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© Toprovide tha cy wih adequate power facies and serves. 3. Objectives + Tostabize the pone tron tthe cy; + Tomiie sreuancy of power nkemsptions Targets ‘+ Toconsrc ational power substations Poles ‘+ Tomodemize an upgrade BATELEC'S ltt nes and supp facies, + Topovie standart poner sevice tthe oy ‘Statgies + To, sou modem faces ard eqipments to wppate exising pover isan tne oc es ‘+ Torna sic observance of energy conservation; 1+ Tonetp qua gst owe thet + Tobaue pongrinstaton ef cmectns: + Toreute pre specie of nen ue ad nich capaci, Propane antes PROT] TSR | weve ren no arena ar 4 Water 2. Goal + Tohave adequate supply of clean, safe potable war b. Objectives ‘+ Totap posi sourcas of plate water using meder echnaogy and sysems ‘to copevath he iereasig demae for domestic and indus uses, Targets + Tobave continuous sippy of water, ‘+ odie water suzy even ithe emate sos 4. Policies + Torehaitate the Upa City Water Dist fcies; + Toavod water wastage: | + Toprtet no watered 6s ofthe cy, | 1+ Toprovise forthe maitenance of stesan ve iain | + Teemu tne apatite tes | + Tosnaing core pay tron + Tohlp rove wat races trough tester pumps site amp | + Toprovert dean fates Tepes preventive mene as wt ke, + Temas ied and epoca sch repo frien of 4 Torepor watereakage Programs and Projects Posse sores of plate |Lyater corms PROECT | WMPLE- | Tie PROJECT tocanion | cost | menriia | FRAME AGENCY Tpaadaginpovenentat| Upaciy | sett | LOW | Te95 10 Level il weter supply una | 2003 ‘ten Const, Repai, pa city ~ [Local govt, | 1998 Improvement of Level barangay” | onwards (Artesian Wels) counal, reise Idectication, tapping of | Lipa cay towo | s997 = = oe ae “es es ‘5. Environmental Management & Goal ‘+ Tomake Upa a cls and green cy, conducive fo grow and het ving. . Objectives ‘+ To\onitydetnete the eqite sewerage snd stam cainge system incasing ois of onnecton tothe propsed oerrazed sewerage syst, ‘+ To adept proper wasteneter dsposl nine wth tbe development hus ofthe ay © Targets ‘To provide the poputon withthe requd facies that wil corte tothe ‘mantecance of envrcrertl state, ceaniness an stl. Policies ‘+ Toonect an ocinance wt provisions n enone protection ©. Sratgine + To rei all infastuce ects to ave an Enviromental tmpct Ascossmet before arpoval + Topmtet ne fos an vated aes + Tobanteploporg, ang sang + Tolmpove ant expand exam rnage and sveape tm + To seo he Spot tangy ois one enfremet of sarton ews ‘ana orinances 4 Programs and Projcts PROTECT TOERTION | PROVECT | —WPLE | TE cost | mente | FRAME AGENCY ‘Evronmenialand | Uraeiy | Seo0 00000) — ceo, —| a7 Santon Program cenno | 202 CHO ‘Acauision of sdational ketferdunpste ‘Action of 0 2) ents gage bucks 0 . LOCAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT * 4. Goal ‘+ Toestbtsh an econ and effecve machinery of edminstraton to secu the ‘sonics desiged o be rendered end to achieve the otiectves programmed 1 be realized 2 Objectives ‘+ Toachive an ecient and etferve local govemment acini 3 Targets ‘+ Totty mplemart the Local Goverment Code by 1057 4, Policies + To enforce a basic plan of objectives, pales and programs of the aly ‘ininktaton + To syematze the oparzaton ofthe aly admiisatin ant Hs dent branches areas, + Toerforce he exercise of pro decson over sitorsnale cs, ‘+ To provise a stim of contel of subornate performance to carespnd 12 lens, objectives and pales ofthe ely sama, Hs depaments ant ‘her sibaisions 5. Seatogies ‘+ To foruate ana acop prcoedues fr the implementation of programs ant onforcement of polos + To afine the puroses ant programs of the cy sdmiisaton and ts paris pds ‘+ To dane te jstonal boundaries ofthe deren subdvon of he ety ‘mbisraton ad hehe pee ‘+ Tose eins of aust ae eoostics nthe whole acminsaive and unt erpantztons: + To poise angst eloyes to ehance te since cepabities 6 Programs and Projects PROGRANST [LOCATION | —WPLES —] tive PROJECTS, ewe | FRAME AGENCY ‘ainsave Capaiy | win ara Natonal end] TOS Baling cutie of Lscacon {10 the NGOs 2002 eniiry Implementation of Satay | ipa city | Lou 1008, Standrcization Low at E, LANDUSESECTOR Goat ‘To become a Model City tough sustainable and optimum use of land and other rnelual resources without endangering environmental and food secunty of the ciy ‘and providing more connomic opportunites, responsive basic services delivery Inching economic suport and infrastructure, 2. Objectives “+ Depopulte the congested urban ares and urbanizng zones “+ Control and rege conversion of prime arcutua laid and forest ara for uuban develope projets; + Upgrade tnd vats to eliminate not reduce extreme dierent of and _vallaton of properties i rural and urban areas; ‘+ Rationaize the movement and setlement of population by cresting new rovdn nodes Mlereomeced by Toad networks and mess tenst sytem refrains ‘+ Promote agit! industiaation by mechanization and automaton of produto a ro ard ter agrcuturt products incng fvesiock, poly nd da. 3. Vison forthe ity “The Cty Mayor, Horerable Ruben L. Umall trough is development vehi, ne SAGAS Movement, enasons the Cy of Lipa as a major urban center ‘aracttzed by Bs fora fauna projecting an image of a botanical and goon fy the aprindsial region Ths wil be kooping wan he cxy’s development lan whi ts towards rogcortermporary and post medam inerpetation of the concep the cy ata do Ua {tw be the regional cone for our, as, spr and education, race, business tnd final hu of fhe CALABARZON Region and ainda esate of tho ron Swategy “To oly of Lipa ena adopt tne stetogy of “concent rasa wan he nods gront ports where 12) Concent sti mean compact wah he un cre area characte by {2 majdincpaly commercial dict or canal business dtc wih erred eatnecing tom 1b) Ral sha deste thet bl-up eras shal be rained but wah etrained ‘Font and have rads emanating om the major CBD: (8), Nodal- sat sete to te designation of spec gro points to savca he ‘eed of ester of barangays fr speialed Rnctons Such 2s eooursm ono, dual eto 2000S, apo sndusiral zones, eclogcalpreeonvston {zone and acura mecteizaton zones. core ‘Special Development Areas ‘Acily tubs wil te crated wth spc funons designated each ene The five (ict ofthe ly wl have pectic espera 1) Peck Potiecon asthe Coal Dist - te ban area sl conte fo funcion ase tharciaerran bushes bh, 2) Barangays ioagantan inte act rica a pron of Ant Laas in te San Otic shal seve as te agent cat fr pouly! Pane vescck and cometary lakes, 3) arngaye Busan, Duhon, Halang agro of Bagong Pock in the west sre and Barangay Talay an pera of Bary Dagan, Sapacand ‘Murtieg Pus nthe Neth Ose sn con a Eee Touro Ha. 1. Mlarayatn BarrgeyTesoy sh be an cco prseraton are lamang Now Ton sh be dovaeped tao a t2hecta tele Hod, envonon cre. Ses Yad poston ty, nlp nd an koe, 4+) Sarenrs Buen na ul, Son Less, Pll nthe Nam Osi st ‘serve as haut Ete Phase AE, Porsns of Suanpys Bagong Pk nt Bay Sayin the West Dat shal become the nist Pata Pace TPE 2, Portons of Sarangye Celanias end Aaya Se South Di shal seve ‘8 inva Pan tte Phase HYPE) '5)_Bararaays Sc, No, Cuato Sarto are and Melt inthe East ist ‘en barangays fe Souh Ds, encept es le nthe | ‘zane ara, shat bee auton mda er mechanical ho ‘Sate Commerc Disticte ‘Two @) of ihe desipsted ty ud enumerated shove ray the co- {our prowct-zno ed ares rm sal havea tn Bushs del contigs fo hos areas Evers bes te shal caer nl (ty he bias or commer noes of he resents nd extents ‘he ara bul also save tho neds he sgt fron ote Ry wae 1 load. The oer ecvey Pe shal have Ir stlve tos ‘hers ig wii nes Ccensal Pris | speci developmen: dss ox hubs shal hae sit cra parks wen ‘in forests rode fo needed Opn epoca Circumfornal and Raia Roads Rural area and the utsn oo irclusng the wan excenion ara wi have Improved accosiy and Fate exstn flow wh tw eater foo (2) concn rods en acl oad ntwek sytem wh tango and say, Integrated ha and ater anspor systema es nase supp ard {ee and development a & Conformity of the City's Land Use Plan tothe Adjacent Municipaives ~The cays Land Use Pian i refoctve of ts existing locaton. Serving nt only a5 0 ‘atchment area to her surounding municipalities, the ower shaped cy also serves fe 4 sto of regional govemment offces end ‘industriel center eczoring (0 the Provinit Physiel Framework lon ‘Such roe ofthe cy and her uur land use programs however, We cadence tothe ‘munipaties,. Locking thus, tthe provincial level, te Lipa City’s Land tse Plan conforms tote general plan ‘A survey on thelr especive land use plans was conduced in 1998 por 10 the ‘alzaton ofthis docaert. Table below ts, shows the resut of he survey Proposed land uses ofthe adjacent Whanicipality | ProposedLand Use | Lipa Citys Land Use [Location of Lipa ‘Development of Plan ‘City's Planned ‘Surveyed Developments ‘Municipal aan, Batangas Tag nara Use| Ugneeiruse | Sah Dbl overg | | barangays of Aaya and Calamiss | Padre Garda, Bata | Agiindusral and | Aprindusrat se | Southeast Diino ‘Ughtindustial Uses ‘covering barangays ‘Anlao Laboc and | Pinaghawitan | ‘an'Jose, Batangas | Light industrial and | Agicural vse Southwest Disiet ‘Warehouse Uses ‘covering barangays Sampacuta, Bobo | and Cumba Goenca, Batangas | Tourism Zone Toure Zon West Dai! covering bergays Halong, Duhatan, nd ‘Bulalakan ‘Wataas na Kahey | UghtInaustiad Dg nodcetar ‘Wiest Disied covering Bogerg Pook and Banay-banay aver, Batangas [Ups Ua ndeseal MA) | Worn Ost cov Pulo, San Lucas and Plardel “BisTomas Batangas — | Aeerindwiral Tip tsar ‘Noh Dist covering ‘Bugtong na ul, San Lucas. end Phare © Land Uso Aocation ‘Brought about by the Calabarzon Development Project, Lipa Cy is expected to be tight ubenizad inthe near phase. Rapid idusiaizaton wil fowtsh and economic evelopment wil wily rsh ft {With is, ture eea reqiremet ofthe diferent tnd casiicatonses shal be {taken no great consideration. Thus, rectssicaton wi be in eed. {n the ares quantieation during the seven-year period, the Town Planning ‘Guidelines and Stonders was lized oe te computstons were bated upon. “Table No. General Land Use Pin shows the existing land use plan i hectares ‘based rin tho cneoiatod data ro to local Assessors Otion, NSO, FAB anc ‘OCPOC. Proposed land use pln wes based upon the computations using the HLUR@'s Town Planing Guidlines and Standards, en rom he secoal neds ‘An appro area of 14851085 hectares or 8.70% of he 16,558.0006 hectares (apa! uso) e propos obo converte ino non-giatsal se |. General Land Use Pian (Table General Land Use Plan by 2002) + aitarp Area Requkement For the gener land use, butaup area is considered as a single ‘quanticaton. Tis er uses ganeraly ened for human sitlemert and 1G supoood facts. Uta baitup tolls to an area requrement of ‘2.8610 nectar ofan sonal area requremort of €227583 hecares, ‘wares ra ult (ls oan area requement ct 2748 £824 hecares (ran aetna rea rquverert of 631 T8 hectares. 1 Industriel Area Requirement ‘A standad of 25 bac per 1,000 population i constered for an Indust ‘ava alocaton. The ci tough wil sly stand on Bs nonpolutve non ‘hazardous aly vith respect to indus to be allowed to opr in he ‘ty. Aso, 2 fe (6) eter lng chal bo obsarved inthe 2008 fr plating ‘is or butler ps, lnc ar requirement by 2002 Is 613.2078 hectares o 245% ofthe ‘ys tal and wiizater.” Comparing wn the exsing tnd we of §8.9199 hctares, heros an adtlon area equerent oF 486 2882 hectares, ‘ne non, harness plats andthe fhe Wl be slowed 1 operate. Food ‘oduct, on he aber hare wil be st We wet ic, wherees Focal Fess wal bo al tha south dst. ‘© Agro-ndustil Area Raquirement ‘There isan akon are roqutement of 166 2264 hectares. This regs ‘out to an agro-ncstlaree equerent of 4411687 hecares oF 211% ofthe ety total iand ization ‘Alocaton for spro-nuctril was based rom the standard of 08 hcetre per 4,000 popwtion. This In compllence wah our restos tht nly gt russ wl bo alowed in De oy. Agroindustia area in the cy may be found te southern fon. = Roadot Are Requirement “Toll rad aerated ty 20021 3348050 Recta 1.60% of the cy ttl led leon. Thre is an edna aren roqurnt of 1108600 nets. A km per 100 hectare flan was costed in the (quaint ead rogue. ‘Opening of naw roads oc wierng of edsngnetrs wil be recess ‘Aces sand ways il a gen ex preference In supp ofthe pcoming developmen. One major proposal the consncion of ‘router oats. - Forest ‘Armas wasp of 10% ac sve wb conse fore ees ae shal bo resid rebut, In sugpot_eodauism zones ae boc. Soe ecotoram aoe is ound ae eat did and nce oe nf west ae In ths ee, fet aa is preserved ane pte eed at {ho sane tine cuss promoted. eps ‘ome pore ce ata res vb cone no noncrl ‘ren Fra (GS500008 hecares or TOUT fa Cys al a pers tea wt be 10528251 hecren £278 of cy tal {tnd ladon, 4446900 hectares of wh wl De ete, wheres {456s hectare be converted ina nora ares. Motemized tnd kee taming techies wl be iniediced 10 manta fe eal ratte ly. omy cuanyng sxivtce ne ly wl be couraged and led 10 te aad qu te ny. creas Parag tips or bee gs of sppriatay ve (8) metas shad be ‘assed bth of al waterbed he | Lone ‘Urban Buitp Area Requirement {Table Urban Buitup Area Requrement by 2002) + Residential Area Rag irement cident are roqemert nthe utan are was dtemined wing he ‘eal average Mt szo of 208 square meas per household, An average reedet dene of 209 parson por hectare, sverage hse dersy cf 58 fused pe het, andthe projected husthal of § 08 by 2002 wes a consid. Howehald sais Fre In th pottacion ara, owes bull up in 2 move compact and dense pater, Commerc Ava Requlemnt ‘oan comm tea reqatement ty he year 2002 wa based sm the [poet nanbar of tnt ae assy a $00 sere mes pet (Sasbsran. Preece numberof esatstmet 1803, Commerc eter the chy 8h & compact pater in he futlacen Fre aloaon along JP. Lal Natal Hghey where Sevebpmert ist present ring totam, Compatation was based om the projection of esther uog the fom PaePicted Vier :1 * anna on PeyP0 1 t + Inatatonat Area Ragurement ‘8 ca per 15000 ppuiton sander was conser, Projected Poplin by he oa 2002 24 SO, ‘+ Functional Open Space ats sd opan spaces comprise the fnconalopan space in ho urban soa. Fur (@pochet parks was allocated ine pl, cael an ‘rst of 0 Sqr meterseach, Poorer Rural Bit Area Requremnet {Toble Rural Butap Are Requtement by 2002) Resident Area Requirement By Be ont of he planing ped, reser area wil be aprximately 2258104 hears, Resiertldevetopmert inte cy uly takes Ks patio inner che where houses bull wp erg mar aeghires. An evege ts 714 square meter per housed was considered, tase! tem tt Iowsehol ena f 107 nosed por hae and eet! dest ot ‘587 persons per Pace as wall Houle (9). ‘Tet resident ra euteent wa rated ng te fra ‘Total Res, Ara Resutement Proeted Hous ‘Average Lt Si pe Heustbols ‘verge Lt Se 10000 ut fer Roush oust Dena ‘so whe Hous Dorety Resta Dery Averys Houta ine ea ee Reskenal Denty et Popton Resta Are Os) Low Densty “180 persons per eae Mesum Densty: 15] 80 prt or hecare Hon Dery 250 persons pet cre 1+ Commer eve Ragwrament ‘Setar ea regent by 2002 was computed toto 3% of teal btu are caste teal bah.ap areas’ 2204 424 hac, Sette commercial dis we stot i he tl eee. This aoa uracil by speataed carmel wcvtescoeretay 10 he ‘aol which ae Fated er contguou aha pal one sho {he exosoatem sone “+ Inston! Area Requrement 1 202 tere an ato! sea recuremert of 7482 ects. Tis {ate oan aba equremert of 0.2207 bec or 21% of oa ‘and ann, Proje pop ee ed ofthe pnt pots es Moca above ae cording SaaS hea pes Teco Sandton Functional Open Space Parka and Open Space ‘2 allocation of 2000 uae meters er pars nd open spaces foreach ‘al biangny was conser, thre the cy wf be ale 12.000 cre in th year 2002. This leads to an aon! area e¢ 66252 hectares, (Cemetery Memoria Para Area Requirement ens a ue death rate o 05 cometary / meeps wi have ‘eal ea requremert of 227974 hoc There senso! mea means cf 2464 hac. ‘The andar une 24 square metres orb wether ts ‘al popdasn muted ye ude deat ae To soncid, hodtonl open space ill have. atonal wea ‘ademert of 9.2888 cae.” Ts lags 1 ld weaton of ‘4.702 hecresr 1.27 oth etal, + Dumps Ara Request Fete ay sg eee rote, 2 pcr ty they ye pay ome aaa 2 Sepa the ty rim sara ronimet + aie Aloe wo ies 30000 haces, expecy fr use ne ‘staan of pve, wats, ea, nda es. Fn ng ‘and "te ly wl hve an adsl aa ecient of ae ects forte ay at = ery Berry Fema A Bos sce @ sec beargy fe cy, ‘Specialy fr mir se ely Faun develops we ea ‘opecadto tt in nthe tee wn fs om maser pn puebey dew ALIO WdIT 30 NW1d 008-9661 aSN GNW1 T¥8aNaD ‘able 18 ~ General Land Pan by 2002 wave] eum | oon | ron | tatu | nto amie, | ams. | Este | eciecte | ee | “at Gees, | RR | "ea | teen |e une sae} or — a ra ee aan eee ana =e — Bae se Sago an He eon eet sae Hees — abel a ete = Be) oe = 2a aol —— ed = cor] worms] oss] nen] e204 etapa Pees SF ea or a 8 TE eerie | oer \ ajc ede | Land Use Baiting hotthe ‘Addiionat | Total Land | _% ofthe core, | come) at | semen | tame | at 1 (rteden) | LandUse | grin) — | fac) | Uosizaton pscay—| msg — ome a ; See eo i eae = : ee el ss park sae | azeme] voen| ass] noma ae somata consid data om Cy Aoses's fica, NBO, FAB ard OCPOC A A A A a " wit cee ‘able 18) = ra Bult Area Reguirement BY 2002 oastana | ote Teen | Yustant | indie | casing | oto | Atations cms | tandUne | Esetog | Resumen (item | Lande | Gabect) Fassel rear | eT coer sasss[ O79, 272121 Tne sgaees| 259% 0742 Paciolan | zames «2 868 Persona | 617 [cometary —— | C0350) Dunpsie 7 | Tas a Dales POR 17 [ec [ists Fo LS aE] — TO Tl ararece | ronann| estes | 27e4ssat) 10007

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