the tobacco monopoly that Spain now would be necessary to complete the gigantic under-'
which gives promise of bearing fruit to God's enjoys. taking. President Mc Kinley now strongly favors
-glory. Others who have recently accepted the the passage of a bill appropriating sufficient money
—A break in the Crow levee in the Indian district to complete the canal.
truth will doubtless unite with them soon. near Quincy, Ill., has caused the spreading waters
The experience of our brethren in coming to cover an area of 1,5000 acres of farming land, in —The existence of surplus money in many pock-
ets, and the willingness of people to pay very high
here should be an encouragement to those who some places to the depth of three feet. It is esti- prices for things they do not need, were illustrated
may contemplate leaving our large churches in mated that 6,000 acres of wheat is submerged. once more on May 5, 6, and 7, in London at the sale
the North for the more needy fields of the —Edward Bellamy, the noted author of "Looking of the Heckscher collection of objets d'art. Three
South. God is blessing those who move to Backward," died May 22, at his home in Massa- hundred and twenty-four ' . objects " brought $323,-
this State. The way is open for meetings in chusetts. He was forty-eight years old. His book
has had a sale of 450,000 copies in America, and a
525, an average of $1,000 apiece, which the initiated
say is the highest ever known. An enameled snuff-
many places, and we hope to answer .these greater number in England, and has been translated box sold for $16,750, and a watch that had belonged
calls as fast as time permits. We are now into many languages. to Louis XIV brought $5,600.
- It is jut announced that the tribunal which is CAMP-MEETINGS FOR 1898. •
to adjust the dispute between Venezuela and Great " TENT HYMNS AND TUNES"
Britain as to the boundary between the former coun- Contains about two hundred and thirty of the best
try and British Guiana, will assemble in Paris next DISTRICT ONE.
selections from the Seventh-day Adventist " Hymns
February. The claims of both countries are now Quebec, Stanstead Plain, June 1-6 and Tunes." These are the hymns best adapted for
being made up. The case of Venezuela was laid be- Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, " 2-12 use in tent-meetings and lecture courses where Sev-
fore the members of the tribunal on March 16 last, New England, West Newton, Mass., 9-19 enth-day Adventist views are presented.
and the counter-claims of Great Britain will be pre- Atlantic, " 23 to July 3 The new edition, just off the press, is substantially
sented on the 16th of July. Virginia, Alexandria, Aug. 11-22 bound in strong manila covers, with cloth strips on
Maine,. " 25 to Sept. 5 back, which make the books very durable.
-The only certain thing about the war situation Vermont, Sept. 1-11 The price is only 15 cents a copy, post-paid. Or-
is its absolute uncertainty. There are indications New York, 8-18 der from your State tract society, or from Review
that complications are arising which may mean West Virginia, 8-18 and Herald Pub. Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
ranch more than any surmise. The Sampson and DISTRICT TWO.
Schley fleets are chasing about in Cuban waters, en-
deavoring to locate Cervera and his armada, but so Alabama, June 24 to July 3 NOW READY
far without success. No battle was fought, as re- Mississippi, 0 July 6-12
ported last week. A " strict censorship is kept on Louisiana, 13-20
all war news; " and besides this, there is no war Georgia, 22-31 "THE WAR BETWEEN CAPITAL AND LABOR, " an-
news. North Carolina, Aug. 5-14 nounced last week, is now ready. One of the most
Cumberland Mission Field, 19-28 striking fulfilments of prophecy in these last days
-The thousands of persons who were thrilled by Tennessee River Conference, " 26 to Sept. 4 is the great amassing of wealth by a few, and the
the ride through space on the famous Ferris Wheel Florida, want and misery of the masses. This tract deals
at the Chicago World's Fair marveled at the genius with this question in a way to lead the reader to the
of invention and the daring of construction. The DISTRICT THREE.
Bible, where can be found the only explanation of
almost continuous clicking of the revolving turn- Wisconsin, Sparta, June 2-13 the matter, and the needed remedy.
stile, each click registering fifty cents, presaged im- Ontario, St. Thomas, 9-19 "The War between Capital and Labor" is pub-
mense financial reward for the inventor. Indeed, Ohio, Aug. 11-21 lished as No. 12 of the Words of Truth Series. It
he was' at one time wealthy beyond his wildest Michigan (local), Paw Paw, May 26 to June 6 contains 32 pages; price, only 2 cents.
dreams. But through the various vicissitudes of Lakeview, June 16-26
fortune, he died penniless; and his ashes were re- (general), Owosso, Aug. 18-28
cently held at the Pittsburg crematory for unpaid Indiana, Sept. 1-11
funeral expenses. Illinois, Aug. 25 to Sept. 4

gpetial Wires. Minnesota, Minneapolis,

South Dakota,
" 31 " '' 6
June 21-27
Zra EOffc'est 10T6v474E44341411c.61/.

North Dakota, 7-13 Bay City, Detroit, Port Huron, and East t 7.00 A. M.
Manitoba, " 30 to. July 8 Bay City, Detroit, Port Huron, and Int. Stations '8 3.45 P. M.
Port Huron, Susp. Bridge, New York, and Montreal, * 8.23 P. M.
THE DAKOTA CAMP-MEETING. DISTRICT FIVE. Detroit, Port Huron, Susp. Bridge, New York, and
Boston * 2.25 A. M.
Texas, July 21-31
Arkansas, Aug. WESTBOUND.
A RATE of one and one-fifth fare has been granted 4-14
South Bend, Chicago, and West
Missouri, * 8,42 A. M.
on the certificate plan by the C. M. & St. P. Railroad, 11-22 Chicago and Intermediate Stations +12.15 P. M.
the C. & N. W. Railroad, via Salem, and the C. St. Colorado, " 25 to Sept. 5 Mixed, South Bend, and Int. Stations + 7.10 A. M.
South Bend, Chicago, and West * 4.05 P. M.
P. M. & 0. Railroad, from all points within the Da- Kansas, Sept. 8-18 South Bend, Chicago, and West *12.55 A. M.
kotas where one fare is more than fifty cents, to Oklahoma, Oct. 7-17
Mitchell. A certificate must be taken from the SLEEPING AND THROUGH CAR SERVICE.
agent for each ticket purchased; if you should use
California (State), June 2-12 8.22 P. AL train has Pullman vestibule sleeping-car to Bos-
more than one road, take certificate each time you ton via Stratford, Montreal, and C. V. By., also vestibuled
purchase a ticket. Full fare is paid in going; and (northern), " 23 to July 3 sleeper to Montreal and from Montreal to Portland daily;
(southern), July , 21-31 Pullman vestibule buffet sleeping-cars to New York and Phila-
the certificates, properly signed at the camp-ground, delphia via Susp. Bridge, and Lehigh Valley R. R. Through
entitle the purchaser to return home for one-fifth coach to Toronto via Port Huron.
The arrangement indicated above for the time of 2.25 A. m. train has Pullman buffet sleeping cars to New
fare. Tickets may be purchased June 14-16, in- the camp-meetings is the recommendation of the York and Philadelphia via Buffalo and L. V. R. R.; Pullman
clusive, and June 20-23, inclusive. No other date sleeper to Bay City via Flint; Pullman buffet sleeping-car
committee appointed for that purpose. The com- to Detroit and Mt. Clemens via Durand; Pullman sleeping-
will entitle holder to reduction. mittee consulted with about fifteen Conference presi- car to Montreal via Port Huron, Hamilton, and Toronto.
E. C. KELLOGG. Through coach to Niagara Falls.
dents before the report was submitted. Should
there be any changes in the dates, they should be
8.42 A. m., 4.05 P. Al., and 12.55 A. M. trains have Pullman
made in consultation with the district superin- sleeping-cars and coaches to Chicago.
The arrangements for laborers for the camp-meet- 7.00 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. trains connect at Durand with
ings have been left with the respective Conference D. & M. Division for Detroit and stations east and west of
THIS meeting will be held near Amory, in Monroe Durand, C. S. & M. Division for Saginaw and Bay City, and
presidents and their district superintendent. with Ann Arbor R. R. north and south.
county, July 6-12. The first general gathering of
L. A. HoorEs, Sec. Gen. Conf. * Daily. t Except Sunday.
our people held in this State, this meeting will be
A. S. PARKER, Ticket Agent, Battle Creek.
one of great importance to the work here, and we W. E. DAVIS, E. H. HUGHES,
desire that all who can do so will attend. Our NOTICES. G. P. and T. Agent, A. G. P. Agent,
brethren greatly need the counsel and instruction
which will be given, and we expect to receive a BRIEF business notices and "wants" will be published in
special outpouring of the Spirit of God. Begin at this department, subject to the discretion of the publishers.
A charge of one dollar for one insertion of four lines or less,
once to plan to come. Write to me, that arrange- and of twenty-five cents for every additional line, will be
ments may be made for tents, etc.; state whether
you are coming by train or team. Bring bedding
made, though in the case of the poor who want employment,
the charge may be remitted. Parties unknown to the editors
must furnish good references.
and other necessaries as far as you are able; but EMPLOYMENT WANTED.- A brother 27 years old, "The Niagara Falls Route."
come, and those who can not provide for themselves trained to work on a farm from childhood, desires a Corrected Nov. 21, 1897.
will be made welcome to the hospitality of those place to work for Sabbath-keepers. Address Chas.
living in the vicinity of the meeting. Address me Bohnert, Gridley, Mc Lean Co., Ill. et 310 6 10 1.4
at Amory, Miss. R. S. OWEN. EAST. *Night 'Detroit Clail & *N. Y. & *Eastern 5 5 Shore ntie
Express. Acoom. Express. Bos. Spl. Express. Limited. Express.
TAILOR WANTED.- Battle Creek College desires
to secure the services of a competent tailor, able to Chicago Pm 9.50 am 6.50 am 10.30 pm 3.00 ma 2.0 0 pm 11.40
Michigan City 11.40 8.48 pm 12.08 4.40 3.90 am 1.34
ALABAMA CAMP-MEETING. do cutting and fitting as well as sewing: Some one Niles am 11.48 10.15 1.00 6.37 4.25 2.40
Kalamazoo 2.10 am 7.15 11.55 2.08 6.55 6.33 4.05
is needed who can take charge of the shop, and Battle Creek 3.00 7.56 pm 12.50 2.42 7.35 6.06 4.43
3.80 - 8.23 1.'20 3.09 7.56 5.10
teach the young men the trade. If a competent Albion 4.00 8.47 1.45 3.30 8.15 6.34
THE camp-meeting for our State will begin on the tailor desires a position, he should write immedi- Jackson 4.40 10.05 2.35 4.05 8.57 7.20 6.25
Ann Arbor 5.50 11.10 3.47 4.58 9.47 8.10 7.30
evening of June 24. We trust that all will be pres- ately to Battle Creek College, Battle Creek, Mich. Detroit 7.20 pm 12.25 5.30 6.00 10.50 9.10 9.00
ent at the first meeting. The time of this meeting, Falls View am 5.23 pm 4.18
Susp. Bridge 5.38 4.33
spent in seeking God, will result in lasting benefit Niagara Falls 6.53 1.43
Buffalo... am 12.20 6.45 am 3.10 5.30
to all who come willing to be led by the Spirit of the. ),,o) Rochester 3.13 9.55 5.50 8.40
Lord. Let us lay aside our worldly pursuits, and
come up to this feast of the Lord.
-7/41/ nblisiters' gar/Noll. Syracuse
New York
9.05 pm 12.15
pm 3.25
Pm 3.00
11.25 am 2.60
Boston 3.00 11.35 5.20 10.46
A pleasant grove has been secured, having plenty
of shade and good water. Tents will be on the 7 a as 1. a ar7
A FREE SCHOLARSHIP W EST *Night CNY.Bos. r Mail & *Weste'n 1" Ealam. *Pacific
grounds at reasonable rates. As most of our peo- Express. &Chi.Sp Express. Express. Accom. Express.
ple in this vicinity have never attended a camp- To Battle Creek College will be given to every Boston am 10.30 am 5.00 pm 3.00 Pm 7.15
meeting, I would say, Let every family bring bedding, REVIEW reader who is willing to do a reasonable New York pm 1.00 10.00 6.00 am 12.10
Syracuse 8.35 pm am 2.10 pm 12.25
including bedticks. Straw will be furnished on the amount of work during the summer. Do you want Rochester 10.37 5.00 4.15 am 2.26
Buffalo 11.50 7.50 5.40
grounds. Wa'rm food will be furnished for those to go to college next year ? Do you want us to pay Niagara Falls 8.30 6.23 Pm 4.32
Falls View 6.54 6.12
who wish; but let each one bring the necessary for your board, room, heating, light, tuition,- Detroit pm 8.20 am 7.15 am 7.50 am 1.50 pm 12.40 pm 4.45 11.23
everything but for your books and clothing,- dur- Ann Arbor 9.40 8.12 9.18 1.58 6.65 am 12.30
dishes in which to' procure it. Iackson 11.15 9.10 11.10 3.55 2.90 7.30 1.36
Pratt City is six miles from Birmingham, on the ing the regular school year for 1898-99 ? If so, be Battle Creek am 12.40 10.21 pm 12.55 4.43 3.51 9.11 3.00
Kalamazoo 1.85 10.57 2.13 581 4.32 10.00 3.40
Kansas City Railroad. It is also reached by the sure to read the full-page advertisement which will Niles 3.15 12.23 4.00 6 40 6.05 5.08
Michigan City 4.26 pm 1.22 5,20 7.32 7.05 6.06
street-cars every fifteen minutes. Any one desiring appear in the Youth's Instructor for June 9, 1898. Chicago 6.30 3.00 7.15 9.00 8.50 7.5
further information should write to the undersigned This number of the Instructor will be issued one week `Daily. tDaily except Sunday.
at 2317 Fifth Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Those expect- in advance, or on June 2. Send for a sample copy. Trains on Battle Creek Division depart at 8.05 a. m. and 4.15 p. m., and
arrive at 12.40 p. in. and 6.20 p. m. daily except Sunday.
ing to come should let me know soon, that tents Address the Youth's Instructor, Battle Creek, Mich., 0. W. RUGGLES, GEO. J. SADLER,
may be reserved. W. WOODFORD. sending two-cent stamp. General Pass. 86 Ticket Agent, Chicago. Ticket Agent. Battle Creek.

THE old saying that all is fair in. love and to reflect credit on the school, as the only fair
he aim and erald. war may account for the statement of Rev. Fr. and honorable response to the confidence re-
Sherman, Catholic chaplain, to the Members posed in them.
BATTLE CREEK, MICH. , MAY 31, 1898. The music was fine, and well rendered
of the Fourth Missouri Regiment recently.
Said he: " SoldieFs who are of the Catholic throughout, adding much to the pleasure of
THE President called for 1e5,000 volunteers, faith are free to partake'of meat on Fridays the occasion. This was especially true of the
,and nearly 700,000 responded. and also on fast-days." This is a very ad- closing chorus, "Jerusalem, My Glorious
vanced view for Catholics, and is said to be Home," which was given with much life and
THE Interior says that " the greatest change the first instance where a Catholic priest has power. The benediction was pronounced by
that has come about in the world the past cen- loosed the discipline regarding this religious Professor Sutherland; and thus closed another
tury was formally announced by Dewey's guns rite. interesting and profitable occasion. u. s.
in Manila Bay."
FOR the last three weeks the daily papers
THE London correspondent of Harper's
and news-agencies have been chiefly objects of
Weekly says: " It is probable that Mr. Glad-
NEXT week we shall publish in the RE- amused derision. Feeling obliged in their sen-
stone was the finest specimen of an Anglo-
sationalism to maintain a standing as great war
Saxon that ever lived." VIEW a most excellent sermon on the com-
dailies, and there being no war to report, they
ing of the Lord, that was preached by a
deliberately and persistently manufacture wild
A PRESBYTERIAN correspondent in the late Baptist minister, May 22. We assure you rumors, and publish them under glaring scare-
General Assembly speaks of "the moderator's it will be a treat to every reader. If you heads; and all the time seem to be utterly un-
strong effort to lift the heavy heart of the have friends who are Baptists, you could conscious that they are doing anything but
church into new hope and courage," and says, publishing strictly sober and truthful reports.
, hardly do them a better turn than to send
" There is no use in denying or trying to hide How so many people can be so continually and
them a copy of the REVIEW that contains
the fact that there is a general feeling of de- so persistently brazeri would be a mystery, were
pression." this sermon.
c..~.-...,........................,.......,............ it not for the fact that it is one of the signs of
THE same correspondent says: "Whenever the very times in which we are now living.
an alliance with England was mentioned,— COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES.
three times by as many speakers,—the clap- IF any evidence of the decadence of true re-
ping culminated in shouts. It was a unique ON Monday evening, May 23, at 8 P. M., ligion were needed, it is certainly now supplied
demonstration, almost impossible under any the eighteenth commencement exercises of the in the leading religious papers of this country.
other circumstances." Why? Battle Creek College were held in the Taber- In every one of them the war, the battles, the
nacle at Battle Creek. The house was filled fleets, the commanders, and the heroes, of the
THE Richmond (Va.) Times of late date con- to its utmost capacity. The program of the war, are the great topics continually discussed.
tains this statement: " The most gigantic death- evening was as follows:- Anything on religion is hardly to be found in
dealing whirlwind, the most terrific mechanical 1. Chorus: " Battle Hymn of the Reforma- the editorial columns of any of these leading
destroyer, has been completed by the United tion," by Martin Luther, expressing the loftiest religious papers. And in the discussion of the
States in the shape of the largest cannon that sentiments of faith in God, and trust in his all- war and its incidents, in these papers, the pa-
has ever been built by any nation." Read in conquering power. This was rendered by the pers themselves are completely identified with
this connection Jer. 25 : 32. orchestra, and a large class of trained singers, it and all its incidents. What could more
under the leadership of Prof. Edwin Barnes, plainly show that religion has thus largely be-
THE "Annual Announcement" of Battle in a most soul-stirring manner. 2. Invocation, come an affair only of this world,-.- and not
Creek College for the school year 1898-99 is by U. Smith. 3. Chorus: (a) " Softly now even the affair of first importance even in this
now printed, and ready for all who want it. the Light of Day;" (b) " Sun of My Soul." world, but so entirely secondary that war and
It is a fine thing. Every person who ex- 4. Address by Prof. B. G. Wilkinson; sub- its incidents are' given continually the place of
pects to attend school at this College next ject, " The Awakened Life." 5. Piano solo, greatest importance ? True religion, Christi-
year, and everybody else who has any interest by Miss Margaret Duffy; (a) "Romanza; " anity, is not of this world. It never can be
in the College, should by all means have a (b) "If I Were a Bird." 6. Piano Quartet, identified with this world. And its importance
copy of this announcement. Address Prof. 4 Rakoczy March," by Misses Crispell, Duffy, is ever greater than anything — yes, greater
E. A. Sutherland, Battle Creek, Mich. Swedberg, and Mr. Yeoman. 7. Presentation than all things— of this world that can ever
of Diplomas, by Elder A. T. Jones. 8. Chorus: possibly occur.
AN American residing in Paris wrote thus to " Jerusalem, My Glorious Home." 9. Bene-
the editor of the New York Observer: "The diction. ANY ONE who has his eyes open can not fail
French people in general sympathize with There were twenty-seven graduates, from to discover the death-dealing agencies every-
Spain, and it is not agreeable for Americans to eight different courses. These were seated on where at work in the world. These all come
read the French papers just now, or go among the rostrum, which was attractively decorated as the result of sin,—the work of the devil.
the French people. In the studios in the with a profusion of wreaths, potted flowers, and But the mission of Christ was to save men.
Latin Quarter, the French students have made spring blossoms. The class motto, Ad Astra This being so, what more proper thing could
it intolerable for the American fellows, and per Aspera ("To the Stars, through Bolts and Christians do than to organize themselves into
many have given up their work and gone Bars "), was conspicuous among the decora- rescue societies and life-saving bands? This
away." tions, as it was arranged beneath an arch of is just what our Christian Help bands have as
evergreens that spanned the pulpit. The ad- their object, and it is what they are doing from
SOME idea of the strange vicissitudes to be dress to the graduates was replete , with high one end of this land to the other. May those
encountered on the water may be gained by and noble sentiments, calculated to lead every thus engaged never grow weary in the good
considering the fact that often single ships, one to awake to life and its opportunities, and work.
plowing their individual ways across the ocean, was delivered in a pleasing and forcible man- WE have received a copy of "Thoughts on
in opposite directions, run so nearly on each ner, that held the attention of the large audi- the Book of Daniel" in German. It has three
other's track as to come into actual collision, ence to the close. hundred and fifty large pages of excellent type
in the midst of the great expanse of waters; The delivery of the diplomas was accom- and printing, and is beautifully illustrated. Of
but now, for weeks, a whole fleet has been panied with valuable instruction to the gradu- course the matter is most valuable, as the book
scouring the surface of the Caribbean Sea in ating members, with reference to the mutual of Daniel will always be "very present" pres-
the vain attempt to get even a sight of an op- obligations which would still exist between ent truth. Nothing would do our German
posing fleet, of presumably about the same size, them and the institution in which they had brethren in the United States more good than
for each one of them to have and to study a
in the same waters. Two ships will run into faithfully earned these diplomas,—the institu- copy of "Die Weissagung Daniels." Es ist
each other, while two fleets can't find each tion to aid them still by its influence; and they, sicherlich " Die Weltgeschichte im Lichte der
other! Isn't it strange ? in turn, to be careful to take such a course as Bibel."

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