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November 9, 2018

Dear Parents:

Your child’s first grade report card is going home for the second six weeks of
school. As you can see first graders are graded in four areas: conduct,
handwriting, English Language Arts (ELA) and math. The grades in ELA and math
are taken from a total of 2 or more weekly assignments, tests, observations, etc.
*Please note that the first semesters of first grade, reading tests are being
read aloud to your child. In order for your child to be promoted to second grade,
they must demonstrate proficiency in first grade skills, as defined by the Louisiana
student standards, by meeting the following minimum requirements:

(a) Must make a passing grade average in ELA and Math (A,B, or C)
(b) Must earn a minimum of six quality points per year, with at least three
quality points earned in the second semester.

Any student who is not meeting those requirements will be referred to the School
Building Level Committee throughout the school year to set up an intervention plan.

This report card is yours to keep and does not have to come back to school.
However, please sign the document below to let me know that you have seen
your child’s report card.

Thank you.

Mrs. Brown

Child’s Name ___________________________________________

I acknowledge that I saw my child’s 2 nd six weeks report card and am

happy with my child’s progress at this time.

I acknowledge that I saw my child’s 2 nd six weeks report card but I

have concerns and would like to set up a time to meet with you.

_________________________________Signature ____________Date

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