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Date 2023-06-15

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5. General Interests
General Interests of a nation gives way to those positive conditions which apply to a large number of nations in specified
fields such as economic, trade, diplomatic relations, science, mathematics, academe, etc. This is to maintain the attained
peace from the past decades. Similar in this case is a scenario that happened in the Philippines wherein the creation of the
Bangsamoro Islamic Region was birthed, in exchange was to lessen the dispute between the Philippine government and
the people of the political party which was for the General interest of both parties. Another example that can be set here is
the relationship of the Philippines and the United States of America wherein they have the Visiting Forces Agreement
which helps the Philippines a lot in terms of sovereignty.

6. Specific Interests

These are logical extensions of generic interests that are described in terms of time and space. India and other developing
countries are particularly interested in securing the economic rights of Third World countries through the establishment of
a New International Economic Order. From this specific Interests can be concluded as “interests” that can help improve a
country more.

Methods for the Securing of National Interest.

To ensure the security of the goals of her national interest is the high peak right and duty of every country.

The following are 3 well-known and important ways which are usually used by a nation for securing its national interests

1. Diplomacy

Diplomacy is a widely regarded method of safeguarding national interests. Diplomacy is the means by which a country's
foreign policy is communicated to other countries. It attempts to protect national interests. Diplomatic personnel create
relationships with decision-makers and diplomats from other nations and undertake discussions to achieve the intended
aims and objectives of their country's national interests.

The art of diplomacy includes the giving out of the goals and objectives of national interest in such a way as to persuade
others to demand what is rightful for their nation. Diplomats use this tactic, such as persuasion and threats, incentives and
denial of rewards as the means for exercising power and safeguarding goals of national interest as a definition of the
foreign policy of their state.

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There can be 3 examples as to why Diplomacy can be used as an effective tool to protect national interests.

a. Can be used as a tool for conflict resolution, diplomacy provides peaceful means to resolve disputes and conflicts
between nations. Through negotiations, dialogue and diplomatic channels.
b. Diplomatic efforts can play a crucial role in promoting a country’s economic interests. Diplomatic personnel works
hard to strengthen the bond of their representing countries in terms of trade relations, to attract foreign investment,
negotiate favorable trade agreements, and promote exports. Through diplomacy, countries can gain access to new markets
for new raw materials to use to further improve their respective nations economically.
c. Alliances forming can also happen through diplomacy, in case a certain country goes rogue, the alliances can at least
know they have a brother country to rely on. These relationships provide mutual benefits and enhance a country's security,
influence, and global standing.

2. Propaganda

While propaganda can be used as a tool to advance a country’s national interests, it is important to raise the concern
regarding its ethics and can have certain consequences.

These are some of the arguments that can be brought forth in order to understand how propaganda can help a country’s
safeguard for their national interest.

1. Public opinion shaping: Propaganda can be used to influence public opinion both domestically and abroad. A country
can affect how its own inhabitants see specific topics, events, or policies by broadcasting carefully designed messages. This
can aid in the preservation of social cohesiveness, rallying support for government programs, and fostering national unity,
all of which are critical for ensuring a country's stability and security.
2. Defense against outside threats: Propaganda can be used a medium for psychological warfare to counter opposing
threats. By carefully disseminating propaganda through the country, a government can influence how its constituents
perceive certain issues, events, or policies. Propaganda can be utilized to control the narrative during misunderstandings,
projecting a façade for a country, making them look good, while the other country looks bad.
3. Improving national security: Propaganda that spotlights a country's military capabilities can help discourage possible
threats. It can provide a sense of power and preparedness, discouraging threats from engaging in not-so-good activities.
Propaganda can also help to promote a sense of nationalism and national pride, which can help a country's defense. For
when in time of war, selecting candidates won’t be too hard.
4. Bending the world’s perceptions: Propaganda can be used to influence how other countries perceive a nation and its
policies. By greatly spreading information, a country can bend international narratives and gain support for its positions.
This can be specifically relevant in different aspects such as foreign policy, trade negotiations, or international conflicts,
where public opinion, narrative, and perceptions can impact diplomatic outcomes.

It is important to know that propaganda when misused can lead to great corruption. Ethical considerations, transparency,
and respect for the truth should be guiding principles in any information dissemination efforts.

To summarize, while propaganda has been claimed to have a function in preserving national interests, its use should be
regarded with caution because it is easily abused and can have bad implications for society and international relations.
Communication that is open and transparent, respects the truth, and encourages mutual understanding is typically
regarded as a more sustainable and ethical method.

3. Economics

The 1st world nations use aid and loans as the means for securing their general interest with the other country in
international relations.

The following are how a country can protect its economic interests strategically.

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