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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Essjay Technomeasure Pvt. Ltd.

Howrah( [for non-commercial use only]. 2015)

( Reaffirmed 2006 )
IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993
(Reaffirmed 2014)
(Reaffirmed 2020)

(Reaffirmed 2013)

(Reaffirmed 2012)

Indian Standard
(Reaffirmed 2011)
FOR 2010)

(Reaffirmed 2009)

UDC 621*317*799
: 037.33: 621.38

(Reaffirmed 2008)

(Reaffirmed 2007)

(Reaffirmed 2006)

(Reaffirmed 2005)

0 BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

September 1993 Price Group 3

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Essjay Technomeasure Pvt. Ltd. -
Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

Electronic Measuring Equipment Sectional Committee, LTD 21


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Electronic Measuring Equipment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electronics and
Telecommunication Division Council.
This standard is based without any technical change on IEC Dot 66 ( Set ) 50 ‘Measurement and
control, digital measuring instruments: Part 2 Instruments for measuring analog quantities: Terms, tests
and data sheet details’ issued by International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ).
In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the linal value,
observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it should be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for
rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Essjay Technomeasure Pvt. Ltd. -
Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE measuring range and the slope of the reference

1.1 This standard ( Part 2 ) specifies definitions,
tests and data sheet details which apply, in 2.1.3 Digitalization Error
particular, to measuring instruments for measur-
ing analog quantities such as, for example, The sum of all errors which are produced by the
current, voltage and resistance. Said analog process of digitalization.
quantities may also be occasioned by non-electric
quantities, for example, temperature. 3 TESTS

1.2 This standard applies only in conjunction 3.1 Test Con&dons

with IS 13875 ( Part I ) : 1993 of this series.
3.1.1 Reference Conditions, Rated Operating
2 DEFINITIONS Conditions and Injhence Effects

Reference conditions and rated operating condi-

2.0 For the purpose of this standard, in addition tions shall be according to 4.1.1 of Part 1 of
to the following definitions given in Part 1 of this series. In the case ofmeasuring instruments
this series shall apply. for measuring analog quantities reference condi-
tions as given in Table 1 are, in addition,
2.1 Terms Relating to the Specification of
applicable. Further reference conditions fin
Measuring Instrument Parameters
accordance with manufacturer’s data.
2.1.1 Sensitivity
3.1.2 Test Equiprnetlt Errors
The value of the input quantity required for
production of an output value which owing to Test equipment errors shall be according to 4.1.2
other causes, for example noise, exceeds, by a of Part 1 of this series.
specified amount, that value which is already
available at the output. 3.1.3 Type of Test
2.1.2 Conversion Errol It shall be according to 4.1.3 of Part 1 of this
The deviation of the conversion function from a
reference function. 3.2 Intrinsic Error Test
This test shall be done according to 4.2 of
1 Where the reference function is a straight line, the Part 1 of this series.
conversion error is the linearity error.
2 The deviition of the conversion curve from the 3.3 Influence Effect Test
reference function may be expressed by one or more
of the possibilities mentioned below. The conversion This test shall be done according to 4.3 of
function shall in all cases, be set at the calibration Part 1 of this series.
point ( usually the measuring range final value ) and
at the other reference point ( usually the zero 3.4 Influence Effect Resulting from Change in
point 1. Ambient Temperature Reference function
This shall be done according to 4.4 of Part J of
A function which runs through the zero point this series.
and the actual value of the calibration point.
3.5 Influence Effect Resulting from Changes in Diflerentidl error of the slope Relative Air Humidity
The difference between the first derivative of the This shall be done according to 4.5 of Part I of.
actual curve at a specified point within the this series.

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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993

Table 1 Influence Quantity Reference Conditions 3.11 lntlucnce Effect Resulting from Interference
and Tolerances for Test Purposes Relating to Test
Measuring Instrument for Measuring
3.21.1 Series Mode InterferenceVoltage Rejection
Analog Quantities
Test ( ShIR, Normnl or Series Mode Rejection )
( CIazrse 3.1.1 ) Witltin the (l.c. voltflge range

Influence Quantities Reference Tolerances The maximum permissible a.c. voltage of 50 or

Conditions, for Test 60 Hz or 400 Hz ( when specified in the data
Unless P;WW% sheet ), which does not possess any d.c. voltage
Specified Otherwise component, shall be applied in the lowest d.c.
Specified voltage range and the display value determined
- ( A, ). The r.m.s. value of the a.c. voltage shall
Ripple content of a d.c. 0 0’1 percent be measured ( B, ). The series mode interference
measured quantity
( parasitic voltage ) rejection shall be determined
Distortion of an a.c. 0 In the case of as follows:
factor measured measuring ins-
quantity truments which s = 20. log -$ dB
do not pr;jcIz X
r.m s.
and measuring Wit/tin the n.c. voltage range
instruments with
phase displacing The same ,test method as given under
networks: half shall be applied, except that measurement ttikes
the amount of place with d.c. voltage within the lowest a.c.
the intrinsic voltage range.
error limits or
1 percent, which- NOTES
ever is smaller
1 In the case of generators and measuring instru-
Crest factor Q7;iA;414 In the case . of ments low impedance terminals to earth shall he
measuring ms- connected with each other.
wave 1 truments which
do not product 2 The measuring instrument shall not be placed on a
r.m.s. values : conductive support as otherwise mixing with common
f 0’05 mode rejection may occur.

Frequency of the a.c. 45 to 6.5 Hz 3.11.2 Common Mode Rejection ( CMR )

measured quantity Circuit
The test for checking common mode rejection
3.6 Inlluence Effect Resulting from a Change in
Position shall be carried out, with one of the three
circuits as shown in Fig. 1 within each measur-
This shall be clone according to 4.6 of Part 1 of ing range, unless otherwise specified.
thus series. The most unfavourable value resulting from
meastlrement and the method of measurement
3.7 Influence Effect Resulting from External used shall be given.
Electromagnetic Fields
Should the measuring instrument possess an
Under preparation. insulated enclosure then it shall be placed, for
test purposes, on a metal plate, as reference
3,s Influence Effect Resulting from the Supply potential, said plate protruding by at least
Voltage 150 mm over the edges of tie measuring
This shall be done according to 4.8 of Part 1 of
this series. Test witlzin (l.c. voltage rarlge witk dc.
3.9 Mechanical Load
The maximum permissible d.c. voltage ( B, j
This test shall be done according to 4.9 ofPart 1 shall be applied between the terminals and the
of this series. reference point in accordance with the three
circuits as given above and within each measur-
3.10 Influence Effect Resulting from Other Pbysi-
ing range. Display value A, shall be determined.
,cal Quantities ( for Example Air Pressure,
Common mode rejectlon is determined from the
Radiation, etc ) following equation:
This shall be done according to 4.10 of Part 1 of g = 20 log +- (dB)
this series. X

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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993



a-w- --e


FIG 1 CIRCUITS-FORTEST FOR CHHCKING COM~IONM~DH REJECTION Test withil? the d.c. voltage range with a.c. of measuring instruments with r.m.s. value
voltuge formation.
The same test method as given in shall 3.12.1 Test of InjGersce Error Resulting fromCrest
be used here, except that an a.c. voltage of 50, Factor
60 or 400 Hz is applied instead of d.c. voltage. Test signal Test within the a.c. voltage range with dx.
voltage The test of the influence effect resulting from
crest factor S is carried out with a test signal
The same test method as given is shall which has the shape of a sine-square pulse
be used here, except that the test shall be without d.c. component ( Fig. 2 ). The said test
carried out within the lowest a.c. voltage range. shall be carried out in both direction cf
polarity. Test within the a.c. voltage range with a.c.
voltage Duty factor nz = -$
The same test method as given in shall
be used, btit a.c. voltage shall be applied.
NOTE - Where necessary, common mode voltage
shall be reduced. (2) Crest factor S = 3, 2 -m--II
- 1rl
3.12 Influence effect resulting from distortion of Cff 2/ 3
7”’ - iPI?
a sinusoidal a.c. measured quantity in the case

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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 Test method

a) Switch on sine-wave generator Gsine by
turning switch to position A, the sine-
waveform being in accordance with refe-
rence condition and frequency as specified
by the manufacturer. Set the value of the
measured quantity so that thermal conver-
tor measuring instruments indicate 90
percent of the full scale value of the
measuring instrument.
The display value on the measuring instru-
FIG. 2 TEST SIGNAL ment shall then be read out ( B in digits ).

For test purposes the maximum permissible crest

b) Switch on function generator Gfunctioll by
turning switch to position B, the test
factor s,,, shall be taken as a basis for full-scale signal ( crest factor as specified by the
value. manufacturer ) being at the same
frequency fl = tas under (a), and set the
value of the measured quantity so that Test circuit (for example, for voltage ) the thermal convertor measuring instru-
ment displays the same value as under (a).
Test circuit shall be according to Fig. 3. The The display value on the measurilg
frequency range of the thermal convertor instrument shall be read out ( B, m
measuring instrument shall be at least digits ).

2-$or60-$ c>Repeat the test according to !b) with a

reversed polarity test signal.

\\ithin the applied measuring range, whichever d) The influence error resulting from the crest
factor is then the greater difference
value is the higher.
( & - B, in digits ).
The resolution of the reference instrument as e) In the case of smaller measured values a
against the full-scale value setting shall be at higher crest factor is normaliypermissjble.
least such that the display on the measuring The test shall then be carried out at
instrument differs by less than one tenth of the 10 percent of the full-scale value in accor-
influence error in the case of repeated settings dance with the above mentioned test, but
under the same conditions. taking relevant manufacturer’s data into
NOTE - In the case of measuring instrument
with automatic range control the test shall bc
carried out analogously at the upper and louver
switchover point ( see manufacturer’s data )
within the reference range.

3.1-2.2 Test of Frequency InJuence Effect at the

Test Signal According to

Gs Test signal according to Test circuit according, for example,
to but without Gsine and change ove1*
switch The test shall be carried out as follows:
C = Capacitor for blocking d.c. voltage ccmponent a) Test signal according to
TI, = Thermal convertor measuring instrument Test signal pulse-repetition frequency :
( referancc measuring instrument 1 reference frequency. The value of the
GF, = Sine-wave generator measured quantity shall be so set full that
Gf = Function generator the thermal convertor measuring instru-
ment indicates 90 percent of the scale
FIG. 3 TEST CIRCUIT value of the measuring instrument. [ The

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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993

display valwe of the measuring instrument a) Permanent overload: In all ranges with at
shall be read out ( B, ) 1. least a final value of + 20 percent for a
minimum of 2 hours, unless otherwise
b) The test signal pulse-repetition frequency specified; and
-shall be set at the maximum frequency
indicated for this purpose. b) Short-time overload: Once in all ranges
with the given overload of 0.5 seconds,
In this case requirements relating 10 ther- unless otherwise specified. A fuse, if any,
mal convertor measuring instruments as may operate.
given in shall continue to be met.
The value of the measured quantity shall 3.15.1 Test
be so set that the thermal convertor mea-
suring instrument again indicates 90 a> The intrinsic error shall be determined at
percent of the full-scale value of the the full-scale value ( B, in digits );
measuring instrument. The display value
of the measuring instrument shall be read b) Overload shall be applied for the specified
out ( B, >. period to the measurmg instrument;
c) The influence effect resulting from the c> Measuring instrument shall be kept in a
frequency of the test signal is then B,,-B, switched-on condition for at least two
in digits. hours at reference temperature; and
3.13 Frequency Influence Error in the Case ‘of d) The intrinsic error shall be determined at
ax. Voltage Measurement the full-scale value ( B, in digits ).

3.13.1 The display value ( Br in digits ) shall The overload influence error is calculated
be determined at the reference frequency as from B, - B,. *
specified by the manufacturer under reference
conditions and in all ranges of measurement 3.16 Self-Heating Due to the Measured Quantity
( effective ranges ). Test
3.33.2 The frequency shill then be varied within
the.rated range of use at constant vdltage and/or a) Measuring instruments, including acces-
current and the display value with the greatest sories, shall be kept in a switched-on
deviation ( B, ) shali be determined. condition for at least two hours at refe-
rence temperature, but without a measured
The influence error is then B, - B, in digits. quantity applied;

Calculation, in digits, and according to 4.2.2 of ‘4 Measuring instruments shall be charged,

Part 1 of this series, of the maximum permissible for 30 minutes, with approximately
frequency influence effect as specified by the 90 percent of the full-scale value;
c) Display values shall be read-out after the
elapse of one minute ( Br in digits ); and
3.114 Step Response Time

A defined quantity of’at least 80 percent of the 4 Display values shall be read-out after the
elapse of 30 minutes ( B, in digits ).
full-scale value shall be applied to the measuring
instrument for the duration of the step response The self-heating influence error is calculated
time as specified by the manufacturer. At the from B, - Br.
end of this period the value indicated shall not .
deviate from the value in the steady-state condi-
tion ( > 10 times step response time ) by more 4 DATA SHEET INFORMATION FOR
than the maximum permissible intrinsic error. DIGITAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS

3.15 Overload 4.1 Data sheet shall be accgrding to 5 of Part 1

of this series. In addition, the data given in the
This test shall cause no damage to the measuring following Table 2 shall be provided in the case
instrument and the intrinsic error shall remain of measuring instruments for measuring analog
the same. quantities.
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IS 13875 ( Part 2 ) : 1993

Table 2 Data Sheet for Instruments Measuring Analog Quantities

( Clause 4.1 )

Clause NO. Term Instrument Data Sheet On Instrument Remarks


(1) (2) (31 (4) (5) (6)

4.2.3 Type of measuring range X X Specifying whether current
selection measuring range can be
switched ovcs without

Behavior in the case of

failure and recovery of

suPPlY voltage ( in the

event of automatic range
control 1

4.2.5 Type of polarity display X

and setting Sensitivity X See 2.1 .l

4.5.1 Jntrinsic error X X Period of times within which

occurrence of error is
determined, preferablJ
24 h; 30 days; 1 year

4.5.2 Influence 1 effects X X Common mode rejectioiiPhf

parasitic voltage
. specification of frequen-

Frequency response
Series made rejection of
parasitic voltage with
specification of frequen-
Specification of crest factor liifluence effect test X In the case ofw;;asuring

instruments rms
value production : Specifi-
cation of crest factor for
effective range final value
and test procedure accord-
ing to Part 2
Specification . ’
repetition frec$ncyup%f
test signal
4.5.4 Method of measurement X X Type of rectification and/or
production of rms values
Type of instrument coupling
for example alternating
current, ac and dc, etc

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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

___- --- ______---

Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been
produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of
Inspection, testing-and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated
by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for con-
formity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence
for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be
obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
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Howrah( [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade ~designationo.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision,
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amindmento or
edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additiona’
Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the following reference:

Dot : No. LTD 21 ( 1338 )

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