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Learning outcome: The child understands and appreciates the importance of living together in the home and community.

WK pd Subtheme Content Subject Language Methods Activities Life skills T/L Aids Ref.
1 1& My home and  Definition of a home  Identifying  Reads  Story  drawing - friendship A chart MK
2 community  Interdependence  Describing  Pronounces telling  singing formation showing Standard
among family  Role playing  Spells  Brain  telling story - self awareness different RE bk
members  Drawing  Writes storming  role playing - copying with roles of Pg 1 – 2
 Members in a family  Story telling  role playing emotion family
 Singing  discussion - emphasy members Pr. Sch.
- relationship Curr.
formation a bible Bks 1
- love bible
- share Ga/5:By
- care MK
- appreciation Standard
- respect RE bk
- responsibility Pg 3 -
3  A story of a good  Story telling    -
Samaritan  Role playing
Luke 10:25 – 37  Drawing
 Singing
1  A neighbour  Mentioning    -
 Te commandment of  Story telling
loving your  Singing
neighbour as you  Role playing
love yourself  drawing
(Gal. 5:13 – 14)
2 2 My home and  Respect and care for  Singing  Reading  brain  singing - friendship bible bible
community neighbours (ways in  Drawing  Spelling storming  drawing formation Gal. 5:13
which we can  Story telling  Pronouncing  story telling  role playing - self awareness -14
respect and care for  Mentoring  Writing  role playing  story telling - copying with MK
our neighbours)  Role playing  discussion emotion Standard
- emphasy bk 2 pg

- relationship 3-5
- respect
- care
- love
- appreciation
- share
- responsibility
3  Community (People  Defining    Defining - A chart Teacher’
found in the  Naming  Naming s
community collectio
3 1  Roles of people in  Naming    Drawing - A chart
the community.  Drawing  Naming
 God’s message:  Defining
Matt. 18:21 – 22
2  Church (people  Naming    -
found in the church)  Drawing
1 1 My home and  People who need  Naming  Reading  Story  Naming - Friendship A chart Teachers
community help in the  Drawing  Spelling telling  Drawing formation ’
community “God’s  Pronouncing  Brainstorm  Singing - Creative collectio
message”  Writing  Explanatio thinking n
Gen 47:1-12 n - Critical thinking Thematic
Gal. 5:13 – 14  Role play Values curriculu
 - Love m
- Care
- Co-operation
- Appreciation
2  God’s love through  Discussing    - Real life MK
the church family  Singing situation Standard
Ways of showing  Role playing bk 2 Pg.
God’s love explaining 6
 Praying for sick  Drawing
 Teaching the word
of God
 Sharing
 Working together
3  How we become     - Real objects MK
members of God’s Standard
family bk 2 Pg.
 Your Christian name 9
5 1 My home and  Jesus’ baptism  role playing  Reading  Discussion  Drawing - friendship bible Bible
community  Events of Jesus’  drawing  Pronouncing  Role play  Explaining formation A chart
baptism  explaining  Spelling  Story  Discussing - Emphasy showing
 God’s message Matt.  discussing  Writing telling Values baptism of
3:13-17  Brain - love Jesus
 storming - care
- respect
2  A prayer  defining    - real life MK
 Definition  explaining situation Standard
 Types  discussing bk 2 Pg.
 mentioning 12

um Pg.
3 My home and  Lord’s prayer – Our  discussing    - A chart
community Father  naming showing
 God’s message Luke  mentioning Lord’s
11:2-4 prayer
6 My home and  Importance of a  discussing    - real life MK
Community prayer  story telling situation Standard
bk 2 Pg.
6 2 My home and  Ways of praying to  listing  reading  brain storm  listing - friendship real life MK
community God  mentioning  spelling  discussion  mentioning formation situation Standard
 drawing  pronouncing  explanation  drawing - self awareness bk 2 Pg.
 naming  writing  story  naming - assertiveness 1
 telling Values
- love
- care
- unity
- respect
- share
3 My home and  Importance of God’s  Defining    reading - bible MK
community word to Christians  Describing  singing Standard
(The bible)  Role playing  listening bk 2 Pg.
 Listening 14
 Singing
7 1 Creation  Stages of creation  Naming    Drawing - MK
Gen. 1:1 – 31  Drawing  Naming Standard
 Identifying bk 2 Pg
18 -19
2  Living things and     - A chart MK
non living things in Standard
God’s creation bk 2 Pg
7 3 Creation  Importance of God’s  Describing  Spelling  Brain  Listing - friendship A chart Curricul
creation “Plants and  Listening  Reading storming  Explaining formation um Pg.
animals”  Explaining  Pronouncing  Discussion  Describing - self 53
 Naming  Writing  Explanatio assertiveness
n - effective
 Story communication
telling Values
- love
- care
- tolerance
- respect
8 1  Importance of God’s  Describing    -
creation “Water and  Listening
Soil”  Explaining
2 Comparing  Describing     - real life
human beings  Explaining
with other
3 Ways of caring  Listening     - Bible
for God’s  Story telling Gen. 1:1
creation  Role playing -3
9 1 Creation  Story of creation  Story telling  Spelling  Story  Story telling - Friendship a bible Bible
“Adam and Eve”  Listening  Reading telling  Drawing formation story book Gen. 1:1
God’s message Gen.  Drawing  Pronouncing  Explanatio - Self awareness – 31
1:1 – 31  Writing n - Assertiveness
 Brain Values
storming - Love
 Discussion - Care
- Appreciation
- Sharing
- Obedience
- Co-operation
- Tolerance
2  How to use God’s  Story telling    - A chart MK
creation  Listening Standard
(environment) eg for bk 2 Pg.
food, for music, for ….
decoration etc
3 Knowing Jesus How Jesus was a  Identifying    Singing - Curr. Pg.
our friend friend to people  Singing  Drawing 54
 By praying for them  Listening  Story telling MK
 By healing them Standard
bk 2 Pg.
30 – 31
10 1 Knowing Jesus Story of Zacchaeus  Identifying  Reading  Role  Identifying - Effective A chart Curricul
our friend Luke 5:1-11  Singing  Pronunciation playing  Singing communication showing a um
Luke 5:17 -26  Drawing  Spelling  Explanatio  Drawing - Self awareness story Pg….
 Listening  Writing n  Listening Values
 Brain - Care MK
storming - Love Standard
 Demonstrat - Sharing bk Pg.
ion - Tolerance
2 How we can meet  Mentioning    Role playing - curriculu
Jesus in our daily life  Role playing  Mentioning m Pg. 54
 Singing  Singing
bk 2 Pg.
30 ---
3 Showing kindness and  Drawing    -
love to others.  Singing
Luke 10:21 – 24  Role playing
Following Jesus



Learning outcome: The child understands the death and resurrection of Jesus and appreciates his love and joy of resurrection.

WK pd Subtheme Content Subject Language Methods Activities Life skills T/L Aids Ref.
1 1 Knowing Jesus’  Last supper  Naming  Reading  Brain  Naming - Effective Bible
love for us  God’s message Luke  Narrating  Pronouncing storming  Narrating communication Mark 14:12
22:7 – 20  Singing  Spelling  Discussion  Singing - Critical thinking - ..
 Praying  Writing  Explanatio  Praying Values Luke 22: 7 -
 Making a n - Love
picture book - Care
- Respect
- Co-operation
2 Knowing Jesus’  Apostles of Jesus     -
love for us
3  Events before Jesus’     -
3 Worshipping  Meaning of worship  Singing  Reading  Brain  Singing - Creative bible bible
God  Reasons for  Saying prayers  Pronouncing storming  Saying prayers thinking song/hymn
worshipping God  Telling  Writing  Story  Telling - Friendship books
 God’s message  Identifying telling  Identifying formation
Exod. 20:3  Explaining  Discussion  Explaining - Assertiveness
 Explanatio Values
n - Love
- Care
- Respect
- Empathy
4 1 places of worship  Drawing    - A chart MK
 Shading showing Standard
 Naming places of bk 2 pg.
 Matching worship 46
2 Reasons why we pray  Naming    - Bible Bible
to God  Mentioning
 Story telling
 Identifying
3  Ways of  Drawing    - real life MK
worshipping God  Naming situation Standard
 Story telling bk 2 Pg.
mentioning 47
5 1 Worshipping  Occasions when we  Mentioning  Reading   Singing - Friendship real life MK
God worship God  Story telling  Spelling  Story telling formation situation Standard
 Singing  Pronunciation  Mentioning - Effective bk 2 Pg.
 Story telling communication 49
- Critical thinking
- Love
- Care
- Respect
- Empathy
- tolerance
2  The events and  Singing    Singing - bible curriculu
meaning of  Praying  Praying m pg. 56
Pentecost (Acts: 2:1  Listing MK
– 11)  Story telling Standard
bk 2 Pg. 5
3  The help we get  Singing    - bible MK
from holy spirit  Praying Standard
 God’s message  Story telling bk 2 Pg. 5
(Acts: 2:1 – 11)  Dancing Bible
6 1 Revision  Revision on  Identifying    - Chalkboard Teachers’
Worshipping God  Drawing work collection
 Interpreting
 Matching
2 Service  Common needs of  Identifying  Reading  Discussion  Singing - Friendship real objects MK
people  Naming  Spelling  Brain  Naming formation Standard
 Singing  Pronouncing storming  Role playing - Creative bk 2 Pg. ..
 Role playing  Writing  Role play  Telling stories thinking
 Telling stories  Explanatio Values
n - Love
- Care
- respect
3  discovering the  Drawing    - bible bible
needs of other  Naming Mark:
people  Shading 1:29 – 31
 God’s message
(Mark 1:29 – 31)
7 1  How Jesus showed     - bible MK
his kindness Standard
(Miracles performed bk 2 Pg.
by Jesus) 58
2  How Jesus showed  Singing    - bible bible John
his thoughtfulness  Drawing 11: 17 -
 God’s message  Story telling
(John 11: 17 – 44)  Role playing
 The story of Lazarus  Dancing
3  People who need  Listing  Reading  Brain  Naming - Creative real life MK
help  Naming  Spelling storming  Drawing thinking situation Standard
 Identifying  Pronouncing  Story  Identifying - Friendship bk 2 Pg 1
 Drawing  Writing telling  Story telling formation
 Story telling  Discussion Bible
 Explanatio
8 1 Service  Ways of helping     - Real life
people with special situation
2  Importance of  Singing    -
helping people with  Naming
special needs  Identifying
3  Story of Jesus’ visit  Role playing    - Bible Bible
to Mary and Martha  Listening Luke
 God’s message  Explaining 11:38 -
(Luke 11:38 – 41  Story telling
 Discussing
9 1 Service  Difficulties Jesus  Praying  Reading  Brain  Singing - Effective real life bible
met in healing the  Identifying  Spelling storming  Praying communication situation Matthew
sick.  Role playing  Pronunciation  Role  Identifying - Critical thinking 12: 9-14
 God’s message  Singing  Writing playing  Story telling Values
(Matthew 12:9-14  Answering  Story - Love
questions telling - Care
 Story telling  Explanatio - Respect
n - Empathy
 Discussion
2  Ways in which we  Story telling    - real life MK
get discouraged as  Role playing situation Standard
we help others  Explaining bk 2 Pg.
64 – 65
3  Enduring when we     -
get discouraged


Learning outcome: The child understands and appreciates the concepts and values of “Honesty and fairness”

WK pd Subtheme Content Subject Language Methods Activities Life skills T/L Aids Ref.
1 1 Honesty and Meaning of  defining  reading  explanation  defining - creative thinking Real life MK
Fairness  Honest  interpreting  spelling  discussion  narrating - friendship situation Standard
 Honesty  answering  pronunciation  brain  story telling formation bk 2 Pg 6
 Dishonest questions  writing storming - assertiveness
 story telling  story telling Values
 narrating  role playing - love
- care
- respect
- obedience
- share
2 Examples of dishonest  story telling    -
amongst people  mentioning
 narrating
 listing
 role playing
3 How dishonesty brings  story telling    - Bible Bible
conflict.  drawing Gen. 27:
The story of Cain and  shading
Abel  mentioning
 role playing
2 1 Honesty and Story of Jacob and  listening  reading  brain  listening - friendship story Bible
fairness Rebecca  answering  pronouncing storming  answering formation books Gen 27:1-
God’s message (Gen: questions  spelling  explanation questions - creative thinking 44
27:1 – 44)  narrating  writing  discussion  narrating - self esteem bible
 interpreting  story telling  interpreting Values
- love
- care

- respect
- obedience
- share
- empathy
2 Story of Esau and     -
3 The need for honest  identifying    - real life MK
and its benefits  telling stories situation Standard
 singing songs bk 2
3 1 Ways of being honest  identifying    - MK
 listing Standard
 telling stories bk 2 Pg.
2 Occasions when we  Listing    - curr. Pg.
need to be fair/honest  Telling stories 59
 Role playing
3 Ways of being unfair  Identifying  Reading  Brain  Story telling - Creative Real life
and dishonest  Explaining  Spelling storming  Role playing thinking situation
 Story telling  Pronouncing  Role play explaining - Friendship
 Role playing  Writing  Story telling  Identifying formation
 Explanation - Assertiveness
- Love
- Care
- Respect
4 Concern for Story of David and  Listening  Reading  Story telling  Listening - Creative real life Bible 1st
others Jonathan  Story telling  Spelling  Brain  Story telling thinking situation Samuel
God’s message (1st  Role playing  Pronouncing storming  Role playing - Friendship 19:21
Samuel 19:21)  Writing  Role playing formation
 Explanation - Critical thinking
 Discussion Values
- Love
- Care
- Respect
- Empathy
- Tolerance
- Obedience
5 1 Story of widow and     -
God’s message (2nd
Kings 4:1 – 7)
2 Ways of showing  Mentioning    - real life MK
concern  Story telling situation Standard
 Role playing bk 2 Pg.
 listening 82
3 Story of Ruth and  Listening    - Bible Bible
Naomi  Story telling Ruth 1:16
God’s message (Ruth  Explaining – 18
1:16 – 18
curr. Pg.
6 2 God’s gift of his God’s promise to give  Drawing  Reading  Story telling  Making - Critical thinking Picture MK
son us His son  Narrating  Spelling  Role playing Christmas - Friendship books Standard
God’s message  Listening  Pronouncing  Explanation cards formation bk 2 Pg.
(Matthew 1:21, Isiah  Explaining  Writing  Brain  Drawing Values bible 84
9:6 -7)  Making storming  Narrating - Love
Christmas cards  Explaining - Care real life
- Respect situation
- Empathy
- Obedience
- Tolerance
- share
3 Story of Jesus’ birth     - Bible Bible
real life
7 1 Why God gave us the  Narrating    - bible bible
greatest gift  Story telling
 Explaining
2 God’s gift of his Importance of giving  Listing  Reading  Brain  Telling stories - Friendship real life MK
son to others  Telling stories  Spelling storming  Listing formation situation Standard
 Role playing  Pronouncing  Story telling  Role playing - Critical thinking bk 2 Pg.
 Writing  Role playing Values 86
 Discussion - Love
 Explanation - Care Curr. Pg
- Respect
- Forgiveness
- Share
- Empathy
3 Examples of gifts  Naming    Naming - real MK
 Drawing  Drawing objects Standard
 Shading  Shading bk 2 Pg. 8
 Colouring  Modelling
 Modelling  Colouring
8 1 Importance of giving  Story telling    Story telling - real life
out gifts to others.  Role playing  Listing situation
God’s message  Listing  Role playing
(Matthew 2:11 – 12)
8 2 God’s gift of his Revision on birth of  Interprets  Reading  Brain  Singing - Creative chalk Teachers’
& son Jesus  Imitates  Spelling storming  Praying thinking board work
3  Sings  Pronouncing  Question and  Narrating - Friendship work
 Praying  Witing answer  Imitating formation
 Narrating  Discussion Values
- Love
- Care
- Respect
- Obedience


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