Task Letter Writing

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Name : Puan Paquita Maharani Saragih

NPM : 217450002
Major : Letter Writing
Assignment #

- Abigail : Girlfriend Arthur
- Arthur : Boyfriend Abigail
- Sinbad : Hypothers
- Ivan : Helper


Abigail is Arthur's girlfriend, she is a passionate girl who loves to explore nature.
She has long brown hair and playful blue eyes. Artur is Abigail's devoted boyfriend.
Artur has curly black hair and always carries a notebook wherever he goes. He is
the brains among his friends and often helps them out of difficult situations.Sinbad
is a true adventurer. He has curly blonde hair and is always ready for any
adventure. Sinbad was an expert in climbing mountains and exploring forests. He
always carries a compass and a map to make sure they don't get lost.Ivan is a little
scientist who is always curious about nature and his environment and Ivan has
bright red hair and always carries a camera to capture the beautiful moments of
their adventure.

The story begins when the group decides to go to a remote forest to explore hidden
caves. They brought camping equipment and enough supplies. On the way to the
jungle they chose to stay at a stopover village called "Sunday Village". The place
was very nice and beautiful, they really liked the place and chose to stay there for
three days before going into the forest. Abigail and Arthur chose the same room,
while Sinbad and Ivan chose their own. Early in the morning Arthur went out of his
room to get some fresh air without telling his friends, for fear of disturbing their
sleep. While outside, he saw a man who was struggling to push the wheels of a
horse-drawn carriage because there were rocks blocking it. Arthur helped the man
to push the wheel, after he succeeded he saw a lot of goods carried by the man.
Arthur asked the man "are you having a party so you are carrying this much stuff"?
The man replied "no, I just want to trade to the village Saturday they are having a
harvest party and many people will come there. Arthur nodded and thought that
seeing the merchant alone he had the idea of asking the merchant to pay by
bringing him there because he had helped the merchant. The merchant was happy
to take Arthur because he also had no friends to get to the village.

Not long after Arthur left Sinbad and Ivan also came out of the room, to go
downstairs and have breakfast in the cafeteria. Abigail, who was looking for Arthur
in the cafeteria, saw Sinbad and Ivan having breakfast. Abigail questioned them
about Arthur's whereabouts and Sinbad replied that they hadn't seen Arthur since
they woke up. Abigail was a little worried that Arthur had left without telling them.
Sinbad also said that they should split up if they wanted to find Arthur so that they
would find him quickly, they agreed to Sinbad's idea and began to split up.

Sinbad heard that there was a harvest party in Saturday Village and thought Arthur
was there and asked the villagers the way to get there. The villagers said that if you
want to get there quickly then you have to take a shortcut by riding a boat near the
river. When he arrived at the river Sinbad chose to rest near the river, but he saw a
warning that there was a crocodile in the river he moved away a little, and chose to
rest in the hut by the river. While on the other hand Ivan, who also heard from the
residents that the Saturday Village was holding a harvest party, he also suspected
that Arthur must have gone there and immediately rushed to the village. Abigael
who saw Sinbad resting approached him and asked if he had heard the news of
Arthur's whereabouts but, Sinbad replied that Arthur went to Saturday Village. if
they wanted to go there they had to cross the river, while the river had crocodiles
inside. Sinbad thought and had a bad idea for Abigail, Sinbad said that they could
cross the river but Abigail must be willing to sleep with him one night. Abigail
strongly disagreed but there was no other way if Sinbad didn't help her. The next
day they arrived at the village of Saturday, they chose to split up to find Arthur
faster. Abigail who was looking for Arthur in the village saw Arthur dancing with a
woman, she approached Artur and hit Artur until Arthur was battered by Abigail's
punch. Ivan who saw that Arthur was injured immediately took him to the hospital,
Ivan said to Abigail "I didn't think you would do something like this to Arthur while
you had betrayed him. Abigail was very surprised that Ivan knew what he had done
last night with Sinbad.

It turned out that before Ivan went to the Saturday village he saw Sinbad and
Abigail making out in a resting hut. He did not expect that Abigail would do that but
Ivan just kept quiet and would tell Arthur about the incident. But when he told
Arthur about the incident, he was very sad and left Ivan to get some fresh air but
instead he went to have fun and dance with the woman in Saturday Village. On the
other hand Abiagail was very sorry for what he had done to Arthur and
immediately left there and went to see Arthur at the hospital to apologize and tell
Arthur that he was forced to do it.

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