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Joint Spatial/spatial-frequency
Representations For Image

Lowell Jacobson, Harry Wechsler

Lowell Jacobson, Harry Wechsler, "Joint Spatial/spatial-frequency

Representations For Image Processing," Proc. SPIE 0579, Intelligent Robots
and Computer Vision IV, (11 December 1985); doi: 10.1117/12.950778

Event: 1985 Cambridge Symposium, 1985, Cambridge, United States

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Joint Spatial
/spatial - frequencyRepresentations
Representations for
for Image
Image Processing

Lowell Jacobson and

Lowell and Harry
Harry Wechsler
of Electrical
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Minnesota,
Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minnesota 55455

Abs t r ac t

This paper
paper deals
deals with
with the issue of
the issue of conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution as it pertains
as it pertains to
to joint
spatial /spatial- frequencyrepresentations
representations such
such as
as the
the Difference
Difference of (DOG) and
of Gaussians (DOG) and
Gabor representations
Gabor representations as
as well
well as
as the
the Wigner
Wigner distribution.
distribution. We We define what the
define what the conjoint
resolution of
of aa joint
joint representation is, how
representation is, how one
one could
could measure
measure it,
it, why
why one
one would
would wish
wish to
to use
representation that
a representation that maximizes
maximizes it,
it, and
and finally,
finally, how
how high-
high-conjoint resolution is
conjoint resolution is obtained,
in practice,
in practice, by
by selecting joint image
selecting an appropriate joint image representation.
Joint spatial/spatial-frequency
Joint spatial /spatial - frequency representations
attracted the
the attention
attention ofof vision
researchers ever since
researchers ever since Rodiekl
Rodiek 1 proposed,
proposed, inin 1965,
1965, that
that retinal
retinal ganglion cells havehave receptive
fields composed
composed of the difference of
of the of two
two Gaussians.
Gaussians. This model for for the
the center
organization of
organization of both
both retinal
retinal ganglion cells and
ganglion cells and Lateral
Lateral Geniculate cells has
Geniculate cells has persisted
persisted to
date, popularized
date, popularized greatly by
by David
David Marr
Marr who
who incorporated
incorporated the
the Difference
Difference ofof Gaussians
Gaussians (DOG)
representation into his
representation into for early
his theory for early visual
visual processing.2
processing. ^
It was
was later
later discovered
discovered that
that the
the socalled
socalled "simple
"simple cells"
cells" ofof the
the primary
primary visual
visual cortex
exhibit not
exhibit not only
only spatial
spatial and
and orientation tuning, as
orientation tuning, as had
had been known for
been known for many
many years, 3 but
years,3 but also
and phase
orientation and phase specific
spatial-frequency tuning. ^ Marcelja^
- frequency tuning.4 Marcelja5 has demonstrated thatthat
the tuning
tuning of
of these neurons is
these neurons is well
well accounted
accounted forfor by
by assuming
assuming that
that each
each cell
cell computes
computes aa
coefficient of
coefficient of the
the Gabor representation6,
representation 6 , aa linear,
linear, 44-D-D complex-valued
complex -valued joint
spatial /spatial - frequency representation
since gained
gained aa strong
strong following inin the
vision field.

Jacobson andand Wechsler 7 ' 8 subsequently hypothesized,
Wechsler7'8 hypothesized, inin 1982,
1982, that
that the
the socalled complex
socalled complex
cells of
cells the primary
of the primary visual
visual cortex serve to
cortex serve to encode
encode an
an approximation
approximation to the Wigner
to the Wigner
distribution (WD),
distribution (WD), aa bilinear
bilinear signal representation that
signal representation that has recently created
has recently created quite
quite aa stir
in the
in the signal
signal processing community.
community. According
According toto Jacobson and Wechsler'
Jacobson and Wechsler's s model 8 , phase
model8, phase and
magnitude information
magnitude information atat the
the simple
simple cell stage is
cell stage is further
further processed
processed inin aa bilinear fashion to
bilinear fashion to
obtain aa 44-D
-D spatial/spatial-frequency
spatial /spatial- frequencyenergyenergyrepresentation
that approximates
approximates the
the WD
WD and
hence exhibits
hence exhibits superior
superior conjoint resolution "relative
conjoint resolutioh ielative to that of
to that the Gabor
of the Gabor representation
itself. (Experiments
(Experiments designed to to test
test the
the Jacobson
/Wechsler hypothesis
hypothesis will be be conducted
during the coming
during the coming year
year by
by Pollen,
Pollen, Gaska,
Gaska, and
and Jacobson
Jacobson at
at the
the University
University of of Massachusetts
Medical School,
Medical School, Worcester, MA). MA) .
The DOG,
DOG, Gabor,
Gabor, and
and WD models forfor ganglion
ganglion and
and LGN,
LGN, simple,
simple, andand complex
complex neurons,
respectively, have
respectively, in common
have in common that they each
that they involve the
each involve the computation
computation and and encoding
encoding of
of aa
representation. However,
conjoint representation. However, as as one
one progresses
progresses fromfrom retinal
ganglion +LGN +simple +complex, thethe
resolutionofofthe theencoding
encoding isis seen
seen to
progressively increase;
increase; successive
successive stages
stages of
of linear
linear processing
processing are are finally
finally capped
capped by
by aa
bilinear transformation
transformation that
that yields
yields aa conjoint
conjoint energy
energy representation,
representation, of of relatively
relatively highest
resolution, at
resolution, at the
the complex
complex cell
cell stage.
stage. We emphasize
empha~sTze that,
that, though
though the
the Jacobson
model for simple>complex
model for simple +complexcellcellprocessing
processing does
does capture
capture many
many ofof the
the known
known tuning
tuning properties
properties ofof
complex cells,
cells, it
it is
is nevertheless
nevertheless only an hypothesis at this this time.
time. In
In fact, remains
fact, there remains
some controversy
controversy as to whether complex
as to complex cells
cells derive
derive their
their tuning
tuning properties
properties from
from (a)
sequential simple +complex cell
cell processing, (b) (b) via
via direct
direct transformation of ganglion
ganglion cell
inputs, or
or (c)
(c) by
by some
some combination
combination ofof these
these two
two alternatives (cf. (cf. 99 and 10 for
and 10 for differing

Benefits _o
off _c_o nj_o ^n t representations
conjoint represent a t ions
Conjoint image
Conjoint image representations
representations are not only
are not only relevant
relevant for
for understanding biological vision.
understanding biological vision.
They are
are also
also of
of interest
interest toto engineers
engineers since
since they
they serve
serve to
to decouple
decouple image
image patterns
patterns that have
that have
common functional support
common functional (i.e., are
support regions (i.e., are superposed)
superposed) inin either
either the
the spatial
spatial or
or spatial
domains. With
frequency domains. the improved
With the improved support
support separability
separability of
of conjoint representations,
representations, it it
becomes feasible
feasible to
to perform
perform matched
matched filtering
filtering inin difficult
difficult imaging
imaging situations
situations where
where poor
clutter rejection
rejection has
has traditionally
traditionally been
been aa problem.
problem. One can also exploit the
One can the high
high pattern
separability of
separability of joint image representations
joint image representations to
to decouple
decouple multiplicative
multiplicative image
image components
(e.g., reflectance
(e.g., reflectance and illumination) by
and illumination) by transforming
transforming the
the log
log of
of the
the image
image function.11
function. 11
Finally, one
one can
can maximize
maximize the
the benefit
benefit of
of joint
joint representations
representations by by coupling
coupling them
them with
SP Vol579
579 Intelligent
Intelligent Robots
Robots and
and Computer
Computer Vision
Vision (1985)
(1985)// 1111

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Terms of Use:
existing methods
existing that use
methods that use geometric domain
domain mappings to
to achieve
achieve recognition
recognition that
that is
is invariant
to linear
linear transformations
transformations of
of the
the image,12
image, 12 or more generally,
generally, to
to arbitrary
arbitrary changes
changes in in camera
aspect. 11 ' 1 ^ Such
aspect.11,13 invariance methods use
Such invariance use one
one or
or more
more foveated
foveated joint
joint representations
representations to to
yield an
an efficient
efficient encoding nonetheless provides high
encoding that nonetheless high acuity
acuity along
along the
the camera
camera line
line of
It should
should be that joint
be noted that joint time
-frequency representations the spectrogram
representations such as the spectrogram have
long been
long been used
used to
to advantage for representing
advantage for representing acoustic signals
signals such
such as
as speed.l4
speed. ^ Though joint
spatial /spatial- frequencyrepresentations
representationsareare equally
equally powerful
powerful tools
tools for vision
applications, their degree of
applications, of acceptance
acceptance by
by the
the engineering
engineering community
community tends
tends to
to correlate
well with the
the coincident
coincident level
level of
of progress
progress in
in real
real-time processing systems.
-time signal processing systems.
Conjoint -r-e solution
The conjoint
conjoint spatial
/spatial- frequency entropy
entropy or uncertainty
uncertainty ofof aa 2 2-D signal is
-D signal is
typically defined
typically defined inin terms of the
the product
product of
of its
its effective
effective spatial
spatial extent
extent andand effective
bandwidth. Such definition, for
Such a definition, for example,
example, underlies
underlies Gabor's
Gabor's proof6
proof 6 that
that the Gaussian
function uniquely
uniquely obtains
obtains the
the smallest
smallest conjoint
conjoint entropy
entropy permitted
permitted by
by the
the uncertainty
principle for Fourier analysis.
principle for analysis. Since the DOG and
Since the and Gabor representations
representations use use filters
filters that
are respectively Gaussians
are respectively and Gaussian weighted
Gaussians and weighted sines
sines and
and cosines,
cosines, itit isis often implied,
implied, onon
the basis
basis of the minimum entropy property of the
of the the Gaussian,
Gaussian, that
that the
the DOG
DOG and
and Gabor
representations provide "optimal"
"optimal" resolution,
resolution, in
in some
some sense,
sense, when compared with with alternative
joint representations (cf(cf 15
15 and
and 16).
16). Upon
Upon closer scrutiny,
scrutiny, such
such claims
claims are are without
substance since they are
since they are derived from an incomplete
derived from incomplete understanding
understanding ofof conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution asas
it applies
it to joint representations.
applies to representations.
S ige n t ropy ye
Sigentropy r sus Repentropy
versus Repe n t ropy
will be
As will be argued
argued inin this
this paper,
paper, the
the proper
proper way
way of
of measuring
measuring thethe conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution ofof aa
joint representation
joint representation is is to
to derive
derive such
such aa measure
measure directly
directly from
from the
the joint
joint representation
itself. HowHow should this measure
should this measure of conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution be be defined?
defined? WeWe mentioned above
above how
the 22-D
the -D conjoint
conjoint entropy
entropy of
of aa _signal
signal isis commonly
commonly defined.
defined. However,
However, we
we are
are here
here faced
faced with
the problem
problem of
of determining thethe entropy
entropy ofof aa joint
joint representation
repress en tation (computed
(computed for
for some
some signal).
To distinguish
distinguish between
between these
these two
two entropies,
entropies, wewe will hereafter take
wilT-hereafter take the liberty of
the liberty of referring
to them
them respectively
respectively asas "repentropy"
"repentropy" andand "sigentropy."
"sigentropy . "
As per
per our
our discussion
discussion above, sigentropy (i.e.,
above, sigentropy (i.e., signal
signal entropy) is usually
entropy) is usually defined
defined as the
as the
effective energy
effective energy spread
spread of the signal
of the signal times
times the
the effective
effective energy spread of
energy spread of the
the signal's
Fourier transform." This
Fourier transform.° has two important
This has important ramifications:
ramifications: first,
first, sigentropy isis defined
defined inin
terms of
of two
two very
very different
different signal
signal representations,
representations, namely
namely the
the signal
signal and its Fourier
and its Fourier
transform; second, it
transform; second, it is
is the
the product of
of signal
signal and
and Fourier
Fourier transform
transform energy
energy spread
spread (i.e.,
variance) that
variance) that is
is measured in
in sigentropy.
it will
As it will be
be defined below,
below, repentropy,
repentropy, like
like sigentropy,
sigentropy, measures
measures energy
energy spread;
however, the
however, the definition of
of repentropy
repentropy will
will be
be in
in terms
terms of
of one
one (joint)
(joint) stgñáT
signal representation,
not two,
not two, as
as was
was the
the case with
with sigentropy.
Def in it ion of Repentropy
Suppose, in
in general,
general, an^N-D signal. f(x),
anN -D signal f(lc), XT = (xl,x2,...,xN),
(x lr x 2 , . . . / X N ) , is
is transformed intointo some
joint representation Jf(x,u),
joint j f ("x%u), where
where úT
~UT == (u1,u2,...,uN)
(u^, u 2 , . . . r U N ) isis the
the N N-D frequency domain.
-D frequency domain.
Examples ofof valid
valid joint
joint representations include not
representations include not onlyonly the the likes
likes of^the
of the DOG
DOG and
and Gabor
representations, butbut also,
also, forfor example,
example, the the signal
signal representation
representation Jf(x^"u) Jf(z,ú) =v_f("x) (constant
= f(z) (constant
for all It),
for all the Fourier
ú), or the Fourier representation
representation Jf(l,ú)
jf(^,"3) = =F(íi) F(H) (constant
(constant for for all
all 1).
i) .
Now given
given some
some joint
joint ^representation
representation Jf(x,u),
Jf(x,ú), we we claim
claim that to measure
that to its repentropy,
measure its repentropy, oneone
first convert
must first convert Jf(x,u)
J f (x',!!) into
into aa joint
joint energy
energy representation.
representation. For For representations
representations that are are
linearly related
related to
to the
the signal
signal f(x*), (this includes
f(x), (this includes all all of of the
the representations
representations cited
cited in
in the
previous paragraph), thisthis amounts
amounts tototaking
modulusof of)f(1'.11)
jf(x*,"u) to
to get the
corresponding representation Pf(z,ú)
corresponding energy representation Pf(>f, u) _= 1Jf(Z,í)12.
|jf(5t,"if) | 2 . For
For jbi linear "pseudo
bilinear "pseudo energy"
representations such
such as as the
the Wigner
Wigner distribution
distribution and its approximations,
and its approximations, which
which can
can attain
negative values
negative values over
over local
local regions, 17 '^ 8 we
regions,17118 we suggest
suggest thatthat oneone take the modulus
take the modulus of the
of the
representation, i.e., Pf(t,ú)
representation, i.e., Pf(x*,~5) _= |jf(5f,Li)
kJf(x,ú)I. |. These
These definitions are are summarized
summarized inin Table
Table 1.
Table 1. Classification of joint
joint representations
representations and corresponding definitions
joint energy representations
of joint

f Cx,TT) = 1Jf(X,ú)
|j f (?,"u) I2

Pf(x,ú) = |j f (x;,"u) |

12 / SPIE Vol
/ SPIE Vol. 579
579 Intelligent
Robots and
and Computer Vision (1985)
Vis/on (1985)

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Terms of Use:
Now, in
Now, in terms
terms of
of the joint
joint energy
energy representation,
representation, Pf(X,ú),
p f (x,u), we
we define the
the repentropy,
repentropy, H(Jf),
H(J f ),
of the underlying
of the underlying representation,
representation, Jf(t,u),
Jf(£, u), by:
f (I,u) PPf(X,ú)
f (x,u)
H(Jf) = -- ~ 7^~^r~:^"3r log 7- r^^T'T^T^"
3 , dxdu.
dxd'. (1)
(x, u)dxdu
ffpf(x,u)dIdíi //Pf (x, u)dxdu

We have,
have, in
in effect, treated the
effect, treated the normalized
normalized jointjoint energy
energy representation,
representation, Pf(1,11),
pfCx",), as
as aa
probability distribution
distribution over
over the
the (1,ú)-
(5f, 3)-space
space.. The
The conjoint
conjoint resolutions
resolutions ofof two
two different
joint representations,
joint representations, say
say Jf(1)(1',ú)
Jf(D(5f,1u) and and Jf( 2 )(£,"u), computed
Jf(2)(1,1), from the
computed from the same
same signal
signal f(1),
can then be
can then be compared by
by computing
computing thethe corresponding
corresponding repentropies
repentropies H(Jf(
H(Jf(D) and H(Jf(2));
I)) and H(Jf( 2 ))/ the
representation with
representation with the
the lowest
lowest repentropy
repentropy has has the
the highest
highest conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution since,
since, on on
average, its energy is
its is rera
Eively more
more concentrated
concentrated irf~tight throughout the
in Eight clumps throughout the
(x,)-space. By By defining repentropy as
defining repentropy as the
the entropy
entropy of of aa "probability"
"probability" distribution,
distribution, oneone
obtains aa measure
measure of
of conjoint
conjoint resolution
resolution that that is
is appropriate
appropriate even
even for
for joint
joint representations
of highly signals.
highly nonstationary signals.
Now that conjoint
Now that in the
conjoint resolution in the form
form of
of repentropy
repentropy has
has been
been defined,
defined, it
it should be
clear that
that one
one wants to maximize it
wants to it in
in order
order to
to obtain
obtain optimal
optimal pattern
pattern separability.

Con jo int. representations

Conjoint rep re sen tat ions
We now
now briefly
briefly describe
describe the
the Wigner
Wigner distribution
distribution and
and its
its relationship
relationship to
to the
the DOG
representation, the
the Gabor
Gabor representation,
representation, and
and proposed
proposed approximations
approximations to
to the
the Wigner

The Wigner distribution

The dis tr ^but ^on
The Wigner
Wigner distribution (WD) (WD) isis aa joint
joint pseudo
pseudo energy whose rapidly
energy representation whose rapidly
derives from
growing popularity derives from the
the fact
fact that
virtuallyally all
all popular representations
popular joint representations
are equivalent to
are to smoothed
smoothed versions
versions of of the
the WD.17,1t3,19
WD. 17 ' 18 ' 19 Since
Since its
its definition involves
infinite integrals,
infinite integrals, the
the WDWD isis not,
not, in in general,
general, aa computable function.
function. Its major attraction
is therefore
is therefore its
its analytical
analytical convenience as well as as its
its motivating role
role inin the
the development
development of
high resolution
high resolution bilinear conjoint representations
representations that that approximate
approximate the
the WD.
WD. Such bilinear
representations are
are already finding application to
already finding to problems involving
involving the
the joint
representation ofof 1-
1-D, 17 ' 2 ^ 2_D,11,13
D,17,2u 2-D, l:L ' 13 and
and 3 3-D21 signals.
-021 signals.

^Given an arbitrary
Given an arbitrary N-
N-dimensional signal, f((c),
dimensional signal, f(l£), ^T
IT = = [x^, x 2 / . . . , X N ] , the
[xl,x2,...,xN], the WD, Jf ( w ) ("x,ti) of
WD, Jf(W)(z,t) of
f(x) is defined by:
f(x) is by:

f (W)(t,ti) =/£(£+
= f f(R) + f)f*(3f-|)e-3(u-l) d^
--2)f*(x-2)e-j(111)d7zi (2)

== f/ rf(x,á)
r f (x,a) e-j(íÌá)dT

rrf(X,a) = f(x ++ á)f*(x-a),
f (x.t) = |)f*(x-|), (3)
2 2

and ""*"*" denotes
denotes complex
complex conjugation.
conjugation. The WD has
The has a similar
similar definition in
in terms
terras of the
signal's transform F(~3)
signal's Fourier transform F(íZ)..

Jf(W)(X,ú) = 1 -
/j F<3
F(ú ++)F*(ú
|)F*(u -)eJ(C
- x)dt
= 1
(27T) IN
Rf(tú )eJ(()d(

Rf U,u) == F(if
F(ú ++ -|)F*(lT
2)F*(u -- ).
\) .
2, £,

The WD has
has aa number
number of
of useful properties.13'17
properties. 13 ' 17 We mention here only that,
that, though
though the
the WD isis
aa real,
real, hence
hence phaseless,
phaseless, representation,
representation, it
it isis nonetheless reversible (within
nonetheless reversible (within aa minus sign).
Indeed, Fourier
Indeed, Fourier phase
phase information is exploited
information is exploited inin definition
definition (4)
(4) of
of the
the WD
WD to
to transform
transform thethe
Fourier function,
Fourier function, aa pure frequency representation,
pure frequency representation, into
into aa joint
joint representation
representation ofof xx and
and u.
The strong
strong association
association between
between phase
phase and
and position
position information
information has
has been
been recognized
recognized for
for some
time. 22

SPIE Vol 579 Intelligent

SPIE Vol. Intelligent Robots and Computer
Computer Vision
Vision (1985)
(1985)// 13

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Terms of Use:
The DOG represent^tion
DOG representation

Popularized by
Popularized by Marr
Marr22 in his theory for
in his processing, the
for early visual processing, difference of
the difference of
representation of
(DOG) representation
Gaussians (DOG) of aa 2 2-D image is
-D image dimensional bipolar (i.e.,
is aa 3- and --
(i.e., ++ and
only) joint
values only) representation that
joint representation that does dependupon
does not spatial-frequency
uponspatial orientation
- frequency orientation
(due to
(due use of
the use
to the of isotropic filters). With
isotropic filters). this qualification
With this qualification inin mind,
mind, the DOG
the DOG
nonetheless be
representation may nonetheless regarded as
be regarded -D joint
as aa 44-D joint representation value is
whose value
representation whose is
constant along rings in the
rings in -D spatial
the 22-D spatial frequency domain. The
frequency domain. representation is,
The DOG representation is, of
obtained by
course, obtained
course, convolving the
by convolving the image filters of
with filters
image with various sizes,
of various sizes, where the shape
where the of
shape of
these filters is
these filters approximated as
is approximated the difference
as the difference of two 22-D
of two Gaussians of
-D symmetric Gaussians different
of different
spatial extents. Such filter has
Such a DOG filter therefore the
has therefore the general form:
general form:
a2(x12 +x22)
h(x1,x2) = Ae- - Be- b2(x12 + x22) (6)

The has aa broad

filter has
The DOG filter annular passband
broad annular the2 2-D
passbandininthe spatial-frequency
-D spatial- domain. Using
frequency domain. this
Using this
fact, together with
fact, together with the spatial support
the inherent spatial of the
support of to the
leads to
filter, leads
the filter, the conclusion that
conclusion that
the energy
the obtained as
representation obtained
energy representation as the modulus of
square modulus
the square the DOG
of the represenation exhibits
DOG represenation exhibits
conjoint of aa signal's
smoothing of
conjoint smoothing intrinsic joint
signal's intrinsic energy that
joint energy is as
that is indicated in
as indicated 1.
Fig. 1.
in Fig.

(e) (b)

2-D 2 -D spatial-frequency
2-D spatial- frequency
space domain
2 -D space domain
Fig. 11 Conjoint of DOG
Conjoint energy averaging of filters. The commonly textured
DOG filters. regions suggest
textured regions the
suggest the
4 volumeover
spatial /spatial- frequencyvolume
-D spatial/spatial-frequency the intrinsic conjoint
which the
over which energyofofa a2 2-D
conjoint energy -D
signal is
signal is averaged by two
averaged by filters used to
typical filters
two typical compute the
to compute representation.
DOG representation.
the DOG

The Gabor representation

The r e_p £ese_n t a t i o n
representation 5 ' 6 ' 16ofofananN N-D
Gabor representation5,6,16
The Gabor signal isis a a2N2N-D,
-D signal complex-valued
-D, complex- joint
valued joint
representation. Its domain definition
Its continuous- definition is equivalent to
is equivalent that of
to that finite-
the finite
of the -
support transform, using
Fourier transform,
support Furier Gaussian-shaped
using Gaussian- shaped window functions^ Hence,
window functions Hence, given an NN-D
given an -D
signal f(x), its domain Gabor
its continuous- Gabor representation, Jf(G)(x',u), is defined as:
Jf ( G ) ( "?, u) , is as:
Jf(G)(x,ú) f(a)h(x-£)e-^d5f
J f(á)h(x-
J f (G)(3c,u) == f )e -'7"dá (7)
where N
1 r,2
R1=1 xi 2
h(x) 2
h(x) = e 2 (8)

It has
It shown that
has been shown square modulus
the square
that the finite-support
modulus ofof the transform is
- support Fourier transform is
to the
equivalent to
equivalent the convolution between the respective
between the distributions of
Wigner distributions
respective Wigner of thethe^signal
signal andand
specifically, the
functions. 17 ' ^' ^ Specifically,
window functions.17'18,19 joint energy
the joint distribution, Pf(G)(1,í')
energy distribution, the
of the
Pf ( G ^ ("£, if) of
Gabor representation is
Gabor given by:
is given by:
pf(G)(x,u) = IJf(G)(x,u)I2

= 1
N Jf
Jf(W)(x '')J(x-x'
W) , -1311:191 )ddú' . (9)
(2r) 1

The joint
The corresponding to
distribution corresponding
energy distribution
joint energy Gabor representation
the Gabor
to the representation is therefore aa
is therefore
smoothed version of
smoothed version the WD with the
of the the convolution given by
kernel given
convolution kernel the WD,
by the WD, Jh(W)(x,ú), the
of the
3^^^ (%,~&) , of
Gaussian function. With the
Gaussian window function. representation of
Gabor representation
the Gabor non-trivial
of aa non -trivial signal, such
signal, such
smoothing of
smoothing its energy
of its be eliminated
never be
energy representation can never eliminated by an appropriate
by an choice for
appropriate choice for
h(x); the size
h(?) ; rather the Gaussian window
the Gaussian
size of the determines, via
window determines, via Jh(W) between
MIT) , aa tradeoff between
J^ w ) (x'r'u) ,

spatial and spatial

spatial and -frequency blurring
spatial-frequency of the
blurring of the information in WD. This is
the WD.
in the so because
is so because thethe
Wigner distribution of an
distribution of function is
-D Gaussian function
an NN-D -D Gaussian
is aa 2N Gaussian function by:
given by:
function given

14 / SPIE
/ SPIE Vol
Vol. 579
579 Intelligent
Robots and Computer Vision (1985)
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N/2 -2K
-2K Z xi2 "«
- Z Ui2
,L ui2 (10)
2ffK 2K i=1
Jh(W)(x,u) = e i=1 e

whose spatial and

whose spatial and frequency extents are inversely
extents are related. The kernel
inversely related. kernel function, described
function, described
(10), determines,
eq. (10),
by eq. determines, through relation (9), the
relation (9), smoothness of
the smoothness of the energy
Gabor energy
the Gabor
representation relative to the
relative to WD. The
the WD. smoothing kernel,
The smoothing is indicated
J n ( w )(1c,u) is
kernel, Jh(W)(1,u) Fig. 22
in Fig.
indicated in
two different
for two
for tradeoffs in
different tradeoffs spatial vs.
in spatial resolution.
vs. frequency resolution.
(e) (b)

u .T


Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Support regions of
Support regions of the Gabor smoothing
the Gabor kernel JJh(W)(x,u)
smoothing kernel for (a)
n ( w )(x,u) for narrowband and
(a) narrowband and
(b) broadband analysis
(b) -D signal. Note
of aa 11-D
analysis of Note the tradeoff in
the tradeoff in spatial vs. frequency
vs. frequency
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 depicts
depicts the regions of
support regions
the conjoint support the Gabor
of the filter functions
Gabor filter indicates,
and indicates,
functions and
the conjoint
therefore, the
therefore, conjoint smoothness of the Gabor
of the representation. This figure
energy representation.
Gabor energy should
figure should
he compared with Fig.
be Fig. 1, for the
1, for the DOG representation; note the
DOG representation; the considerable improvement
considerable improvement
afforded by
afforded by using representation, especially
using the Gabor representation, regards the
as regards
especially as spatial-frequency
thespatial- frequency
orientation selectivity.

(a) (b)

2 space domain
-D space
2-D domain 2 ~-D spatial- frequency
D spatial-frequency
Fig. 33 Conjoint
Conjoint energy averaging of filters. The
Gabor filters.
of Gabor The commonly textured regions above
regions above
suggest the 44-D
suggest the spatial /spatial- frequencyvolume
-D spatial/spatial-frequency volumeover the intrinsic
overwhich energy of
conjoint energy
intrinsic conjoint of
a 2-D signal isis averaged
2 -Dsignal each of
by each
averaged by typical filters
three typical
of three filters kused toto compute Gabor
the Gabor
compute the
representation. Note the tradeoff in
the tradeoff in spatial spatial-frequency
vs. spatial-
spatial vs. smoothing.
frequency smoothing.

composite pseudo
The composite
The di^stjribution
Wigner distribution
pseudo Wigner
Given an
Given an N-D signal, f(x),
N -D signal, corresponding composite
the corresponding
f(x), the Wigner distribution
pseudo Wigner
composite pseudo distribution
(CPWD), iJ is bilinear joint
2N -Dbilinear
is aa 2N-D energy representation
pseudo energy
joint pseudo that approximates the
representation that Wigner
the Wigner
function. Though
distribution function. the CPWD
Though the CPWD is smoothed WD,
to aa smoothed
equivalent to
is equivalent WD, the degree of
the degree of
smoothing along
smoothing space and
the space
along the respectively, can
dimensions, respectively,
frequency dimensions,
and frequency be independently
can be independently
established; is, the
that is,
established; that CPWD, like
the CPWD, the WD,
like the is immune
WD, is to the
immune to problem.
tradeoff problem.
the window tradeoff

an NN-D
Given an -D signal, f(x),
f(~x), we define its
we follows:
as follows:
its CPWD
(1) Compute
(1) Compute the complex-valued
the complex representation, Jf(
Gabor representation,
-valued Gabor G )(x,~u),
Jf(G)(x ú), (or other
any other
(or any
finite -support Fourier
finite-support transform) of
Fourier transform) the signal.
of the sufficiently large
Use a sufficiently
signal. Use h(x")
window h(x)
large window

SPIE Vol.579
SPIE Vol. 579 Intelligent Robots and
Intelligent Robots (1985)//
Computer Vision
and Computer 15

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to provide
to resolution.
provide the desired resolution. The resulting Gabor representation
The resulting is:
representation is:
Jf(G)(1,11) )e-u'«dS.
= f f(a)h(x- á)e- wc'dá. (11)

(2) Use definition

(2) Use (4) of
definition (4) the WD,
of the with aa window
WD, with sufficiently large
window sufficiently to give
large to the desired
give the desired
spatial resolution,
spatial resolution, to transform local NN-D
transform each local function, comprising
frequency function,
-D frequency the Gabor
comprising the Gabor
representation, into local NN-D
into aa local spectrum. Only the
-D energy spectrum. the DC component of thethe Wigner
transform is interest. Hence,
of interest.
is of we obtain
Hence, we obtain the representation:
the joint representation:

Jf(CPWD)(x,u) f (G>(;T,uú++|)J
Jf (CPWD) ( t,lT) == J/ JJf(G)(x f *< G >U,t-f)G(3-f)df.
2)Jf*(G)(x,u -2)G(ú-)dE. (12)

some spa_t,ial
for some
for spatial frequency domain window
frequency domain has corresponding
that has
G(ú) that
window G(u) corresponding inverse Fourier
inverse Fourier
transform g(x). that, if
g(x). Note that, G(vT) == a(ú),
if G(ú) ie.e, aa delta
S("u), ie.e, delta function in frequency, then
in frequency, then
Jf(( CPWD)
Jf CPWD) (?,-£) j f (G)(^,-u")j f *<
(,ú) == Jf(G)(x,ú)Jf G >(ir,u)
= 1Jf(G)(3,u) I2

== Pf (G) ( ?f tT),
Pf(G)(x,ú); 03)
i.e., one
i.e., merely obtains
one merely the energy representation
obtains the to the
corresponding to
representation corresponding Gabor
the Gabor
If one
If one instead uses windows,
instead uses G(u), of
windows, G(u), -infinitesimal support,
of non then this
support, then leads to
this leads the
to the
of phase
exploitation of
exploitation in each
information in
phase information local NN-D
each local frequency function
-D frequency the Gabor
of the
function of Gabor
representation, with
representation, with the that improved
the result that resolution is
spatial resolution
improved spatial obtained.
is obtained.
fact it
In fact
In it can be shown
can be 13 that
shown13 the CPWD is
that the to the
related to
is related WD of
the WD signal as
the signal
of the follows:
as follows:

Jf(CPWD)(x,) =
(27T) N
X ' U Uh
x ^
x',0)dx'dú' . (14)

In Fig^ 44 we
In Fig. depict the
we depicjt the support Jg ( w )(x,u),
Jh< w )(x,u), Jg(W)(xx,
support regions of Jh(W)(x,u), ), Jg
Jg(W)(x and
1 ,0) and
< w ) (x-xx',0)
Jh^ w ) (~x. r ~u) Jg( w ) (if-lc
Jh(W)(x,u)Jg(W)(x 1 , 0) for
-x',0) several choses
for several the windows h(x)
for the
choses Jpr h(3f) and G(u ) . it
and G(1). is apparent
It is
from eq.
from eq. (14) (14) and Fig. 44 that
and Fig. the window h(x)
that the establishes the
MX") establishes smoothness of
frequency smoothness
the frequency the
of the
relative to
CPWD relative
CPWD the true
to the WD, whereas
true WD, G(ú) quite
whereas G(u) independently determines
quite independently determines the the spatial
smoothing. In essence,
In essence, G(u) provides an
G(ú) provides extra degree
an extra of freedom
degree of freedom in in adjusting
adjusting the smoothness
the smoothness
of the CPWD that
of the that is is notnot available in the definition
in the definition of the Gabor
of the itself.
representation itself.
Gabor representation
Fig. 5 indicates the
5 indicates when using
smoothing, when
the conjoint smoothing, the CPWD,
using the of the
CPWD, of intrinsic
signal's intrinsic
the signal's
joint energy distribution. With the CPWD, the
the CPWD, smoothing can be reduced to
joint smoothing
the joint to an
arbitrary degree
arbitrary indicated in
as indicated
degree as the figure.
in the fig. 55 with
figure. Compare fig. with the figs. 11
corresponding figs.
the corresponding
and 3
and 3 for the DOG
for the and Gabor
DOG and energy representatives,
Gabor energy respectively, and
representatives, respectively, note the
and note improvement
the improvement
one progressively obtains when
progressively obtains going from
when going DOG+Gabor+CPWD.
fromDOG+Gabor ;CPWD.

It is evident
It is evident from the results we have
from the presented that
have presented the WD
that the and its
WD and such
approximations such
its approximations
as the
as CPWD, can
the CPWD, resolution than
conjoint resolution
can provide higher conjoint DOG and
the DOG
than the representations.
Gabor representations.
and Gabor
We suggest therefore that the
suggest therefore be used
the CPWD when high
used when separability is
pattern separability
high pattern desired. We
is desired.
suggest further,
suggest that for
further, that reasons of
for reasons computational efficiency
of computational efficiency and modularity, one
and modularity, derive
can derive
one can
sequential computation
the CPWD by using sequential
the of DOG+Gabor+CPWD.
computation of DOG->Gabor>CPWD. It is interesting
It is interesting to that,
note that,
to note
as indicated in
as indicated introduction, this
the introduction,
in the sequential processing
this sequential appears to
scheme appears
processing scheme be analogous
to be analogous
to the
to processing performed in
the processing the mammalian vision
in the system.
vision system.
Ac k n o w1e dg eme n t
This was supported
work was
This work supported in part by
in part by the National Science
the National under Grant
Foundation under
Science Foundation Grant
and by
ECS- 8310057, and
ECS-8310057, MEIS at
by MEIS the University of
at the Minnesota.
of Minnesota.

16 / /
Vision (1985)

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Terms of Use:
(a) (b)

u u

x x

(c) (d)

u u

y 4


x x

KEY: 1
1 -r<*.">
- Jh(W)(x,u) 33 -- Jg (><,0)

2 -- J(W)(x,u) I (W)(>
4 -- ,1(W)(x,u) V)(x,0)
J^\x u) J h 0<,u) J^V

Fig. 4.
Fig. Support regions
4. Support (hatched) of
regions (hatched) of effective kernel Jft(
smoothing kernel
effective smoothing Jh(W)(x,u)Jg(W)(x,0) for
w )(x,u) Jg( w )(x, 0) for
computed at
CPWDs computed
CPWDs at four resolutions.
four different resolutions.
(a) low space,
(a) low low frequency resolution,
space, low high space,
(b) high
resolution, (b) space, low frequency resolution, (c)
frequency resolution, (c) high
space, high frequency resolution,
space, high (d) full
resolution, (d) full resolution of WD.
of WD.

o Xl

space domain
2 -D space
2-D -D spatial-frequency
2 spatial- frequency
Fig. 5. Conjoint
Fig. 5. Conjoint energy averaging of nonlinear filters
of nonlinear to compute
used to
filters used compute the CPWD. The
the CPWD.
commonly textured suggestthe
regions suggest
textured regions the4 4-D
-D spatial /spatial- frequency volume
spatial/spatial-frequency volume over which the
which the
intrinsic conjoint energy of
intrinsic of aa 22-D signal is
-D signal averaged by
is averaged four typical
by each of four nonlinear
typical nonlinear
filters used to compute the
filters used CPWD.
the CPWD.
SPIE Vol 579 Intelligent Robots Computer Vision
Robots and Computer Vision(1985)
(1985)// 17

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