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FhitippEne F*rsetrf Hdu*atien Hattrcrk, lne. (FFEH!
c/o College of Forestry ond Noturol Resources
University of the Philippines Los Bofros
College, Loguno 4031


Benguet Stote UniversitY

Centrol Mindonoo UniversitY
Centrol Philippines Stote University
Don Moriono Morcos Memoriol Stote University
lsobelo Stote UniversitY
Kolingo ApoYoo Stoie College
Morlono Morcos Stote UniversltY
Mindonoo Stote UniversitY
Nuevo VizcoYo Stote UniversitY
University of the Philippines Los Bofros

Visoyos Stote U niversitY

Western Mindonoo Stote University

Western PhiliPPines UniversitY

i Dr. Cristino L. Tiburon

j Prof. Posior L. Molobrigo, Jr.

i Prof. Edgor E. De Vero

,i Prof. Dixon T. Gevofrq



Dr. Priscilo C. Dolom

For. Jeon C. Nicmic

Ms. MorlYndo L. Regondolo
region of each carpelwall known as placenta
An important reproductive cellthat is attached to a special
a. Bulb
c. Corolla
d. Ovule

primary tissue of the stem that produces tissue at the cortex and the pith
c. Aerial axis
'a. Xylem d. Procambium ' ";get
,n. Ground meristem
The study of cell structure and function
a. BiotogY c. Botany
b. CytologY d. Zoology
young stems
This constitute the principal tissues of the cortex of
a. Parenchyma cells
c' Sclerenchyma cells
b. CollenchYma cells
d' Cellwall

A cell part bounded on the outside by plasmalemma

and on the inside by tonoplast
a. Anthocyanin pigment c' Fiber cells
b. Cellwall d. ProtoPlast Ab/
to support the growing te-gions
cells.with thickened cell walls at the corner and specialized
a. Parenchyma cells c' Sclerenchyma cells h - r"lp
;. Collenchyma cells d' Stone cells

Primary tissue ihat gives rise to primary vascular
a. Protoderm
c. Aerialaxis ?t
b. Tunica d. Procambium

8. The meristematic region between primary

a. Protoderm
phloem and primary xylqm
c.Vascular cambium c* -nri,/d .

d.Ground meristem
b. Procambium
= {"f{ (y
juicY PericarP
9. A tYPe of fruit with soft, thick and
c. Achene il
a. Berry
d. Nut
b. Pome
into epidermis
10. The outermost layer of cells that develops
c. Xylem
a. Protoderm
d. Ground meristem
b. Procambium
11. Specialized cells or row of cells containing
a" Cork
b. Laticifiers
c. CollenchYma
d. ParenchYma by suberin-fatty materials
tz. of ceils that have thick wails which are impregnated
a. Cork
c. phloem
d. ParenchYma
b. xylem
have a
with the transport of water which to a certain degree
13. Non_tiving ceils that are principaily concerned
supporting function c. TrachearY elements
a. ParenchYma d. Stone cell
b. Epidermis
plant body
14. A tissue layer present in xylem that
is mainly concerned with strengihening of
c' Sclereids
a. Fibers d' Tracheids
b. Vesselmembers
production of microsporj;,lrnu tot" runner of pollen
15. specialized microsporophylls leaves for the
a, Flower d. Ovule
b. Stamen
Poge | 1
of cells that are isodiametric in shape with plenty of intercellular spaces
cells c. Sclerenchyma cells
a cells d. Cellwall

narrowly cone-shaped inflorescence with flower borne on pedicels, wherein the more matured
are on the lower or outer florets
le c. Raceme
atkin d, Umbel

le layer of cetls which do not divide with active meristematic tissue beneath
,rlem c. Phloem
d" Procambium

formeo from a single flower with several ovaries with a common receptacle forming
one mass of fruit
,iii,l[ggregate truit q. Collective fruit
fra"ultipie rruit d' SYconium

Form as individual flowers develop into fruit, their ovaries fuse together
into a single collected mass of a fruit
a--Fsorosis c' Aggregate fruit
b. simple fruit d' SYconium

Rericarp is consists of the following except

a. ExocarP c. Endocarp
b. MesocarP d. Protocarp

Simple fleshY fruit derived from a single carpel, usuallY one seeded
a. Berry c. Drupe
b. Pome d. Nut

main stem
Flowers are produced singly in the axils of foliage leaves along the
a. Terminalilowers c' Axillary flowers
b. SolitarY flowers d' Rachis

Fruit that develops from several ovaries of one or more flowers

borne on the same stalk
a. Simple fruit c' PericarP
b. ComPound fruit d' Endocarp

A berry with slightly hard outer wall consisting of thd receptacte and exocarp
a. Pe[o c' Pome
b. Hesperidium d' DruPe

diversity of organism and their relationship particularly

26. Science that deals with the comprehensive study of the
evolutionary relatio nshi P
a. TaxonomY c. Systematics
b. Botany d. Nomenclature
principles and procedures of classification
27" A component of systematics that deals with the
a. Taxonomy c' BotanY
b. DendrologY d' Nomenclature

of ranucategory
28. Assignments of plants to group within a system of hierarchy
a.Nomenclature c' Classification
plant as being similar or different from an already known plant
29. The determination of the correct name of a
a. Nomenclature c. Classiflcation
b. DendrologY d. Identification

and other woody plants including their classification,

30. The branch of forestry that deats with the study of trees
nomenclature, identification and morphology
a. TaxonomY c. TaxonomY
b. DendrologY d. Botany
Poge | 2
The collective term for the stamens
a. Androecium c. Gynoecium
b. Calyx

The central organ of the flower, composed of one or more carpels

a. Androecium c. Calyx
b. Corolla d. GYnoecium

The collection of sepals that enclose the other flower organs in the buds
a. Androecium c. Calyx
b. Corolla d. Gynoecium

A distinct and separate segment of a compound leaf

a. Leaflet c. Midrib
b. Ligule d. Lamina

The flat expanded portion of the leaf or leaflet

a. Petiole c. Ligule
b. Lamina d. Midrib

Botinical term for the stalk of a simple leaf

a. Veins c. Petiole
b. Petiolule d. Midrib

Technical term for the stalk of the leaflet

a. Veins c. Petiole
b. Petiolule d. Midrib

38- The main axis of a pinnately compound leaf

a. Pulvinus c. Midrib
b- Petiolule d, Rachis

39. The network of xylem and phloem vessels arising from the midrib
a. Veins c. Rachis
b. Ligule d. Midrib

40. Bischofia iavanica has this type of bark

a. FlakY c. Postulated
b. Smooth d. Ridge

41 . tnstia biiuga has a leaf composition described as:

a. Bijugate c. Even Pinnate
b. Simple jugate d, Once jugate

adjaceni objects for support

42.'fhe stem either woody or herbaceous, thin or slender, clinging to
a. Herbs c. Trees
b. Shrubs d. Climbers

43. A main root, extension of radical of embryo, growing downward from

which branch roots arise
a. Fascicled roots c. Nodes
b. TaP roots d. Slender

44. Shorea contorta has this type of bark

a. Flaky c. Postulated
b. Smooth d. Ridged

45. Ficus variegata has this type of bark

a. FlakY c. Postulated
b. Smooth d. Ridge

Poge | 3
plants andlor trees from the subterranean portion
branch of forestry that deals with the detailed descriptions of
to the reproductive organs'
a) tree morphologY b) taxonomY c) dendrology
'd) biologY e) cytology

iThese are plants which live only for one growing season.
a) caulocarPic b) monocarPic c) monoceous
d) dioceous e) evergreen

These are plants with perennialwoody part branching near

the base and does not exceed a man's height'
a) undershrubs b) trees c) shrubs
d) herbaceous e) lianas

ln many grass species, these are slender roots usually of different
a) fascicled roots b) fleshy roots c) taproots
di fibrous roots e) root hairs

A term to describe stem form that is generally cylindrical

or circular when viewed cross sectionally'
a) deltoid stem b) quadrangular stem c) reniform stem
di linear Stem e) terete stem

The Nationaltree of the Philippine Republic is

c) Shorea guiso
a) Vitex parviflora b) Tectona
ii et.roirrpus indicus e) Dipterocarpus grandiflorus
The hardest wood in the Philippines
a) Molave b) sangilo c) Yakal d) kamagong e) mangkono

a) evergreen b) fugacious c) persistent
d) deciduous e) exotic

A type of leaf arrangement where cluster of leaves

arise from the same point on the node'
a) spiral b) whorl c) fascicled
dj opposite e) alternate

a) Iepidote b) pubescent c) uncinate
d) viscid' e) scabrid

56. A term to describe Ieaves where the margins

are rolled backwards upon under surface'
a) entire b) rePand c) sinuate
d) crenate e) revolute

A part of a flower where a group of bracts taken
uj peduncle b) involucre c) stamens
di petals e) recePtacle

58. A condition in floral biology where staminate

and pistillate flowers are borne on the same individual although
frequently on different branches'
a) dioecY b) dichogamY c) monoecy d) perfection e) cleistogamy of the leaf'
59. A flower arrangement where flowers appear on the axillary e)
a) terminal b) inflorescence c) determinate d) indeterminate

Biologicaltermforplantswhoseflowersarepollinatedbyinsects' c) hydrophilous
a) anemophilous b) cantharophilous
dj ornitophilous e) entomophilous

Poge | 4
trees in uneven - aged forest
form of intermediate treatment which involves the cutting or removal of some
idfore reaching the cutting cYcle:
ithinning c. Prunlng e. none ofthe above
timber stand improvement d- liberation cutting

of the amount of water present in the air in relation to the amount of water that
the air can hold
at saturated condition.
c. vapor pressure e. all of the above
a. water vaPor
b. relative humiditY d. none ofthe above

from the soil and water surfaces

That part of precipitation which returns to the atmosphere in the form of vapor
and from objects, including vegetation:
a. evaporation c. transpiration e. all of the above
b. evapotransPiration d. none ofthe above

of a cream before outplanting

Dipping of roots of seedlings in a mixture of soil and water about the consistency
is termed:
a. sheathing b. packing c. Puddling d. wrenching e. none of the above

There are two known pine species in the Philippines, the Benguet
pine and Mindoro pine- The leaves of the
former are characterized bY:
a. 2 needles per fascicle c. single needle/fascicle e. none of the above
b. 4 needles per fascicle d' 3 needles per fascicle

The tallest grass in the world is:

a. Cogon b. talahib c. tukod - langit d' bamboo e. none ofthe above

reproduction and protection of

The branch of forestry that deals with the establishments, development, care,
forest and forest trees:
c. Forest management e. Afforestation
a. Silvim
b. Silviculture d. Reforestation

Canker of lVloluccan sau is an example of symptom called:

a. Necrotic b. Hypertrophic c. hypotrophic d. atrophic
e. chlorotic

height to incrsase the number of

An intermediate treatment involving the cutiing of the main stem at specified
shoots, wood qualitY and value:
u.Fruning b. Pollarding c. thinning d. refining e. salvage cutting

It refers to the arrangement of soil particles into groups or aggregates:

a. soil texture c. soiltype e' soil texture
b. soil structure d. soil consistency

1. A fruit that has fleshy mesocarp and a strong endocarp:

a. Capsule b. follicle c' drupe d' aggregate e. none ofthe above

Alkaline forest soil have pH value of:

a. equal to 7 c. more than 7 e. all of the above
b. less than 7 d. none ofthe above

physiological processes or healthy state due to specific cause

Any deviation of the body of plants{rom its normal
and characteristic symptoms is called:
a. lnfection b. disease c. rot d' decay e' injury

4. Feeding harvested crops to livestocks is called:

c' roughaging e. foraging
a. Fattening
b. supplem-entalfeeding d' rouging

of tarsier (tiny monkey) can be found-in the province of: .

'"- fn" largest population
Itj ' Bohot c. Rombton d. Marinduque e. Laguna
;. aa6yan' b.

Poge | 5
liNarek is a dipterocarp species found only in the province of:
i,a. Surigao del Sur b. Davao c. Cagayan d. Mindoro e. lsabela

A disease, the predominating feature of which is Underdevelopment of cells, tissues or organs is called:
a. hypoplasis b. hyperplasis c. necrosis d' chlorosis e. dwarfing

Beetles belong to the order:

a. Hymenoptera b. Diptera c. Hemiptera d. Coleoptera e. Thysanoptera

Edible mushrooms belong to the Family:

a. Meluliaceae b, Boletaceae c. Agaricaceae d. Hydnaceae e. Betulaceae

The power house of the cell:

a. Ri'bosomes b. Chromosomes c. Centrosomes d. Mitochondrion e. Cellwall

The hereditary unit of the cell:

a.Ribosomes b. Chromosomes c. Centrosornesd. Mitochondrion e. Nucleus

The process of hardening seedlings by cutting the tap root is called:

a.Caltusing c' root initiation e. allof the above
b. rodt pruning d, none ofthe above

House flies belong to the order:

a. Hymenoptera b. Hemiptera c. Diptera d. Thysanoptera e. Diptera

Butterflies and moths belong to the order:

a. Hemiptera b. Diptera c. Lepidoptera d. Thysanoptera e. none ofthe above

green color of that

An element found at the center of chlorophyll molecule, believed to be enhancing the
a. Manganese b. Calcium c. Nitrogen d- Magnesium e.Zinc

The insect that attacks Leucaena species:

a.lps calligraphus c. bark borer e. none ofthe above
b.Yellow butterflY d. Jumping lice

The tendency of progenies to be like their parent brought about by the environment
and interaction of heritable
a.Variation c. segregation e. gene
b. HereditY d. individual assortment

The tendency of progenies to differ from their parent and from among themselves:
a.Variation b. Heredity c. inheritapce d. individualassortment e- gene

It is a basic functional unit where the biophysical and socio - cultural factors interact for the maintenance of
a.Habitat c. abiotic sYstem e. biosystem
b.biotic system d. ecosystem

practice because cultivation is ahernated

It is an agroforestry system which is called the rotational agroforestry
with forest follow:
a. d' shifting agriculture
c. Border tree Planting

It is an ecosystem whose main objective is production of usable water

a. agro- ecosystem d' watershed ecosystem
b. miarine ecojysiem e' pasture land
c. rangeland ecosYstem

Residualinventory is one of the phases of:

a. Lumberins c. utilization e. timber stand improveme
Poge | 5
b. plantation establishments d. selective logging

The scientific name of Guijo is:

a. Shorea gisok b. Shorea guiso c. Shorea plagata d. Sharea seminis
e. Shorea polysperma

It is the wearing away of soil particles:

a. Leaching b. soil erosion c. earth tremor d. weathering e.landslide

It refers to the daily variations of atmospheric conditions:

a. Rainfall b. weather c. Climate d. run - off e. none ofthe above

The primary input to the water balance equation:

a. Heat b. Pressure c. rainfall d. soil moisture e. water vapor

It is a serious pest of Giant lpil - lpil:

a. lF b. Psyllid c. Looper moth d. Caterpillar e. bark borer

The by - product of soil erosion

a. genetic erosion c. nutrient
b. iediment d. infiltration e. none of the above

,lrThe seientific name of the Philippine Eagle is

a. Anoa mindorensis c. Cholonia mydas e- none ofthe above
b. Pithecophaga jeferYii d. Apis mellifera

It refers to the shape of grain of soil:

a. Structure c. soilporosity e. PH
b. Texture d. soil bulk densitY

1. Which among the following species clearly indicaies growth rings during the
process of growth development?
a. Narra b. Apitong c. Almaciga d. Benguet Pine e. Mahogany

of forest plantation'
A program aimed to improve forest stand through phenotyphic selection in the establishment
a.bote from formation c. Tree improvemente. Tree structure
b.Stand structure d. Plantation establishment
crops and 40% forest
3. This is the planting of agricultural crops in upland forest areas comprising 60% agricultural
crops or trees.
a.Tree farming c. Wood and Agriculturee. Forest plantation
b.l ndustrial tree Plantation d. Agroforestry

the used of A - frame is called:

. The scientific method used in upland farming along contour lines with
a.Bench Terracing
b. SALT (Sloping Agricultural Land Technology)
c. Multiple cropping
d. Reforestation
e. Afforestation

purpose of protecting tree crops

The strips of vegetation consisting of mixtures of trees, shrubs and vines forthe
from wind velocitY is called:
a.Greenbelt b. Fireline c. Shelterbelt d. Biomass e. Firebreak

origin and qualities is called:

The trial planting to determine the growth performance of trees of known
a.Species c' Initial Planting
b.silviculture d. Provenance trial e' Reforestation

. The trial planting to determine the growth potential of species

of unknown origin is called:
a.Trial plantation c. species Trial e. Provenance Trial
b.Seed Orchard d. Silviculture

Poge | 7
the seedling into harsh condition by reducing the amount of water and exposing to direct sunlight is

seedling b. Hardening - off c. shocking d. Lifting e. solarization

term applied when bare - root seedlings ,r" i"rpotrrily set in moist soil under shade to keep the planting
Transplanting b. Mud - pudding c. Heeling - up/heeling - in d. Bare - rooting e. Lifting

That part of the Forest Ecosystem, drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries having a
dommon outlet for surface run - off:
. Forest Reserve c. Protection Forest e. Habitat
Watershed Area d. Production Forest

Bundles of long and dense brushwood of varying length for slope stabilization in forest rehabilitation and erosion
controlis called:
a. Gabions b. Fascine c. Wattling d. Bench wood e. Wood striPs

with time is called:

i lt is an orderly process of community development that involves changes in species structure
:,a. ecological succession c. pioneer stage e- Climax
b. population change d. Development stage

Trees that are obtained through vegetative propagation from one plus - tree and acquiring
the same genetics
characteristics are called :
a. Ramet b. Clones c. Stockd. Seed orchard e. Scion

, ln silvicultural practice, the treatment involved in cutting defective trees is called:

a. Refining c. Selective cutting e' Salvage cutting
b. Sanitation cutting d. Weeding

. Covering the bed surface with a layer of organic materials to reduce evaporation of soil moisture and shields
the surface from the sun
a. shading b. screening c. mulching d. sodding e. composting

An important element in the nucleo-proteins in the form phosphatic acids that controls
the energy metabolism
in the plants.
a. Nitrogen (N) c. Potassium (k) ; s. Sodium (Na)
b. Phosphorus (P) d. Calcium (C)

Study that deals with the naming and classifying of woody plants is called:
a. Dendrology c. Tree physiology e' Taxonomy
b. Forestpathology d. Forest influence

g. The tendency of a tree to maintain a single dominant stem throughout the crown is termed as:
a. Bole tree b. Genotypec. Phenotype d. Apical dominance e. Sapling

. The Greek word "Dendron" means:

a. plant b.tree c. shrub d. herb

Which of the following is not a characteristic of conifers?

a. needle-shaped leaves b. seeds develop inside cones c. deciduous d' evergreen

1. A tree species where the important resin known as "Manila Copal" came from:
a. Benguet pine b. aimaciga c' Araucaria d' Bunya pine

. Which of the following does not belong to Araucariaceae

,. putr*rn alrnacigJ b. Benguet pine c, Norfolk lsland pine d. Bunya pine

The tree species of angiosperms are called:

a. hardwoods or broadieaves b. hardwoods or conifers c. conifers or softwood
d. broadleaves or softwood
Poge | 8
taxonomic group or family where palms belong:
Araceae b. Poaceae c. Gramineae d. Arecaceae

of the following is a climbing palm species:.

kaong b. palasan c. buri d. voiavoi

ich of the following is an endemic bamboo species:

a. bayog b. kawayan tinik c. kawayan killing d. bolo

:This species is a source of perfume oil:

a. Cananga odorata b. Platymitra arborea c Polyalthia longifalia d. Knema glomerata

The leaves of this species are used as spice:

a. kalingag b. ilang-ilang c. margapali d. lumbang

A philippine native species of Sapindaceae which is famous for its edible fruits:
i, a. Nephelium lappaceum bSapindus s a po n ari a f or ma m i cro ca rpa
,,c. Pometia pinnata d. Litchi chinensis ssp. Philipprnensis

Which of the following is a timber species of Combretaceae?

a. (Terminatia nitens b. Lagerstroemia speciosa c. Duabunga moluccana
d. Eucalyptus degluPta

; A plant family known for the exudation of white milky sap:

a. Sapotaceae b. Euphorbiaceae c. Moraceae d. Apocynaceae

This is considered the most scientific method of tree identification:

a. asking someone who knows the name of the species b. internet
c. use of dichotomous keY d use of herbarium

The tissue responsible for the increase in length or primary growth of plants.
a.Lateral meristems c. Protoderm
b.Procambium d. Apicalmeristems

. A region along the stem where leaves and buds arise.

a.lnGrnode c. Jerminalbud
b.Node d. Leafscar

. The science that deals with the living organism in relation to their environment
a.Ecosystem b. Ecology c- Biology d. Taxonomy

. What is the scientific name of Jade vine?

a.Vanda sanderiana
b.Rafflesia manillana
c. /soefes philipPinensis
d. Strongylodo n m acrob otrys

the Philippines belongs to the family

. The ironwood of
a.Myrtaceace b. Fabaceae c' Fagaceae d' Ebenaceae

. lt is the ability of an individualto reproduce and mulflply in an optimum

a.Biotic Potential
b.Carrying caPacitY
c. Optimal Production
d.Ecological balance

- ln ecology, this is a type of competition involving same species

a.competitive exclusion principle
b. interspecific comPetition
c. intraspeciflc comPetition
Poge | 9
boundary between two ecosystems is called
b. site boundary c. site index d. site location

es that have established themselves accidentally or introduced deliberately and

threaten the existence of
itive plants and animals or other aspects of biodiversity are known as:
-Alien b. exotic c. introduced d. invasive species

is the ability of an individualto reproduce and multiply in an optimum condition

,Fecundity b. Fertility c. biotic potential d. carrying capacity


The interaction between fungi and algae in lichens is termed as

Largest plant famity in the country consisting of about 1,200 species
b. Orchidaceae c. Dipterocarpaceae d. Leguminosae
The pawikan is an endangered species that-belongs to
a.Reptilia b- Mammalia c' Aves d' Primates

An ait providing for the conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitat:
a.RA9416 c. RA9418 e' RA9420
b.RA 9417 d. RA 9419

. Animal by which is widely recognized as symbol for conseryation in the Philippines:

a.Bubalus mindorensis c- Felis bengefensis e' Pithecophaga iefferyi
i.Crocoaytus mindorensis d' Felrs bengafensis

Refers to a[[ non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles, and

amphibians living in a natural environment:
,.Fuunu b. Feral c' Flora d' Game e' Wildlife

Refers to wildlife species that are introduced or not native

to a locality:
,.Biog"ogruphyb. Endemic c. Exotic d' lndigenous e' Resident

t",* for allwildlife species that is native to the locality:
,.Aiog"osraphyb. Endemic c' Exotic d' lndigenous e. Resident
wildlife population and for scientific research:
1. Refers to the area set aside for the protection of
;: ,.gird."nctuary c- Game refuge e' both a&c
i b.Buffer zones d. Wildlife sanctuary

of wildlife found only in one pafticular area or few areas in

the Philippines:
Refers to species and subspecies
knoyun c- Raie
d' Threatened e' Vulnerable
a.Endangered n.litum"iently
continue operating:
i.t R"f"r, to species and subspecies of wildlife whose survival is 'll']i"]I1f "i"Y:1,11:l"I*
,.enOrng"LO b. lnsufficiently known c. Rare d. Threatened e' Vulnerable

a.Birth c. Uatatity e' both a & d
b.GroMh rate d. NatalitY rate

5. These taxonomic group of animals are

atso known as "cartilaginous fishes":
. These -- of animals are also known as bony flshes:
taxonomic group
ltchthyls d. Osteichthyes e' Osteopothyes
a.Agnatha t. Cfronaritchthyes c,

The finalstabilized stage in the process of succession'

a. climax b. end"point c' disclimax d' ecesis '10
Poge |
interaction of tlrro organisms striving for the same thing in the same environment.
lism c. commensalism
':antagonism d. competition
tspecies are always found in the communiiy. They are necessary forthe survival of associated species.
b.only the first statement is correct
[.only the second statement is correct
both statements are correct
bbth statements are wrong

abitity of certain organisms to exude certain substances that inhibit or destroy other organisms.
lopathy c. antagonism
d. none ofthe above

A kind of succession which starts from an area which beforehand was not occupied by vegetation.
,a; secondary succession c. primary succession
b. nudation d. migration

;A condition wherein a stage immediately preceeding the climax is long percisting'

a. disclimax c. climatic climax
b- subclimax d. Edaphic climax
The number or biomass of a population per unit habitat space
a. crude densitY c. speciflc density
b. time relative densitY d. percentage relative densitY

A population has definite lower and upper densities. This willdepend on the richness of
the ecosystem"
a.only the first statement is correct
b.only the second statement is correct
c. both statements are correct
d.both staternents are wrong
could not grorv
The density of a population which takes into account even spaces where organisms
a. crude density c' specific density
b. time relativedensity d. percentage relative density

. There is lesser poputation at the end tip of the trophic tevel. This is because there is more energy available at
the tip.
a. only ihe first statement is correct
b. only the second statement is correct
c. both statements are correct
d. both statements are wrong
. Which of the following would not contribute to the dominance of a certain species in a community'
a. slze c. age
b: productivitY d. number

A diversity pattern caused by random forces'

a. stratificaiion c. aggregation
b. zonation d. stochastic

The radiation that is reflected back into space is called

a. albedo c. ultraviolet
b. infrared d. none ofthe above

1. Refers to the rate of energy storage at the consumers

a. GPP c. NPP
b. NCP d. Secondary Productivities

Radiation that is visible to the unaided eye and is termed as light-

a. vis!ble radiation c. ultraviolet
b. infrared d. none ofthe above
Poge | 11
term steno is used to express narrow range of tolerance. Stenothermal then means narrow range of
ce for water.
the first statement is correct
;only the second statement is correct
.both statements are correct
both statements are wrong

process by which nutrients are released from the dead bodies of plants and animals without being attack
5.'direct cycling c. autolysis
b-,dnimal excretion d. none ofthe above

iwt iri, of the following is the level of biodiversity that refers to the variation of communities in an area?
a.Ecosystem diversitY c. Species diversity
ib.Genetic diversitY d. None ofthese
It is the function of biodiversity that refers to its ability to provide various productive benefits.
a.Carrier functions c. Production functions
b.lnformation functions d. Regulation functions

. Which of the following functions of biodiversity refers to the maintenance of the delicate balance
ecological processes?
a.Carrier functions c. Production functions
1 b.Information functions d. Regulation functions

This is a generic term for several ways in which plants can be used to
clean up contaminated soils and water'
a. Bioremediation c' Photoremediation
b. Biodegradation d' Phytoremediation
quality and sustainability of a given ecosystem'
These refer to parameters or measures used in assessing the
b.Environmenial indicators d. None of these

and is threatened with destruction from

A biogeographic region that is both a significant reservoir of biodiversity
a. BiodiversitY hotsPots c. Megadiverse regions
b.Critical watersheds d. Protected areas

1. This refers to the ability of a system to absorb impacts before a threshold is reached where the system changes
into a different state.
G. Ecological integritY
a. Ecological balance
b. Ecological disturbance
d. Ecological resilience

depend for biological necessities?

which of the following refers to species upon which many other species
a.Endemic species c' Sensitive species
[.X"yuto"* species d' Tolerant species

ponds and marshes because they generally require

Animals that are used as indicators of the quality of streams,
clear water for egg laYing-
a.Fore"t frogs anO otheiamphibians c' Green mussels
b.Fruit bats d. Predatory birds
their appeal to general public and are
which of the following refers to species that are selected because of
effective tools for fund--raising and conservation campaigns?
u.Cfrarismatic species c' lndigenous species
U.nlagship species d- Tolerant species

5. Which of the following refers to the loss of a species due to the extinction of
a.Co-extinction c' Living fossils
b.Extinction in the wild d' Pseudo-extinction

Poge I 12
conservation and
refers to the illegal taking of wild plants or animals contrary to local and international
management laws,
n c. lllegal harvesting
d. Poaching
in the Philippines?
of the following is the main strategy for protecting and conserving biodiversity
nlisfrment of bltanical gardens c. Establishment gene banks
nt of an integrated protected area system d. Establishment of arboreta

refers to a well-tended area displaying a wide range of plants labeled with

their botanical name'
rnretttm c' Botanic gene banks
garden d. Botanic seed banks

biological diversity in the

of the following was created to consolidate government efforts to conserve

ystems Research and Development Bureau c. Mines and Geosciences Bureau

b.Environ mental Management Bureau
d. Parks and Wildlife Bureau
and Protection Act (R-A. 9147) is jointly implemented by the following
:.The Wildlife Resources Conservation
government agencies EXCEPT:
a. Department of Agriculture
c. Department of Environment & Natural Resour
b.Department of Tourism d. Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
for commercial
. This refers to species or subspecies which have actual or potentialvalue in trade or utilization
a.Critically endangered sPecies c. Endangered sPecies
b. EconomicallY i mPortant sPecies
d. Endemic sPecies

The transition zone between the roots system and the stem'
a) root cap b) root nodule c) root collar
d) root hairs
have a gaseous phase?
which type of biogeochemical cycles where the elements do not
Hyaiobgic cYcle b) Calvin cYcle
rj s,iJir"itary cycle d) Atmospheric cycle

before the floral parts are open'

A condition where pollination has already been completed
a) Dioecy b) Monogamous c) Cleistogamous d) Polygamous

A walking type of leg in insect is termed as:

a) saltairial b) fossorial c) ambulatorial d) natatorial

It is referred to as a liquid or semi-liquid exudation from

the inner bark of wood or hardwoods preceded in all
cases bY injurY.
b) gummosis ' c) slime flux d) bacterialexudates
a) resinosis

A leaf surface which is covered with whitish or bluish

waxy coating'
a) Scabrous b) Tomentose c) Glaucous d) Pubescent

the forest and the extraction of their

It pertains to the exploration, gathering of plants and animals.from
products for future commercial utilization
biochemical sunstances as potJntiar of medicines and other
and other Purposes.
c) BiotechnologY d) Molecular biologY
a) Genetic engineering b) Bioprospecting

. The smallest volume thai can be called a soil:

;j P; b) clod c) Pedon d) soil monolith

envlronment or a specific habitat can support for its

It refers to the population size of an organism that the
optimum natural function.
,li**rrOit, U. Cairying capacity c. Ecologicaldensity d. Productivity

Poge | 13
,process of evolutionary (genetic) adjustments fitting individuals or groups to their environment
on b. Migration c. Cloning d. Adjustment

oup of genetically identified plants derived asexually from a single individual

cline b. Glones c. Additive genes d. Breeding arboretum

conveying effects additivelY

Allele b. Cline c. CIones d. Additive genes

tne of an array of genes possible at a certain position (locus) on a given chromosome

i. Ctinu b. Clones c. Additive genes d. Allele

by two genetically different plants

i. Controlled Pollination b. Cross pollination c. lnbreeding d. Evolution

articular population
A:localized environment that favors the permanent survivat of some
A tree or stand verifled by appropriate testing as highly superior
or desirable for a specified pollination
a. Eugenic b. Epistasis c' Elite d' Dominance

gene over a non-allelic gene

. lnterallelic interactions characterized by dominance of one
of improving the genetic qualities of future generations
i. A science
'"'a. b. Dichogamy c. Eugenic d. Gene Drifting

Aterm used to describe a species introduced into a new habitat

a. Epistasis b' Exotic c' Native species d' Eugenic
ancestral phenotYPe
3. A change in the genetic constitution, often recognized as a sudden deviation from the
a. Ortet b. lsolation c. Mutition d' Cross breeding

4. The record of ancestrY

a.Pedigree b. Phenotype c' Family d' lnbred line

5. The offspring of genetically different specigs

a. Mutant b. Exotic species c' Gene pool d' Hybrid

their individual character or traits

6. The absence of uniformity in forest tree considering

7. Systematic removal of individual not desired

for the perpetuation of a population
a. ouality evaluation b. sanitation cutting c. Ramet d' Roguing

g. The pairs of chromosome present in all diploid cells of an organism

9. The study of variation and inheritance in forest
a- Genetics c' Foresttree improvement
n. forest Genetics d' PhenotYPe

Which of the following is the objective of forest
a. to solve some sPecific Problem
b. to produce a specially desired prod.uct
c. to determine the genetic retationships among trees and species
grow the most valuable forest products as quickly as possible

of the following is the purpose of a tree improvement program?

ito solve some speciflc problem
to produce a specially desired product
,to determine the genetic relationships among trees and species
to grow the most valuable forest products as quickly as possible

established to determine breeding values of parents on the basis of the performance of their offspring.
Clonaltests b. Progeny tests c. Species tests d. AIIof these

of a cell that harbor most of the genetic information necessary for the growth and development of the

cytoplasm b. chromosomes c. mitochondria d. nucleus

ch of the following is a component of the chromosomes which is the source of genetic information?
DeoxyribonucleiCacid b. Lysosomes c. Nucleus d- Ribonucleic acid

of the following is the purpose of seed zoning?

The observed expression of a trait in an individual that is the result of a developmental interaction of the
inilMilual's genotype and its operational environment
C. Genotype c. Phenotype
b. Genome d. Provenance

.The movement of specific alleles among different populations of a species or among related species.
Gene flow c. Hybridization
b. Genetic drift d.'Mutation

more or less
This refers to groups of population that generally interbreed with one another and that intergrade
'a. FamilY c. Race
,b. Population d, Rotation

;This refers to the condition wherein the average of the

prryeny is betterthan the average of the parents.
i.d. Heterosis c. Polyploidy
ti. Oiptoioy d. None of these
, This refers to all the genetic material in the chromosomes of a
particular organism.
' ai. Allelle c. Ortet
b. Genome d. Ramet

A,stand or plantation not originally planted to produce seed but rogued of inferior
trees and treated to produce
large quantities of seeds-
a. Clonalseed orchard c. Seed production area
b. Seedling seed orchard- d. None ofthese

An orchard established from vegetatively propagated trees, usually from

a. Clonal seed orchard c. Seed production area
b. Seedling seed orchard d. None ofthese

The original geographic area from which seeds or other propagules were obtained'
a. Niche c. Provenance
Poge I 15
d. Race

value expressing the influence of one of the parents on its progeny.

ng value . c. Generalcombining ability
ng ability d, Specific combining ability

of the following refers to mating among unrelated individuals?

ng c. Selfing .

mating d. None ofthese

of the following is a very usefultoolfor describing the dispersion of the individualvalues for a particular

pegrees of freedom c. Standard deviation

d. Variance

method which involves choosing individuals solely on the basis of their phenotypes.
ir. Family selection c. Sib selection
.lMass selection d. Within family selection

n procedure that involves many cycles of selection and breeding.

y plus wiihin-family selection c. Tandem selection
selection d.Within-family seleciion

is considered as the transport form of male gametes of flowering plants

c. seed
d. zygote

one or more sets of unlike alleles, e.g., the dominant with the recessive alleles
c. Multirygous
iiomozygous d. Polyzygous

periods, so that pollen presentation

almaturation of male and female organ on the same plant at separate
tlpotten receptance do not coincide.
1[pomixes :'d- ePistasis

ichoosino of the best individuals in the best families as parents is called:

c. Family selection
birect selection d. Combined selection

appearance is called:
largely described as a result from the effects of many genes in a tree's
trait c. Gene comPlex
trait d. EPistasis

functional unit of inheritance is called:

lele c. Gene
Chromosomes d. Gamete
of plant's processes and functions
lscience which deals with the study
botanv b. Entomotogy c' Pathology d' Physiology
into the plants
he movement of water and nutrients from the environment
;. ld;;6i;n n. Uechanism c. Transpiration d. Translocation

from shoot to the root

of water and nutrients from the root to the shoot and of sugars
,iiif," 1.nor"1"11ent - - Mechanism c. Translocation d. Transpiration
i:;;1;;;;;t;; b. Ptant

in the presence of the light

,iihe production of sugars by green plants using carbon dioxide and water d' Translocation
i;. fi;;t*;;;irruritv" b. Pf,otosynthesis c. Transpiration
|. -.:)\::

Poge 11116
Water from the leaves or plant parts in the form of vapor
y b. Photosynthesis c. Transpiration d. Translocation

piration where water comes out of the plant from openings in the branches, stems, or twigs called

tal transpiration
ihal transpiration
lar transpiration

of food such as carbohydrates and fats into COz, HzO and the release of energy
b. Photosynthesis c. Transpiration d. Respiration
0f respiration that requires oxygen
b. Anaerobic c. Photosynthesis d. Translocation

are considered growth promoter hormones except

b. Gibberellins c. Abscisic acid d. Cytokinnins

; are considered growth inhibitor hormones except

lins b.'Ethylene c. Abscisic acid
Bmbryo is a rudimentary plants which contains the first root called
Hypocotyl b. Radicle c. Epicotyl d. Buds
embryo is a rudimentary plants which contains the first shoot called
Hypocotyl b. Radicle c. Epicotyl d. Buds

il tfie resutt of activity of the meristematic celts in the apical meristem of the shoot
i: Shoot growth b. Crown development c, Stem growth d. Cambium development

tfie inability of the embryo to germinate even if the factors for seed germination are optimum
a: seed dormancy b. seed development c. seed gerrnination

iA iyp" of respiration that does not requires oxygen

r..., i
Aerobic b. Anaerobic c. Photosynthesis
, n,
d. Translocation

A grovuth regulator that promotes cell elongation among other effects

b. C. AUXiN d. ADP DBP

Tlie cementing agent of wood

a. Cellulose b. Hemicellulose c. Lignin d. Peptide

Tlje conversion of nutrient into protoplast

a. rrrotopnosphorylation b. Photosynthesis c. Assimilation d. ChemosYnthesis

An increase in size that results from assimilation in known as

a. Respiration b. Reproduction c. Growth d. Differentiation

conditions of its
The measure of physiological fitness of the organism with respect to one or all of the
environment is called
a. Adaptation b. Acclirnatation c. Convergent evolution d. Divergent evolution

. The second part of the tota! photosynthetic reaction which involve

the incorporation of coz into the final product
a. dark reaction b. photophosphorylation c. light reaction d. none of the above

. Complex bases which contain nitrogen and in addition, carbon, hydrogen and usually oxygen'
a. protein b. fats c. inorganic compounds d. none of the above

Loss of water in plants in the form of vapor'

a. guttation b. evaPoration c. transpiration d. evapotranspiration

Pcge | 17
in the leaf responsible for the absorption of light in the process of photosynthesis.
b. chlorophyll c. stomata d. none ofthe above

ss of conversion from organic N to ammonia.

b. mineralization c. nitrification d. denitrification

by which ammonia is converted to nitrate.

oation b. mineralization c. nitrification d. denitrification
rtion of food in living cells accompanied bythe release in energy.
ation b. digestion c. photosynthesis d. assimilation

basic building blocks of protoplasmic proteins'

no acid b. fats c. protein d. nitrogen

process by which nitrates are reduced to molecular nitrogen.

lenitrification b. nitrification c' nitrogen fixation d. none ofthe above

of the biochemical processes in organisms.

b. ecophysiology c. biology d. systematics

form of nitrogen which can be readily used bythe plants.

;ammonia b- nitrite c. nitrate d- none ofthe above

of water in plants in the form of liquid.

anspiration b. evaPoration c.guttation d.evapotranspiration

bs which is concerned with the oxidation of pyruvic acid.

ia; kr6b's cycle b. respiration c. glycolysis d. assimilation

h! niost important product of photosynthesis.

b. carbon dioxide c. oxygen d. carbohYdrates

to the conversion of food into new protoplasm by the existing protoplasm.

aimetabolism b. photosynthesis c. assimilation d' fat synthesis

to the catalyst of reactions occurring in plants.

hqrmones b, enzymes c. liPids d. none ofthe above

ie most abundant reserve carbohydrates in trees'

b. sucrose c. starch d. glucose

,:Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with the roots of legumes'

,',Jiit[oUium - b. bacidium c. clostridium d. none of the above
-1.i i

Elpments which are required by plants in small amounts-

' nutrients d' none of the above
micronutrients b. maironutrients c. essential

The bacteria involve in the conversion of nitrite to nitrate'

,ri-nitro"ol11on"t b. amminiflTing bacteria c' nitrobacter d' rhizobium

Tlte over-all conversion process of organic nitrogen to nitrate.

a, mineralization b. denitrification c. nitrification
d. none of the above

production of an energy rich compound '

first step in photosynthesis which involve absorption of light and the
b. photo reaction c.. dark reaction d- none of the above

Nutrients which are required by plants in large amounts'

a.macronutrients b.essentialnutrients c.micronutrients d. none ofthe above

Poge | 18
first step in the process of respiration which terminates in pyruvic acid.
f kleb's cycle b. assimilation c, glycolysis d. none ofthe above

basic carbohydrate units from which all other more complex compounds are formed.
,,dissacharides b. monosaccharides c. polysaccharides d. tetrasaccharides

of an elements considered as highly mobile:

i: Potassium b. Sulfur c. Calcium d. Nitrogen

d. Cuticular

t important physiological process in forest tree is:

Reproduction b. Photosynthesis c" Transpiration d. Respiration
l': l

f$reen pigment that absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy
6i chlorophyll b. plastids c. cell d. b & c only e. all of the above

factor which is essential in the formation of the chtorophyll in the leaves of plants.
temperature b. light c. relative humidiiy
alll of the above e. none of the above

ither term for photosYnthesis

Iit respiration b. assimilation c. carbon assimilation d. b&c only e. allof the above
!i i:
A,process where COz and water are converted into carbohydrates using the energy of light captured by
;.ai respiration b. PhotosYnthesis
c. carbon assimilation d. b&c only e, all of the above

presence of these pigments indicate a more resistanceto unfavourable conditions

chlorosis d. a&c only
cfilorophyll formation e. all of the above
yellow carotenoid

) presence of ihese pigments give the purple color of the leaves of Japanese maple
cijlorosis b. anthoCyanin c. yellow carotenoid d. a&c only e- allof the above

i species can produce chlorophyll even in darkness

aidwood species b. Pine seedlings c. Oak d. maple e. none of the above

ncy of this nutrient is the common cause of chlorosis

;'lron r
5n h Nitroaen c'
b. Nitrogen Calcium d. all of the above
c. Calcium e. none ofthe above
of the leaves due to failure development of chlorophyll
Chtoioptasts b- Chlorosis c.
Carboxylation d. allof the above e. none ofthe above

hlydrocarbon with empirical formula of C40H56

Chloroplasts b. Chlorosis c. Carotene d. all of the above e. none ofthe above

; through which gases diffuse into and out of the leaves

ducts b. Stomata c. Mitochondria d' cells e. parenchyma

thesis slows down during this time of the day due to stomatal closure and with high transpiration
mornlng b. midday c. night time d. all of the above

that shed-off their leaves are called

efergreen b. deciduous c- semi-deciduous d' b&c only e. none ofthe above

an environmental factor affecting the rate of photosynthesis

idiseases b- fungicide c- soil moisture d. allof the above e. none ofthe above

Poge | 19
nryme of all photosynthetic cells and probably the most abundant protein on earth
roxylase b. rubisco c. lignin d. all of the above e. none of the above

of photosynthesis where COz is neither given off not taken up by the plant, or, the point that
is gains balance with respirative losses.
point b. rubisco c. respiration d. all of the above e. none ofthe above

,which grow best in full sunlighi are called

demanding b. heliophytes c. shade tolerant d. all ofthe above e. none ofthe above

al unit of heredity is
c. species
d. gene pool

that harbors or supports the activities of a parasite is called:

infection court
of rainfall in a given area:
capacity c. precipitation
d. stemflow

proportion of sand, silt and clay:

b'bilprofile c. soiltexture
6bllstructure d. soilgenesis

;,i,'inrrtrr" stage in insect metamorphosis during which the tissues of the organism are

drciult c' larva

ecio d. PuPa

ment scheme wherein the increase in decay becomes serious that necessitates the immediate
of the infected trees in order to avoid high economic loss:
pritho logica I rotati on c. species rotation
'critting cycle d. age rotation
dcience of water:
liinatology c. limnology
mbteorology d. hydrology

tablishment of a parasite within a host plant:

rbation c. invasion
lation d. infection

city is a moisture condition of the soil where all the macropores are filled with
en c. water
m d. carbon dioxide

the sum total of the genes and cytoplasmic factors governing inheritance
rdnebank c. germPlasm
!.$.genotYPe d. genepool

,fhe oroauct of a cross between individuals of unlike genetic constitution:

;, d.n,iff-"in" b. forma c. hybrid d' full-sibs
in the nucleus that preserve their individuality from one cell generation to
the other:
=iir* ain"
(iI II (JI I IUDUI I "tiu"tririrnit
-ctiromosoms I c. cYtochrome
ribosome d. lYsosome

,Ah area occupied by floristically and structurally known homogenous vegetation is known as:
ila-site c' vegetation
Poge I 20
d. community
ere height growth of a tree occurs:
ood c. apical meristem
meristem d. shoot apex

genetic materialin almost all organisms:

c. prokatyotes
d. DNA

ability of the soil to take and retain water so that none of it sinks into the deeper layer of the soil
ater holding capacity c. hydrologic coefficient
capacity d. capillary fringe

smallest structural unit of the cell wall is referred to as:

c. middle lamella
mentary fibril d. cellulose

primary vascular
nd of immature cells derived from the apical meristem which is differentiated into the

c. vascular cambium
d. pith

by-product of soil erosion:

nutrient c. mudflow
Iation d. sediment

,iii tne formation of fruits without fertilization and seed development.

ivernalization c. parthenocarPY
parthenogenesis d. hibernation

is a group of plants derived from a single individual by asexual reproduction:

clone c. genotype
blsyntype d. sere
.i i

population through space and time:

:is the study of change in the distribution and abundance of the
a,population dynamiis c. environmenlalRroggrties
b,population processes d. environmerltal resistance
h f"rtiliru, treatment of g0-50-30 means that 90 kg of what fertilizer element is needed for one
i,:.ainitrog"n b.POs c. carbon d' KzO

ithsects tacking wings are called:

r ,,a.holometabolous c. hamuli
b.pterygote d. apterous

on trees:
:The rapid and widespread occurrence of disease or insect attack
a.prollflc :''"::
, b'.endemic d. ePidemic

These are organrc materials such as leaves, twigs, and branches

that remained undecomposed in the forest

b. peat c. litter d. humus


The capacity of a tree to develop and grow-in the shade

of and in competition with other trees:
a.tolerance c. resistance
b.carrying capacity d' field capacity

It is the tissue I'esponsible for the secondary growth of a tree:

a.xylem c. bark
b,vascular cambiurn d. apical meristem

A field of systematics that deals with the naming and classifying of

Poge | 21
ecology c. plant physiology
taxonomy d. silvics

pest management does not include:

control c. biological control
for pest resistance d. silviculturalcontrol

among the following is a micronutrient?

:l c. nitrogen
en d. phosPhorous

among the following organism molts:

roi c. algae
d. bacteria

ce, art and practice of combined forestry and agriculture:

management c. silviculture
restry d. upland management

without bud scales is known as:

ed bud c. terminalbud
d. naked bud

ii{pplication of genetic principles to the improvement of forest trees:

'tdee improvement c. tree architecture
tree beeding d. forest genetics

tion of species referred to by its locality of occurrence:

rdre species c. provenance
uinbrella species d. flagship species

the weathered product of a geologic formation:

i, s'ubstrate c. soil
stratum d. evolution

effects of forests on the different components of the environment are referred to as:
forest influenees c. forest effects
forest attributes d. forest productivity

dtructural unit of DNA and RNA is:

fatty acid b. gene c. cutin d. nucleic acid

' conjunction of climate, edaphic and biotic factors is called:

i aiea controlled by a particular and limited
habitat d' territoriality
i"iifr" b. environment c'

substitute for Narra because of its reddish shiny wood:

Sftorea squamata c. Macaranga silvatica
Hbpea acuminata d. Koompassia excels

are the green pigments capable of absorbing light and are involve in
chromatids c. chromosomes
ihloroplast d.chlorophylls

increase in size results from assimilation is known as:

elongation c. respiration
b-. reproduction d. growth
i,t t.
hicavity within ihe cytoplasm containing a solution of various substances:
d, pit c' stomata
b.pith d' vacuole-
ilclmmunit,-beof trees possessing sufficient uniformity of composition, constitution, age, spatial arrangement
lonOition io distinguishable from adjacent communities:
Poge | 22
to the quality of being useful, important or excellent and it also applies to what is intrinsically excellent

b. Value c. Market valuo d. Valuation e. Value in use

rate earned on all cost made prior to the time of income from harvest,
b. IRR c. BCR d. SEV e. Periodic payments

zed value of an infinite long series of expected periodic income from timber.
b. IRR c. BCR d. SEV e. Periodic payments

known as the Faustman's formula

b IRR c, BCR d. SEV e. Periodic payments

rrage rate yielded by invested capital without the inclusion of risk or the costs of investing-
faclor n. nisf free interest c. lnducement factor d. Cost of handling factor e' Factor
forthe administrative another overhead cost.
factor b. Risk free interest c. lnducement factor d. Cost of handling factor e. Factor

of the following factors does not affect timber production?

ularities of timber production b. Ownership of forest lands c. Interest d. Election e. None

in lumber supPlY.
productivity b. StumPage costs c. lnterest d. Both A and C e. Both A and B
of the following is not a shift variable of lumber demand?
me b. Mortgige c.
Home financing d' Change from urban to rural living e. Consumer taste

toneerned with the initial treatment of the harvested raw material.

ii*uw manufacturing b. Secondary manufacturing c. Tertiary manufacturing
manufacturing e. Doctoralmanufacturing

following persons may file an application for FLGMA'

ens of t[e phitippineswho are of legalage atthe time of the filing of the
and such other juridical persons as may be recognized and
iporution", partneiships, associationJ
(60) pereent of the eapital of whieh is
istered in aeeordan"" *itf, the laws of the Philippines, at least sixty
, controlled and managed by citizens of the
ancially and technically capable'
Ailof tfre above
all costs (ncluding operating and
difference between gross sales of livestock and other products_and
incurred in the management of
fenance costs, capitaiinvestments and reasonable reiurns on investment)
,lands on a YearlY basis.
iomic rent b. Government charge c. Forest charge d. Land rent e. None

h.ii reters to the directional orientation of slopes'

,'b:'egi"" oi"lop" b. Aspect c. orographic d' Topography e' None
are regularly and systematically moved
,is a svstem of qrazing in which the ruminant and non-ruminant herds
of forest growth.
ff#ili;[ iritiir,"" intent to maximize the quality and the qua.ntity
grazing e. None
i;i";;iil"* g*rid u. Rutrtiunatgrazing e. spotgrazing d. Deffered

azing system in which the livestock spends all

year through in one pasture.
grazing U. Rotrtionrl giazing i. Spot grazing d. Deffered grazing e' None
a group of livestock, usually
ii a measure that calculates the pasture space and animal feed necessary for
to one mature cow.
AUM b. AU c. NP d' LP e- LKS

is a term used to describe all palatable woody vegetation growing in the
Poge | 26
b. Graze c. Forbs d. Forage d. None

to the number of animal units stocked inside a rangeland at any given time'
ng rate b. stocking density c. carrying capacity d. Grazing capacity
e. None

particular municipality
portion of land established for grazing of domestic livestock by the residents of a
rsonal purposes.
grazing land b. Pasture land c. Common pasture d- Community pasture e' None

potential forage yield expressed in g/m3 or tons/ha'

IrUaSe yield b. Forageproduction c. Food production d. Browse
production e' None

of precipitation that reaches the ground passing through canopy openings

ns to the entry of water into the soil surface
II b. PreciPitation c. Percolation d. lnfiltration

force that causes surface soil erosion

b. Rain c. Surface run-off d, All of the above

regarded as the most destructive ageni of soil erosion

ri"a b. Water c- Snow d. All of the above

resuhs to soil forming Process

d, Human induced erosion
;celerated erosion b-. Ecologicalerosion c' Weathering
atmospheric variable causes the faster rate of evaporation and
>falive numiOit,
b. Atmospheric pressure c. Temperature d. Solar radiation

the advanced stage of rill erosion

erosion b. Sheet erosion c. Stream channelerosion d. Piping erosion
proclaimed watershed reservations as wilderness
declares certain areas including critical watershed and

b. LOI No.917 e. EO Ns" 224 d. EO No.374

also known as the Water Crisis Act
b. RA 7942 c. RA7586 d. RA 117
tJi; " - b. Aquifel c. Ground water d, confined water
of ihe differences among the
procedure employs the statistic (F) to test the statistical significance
given population'
ned MEANS of two or more random samples from a
is of variance b' analysis of co-variance c' t-test
e.chi-square test

the statistical hypothesis tested when'

ians use this Greek letter to indicate the probability of rejecting
that hYPothesis is true.
(p) b. alpha (c) c) Charlie d. delta e. rho
of whether or not our sample (or samples)
test of a given statistical hypothesis entails an assessment
cases that would only occur a proportion of the time if the
r yielded a statistic tnx i" imong those
tested is true.
b.research hYPothesis c. alternative hYPothesis
,null hyPothesis
true hypothesis e. false hYPothesis
obtained set of frequencies in a random
i" unO what is expected under a given statistical test
b. F-test c. t-test d' chi-square e- z-score

of a set of items, it provides an index of the degree to

a pair of related measures (X and Y) on each
the paired measures co-vary in a linear fashion'
Poge | 27
of determination b. error mean squares c. expected mean squares
of variation e. correlation coefficient

(i.e. estimates of a population

the oreat statistician; the statistic (F) is lhe raiio of two s''s
,"0 Jn the information in two or more random samples)'
U. S. n. Finger c. A. R. Fisher d' R. A. Falconer
e' R' A' Gomez

of graphically showing the characteristics of the distribution of

items in a given population or

m b. histogram e' pictograph d' pie-chart e.polygon

point on the scale of

several indices of central tendency that statisticians use to indicate the
where the PoPulation is centered.
b. median c. mean d. range e. quartile

of each person as well as the

ii*ton below shows a population of 9 persons. lt also shows the height
the mean of a
,l'f :y:]:ITj.*:,h'Yg':?o 9':"[1"-:iulT')
of the I persons are: 54, V7. 6V,68, 46, 64, 62' 56'
will be the PoPulation mean?
b. 59.12 c.58.11 d. 59.11 e.58.10
a value of the statistic that is, for example, sufficiently
hior a giu"n statistical hypothesis in which only
lead to rejection of the hypothesis tested' ..
ed test b. half-taiied test c. dialleltest d. two-tailed test e. one-tailed test

of dispersion that is defined as the difference between

the highest and lowest values'
b. absolute deviation c. variance d. standard deviation
e' average deviation

products for private woodland owners'

dent professionalwho manages forests and markets forest
that buy wood products, but are retained by
foresters do not nave aiiect Jonnections with firms
owners as their agents.
ny forester b) forest manager
forester d) industrial forester
principres in estimating and predicting
of science which dears with the.apprication of mathematicar
rme anO growth including the products derived ihere from'
science b) forest management
range d) forest biometry

has a diameter of 80 cm, what is its corresponding circumference?

33 cm b) 253.13 cm
5cm d) 252,33 cm


inumber 2, what is the volume in cubic meters following Huber's

2.19 cubic meters b) 13.39 cubic meters

.29 cubic meters d) 13.93 cubic meters
4.39 cubic meters

Poge | 28
2, what is the volulhe for Smalian's formula:
meters b) 13.44 cubic meters
meters d) 14.33 cubic meters

2, what is the volume using the Newton's formula?

meters b) 13.47 cubic meters
meters d) 13.48 cubic meters

2, what is the volume using the Government's formula?

meters b) 13.55 cubic meters
mqters d) 13.qq qubiq mqterq

used to estimate the volume of logs by submerging them in a specially prepared tank filled
ih which the water displacement can easily be read.
b) hypsometers
d) altimeters

adimension of 1" x 4" x24'. What is the total board feet?

feet b) 8 board feet
feet d) 7 board feet

e 5000 board feet. What is it equivalent in cubic meters?

meters b) 11 .89 cubic meters
eubie meters d) 11.97 eubie meters
Cubic meters

5%, and a total forest area of 500

m x 20 m plot to be established, with a sampling intensity of
how many plots are to be established on the ground?
is b) 500 Plots
d) 625 plots

cord is a rick that measures 4 x 4 x 8 ft, and contains how many cu.ft?
feet b) 168 cubic feet
feet d) 186 cubic feet

ng formula that requires measuremenis at both ends of the log

and it is considered as the easiest
expensive to aPPIY.
's formula b) Brereton formula
's formula d) Government's formula

of the allocation of limited forest resources in order to satisfy human

ics b. Forestry economics c' Forestry finance
valuation e. Alt of the above

of production that are needed for the production of goods and
i"u' n. Raw materials c. Goods d. Aliof the above e' None of the above

all the money received from or retained for use in business'

b. Raw materials c. Resources d. Financial capital e- All of the above

Poge | 29
such as tools, machinery, equipment that man uses to extract and process raw materials
;i b. Raw materials c. Resources d. Financial capital e' All of the above

ofthe forest.
b. Recreational c. Scientific d. Sentimentalvalues e- Allof the above
production are:
& capital d. Labor, management & land
and man6gement e. Allof the above
and labor

of payment are:
rent d. Botha&c
e. AIlof the above

of goods and services that consumers/buyers are willing to take out at a specific-price'
D"rund c. Quantity demanded d. Commodity demanded e' None of the above
of goods and services that sellers are willing to sell at specific price.
i. Demand c. Quantity demanded d. Commodity demanded e' None of the above

an increase in
wherein the quantity cannot be easily changed even if market conditions favor

d. Bothb&c
e. Allof the above

the output level'

input wherein the quantity can bereadily-changed if there is a need to change
rn input d- Both-b & c.
inpui e. All of the above

an alternative course of action'

ue or benefit forgone when a factor of production is withdrawn from
a[ cost d. OpportunitY cost
e. Botha&d
production to a particular course of action'
loss of social benefits incurred by applying a factor of
cost d. OpportunitY cost
e. Botha&d

:all ihe payments necessary to make factors

of production available.
icialcost d. OPPortunitY cost
efits e. Allof the above

the difference of total revenue and total cost'

b. Net revenue c. Marginalcost d' Marginalrevenue e' Both a & b

can increase forest revenues through

Jng qrr"tiiy of output A C-!.'n-g.'.ng the availability of output
quality of output e. All of the above
marketing of outPut


with the valuation of alternative investments and other values in forestry'

Poge | 30
b. Cost c. Value d. Finance e. All of them

um amount of money obtainable for goods and services under prevailing market condition.
value b. Expectation value c. Market.value d. Cost e- Revenue

or process of estimating the value of something based on prevailing market price/conditions

monetary terms.
ion b. Finance c. Both a& b d. Allof the above e. None of the above

the total revenue less total eash outlay except interest charges ofthe forest.
value d. Benefit-Cost Ratio
e. None ofthe above
t Value

shaight cash 1ow measure of the project worth by subtracting the present value of the total cash
the present value of the total revenue/benefit.
d. Benefit-Cost Ratio
e Allof the above

;s of determining the future value of the prineipal or eapital'

nding d. Compound interest rate determination
rate determination e. Renting

icess of determining the present value/principal/capital of the future value.

rate determination e. Renting

is]tne tuture value of Php50,000.00 comnll!:g'Ijr" years time at11.5% interest rate?
,55.00 d. PhP86,167.67
,167.5S e. PhP86,168'50

ernent of forestland and resources for continuous production

ined yield forest management c. Stistainability e. none ofthe above
forestry d. Forest management

managerrrent of forestland and resources for the production of an optimal mix

of goods and services'
yield forest
Sustai-ned management c. Forest Management e' none of the above
forest management d. both a&b

io the potential productivity of the land.

: quality c. Site Potential e. none ofthe above
d. Site compatibilitY

merchantable trees in the forest.


io the process of determining the value of standing

valuation c. Scaling e. none of the above
'mpage valuation d. Tree lnventory

:showing the number of trees by species per diameter class"

ha taUtJ c. inventory table
e' none of the above
table d. both a&b

ndard unit of measure for standing timber, Iogs and lumber equal to a board
that is 1 foot wide, 1 fool
and 1 inch thick.
fool c. talaksan e- none ofthe above
ard foot d. cubic meters

Poge | 3i
ent value of the net revenues from tree stand.
,present value c. Net revenue e. none ofthe above
revenue d. Cost

of forest products authorized under a permit or license to be cut from the forest.
lallowable cut c. Cutting cycle e. both c&d
lated cut d. eutting pattern

ng are the subdivisions of the forest, except:

ng circle c. Blocks e. none ofthe above
ng group d. eompartment

are measures of stand density, except:

c. Volume of trees Per hectare e. none ofthe above
,lof trees per hectare d. Basal area per hectare

injury, deterioration, caused by the negligence or accident caused by one person to another,
to the latter's person or property".
c. Vandalism e. none ofthe above
d. Terrorism

are technologicaJ aspects of forest management, except:

c. Mensuration e. none ofthe above
and silviculture d. Logging and milling

can increase forest revenues through:

iicreasing the quantity of output c. lmproving marketing of output
nireasing the quality of output d. changing the timing (availability) of the output'
, all of the above

is to the payments for use of money, generally stated as a percentage of the amount

c. Amortization e. both a&b

d. Tax

by which a future value is brought to its present value'

nding c. benefit-cost ratio e. none of the above
d. cash flow

of time it takes before the invested capital is recovered'

ayback period c. Return of income e. none of the above
rn of investment d. both a&b

the utilization of resources and processes of an organization in order to

carry out an effective and
iicient control of forest fire regardless of its size'
i'ii=ire control and c. Fire protection e. both a&b
*iFire management d' Fire damage control

fiifqllqwing ale maln types q{ f1rq, excepl.:

ii'duUsurface nre c. Crown fire e. none ofthe above
rface fire d. both b&c

!! of commercial value with diameter beyond the minimum limits of merchantability.

iVlerchantable trees c. Plus trees e' None of the above
Elite trees d. Mother trees

:number of years it takes before an uneven-aged forest can be -!o.gged again'

cutting cycle c. cutting rotation
e. none of the above
Poge | 32
cycle d. Logging rotation

to the spread of fire, typically an area or strip devoid of inflammable fuel"

c. Fuel break , e. none ofthe above
d. both a&b

treatment involving the cutting of the main stem at specified height to increase the number of
quality and value:
c. salvage cutting
d- German method e. thinning

employed to ensure that proper log length are cut for the end use desired, accomplished by
measuring stick, or measuring tape.
c. Scaling e. none ofthe above
d. both a&c

is composed of trees that belongs to one group of species is called:

c. Solid stand e. none of the above
,stand d. Even-aged stand

I inventory is one of the Phases of:

c. Planiation establishments e. none ofthe above
logging d. French thinning

lcapacity of the seed to germinate given favorable conditions:

matter c. PuritY weight e. Both a & b
seeds d. ViabilitY

mature and undamaged seeds:

atter c. Purity weight e. None ofthe above
d. Viability

les pieces of broken and damaged seeds, leaves, twigs, broken bark of
trees, etc':
matter c. Purity weight e. Percentage purity
seeds d. ViabilitY

of the seed lot from foreign matters and impurities:

matter c. PuritY weight e. Percentage PuritY
seeds d. ViabilitY

are regarded as medium-lived seeds:

ic seeds c. Microbiotic seeds e. None ofthe above
biotic seeds d. Orthodox seeds

have life span of 15 to over 100 years:

seeds c. Microbiotic seeds e. None ofthe above
seeds d. Orthodox seeds

lseeds are regarded as short-lived seeds:

idox seeds c. Recalcitrant seeds e. None ofthe above
d. Seed viabilitY

seeds have life span not exceeding 3 years:

e. Microbium seeds
obiotics seeds c. Mesophytic seeds
tic seeds d. Microbiotic seeds

seeds have life sPan of 3 - 15 Years:

c. Mesophytic seeds e. Microbium seeds
lMacrobiotic seeds
Poge | 33
seeds d. Microbiotic seeds

to the process of preserving the viable seeds at the time of collection until they are needed for

c. Seed Longevity e. Seed viability

d. Seed storage

the process of removing the fleshy coat of seeds:

c. Sieving e.Bothc&d
d, Winnowing

of seeds from its attached wings is known as:

c. Seed longevity e. Both b & c
tion d. Seed storage

capacity of the seeds to remain viable over a period of time:

c. Seed longevitY e. None ofthe above
d. Seed storage

unit which develops from an ovule, usually after fertilization:

c. Seed germination e. Seed off Year
lflispersal d. Seed year

rss whereby the embryo resumes growth and ihe radical and plumule break through the
c. Seed germination e. Seed off year
dispersal d. Seed Year

term for seed dissemination:

c. Seed germination e. Seed offyear
dispersal d. Seed Year

the species produces the most abundant seeds throughout its range or area of distribution:
c. Seed germination e. Seed off year
rersal d. Seed Year
lldo called as a suPerior tree:
c. Plus tree e. None ofthe above
d. Seed off year

of an individual (ortet) or a clone (ramet) by comparing clones wherein such test furnishes
of respective genotypes but does not necessarily provide information on breeding behavior:
st c. Plus tree e. None of the above
d. Seed offYear

rs to a group of genetically identical plants derived asexually from a single individual:

test c. Plus tree e' None of the above
d. Seed offyear

to the process of cutting the lower portion of the roots of seedlings particularly the taproot:
c. Pricking e. Root development
prunrng d. Hardening off

a vegetative propagation which involves growing roots on a branch while it

is stillpart of the tree:
rttino c. Grafting e.Botha&b
d. Marcotting

hilizers from decomposed tissues of plants & animals:

Complete fertilizers c. inorganic fertilizers e. None of the above
ncomplete fertilizers d. organic fertilizers
Page | 34
that carry 2ferlilizer elements:
te fertilizer c. lnorganic fertilizers e. None of the above
fertilizers d. Organic fertilizers

set aside for the production of planting stocks for reforestation works and/or tree plantation ventures:
nursery c. Tree plantation e. Field planting
plantation d. Outplanting

to the process by which organism undergo modification so as to function more perfectly in a given
ment or any developmental, behavioral, anatomical, or physiological characteristics of an organism
in its environment, improves its chances for survival and of leaving descendants
on b. acclimatization c. hibernation
In e. adaptive norm

production of an orgasm whose somatic nuclei do not contain an exact multiple of the haploid number of
mosome, one or more chromosomes being represented more times than the rest.
b. Aneuploidy c. polyploidy
Anemophily e. Autosome

crossing a hybrid back to one of the original parents, called the recurrent parent. ln forestry, the
rrent pa-rent is usually a different genotype from the same species or population.
(l-his is done to prevent
depression.) Example: collecting pollen from a pitch pine x loblolly pine Fl hybrid and pollinating a
loblolly pine.
reedrng b. selfing c. backcross
ftiple cross e. pedigree cross

up of individuals selected from a wild population for use in a breeding

program. Usually phenotypically
ted for desirable traits. ln species with large natural ranges, there are usually severalto many, more-or-
particular geographic
separate breeding populations, each designed to provide progeny suited to a

race b. progeny c. family

breeding poPulation e. provenance

c. mother tree

plants. Such tests furnish estimates of the relative

provide information on breeding behavior.
c. provenance test

d propagate a plant asexually usually by grafting, rooting cuttings,

tissue culture, or apomictic seed'
' b. clone c. ramet
full-sib d. half-sib

quality, when crossed to many other

ability of an individual to produce progeny with high genetic
iduals in the population.
ility b. breeding value c. general combining ability
,jprogeny vatue e. specific combining abilitY

pollen from a known source, usually one specific tree'

o.purposely pollinate the female flowers of a tree with
lsually the flowerc piot*.t*J tro, undesirable pollen by covering them with a pollen-tight cloth or paper
lefore they are"r"
receptive and adding known-source pollen at receptivity'
Self-pollinaiion b. artiflcial pollination c. backcross
controlled potlination e. inbreeding
pollen from a flower of a
,tion nV genetically different plants or Jmply the pollination of a flower with
Inbreeding b. selflng c. artificial Pollination
: backcross e" cross-pollination
Poge | 35
of one allele by another' lf an individual with red
rtMendelian genetics, the masking of the action
all progeny have red flowers, then, the allele for
crossed with an individualwith wrrite flowers and
is fully dominant over the allele for'white flowers'
b. recessive c' ePistasis
e' intolerant

of the seed resulting from union of male and

female gametes and developing into a mature

b. embryo c' endosPerm

e. fertilization

tree grown outside its natural range'

tree trees introduced from a foreign country. A
nic tree b. indigenous tree c' exotic tree
tree e. imported tree
protect them and insure survival' growth and identity;
nagement of planted stands of trees to plant parts'
pollen, tissue culture-, or excised
rtion or preservation oiir""" as seed,
b. half-sib c' full-sib
e. out-situ

(filial) generation of a cross. Usually the progeny

from an F1 cross will be phenotypically fairly

pr c. Fr d. Nr e. Fr

e. ramet

e. inbreeding

type of inbreeding that can occur in bisexual

rt is tfre most extreme
it,rt hrv" both parents in common.
b. inbreeding c- full-sibs
e. full-sisters
" due to random chance' Usually a loss of rare
in gene frequencY in small populations c'
vigor b. degeneration PoPulation
ibtic oritt e. geneiic diversity

,rvol"variance that is exclusively genetics'
b' adaPtation . c. acclimatization
drift e. genetic variation
generation to
genotypic frequencies.will remain constant from
stating that both gene frequencies..and is at random and there is no
popufuii[n in whi"n mating
cn in an definitely large, inlerbreeding
migraiion or mutation c. wright-weinberg law
einberg law b' taha-weinberg law.
-hardy-law e' falconer-weinberg law

that is due to additive genetic variability'

proportion of the total phenotypic variability heritability
ty b. broad-sense neritability c' narow-sense
ng value e. inbreeding coefficient

Poge | 35
flow from population into another as mediated by immigrating individuals capable of interbreeding
of that population.
b. migration e' immigration
e. exPortation

ty of genetic formation from parent and ancestors of offspring. lt may also mean allforms of
ptantJOue to disturbances, after fertilization, in the development of tissues in the production of

b. PhenotYPic value c. recessNeness

lity e. comPatibilitY
or artificially-inducecl formation of fruit without seeds because of either (1) lack of
pollination, (2)
lization, or (3) death of the embryo at an early stage of development.
b. c. triPloidY
e. parthenocarpy

to the even distribution of grazing animals:

husbanding c. Periodic rest from grazing e. Uniformi$ of grazing
iintensi$ use d. Proper season of use
1, l:

ris toihe degree of grazing:

livestock husbanding c. Periodic rest from grazing e. Uniformity of grazing
intensity use d. Proper season of use

idrtains to the year-long use of grazing areas which places forage plants in danger:
i'livestock hus'banding- c. Periodic rest from grazing e. Uniformity of
lintensity use d. Proper season of use

rolves proper timing of grazing:

liVestock husbanding c. Periodic rest from grazing e. Uniformity of grazing
intensity use d. Proper season of use
ly refers to the appropriate management of livestock & grazing/pasture
husbanding c. Periodic rest from grazing
e. Uniformity of grazing
intensity use d. Proper season of use

country with the greatest population of catile in the world:

c. Philippines e. United States of America
d. Taiwan

evaporation occurs in the rangeland during:

tdmperature c. Hot temPerature e.bothb&c
hrimidiiy d. Spring

primarily raised for livestock feed, either consumed through

grazing or cut and carry system:
se c. Forage e' Range
d. Livestock

that are harvested by man or machine for feeding to the livestock:

c. Forage e. Range
d. Livesiock

dre dornesticated animals grazing on forage:

c. Forage e. Range
d. Livestock

I food that is green and growing and foraged by the animals:

c' Forage e. Range
d. Livestock

wherein onty the preferred species are grazed:

Poge | 37
c. Moderately utilized e. Range
used d. Severe

wherein the vegetation is trampled inqluding preferred species with the soillmpaired:
e c. ModeratelY utilized e' Range
used d. Severe

wherein it appears to be stripped off vegetation:

c. Moderately utilized e. Range
Iy used d. Severe

whereinthere is eventual death of vegetation and is nearing to critical condition:

c. ModeratelY utilized e. Range
ly used d. Severe

n wherein the required number of animal units per area is low:

capaci$ c. Overstocking e' Unused rangeland
stocking rate d. Understocking

,n wherein the required number of animal units per area is high: .

stocking rate d. Understocking

n wherein the carrying capacity is equalio the stocking rate:

stocking rate d. Understocking

called as carrYing caPacitY:

ng capacitY c. Overstocking e. Unused rangeland
stocking rate d. Understocking

to the state of health of a particular rangeland:

use factor c. Range irend e. Stocking rate
condition d. Range utilization

re of range condition whether it is providing, stationary or deteriorating:

use factor c. Range trend e' Stocking rate
condition d. Range utilization

of gralng wherein the animals are allowed to graze the area year in & year out:
uoi= graiing c. Soiling e' Zero grazing
algrazing d. Under grazing
one paddock to another paddock:
n of grazing wherein the animals are moved systematically-from
uous-grazing c' Soiling ' Zero grazing
I giazing d. Under grazing

the stocking rate of the area?

lha pasture land is occupied by 50 animal units. what is
lulalre c. 1 a.u / sq.m e' both a & c
lha d- 1 a.u / sq/ km'

& shrubs either in clumps o:" scattered:

lnd community characterized by the presence of some trees
nales c. Pasture e' Savannah
d. Rangeland

in wittr the study of the effects of site factors on the

gro6h, development and reproduction of trees'
or forests: e. Sylva
b.Silvituralsystems c-Silviculture d. Silvipasture

to the art of producing & tending a forest:

)s b. Silvituralsystems c' Silviculture d. Silvipasture e. SYlva
Poge | 38
planned programs of silvicultural treatments during the whole life of a stand:
' b. Silviturilsystems c. Silviculture d. Silvipasture e. Sylva

to trees that are left behind during harvesting and serve as sources of seeds for regeneration:
b. Coppice c, Seed trees d. stool shoots e. weeds

of a forest by means of stumps, stool shoots or suckers:

b. Coppice c. Seed trees d- stoolshoots e. weeds

called as coppice shoots:

; n. Coppice c. Seed trees d. stoolshoots e. weeds

the elimination of branches by the physical and biotic agents of the environment:
ring b. Dry pruning c. Grien pruning d' Natural pruning e' Root pruning
val of livinq branches from trunks of standing irees:
tliruning b. Dry pruning c. Green pruning d' Natural pruning e. Root pruning

ring b. Dry pruning c' Green pruning d' Natural pruning e. Root pruning

i called as free thinning:

thinning d. Selection thinning
e. systemic thinning

to mechanical thinning:
thinning d. Selection thinning
e. Systemic thinning

of dominant or co-dominant trees to favor the

growth & development of suppressed trees:
thinning d' Selection thinning
tng e' sYstemic thinning

trees which extend above the general canopy layer of the stand:
nant crown d. OvertoPPed crown
crown e' No crown

trees is within the main crown canopy of the stand:

nant crown d' OvertoPPed crown
nt crown e. No crown
part of the main canopy:
trees which extend somewhat into the lower
crown d. overtoPPed crown
crown e- No crown

trees is entirelY below the main canoPY:

crown d. OvertoPPed crown
crown e. No crown

iare also called as suppressed trees:

ant trees d. OvertoPPed trees
inant trees e. None ofthe above
Poge | 39
to the procedure of establishing or renewing a forest:
area d. Restocking method
ion period e. Allof the above
uction method

ired to renew a forest stand through natural or artificial means:

area d. Restocking method
period e. Allof the above
uction method

or geographical site which is selected for renewing a forest:

area d. Restocking method
ion period e. All of the above
uction method

trees with large size & superior condition that protect newly established trees:
d. Windfirm trees
e- Wolf trees

,with the ability to resist wind throws or toppling over:

trees d. Windfirm trees
od e. Wolf trees

in the forest stand with no value & not beneficial to other trees:
trees d. Windfirm trees
od e. Wolf trees

of trees which are already affected or damaged by injurious agencies: ii

cutting d. Salvage Cutting
cutting e. Sanitation Cutting
rn Cutting
of undesirable trees that are overtopping desirable trees:
cutting d. Salvage Cutting
nt cutting e. Sanitation Cutting

of selected units of the population from where measurements/observations are rnade.

b. Population c. Sample d'Statisiic
ir.. ,l
value to the true value.
ifiimpfies the absolute nearness of the measured
c. magnetic meridian
ancy d. precision

rs to the scale of measurement which uses numbers to rank the classes

or categories.
scale c. Ordinal Scale
scale d. Ratio scale

Lonsidered as the most popular and well known measure of centraltendency'

of variation c. Mean
d. Variance
term for instruments used in rneasuring tree diameters'
c. Hypsometers
meters d. Tapes
displays the data by using lines that connects points plofted forthe frequendes of the classes-
polygon c. Ogive
d. Pie chart

formulas used in the computation of the standing volume of trees in a forest-

c. Volume tables
equations d. Yield tables

following is directly correlated to the volume of wood in a tree?

c. Upper stem diameter
the tree d. Taper

tabulated statements of the average volume of trees by one or more tree dimensions.
tables c. Local volume tables
equations d. Standard volume tables

.volumes tables that are generally restricted to the local area for which the height-diameter
p hidden in the table is relevant.
tables c. Localvolume tables
equations d. Standard volume tables
tables giving the standard content of logs of different diameters and lengths
c. Volume equations
tables d. None ofthe above

gathered from permanent sample plots?

'm"tnoO of predicting yield that is based on data
iuous forest inventory c. Stand and stock table projections
lstudies d. None of the above

method of evaluating site quality that uses the average height of the dominant group of trees in the

from historical yield records c. Estimation from stand height data

from periodic (regular) height growth data d. Estimation from stand volume data

height of the tallest trees in a:|il*:f base ase.

d. Site quality measurement

inventory method that has equal chance of selecting all possible combination of n sampling unit
sampling c. Simple random sampling
e sampling d. Stratified random samPling

the following is a purpose of stratiffing the forest to be inventoried?

the variation within the forest
the precision of the population estimate
an unbiased estimates of the population mean
the above

g method in timber inventory wherein the sampling units are spaced at fixed intervals throughout

ng between sample plots is time consuming' d' All of the above


between the sampled area and the total area of the forest expressed in percent'
lines c. Sampling intensity
estimates d. Sampling plot

I distance between ground level and the tip of the tree.

Poge | 4l
c. Merchantable length
height d. Totalheight

made to secure field data from which a map representing the 3-dimensional relations of the earth's
may be prepared.
survey C, Route survey
survey d. Topographic survey

acute hgrizontal angle between the meridian and the line.

of a line c. direction of a line
of a line d. magnetic declination
map that deals with specific theme or subject, usually against some skeletaltopographic background.
generated map c. Thematic map
tric map d. Topographic map

that presents tree volume and/or weight by dbh classes, height classes, and species or species
on a unit-area basis.
table c. Tree volume table
table d. Yield table

us weed common in pasture lands is hagonoy or "bungarngar/malasili. lts scientific name is:
todorata c. Chromolaena odorata
odorata d. Weidelia sp.
nd stem of range plants that is very valuable to range managers because it is seldom
to mechanicalinjury.
c. Rhizome
d. Tillers
of the following refers to the proper time for grazing to begin?
c. time preference
of no return d. time of range readiness
plant material containing low proportion of nutrients per unit weight but high in fiber and low in total
tible material
e c. supplementalfeed
d. none ofthese
al abundance of plants that are not preferred by livestock indicates:
soil c. range readiness
use ofthe range or overgrazing d. none ofthese

maximum stocking rate possible without inducing damage to the existing vegetation or related
rces ofthe range.
capacity c. Range capacity
range management d. Stocking capacity
method which involves the division of the grazing area into a number of paddocks where the
are moved systematically from one paddock to another.
ed grazing and soiling c. Rotationalgrazing
ous grazng d" Soiling
of the following refers to a grazing method where livestock are stalled separately frorn the grazing

ned grazing and soiling c. Rotationalgrazing

s grazing d. Soiling

so heavy as to impair forage production and cause range deterioration through consequenlial
to plants or soil or both.
capacity c. Overused
d. Totalgrazing

Poge | 42
the following refers to feeding harvested crops to livestock?
c. Rouging
d. Supplemental feeding

grazing after the range is ready to be grazed is termed:

timing c. Delaying tactics
grazing d. Grazing interval
method which involves placing two or more kinds of stock on the same range, either at the
or at different time.
grazrng c. Multiple grazing
grazng d. Simple grazing
that is a natural climax or which can be developed from climax by natural or induced
nd c. Pasture
d. Rangeland
that is artificially established for the production of forage plants for animal feed.
c. Pasture
d. Rangeland
areas, soil retrogression often results after overgrazing due to:
c. Too much rain
oftree cover d. Trampling of the soil by the animals
of animals to defend, or exclude other animals from, a part of the home range.
mechanism c. Juxtaposition
d. Territorialism
of the following is the reason for the lower carrying capacity of pasture areas in Northern and
Luzon as compared to pasture areas in other parts of the country?
long dry season
of knowledge and experience
ofthe above

traversed by an animal or population in its"normaldaily activities.

]hy c. Key areas
range d. Territory
or untimbered area dominated by a discontinuous cover of shrubby vegetation.
land c. Prairie
land d. Savanna
unit is equivalent to?
kg c. 600 kg
kg d. 1,000 kg

part of the current leaf and twig growth of shrubs, woody vines and trees available for animal

c. roughage
is" d. silage
to feed resulting from storage and fermentation of green or wet crops under anaerobic

c. roughage
d. silage
,of the following is the most commonly found grass species in Philippine rangelands?
rparuiflorum c. lmperata cylindrica
aciculatus d. Themeda triandra

Poge | 43
and art of obtaining maximum livestock production from rangelands consistent with the
of the forest and other land resources
ng management

plants that are harvested by man or machine for feedlot feeding to the livestock.
. c. Grass
d. Rangeland
used for wildlife resource inventory that makes use of a device in order to live-capture a certain
method c. Rapid visual survey
transect method d. Trapping method
between food, cover and animal population is the primary object of:
management c. Timber management
management d. Wildlife management

and fishing activities have direct impacts on:

lregeneration c. Water regimen
production d. Wildlife population

was considered as the world's largest crocodile in captivity while it was being kept in Bunawan,
del Sur. lt was a saltwater crocodile, whose scientific name is:
acutus c. Crocodylus porosus
mindorensis d. Crocodylus rhombifer
mindorensis belongs to the family:
c. Felidae
d. Tragulidae

lfirst Philippine eagle to be bred in captivity was born on January 15, 1992 and was narned "Pag-asa"
is the name given to the 2nd, which was born on October 25, 1992
o's Pride" c. "Pagtutulungan"
d. "People's PoweC'

habitat of Bubalus mindorensis is:

Dipterocarp forest c. Mossy forest
Miingrove forest d- Parang
of the following wildlife species is not endangered?
A;xis calamianensts c. Ceryus nigricans
fiubalus mindorensis d. Varanus salvator

is,the ability of an individual to reproduce and multiply in an optimum condition.

biotic potential c. resistance
carrying capacity d. tolerance

refers to the change in the distribution and abundance of the population through space and time.
Environmental properties c. Population dynamics
i, Environmental resistance d. Population processes
A relatively longdistance movement of individuals, usually on a seasonal basis-
:d, Animal migration c. Animaldistribution
b. Animalmobility d. Allof the above
The following causes the increased overharvesting of wild species EXCEPT:
a. lmproved hunting technology.
Poge | 44
efficiency in transportation and travel,
knowledge about the limits of nature.
poverty and human population pressure.

are species with a habitat restricted to one area in the whole planet.
ric c. Extant species
species d. Extinct species
wildlife species are found in Palawan EXCEPT:
deer c. Porcupine
lippine deer d. Scaly-ant eater
'gumeyi is the scientific name of:
sarus crane c. Palawan peacock peasant
scops owl d. Rufous hornbill
of the evolution, dispersal, recession and extinction of animaltaxa through million of years of the
c. Zoogeography
d. Zoogenesis
to the species of wildlife that are in such small number throughout their range of distribution.
angered c. Rare
d. Threatened

nce where the Rufous Hornbill is found:

c. Panay
d. Samar

to the parts of the home range of wildlife where limiting habitat resources are located.
c. Key/critical areas
range d, Territory
of wildlife derived from selling or trading animals or their products.
lvalue c. Recreationalvalue
value d. Scientifi c/educational value

to the value of wildlife and their habitats as objects of beau$ or historical significance
ic value c. Educational value
value d. Social value

to allfree-ranging vertebrates in their naturally associated environments in which the species evolved.
population c. wildlife population
d, none ofthese
process that deflnes and seeks to attain wise use of wildlife resources while maintaining the
capacity of their habitat.
c. wildlife management
*itOtife conservation d. wildlife population

refers to the number of eggs produced per female animal.

Fecundity rate c. Natality rate
Migration rate d. Recruitment rate

:number of animals relative to the quality and quantity of their habitat resources.
Ecological density c. Productivity
Population density d. Species density

the Philippines, the watershed is best managed as a:

ic unit b. socio-economic unit
c. socio-politicalunit d. socio-administrative unit

Poge | 45
of the following statements is not correct in a forest:
increases exponentially during a storm
allthe precipitation from a very short storm cannot be intercepted
speed inhibits interception.
speed increases interception

of these statements is not correct:

ption usually results in a net loss of water available to the basin hydrological cycle.
ption lowers the intensity of precipitation
tends to increase runoff by reducing interception loss and transpiration.
tends to decrease runoff by reducing interception loss and interception.

i;tipe of precipitation occurs on the windward side of mountains and is caused by the rising air motion of
flow of moist air across the mountain ridge, resulting in adiabatic cooling and condensation:
precipitation b. cyclonic precipitation
precipitation d. all of the above

of the following is true about the Dana-McArdle's concept of multiple use?

ample data and information on the degree of compatibility of various land-use types.
time to enable us to understand the forest system.
ofthe above

est watershed management unit with an area of over 1000 km2.

watershed b. Iarge watershed c. medium watershed d, river basin

lc,bllective term for water quality, quantity and timing:

iiiter yield b. water supply c. water budget d. water cycle

ibcommended land use in the Philippines for areas with a slope of 0-3 % depending on soil physical

rice culture b. mechanized crop production

crop production d. tree planting

on soil and climatic conditions, it is the maximum slope of the land safe for tree planting provided
Udound will be permanently covered with vegetation and
planting should be on contour
'.,'45yo b.60% c. 50% d.65%

of the following is not true about the Pearson's concept of multiple use
ignores the productive potential of the area.
does not work toward forest resources conseryation.
requires simplistic management system which may not be challenging enough to the forest manager.
does not require a large land area to be able to produce so many forest goods and services

watershed as a management unit has an area of:

10 km2 b. 10-50 km2 c. 10-100 km2 d. 100 -500 km2

of the following is true:

I with slope greater than 65% should be Ieft for timber production as well as for livestock production
an area his a maximunr slope of 36% with a minimum soil depth of 50 cm the best conservation
is bench terraces
ihbre is no conservation treatment for areas having a slope of higher than 65%
lf the area has a slope of 65% and a minimum soil depth of 25 cm the appropriate conservation treatment
, is orchard terraces or platforms and could be
planted with tree crops with ground cover cultivated by

hed management unit with an area of 100-500 km2

river basin b. medium watershed c. large watershed d. small watershed

Poge | 46
associated with hot climates, and is brought about by rising and abrupt cooling of air that has been
by the extreme heat of the ground surface:
I Convectional rainfall b. cyclonic rainfall c. orographic rainfall d. frontal rainfall

y that is used in measuring distant events, i.e. transmitting measurement data from a source in a
location to a destination through radio, satellite, telephone, or a combination of these communication

remote sensing b. geographical information systems

:telemetry d. global positioning systems

an empirical climatic classification system based on the temporal distribution of rainfall derived from the
Corona System b. Koppen Classification System c. Corolla system d. allof these

type of climate is characterized by no dry seasons with a very pronounced maximum rainfall period from
to February; much of the rainfall is of the cyclonic and convective types which occur in December
Type I b. Type ll c. Type lll d. Type lV

movement of water - in solid, Iiquid, or vapor states - through the atmosphere:

isublimation b. advection c. condensation d. precipitation
det of atmospheric conditions for a specified time:
weather b. return period c. climate d. hydrologic cycle

flow of water in streams, rivers, and other channels:

surface runoff b. streamflow c. riverflow d. flooding

carries water almost year-round

generally flows only during the wet season
flows during and for short periods following rain or snowmelt
is also called wetweather stream

b most common form of drainage pattern that looks like the branching pattern of tree roots:
idendritic pattern n.lreltis pattern c. parallelpattern rectangular pattern

water that falls between plants:

j drippage b. throughfall c. stemflow d. gross rainfall

b climatic type prevailing in the Batanes lslands, the eastern part of northern and central Luzon, western
, and eastern Mindanao is:
I b. Type ll c. Type llld. Type lV

the variety of ways by which water moves across land:

b. infiftration c. runoff d. subsurface flow


ilannea program of silviculturaltreatments during the whole life of a stand.

jReproductionmethod c. Silviculture
method d. Silviculturalsystem

inadequately stocked residual forestto enhance productivity is termed:

iEnrichment planting c. Regeneration
IForestation d" Restocking

ie spatial arrangement of plants in a forest stand, i.e., the relative vertical position of the canopies of tall
les, small trees, shrubs, herbs, etc.
Density c. Physiognomy
Habitat d. Structure

Poge" 1t47
form of intermediate cutting which involved the removal of trees to enhance the growth of the final crop.
Cleaning c. Thinning
Pruning d. Weeding

aim of assisted natural regeneration is to perpetuate the:

Endemic species c. Fast-growing species
Exotic species d. Original forest cover

cutting made to free a young stand not past the sapling stage from the competition of older, overtopping
Liberation cutting c. Timber stand improvement
Salvage cutting d. Thinning

undeliberate and undesirable selection occurring when the best trees in a stand are removed leaving the
ones to produce seeds for the next generation.
Dysgenic selection c. Selection cutting
Eugenic selection d. Salvage cutting

orderly process of plant community development that involves changes in species composition and

: lDevelopment stage c. Pioneer species

; i Ecological succession d. Population change

thinning method wherein the trees removed are from the lower crown classes which include the
iertopped, intermediate and some of the co-dominants.
c. Low thinning
. jMechanical thinning d. Selection thinning

removal of insect-attacked or diseased trees in order to maintain the health of the stand
lRefining c. Selection cutting
.iSanitation cutting d. Weeding

intermediate treatment involving cutting of the main stem at specified height to increase the number of
wood quality or value.
c. Refining
d. Thinning

]an uneven-aged stand, the trees whose crowns constitute the main canopy of the stand are called:
iCo-dominants c. lntermediates
lDominants d. OvertoPped

intermediate treatment applied to a stand/forest where cleaning or liberation cutting have been

Cleaning c. liberation cut

lmprovement cut d. weeding

/hich of the following is the purpose of thinning?

.1Harvest matured and over-matured trees
.1Prevent the spread of disease in the stand
i Provide more growing space to favored species
l None ofthe above

ral system that is recommended/used in the pine forests of the country

Clearcutting sYstem c. selective logging system
I Seed-tree method d. shetterwood method

orests that developed from seeds are classically called:

forests c. even-aged forests
rests d. uneven-aged forests
cutting that takes place in a stand where the trees are saplings or smaller to release enough of the
species to ensure rapid dominance of the site.
,c. pruning
cutting d. weeding

of the following is the purpose of implementing a timber stand improvement operation?

site quality
water yield
disease incidence
ce high quality tree crops and accelerate growth

are definitely overtopped members of the forest community having almost no free overhead light.
c. lntermediate
d. Suppressed

nning method which removes the same trees as light thinning plus most of the intermediates.
thinning c. Medium thinning
thinning d. Heavy thinning

ipulation in a stand that occurs between two regeneration periods.

iate treatment c, Release cutting
tion treatments d. Reproduction method

to the period during which a single crop or regeneration is allowed to grow-

neration period c. Stand development
on d. Stand productivity

that may have at least 3 or 4 well-spaced age classes present and usually have gaps in the
ble cohort c. Multiple cohort
d. Single cohort

e]relative capacity of a tree to compete under low-light and high-root competition.

c. Survival
pet d. Tolerance

ifun uruu where planting stocks are raised to support a planting program.
frorest orchard c, Forest plantation
dorest nursery d, Temporary nursery

of the following is the reason for the establishment of a permanent nursery?

large scale planting program is being planned. c. Both letters a and b
the planting area is very far from the central nursery. d. All of these
jconvenience during sowing and weeding, width of seedbeds should not exceed
it.0 meters c. 1.4 meters
meters d. 1.5 meters

of the following is an advantage of setting the nursery on or near the area to be planted?
[esser time in raising the seedlings.
The area is near to the prospective buyers.
The seedlings are adapted to the area right away.
: Both letters a and b

Poge | 49
following affects the volume of water required in a nursery , EXCE?T
rr Method of irrigation c. Distance from the planting site
, species to be raised d. Numberof seedlingsto be raised
hich of the following is a good indicator of seed maturity?
isize of the fruit c. color of the leaves
iolor of the seed d. position of the fruit in the tree
of fruits/seeds frorn standing trees is suitable to species with
I No branches on the lower part of the stem c. Pods or cones
Large seeds or fruits d. Smallfruits or seeds
of some seeds must be collected green because
The seeds are very expensive.
r The seeds do not germinate if collected on the ground.

The pods/cones release the seeds when ripen on the tree

r'None of the above

of the following is one of the roles of the seed coat?

'ilt prevents excessive evaporation of water. d. Allof the above
, lt prevents the entry of parasites, pest and diseases. e. None ofthe above
,lt prevents mechanical injury.

of the following is a type of indehiscent fruit?

Achene c. Follicle
d. Legume
of the following is a characteristic of recalcitrant seeds?
It has very high moisture content c. It can be kept at low temperature.
It can be stored dry d. lt can be stored for a long period of time.
l:type of fruitsthat has softand fleshy exocarp and mesocarp, butthe endocarp is hard and stony
Drupe c. Nut
l-egume d. Samara
is,an area where vegetatively propagated trees are planted primarily to produce seeds of proven genetic

Seed lot c. Clonalseed orchard

Seed orchard d. Seed production area

of the following is an advantage of'collecting seeds from natural stands?

The seeds collected have greater genetic variability. c. Both letters a and b
The collection of seeds is easier and faster. d. None ofthe above

isra dry storage method wherein the seeds are placed in sealed containers and stored under low

Dry storage in sealed oontainer c. Storing without ternperature and humidity control
Cold dry storage in sealed container d. All of the above
rat typecf seed test will determine the true viability of the seed lot?
full seed percent c. germination test
moisture content determi nation d. purity test
ich of the following causes seed coat dormancy?
a. The seed coat is heat resistant. c. The seed coat is partially impervious to water.
b. The embryo is not fully developed. d. None ofthe above

The transition zone between the root system and the stem.
a" Root cap c. root nodule
Poge | 50
Root collar d. stem blade

ich of the following is one of the problems in the use of hot water treatment?
Difficult to use when treating large seed lots c. Both letters a and b
Difficult to use when treating seeds with resin d. None ofthe above
efollowing are advantages of using bare-root seedlings as planting stocks EXCEpT:
Time of seedlings in the nursery is shorter
Transplanting of seedlings is usually avoided
Bare-roots seedlings are lighter and less bulky
None of the above

of the following is a disadvantage of the container system of seedling production?

ia. There is greater risk of root binding. c. Lower survival rate of outplanted seedlings.
Seedlings need more time in the nursery d. Greater damages to the root system
of the following is an advantage of using rice hull as germination medium?
cheap and readily available c. sterile and free of pathogens
decompose during the germination of the seeds d. has neutral reaction

riWhich of the following is the purpose of mud puddling bare-root seedlings or newly collected wildlings?
:a. Enhance the growth of the seedlings/wildlings c. Provide growing medium to the seedlingi
'b. Prevent the desiccation of the roots d. None of these
iWhich of the following is the major disease that infects newly germinated or germinating seedlings?
d- sun scorch c. root rot
ib. damping-off d. leaf spot
The planting strategy of starting flrst near existing forest vegetation in order to develop microclimate.
a. Compartment planting c. Progressive planting
b. Massive planting d. Selection planting

Trial planting to determine the growth potentials of species of unknown origin.

a. Seed orchard c. Species trial
b. Seed production area d. Trial plantation

, Which ofthe following is an advantage of using irregular spacing?

a. The resulting stand is a stronger windbreak. d. All of the above
.b. The trees are less resistant to pest and disease infestation. e. None of the above
c. Organization and supervision of planting crew is easier.

The following are characteristics of tree species suitable for watershed improvement and protection
a.Able to coppice after fire c. Give economic returns
b.Develop deep root system d. Wind firmness
Which of the following is not an advantage of mixed plantations?
a. Easierto handle c. Better utilization of the site
b. More resistant against pest and diseases d. Provide better site protection
Read and analyze the following statements, then indicate which of them is correct.
First: Weeding should be done before the weeds start to suppress the outplanted seedlings.
Second: Only overtopping weeds are removed during the weeding operations.
Third: Trees with a natural tendency to branch should be planted closer.
a. All three statements are correct c. Only the 2nd & 3rd statements are correct
b. Only the 1"t & 2nd statements are correct d. All the staternents are not correct

Poge | 51
to a document that is prepared before the actual outplanting of seedlings.
hauling plan c. map
management plan d. planting plan
of the following is a desired characteristiq of tree species for pulpwood production?
deep root system c. high specific gravity
high calorific value d. short rotation
of the following is a kind of plantation that is considered more resistant against pests and diseases?
even-aged plantation c. mixed plantation
pure plantation d. uneven-aged plantation
of the following is the purpose of planting trees as shelter belts?
Reduce wind velocity c. Maintain adequate water storage capacity
Reduce velocity of surface run-off d. Stabilize the soilsurface and reduce erosion

of the following is an advantage of pure plantations?

easier to handle c. makes full use of the site
appears more natural d. provides better protection to the site

of the following conditions requires a wider spacing?

good or fertile sites c. species to be planted are branchy
production of good quality sawn wood d. poor sites
of the following is a disadvantage of preparing the planting site by complete removal of the
Expose the site to soil erosion c. Higher mortality of planted seedlings
Lower establishment cost. d. None ofthese

ng of dead outplanted seedlings is done when the mortality rate is

or higher
10o/o c. higher than20o/o
15% or higher d. allof these
ich of the following is the purpose of preparing the site before the seedlings are outplanted?
Reduce or completely remove the competing plants c. Both letters a and b
Make site conditions more favorable for the outplanted seedlings d. None ofthe above

of the following is one of the objectives of pruning of trees in a plantation?

To manage wolf trees c. To remove defective and inferior branches
To remove abnormally strong branches d. All of the above

hipe of mixed plantation that uses alternate lines of different species.

tjlock mixtures c. mixing by lines
group mixtures d. single tree mixtures

type of mixed planting wherein shade-loving species are planted under existing stand of light demanding

a.Group mixtures c. Mixing by lines

Mixture by underplanting d. Temporary mixtures
sife preparation method that involves the clearing of the planting spots, one meter in diameter.
r.Spot clearing c. Whole plot clearing
Strip clearing d. None of these

spacing method that set seedlings in straight lines wherein the distances between rows and the seedlings
rows are more or less equal.
Equilateral spacing c. Semi-regular spacing
Rectangular spacing d. Square spacing

of the following is a planting method that is used in outplanting container-grown seedlings?

cone method c. deep hole method
center hole method d. trench method
of the statements below is correct?
Poge | 52
Outplanting should be done at the beginning of the rainy season.
Only seedlings of high quality and condition should be outplanted.
Manually transported seedlings should never be handled on the stem or foliage"
, All of the above

is the removal of trees in a stand with the aim of correcting the course of nature and to retain only the
best stems up to maturity.
Cleaning c. Thinning
Pruning d. Weeding

of the following is a very common biotic agent that causes tree disorders in forest plantations?
Fungi c. lnsects
Grazing animals d. Wind

the distance from the ground level to the position of the flrst crown torming living or dead branch.
Crown length b. Bole height c. Totalheight d. Stump height

that branch of forestry whose function is the organization of a forest property for management and
ce, by ordering in time and place the various operations necessary for the conservation, protection
improvement of the forest on the one hand, and the controlled harvesting of the forest on the other.
Forest management b. Waste management program
Human resource development d. Urban development

the value of timber which is younger than the optimal harvest or rotation age.
Stumpage value b. Sawlog value
. Value of timber products d. Value of immature timber

of the following forage species is not categorized as legume?

anthe s h um ilis (Kunth.) b. Leucaen a leucocephala
Panicum m aximum (Jacq.) d. Desmodium intortum

land use aimed at generation of more than one type of product and or service.
Multiple Land Use b. Sustainable Development
Urban Forestry d. Seed Production Areas

to the potential productivity or inherent productive capacity of a given tract of land with regards to a
r species.
Siteindex b. Site quality c. Ordination d. Yield tables

ing stocks which are naturally growing on the forest floor.

Ortet b. Bareroot seedlings/stocks c. Cuttings
Ramet e. Wildlings

removal of plants that are growing where they are not wanted.
Pruning b. Thinning c. Weeding
Mulching e.Timber stand improvement

circumference of a White Lauan tree is 199 cm, what is the diameter?

64.33 cm c. 36.34 cm
i 63.34 cm d. 63.43 cm

the process of determining the log volume for the purpose of collecting forest charges both for legally or
cut logs is called:
.% log soundness c. Log rule
Diameter measurement d. Log scaling

most important and mostly employed sampling design in forest inventory is referred as:
Random sampling c. Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling d. Distance sampling

of the edaphic, physicaland climatic characteristics of the area.

Poge I 53
resources inventory c. Socio-economic survey
capability survey d. Reconnaissance survey

factor does not affect the length of rotation/cutting cycle.

quality c. lnterest rate
Product size d. Stocking density

of the following components below is not included in the foundation of forest management?
orest organization c. Forest growth and yield
Forest structure d. Forest resources

the process of converting future values to present values at a given interest rate.
c. Cass flow
ng d. Demand

factor below does not affect supply?

Price of the good c. Change ofdemand
of inputs d. Change in technology used

science of allocating scarce resources among competing and insatiable human wants.
Economics c. macroeconomics
Forest economics d. microeconomics

to the quantities of a commodity that a seller is willing to put in the market at alternative prices.
t c. Utility
Supply d. Demand

name referred to Graminae is

iArecaceae c. Asteraceae
Clusiaceae d. Poaceae

of grasses and hedges are technically known as

Culm c. Bole
Caudex d. lnvolucre

to the acquisition of a stable preferencd for food, cover, objects or location, which results from
re to them for a short time during early life.
Homing c. lmprinting
Habitat d. lnstinct

to the management of forest land and resources for the production of an optimal mix of goods and

Sustain able development c. Sustainable yield

use d. Forest Management

process of determining the financial and or economic worth of forest resources.

Forest valuation c. Management strategy
Site quality d. Forest regulation

average growth of the stand over the entire measurement period.

Periodic ann ual increment c. Current annual increment
Mean annual increment d. None ofthe above

ich of the following statement below is not an objective of Silviculture?

Control stand structure and processes c. Protect and reduce losses
Control stand composition d. Conserve and protect site quality

ents of the environment which directly or indirectly affect the survival, groMh and development of

Poge | 54
c. Edaphic site factors
site factors d. Biological site factors

made in immature stands in order to stimulate the growth of the trees that remain and to increase the
of useful materials from the stand.
thinning c. Liberation cutting
d. Pruning

given to seedlings still in the nursery by subjecting them to the more adverse conditions obtained

c. Shading
d. Watering

nsfer ofseedlings from seedboxes, greenhouse benches, and seedbeds to transplant beds.
out c. Repotting
nting d. None of the above

of seeds from the time of collection or extraction until it is sown.

storage c. Seed extraction
collection d. Seed processing

to the treatments done on the vegetative or on the soil cover to improve or change their conditions
them suitable for planting for the survival of forest tree crops.
preparation c. Mechanical treatment
Itreatment d. Tree improvement

rs to a process in which various species are initially screened for suitability and followed by
ning the regional location where the selected species can best grow.
matching c. Species-Site selection
species matching d. None ofthe above

as the period of years required to establish and grow timber crops to a specified condition of

nomic rotation c. Tree cropping

utting cycle d. Stand improvement

Poge | 55
lii',:rillil ::;:.r.ii:t.. ... I ri'
,'1.-:- -'.: .. :

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People's Organization's share in the harvest of government owned plantation in CBFM areas as
ted in DAO 98-2 is of the gross sales
a.5A% c.75P/o
b.12.5% d.300/o

national strategy to achieve sustainable forestry and socialjustice in the Philippines:

, a. Executive Order 263 c. Community Forestry Prograrn
b. Letter of lnstruction No. 1260 d. Executive Order 318 or Promoting Sustainable Forest
Mgt. in the Philippines

selective logging policy for the Philippine dipterocarp forest was enacted on:
a.1951 c.1910
b.1949 d. 1954

ltossy forests for pad of the Natioltal Protected Areas System and considered as:
a. strict nature reserves c. natural biotic area
b.resource reserves d. protected landscapes

Philippines has one of the largest mangrove plantations in Asia and it is locatecl in:
a. Pagbilao, Quezon c. Subic, Zambales
b. Banacon lsland, Bohol d. Coastal Road, Cavite

administrative order that imposed nationwide export of lumber in the Philippines

a. DAO 98-19 c. DAO 89-91
b. DAO 89-19 d. DAO 98-91

stipulated in R.A. 9147, this refers to species or subspecies that is neither critically endangered n{)r
angered but is under threat and likely to move the endangered category in the near future.
a. vulnerable species c. endemie species
b. threatened species d. endangered species

maximum slope of any forestland which may be classifled as grazing land.

a,50% c.45%
b.40% d.18%

provides guidelines for the prospectirrg of biological and genetic resources in the Philippines
a.E.O.427 c.E.O.247
b.E.o 274 d.E.O.472

iLogging in old growth forest was prohibited starting:

a. January 30, 1992 c. December 31, 1992
b. January 1, 1992 d. January 1, 1991

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

a. R.A. 8794 c. R.A. 8974
h. R.A. 0749 d. R.A. 8749

The Climate Change Act of 2009

c. R.A. 9729
d. R.A. 9979

Itnis presiOentialDecree was issued in 1973 which required that allpublic forests should be develop, manage
and utilize on a sustainable yield basis with the benefit and technical know-how of registered foresters.
', a. P.D.431 c. P.D. 621
i, b. P.D.331 d. P.D. 705

,;lnternational Standard Organization accreditation series to assure total envirnnrnental quality management by
', a.lSC 1500 c. ISO 1400
il b. lso 9000 d. ISO 1200

Poge | 56
Environment Day is observed every:
a. June 10 c. June 5
b. June 12 d. June 1

agreement between the DENR and the participating PO with a duration of 25 years, renewable for another
years that provides tenurial security and incentives to the PO, to develop, utilize and manage specific portions
forest lands based on the approved CRMF.
; a. CSC c. CBFMA
b. CADC d. Co-management agreement

constitutional provision of the 1987 constitution, stating the promotion of socialjustice to all citizens in all
of national development.
a. Article 2, Section 10 c. Article 4, Section 10
b. Ar"ticle 3, Section 17 d. Artiele 2, Section'16

is also known as the Solid management Act of 2000

a. R.A.9303 c. R.A.9000
b. R.A.9003 d. R.A. 9979

is the tenurial instrument issued to forest occupants under ISFP.

' a. bsc .j c. CADC

Act Providing For The Establishment Of Municipal And City Forests, Tree Parks, Or Watersheds, Amending
That Purpose Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred Sixty-Four, otherwise known as the Local
y Act.
a. R.A.5752 c. R.A. 5207
b. R.A.5505 d. R.A. 5255

species has been declared as protected wildlife under RA 1086

a. Philippine Eagle c. Tamaraw
b. Philippine Deer d. mousedeer

al act of DENR declaring the illegal forest products, the machinery, equipment, tools and conveyances, as
of the government of the republic of the Philippines.
a. setzure c. forfeiture
b. confiscation d, apprehension

Iis known as the Philippine Mining Act.

'a.R.4.7942 c. R.A. 7160
, b. R.A.7294 d. R.A. 8371

al criterion in determining the sound forest policy through the absence of obstacles to the realizatlon of
{ a freedom c. demoeracy
b. politicalequity d. public welfare

participation of local government units in forest management is considered in RA 7061. lt is known as the
Management Code.
a. First statement is true while the second statement is false
b. Second statement is true while first statement is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are false

,1his policy declared Philippine Eagle as protected wildlife.

i a. R.A. 1086 c. R.A.6147
l, n R.A. 1086 d, R.A. 7160

Refer to those lands of the public domain whie h have been the subjeet of the present system of elassifieation
declared as not needed for forest purposes:
I a. alienable and disposable lands c. wilderness area
b. national park d. grassland
Poge | 57
to the land of the public domain which has not been declared as alienable or disposable and includes
public forest, the permanent forest or forest reserves, forest reservations, timberlands, grazing lands and
refuge and bird sanctuaries:
a. alienable and disposable lands c. wilderness area
b. forestlands d. grassland

signed the law establishing the Mt. Makiling National Park as the first national park in the Philippines?
a. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. c. George P. Ahern
b. Maj. Gen. Otis d, Gifford Pinchot

law that mandates all LGUs from provinces and cities to municipalities and barangays, to specify a fixed
every year that may be the "proper time and season for planting trees in their respective areas" and in
with their budgetary allotments:
a. P.D. 953 c. R.A. 10176
b. R.A.7160 d. Eo 26

law promoting sustainable forest management in the Philippines:

a. P.D.953 c. EO 263
b. R.A.7160 d. Eo 318

Act regulating the ownership, possession, sale, importation and use of chain saws, penalizing violations
reof and for other purposes:
a. R"A.9175 c. RA 9174
b. R.A.7160 d. Eo 318

Act that prohibits cutting and selling of mangrove trees:

a. R.A.9175 c. RA 7161
b. R.A.7160 d. Eo 263

law declaring the Pilippine Tarsier (Iarsius syrichta) as a specially protected faunal species of the
a. Proclamation No. 1030 c. RA 9175
b. R.A.9174 d. Proclamation No. 1036

ege granted by the State to a person to occupy and posses, in consideration of speeific rental, any forest
in the public domain in order to undertake any authorized activity therein:
a, tease c. grant
b. License d. permit

of the modes of committing illegal logging is a possession of timber or other ferest products without legal
" This mode is defined under Section 68 of PD 705.
a. First statement is true while the second statement is false
b" Second statement is true while first statement !s false
c. Both statements are true
d. tsoth statements are false
'process whereby provision of law is improved in order to enhance its applicability
a) amendment c. revtston
b. repeal d. enactment

peftains to group or individuals who have vested interest over natural resources and can influence the
rnanagement systems.
a. NGOs e. government
b. community d. stakeholder

refers to any situation that intimately involves local people !n all forest activities; a set of interconnected
try actions executed primarily by the local community residents to improve their own welfare (FAO, 1978):
a. community development c. Individual action
b, community forestry d. collective action

Page | 58
ng to Vergara (1984), which of the following characteristic does not describe social forestry?
a. small size in terms of operation and c. extraction of forest products is less mechanized
usu ally m ulti-product forestry using household labor
I b. people enjoys the benefits and do not . d. none ofthe above
bear the costs

group of people established by the community to undertake collective action to address community concerns
needs and mutually share the benefits from the endeavour.
a. POs c. lCCs
b. NGOs d. lPs

first step in community organizing is.

a. core group formation c. entry into the community
b. Ieadership training d. Seleption of potential leaders

tension workers SHOUI-D make the people CENTRAL ACTORS in the drama by means of informal learning.
a. Extension as participatory process
b. Extension as educational process
c. Extension as democratic process
' d. Extension as continuous process

leaders should be selected and trained and local organizations should be formed so they can assess their
tions, identify their problems, antl decide whht to do with it.
a. Extension as participatory process
b. Extension as educational process
c. Extension as democratic process
d. Extension as continuous process

practice of extension never ends after the implementation of the activity but until people's behavior have

a. Extension as participatory process

b. Extension as educational process
c. Extension as democratic process
d. Extension as continuous process

theory deals on how an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the
of a social system.
a. lnformation Dissemination Theory
b. lnnovation Distribution Theory
c. Diffusion of lnnovation Theory
d. Knowledge Management Theory

Iikely to act not because of the message itself but because

tfreir anticipation of what others will react.
i a. lnformation Dissemination Theory
I tr r. trriro Person Effect
,j c. socialCognitive Theory
j d. Mass Media Effect Theory

theory deals with how people tend to fear being isolated and instead join the majority group since they
superior over them.
a. Opinion Negation Theory
b. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
c. lsolated Opinion Theory
d. Spiral of Silence TheorY

deals with uncomfortable feeling of tension from holding two conflicting thoughts in the rnind at the same time.
a. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
b. Unpleasant Cognition Theory
Poge | 59
;:'\; r'itr'ri!11f

c. Social Cognitive Theory

d. Uncertainty Reduction Theory

theory says that people acquire and maintain certain behavioral patterns by observing others who do the
vior and not only in their own experiences.
a, eosnitive Disssnanqe Thesry
b. Unpleasant Cognition Theory
c. Social Cognitive Theory
d. Uncertainty Reduction Theory

says that people make sense of their surroundings based on what they consider was the cause and what the

a. Gause=and=Effect Relationship Theory

b. Attribution Theory
c. Causality Effect
d. Uncertainty Reduction Theory

tend to remember the message by identifying pictures or images. lt could be heavily affected by one's
about the message.
a. Theory of Mental Perception
b, Social Cognitive Theory
c. Symbolic lnteractionism Theory
d. Mass Media Effect Theory

provides extension worker direct means to know more his clients, their situation, constraints and prospects.
a. Personallnterview
b. Farm and Home visit
c. Technical Assistance
d. lnformal Discussion

information seeking client receives advice from a professionally competent extension agent but may create
on assisting professionals.
1 a. Personal lnterview
i b. Farm and Home visit
I c. TechnicalAssistance
d. lnformal Discussion

coniact between the extension agent and the client outside the farm or home; informal or chance
provides a good venue for exchanging ideas or learn about other related problems.
a. Personal lnterview
b. Farm and Home visit
c: Technical Assistance
d. lnformal Discussion

ation of different procedures in accomplishing a given activity but requires high motivation to bring
rs to watch the demonstration.
i a. Method demonstration
', b. Results demonstration
i c- Farmers'Field School
,i d. Field TriPs

It is designed to show by example the practical application of an established practice based on the results of
: a. Method demonstration
b. Results demonstration
c- Farmers' Field School
d. Field TriPs

Poge | 50
organized out-of-school class designed to offer alternative solutions to problems identified by farmers.
a. Method demonstration
b. Results demonstration
c. Farmers' Field School
d. Field Trips

trip outside of the community for farmers to see an improved practice or successful projects
a. Method demonstration
b. Results demonstration
c. Farmers' Field School
d. Field Trips

mines the factors that caused the gap between the existing and desired behavior
a. Problem analysis
b. Audience analysis
c. Situational analysis
d. Program analysis

n analysis was highly needed in this process to observe the stakeholder's characteristics and

a. Problem analysis
b. Audience analysis
c. Situational analysis
d. Program analysis

analyzing the environment where the extension program willtake place.

a. Problem analysis
b. Audience analysis
c. Situational analysis
d. Program analysis

to analyze the existing programs and projects that can support the proposed extension program"
a. Problem analysis
b. Audience analysis
c. Situational analysis
d. Program analysis

are objectives which responds to whai the project implementers should do during the extension project
a. lmplementer-oriented objectives
b. Beneficiary-orienied objectives
c. Short-term objectives
d. Long-term objectives

are objectives which responds to what the intended audience should do after the extension project
a. lmplementer-oriented objectives
b. Beneficiary-oriented objectives
c. Short-term objectives
d. Long-term objectives

?99 alq objeqtiveq whlqh yqur team deqires to happen moqt llkety after lhq sgmlnar conducted
a. lmplementer-oriented objectives
b; Benefi ciary-oriented objectives
c. Short-term objectives
d. Long-term objectives

are objectives which your team desires to happen in the following years after the extension activity has
a. lmplementer-oriented objectives
Poge | 51
b. Beneficiary-oriented objectives
c. Short-term objectives
d. Long-term objectives

is the process of looking at an entire population and identiffing groups that would benefit from

a. Audience distribution
b. Audience familiarization
c. Audience segmentation
d. Audience integration

ting an issue, product, or service in such a way that it stands out from other comparable or same
a. Positioning b. Marketing c. Advertising d. Concept Positioning

of testing the effectiveness and accuracy of preliminary versions of materials

a. Testing b. Pretesting c. Post-testing d. Evaluation

wellin promoting a single commodity grown in a relatively uniform and predictable environment.
a. Technology Transfer Model
b. Feedback Technology Transfer Model
c. Farming Systems Development Model
d. Farining Systems Research and Development Model

assumes that the technology and information available are not being used by farmers and if these will be
nicated by government agencies, farm practices would be improved.
a. Trickle Down Approach
b. eomilla Approach
c. General Agricultural Extension Approach
d. Messiah Approach

way to increase productivity and production of a particular commodity is to group all functions relating it to
one administration where extension, research, input supply, and output marketing were included.
a. Crop production apProach
b. Specialized crop production
c. Commodity-based approach
d. Commodity-specialized approach

agricultural and rural development is necessary on the community and the 'project' should be
ated on a particular location during a specified period of time with large infusions of outside resources.
Project approach
Comilla approach
Tiaining and visit approach
Rapid agricultural appraisal

ternsion programs are most likely to fit local situations & personnel if part of the cost of implementation is paid
by the central & regional governments
Participatory approach
Educational institution approach
Top-down approach
Cost-sharing approach

irefers to a forest under a deliberate system of protection, rehabilitation and development which nray include
of resources to ensure sustainable production of desired products and services, and the conservation
soil, water, wildlife and other natural resources therein from the benefit of present and future generation.
' a. production forest c. old growth forest
b. protection forest d. managed forest

Poge | 62
technique of modifying slopes into relatively flat areas for soil conservation and planting of transplants.
a. contouring c. terracing
b. mulching d. cut and filling

activity that attempts to bring lands moclifled by human use back to their normal state and function:
a. rehabilitation c. conservation
b. restoration d. preservation

activity that attempts to bring some of the important ecological services on degraded lands
a. rehabilitation c. conservation
b. restoration d. preservation

Refers to area whereby the productive capacity is at a near threshold level and so the yield of desired products
barely able to cover the cost of producing them:
a. degraded area c. marginal area
b. conserved area d. wilderness area

to those areas whereby the productive capacity is below threshold level because of improper land use
the deterioration of its structure and function
1 a. degraded area c. marginal area
: b. conserved area d. wilderness area

following are factors influencing the spread and severity of fire except.
; a. amount of fuel c. wind movement
: ,!
b. fqrest sqver d, lumbering

i major climatic event that entails prolonged drought or no rain.

I a. El Nifro c. landslide
I u. ta uina d. all of the above

major climatic event that entails prolonged rain.

r, a, El Nifro c. landslide
,i b. La Nifra d. all of the above

The practice of sound forestry in cut-over dipterocarp forest that has regenerated by natural rneans for 5 years
bi longer is termed as:
, , a. Selective logging c. ANR
d. replanting

of the important international advisory group on climate change adaptation and mitigation is the IPCC, what
IPCC stands for?
: a. International Program for Climate Change
i1i b. lntergovernmental ProEram for Climate Change
i,: c. lnternationalPanelfor Climate Change
d. lntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change

lnternational agreement that sets binding targets among Annex 1 in reducing GHGs their emissions:
i a. Agenda 21 c. Cartagena Protocol
i b. Kyoto Protocol d. Montreal Protocol

d mechanism that allows emission-reduction activities such as afforestation and reforestation in developing
cbunhies to earn certified emission reduction credits.
, a. CDM c. carbon sequestration
: n. forest preservation d. voluntary market

rmed in 1892 and now the largest largest non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest
rsbientists, which promotes global cooperation in foreslrelated research and enhances the understanding of the
ebological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees:
,t u United Nations Environmental Program c. IUFRO
ir b. FAO d. Society of American Foresters

Poge | 53
What does REDD means:
a. Reducing emission from degradation c, Reducing emissions from cleforestation and forest
and deforestation degradation
b. Reduction of emissions from d. removal of emission from deforestation and forest
deforestation and degradation degradation

According to lnternational Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), there are _ thematic areas as far as criteri
and indicators for sustainable forest management are concern.
a.5 c.7
b.9 d.14
An anthropogenic intervention to reduce the anthropogenic forcing of the climate system; it includes strategies
to reduce greenhouse gas sources and emissions and enhancing greenhouse gas sinks.
a. mitigation c. conservation
b. adaptation d. rehabilitation

Adjustment in natural or human systems response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects. which
moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
a. mitigation c. conservation
b.'adaptation d. rehabilitation

This pertains to the characteristics of a person or group and their situation that influence their capacity to
anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a natural hazard.
a. exposure c. risk
b. hazard d. vulnerability

Which among the statement is true

l. Timber Management is the composite technology employed in the production of timber or stumpage.
ll.Sustained Yield Forest Managements the management of a forest property for continuous production with
the aim of achieving at the earliest practicable time, an appropriate balance between net growth and
harvest, either by annual or somewhat longer periods.
lll. Forest resources are the components of the forest such as the soil water, and the plants and animals
therein; the source of forest good and services
IV. The major product of a forest is stand.
a. Allstatements are true c. Only statement 4 is false
b. Only statements 1 & 2 are true d. All statements are false

Which among the statement is true

l. Tree groMh refers to the increase in tree dimension or volume over time.
ll. Forestry Economics is the allocation, production and distribution of scarce forest goods and services;
the application to forestry of the principles and techniques in economies.
lll. The ultimate concern f Forest conservation is the attainment of an optimal balance among forest and
non-sylvan system through time.
lV. Sustainable forest management is the process of managing permanent forestland to achieve one or
more clearly defined objectives of management with regard to the production of a continuous flow of
desired forest products and services without undue reduction of its inherent values and future
produetivity and without undue undesirable effects on the physical and social environment.
a. All statements are true c. Only statement 4 is false
b. Only statements 1 & 2 are true d. Allstatements are false

rich among the statement is true

l. Forest Organization refers to the administrative organization and subdivision of the area into workable
ll. Block is a major administr"ative division of forest usually based topography and including several
compartments and logging chances.
lll. The Philippines Contract Reforestation Program, block refers to a unit of 10 has. The boundaries of
which are along the cardinaldirections; i.e.200 meters along east-west direction and 500 rneters along
No rth-South direction.
lV. Stumpage Value refers to the price paid by a purchaser for a standing tree.
a. All statements are true c. Only statement 4 is true
b. Only statements 1 & 2 are true d. Statement s 1 and 3 are true
Poge | 54
and gathering of timber and other forest products without license is a violation of:
a. Section 69 of P.D. 705 c. Section 71 of P.D.7O5
b. Section 70 of P.D. 705 d. Section 68 of P.D. 705

present provincial structural set-up of the DENR is headed by:


first Filipino Director of Forestry was.

a.Tiburcio Serevo b. Florencio Tamesis c, Florante Tejada d. Arthur Fisher

The revised Forestry Code of the Philippines is P.D.

a.705 (as amended) b.1081 c.1515 d.2282

Aet that mandates the professionalization of forestry

a.RA6239 b. RA 6329 c. RA6932 d. RA 6293

:PD 705 otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code was promulgated on:
a.May 19, 1975 b. May 15, 1975 c. May 19,1972 d. May 15,1972

The Practice of Forestry in the Philippines started as early as _ with the creation of the offlce "lnspection
Generalde Montes"
a.1863 b.1683 c.1386 d.',t836

Who was the first head of the lnspection Generalde Montes?

a. Don Gonzales Valdez b. Don Juan Valdez
c. Dsn Juanito Gonzales Valdez d. Don Juan Gonzales Valdez

On the basis of a recommendation of the Spanish ministry of foreign affairs as ROYAL DECREE was issued
on w/c embodied definite laws & regulations governing the operation of Phil Forestry seryices.
a. November l3, 1984 b. November 13, 1498 c. November 13, '1894 d. November 13, 1948

.As early as 1894, by virtue of a Royal Decree, no Land of the public domain was allowed to be sold unless
properly surveyed its boundaries marked out measured and certified as by the
lnspection General de Montes.
a. Alien & Disposable b. Alienating & Disposable
c. Alienable & Disposed d. Alienable & Disposable
In April 14, 1 900, the US Military Governor in the Philippines issued General Order no 50 creating the
a. Forestry Bureau b. Forest Bureau
c. Forest Management Bureau d. Forest Management

. Who was the flrst Director of the Forestry Bureau

;a. Geargus P. Ahern b. George P. Ahern c. Gearge P. Ahernt d. Gearges P. Ahernii

0. The first school of forestry in the country was established on?

a. April 14, 1 '190 b. April 14, 1910 c.April 10, 1910 d.April 14,1914

i:ll. Who was thefirst Filipino Director of the Bureau of Forestry?

i,s. Martin Reyes b. Gearge P Ahern c. Florencio Tamesis d. Segundo V. Cortes

2. Who served the longest term as Director of the Bureau of Forest Development
i,a. Florencio Tamesis b^Segundo V. Cortes c.Edmundo Cortes d.Celso P. Diaz

13. By virtue of _, the Parks and Wildlife Commission were created in 1953
.:,a.R.A No, 826 b. Memorandum No" 826 c. E.O No. 826 d. None of the above

14. In 1957, the _ was ereated and attached to the UP later on June 21, 1969 with the enaetrnent of RA # 5526.
:, The institute was named Forest Products Research and lndustries Development Commission and integrated
with the National Service Development Board.
a. Forest Research lnstitute b. Forest Products lnstitute
c. Forest lnstitute d. Forest Products Research lnstitute

Poge | 65
What lssuance stimulated the formalorganization of the BFD?
#7A5 b.R.A # 70s c.PD.507 d.PD # 0s7

During the Aquino administration, a government-wide reorganization was undertaken. This resulted to the
nization of the BFD into FMB pursuantto_
.EO No.292 b.EO. No. 102 c.EO. No.'199 d.Eo. 192
what year the Definitive Forest Laws Regulations on the Royal Decree of the King of Spain issued.
, 1894 b.1s84 c.1849 d.1794

iiThis tree does not belong to the Philippine Mahogany group

Molave b.Apitong c. Bagtikan d. Almon

EO mandates the DENR as the primary government agency responsible for forest sustainable
,,lmanagement and development of the country resources?
b. EO. 192 S. 1989
c. EO. 192 S. 1988 d. EO. 192 S. 1987

is a privilege granted by the state to a person to utilize any forestland, without any right of occupation or

b. Lease c. Permit d. Rent

, lt is a privilege granted by the state to a person or a judicial person to occupy and possess in consideration of
.,a specified rental, any forestland of the public domain in order to undertake any authorized activity.
r:a. Lieense b. Lease e. Permit d. Rent

:llt is an office under DENR which recommends policies and programs on matters pertaining to forest
and conservation
a. Forest Management Bureau
,b. Ecosystems and Research Development Bureau
,c. Environmental Management Bureau
rd. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau

rlt is an office under DENR, which recommends integrated research programs and provides scientific assistance
the study and development of environment relevant to the Philippine ecosystem and Natural resources.
,a. Eeosystem and Researeh Development Bureau
,b. Environmental Management Bureau
rc. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
,d. Protected Areas Management Bureau

ilt is an Office Under DENR, which formulates and recommends policies and programs on matters relating to
jenvironmental management conservation and pollution control.
ja. Eeosystem and Researeh Development Bureau
. Environmental Management Bureau
ic. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
id .Protected Areas Management Bureau

ilt is an office under DENR, which formulates and recommends policies and guidelines for the establishment of
jan lntegrated Protected Areas System and Conservation of Biodiversity.
treosystem ano
ia. Eeosystem
.ia. and Kesearcn
Research uevelopn
Development Bureau
;b. Environmental Management Bureau
':c. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
ld. Protected Areas Management Bureau

7586 of 1992 is otherwise known as?

a, NIPAS Law b.|PRA Law c. Anti Poverty Law
d. Philippine Clean Air Act e. None of these
. Sec. 63 of PD 705, every corporation shall within one year after affectivity for the sale of at least of
its subscribed capital stock in favor of employees
a.20% b.1% c 0.001% d.0.0001%

Poge | 65
sec. 70 of PD 705 what is the range of imprisonment to be imposed upon any person who shall without
under a lease or permit to graze livestock in forest lands/grazing lands
months - 1 year imprisonment
months - 2 years imprisonmenl
iiionths - 2 years imprisonment
months - 3 years imprisonment

program was conceived in 1971 through the promulgation of FAO entitled "Kaingin Management and Land
Managernent Program
Occupancy Program
Forest Occupancy Mgt Program
Forestry Occupancy Mgt. Program

refers to an area 10 hectares or more of disturbed dipterocarp forest, which has an average basal area of at
t 5 sq. m./ha of alltrees that are commercial species with diameter above buttress (DBH) of less than 65
ResidualForest b. Residual Production Forest
Residual d. None ofthese

refers to areas generally belonging to the indigenous peoples comprising the indigenous lands, coastal areas
natural resources therein, occupied and possessed peoples by the indigenous people by themselves or
their ancestors, communally or individually since time immemorial.
b. Ancestral Land
CommunalLand d. Stewardship Domain Claim

refers to the body of written or unwritten rules, usages, customs and practices traditionally and continually
zed, accepted and observed by respective indigenous people.
Customary law b. Culture c. Human Law d. Divine Law

is a process by which the national government confers and transfer power and authority therefore
by national agencies together with corresponding personnel, equipment, assets, liabilities
and other to the various LGU's to perform specific functions and responsibilities.
.Devolution b. Revolution c. Evolution d. None of these

ilt is a guarantee of peaceful possession and use of specific forestland area the resources found therein,
lcovered by an agreement, contract or grant which cannot be altered or abnegated without due process
jr a.Title b. Tenure c. Certificate d. allof these

is the lnitialstep in Project development cycle?

a.,Project I mplementation b. Project Formulation
c.iProject Evaluation d. Project ldentifi cation

ilt is a step in the project development cycle whereby in the process of project implementation, work
putputs are gathered and recorded so that project management may keep track of their level of performance
in relation to the planned activities.
Monitoring r,.
:,j' a. MOnltOflng
i Monitoring Assessment c. lnspecllon
b. ASSeSSmenI lnspection d. lqenullcallon
o. ldentification

ilt is detined
.llt ar the study of analysis of project results in order to assess the extent to which the objectives
defined as

iof project have been achieved oi realized.

ia. Monitoring b. Evaluation c. Assessment d. A and B e. None of the above

:lt refers to the process by which resourees like man, machine, materials and money are eoordinated to attain
rpredetermined organizational objectives the components of this process include planning, organizing,
leading and controlling.
a. Administration b. Management c. Leadership d. A and B e. None ofthe above

It refers to acknowledge claims, privileges, prerogaUves or ownership over land and natural resources to
which one is entitled by reason of law, license, contract or tradition.
a .Human rights b. Common Law e. Prior vested right d. TraditionalLaw

Poge | 67
0;'lt is the process of utilizing human and material resources towards the attainment of specific objectives.
a.Administration b. Management c. Leadership d.A and B

Under PD 705, no forestland _ in slope or over may be utilized to pasture purposes.

a.5Ao/o b.5% c.55o/o d.0.05% e.BandD

Under section 69 PD 705, what is the range of fine to be imposed upon conviction of any person who commits
unlawful occupation on destruction forest landslgrazing lands.
a.Fhp 50-20,000 b.Php 500-200,000 c.Php 50-200,000 d.Php 500-20,000

43. PD 705 declared some areas with slope of below 18% as needed for forest purposes not included.
a. Titled Lands w/c are contiguous With Certified Alienable and Disposable Lands
b. Lands wlc are Contiguous with Certified Alienable and Disposable Lands
, c. Titled Lands wlc are Not contiguous with Certified Alienable and Disposable Lands
1 d. Ancestral lands Wc are Contiguous with Certified Alienable and Disposable Lands

44. lt is the first forestry service in the country

a. lnspection Generalde Montes b. Bureau of Forestry
, c. Foiestry Services d. Forest Service e. None ofthe above

Ii refers to the Law that regulaies the practices of the forestry profession
a.RA 6239 ofJune 1971 b.RA 62 39 of January 1971
c.RA 6239 of July 1971 d.RA 6293 ofJune 1971

46. lt is a part of public Domain characterized by extreme weather conditions, acidic soil, steep slopes and poor
ve$etative cover.
a. Rangeland b. Pasture land c.A and B d. Grazing Land e. None ofthe above

47. A vision and strategy to enable the Philippines to become a newly industrialized country at the end of the
,; century
i a. Fhilippine 2000 b. Angat Pinoy 2000 c. Philippine Agenda 21 d. Go Philippine

48, The principles applied by sovereign powers, which recognize that unless otherwise title, all lands belong to
c the state.
. a.Republic Act b. Democratic Act c. Regalian Doctrine d. AncesiralLaw

Under the current reorganization structure of DENR, the forestry sector in the regional office is under the
direct supervision of the?
a. RED b. RTD c. DENR Secretary d. USEC for reg. Field operations

lncluding the autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao the Philippines is dividing into _ administrative
a.15 b.13 c.14 d.16

1. Should be given top priority in the disposition of confiscated logs, lumber and other forest products.
,a, Needy Victims of Disasters as Certified by the Department of Social Welfare and Development
b. Politicians c. Community People d. All of the Above

DAO 96-29 mandates the adoption of CBFM as the to ensure the sustainable development
I of the country's forestland resources.
: a. NationalStrategy b. Secondary Program c. lnternationalStrategy d. Primary Project

It refer to the agreed upon course of action directed towards certain forestry goals and objectives
a. Forestry Folicy b. Forest Laws c. Forest Policyd. Forestry Law e. None of the Above

It is the corporate agency of the DENR

a. Natural Development Corporation
b. Natural Resources Development Corp
c. National Development Corporation
: d. National Development

Poge | 58
It is the line of conduct that the administration of an organization adopts on particular issues. lt is also course
of plan of administrative action.
a. Program b. Policy c. Law d. Rules e. None ofthe above

56, This was organized under the auspices of ITTA, established in 1986 in Yokohama, Japan that focuses on
sustainable development of tropicalforest through international consultation and cooperation, policy work
and project activities.
a. lnternational Tropical Timber Organization (TfO)
, b. United Nations Development Program
! c. Japan lnternational Cooperation Agency
e. AII of the above

157. For efficient and effective implementation of the DENR program, the following divisions are created except
; a .Planning and Evaluation Division
b. Legal Division
c. Reforestation and Afforestation
, d. Security and lntelligence Division
e. None ofthe above

The eode of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees
a. RA 6113 b.RA 6713 c.RA 292 d.RA 192

The act on Forest charges

a.RA 7161 b.RA 7061 c.PD 7161 d.EO 7161

i0O. Wno approves the issuance of an lndustrial Forest Management Agreement for areas covering more than
10,000 hectares?
a.DENR Secretary
b. Undersecretary for environment and Programs Development
c. Regional Executive Director
d. Forest Management Bureau Director

1. lt is known as the revised Forestry Code of the Philippines

a.PD 1559 b.PD 705 c.E.O 263 d.PD 389

. The Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines was promulgated on.

a. May 1,1972 b. June 12,1949 c. May 19, 1975 d. None

This agency was established on June 1900 through General Order 92 of the United States Government
a. Bureau of Forestry
b. Department of Forest Service
e.. lnspeecion General de Montes
d. Reforestation administration

It is an office attached to the DENR, which serves as the country's center mapping agency.
a.NAMRIA (National Mapping & Resource lnformation Authority)
b.NAMRIA (National Mapping & Resource Information Agency)
c.NAMRIA (National Map & Resource lnformation Agency)
d.NAMRIA (NationalMapping & Natural Resource lnformation Agency)

The corJe of ethics obliges foresters to consider and human values as the guiding Principles in
decision-making exercise of ability and application of skills; and as a moral responsibility
a.Personal lnterest b. Life History c. Economic gain d. Public welfare

66. The code of ethics obliges foresters to always take into account the ecological values and needs of the
i in the development of and deriving benefits from the forest. -
a. Licensee b. Agency c. Community d. SocietY

The code of ethics obliges foresters to contribute to forestry knowledge and share knowledge with other
professionals; to develop professionally and be on developments in forestry
a. Behind b. Critical c. Up-to-date d. Supportive
Poge | 69
168. ln the case of non-timber forest products, the prescribed transport documents are as follows:
I. Certificate of non-timber forest products origin (duplicate copy)
ll. Delivery receipt
I lll. Certificate of transport Agreement unlesg invalidly dispensed with
a. Allstatement is true
b.2 statement is true
c. One statement is true
d. One statement is false

The code of Ethics obliges foresters to be loyal to the to observe tho provisions of the constitution and
the laws of the land and to respect duly constituted assembly
a. Family b .Country c. Flag d. President

The codes of Ethics oblige foresters to provide exemplary _ to enrployees, client and public to be honest
in alldealings while handling properly information classified or confidentia["
a. Offer b. Services c. lnformation d. Award

171. Presidential Decree no. 705 provides that no forestland 50% in slope or over may utilized for
a.Pasture b. Protection Forest c. Watershed Reservation d. Wildlife Sanctuary

172.The first law, making illegallogging a criminaloffense is

. a. PD 331 b.PD 330 c.PD 705 d. PD 1559

173. Refers to the citizen actually and directly occupyinglcultivating public forest land as of Dec. 31, 1981
a. Forest occupants b. Kaingeros c. Squatter d. lndigenous People

refers to the document issued by the DENR attesting that a certain project under consideration will not
bring about unacceptable environmental impact and that the proponent has complied with the requirements
of the Environmental lmpact Statement (ElS) System.
a. Environmental I mpact Statement c. Environmental Compliance Certifi cate
b. Environmental Clearance Certifi cate d. Environmental Compliance Permit

is defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without cornpromising the ability of the future
generations to meet their own needs
a. sustainable development c, selective logging
b. economic development d. preservation

To be sustainable, the rate oF- of a renewable resource like timber should not exceed regeneration rate
a. use c. production
b. conservation d. preservation

77. This element under the traditional practice of shifting cultivation makes the system feasible and considered
a.long fallow c. crop rotation
b. cropping mix d. smallfarm size

It is a practice in upland farming wherein the land is allowed to rest for a considerable period to regain its
a. fertilization c. organic farming
b. fallow d. rotation cropping

tt is the process of predicting the likely environmental consequences of implernenting projects or

undertakings and designing appropriate preventi,re, mitigating and enhancement measures.
a. Sector Analysis c. Environmental lmpact Assessment
b. Scooping d. Environmental lmpact Statement

It is an outcome of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero, the UN statement of environmental principles
towards sustainable development.
a.Global Environment Outlook c. Conference on the Human Environment
b.Agenda 21 d. Social reform Agenda

Poge I Z0
iliii,$rlr i:ii

1,. lt is referred to as the Philippine Environmental Code.

,l a. PO No. 1586 c. PD No.705
b.PD No.1152 d. PD No. 1125

It was created to provide the mechanism for implementing the principles of sustainable development in the
a. Philippine Council for Sustainable Development
b.Philippine Technical Working Group for Sustainable Development
c.Philippine Agenda 21 Council
d. Social Reform Council

This refers to the document(s) of studies on the environmental impacts of a project including the discussions
on direct and indirect consequences upon human welfare and ecological integrity as well as the appropriate
mitiEating and enhancement measures.
a. Environmental Guarantee c. Environmental I mpact Assessment
b. Environmental Compliance Certifi cate d. Environmental lmpact Statement

It refers to a project that has high potential for significant negative environmental impact.
a. Potential Project c. Environmentally Critical Project
b. Environmental Project d. High lmpact Project

As per DAO 96-37, a project within an environmentally critical area which has been in operation prior to
which neither expanded its daily production capacity or area, nor modified its process is not covered
by the Environmental lmpact Statement System.
a.1985 b.1982 c.1990 d.1995

Sustainable development is viewed to mean not going beyond the _ of our environment and natural
a. carrying capacity b. supplyc. supply d. biodiversity

. Which of the following is not a principle of sustainable development?

a. maximum production c. participatory democracy
b. gender sensitivity d. ecological soundness

88. This is the entire process of organization, administration and procedures institutionalized for purposes of
assessing the significance of the effects of any project on the quality of the environment and designing
appropriate mitigating and enhancement measures.
a. Environmental Risk Assessment c. Environme ntal Assessment System
b. Environmental lmpact Statement d. Environmental lmpact Statement System

. lt is the stage in the Environmental Impact Statement System where information and assessment
requirement are established or the range of actions, alternatives and impacts to be examined are defined.
a. Scoping c. lnitial Environmental Examination
b. Risk Assessment d. Environmental Planning

It is the result of a process mutually agreed upon by the DENR, key stakeholders, and project proponent to
ensure that the valid concerns of stakeholders are fully considered and/or resolved in the decision-making
process for granting or denying issuance of an Environmental Compliance Certificate.
a. social acceptability c. public management
b. conflict management d. public consultation and hearings

1. Which of the following projects are not covered by the Environmentallmpact Statement System?
a.countryside business and barangay entities covered by R.A. No.6810
b.smelting plants c. logging d. recharged areas of aquifers

The formal scoping report required under the Environmental lmpact Statement System shall be submitted
a. Project proponent c. Environmental Management Bureau
b. Stakeholders d. Support Non-Government Organization

Poge | 71
193. ln storm prone areas, it is recommended that mangrove forest strips meters wide inward along a
shoreline fronting seas, oceans and water bodies and _ meter strip on both sides of river channel for
riverbank protection
a. 50 then 50 b. 1 00 then 50 c. 1 00 then 25 d. 50 then 25

94. The enforcement of rules and regulations regarding testing and apprehension of smoke-belching vehicles
and collection appropriate fees and charges is a function of the:
a. Local Government Unit c. Environmental Management Bureau
b. Forest Management Bureau d. Pollution Adjudication Board

95. This is a package of interventions which the government shall pursue to ensure the welfare and integration
of disadvantaged group or basic sectors of the socie$ into the political and economic mainstream.
a. SocialReform Agenda c. Philippine 2000
b. SocialReform Agenda d. Master Plan for Sustainable Management

96. Under the Community-Based Forest Management Program participating organized communities may be
granted access to forest land resources provided they employ certain harvesting rnethods. Which of the
' following methods is not recommended?
a. highly mechanical c. ecological sustainable
b. environment-friendly d. labor-intensive

97. The issuance dated May 18, 1996 that prescribes the guidelines and procedures for"the prospeeting of
biological and genetic resources in the Philippines:
a.EO No- 247 c. EO No. 240
b.EO No.263 d. EO No.291

98" A DENR administrative order that provides implementing rules and regulations on the prospecting of
biological and genetic resources in the Philippines?
a.DAO No. 96-30 c. DAO No. 96-20
b.DAO No. 93-02 d. DAO No.93-58

refers to the research, collection and utilization of biological and genetic resources for purposes of applying
the knowledge derived therefrom for scientific and/or commercial purposes.
a. biotechnology c. commercial research agreement
b. bioprospecting d. academic research agreement

It refers to identified portions of land and water set aside by reason of their unique physicai and biological
significance, managed to enhance biological diversity and safeguard against destructive human exploitation.
a.buffer zone c. watershed
b-forest reserve d. protected area

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 247, when the bioprospecting activity is to be conducted within ancestral
land or ancestral domain, the applicant shall obtain a from the concerned indigenous people
in aeeordance with the customary laws of the concerned community.
a. prior informed consent c. commercial research agreement
b. prospecting contract d. academic research agreement

" lt refers to the customary utilization of biological and genetic resources by the local cornmunity and
indigenous peoples in accordance with written and unwritten usages, customs and practices traditionally
observed, accepted and recognized by them.
a.bioprospeeting use c. customary right
b.traditional use d. sustainable development

. The administrative order that provides implernenting rules and regulations of tho f',JlPAS Act of 192.
i a.DAO 25, Series of 1992 c. DAO 02, Series of 1992
i b.DAO 45, Series of 1992 d. DAO 23, Series of 1992

Pursuant to the NIPAS Act, DAO No. 92-27 provides that all mossy forest shall form part of ihe National
lntegrated protected Areas System and shall be considered as:
a. protected nature reserves c. strict nature reserves
b. wildlife sanctuaries d.buffer zones

Poge | 72
. Which of the following does not fall within the category of protected area under the NIPAS Act of 1992?
a. buffer zone c. protected landscapes
b. strict nature reserve d. natural monument

It is defined as a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity, where extractive resource
uses are not allowed and which is maintained to protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national
and international significance for scientific, educational and recreational uses.
a.naturalpark c. protected landscape
b.nationalpark d. natural monument

It refers to the classification of all designated protected areas to maintain essential ecological processes and
the life support systems to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of resources found therein,
and to maintain their naturalconditions to the greatest extent possible"
a.National integrated Protected Areas System
b. Protected Areas Classification System
c. Protected Areas and Wildlife Development
d. Protected Areas Strategic Planning

It refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness character, which has been withdrawn from
settlement, occupancy or any from of exploitation except in conformity with an approved managernent plan
and set aside as such exclusively to conserue the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and historic
objects, wild animals and plants therein and to provide enjoyment of these features in such areas.
a.Protected Landscape c. Natural Park
b.National Park d. Strict Nature Reserve

These are identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately adjacent to classified proteCed areas
that need special development control in order to avoid or minimize harm to the protected areas.
a. buffer zones b. criticalwatersheds c. riverbanks d. ecotone

0. Under the National Integrated Areas System, each established protected area shall be administered by a

a.Proteeted Areas and Wildlife Division c. Protected Area Management Board

b. Protected Areas Management Committee d. Protected Area Management Council

1. The final decision to include protected areas as integral part of the NIPAS is the function of:
a.Congress c. DENR
b. Sangguniang Panlalawigan d. Protected Area Management Board

2. Unless otherwise provided by law, protected areas disestablished by Congress shall revert to the category
a.alienable and disposable lands c. public forest
b.national park d. mining reservation

3. Under the NIPAS Act and its lmplementing Rules and Regulations, which of the following is not a function
of the Protected Area Management Board?
a.Supervise, manage and administer the National lntegrated Protected Area System
b.Decide mafters relating to planning, resource protection and generaladministration of the protected area in
accordance with the GeneralManagement Planning Strategy
c.Control and regulate the construction, operation and maintenance of roads, trails, water works, sewerage,
fire protection and sanitation systems within the protected area.
d.Monitor and evaluate the performance of protected are personnel, NGOs and the communities concerned

4. As provided under NIPAS Act, members of the protected Area Management Board shallserve for a term of
_ years.
a.three (3) b. two (2) c. five (5) d. six (6)
5. As provided under NIPAS Act, who shall serve as the chairperson of the Protected Area Managernent
a. DENR Regional Executive Director
b.Director, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
e. Regional Technical Director for Environment
d.Regional Technical Director for Forestry
Poge | 73
216. Aside from the DENR Regional Executive Director in whose jurisdiction the protected area is located, who
among the other members of the Protected Area Management Board serves as an "ex-officio'member?
a.Municipal Mayor c. Barangay Captain
b. Provincial Development Officer d. Municipal Agriculturist

217. Pursuant to Section 21 of the NIPAS Act, any person found guilty by a competent cou rt of justice of hunting,
destroying, disturbing, or mere possession of any plants or animals or products without a permit from the
concerned Protected Area Management Board shall be imprisoned andlor fines in the amount of
exclusive of the value of the things damaged.
a. P5,000 - P100,000 c. P10,000 - P200,000
b.P10,000- P100,000 d. P5,000 - P200,000

218. Pursuant to Section 21 of the NIPAS Act, any person found guihy by a competent court of justice of
, mutilating, defacing or destroying objects of natural beauty, or objects of interest to cuhural corhmunities
shall be imprisoned for:
a.1 to 6 years b.2 to 5 years c. lto3years d. 2to 4 years

19. Anexecutive issuance which regulates access to biological resources in the Philippines
a.EO 263 b. Eo 15 c. EO 247 d. Eo 115

. lt'is defined as the "degree of nature's variety and variability described in terms of number, frequency and
type of living organism in a given area including the structural and functional interactions which they are part
a. bioprospecting b. environment c. biodiversity d. ecology

1. Which of the following is considered as one of the issues associatedwith the problems of biodiversity loss
or decline?
a. im plementatio n of appropri ate conservation meas u res
b.poverty and rapid population growth
c. adequate support for research on resource inventories, conservation and management programs
d.appreciation of indigenous culture and knowledge
It refers to plantation establishment activities in reforestation which includes, among others, construction of
infrastructure, seedling production, site preparation and replanting, maintenance and protection, and
silvicultural treatments.
a. development planning c. enrichment planning
b. project implementation d. comprehensive site development

It refers to activities implemented to prevent and suppress forest destruction particularly those resulting from
illegal logging, squatting, burning and other damages caused by pests or natural calamities.
a. Forest protection b.
Forest Conservation c.
Silviculture d.

Buffer zone or 'ladded protection layer" is exemplified by a strip of land along the edge of normal high
waterline of rivers and streams with channels of at least 5 meters wide-
a. 20 meter b. 30 meter c.
10 meter d.
50 meter

Natural or artificial restocking of an area with forest

a. reforestation b. affoi'estation c. deforestation d. regeneration

Establishment of a forest on area not previously forested

a. deforestation b. reforestation c. afforestation d. regeneration

. Establishrnent of a forest on an area recently cleared of forest with insufficient vegetation of forest area.
a. afforestation b. reforestation c. regeneration d. planting

Refsrestation does not aim to:

a.Convert existing dipterocarp forest into a plantation of fast-growing species.
b. Rehabilitate watersheds
c. Promote production of timber and non-timber forest products
d. En rich logged-over areas

It is a degree with requires all citizen to plan trees every month for 5 consecutive years.

Poge | 74
a.PD No. 705 b. PD No.1153 c. PD No. 1559 d. PD no.1151
230. lt is a multi-sectoral group created in each established protected area and vested with powers to administer
the implementation of the Natural lntegrated Protected Area System.
a.Protected Area Management Board
b.Provincial SpecialTask Force on Ancestral Domains
c. Mu fti-Sectoral Forest Protection Committee
d. Protected Area Technical Working Group

1. These are large rectangularwire cages filled with stoneslrocks and which are employed in erosion control
a. rip-raps b. A-frames c. weirs d. gabions

After a forest fire has been controlled, it is importantthat allthe burning objects such as branches and slumps
be extinguished so that no embers are left. This stage of fire suppression is referred to as:
;i a. direct attack b. back firing c. mopping up d. cleaning up

. These are strips of vegetation consisting of mixture of trees, shrubs and vines planted to reduce wind velocity
and can result in decreased destruction on houses, gardens and agri-crops.
a. Shelterbelts b. Windshield c. Windbreaker d- Firebreak

This refers to the introduction of valuable species in forest areas where economicalspecies are lacking to
improve species composition.
a.enrichmentplanting b.afforestation c. regeneration d. rnultiple cropping

This refers to the removal of undesirable trees at an early stage of the plantation to i'etain only the best or
desired stems up to maturity.
a. weeding b. sanitation cutting c. prunrng d. thinning

Thinning must start as soon as crown competition sets in order to.

a.provide enough growing space forthe remaining crop
b. avoid growth of climbers
c. prevent the stand from pest and diseases
d. provide windbreak

It refers to vegetation of less inflammable species with dense foliage, planted closely around 20-meter wide
which provide protection to fire sensitive stands.
a.firebreaks b. firelines c. shelterbelts d. contour lines

This refers to sirips of about 10 meters wide on which all inflammable vegetation is cleared before the dry
seasons to reduce fire hazard in plantations.
a. firelines b. firebreaks c. shelterbelts d. contour lines

. This is one way to reduce damage of pests and diseases in the forest whereby infested, dead and
overmature species are removed in favor of the healthy ones.
a. sanitation cutting b. refining c. liberation cutting d. thinning

Which of the following is not a fire suppression method?

a. mopping up b. direct attack c. defense measure d. firebreak

. This refers to a fire suppression method wherein slow burning is done from a fireline to the direction of the
main fire so that burning ends when both fires met.
a. backfiring c. fireline
b. direct attack d. firebreak

, This refers to a strip of vegetation consisting of a one or more species of plants or trees which serves as
protection of croplands from the destructive effects of strong winds.
a.shelterbelt b. firebreak c. buffer zone d. terrace

Wlderness areas are intended for:

a. environmental protection c. agro-forestry
b.timber production d. forage production

Poge | 75
:.:.:; ::,.li.;lir]. : rli
)!i r.ri;r::!.r::;;
ii rffi

It is a type of gravity erosion wherein an entire mass of soil moves downhill as a unit without any evidence
of clefts or cracks on the surface.
a.landslide b. soil creep c. sheet erosion d. rillerosion

It refers to a levy being imposed by the government on timber and other forest products cut in a forestland
by a permittee and TLA/TPSA holders.
a. inspection fee c. Iicense/permit fee
b.performance bond d. forest charges

It refers to a land that has been depleted of its natural forest cover and is predominantly covered by grasses,
herbaceous species or bare soil.
a. open and denuded land c. degraded residual forest
b. brushland d. residual production forest

7. Which of the following wood products is not allowed for exportation?

a.Lumber from government-owned reforestation projects
b. Finished wood products
c. Semi-fi nished wood products
d. Knock-down finished or semi-finished wood products

. lt'refers to any forest land extensively planted with trees primarily to supply raw materials requirements of
existing or proposed wood processing plants and related industries.
a. lndustrial Tree Plantation c. Plantation Forest
b.Tree Farm d. Tree Plantation

The Code of Ethics obliges foresters to consider and human values as the guiding principles in
decision-making exercise of ability and application of skills, and as a moral responsibility
a.eeonomic gain b. public welfare c. personal interest d. life history

The Code of Ethic obliges foresters to communicate with the public and develop national awareness of the
social, political and economic aspects of forest and to serve as a dynamic agent of change in bringing about
a.forest extension c. forest conservation
b.forest utilization d. logging

'1. The Code of Ethics obliges foresters to develop and maintain a high professionaI prestige, uphold the dignity
and high standards of the forestry profession and take pride in its practice; and to put honesty, integrity and
above material and pecuniary interest
a. eonfidentiality c. personal interest
b.financialgain d. moral values

The Code of Ethics obliges foresters to provide exemplary

to employees, clients and public;to be
honest in alldealings while handling properly information classified orconfidential
a.award c. offer
b information d. service

The Code of Ethics obliges foresters to contribute to forestry knowledge and share knowledge with other
professionals; to develop professionally and be _ on developments in forestry.
a. up-to-date b. critical c. behind d. supportive

The Cocle of Ethics obliges foresters to always take into account the ecological values and needs of the
in the development of and deriving benefits from the forest.
a. agency b. society c. licensee d. community

Development of ability to project oneself into the feeling of others is necessary for social forestry field
workers. This ability is referred to as:
a.sympathy b. apathy c. empathy d. Ioyalty
. lnvolvement in social forestry necessitates understanding of the interaction between the people and the
forest, As such, this task required a good mix of one's skills and knowledge both in natural and aspect
of forest management. b. biological c. physical d. award -
Poge | 76
The water found in the cell walls of wood is called.
a.Free waterb. Bound water c. Water of constitution d. Elementalwater

The growth layer of one year as vieweC on the cross section of the stem, branch or roots.
a.Annual ring b. Annual layer c. Cambiallayer d. lntercellular layer

Dead inner core of a woody stem, generally distinguishable from the outer portion by its darker color
a.Sapwood b. Heartwood c. Earlywood d. Latewood

Paratrachealparenchyma with wing-like lateralextension as viewed on the cross section of wood.

a.Aliform b. Apotracheal c. Confluent d. diffuse

The tips of the elongating cell force their way between the other developing cell above and belo
a.lntussusception b. Apposition c. lntrusive groMhd. Perforation

A structure member supporting a load applied transversely to it.

a. post b. beam c. purling d. stud

lf the weight of a piece of wood with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters is 25 grams at ovendry condition, the
percentage actualsolid volume is.
a.34o/o b. 47.630/. c.23.28% d.23.6%

An assembly of wood interconnected to form triangles.

a.Beam b. Rafter c. truss d. purling

When wood dries from 60% MC to 20% MC, the following occurs.
a.There is shrinkage only c. There is shrinkage and weight loss
b.There is weight loss only d. no significant change at all

A piece of wood at ovendry condition has a volume of 100 cubic centimeters. lf its volume increases to 11 0
cubic centimeters after absorbing moisture, its volumetric swelling is.
a.9.5o/o b. 11.0% c.1OYo d.9%

1. ls the art of guarding timber and wood product against the destructive living organism, especially fungi,
insects and marine borers.
a.Wood preservation b. Wood seasoning c. Sash preservative d. Chemicalapplication

2. The rapid removal of moisture from unseasoned timber by heat treatment as a preliminary preservative
a. Boi ling-without-vacu u m b. Fanning c. Conditioning d. lncising

13. Methods of treating wood in which penetration is obtained by the gradual diffusion of a preservative from a
concentrated source of supply applied to the surface of the wood, usually in the form of paste.
a.Diffusion treatments b. Dipping c. Hot or cold bath d. Pressure treatments

Any distortion in a piece of lvood from its true plane that may occur in seasoning.
a.Twisting b. Warping c. Bowing d. Cupping

5. Defects that occur after a tree is cut which develop because of the anisoptropic natui'e of wood and the
hygroscopicity of the wood substance.
a.Collapse b, Seasoning defects c. Honeycombing d. Casehardening

6. Which of the following is/are not basic operation(s) in lumber manufacturing?

a.Edging c. Seasoning
b. P reservative treatment d.BandC

7. To transport logs using lines and cables,

a.Chaining b. Snaking c. Swinging d. Forwarding

A wire rope attached to logs so that they can be yarded of skidded.

a- Winch b. Guyline c. Choker d. Strawline
Poge | 77
are cut to correct sizes.
d. Bucking

,lTh* oro""dure of wounding a live tree to induce the injured portion to exude sap or
gum is known as
l.'-- |
ja.Stripping rr. extraction c' Lapping d' Tapping
palm family?
,,Rrt un" are spiny climbing plants that betong to what sub-family of the
';.il;;;il"J;;' ul btransutae c' Peripatedeae d' Donoeae

'which of the following species of rattan has a diameter of 5-1 0 cm or more?

.i;:;.,;; b. Tumatin c. Limuran d. Sumulid

' can be obtained from which Philippines softwood
,Manila copal is a resin that
,a.pinus kesiya ii. Aiamis philippinensisc. Pinus merkusii d" Araucaria sp'

Are classified and referred to as "minor forest d. Bamboo
altton+imOer forest products b' Pulp wood c. Epiphytes

edged and trimmed.

Lumber that has not been dressed but has been sawed,
a.Matched lumber b. Ship lapped lumber c' Patterned lumber
J. nough lumber e' Structuralgrade lumber
where it is expected to be used as a whole in the form in
Lumber produced for general construction purposes
which it is sold
yard rumber c. ship rapped rumber d. patterned rumber e. Rough lumber
a.Matched rumber b.

Which of the following is not a softwood:

b' Agathis philippinensis c. PodocarPus imbrieatus
a-Pinus kesiya
d. Gmelina irborea e. Podocarpus philippinensis

- operation:
Which of the following is not a basic sawmilling
c. Ripping ^ n,-
Trimming e' '
a.Headsawing b. Resawing d.

boards is:
The primary breakdown of logs resutting- to ptanfs and
a.Heads awing b. RJsawing c. Ripping d. Trimming e. Planing

width is:
Sawing pieces of lumber in order to attain desired
at right angles to the annual Erowth rings
Lumber sawn such that the wide face are approximately
a.Plain sawn lumber b. Quarterly'sawn lumber c'Flat-sawn lumber
d. Structural lumber e' Yard lumber
tangent to the annual growth rings:
Lumber sawn such that the wide faces are approximately
a. Plain sawn tumber b. Quarterly'sawn lumber c' rough lumber
J. Structural lumber e' Yard lumber

It is the rnost extensive method employed

in peeling veneer in the Phil'
quality veneer:
which of the following' is a characteristic of a high
a.Unlform thickness b' moderately compressed c' smooth surface
J. tigt',t surface e' all of the

variable in kiln drying?

which of the following is not considered as drying
a.Temperature of b' Aii ve-locity c' absolute humidity
J. Orying time "itJuLiing
'it e' all of the above

Poge | 78
Which of the following is not included in the four (4) principal processes in the production of row plywood?
a. Assembly and lay-up of veneers & core stock
b. Gluing
c. Pressing
d. Finishing
e. None ofthe above
They are substances which have some adhesive properties and are added to the synthetic resin to reduce the
cost of glue-mix.
a. Extenders b. Fillers c. wheat flour d. cassava floure, starch

They are inert, relatively non-adhesive substances that are added to the glue-mix to improve its working
a, Extender b. Fillers c. Wheat flour d. Cassava flour e. Starch

It is a cross banded assembly made of layers of veneer such that the grain of adjacent layers run
perpendicular to each other.
a.Plywood b. Fiberboard c. Particle board d. laminated wood e. none of the above

41. Some of the important finishing operations in dipterocarp ptywood making are:
.. Reconditioning
,a. b. Trimming c. Repairing d. Sanding e. all of the above

12. Amethod of grading lumber into standard classes of strength as influence by wood defects is:
a.Plywood grading b. Iumber grading c. Log grading d. Veneer grading e. Stress grading

43. A defect on pieces of lumber which could be easily wiped out or removed during planing.
a.Molds b. Stain c. Decay fungi d. Termite damaged e. None of the above

14. Plywood that is capable to with stand prolonged exposure to severe conditions:
a. Type ll plywood b. Type I plywood c. lnterior type plywood
d. Grade B plywood e. None ofthe above

Which of the following families produce mangrove species:

a. Podocarpaceae b. Meliaceae c. Rhizophoraceae d. Moraceae e. Pinaceae

A group of cane-like climbing palm species generally found in moist tropical forest used mainly for furniture:
a.Bamboo b. Rattan c. Grassesd. Honeybee e. Anahaw

A property of wood to resist deterioration is:

a.Hardness b. Durability c. Permeability d. Strength e. Penetrability

A reduction in the quality of the product due to undesirable features is called:

a.Degrade b. Defect c. scant d. Blemish e. Wane

Lumber that has not passed a planing machine is called:

a.SlS b. S2S c. Surfaced lumber d. Undressed lumber e. S4S

It is considered as "poor man's lumber"

a. Bamboo b. Rattan c. Buri d. Nipa e. Anahaw

It is the largest among the native palms naturally growing in the Philippines:
a. Manila Palm b. Buri c. Nipa d. Anahaw e" Mc Arthur Palm

Rattan is a climbing woody plant. ln the Philippines, the largest rattan genus is:
a. Korthalsia b. Plectocomia c. Calamus d. Corypha e. Daemonorps

Bamboo belongs to family :

a-Poaceae b. Meliaceae c. Arecaceae d. Bursiracea e. Casuarinaceae

It is a natural fiber material used in the production of mats for sleeping, praying and decorative purposes and
belongs to the Cyperaceae.
a. Salago b. Balinguai c. Nito d. Tikog e. Lagundi
Poge | 79
:!i.': !!r,ii!:..J

Source of medicine used to treat asthma and cough.

a. Salago b. Balanguai c. Nito d. Lagundi e. Anabo

A small tree under Rubiaceae family where the juice of its fruit has been found to improve the immune
systems or resistance to certain illness such as cancer.
a. Lagundi b. Sambong c. Tsang-gubat d. Niog-niogan e. Noni or Bangkoro

The resin derived from the Apitong group of Dipterocarps:

a. Manila copal b. Balau c. Tannin d. Damar e. Manila elemi

The resin derived from the Hopia and Shorea group of Dipterocarps.
a. Manila copal b. Manila elemi c. Damar d. Navalstores e. Tannin

The resin derived from the Eenus Canarium of the Burseraceae family:
a. Manila copal b. Manila elemi c. Damar d. Navalstores e. Tannin

It is a colorless and volatile oil obtained by distillation and used in the manufacture of points and varnishes.
a. Turpentine b. Manih elemi c. Manila copal d" Damar e. None ofthe above

1. Which of the following is not a soulce of dye:

a. Banato b. Siar c. Sibukan d. Tangal e. Narra

It is a gum obtained from Palaquium aherniarum Merr. which has excellent insulating properties thai are
retained under water, hence is used for submarine and underground cable.
a. Damar b. Naval stores c. Gutta percha d. Tannin e. Manila copal

Which of the following is not a traditional way of bamboo protection:

a. Soaking b. Curing c. Smoking d. Whitewashing e. Cooking

Which of the following is not a type of distillation:

a. Water and steam distillation
b. Cohobation
c. Steam distillation
d. Hydrodiffusion
e. Evaporation
They are amourphous substances with astringent taste usually found or extracted in the bark of trees:
a. Gum b. latex c. Tannin d. Resin e. Naval stores

Substances which are not part of the basic structure of wood but merely deposited in it are coilectively called:
a. Cellulose b. Hemicellulose c. Lignin d. Extractives e. None of the above

Oilextracted from this species serves as a substitute for linseed oil:

a. Lumbang b. Benguet pine c. Pili d. Almaciga e. Apitong

These are substances that give aromatic to leaves & twigs of many trees, which are sometimes called volatile
a. Scents b. Aroma c. Extractive d. Essentials oils e. hemicellulose

The turpentine secreted by the Pine tree is a form of:

a. Celiulose b. Hemicellulose c. Lignin d. Extractives e. None ofthe above

Essential oil can be used as:

a- Perfume b. Cosmetic c. Functional d. Technical e. all of the above

It is obtained from the latex of various erect or climbing woody plants that belong to the family Moraceae,
Apocynaceae and Euphorbiaceae.
a. Gum b. Essentialoilc. Rubber d. Tannin e. Dyes

Which of the following species is not a source of oil used as illuminant.

Poge I B0
a. Petroleum nut b. Bitaog c. Bulala d. Botong e. Anabiong

It is the tallest member of the grass family:

a. Bamboo b. Napier c. Rattan d. Sugar cane e. none of the above

It is also known as brea blanca:

a. Elemi b. Manila copal c. Almaciga resin d. Damar e. Navalsiores

Water in wood found in the cell wall, the removal of which causes the wood to shrink.
a. Water of constitution b. free water c. bound water
d. Water vapor e. Moisture Water

It is usually expressed as the mass of a body divided by its corresponding volume:

a. specific gravity b. density c. moisture content d. fiber content e. void space content

It is usually determined by the ratio of the weight of water present in wood to the weight of such wood at
ovendry condition multiplied by 100.
a. specific gravity b. density c. moisture content d. fiber content e. void space content

The fiber saturation point of most Philippine words is at:

a. 5oo/o moisture content b. 3Oo/o moisture content c. 20Yo moisture contenl
d.10% moisture content e. Ovendry Condition

Generally, when drying proceeds below the fiber saturation point,

a. Wood begins to shrink
b. Wood is at minimum volume
c. Wood starts to swell
d. Wood either swell or shrink.
e. none ofthe above

80. lf the fresh weight and ovendry weight of a piece of wood is 100 grams and 80 grams respectively, its
moisture content is:
a.20o/o b.25o/oc. B0% d.30To e.15Y"

1. The specific gravity of wood is maximum at:

a. Fiber saturation point b. Ovendry condition c. 15% mc
d. 20% moisture content e.10% moisture content

82. Wood exhibits different mechanical properties along the three structural axes. This property reflects its:
a. Hygroscopic nature b. Microscopic nature c. Anisotropic nature
d. lntrinsic nature e- None ofthe above

3. The ability of wood to recover its originalsize and shape afterthe removalof applied stress is:
a. Brashness b. Brittleness c. Modulus of elasticity
d. Modulus of rupture e. None ofthe above
It is an indication of the amount of wood materials presentin a given volume of wood and also serves as a
guide to pulp content:
a. Density b. Specific Gravity c. Moisture content
d. Fiber saturation point e- Brashness

It refers to the condition in wood in which its moisture content is equalto moisture contentthe surrounding
a. Fiber saturation poinl b. Equilibrium moisture content c. Ovendry conciition
d. Green condition e. all of the above

Which of the following is correct regarding density and specific gravity?

a. Density and specificgravity are closely related to the physical and mechanical properties of wood
b. Density and specific gravity affect working and finishing characteristic of wood.
c. Density and specific gravity affect the amount of air spaces which in turn affect drying rate.

Poge I Bt
. r:1.-:r

d. Density and specific gravity affect the dimensional changes that may occur in wood.
e. all of the above.

87. Generally, when wood dries:

a. the nail-holdirrg capacity of the wood is increased
b. the resistance of wood to decay organism is increased
c. most of the strength properties of wood is enhanced
d. its permeability is improved
e. all of the above

88. What are the magnitudes of the reactions at the point of support of a sinrple beam loaded 10001bs. which is
concentrated at a point one-fourth of the length of the span from the left support.
a the left support 750 lbs and the right supports 250 lbs
b. the left support 250 lbs and the right support 750 lbs
c. the left supports 500 lbs and the right support 500 lbs
d. the left support 1000 Ibs and the right support 0 lbs
e. None of the above

89. A structural member supporting a load applied transversely to it:

a. Post b. Beam c. Stud d. Purlin e. Timber

90. An assembly of wooden members interconnected to form triangles fastened by naiis/hrolts.

a. Beam b. Purlins c. Trusses d. Rafter e. Studs

91 . lf a load is maintained on a wooden beam, the gradual increase in sag or bend thrcugl-r the passage of time in
a. Creep b. Elasticity c. Plasticity d. Bending e. Studs

92. Prolonged exposure of wood at high temperature causes irreversible effect resulting to:
a. Removal of moisture b, decrease in weight c. decreased durability
d. decreased weight and strength e. all of the above

93. ltisapropertyof woodmeasuredbytheloadappliedatastandardraterequitedtoembedhalfwaya0.44

inch steel ball.
a. Hardness b. Luster c. Texture rJ. Durability e. anisotropic

94. The capacity of rnaterialto resist the sudden application of a force, It is also a measure of toughness of vrood:
a. Resonance b. Shock resistance c. Modulus of rupture d. Modulus of elasticity e. shear

95. The resistance of wood to forces which tends to cause one part of the body to slip along the contact plane of a
contiguous part.
a. Tension b. Compression c. Shearing d. Strain e. Stress

96. Woc,d loses moisture depending upon the moisture condition of its surroundings. These characteristics
indicate that wood is:
a. Macroscopic b. Hygroscopic c. Microscopic d. Anisotiopic e. all o[the above

97. A type of water found in the cell cavities and leaves the wood first during drying:
a. Free water b. bound water c. hygroscopic water
d. water of constitution e. water vapor

98. The volume cf vroocl is said to be minimum at:

a. Green conCition b. Ovendry condition t. 25o,!o moistu re conient
d. Fiber Saturation point e. None of the above

09. Wood seasoning is necessary in order to"

a. lmprove its permeability to chemicals
b. Decrease it susceptibility to decay-causing organism
c. lmprove its machining, gluing and finishing qualities
d. Reduce transport cost of warden materials
e. All of the above
Poge | 82
100. Which of the following statements is correct regarding shrinkage?
a. Lighter species shrink more across the grain than heavier ones.
b. Heavier species shrink more across the i;rain than lighter ones.
c. Regardless of species , shrinkage is highest along the grain
d. Quarterly - sawn boards shrink more along the width than flat - sawn boards
e. Flat - sawn boards shrink more on the thickness than quarterly - sawn boards

101. Shrinkage and swelling are reversible process that occurs in word clue to moisture changes in the
surrounding atmosphere. Shrinkage occurs when:
a. Wood is in moisture - free condition
b. Moisture content is between ovendry and fiber - saturation point
c. Drying starts below fiber saturation point
d. B&C
e. C only

102. Wood by nature either swell or shrink depending upon the moisture condition of the surrounding
environment. This characteristic of wood shows that it is:
a. Macroscopic c. hygroscopic none ofthe above
b. Microscopic d. anisotropic

r103. They are strips or boards separating the layers of the lumber in a pile.
. a. Plank b. stickers c. flitch d. dimension e. cant
'104. A type of kiln using the heat of the sun as source of energy
a. compartment kiln b. progressive kiln c. gas or oil i fluid kiln d. furnace type kiln
e. solar kiln

105. lmproper wood seasoning would result to the development of defects categorized into:
a. Rupture of wood tissue b. warp c. uneven moisture content d. changes in color
e, all of the above

106. In normal wood, which of the following statements is correct:

a. Radial shrinkage is almost twice the tangential shrinkage
b. Tangential shrinkage is almost twice the radial shrinkage
c. Shrinkage in the longitudinal direction is greatest
d. Radial and tangential shrinkage are comparable
e. Tangential and longitudinal shrinkage are comparable

107. Drying schedule recommended for species which are moderately heavy and difficult to dry-
a. Schedule I b. Schedule ll c. Schedule lll d. Schedule lV e. None of the above

108 Which of the following species is considered as very difficult to dry:

a. Almon b. Manggasinoro c. White lauan d. Red lauan e. Yakal

109. A rule of thumb as to the member of sarnple boards needed for every sawn bd. ft. capabilig kiln is:
:, a. 5 b.4 ^,) d.2 e. 1

10. The number of destructive termite species known to the Philippines is:
a.6 b5 c.4 d.3 e.2
11. Which of the foliowing is not a subterranean termite species
a. Coptotermes vasfafor Light.
b. Macrotermes gilvus Hagan
c. Microcerotermes /os baliosensis Oshima
d. Nasusitermes luzonicus Oshima
e. Cryptotermes dudleyiBanks

12. Wood bcring molluscs such as clams, oysters and mussels causing damage to wood exposed to marine
water belong to family
a. Teredinidae b. Lystidae c. Bostvychidae d. lsopoda e. none ofthe above
Poge | 83
13. Some of the conditions favoring the attack of powder-post beetles in wood are:
a. Presenve of pores openings at the transverse surfaces of lumber
b. High moisture content of wood
c. Presence of stored materials such as starch
d. Favorable of temperature
e. All of the above

14. Which of the following non-pressure treatments is applied to unseasoned woods:

a. Spraying b. Brushing c. Dipping d. Soaking e. Diffusion

115. Chemical substances impregnated into the wood that tends to repel entry of decay causing organism:
a. Wood preservatives b. adhesives c. fillers d. extenders e. extractives

;116. Which of the following is not an activity in preparation for timber treatment?
a. Headsawing b. Peeling c. Drying d. lncising e. steaming

117. Which of the following species of trees whose heartwood is considered difficult to treat?
a. Apitong b. Bagtikan c. White lauan d. Almaciga e. Palosapis

118. A term that describes the natural resistance of wood to decay organism
a. Durability b. Permeability c. Penetrability d. Sustainability e. Conductivity

119. Which of the following timber species is considered as naturally durable:

a. Moluccan sau b. Balete c. Anabiong d. Molave e. Kapok

Wood is considered as perishable when its service life is:

a. Less than one year
b. One to 2.5 years
c. 2.51 to 4.5 years
d. 4.51 to 7 years
e. More than 7 years
121. The portion of the word technically defined as the living portion due to its involvement in the physiology
a. Sapwood b. Heartwood c. Reaction Wood d. Hardwood e. Softwood

22.fhe dead portion of the stem is:

a. Sapwood b. Heartwood c. Reaction Wood d. Hardwood e. Softwood

Coniferous woods such as the pines are classified as:

a. Sapwood b. Heartwood c. Reaction Wood d. Hardwood e. Softwood

124. Plants producing seeds that are borne naked are called:
a. Angiosperm b. Gymnosperm c. Thallophytes d. Pteridophytes e. Bryophytes

Timber producing trees or plants is limited only to the highly specialized plants like:
a. Bryophytes b. Pteridophytes c. Thallophytes d. Xerophytes e. Sperrnatophytes

126. Which of the following is not a Softwood family?

a. Podocarpaceae b. Pinaceae c" Meliaceae d" Araucariaceae

27. Which of the following fanri$ is characterized by the presence of resin canals:
a. IVleliaceae b, Dipterocarpaceae c. Fabaceae d. lMimosaceae e. Anacardiaoeae
28. Which of the following is a member of the dark red mahogany?
a. Tiaong b. Bagtikan c. Mayapis d. Almon e White lauan

129. Structure present in wood whose function is mainly for storage of food rnaterials:
a. Ray b. Parenchyma c. Vessels d. Extractives e. Tracheid

Poge | 84
130' Softwood do not have vessels and as such, the structure that perform dual function like for conduction and
mechanical support is:
a. Parenchyma b. Fiber c. Tracheid d. Ray e. Pore
131. climbing woody plants represented by the rattans are classified as:
a. Lianas b. Trees c. Herbs d. Shrubs e. all of the above

132.|t constitute the lowest division of the plants kingdom:

a. Thallophytes b. Bryophytes c. Pteridophytes d. Spermatophytes e. None of the above
133. lt is a type of wood developed during the early part of the growing season characterized to have large
diameter cells with thin cellwalls:
a. summerwood b. springwood c. Reaction wood d. Hardwood e. softwood

134. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Hardwood:

a. Simple structure due to less type of cell that enter inio their composition
b. They are porous woods
c. Rays generally are multi-seriate
d. Produces seeds that are enclosed in an ovary
e. They contain vessels

135. lt is an abnormal condition that causes the wood to break suddenly and completely across the grain at stress
; levels lowerthan expected.
a. Heart checks b. Knot c. Brashness d. Pitch e. Cross grain

136. They are defects in wood that developed through the accumulation of resin excessive amounts in localized
regions in the wood:
a. Heart checks b. Knot c. Brashness d. Pitch e. Cross grain
37. lt is a type of cross-grain resulting from failure to saw parallel to the groMh increments:
a. SpiralGrain b. DiagonalGrain c. lnterlock Grain
d. Wavy Grain e. None ofthe above

38. Which of the following species exhibit a ring porous arrangement:

a. Narra b. Kakawate c. Sampalok d. Mayapis e. lpil

39. Refers to the arrangement and direction of alignment of wood when considered "en masse":
a. Texture b. Hardness c. Grain d. Luster e. Pore

40. Refers to the size and proportional amount of woody elements.

a. Texture b. Hardness c. Grain d. Luster e. Pore

141. lt is a growth related defect characterized by the separation of wood across the growth increment and
generally following the rays.
a. Cross grain b. Knot c. Heart shake d. Brittle heart e. Reaction word

The traditional methods of wood identification are:

a. Consult an expert on wood identification
b. Compare unknown specimens to a known specimen
c. Use of keys and similar devices
d. Refer to professors /instructors familiar with treeslwood
e. All of the above
3. When the pores are fairly uniform in size and evenly distributed throughout the growth rings, it is termed:
a. Ring porous b. Diffuse porous c. Semi-diffuse porous
d. Semi- ring porous e. AIIof the above

144. lt is a hard substance deposited in ray cells causing dulling of saws during sawmitling operations:
a. Tyloses b. Resins c. Pitch d. Silica e. None ofthe above

Poge I 85
145. The hardest wood in the Philippines is:
a. Molave b. Mancono c. Anuling d. Mahogany e. Yakal

146. Which of the following parts of a tree stem is the most durable?
a. Outer bark b. inner bark c. sapwood d. heartwood

147. Wood is a construction material that is cellular in structure. This is due to what reason?
a. because of wood is a hygroscopic material
b. because wood originates from a living tissue
c. because wood is the most economically important portion of a tree
d. allof the above
148. Which of the following is NOT a function of the wood/xylem of trees?
a. conduction of water c. conduction of absorbed nutrients
b. conduction of food d. mechanicalsupport
149. Which of the following is NOT a part of the woody tissue of trees?
a. Sapwood b. heartwood c. phloem d. annual rings

150.. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Wood rays are responsible for the downward conduction of food in the tree stem
b. The earlywood has bigger pores than the latewood
c. One groMh ring is generally produced in one year
d. The heartwood does not conduct water
151. What stem tissue conducts water?
a. Phloem b. xylem c. Cambium d. Wood rays
152. What stem tissue conducts food from the leaves to the different parts of the tree?
a. Phloem b. xylem c. Cambium d. Wood rays
153. What stem tissue is responsible for the groMh in diameter of tree stems?
a. Phloem b. xylem c. Cambium d. Wood rays
154. What stem tissue transports food sideward from the bark to the inner portions of the stem?
a. Phloem b" xylem c. Cambium d. Wood rays
155. Which of the following plant is an annual plant?
a. Mango tree b. Narra c. Cogon grass d. Corn plant
56. What is the most important function of the wood?
a. Mechanicalsupport c. Food conduction
b. Food storage d. Water conduction
157. What section is exposed when the woody stem is split along a diameter passing through the pith?
a. Cross section c. Radial section
b. Tangentialsection d. Transverse section

58. What type of cells in the woody stem store food?

a. Vessel elements c. Tracheids
b. Parenchymas d. Fibers
59. The ability of woody stems to grow in diameter is called
a. Primary growth c. Secondary tissues
b. Growth increments d. Secondary thickening

These plants are sometimes referred to as "small trees". What group of plants are these?
a. Trees c. Shrubs
b. Herbs d. Woody lianas
What layer of the growth ring is produced during the sprlng or wet season?
Poge | 86
a. c. Summerwood
b. d" Wetwood

. Which of the following tissues is produced by the cambium?

a. Wood ( 2" xylem) c. Both a and b
b. lnner bark (2"phloem) d. None ofthe above

. Which part of the woody stem is physiologically dead?

a. Sapwood c. lnner bark
b. Heartwood d. Cambium

64. Which of the following woody cells function solely/mainly for mechanicalsupport?
a. Vesselelements c. Fibers
b. Tracheids d. Parenchymas

. What part of the woody stem is the best source of lumber?

a. Sapwood c. GroMh rings
tr. Heartwood d. Wood rays

The thickest part of the woody cell wall is the

a. primary wall c. 52 layer
b. Sl layer d. 53 layer
167. Which of the following is NOT an integral chemical component of wood
a. Cellulose b. hemicellulose c. lignin d. extractives

168. Which of the following chemical components binds together the different parts of a woody cell wall and also
binds together the different woody cells?
a. Cellulose b. hemicellulose c. lignin d. extractives

The sugar that serves as the basic structure of plant cell walls is
a. cellulose b. lignin c. starch d. glucose
170. Which of the following is a growth-related defect?
a. Reaction wood c. Pinholes
b. \A/arping d. Diagonalgrain
'171. What moisture content condition of wood is associated with abrupt or sudden changes in the other physical
properties of wood such as shrinkage, specific gravity and strength properties?
' a. ovendry condition
b. maximum rnoisture content
c. fiber saturation point
d. equilibrium moisture content
172. ln what structural direction of wood is shrinkage negligible?
a. Longitudinal direction
b. Transverse direction
c. Radial direction
d. Tangential direction
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a timber with high specific gravity value?
a. lt contains relatively small volume of air spaces
b. lt is easy to dry with low tendency to show drying defects
c. lt is difficult to work with tools or to machine
d. lt contains relatively greater amount of solid cell wall substances
174. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Wcod easily loses its strength when heated to high temperature
b. The presence of diagonal grain reduces the strength of wood
c. Strength proper"ties differ or vary from one species of wood to another
Poge I BZ
d. Strength of wood is not uniformly distributed along its various structuraldirections

75. One disadvantage of wood as a construction materialis that its strength properties are adversely affected by
the infestation of decay organisms and some insect pests. This phenomenon is called
a. corroslon c. biodegradation
b. combustion d. creep
76. The conditiott at which the moisture content of wood is at equilibrium to the humidity of the surrounding
atmosphere is
a. ovendry condition b. EMC condition c. fiber saturation point d. green condition

77. The advantage of determining the moisture content of wood by means of a moisture meter over that of the
ovendrying method is that
a. the moisture meter is more accurate than the ovendrying method
b. the moisture meter is a portable equipmentwhile the laboratory oven is not
c. the moisture meter could make the moisture of wood constant
d. all of the above

,178. Which of the following will NOT happen when wood is dried from green to FSP?
a. the wood will decrease in moisture content
b. the wood willdecrease in weight
c. the wood will decrease in volume
d. the wood will decrease in density

79.|f a timber is to be used as a beam, which of the following stresses acts on the beam?
a. bending stress c. shear stress
b. tensile stress d. all of the above
J80. Which strength property of wood is greater across the grain than along the grain?
a. Tensile strength c. shear strength
b. Compressive strength d. none of the above

:181. What strength property of wood is important if it is to be used as a kitchen chopping board?
a. Tensile strength c. shear strength
b. Compressivestrength d. hardness
i82. What strength property of wood is characterized by the ability to bend a great deal under increasing loads
before undergoing failure, absorbing much of the energy in the process?
a. hardness c. modulus of rupture
b. shear strength d. toughness

Wftich of the following strength properties of wood has lower value when the wood is dry than when it is
a. Shock absorption c. compressive strength
b. Tensile strength d. hardness
84. Fl,:w many times is the shock absorption properties of wood greater than that of steel?
a. twice greater c. twenty times greater
b. nine times greater d. 100 times greater
85. The most clesirable wood for high-grade furniture and cabinetry are those with volumetric shrinkage of
a. 7 .8 % or lower c. 15.0% -20%
7.s 15.0%- d. greater than 20o/o
86. Which of the following properties of wood is anisotropic?
a. Tensile strength c. Shear strength
b. Compressive strength d. All of the above
Which of the following uses of wood requires dimensional stability?
a. Beam and gircler c. Door and door jamb
Poge I BB
A dimensionally stable wood must have a tangentialto-radial-shrinkage ratio fl-/R ratio) value of
a. Less than 2.00 c. Less than 4.00
b- Less than 3.00 d. Less than 5.00
Which of the following tree species is exempted from being debarked during log grading?
a. apitong b. tangile c. guuo d. red lauan
190. What manufacturing defect results from the non-taper sawing of logs into lumber?
a. loose knot b. cupping c. honeycombing d. diagonalgrain
191" Which of the following is not a requisite prior to log grading?
a. debarking of the log
b. proper bucking of the log
c. seasoning or drying of the log
d. identifying the log according to its established name

'192. What is the reason for using the solid volume rather than the stack volume when computing forest charges
fpr fuelwood?
a. to generate greater income from the forest
b. to account for the losses during sawing/ manufacturing
c. to account for the air spaces and void between pieces of firewood
d. to simplify the scaling process

93. Moisture in lumber evaporates faster at the end portion/ section than at the middle portion. This
phenomenon can result into a drying defect called
a. lnternal checks b. Surface checks c. End checks d. Diamonding

'194. Which of the following drying defects is caused by the unequalshrinkage in the tangential and radialdirectiorr
of a squared timber?
a. lnternal checks b. Surface checks c. End checks d. Diamonding

195. Which of the following is a wooden product assembled with the use of glue or adhesive only?
a. Furniture b. roof frame c. plywood d. wooden stairs

196. Which headsawing technique is the mosi appropriate for narra and other similar timber species in order to
bring out the beauty of their grain?
a. plain sawing b. radialsawing c. taper sawing d. non-taper sawing
197. What is the main source of bonding in fibreboard panels?
a. urea formaldehyde resin
b. phenol formaldehyde resin
c. natural adhesive property of lignocellulosic materials in wood
d. Portland cement

198. Which of the following is NOT an effect of lignin on pulp and paper products?
a. paper is dark in color
b. paper is stiff
c. paper is bright and flexible
d. pulping of wood is more difficult

1gg. Which of the following lumber products has NOT undergone additional manufacturing operations?
a.Rough lumber b. S4S c. Ouarter round d. Flat moulding

200. A lumberdefect characterized bythe curving of the wide face of the board along the direction of its length.
a. Bowing b. Cupping c. Diamonding d. Twisting

201 . A lumber defect characterized by the curving of the wide face of the board across the direction of its length.
a. Bowing b. Cupping c. Diamonding d. Twisting

Poge | 89
A lumber defect clraracterized by the rise of one corner of the board such that its surface is no longer flat.
a.Bowing b. Cupping c. Diamonding d. Twisting

What is the optimum moisture content of veneer for gluing into plywood?
a. Oo/o MC b. 8-10%MC c. 15%MC d.30%MC

. What is the effect of alternate grain direction of adjacent layers of veneer in a plywood panel?
a. Distributed wood strength
b. lncreased resistance to splitting and checking
c. lncreased dimensional stability
d. Allof the above
. ln plywood manufacture, what substances possessing adhesive properties are added to the glue mixture to
reduce the glue cost?
a. Catalyst b. Extenders c. Fillers d. Finishes

. Which of the following conditions could result into a starved glue joint in the gluing of plywood?
a. High moisture content of the wood
b. Diagonalgrain
c. Oily wood species
d. Resinous wood species
7. To what moisture content must wood be at least dried to prevent the attack of decay and stain fungi?
a. 0% MC b. 1o%Mc c.20% MC d.30% MC

What type of timber product is prone to the attack of powder-post beetles?

a. Green logs
b. Freshly-sawn lumber
c. Well-seasoned sapwood lumber
d. Well-seasoned heartwood lumber
Theses are cells consisting hardwoods which serve for fluid transport in the living tree.
a. Vesselelements b. Wood fibers c. Tracheids d. Ray cells

0. What is the reason for the high strength of wood in the longitudinal direction of the tree as compared to the
transverse direction?
a. Hydrogen bonds b. Phosphate bonds
c. Covalent bonds of cellulose d. Covalent bonds of lignocellulose

211. A piece of wood contains 1 8% moisture. What must have been its weight before oven drying if it has a
, constant weight of 1409 after drying?
a) 162.59 b) 165.2s c) 156.39 d) 135.6g

2. Wood suitable for building or other engineering works is called limber. When it fonns a part of a living tree, it
is called standing timber. When the kee has been felled, it is called
a. Sound lumber b- Rough lumber c. Worked Lumber d. Converted lumber

3. A non-timber forest product (NTFP) is any useful substance, material or commodity obtained from a forest
which does not require harvesting trees. A few examples of the many different kinds of NTFPs include cones,
tree nuts, cork, cinnamon, rubber, tree oils and resins etc. What are other terms used to denote this useful
a. special, non-wood forest products b- minor forest products
c. alternative forest products d. secondary forest products
e, All of the above f. None of these

4. The water found in the cell walls of wood is called.

a. Free water c. Water of constitution
b. Bound water d. Elemental water
215. The growth layer of one year as viewed on the cross section of the stem, branch or roots.
a. Annual ring b, Cambiallayer
b. Annuallayer c. lntercellular layer
Poge | 90

Dead inner core of a woody stem, generally distinguishable from the outer portion by its darker color.
a. Sapwood c. Earlywood
b. Heartwood d. Latewood

Paratracheal parenchyma with wing-like lateral extension as viewed on the cross section of wood.
a. Aliform c. Confluent
b. Apotracheal d. diffuse
8. The tips of the elongating cell force their way between the other developing cell above and below.
a. lntussusception c. lntrusive growth
b. Apposition d. Perforation

9. A structure member supporting a load applied transversely to it.

a. post c. purling
b. beam d. stud

. lf the weight of a piece of wood with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters is 25 grams at ovendry condition, the
percentage actualsolid volume is.
a. 34% c.23.28o/o
b. 47.630/o d.23.60/

. An assembly of wood interconnected to form triangles.

a. Beam c. truss
b. Rafter d. purling

When wood dries from 60% MC to 20% MC, the following occurs.
a. There is shrinkage only c. There is shrinkage and weight loss
b. There is weight loss only d. no significant change at all
. A piece of wood at ovendry condition has a volume of 100 cubic centimeters. lf its volume increases to 11 0
cubic centimeters after absorbing moisture, its volumetric swelling is.
a.9.50/o b.11.0% c.10% d.9%

ls the art of guarding timber and wood product against the destructive living organism, especially fungi,
insects and marine borers.
a. Wood preservation c. Sash preservative
b. Wood seasoning d. Chemical application

The rapid removal of moisture from unseasoned timber by heat treatment as a preliminary preservative
a. Boiling-without-vacuum c. Conditioning
b. Fanning d. lncising

Methods of treating wood in which pene-tration is obtained by the gradual diffusion of a preservative from a
concentrated source of supply applied to the surface of the wood, usually in the form of paste.
a. Diffusion treatments c. Hot or cold bath
b. Dipping d. Pressure treatments

Any distortion in a piece of wood from its true plane that may occur in seasoning.
a. Twisting c. Bowing
b. Warping d. Cupping

Defects that occur after a tree is cut which develop because of the anisoptropic nature of wood and the
hygroscopicity of the wood substance.
a. Collapse c. Honeycombing
b. Seasoning defects d. Casehardening

Which of the following is/are not basic operation(s) in lumber manufacturing?

a. Edging c. Seasoning
b. Preservative treatment d.BandC
To transport logs using lines and cables.
Poge | 9l
a. Chaining c. Swinging
b. Snaking d. Forwarding

1. A wire rope attached to logs so that they can be yarded of skidded.

a. Winch c. Choker
b. Guyline d. Strawline

Logs are cut to correct sizes.

a. Slicing c. Pulping
b. Chopping d. Bucking

A set-up using a high stump for yarding operation.

a. Cable logging c. truck yarding
b. North bend skylining d. highlead yarding

. The procedure of wounding a live tree to induce the injured portion to exude sap or gum is known as.
a. Stripping c. Lapping
b. Extraction d. Tapping

Rattans are spiny climbing plants that belong to what sub-family of the palm family?
a. Calamoidease c. Peripatedeae
b. Strangulae d. Donoeae

Which of the following species of rattan has a diameter of 5-10 cm or more?

a. Ditaan c. Limuran
b. Tumalin d. Sumulid

7. Manila copal is a resin that can be obtained from which Philippines softwood species?
a. Pinus kesiya c. Pinus merkusii
b. Agathis philippinensis d. Araucaria sp,

Are classified and referred to as 'minor forest product".

a. Non-timber forest products c. Epiphytes
b. Pulp wood d. Bamboo

Poge | 92
1. D 6OE 119. B 178. D 237. D 296. C 355. D
1. B 61. D 120. C 179. B 238. B 297. D 356. B
3. B 628 121. B 180. A 239. B 298. C 357. C
4. A 299. 358
63.8 122. B 181. D 240. B B C

5. D 64.C 123. A 182.8 241. A 300. B 359. B

o. B 65.D 124. D 183. A 242. C 301. B 360. A

7. D 361.
66.D 125.8 A 243.D 302. B A
8. C 67.8 126. A 185. A 244. C 303. C 362. B
o A 68.A 127. A 186. D 245. C 304. B 363. B

10. A 69.8 128. A 187. B 246. D 305. B 364. B

11. B 7O.B 129. D 188. B 247. A 306. D 365 D

12. A 71,C 130. A 189. D 248. C 307. B 366. A

13. C 72.C 131. D '190. B 249. B 3OB. B 367. A

14. A 73.B 132. C 191. B 250. C 309. A 368. B

15. B 74.C 133. D 192. C 251. D 310. A 369. B
16. A 758 134. B 193. C 252. D 311. B 370. C
17. C 76.C 135. B 194. C 253. A 312. D 371. A

18. B 77.4 136. D 195, C 254. C 313. C 372. D

19. A 7B.D 137. A 196. C 255. A 314. C 373. D
20. A ' 79.D 138. A 197. C 256. B 315. D 374.D
21. D 8O.D 139. C 198. B 257. C 316. A 375. A
22. C
'199. C 258. A 317. D 376. D
81.8 140. A
tJ. C 828 141. D 200. B 259 A 318. B 377. C
24. B B3.C 142. C 201. A 260. B 319. C 378. C
25. A B4.C '143. B 202.D 261. B 320. C 379. A

26. C B5.C 144. B 203. B 262.C 321. C 3BO. A

27. A 86D 145. A 204.D 263. C 322. A 381. B

28. C 87.8 146. B 205. D 264. C 323. D 382 C

29. D B8.D 147.E 206. B 265. A 324. C 383. C

JU. B 325.D 384
Bg.D 148. E 207.8 266. A C

31. A gO.D 149. C 208. C 267. D 326. A 385. D

1) D 91.D 150. D 209. C 268. C 327. B 386. D
C 92.D 151. D 210. C 269. B 328. B 387. D
1A A 93.8 152. C 211, C 270. A 329. D 388. A
J3. B 94.D 153. A 212. B 271. C 330. C 389. C
36. C 95.8 154. E 213. C 272. A 331. A 390. C
37. B 96.C 155. B 214. A 273. A 332 A 391. D
38 D 978 156. A 215. D 274. A 333. A 392. C
Jv. A 9BB 157. D 216.D 275. A 334. D 393. C
40. A 335. 394
99.8 158. A 217. D 276. C D B

41. c '100. B 159. D 218. A 277. C 336. C 395. C

42. D 101. D 160. A 219. B 278. A 337, A
43. B 102. C 161. A 220. C 279. D 338. B

44. D 103. D 162. C 221.D 2BO. C 339. B

45. B 104. B 163. B 222.8 281. B 340. A

46. A 105. C 164. C 223. B 282. C 341 A
47. B 106. D 165. C 224. A 283. A 342 B
48. c 107. C 166. A 225. D 284. A 343. B
49 D '108. B 167. A 226. A 285. C 344 D

50. E 109. B 168. C 227. C 286. A 345. B

51. D 110. B 169 D 228. A 287. A 346. C

52. E 111.8 170. A 229. C 2BB. A 347. C

53. A 112. A 171.D 230. A 289. C 348. A

54. C 113 B 172. A 231. B 290 B 349 D

55 B 114. B 173. A 232. C 291. A 350. B

56. E 115. C 174. C 233. A 292. A 351. D
57. B 116. B 175 A 234. C 293. B 352. D
58. c 117. A 176. C 235. C 294. A 353. D
59. D 118. D 177. D 236 A 295. B 354. D
1A 60. E 119.C 178. B 237. D 296. B

2.B 61. E 120.8 179.E 238. B 297. B 356. C

3.D 62. B 121. D 180. A 239. B 298. A 357. A
'181. C 358. D
4.D 63. A 122. C 240. B 299. B

5.8 64C 123. A 182. B 241. A 300. c 359. A

6.D 65. B 124. B 183. C 242.D 301. A 360. A
7. D 66. D 125.8 184. B 243. C 302. B 361. D
8.E 67. C 126. D 185. D 244. D 303. D 362. D
9.D 68. E 127.D 186. D 245. D 304. C 363. C
10. A 69E 128.8 187. C 246. B 305. D 364. A
1'1. E 70. E 129. A 188. B 247. B 306. A 365. A
130. A '189. C 248. A 307. D 366. A
12. A 71. B
13. B 72. D 131. B 190. E 249. B 308. C 367. A
14. B /J. U 132. C 191. A 250. A 309. D JOO. U

15. A 74. A 133. D 192. B 251. D 310. A 369. C

16. B 75. B 134. E 193. A 252. C 311. A 370. D

17. A /O. t/ 135. A 194. C 253. C 312. B 371. C

136. B 195. D 254. A 313. C 372. B
18. A 77. A
'19. A 78. C 137.C 196. D 255. D 314. B 373. A

20. A 79. D 138. D 197. C 256. D 315. A 374.D

BO. A 139. E 198. B 257. C 316. A 375. B
21. B
81. B 140. A 199. A 258. C 317. B 376. D
22. D
318. C 377. C
tc. v 82. A 141. B 200. B 259. A
142.C 201. D 260. B 319. B 378. C
24. B 83. B
143. D 202. A 261. D 320. A 379. B
25. B 84. A
85. B 144.E 203. E 262.D 321. A 380. A
26. C
86. A 145. A 204. C 263. A 322.D 381. D
27. A
87. A '146. B 205. C 264. C 323. D 382. C
28. B
147. C 206. A 265. A 324. C 383. A
29. A BB. E
207. C 266. C 325. A 384. B
30. B 89. E 148. D
208.C 267. A 326. B 385. E
31. A 90. A 149. E
150. A 209. B 268. B 327. C 386. C
32. B 91. E
210. B 269. B 328. D 387. B
33. C 92.E 151. B
93. A 152. C 211. A 270. C 329. A 388. D
34. D
94. B 153. D 212. B 271. C 330. B 389" C
35. E
154. E 213. B 272. D 331. A 390. B
36. A 95. A
96. B 155. E 214. A 273. C 332. B 391. D
37. B
97.E 156. B 215" C 27 4.8 333" C 392. D
38. C
157. C 216. A 275. A JJ4. U 393. B
39. D 98. A
99. A 158. D 217. A 276.8 335. B 394. C
40. E
1 00.8 159. A 218.C 277. B 336. D 395. A
41. A
160. B 219. A 278. A 337. C 396. B
42. C 101.B
161. E 220.C 279. A 338. D 397. D
43. D 102.4
103.A 162. C 221. A 280. A 339. A 398. A
44. E
163. B 222.D 281. D 340. A 399. C
45. B 104.8
164. D 223. A 282.D 341. A 400. B
46. C 105.D
106.8 165. A 224.C 283. C 342. C 401 A
47. O
'lOO. t/ 225.D 284. C 343. A 402.9
48. E 107.A
'167. D 226.D 285. D 344. B 403. D
49. A 108.8
227.8 286. A 345. C 404. A
50. B J09,D 168. B
228. C 287. A 346. C 405. B
51. C 110.A 169. A
170. D 229. A 2BB. D 347. B 406. A
52. D 111.C
53. E 112.D 171. C 230. C 289. D 348. C 407 .8
231. C 290. C 349 A 408 A
54A 113.8 172. B
173. A 232.D 291. C 350. A 409. A
55. B 114.D
233. B 292. B 351. A 410. C
56. A 115.A 174. B
175. C 234.8 293. A 352. A 411. A
57. D 116.A
58. A 117.C '176. A 235. A 294. C 353. B
59E 118 A 177 ,8 236. C 295. A 354.8
1.C 60. A 119. D 178 B 237. A
2.4 6'l.B 120. A 179. C 238. A
3.D 62. C 121. B '180. B 239. A
4,A 63. D 122. A 1B't. B 240.D
5.8 64. A 123. A 182. A 241. A
6.8 65. B 124. B 183. D 242. A
7. A 66. C 125. C 184. C 243. A
8.B 67. D 126. A 185. B 244. B
LC 68. C 127 A 186" A 245. D
10. B 69. A 128. B 187. A 246. A
11. D 70. B 129. C 188. D 247. A
12. C 71. A 130. A 189. A 248. A
13. B 72. C 131. A 190. A 249. B
14. B 73. D 132. A 191. A 250. C
15. C 74.A 133. A 192. A 251. D
16. C 75. D 134. B 193. B 252.D
17. C 76. D 135. D 194. A 253. A
18. C 77. C 136. B 195. A 254.8
19. A 78. B 137.O 196. A 255. C
20. A 79. A 138. B 197. A 256. A
21. C 80. c 139. C 198. C
22. C 81. A 140. B 199. B
23. A 82. A 141. A 200. D
24. A 83. A 142.D 201. A
25. A 84- B 143. D 202.8
26. C 85. B 144. A 203. A
27. A 86. D 145. A 204. C
28. B 87. B 146. A 205. A
29. A BB, A 147. A 206. B
30. c 89. C 148. C 207. A
31. D 90. c '149. A 208. B
32. A 91. C 150. A 209. A
33. C 92. A 151. A 210. C
34. A 93. A AND B 152. A 211. A
35. A 94. D 153. C 212. C
36. A 95. A 154. B 213. A.
37. A 96. A 155. B 214. C
38. D 97. A 156. A 215. A
39. B 98. D 157. D 216. B
40. B 99. C 158. B 217. A
41. A 100. B 159. A 218. A
42. C 101. A 160. A 219. C
43. B 102. A 161. B 220. C
44. C 103. A 162. C 221.8
45. D 104. A '163. A 222.D
46. C 105. D 164. A 223. A
47. B 106. C 165 D 224. A
48. D 107.D 166. D 225. A
49. A 108. A 167. C 226. C
50. c 109. B 168. C 227.8
5't. B 110. B 169. B 228. A
52. C 111. C 170. B 229.8
53. B 112. A 171. A 230. A
54. C 113. D 172. B 231 D
55. D 114. D 173. A 232. C
56. A 115.A 174. C 233. A
57. B 116. D 175. A 234. A
58. C 117. A 176. A 235. D
59. D 1't8. A 177. A 236. A
1.8 60. A 11S.A 178. C 237.8
2,A 61. E 120. A 179. D 238. A
3.8 62. C 121. A 180. C
4.4 63. C 122.8 181. D
5,C 64. E 123.E 182. D
6.8 65. C 124. B 183. A
7. A 66. D 125.8 184. B
8.C 67. A 126. C 185. A
9.C 68. D 127. B 186. D
10. c 69. D 128. A 187, C
11. A 7A.E 129. B 't88. A
12. C 71. A 130. C 189. A
13. A 72.E 't31. A 190. D
14. B 73. A 132. A 191. C
15. B 74. A 133. B 192. C
16. D 75. C 134. A 193. C
17. C 76. B 135. C 194. D
18. C 77. C 136. D 195. C
19. D 78. B 137.8 196. B
20. D 79. A 138. A 197. C
21. D 80. B 139. C 198. C
22. A 81. B 140. C 199. A
23. C 82. C 141. C 200. A
24. B 83. C 142.E 201. B
25. A 84. B 143. B 202.D
26. D 85. B 144,D 203. B
27. B 86. E 145. B 204. A
28. D 87. E 146. D 205. B
29. E 88. A 147. B 206. B
30. A 89. B 148. B 207. C
31. C 90. c 149. C 208. C
32. B 91. A 150. A 209. A
33. A 92. E 151. B 210 C
34. A 93. A 152. A 211. B
35. E 94. B 153. C 212. B
36. E 95. C 154. D 213.E
37. E 96. B 155. D 214.8
38. A 97. A 156. D 215 A
39. B 98. B 157. C 216. B
40. A 99. E 158. B 217. A
41. E 100. A 159. D 218. C
42. B 101. C 160. C 219. B
43. A 102. C 16'1. A 220. A
44. B 103. B 162. C 221 C
45. C 104. E 163. B 222. C
46. B 105. E 164. C 223. C
47. B 106. B 165. B 224. A
48. A 107.D '166. C 225. C
49. D 108. E 167. D 226. A
50. A 109. A 168. C 227. B
51. B 110.A 169. D 228.8
52. C 111. E 170. A 229.D
53. A 112. A 171. C 230. C
54. D 113.E 172. A 231. C
55.'D 114.8 173. B 232.D
56. E 115.A 174. A 233. D
57. B 1 16.4 175. C 234.D
58. C 117.E 176. B 235. A
59. B 118.A 177. B 236. C

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