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Course Content

1. Financial Reporting, Analysis and Valuation

2. Financial Management

 The course on ‘Financial Management’ helps participants to understand the basic tool, viz., time
value of money besides its applications in various finance functions such as capital budgeting,
cost of capital, and capital structure in an organisation.

 Participants also have an opportunity to utilise their knowledge by working on assignments

relating to live organisational problems and gaining insights from top management personnel,
with whom they can set up interactions.

3. Investments & Portfolio Management

 The course covers different concepts of investments at length.

 It takes the participants through portfolio diversification techniques.

 The use of real company’s cases enables better understanding of valuation and risk in

4. Investment Banking I*

 This course aims to provide an overview of various important roles and functions of an
Investment Bank, including in-depth study of two critical roles – fund raising and M&A modelling
and pitching.

 The course plans to equip the participants with key concepts surrounding Equity and Debt fund-
raising, valuation methodologies including intrinsic and comparable, cross-border M&A, deal
structuring and deal pitch book.

5. Investment Banking II*

 This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of advanced roles and functions in
large as well as boutique Investment Banks, including securities sales and trading, hedge funds,
private placements including PE/VC, LBOs and corporate restructuring.

 It also aims to provide the participants with comprehensive understanding of deal structuring in
private equity environment, acquisitions using highly leveraged strategy and corresponding
taxation and legal considerations in these advanced structures.

6. Merger & Acquisition*

This course is multi-dimensional in nature and intends to provide a strategic management perspective
on mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. The main objectives of the course are:

 To introduce the participants to various forms of corporate restructuring such as mergers,

acquisitions, joint ventures, de-mergers, etc.

 To familiarise students with the issues and problems in identifying and evaluating a target for

 To provide an overview of the legal and regulatory environment in which M&A happens.

 To introduce participants to takeovers and takeover defenses.

 To highlight the importance of post-merger integration and provide insights on various

organisational and human relations issues in the integration process.

7. Option, Futures, & Derivatives*

 This course introduces the participants to the world of financial derivatives.

 The participants will learn the underlying financial concepts, the pricing mechanism, market
mechanics, and utility of these products in terms of risk management and wealth generation.

 At the end of the course the participants are expected to have treasonable grasp over the
nature and use of financial derivatives in wealth and risk management.
8. Economics Environment

 To understand the macroeconomic concepts

 To know the causes of business cycles and economic policies to counter business cycles

 To understand Balance of Payments and exchange rate

 To understand the current macroeconomic scenario.

9. Spreadsheet Modeling for Finance

 Spreadsheets present an extremely popular, easy to learn and use, and versatile platform for
rapidly processing volumes of data for managerial decision-making.

 Learning available modern tools for data accumulation, assimilation, and computation.

10. Industry Lecture*

*Courses are subject to change.

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