Men's Right - : Parham Azad

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| Men’s right |

Parham Azad
First of all

■ First of all , you should know that all men are always in every
place and in every conditions better than women and this
been proven : )))))))
■ We have many laws about men’s rights, and one of the
Laws that I like very much is the sigma laws , and it has
nothing to do with men’s right and is only related to a
mans behavior and sometimes talks about men's right against
■ Unfortunately , I must point out that the efforts of woman’s
■ associations have tried to pay attention to women's rights, and these
■ efforts , together with groups and Other forms have led to the
■ adoption of laws such as the right of custody or dowry at a daily rate,
■ and the amendment of divorce regulations , etc. , on other hand , the
Least importance has not been given to the rights of the family .
It is noteworthy that those who say that women are very miserable and
have no rights
Men's rights in marriage

■ Among the rights of a man in marriage are the right to divorce ,

Right to travel and leave country , employment , residence and …..
Without the permission of his wife

That mean men can do whatever he wants

( 1 - 0 ) For the benefit of men
The men's rights movement
■ Is a global movement to deal with men's rights in society .
This movement is a part of the men's right today , this movement is present in a number
Of countries in the world , and many men and women are members
of it [ (2-0) benefit for men ]
Members of this in social fields ( including family rights , childbearing and raising
children , reproduction and domestic violence ) and government services ( including
Education , public service , social security and public health service ) in which men
Are discriminated against
How poor we are :,-)
Gender equality
■ I agree with this issue , but maybe this is a lie that feminism has taken from
■ Feminism: is a movement that tries to create equality in society . Its meaning
Feminism wants men and women to be treated equally, to have the same rights
And opportunities .
For example , many women are less than men despite having the same education
And job duties and they said that had to be correct
No kidding , cause men has to pay for the family so it should be like this : )))
■ in practice , it seems that the defense of men’s issues is
Ignored for feminists cause it does not bring benefits and the
Of equal rights of men and women becomes a mere defense
of women's right
Of course , it should be said that there are some men who are
on the side of Women's right
and they are the ones we usually call them women’s sucker
■ In the end , I have to say that men are better than women and have
more Rights , but because of a series of people I mentioned , these
rights are ignored and gender equality is a bunch of lie
■ And the women who have no job they have stay and do home job: ))

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