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Lecturer: Date Approved by: Date

May 19 , May 19th ,
2022 2022
Acad. year 2021-2022 Semester 2
Final Exam Date May 21th , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 100 minutes Question sheet code 2121
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 17 questions on 4 pages. Do not round in between steps.
- For the essay questions, all essential steps of calculations, analyses, justifications and final results
are required for full credit. Any answer without essential calculation steps, and/or analyses,
and/or justifications will earn zero mark. Give your answer as decimal numbers rounded to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group ID: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part I: Multiple choice (6 points, 60 minutes)

Questions 1 through 5, use the given information.
A big company conducted two surveys A and B. Assume that customers respond to the surveys
independently, and that the number of responses received per hour of each survey follows a Poisson
distribution. The company estimates that, on average, there are 6 responses received from survey A per
hour and 2 responses received from survey B per hour.
1. What is the average number of responses obtained from this company’s two surveys per hour?
A The other answers are wrong. B 8 C 2 D 7 E 6
2. What is the probability that survey A will receive 7 responses in 1.5 hours?
A 0.1396 B 0.1377 C The other answers are wrong. D 0.1171 E 0.0034
3. Find the standard deviation of the number of responses received from the two surveys per hour.
A 1.4602 B 2.8284 C The other answers are wrong. D 1.4142 E 1.6982
4. Compute the probability that the company will receive 8 responses in 1 hour for both surveys.
A 0.1033 B 0.1396 C 0.0009 D The other answers are wrong. E 0.1396
5. If the company received no responses for both surveys within the first 13.4 minutes, what is the
probability of having at least one response in the first 18.6 minutes?
A 0.9997 B 0.8647 C 0.5001 D 0.9975 E The other answers are wrong.
Questions 6 through 10, use the given information.
A fast-food establishment has been averaging about 2 thousand dollars of business per weekday. To see
whether business is changing due to a deteriorating economy (which may or may not be good for the
fast-food industry), management has decided to carefully study the figures for the next 8 days. Suppose
the figures are given as below (in thousand dollars) and the revenue is following the normal distribution.
5, 4.1, 0.9, 2.9, 1.7, 4.8, 3.3, 1.2
Is there enough evidence, at the 1% level, to conclude that the average revenue is greater than 2 thousand
Final Exam - MT2013 2121 Semester 2 - May 21th , 2022

6. Determine the alternative hypothesis H1 .

A µ>2 B µ≥2 C µ 6= 2 D µ<2 E µ≤2

7. Compute the test statistic.

A −0.2528 B The other answers are wrong. C 1.7472 D 0.2472 E 1.2472

8. Determine the rejection region.

A (2.998, +∞) B (−∞, 2.998) C (2.33, +∞) D (3.5, +∞) E (−∞, −3.5) ∪
(3.5, +∞)

9. What is an appropriate statistical conclusion?

A The hypothesis H1 is wrong. B The other answers are wrong. C There is sufficient
evidence to reject H0. D There is not sufficient evidence to reject H0. E There is sufficient
evidence to reject H1.

10. Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean revenue (thousand dollars) of this company.
A [1.0099, 4.9652] B [1.5293, 4.4457] C The other answers are wrong. D [1.4093, 2.5093]
E [3.5093, 4.3093]

Questions 11 through 15, use the given information.

The following experiment was conducted to compare the yields of two varieties of tomato plants. 9
plants of the first variety and 8 plants of the second variety were randomly selected and planted in a
field. The first variety produced an average yield of 12.5 kilograms per plant with a sample standard
deviation of 4 kilograms. The second variety produced an average yield of 14.5 kilograms per plant with
a sample standard deviation of 5 kilograms. Suppose that the yields are normally distributed. Does this
provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean yield of the first variety is smaller than that of
the second variety at the level of significance α = 0.1.

11. Determine the alternative hypothesis H1 .

A µ1 ≤ µ2 B µ1 > µ2 C µ1 ≥ µ2 D µ1 < µ2 E µ1 6= µ2

12. Choose a suitable test.

A z-test. B F-test. C The other answers are wrong. D t-test with 16 degrees of freedom.
E t-test with 15 degrees of freedom.

13. Compute the test statistic.

A −0.4158 B −2.4158 C The other answers are wrong. D −0.9140 E −0.9158

14. Find the rejection region.

A (−∞, −1.64485) B (−∞, −1.341) C (−∞, −1.753) D (1.3406, +∞) E (−∞, −1.753)∪
(1.753, +∞)

15. Determine an appropriate statistical conclusion.

A There is not sufficient evidence to reject H0. B The other answers are wrong. C The
hypothesis H1 is wrong. D There is sufficient evidence to reject H0. E There is sufficient
evidence to reject H1.

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 4

Final Exam - MT2013 2121 Semester 2 - May 21th , 2022

Part II: Essay (4 points)

16. A nutritionist randomly divided 15 bicyclists into three groups of five each. Members of the first
group were given vitamin supplements to take with each of their meals over the next 3 weeks. The
second group was instructed to eat a particular type of high-fiber whole-grain cereal for the next
3 weeks. Members of the third group were instructed to eat as they normally do. After the 3-week
period elapsed, the nutritionist had each bicyclist ride 6 miles. The following times were recorded:
Group Time (minutes)
Vitamin 19.1 21.5 19.5 18.1 20.1
Fiber cereal 13.2 13.9 15.4 14.9 14.6
Control group 30.7 29.7 28.9 29.9 28.6
Suppose that the given data verifies the ANOVA assumptions and the level of significance is 5
(a) Are these data consistent with the hypothesis that neither the vitamin nor the fiber cereal
affects the speed of a bicyclist?
(b) Find a 95% confidence interval on the difference in the mean times between bicyclists of vitamin
group and Fiber cereal group.
(c) Interpret the results of the multiple comparison test using the Fisher’s LSD method.

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 3 of 4

Final Exam - MT2013 2121 Semester 2 - May 21th , 2022

17. The following data relate the traffic density, described in the number of automobiles per mile, to
the average speed of traffic on a moderately large city thoroughfare. The data were collected at the
same location at 10 different times within a span of 3 months.
Density (X) 69 56 62 119 84 74 73 90 38 22
Speed (Y ) 25.4 32.5 28.6 11.3 21.3 22.1 22.3 18.5 37.2 44.6
Suppose that the data verify the assumptions of simple linear regression model with the response
variable Y and the independent variable X.
(a) Find the fitted linear regression line.
(b) Find the coefficient of determination and interpret this value.
(c) Find a 95% confidence interval for the slope of regression line.

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 4 of 4

Final Exam - MT2013 2121 Semester 2 - May 21th , 2022

Answers of multiple choice questions.

Question Key
1 D
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 A
7 A
8 B
9 C
10 C
11 A
12 ??
13 E
14 D
15 E
(L.O.1.1, L.O.1.2, L.O.1.3, L.O.2.1, L.O.2.3) ??
(L.O.1.1, L.O.1.2, L.O.1.3, L.O.2.1, L.O.2.3) ??

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 5 of 4

MyOpenMath Assessment

Final Exam (MT2013)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 202/203

Date: August 5, 2021. Time: 7:00
Duration: 60 minutes

• You are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except your
pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing the
exam). This means that you are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of statistical
distributions will be provided in the exam.
• You must have your camera to be turned on and show your face during the exam. On your
screen, there must be one big window for BKEX and one small window for Google!Meeting
showing only your face (put at a corner of the screen). You must start recording the screen of
your laptop/computer 5 minutes before the exam begins and keep recording the screen of
your laptop/computer during the exam (Click here to know how to do it) - Do not use any live
streaming apps for recording. After you submit your answer and end the exam, you must
immediately upload the recorded video (small resolution, less than 1GB) to a Google Form
(on BKEX, the same page where you get the link to do the exam).
• Do not round in between steps. Round the final answers to four decimal places (e.g. 5.1234).
• Students must fill in answer boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on
time (Do not wait until the very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students are allowed to try 2 times on each question with a penalty of 30% for the second try
after the first full-credit try.
1. (0 pts)

1 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (5 pts)
Let , , and , compute .

Answer: __________________

3. (5 pts)

2 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

Messages that arrive at a service center for an information systems manufacturer have been classified on
the basis of the number of keywords (used to help route messages) and the type of message, either e-mail
or voice. Also, 79% of the messages arrive via e-mail and the rest are voice. The following table shows
the probabilities of the number of keywords received by each type of message.

Number of keywords 0 1 2
E-mail 0.1 0.3 0.6
Voice 0.2 0.4 0.4

Find the expected value of the number of keywords in a message.

Answer: __________________.

4. (10 pts)
The number of hits on a certain website follows a Poisson distribution with a mean rate of 3 hits per
minute. What is the probability that less than 3 hits are received in a period of 30 seconds?

Answer: __________________.

5. (10 pts)
Lifetimes of batteries in a certain application are normally distributed with mean 53 hours and standard
deviation 5 hours. Find the critical time such that 22% of batteries will survive greater than this time.

6. (20 pts)

3 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

A standard drug is known to be effective in 85 percent of cases in which it is used to treat a certain
infection. A new drug has been developed, and testing has found it to be effective in 135 cases out of 179.
Scientists want to know if the data show enough evidence to prove that there are differences in the
effectiveness rates between two drugs.

1. Choose a suitable alternative hypothesis.

A. __ μ < 85
B. __ p ≠ 85
C. __ p ≥ 85
D. __ μ ≥ 85
E. __ μ > 85
F. __ μ ≤ 85
G. __ μ ≠ 85
H. __ p < 85
I. __ p ≤ 85
J. __ p > 85
2. Find the test statistic:
A. __F ( F-test)
B. __Z (Z-test)
C. __T (T-test)
3. Hence, we conclude that at the 0.02 level of significance,
A. __we have a strong evidence to confirm that there are differences in the effectiveness rates
between two drugs.
B. __we do not have enough evidence to confirm that there are differences in the effectiveness
rates between two drugs.

7. (25 pts)

4 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

In semiconductor manufacturing, wet chemical etching is often used to remove silicon from the backs of
wafers prior to metallization. The etch rate is an important characteristic in this process and known to
follow a normal distribution. Two different etching solutions have been compared using two random
samples of wafers. The observed etch rates are as follows (in mils per minute):

Solution 1 7.4 8.4 9.6 10.9 8.3 10 9.4

Solution 2 9.1 10.2 9.7 9.6 8.8 10.5 9.5

Assuming the normality and , do the data support the claim that the mean etch rate is the same
for both solutions?

a. The alternative hypothesis

A. __
B. __
C. __=
D. __
E. __
F. __>
b. Compute the statistic:
A. __T
B. __F
C. __Z
Note: Choose Z for z.test (using normal distribution), T for t.test (using Student distributions), and
F for F.test (using Fisher distributions).
c. Determine the acceptance region (the complementary region to the rejection region):
d. Make a conclusion:
A. __We can reject
B. __We fail to reject

Do not round in between steps. (Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

8. (25 pts)

5 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

A new-car dealer is interested in the relationship between the number of salespeople working on a
weekend (x) and the number of cars sold (y). He has collected the data in 12 consecutive Sundays and
applied a simple linear regression model to analyze those data. Some summary statistics have resulted as

• The means of and : , .

• ,


1. Find the estimated linear regression line.

__________________ __________________
2. Predict the number of cars sold in a certain Sunday which has 14 salespeople.
3. Find the sum square for errors. __________________
4. Compute the coefficient of determination? __________________
5. Find the standard error of the slope . __________________.

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.44
3. 1.437
4. 0.80884683053806
5. [56.85,56.9]
6. -3.5899013674807 ~ B: p ≠ 85 ~ A: we have a strong evidence to confirm that there are differences in
the effectiveness rates between two drugs. ~ B: Z (Z-test)
7. B: ~ D: ~ ~ A: T ~ [-0.9728,-0.97275294637405] or [-0.9728,-0.97275294637405] ~ [-1.79,-1.78] or
[-1.84,-1.83] ~ [1.78,1.79] or [1.83,1.84] ~ B: We fail to reject
8. [16.7645,16.765] ~ 0.15060216857382 ~ [0.0452,0.0452] ~ 15.921654316411 ~ 0.060241125603937 ~

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6 of 6 11/11/22, 15:20
MyOpenMath Assessment

Make-up Final Exam (MT2013)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 202/203

Date: August 7, 2021. Time: 8:00
Duration: 60 minutes

• You are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except your
pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing the
exam). This means that you are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of statistical
distributions will be provided in the exam.
• You must have your camera to be turned on and show your face during the exam. On your
screen, there must be one big window for BKEL and one small window for Google!Meeting
showing only your face (put at a corner of the screen). You must start recording the screen of
your laptop/computer 5 minutes before the exam begins and keep recording the screen of
your laptop/computer during the exam (Click here to know how to do it) - Do not use any live
streaming apps for recording. After you submit your answer and end the exam, you must
immediately upload the recorded video (small resolution, less than 1GB) to a Google Form
(on BKEX, the same page where you get the link to do the exam).
• Do not round in between steps. Round the final answers to four decimal places (e.g. 5.1234).
• Students must fill in answer boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on
time (Do not wait until the very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students are allowed to try 2 times on each question with a penalty of 30% for the second try
after the first full-credit try.
1. (0 pts)

1 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (5 pts)
Let A and B be events with and . Find the probability
such that and are independent.

Answer: __________________.

3. (5 pts)

2 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

On the basis of a physical examination and symptoms, a physician assesses the probabilities that a patient
has no tumour, a benign tumour, or a malignant tumour as 0.6, 0.2 and 0.2, respectively. A thermographic
test is subsequently given to the patient. This test gives a negative result with probability 0.9 if there is no
tumour, with probability 0.7 if there is a benign tumour, and with probability 0.2 if there is a malignant
tumour. If a patient has a negative test result, what is the probability that this person has no tumour?

Answer: __________________.

4. (10 pts)
A commuter encounters traffic lights each day on her way to work. Let represent the number of
these that are red lights. The probability mass function of is as follows.
X 0 1 2 3 4
P 0.24 0.15 0.11 0.19 0.31
What is the probability that the average number of red lights encountered in 209 days is less than 2 per

Answer: __________________.

5. (10 pts)

The time to recharge the flash is tested in a number of cell-phone cameras. The probability that a camera
passes the test is 0.9, and the cameras perform independently. What is the smallest sample size needed so
that the probability of at least one camera failing is at least 97%?

Answer: __________________.

6. (20 pts)

3 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

The following data show the fracture strengths (MPa) of 5 ceramic bars fired in a particular kiln: 96, 86,
92, 94, 91. Assume that fracture strengths follow a normal distribution.

1. Construct a 99% two-sided confidence interval for the mean fracture strength:

__________________ <

A. __σ
B. __s
C. __x̄
D. __μ
E. __s²
F. __p̂
G. __p
H. __σ²
< __________________

2. If the population standard deviation is 4 (MPa), how many observations must be collected to ensure
that the radius of a 99% two-sided confidence interval for the mean fracture strength is at most 1


(Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

7. (25 pts)

4 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

Tensile-strength tests were carried out on two different grades A and B of wire rod resulting in the
accompanying data.

Sample standard
Brand Sample size Sample mean
A 109 110.6 7.4
B 84 108.1 17.2

Does the data provide compelling evidence for concluding that true average strength for the grade A
exceeds that for the grade B at the 0.1 level of significance?

a. The alternative hypothesis

A. __>
B. __
C. __
D. __=
E. __
F. __
b. Compute the statistic:
A. __T
B. __Z
C. __F
Note: Choose Z for z.test (using normal distribution), T for t.test (using Student distributions), and
F for F.test (using Fisher distributions).
c. Determine the acceptance region (the complementary region to the rejection region):
d. Make a conclusion:
A. __We fail to reject
B. __We can reject

Do not round in between steps. (Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

8. (25 pts)

5 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

An electronics engineer is interested in the effect on tube conductivity of three different types of coating
for cathode ray tubes in a telecommunications system display device. 6 tubes were randomly chosen and
treated by each types. The engineer has collected the data and reported some summary statistics as below.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Number of tubes 6 6 6

The average conductivity 149.6667 148.5

The average conductivity of the entire dataset: 149.2778

The sum of squares: 401135

1. Use the given information to complete the table of the analysis of variance.

Source of
SS df MS F
Treatment __________________ __________________ __________________
Error __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
Total __________________ __________________

2. Hence, we conclude that at the 0.1 level of significance,

A. __the coating type doesn't affect the conductivity of cathode ray tubes in a telecommunications
system display device.
B. __the coating type affects the conductivity of cathode ray tubes in a telecommunications system
display device.

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.88888888888889
3. 0.75
4. 0.0502
5. 34
6. [84.0311,84.0479] ~ D: μ ~ [99.5521,99.5689] ~ [106,107]

6 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

7. C: ~ A: > ~ ~ B: Z ~ [1.2462,1.2462218729155] ~ -oo ~ [1.28,1.29] ~ A: We fail to reject

8. 2.72237778 ~ 1.3364622213309 ~ 2.0370031689253 ~ A: the coating type doesn't affect the
conductivity of cathode ray tubes in a telecommunications system display device. ~ 5.4447555599999
~ 20.046933319964 ~ 2 ~ 15 ~ 25.491688879963 ~ 17

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7 of 7 11/11/22, 15:23
MyOpenMath Assessment

Final exam 211 (12/12/2021)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 211

Date: December 12, 2021. Time: 12:00
Duration: 60 minutes

• You are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except your
pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing the
exam). This means that you are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of statistical
distributions will be provided in the exam.
• You must have your camera to be turned on and show your face during the exam. On your
screen, there must be one big window for BKEX and one small window for Google!Meeting
showing only your face (put at a corner of the screen). You must start recording the screen of
your laptop/computer 5 minutes before the exam begins and keep recording the screen of
your laptop/computer during the exam (use another Google!Meeting for recording). After you
submit your answer and end the exam, you must share your recorded video to all HCMUT
accounts (small resolution, less than 1GB) and post the link to a Google Form, which will be
posted on BKEX.
• Do not round in between steps. Only round your answers to four decimal places (e.g. 5.1234)
when you fill in the blank
• You must fill in answer boxes or choose correct answers, then submit your answers on time
(Do not wait until the very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• You are allowed to try only 1 time on each question.
1. (0 pts)

1 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (5 pts)

If A, B, and C are mutually exclusive events, is it possible for P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.4 and P(C) = 0.3?

A. __No
B. __Yes

3. (20 pts)

2 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

A company producing cereals offers a toy in every 5 cereal package in celebration of their 50th
anniversary. A father immediately buys 30 packages.

1. What is the probability of finding 3 toys in the 30 packages?

Answer: __________________

2. What is the probability of finding no toy at all?

Answer: __________________
3. What are the mean and standard deviation of number of toys in the 30 packages?

Mean: __________________

Standard deviation: __________________

4. (20 pts)

3 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

A producer of candy packages hypothesizes that his production does not adhere to the weight standard of
250 grams. As a measure of quality control, he weighs 8 packages and obtains the following results in

254, 246, 255, 265, 253, 253, 253, 254

Is there sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean weights of candy packages is greater than
250 grams ? Assume that the population distribution of the weights is normal and the significance level is

1. The alternative hypothesis

A. __>
B. __
C. __
D. __
E. __=
F. __


2. Compute the statistic:

A. __F
B. __Z
C. __T


Note: Choose Z for z.test (using the standard normal distribution), T for t.test (using the Student
distributions), and F for F.test (using the Fisher distributions).

3. Determine the acceptance region (the complementary region to the rejection region):

Note: Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity.

4. Make a conclusion:

A. __We fail to reject

B. __We can reject

5. (25 pts)

4 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

Two friends play a computer game and each of them repeats the same level 7 times. The scores obtained

The 1st person 248 263 248 260 241 236 243
The 2nd person 262 251 242 234 253 249 242

Assume that the two score distributions are normal. Test the claim that their mean scores are different,
using a 10% level of significance.

1. The alternative hypothesis

A. __
B. __
C. __

A. __=
B. __
C. __
D. __
E. __<
F. __>

Note: Choose for the means, for the standard deviations, for the proportions.

2. Compute the statistic:

A. __T
B. __F
C. __Z


Note: Choose Z for z.test (using the standard normal distribution), T for t.test (using the Student
distributions), and F for F.test (using the Fisher distributions).

3. Determine the acceptance region (the complementary region to the rejection region):

Answer: (__________________,__________________).

Note: Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity.

4. Make a conclusion:

A. __We have enough evidence to confirm that the mean scores are different between two persons.
B. __We don't have enough evidence to confirm that the mean scores are different between two

6. (30 pts)

5 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

To study the association of the monthly average temperature (in degree Celsius, X) and the occupation in
a certain hotel (in %, Y ), a sample of 10 months were collected. The following table shows a summary of
some simple calculations.

Temperature Occupation

Sum of observed values or 93.2 511.62

Sum of squares or 2345.26 26540.8996

Furthermore, .

Fit a simple regression model to explore the effect of the monthly average temperature to the occupation.

1. Compute the slope and the y-intercept:

i. The slope: __________________

ii. The y-intercept: __________________

2. Compute the sums of squares:


__________________ __________________ __________________

3. Estimate the variance of random errors: = __________________

4. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the slope:


Note: Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity.

5. Determine the coefficient of determination: = __________________

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. A: No
3. 0.078531821242166 ~ 0.0012379400392854 ~ 6 ~ 2.1908902300207
4. A: We fail to reject ~ A: > ~ 250 ~ C: T ~ [2.2461,2.246108481144] ~ -oo ~ [2.99,3]
5. B: ~ D: ~ ~ A: T ~ [0.1687631851389,0.1688] ~ [-1.79,-1.78] ~ [1.78,1.79] ~ B: We
don't have enough evidence to confirm that the mean scores are different between two persons.
6. ~ ~ ~ 0.45738259124117 ~ 46.899194249632 ~ 365.39716 ~ 308.91053058016 ~ 56.486629419844 ~
7.0608286774805 ~ [0.2976,0.2983] ~ [0.6164,0.6171] ~ 0.84541032168985

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7 of 7 11/11/22, 15:26
MyOpenMath Assessment

Make-up final exam 211

1. (0 pts)

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (20 pts)

1 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

Consider the joint probability mass function for the type of customer service X (0 = telephonic hotline, 1
= Email) and of satisfaction score Y (1 = unsatisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = very satisfied):

X\Y 1 2 3
0 0.03 0.35 0.14
1 0.38 c 0.1

1. Find the constant

Answer: __________________

2. If a customer chooses to use the Email service, what is the probability that this person is
NOT unsatisfied?

Answer: __________________

3. Find the average and the standard deviation of the satisfaction score.

The average: __________________

4. Among 16 customers who used the customer services, find the probability that 5 of them chose the
Email service.

Answer: __________________

3. (5 pts)

The systolic blood pressures of adults, in the appropriate units, are normally distributed with a mean of
126.2 and a standard deviation of 3.7. Find percentage of adults whose systolic blood pressures are
greater than 125.2.

Answer: __________________

4. (22 pts)

2 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

It has been claimed that under 25 percent of entering college students have blood cholesterol levels of at
least 200. In a group of 197 random selected students, there are 46 students confirmed to have blood
cholesterol levels of at least 200. What conclusion do you draw at the 0.1 percent level of significance?

1. Compute the sample proportion: __________________

2. Comfirm the alternative hypothesis

A. __
B. __
C. __
D. __=
E. __
F. __>

A. __0.25
B. __0.23

3. Compute the test statistic:

A. __T
B. __F
C. __Z


Note: Choose Z for z.test (using normal distribution), T for t.test (using Student distributions), and F for
F.test (using Fisher distributions).

4. Find the accepted region (the complementary region to the rejection region):

5. Make a conclusion:

A. __We fail to reject .

B. __We reject .

(Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

5. (23 pts)

3 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

6 of Leonard’s best friends try a new diet: the “Banting” diet. Each of them weighs him/herself before and
after the diet. The data is as follows:

Person (i) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Before diet (xi) 95 105 96 88 84 94
After diet (yi) 85 101 97 107 83 91

Assuming the normality and the significance level is 5%. Does the data suggest that the weight before
diet is less than that of after diet?

1. State the alternative hypothesis ( and represent the first sample and the second sample

A. __
B. __
C. __

A. __
B. __
C. __
D. __
E. __=
F. __>

2. Compute the statistic:

A. __Z
B. __F
C. __T


Note: Choose Z for z.test (using normal distribution), T for t.test (using Student distributions), and F for
F.test (using Fisher distributions).

3. Determine the acceptance region (the complementary region to the rejection region):

Answer: __________________,__________________

4. Make a conclusion:

A. __We can reject

B. __We fail to reject

4 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

(Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

6. (30 pts)

To determine whether the percentage of calories in a person’s diet that is due to fat is the same across the
country, random samples of 15 volunteers were chosen in the 3 different regions. Each volunteer’s
percentage of total calories due to fat was determined, with the following summarized data resulting.

Region C Region A Region B

Number of observations 5 5 5

Sum of observations for each type 380.6 327.5 368.3

Sum of squares for each type 29192.42 21644.59 27353.85

Assuming the normality and , make an appropriate conclusion based on an ANOVA.

1. Complete the table by providing appropriate values for blanks in the table:

Source of
Degree of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F
Treatment __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
Error __________________ __________________ __________________
Total __________________ 948.396

2. Determine the rejection region: __________________,__________________

3. What conclusion can you draw about the null hypothesis?

A. __We don't have enough evidence to conclude that the results are significantly different for 3
B. __We have enough evidence to conclude that dthe results are significantly different for 3 regions.

(Type oo for Infinity and -oo for Negative Infinity)

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0 ~ 0.20833333333333 ~ 1.83 ~ 0.083661490292233
3. 0.6065
4. 0.23350253807107 ~ B: ~ A: 0.25 ~ C: Z ~ [-0.53474854536332,-0.5347] ~ [-1.29,-1.28] ~ oo ~ A:
We fail to reject .
5. C: ~ B: ~ ~ C: T ~ [-0.082703961697356,-0.0827] ~ [-2.02,-2.01] ~ oo ~ B: We fail
to reject
6. B: ~ 2 ~ 12 ~ 14 ~ 309.03600000001 ~ 639.35999999999 ~ ~ 154.518 ~ 53.279999999999 ~
2.9001126126127 ~ [6.92,6.93] ~ oo ~ A: We don't have enough evidence to conclude that the results

5 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

are significantly different for 3 regions. ~ ~

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6 of 6 11/11/22, 15:25
MyOpenMath Assessment

Midterm (MT2013-211-session 1)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 211


Date: October 9, 2021. Time: 9:00
Duration: 40 minutes

• Students are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except
their pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing
the exam). This means that students are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of
statistical distributions will be provided in the exam.
• Do not round in between steps. Round your final answers to four decimal places (e.g.
• Students are allowed to try only one time on each question. Students must fill in answer
boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on time (Do not wait until the
very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students must have their camera to be turned on and show their face during the exam. On
their screen, there must be one big window for BKEL, one small window for Google!Meeting
showing their face (put at a corner of the screen), and another small window Google!Meeting
for recording (showing the list of participants).
1. (0 pts)

1 of 4 11/11/22, 15:33
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (30 pts)

2 of 4 11/11/22, 15:33
MyOpenMath Assessment

A factory has four assembly lines, which manufacture the same products. The following table includes
the contribution of these assembly lines to the total output of the factory and the percentages of defective
parts produced by them.
The percentage of NON-defective
The contribution of each assembly (N) parts produced by each
line to the total output Assembly line
assembly line
27 % 90 %
32 % 87 %
30 % 85 %
11 % 92 %

1. Compute the probability that randomly selected part is NON-defective.

Answer: __________________
2. Select a part at random for inspection. If this part is defective, what is the probability that it was
produced by assembly line ?
Answer: __________________
3. Select randomly a sample of 12 parts produced by assembly line . Compute the probability
that there are exactly 4 defective parts among 12 selected parts and the average number of defective
parts in the sample.
The probability: __________________
The average number of defective: __________________

3. (30 pts)

Assume that a company's products are sold in packages of 4 products and the number of defective
products in each package has the following distribution:

X 0 1 2 3 4
P 0.15 0.25 0.21 0.23 c

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Compute the mean and the standard deviation of the number of defective products in one package.
Answer: __________________
Answer: __________________
3. Assume that the numbers of defective products in the packages are independent. Find the
probability that the total number of defective products in 501 packages is more than 943 products.
Answer: __________________

4. (20 pts)

3 of 4 11/11/22, 15:33
MyOpenMath Assessment

Suppose that the number of telephone calls received by the customer service department of a company in
an hour is a random variable following a Poisson distribution with the average of 23 calls every hour,
and the number of emails received by the same department in an hour is a random variable following
a Poisson distribution with the average of 42 emails every hour.

1. Compute the probability that this department receives exactly 21 telephone calls in one hour.
Answer: __________________
2. Suppose further that and are independent. Calculate the standard deviation of the total
number of responses (via email or telephone) received by this department in 17 minutes.
Answer: __________________

5. (20 pts)

Let be a random variable with the density function satisfying for all
and for all , where is a constant.

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Calculute the expectation .
Answer: __________________
3. Calculate the probability .
Answer: __________________

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.8776 ~ 0.22058823529412 ~ 0.068284422509008 ~ 1.8
3. 2 ~ 1.3114877048604 ~ [0.975,0.978] ~ 0.16
4. 0.079280715504883 ~ 4.2914643965279
5. 0.06997084548105 ~ 21.4375 ~ 0.592704

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4 of 4 11/11/22, 15:33
MyOpenMath Assessment

Midterm (MT2013-211-make-up)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 211


Date: October 21, 2021. Time: 18:30

Duration: 40 minutes

• Students are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except
their pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing
the exam). This means that students are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of
statistical distributions will be provided in the exam.
• Do not round in between steps. Round your final answers to four decimal places (e.g.
• Students are allowed to try only one time on each question. Students must fill in answer
boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on time (Do not wait until the
very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students must have their camera to be turned on and show their face during the exam. On
their screen, there must be one big window for BKEL, one small window for Google!Meeting
showing their face (put at a corner of the screen), and another small window Google!Meeting
for recording (showing the list of participants).
1. (0 pts)

1 of 4 11/11/22, 15:31
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (20 pts)
69% of the light aircraft that disappear while in flight in a region are subsequently discovered. Of the
aircraft that are discovered, 59% have an emergency locator, whereas 11% of the aircraft not discovered
do not have such a locator. Suppose a light aircraft has disappeared.

1. If it has an emergency locator, what is the probability that it will not be discovered?
Answer : __________________
2. What is the probability that it it has an emergency locator?
Answer : __________________

2 of 4 11/11/22, 15:31
MyOpenMath Assessment

3. (30 pts)
A video game company conducts a survey about the number of minutes it tooks players to complete each
level in a released game. The company notes that the time it takes to complete level I is a random variable
, which follows a normal distribution with the mean of 54.6 minutes and the standard deviation of
12.4 minutes.

1. Compute the probability that a randomly chosen player needs more than 56.1 minutes to complete
level I of the game.
Answer: __________________
2. The company wants to determine the time such that 95% of players need less than minutes
to complete level I of the game. What is ?
Answer: __________________
3. Suppose that there are 3 levels in this game, and and are the numbers of minutes
required to complete level II and level III of the game respectively. Suppose further that
and , and the variables , ,
and are independent. Compute the expectation and the standard deivation of the total number
of minutes that a randomly chosen player needs to complete all three levels.
The expectation: __________________ (minutes)
The standard deviation: __________________ (minutes)

4. (25 pts)

In preparation for student assessment, a math teacher recorded the number of absences ( ) of his
students and the results are give in the following table:

X 0 1 3 4 5
P 0.64 0.13 0.06 ? ?

1. Given that 1.08, compute the probabilities and .

Answer: __________________.
Answer: __________________.
2. Randomly select a student in this class. Compute the probability that this student is absent for at
most 1 class meeting.
Answer: __________________.
3. If the randomly chosen student is absent for less than 3 meetings, calculate the probability that this
student misses exactly 1 meeting.
Answer: __________________

5. (25 pts)

3 of 4 11/11/22, 15:31
MyOpenMath Assessment

A skilled worker requires at least 9 minutes and less than 21 minutes to complete an ordinary task. Let
be the time (minutes) that a skilled worker need to complete an ordinary task. The density function
of is given as below.

if and elsewhere, where is a constant.

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Find the probability that a skilled worker need less than 14 minutes to complete an ordinary task.
Answer: __________________

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.077289211242067 ~ 0.4412
3. [0.451,0.452] ~ [74.812,75.06] ~ 153.6 ~ 24.695343690664
4. 0.08 ~ 0.09 ~ 0.77 ~ 0.1566265060241
5. 15.75 ~ 0.625

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4 of 4 11/11/22, 15:31
MyOpenMath Assessment

Midterm (MT2013-211-session 1)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 211


Date: October 9, 2021. Time: 9:00
Duration: 40 minutes

• Students are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except
their pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing
the exam). This means that students are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of
statistical distributions will be provided in the exam.
• Do not round in between steps. Round your final answers to four decimal places (e.g.
• Students are allowed to try only one time on each question. Students must fill in answer
boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on time (Do not wait until the
very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students must have their camera to be turned on and show their face during the exam. On
their screen, there must be one big window for BKEL, one small window for Google!Meeting
showing their face (put at a corner of the screen), and another small window Google!Meeting
for recording (showing the list of participants).
1. (0 pts)

1 of 4 11/11/22, 15:34
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (30 pts)

2 of 4 11/11/22, 15:34
MyOpenMath Assessment

A factory has four assembly lines, which manufacture the same products. The following table includes
the contribution of these assembly lines to the total output of the factory and the percentages of defective
parts produced by them.
The percentage of NON-defective
The contribution of each assembly (N) parts produced by each
line to the total output Assembly line
assembly line
27 % 90 %
32 % 87 %
30 % 85 %
11 % 92 %

1. Compute the probability that randomly selected part is NON-defective.

Answer: __________________
2. Select a part at random for inspection. If this part is defective, what is the probability that it was
produced by assembly line ?
Answer: __________________
3. Select randomly a sample of 12 parts produced by assembly line . Compute the probability
that there are exactly 4 defective parts among 12 selected parts and the average number of defective
parts in the sample.
The probability: __________________
The average number of defective: __________________

3. (30 pts)

Assume that a company's products are sold in packages of 4 products and the number of defective
products in each package has the following distribution:

X 0 1 2 3 4
P 0.15 0.25 0.21 0.23 c

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Compute the mean and the standard deviation of the number of defective products in one package.
Answer: __________________
Answer: __________________
3. Assume that the numbers of defective products in the packages are independent. Find the
probability that the total number of defective products in 501 packages is more than 943 products.
Answer: __________________

4. (20 pts)

3 of 4 11/11/22, 15:34
MyOpenMath Assessment

Suppose that the number of telephone calls received by the customer service department of a company in
an hour is a random variable following a Poisson distribution with the average of 23 calls every hour,
and the number of emails received by the same department in an hour is a random variable following
a Poisson distribution with the average of 42 emails every hour.

1. Compute the probability that this department receives exactly 21 telephone calls in one hour.
Answer: __________________
2. Suppose further that and are independent. Calculate the standard deviation of the total
number of responses (via email or telephone) received by this department in 17 minutes.
Answer: __________________

5. (20 pts)

Let be a random variable with the density function satisfying for all
and for all , where is a constant.

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Calculute the expectation .
Answer: __________________
3. Calculate the probability .
Answer: __________________

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.8776 ~ 0.22058823529412 ~ 0.068284422509008 ~ 1.8
3. 2 ~ 1.3114877048604 ~ [0.975,0.978] ~ 0.16
4. 0.079280715504883 ~ 4.2914643965279
5. 0.06997084548105 ~ 21.4375 ~ 0.592704

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4 of 4 11/11/22, 15:34
MyOpenMath Assessment

Midterm (MT2013-211-session 2)


Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 211


Date: October 9, 2021. Time: 11:00

Duration: 40 minutes

• Students are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices during the exam, except
their pocket calculators, printed/written documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing
the exam). This means that students are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table of
statistical distributions will be provided in the exam.
• Do not round in between steps. Round your final answers to four decimal places (e.g.
• Students are allowed to try only one time on each question. Students must fill in answer
boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their answers on time (Do not wait until the
very last minute). The maximum score: 100 points.
• Students must have their camera to be turned on and show their face during the exam. On
their screen, there must be one big window for BKEL, one small window for Google!Meeting
showing their face (put at a corner of the screen), and another small window Google!Meeting
for recording (showing the list of participants).
1. (0 pts)

1 of 4 11/11/22, 15:32
MyOpenMath Assessment

I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined by the University, the Faculty,
and the Department, and that I will not cheat or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the
efforts to maintain exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam and before
receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ các quy định của trường, khoa,
và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi
này. Tôi hiểu rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi giải thích cách
làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ
ràng cách làm và đáp số của mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name: __________________

Your student ID: __________________

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it in the box below and send
your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.

Statistical Tables [+]

2. (20 pts)

2 of 4 11/11/22, 15:32
MyOpenMath Assessment

Consider a game which is simplified from a Vietnamese traditional game. To start this game, a kid must
throw a stone into the goal region, which consists of a circle and a square with a radius of 50 cm.

1. Find the probability that the kid's stone fell into the circle, given that the stone was in the goal
Answer: __________________
2. If the assigned scores are given as below:
, , and (see the figure), find the average score that a kid can earn in
one throw.
Answer: __________________

3. (30 pts)

In a product quality inspection, products are tested in two rounds. A product is qualified if it has a rating
of 1 or 2, and it is not qualified if it has a rating of 0. The following is the joint probability distribution:

Round 1 (X)
0 1 2
0 0.125 0.121 0.013
1 0.048 0.049 0.095
2 (Y)
2 0.058 0.29 0.201

1. If a product is randomly chosen, find the probability that this product is evaluated as qualified in
both rounds.
Answer: __________________
2. If a product is randomly chosen, find the probability that this product is evaluated as qualified in
the second round given that it is not qualified in the first round.
Answer: __________________
3. Compute .
Answer: __________________

4. (20 pts)

3 of 4 11/11/22, 15:32
MyOpenMath Assessment

A skilled worker requires at least 10 minutes and less than 24 minutes to complete an ordinary task. Let
be the time (minutes) that a skilled worker need to complete an ordinary task. The density function
of is given as below.

if and elsewhere, where is a constant.

1. Find .
Answer: __________________
2. Find the probability that a skilled worker need less than 19 minutes to complete an ordinary task.
Answer: __________________

5. (30 pts)

A motorcycle manufacturer observes that the fuel efficiency of their brand A motorcycles ( ) is
normally distributed with a mean of 2.05 (litres/100km) and a standard deviation of 1.05 (liters/100km).

1. Find the proportion of motorcycles that the fuel efficiencies are less than 3.1 (litres/100km).
Answer: __________________
2. A motorcycle is qualified if its fuel efficiency is less than 3.1 (litres/100km). If this manufacturer is
surveying 19 motorcycles, find the probability that there are at least 18 of them to be qualified.
Answer: __________________
3. This manufacturer also conducted a survey on motorcycles of brand B ( ). Suppose that
also follows a normal distribution, which is , and fuel
efficiencies of these two motorcycle brands are independent. Let , compute
Answer: __________________

Key - Form 1

1. ~ ~ ~
2. 0.56393960024693 ~ 3
3. 0.635 ~ 0.45887445887446 ~ 1.623
4. 17.142857142857 ~ 0.81203007518797
5. 0.8413 ~ 0.17191770201137 ~ 0.2546

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4 of 4 11/11/22, 15:32
Midterm exam 212
Faculty of Applied Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

MT2013 - Probability and Statistics - SEMESTER 212


Date: March 6, 2022. Time: 12:00
Duration: 40 minutes
• Students are NOT allowed to use any software/electrical devices
during the exam, except their pocket calculators, printed/written
documents, camera and a computer/laptop (for doing the exam). This
means that students are NOT allowed to open any pdf file. The table
of statistical distributions is provided in the exam.
• Do not round in between steps. Round your final answers to four
decimal places (e.g. 5.1234).
• Students are allowed to try only one time on each question. Students
must fill in answer boxes or choose correct answers, then submit their
answers on time (Do not wait until the very last minute). The
maximum score: 100 points.
• You must have your camera to be turned on and show your face
during the exam. You must also record the screen of your
laptop/computer during the exam (Click here to know how to do it).
On your screen, there must be two windows:
– one big window for BKEX (to do the exam)
– one small window for Google!Meeting (checking attendance)
• After the exam, you must upload the recorded video (.mp4, small
resolution, less than 1GB) to your Google!Drive account and fill in a
Google!form with the link (Do not send the file).
• If you get caught cheating, your score will be zero and the event will
be reported to the Academic Affairs Office.
1. (0 pts)
I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined
by the University, the Faculty, and the Department, and that I will not cheat
or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the efforts to maintain
exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam
and before receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.
(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ
các quy định của trường, khoa, và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng
loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi này. Tôi hiểu
rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi
giải thích cách làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi
không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ ràng cách làm và đáp số của
mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name:

Your student ID:

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it
in the box below and send your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.
Statistical Tables
2. (30 pts)

An electrical system consists of four components illustrated in the figure.

The circuit operates if and only if there is a path of functional devices from
left to right. Let A , B , C and D represent the events that the corresponding
devices function and the probabilities are given by
P ( A )=0.95 , P ( B )=0.9 , P ( C )=0.95, P ( D )=0.9 .
Assume that the devices function independently.
a. Find the probability that the device A functions but the device B does

Answer: .
b. Find the probability that the device A or the device B or both function.

Answer: .

c. Find the probability that the circuit operates.

Answer: .

d. It is known that the circuit is operating, find the probability that the
device A is functional.

Answer: .

3. (20 pts)
The number of stork sightings on a route in South Carolina per year follows
a Poisson distribution with a mean of 3.
a. What is the probability that there are exactly 3 sightings within 8


b. What is the mean time between two consecutive sightings?

Answer: (years)

c. What is the probability that the time until the first sighting is more
than 2 months?


4. (30 pts)
A dealer's profit, in units of $1000, on a new automobile is a random
variable X having density function

f ( x )= {(2 −0x,) elsewhere.

/ 2 , if 0< x <2 ,
a. Find the expectation and the variance of the dealer's profit.

The expectation = (dollars)

The variance = (square dollars)

b. What is the probability that the profit does not exceed $200?

Answer: .
c. Select 68 new automobiles randomly and independently. Find the
probability that the average profit of the dealer on these automobiles
will be more than $740.


5. (20 pts)
The lifetime of a semiconductor laser at a constant power is normally
distributed with a mean of 6650 hours and a standard deviation of 600
a. What is the probability that a laser fails before 6250 hours?

b. If 5 lasers are used in a product and they are assumed to fail

independently, find the standard deviation of the average lifetime of
these lasers.


c. If 5 lasers are used in a product and they are assumed to fail

independently, what is the probability that there are exactly 2 lasers
failing before 6250 hours?

Key - Form 1
1. ~~~
2. 0.095 ~ 0.995 ~ 0.990025 ~ 0.95477386934673
3. 0.18044704431548 ~ 0.33333333333333 ~ 0.60653065971263
4. 666.66666666667 ~ 222222.22222222 ~ 0.19 ~ [0.09,0.11]
5. [0.2514,0.2546] ~ 268.32815729997 ~ [0.265,0.269]

License info at:

Make-up exam 212
1. (0 pts)
I hereby declare that I will follow the Code of Student Conduct as defined
by the University, the Faculty, and the Department, and that I will not cheat
or condone cheating in this exam. I am aware that in the efforts to maintain
exam integrity I may be required by my lecturer, after receiving the exam
and before receiving the final grade, to explain some of my answers.

(Tôi xin cam đoan rằng, với tất cả lòng tự trọng của mình, tôi sẽ tuân thủ
các quy định của trường, khoa, và bộ môn và tôi sẽ không gian lận hay đồng
loã với việc gian lận dưới bất kỳ hình thức nào trong kỳ thi này. Tôi hiểu
rằng, nhằm đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của kỳ thi, giảng viên có thể yêu cầu tôi
giải thích cách làm và đáp số của mình cho các câu hỏi của kỳ thi. Nếu tôi
không thể giải thích hay giải thích không rõ ràng cách làm và đáp số của
mình, bài thi của tôi có thể bị trừ điểm.)

Your full name:

Your student ID:

If you have any concern about some questions of the exam, please discuss it
in the box below and send your instructors an email after the exam.

Below are some statistical tables. Please click [+] for more details.
Statistical Tables
2. (25 pts)
Glass tubes are shipped in the laboratory, each was shipped in one of three
boxes: small, medium, and large. Assume that there were 2 % , 3 % , 1 %
glass tubes broken during transportation corresponding to the above three
types of boxes. It is known that there were 49 % tubes shipped in small
boxes and 35 % shipped in medium boxes.
a) If we choose a tube randomly, find the probability that this tube was
shipped in a large box.
Answer: .
b) Find the probability that there was a broken tube during the
Answer: .
c) Find the probability that a tube was shipped in a medium box given that
this tube was broken.
Answer: .
3. (20 pts)
The joint probability distribution of two discrete random variables X and Y
is given by f ( x , y )=c x y , where x=2 , 4 ,5 , y=2, 3 , 4 and f ( x , y )=0 for any others
pairs of ( x , y ) .
a) Find the constant c .
b) Compute P ( X=4 ∣Y =2 )
c) Compute E ( X Y ) .

4. (30 pts)
Assume that the number of cars that cross a walking line in each one
second is a Poisson random variable with an average of 0.37. A person
reaches the walking line at the time t 0 . Assume that this person can only
cross the street if no cars crosses the walking line for at least 6 seconds,
otherwise he must wait.
1. Find the probability that this person must wait.
2. Let T be the duration (seconds) between two successive cars that crossed
the walking line. It is known that T follows an exponential distribution with
λ=¿ 0.37. Compute the mean and the standard deviation of T .
Answer: E ( T )=¿ (seconds); V ( T ) =¿ ( sec o n d 2 )
3. Compute the average number of cars that had crossed the walking line
until this person can cross the street.

Hint: ∑ k ak −1 = ( 2 , with a< 1 .
k=0 1 − a)
Answer: (cars)
5. (25 pts)
Assume that the vitamin C content in each 100g can of tomato juice follows
a normal distribution with the mean μ=34.1 (mg) and the standard deviation
σ =2.4 (mg).
a) Find the probability that a randomly selected can contains vitamin C
greater than 36.2 mg .
b) Find the vitamin C content threshold (mg) that 24% of the tomato juice
cans has the vitamin C content greater than this threshold.
c) Suppose that the vitamin C contents are independent between cans. Find
the probability that, in 10 randomly selected cans, there are exactly 3 cans
that contain vitamin C greater than 36.2 mg.

Key - Form 1
1. ~~~
2. 0.16 ~ 0.0219 ~ 0.47945205479452
3. 0.01010101010101 ~ 0.36363636363636 ~ 13.181818181818
4. 0.89139089117504 ~ 2.7027027027027 ~ 7.3046018991965 ~
5. [0.18,0.2] ~ [35.78,35.804] ~ [0.174,0.202] ~ ~

License info at:

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2211
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 39 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 5.9 and 23.3 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 564.8 B 565.3 C 573.2 D 560.2 E 569.4

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 22.1869 B 31.3683 C 35.6333 D 26.883 E 29.9387

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 588.5 pounds?
A 0.2713 B 0.0429 C 0.7374 D 0.5699 E 0.7519

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 26.9 (pound) and the variance of 44.93 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 20 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 32.5305 B 43.8766 C 39.4636 D 48.6691 E 28.3621

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.69,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.7677 B 0.7275 C 0.5831 D 0.7075 E 0.457

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 2 questions?
A 0.7723 B 0.3771 C 0.5917 D 0.5161 E 0.7757 F 0.4082

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 1.725 B 1.48 C 0.74 D 1.2 E 2.75
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2211 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 1.1678 B 0.7051 C 1.7112 D 0.9877 E 0.4399

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.9 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 5 minutes.
A 0.4 B 6.6 C 4.6 D 5.5556 E 4.5
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 20
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 21 seconds.
A 0.0183 B 0.8395 C 0.1364 D 0.7955 E 0.678
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.5.
A None of the others B 38.3733 C 37.3271 D 37.5355 E 37.4299
12. An old wombat requires 28 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.7851 B None of the others C 0.6565 D 0.5954 E 0.0306
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 4,
function: F (x) = k(1/4 − 1/x), if 4 ≤ x ≤ 10,

1, if x > 10.

13. Find the constant k. A 6.6667 B 8.6667 C 9.1667 D 1.6667 E None of the others
14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 7.4586 B 7.2288 C 6.9846 D 5.7143 E None of the others
15. Let Y = 4X + 10 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 5.8943 B 3.8123 C None of the others D 2.3773 E 6.5543
16. Find the probability P (8.1 < X < 16.9) .
A None of the others B 0.1276 C 0.7864 D 0.1564 E 0.0803
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.7 and B wins with probability 0.2.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.4 B None of the others C 0.1 D 0.3 E 0.2
18. Assuming that A and B play 6 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.1369 B 0.0998 C 0.1852 D 0.4293 E None of the others
19. Assuming that A and B play 6 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A None of the others B 0.4 C 1.4 D 3.4 E 5.4
20. Assuming that A and B play 5 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.2266 B None of the others C 0.3277 D 0.0065 E 0.0883

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2212
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 30 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 6 and 31.8 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 574.8 B 567 C 565 D 574.2 E 561

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 42.6745 B 40.7934 C 43.2463 D 32.8441 E 34.1977

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 489.5 pounds?
A 0.9489 B 0.4949 C 0.9713 D 0.4609 E 0.0999

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 23.5 (pound) and the variance of 89.37 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 35 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 20.28 B 23.4535 C 27.1869 D 26.2315 E 30.6395

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.62,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.7191 B 0.1284 C 0.5022 D 0.0133 E 0.4426

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 2 questions?
A 0.1804 B 0.667 C 0.6467 D 0.3827 E 0.2608 F 0.6173

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 1.89 B 1.55 C 3.35 D 2.58 E 2.75
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2212 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 1.3489 B 0.5015 C 0.5406 D 0.4219 E 0.4495

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 1 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 2 minutes.
A 2 B 1 C 4 D 3.6 E 2
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 14
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 24 seconds.
A 0.3991 B 0.5924 C 0.4205 D 0.0853 E 0.1535
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.5.
A 41.6864 B 41.3442 C 42.3803 D 41.5888 E None of the others
12. An old wombat requires 28 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.487 B 0.6271 C 0.3416 D None of the others E 0.8353
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 4,
function: F (x) = k(1/4 − 1/x), if 4 ≤ x ≤ 8,

1, if x > 8.

13. Find the constant k. A 6 B 8 C 6.5 D 4.5 E None of the others

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 5.3955 B 5.3333 C 4.4799 D None of the others E 6.3153
15. Let Y = 4X + 8 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 3.3639 B 4.4739 C 1.0229 D 1.4659 E None of the others
16. Find the probability P (6.2 < X < 12.9) .
A 0.2903 B 0.0121 C None of the others D 0.7407 E 0.2279
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.3 and B wins with probability 0.6.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.1 B None of the others C 0.2 D 0.3 E 0.4
18. Assuming that A and B play 14 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.1763 B 0.3903 C 0.559 D 0.0618 E None of the others
19. Assuming that A and B play 14 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 13.6 B 9.6 C 7.6 D 12.6 E None of the others
20. Assuming that A and B play 3 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.1489 B None of the others C 0.3467 D 0.4264 E 0.064

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2213
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 39 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 8.8 and 49.8 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 1140.3 B 1144.2 C 1142.7 D 1144.5 E 1143

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 82.352 B 73.9138 C 71.0909 D 66.0274 E 70.5353

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 1106 pounds?
A 0.2033 B 0.3453 C 0.6083 D 0.6902 E 0.9363

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 39.9 (pound) and the variance of 167.08 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 35 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 49.1082 B 61.4757 C 44.9411 D 48.2107 E 57.4187

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.27,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.1715 B 0.1921 C 0.6497 D 0.4102 E 0.3235

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 1 question?
A 0.7872 B 0.6374 C 0.1685 D 0.6463 E 0.2125 F 0.1781

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 1.85 B 0.63 C 0.01 D 1.14 E 0.675
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2213 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 0.7136 B 0.3139 C 1.4981 D 0.8492 E 1.0778

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.7 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 5 minutes.
A 7.1429 B 13 C 1.6 D 3.5 E 8.4
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 19
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 21 seconds.
A 0.5257 B 0.6391 C 0.4433 D 0.0465 E 0.8664
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.5.
A None of the others B 29.1122 C 28.6541 D 28.6357 E 28.2479
12. An old wombat requires 24 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.7047 B 0.9445 C None of the others D 0.5647 E 0.0579
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 6,
function: F (x) = k(1/6 − 1/x), if 6 ≤ x ≤ 8,

1, if x > 8.

13. Find the constant k. A 24 B 26.5 C None of the others D 28 E 27.5

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 5.5414 B 5.3032 C 6.8571 D 11.2275 E None of the others
15. Let Y = 6X + 8 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A None of the others B 3.6921 C 3.4451 D 1.6661 E 4.4071
16. Find the probability P (6.8 < X < 12.6) .
A None of the others B 0.5294 C 0.8671 D 0.7033 E 0.4205
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.1 and B wins with probability 0.6.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.3 B 0.4 C 0.2 D 0.5 E None of the others
18. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.2403 B 0.3585 C None of the others D 0.0001 E 0.117
19. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 9.2 B 11.2 C None of the others D 8.2 E 7.2
20. Assuming that A and B play 4 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.1551 B 0.5174 C 0.2247 D None of the others E 0.0256

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2214
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 33 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 8.9 and 27.7 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 596.3 B 594.2 C 598.8 D 608.2 E 603.9

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 23.2263 B 31.1763 C 30.8667 D 27.8197 E 39.3651

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 617.7 pounds?
A 0.4396 B 0.329 C 0.6021 D 0.7256 E 0.1001

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 22 (pound) and the variance of 58.75 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 10 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 12.6426 B 31.811 C 33.6346 D 26.2401 E 34.4926

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.24,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.5355 B 0.1488 C 0.4769 D 0.5403 E 0.2939

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 1 question?
A 0.3298 B 0.1935 C 0.149 D 0.0234 E 0.8065 F 0.4241

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 1.04 B 2.12 C 0.81 D 0.66 E 0.6
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2214 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 1.4779 B 1.3471 C 0.288 D 0.3374 E 0.0407

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.1 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 3 minutes.
A 0.3 B 10.9 C 0.9 D 30 E 48.9
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 11
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 14 seconds.
A 0.6175 B 0.3296 C 0.3935 D 0.5783 E 0.4451
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.7.
A None of the others B 2.14 C 2.8994 D 3.1233 E 2.1374
12. An old wombat requires 24 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A None of the others B 0.7731 C 0.8573 D 0.0183 E 0.7119
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 6,
function: F (x) = k(1/6 − 1/x), if 6 ≤ x ≤ 10,

1, if x > 10.

13. Find the constant k. A None of the others B 15 C 18 D 11 E 18.5

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 9.285 B 6.7651 C 7.5 D 6.0323 E None of the others
15. Let Y = 6X + 10 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 8.9021 B 4.3031 C None of the others D 9.6741 E 6.8091
16. Find the probability P (6.7 < X < 15.4) .
A 0.3208 B 0.7388 C 0.7917 D None of the others E 0.0808
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.6 and B wins with probability 0.1.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.2 B 0.3 C 0.5 D 0.7 E None of the others
18. Assuming that A and B play 10 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.3244 B 0.2007 C None of the others D 0.5403 E 0.1785
19. Assuming that A and B play 10 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A None of the others B 5 C 4 D 7 E 9
20. Assuming that A and B play 5 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A None of the others B 0.5905 C 0.9868 D 0.4314 E 0.497

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2215
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 36 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 6.4 and 42.7 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 879.9 B 888 C 883.8 D 880.6 E 886.7

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 62.8734 B 58.1529 C 68.558 D 61.1877 E 66.1942

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 997.5 pounds?
A 0.0353 B 0.1784 C 0.2224 D 0.3194 E 0.7339

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 34.95 (pound) and the variance of 206.61 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value
such that 35 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 33.8114 B 21.9239 C 19.7904 D 51.9744 E 40.5558

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.3,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.0903 B 0.6142 C 0.1143 D 0.3185 E 0.195

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 1 question?
A 0.5561 B 0.7692 C 0.3139 D 0.2308 E 0.6772 F 0.7226

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 0.91 B 0.52 C 0.75 D 2.25 E 2.43
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2215 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 1.499 B 1.3047 C 0.3375 D 0.3802 E 0.3674

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.2 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 5 minutes.
A 1 B 20.5 C 14.3 D 33.8 E 25
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 16
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 21 seconds.
A 0.4828 B 0.3408 C 0.3787 D 0.7323 E 0.6891
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.5.
A 9.2485 B 8.3178 C None of the others D 8.0354 E 8.1844
12. An old wombat requires 26 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.1146 B 0.6273 C 0.8968 D None of the others E 0.3234
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 6,
function: F (x) = k(1/6 − 1/x), if 6 ≤ x ≤ 10,

1, if x > 10.

13. Find the constant k. A None of the others B 15.5 C 16.5 D 14 E 15

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 7.5 B 9.104 C 9.7809 D None of the others E 8.2768
15. Let Y = 6X + 10 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 3.1361 B None of the others C 6.8951 D 3.8101 E 6.8091
16. Find the probability P (9.9 < X < 11.4) .
A 0.3092 B 0.0152 C None of the others D 0.3391 E 0.9441
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.3 and B wins with probability 0.2.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.7 B 0.8 C 0.6 D 0.5 E None of the others
18. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A None of the others B 0.2463 C 0.0487 D 0.1877 E 0.1976
19. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 4 B 8 C 9 D 6 E None of the others
20. Assuming that A and B play 4 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.4096 B 0.4843 C None of the others D 0.7515 E 0.0772

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2216
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 33 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 6.7 and 27.3 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 551.6 B 560.7 C 561 D 568.6 E 564.4

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 34.1612 B 28.3394 C 41.2744 D 26.2283 E 43.5138

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 605.2 pounds?
A 0.9795 B 0.5045 C 0.0979 D 0.4665 E 0.3825

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 32.5 (pound) and the variance of 63.26 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 10 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 33.4242 B 53.5867 C 42.6806 D 41.0572 E 52.1587

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.34,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.0351 B 0.2258 C 0.2943 D 0.2278 E 0.5712

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 1 question?
A 0.1089 B 0.2537 C 0.68 D 0.7463 E 0.3965 F 0.3831

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 2.31 B 1.82 C 0.85 D 0.83 E 0.81
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2216 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 0.3655 B 0.6716 C 0.7033 D 1.4408 E 0.8006

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.9 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 2 minutes.
A 2.2222 B 4.3 C 3.4 D 1.8 E 3.3
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least
7 seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the
Highway is less than 17 seconds.
A 0.7618 B 0.169 C 0.7689 D 0.6266 E 0.2035
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.7.
A 19.6934 B 19.8739 C None of the others D 19.2604 E 19.0519
12. An old wombat requires 23 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.5473 B 0.6532 C 0.2339 D 0.6587 E None of the others
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 2,
function: F (x) = k(1/2 − 1/x), if 2 ≤ x ≤ 6,

1, if x > 6.

13. Find the constant k. A 2 B 3 C None of the others D 5 E 7

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 3 B 5.1578 C None of the others D 4.3163 E 2.4924
15. Let Y = 2X + 6 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 0.636 B 5.814 C None of the others D 2.825 E 2.133
16. Find the probability P (2.6 < X < 10.5) .
A 0.728 B 0.6538 C 0.4657 D 0.7595 E None of the others
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.4 and B wins with probability 0.3.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.5 B 0.3 C 0.1 D None of the others E 0.2
18. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.3927 B 0.1417 C None of the others D 0.3237 E 0.3975
19. Assuming that A and B play 16 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 10.2 B 12.2 C 14.2 D None of the others E 11.2
20. Assuming that A and B play 4 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A None of the others B 0.395 C 0.2401 D 0.3669 E 0.0614

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2217
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 33 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 6.9 and 22.1 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 479.7 B 478.5 C 469.4 D 478.4 E 481.9

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 18.2756 B 19.2898 C 25.2063 D 21.2344 E 32.6447

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 466.5 pounds?
A 0.4511 B 0.2776 C 0.2856 D 0.683 E 0.2071

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 21.4 (pound) and the variance of 27.15 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 35 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 41.0227 B 7.9867 C 15.9577 D 13.5797 E 23.4321

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.44,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.7196 B 0.3168 C 0.1352 D 0.4222 E 0.0591

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 1 question?
A 0.1313 B 0.6944 C 0.3056 D 0.7811 E 0.1011 F 0.5353

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 2.66 B 3.01 C 1.1 D 2.09 E 1.5
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2217 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 0.4528 B 0.8094 C 0.418 D 0.7778 E 0.6558

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 1 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 2 minutes.
A 2 B 1.7 C 1.4 D 3.5 E 2
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 10
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 21 seconds.
A 0.0287 B 0.0855 C 0.1675 D 0.3079 E 0.8911
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.6.
A 30.6495 B 30.4488 C 30.479 D None of the others E 31.6282
12. An old wombat requires 28 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.9892 B None of the others C 0.6271 D 0.965 E 0.0027
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 6,
function: F (x) = k(1/6 − 1/x), if 6 ≤ x ≤ 10,

1, if x > 10.

13. Find the constant k. A 20 B 15 C 11.5 D None of the others E 18.5

14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A 8.6664 B 7.5 C 8.3101 D None of the others E 6.693
15. Let Y = 6X + 10 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A None of the others B 4.0071 C 7.6501 D 6.8091 E 6.6641
16. Find the probability P (6.9 < X < 16.2) .
A 0.6406 B 0.6353 C None of the others D 0.6739 E 0.1665
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.5 and B wins with probability 0.4.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.1 B 0.5 C 0.2 D 0.3 E None of the others
18. Assuming that A and B play 10 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.2461 B None of the others C 0.1448 D 0.0778 E 0.0857
19. Assuming that A and B play 10 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 9 B 5 C 4 D 6 E None of the others
20. Assuming that A and B play 5 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.0143 B 0.0778 C 0.4288 D 0.1244 E None of the others

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Semester/Acad. year 1 2022-2023
Midterm Exam Date October 23rd , 2022
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2218
Instructions to students:
- You are allowed to use your OWN materials and calculator. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question
sheet. There are 20 questions on 2 pages. Do not round between steps. Round your final answers to 4
decimal places.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions 1 through 4. We load on a plane 36 packages whose weights are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed between 9.2 and 27.9 pounds.

1. Find the mean of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 676.1 B 676.7 C 667.8 D 666.1 E 665.1

2. Find the standard deviation of the total weight which is loaded by this plane.
A 30.0187 B 35.0358 C 24.5682 D 23.232 E 32.3894

3. What is the probability that the total weight will exceed 618.6 pounds?
A 0.5417 B 0.4387 C 0.8227 D 0.7547 E 0.9356

4. Suppose that the weight of packages loaded on all planes are independent and normally distributed
with the mean of 24.05 (pound) and the variance of 40.04 (pound2 ). Determine a weight value such
that 15 percent of packages loaded on all planes are heavier than this value.
A 35.8384 B 27.4449 C 37.0634 D 14.9989 E 30.6308

Questions 5 through 8.
Quizzes at the end of each lecture in a Calculus course contain either 1 or 2 questions with equal
probability. Suppose that student A gives an incorrect answer for a question with probability 0.68,
independently of other questions.

5. What is the probability that student A gives incorrect answers to all questions of a quiz?
A 0.8505 B 0.5182 C 0.2304 D 0.5712 E 0.9242

6. If student A gave incorrect answers to all the questions of a quiz, what is the probability that the
quiz contains 2 questions?
A 0.5952 B 0.6679 C 0.1806 D 0.443 E 0.8185 F 0.4048

7. Let X be the number of questions in a quiz and Y be the number of questions answered incorrectly
by student A in that quiz. Compute E(XY ).
A 1.15 B 1.57 C 1.63 D 2.91 E 1.7
Midterm Exam - Probability and Statistics 2218 Semester 1 - October 23rd , 2022

8. What is the variance of Y ? A 1.448 B 0.3526 C 0.442 D 0.8729 E 0.0056

Questions 9 through 12.
The duration of the independent interval times between two successive cars on the Trans-Australian
Highway is modeled by an exponential distribution with the mean of 0.2 minutes.
9. Find the average number of cars passing the Highway within 3 minutes.
A 15 B 0.6 C 24.3 D 18.6 E 17.9
10. It is known that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway is at least 22
seconds. Find the probability that the duration of time between two successive cars on the Highway
is less than 23 seconds.
A 0.9408 B 0.3102 C 0.6532 D 0.8518 E 0.08
11. Determine the duration of time (second) in which there is no car passing the Highway with
probability 0.5.
A 8.4268 B 7.9209 C 8.3178 D None of the others E 9.2415
12. An old wombat requires 29 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car
goes by. What is the probability that he will survive?
A 0.8788 B None of the others C 0.6756 D 0.0892 E 0.3063
Questions 13 through 16.
The diameter of aparticle of contamination (in micrometers) is modeled by the cumulative distribution
 if x < 2,
function: F (x) = k(1/2 − 1/x), if 2 ≤ x ≤ 10,

1, if x > 10.

13. Find the constant k. A 3.5 B 1.5 C 2.5 D 7 E None of the others
14. Find the median diameter of the particle.
A None of the others B 3.2265 C 3.3333 D 7.5233 E 4.5328
15. Let Y = 2X + 10 . Find the standard deviation of Y.
A 2.0902 B None of the others C 4.5012 D 3.9042 E 4.8982
16. Find the probability P (3.6 < X < 18.1) .
A 0.4444 B 0.8632 C 0.1823 D None of the others E 0.6415
Questions 17 through 20.
A and B are playing chess. In each match, A wins with probability 0.7 and B wins with probability 0.1.
Suppose that the match results are independent.
17. Consider a random match between A and B. Find the probability that the match result is a draw.
A 0.6 B 0.3 C 0.2 D None of the others E 0.1
18. Assuming that A and B play 6 matches, find the probability that A win half of the number of
matches. A 0.1698 B None of the others C 0.1852 D 0.618 E 0.0974
19. Assuming that A and B play 6 matches, find the average number of matches that result in a win
or loss. A 4.8 B 5.8 C 3.8 D None of the others E 0.8
20. Assuming that A and B play 3 matches, find the probability that A doesn’t lose at all.
A 0.729 B 0.7074 C 0.426 D 0.784 E None of the others

Stu. Fullname: Stu. ID: Page 2 of 2

Answers Sheet
Question sheet code 2211:
1 E. 2 B. 3 A. 4 A. 5 C. 6 F. 7 A. 8 E. 9 D. 10 A. 11 E. 12 D. 13 A. 14 D. 15 E. 16 D.
17 C. 18 C. 19 E. 20 C.

Question sheet code 2212:

1 B. 2 B. 3 C. 4 C. 5 C. 6 D. 7 B. 8 E. 9 A. 10 E. 11 D. 12 B. 13 B. 14 B. 15 B. 16 A.
17 A. 18 D. 19 D. 20 E.

Question sheet code 2213:

1 C. 2 B. 3 D. 4 C. 5 A. 6 A. 7 E. 8 B. 9 A. 10 D. 11 B. 12 D. 13 A. 14 C. 15 C. 16 B.
17 A. 18 D. 19 B. 20 E.

Question sheet code 2214:

1 E. 2 B. 3 B. 4 B. 5 B. 6 E. 7 E. 8 C. 9 D. 10 C. 11 B. 12 D. 13 B. 14 C. 15 E. 16 B.
17 B. 18 B. 19 D. 20 B.

Question sheet code 2215:

1 C. 2 A. 3 A. 4 E. 5 E. 6 B. 7 C. 8 C. 9 E. 10 B. 11 B. 12 A. 13 E. 14 A. 15 E. 16 B.
17 D. 18 C. 19 B. 20 A.

Question sheet code 2216:

1 C. 2 A. 3 C. 4 C. 5 D. 6 D. 7 C. 8 A. 9 A. 10 B. 11 D. 12 B. 13 B. 14 A. 15 E. 16 B.
17 B. 18 B. 19 E. 20 C.

Question sheet code 2217:

1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 B. 6 B. 7 C. 8 C. 9 E. 10 C. 11 A. 12 C. 13 B. 14 B. 15 D. 16 D.
17 A. 18 A. 19 A. 20 B.

Question sheet code 2218:

1 C. 2 E. 3 E. 4 E. 5 D. 6 F. 7 E. 8 C. 9 A. 10 E. 11 C. 12 D. 13 C. 14 C. 15 D. 16 A.
17 C. 18 C. 19 A. 20 A.

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