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Yudi Hidayat

1. A strategy can be defined as *

a. An organization’s philosophy.

b. A company’s game plan for achieving its long-term objectives.

c. An organization’s new product development plan.

d. The organization’s values statement.

2. A corporate vision is *

a. An NPD project goal.

b. A philosophy statement about the beliefs of the company.

c. A set of values.

d. A picture of some desired future state that the organization hopes to obtain.

3. Mission statements help organizations to *

a. Focus people and resources.

b. Initiate ideas.

c. Plan for product launch.

d. Borrow capital at a low rate.

4. A weakness of the net present value (NPV) method for assessing projects in *
portfolio management is that:

a. Projects cannot be rank ordered

b. NPV doesn’t allow for resource allocation

c. Tools for calculating NPV are not readily available

d. It is difficult to determine accurate cash flow data for projects, especially early in
the development process
5. Allocating resources across a set of projects to optimize performance is *
known as:

a. Value maximization

b. bProfit seeking

c. Rationalization

d. Pruning

6. “Top-down” and “bottom-up” are ways to think about: *

a. Forecasting

b. Leadership

c. Connecting customers with the organization

d. Linking strategy and the product portfolio

7. Key elements of Agile new product process includes the scrum, the scrum *
master, the scrum team, the sprint, the product backlog, and:

a. Stakeholders

b. Project manager

c. Produc t owner

d. Product champion
8. In the early stages of the new products process there is a lot of uncertainty. *
These stages are often referred to as

a. Concept generation

b. The fuzzy front end

c. Business case development

d. Concept evaluation

9. The first step in the classic waterfall process is requirements. The last step *
is known as:

a. Development

b. Maintenance

c. Verification

d. Implementation

10. Product design specifications are primarily intended to: *

a. Translate qualitative design features into quantitative parameters.

b. Identify the core benefits of a product.

c. Identify customer needs.

d. List the tangible features of a product.

11. The House of Quality relates the voice of the customer to the voice of: *

a. Marketing.

b. Advertising

c. Engineering.

d. Manufacturing.

12. Which ideation tool used in new product development generates a graphical *
output linking various pieces of information, ideas, and thoughts?

a. Mind-mapping.

b. Brainstorming.

c. Brainwriting.

d. Delphi technique.

13. A product manager reviewed technical publications, electronic databases, *

and websites prior to designing a research project that directly contacts
prospective customers. This review of already published materials is an example

a. Market testing.

b. Voice of the customer.

c. Portfolio management.

d. Secondary market research.


14. Factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, conjoint

analysis, and multiple regression analysis are examples of

a. Qualitative research techniques.

b. Multivariate research techniques.

c. Voice of customer techniques.

d. Ethnographic research techniques.

15. Research that involves collecting information specifically tailored to your *

needs (such as focus groups or surveys) is known as

a. Primary research.

b. Secondary research.

c. Qualitative research.

d. Quantitative research.

16. Ensuring that the right team principles are in place to promote high *
performance is an aspect of a management role and is called:

a. Team motivation.

b. Team development.

c. Project management.

d. Senior leadership.
17. he role responsible for establishing the product innovation process and for *
ensuring its quality and consistency and ongoing training in its application is

a. Process manager.

b. Process champion.

c. Process owner.

d. Process developer.

18. The set of properties of the work environment, perceived directly or *

indirectly by employees to have a major effect on employee behavior, is termed:

a. Culture.

b. Environment.

c. Climate.

d. Organizational structure.

19. Product management actions taken during the product life cycle are first *
determined by which of the following?

a. Life cycle assessment.

b. Sustainability plans.

c. Product, price, promotion, and place.

d. Phase of the product’s life cycle.

20. In the management of a product portfolio, it is important to: *

a. Have a good mix of products across the introduction, growth, and maturity stages
of the product life cycle.

b. Focus strongly on products in the introduction and growth stages of the product
life cycle.

c. Place significant emphasis on the product in the maturity stage of the product life

d. Place significant emphasis on products in the growth and maturity stages of the
product life cycle.

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