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10, Largest Forest Reserve Aroa: ‘Theol eserve area inthe province overs 1,98 hectares. Os are, 64% or a tl sea of 1,25 hectares belong to Upa iy. "Tis covers MA. Walarayt ferme MA Matpuryo wich located in Barargays San sro, Sto. No and Talay. ro a Presently Lips Cty performs the folowing functions inthe Province as: ‘A. InetitutonalAdministrative Center “This is evidenced by the presence of NationabRegions¥Provinl Gavemment Agencies ‘doch es the Provincial Offce of the Department of Trade and Industry, Southem Taosiog Imegrted Agiculural Research Center (GTIARC) of the Sueau of Pant and Industry, Frounnial Ofee ofthe Soctl Secunty System, Motor Vehicles Inspection Section (MVS) of the Land Transportatlon Ofie ameng others. 1B. Educational Canter it provides educational services not oly to the ly bu to tothe rovncaregion in view of {he prance ofthe Do La Gate CelepeHigh Schoo, Canosa Acadery, Lipa Cy College, St Francis 60 Sales Seminary, 1 [NAL Vila Schoo! of Mihery, Avett Academy, ‘Naini Wing of Pemands Air Bac, Intemaoel Training Center on Pig Husbandry mong others. Modest Conter 10s the se of tho Mary Meda Medical Center (fold wh the St. Luke's Medical Cente), Mex ‘isch Hosp, Holy lfant Hospital, San Antonio osptal mona Place where diagnose laborataries ad, outpation. ‘medics ne, otihalmolgy and optometic nes, dental clinics ar eats “The services delved by these facies are very much sought for by residents not ony it the ety, Ine surounding munities and ctes but lo i the province 1D. Commercial Center ~~ Not only Uipetis fock to the c's shopping contors and grog food chains such 9 ace Me Donal, Shekoys end Max Restaura, ie forhcaning Fiesta Work Shopping ‘Malt arong ethers but elo th reskin’ ro nearby municipal and cy. Fiesta Weel, which wl sone in Lp Cy, wil be the fst shopping mal nthe province ani vl cary brand remes wich are sugit rand fund in tg shopeng mais n Metro Mania “The South Supermarkat which fs stralegicaly located along the Ayalo-8y-Pass Road is a ‘Gostiralon oc only of Lipa reskiens bu also of travelers from cthernelghbong frequect places because of ts competive ces and high quel goods. E. Financial Contr Lipa City fs home to 8 growing runber of financial intatons marily composed of 188 Lining investors, tity-one (31) Banks and furtyone (41) Paunshops. Big name banks cee seT round ia the cy such @8 the Mropoitan Bank and Trust Co., Bank of Philippine ‘Zonas, Seeunty Bank, Far Eaxt Bank end Trust Co. United Coconot Panters Bank, Monto ‘Savings Bank, Bark of Conmorca, the Philippine National Bank, Development de Piedad ‘Gant ofthe Philippines end the Land Benk ofthe Phikprines, among others vw F._ Religious Conter Lipm ithe sea ofthe Archaocese_ fs th st of many convents and sey oman Cac Reon. ti so he ace of many caches 30 yeaa ‘Mary Meter of Pepe! Hsp, The Sine of Our Lady of Nout Cara ath sda tM Grace, San Sebaston Catal he Chapel th Por Chere Aas epg isto Worship Cen, tho Protectants Evangeleal Church tw. Chuch of Horecen hristans @om Again) the St Vinent De Ferrer Pach Chu, he Maco has Chapel st FAB and aon tne father churches othe Cathe ath an ter soe Upa Is ato refed tos the ste of appartions. itis where the shower of rose petals Secured in 1948 and has been aga experienced in the decade 00's nck ony by Ms. ‘Teresing Gastilo but also @ nurber of persons who were wih Ms. Cet atthe time of Mracuous shower y time ‘The "Lady atop the coconut re was aso seen inthis ly and hs traced doves of people {fom af ove the county. Again, tho grounds of Camel were wines lo He dancing st wih thousand peope seeing the sppartion wth el very ees © Agrosndustial Center ‘Tne cy hes been dubbed as the gy basket of the region. ao the major prckcer of hogs and pouty inthe region. Lips economy is cempsed lly of income dered rom 'vesock raising paral pouty and pepey pa is ls these ofthe Irtatons! Tang Center on Pig Husbandry. Race horses ae ‘sored inte ly and isthe preference of any welkhecled pesos Ine Cousy forte sgroncustalveures, Ths feed mils vic complemert the needs ofthe ap Insts ere making ood n the cy Beeas ofthe paonoge ofthe cy’ residents end ‘those in surounding ares, HL lavastment Centor ‘big numberof oars ae puting ts investors in Lipa. Ther the Ace Group wich is dveocng an tol gat couse and County Cv ert eats 0 ‘cupy 182 hectares far whch wl meet he maton senda On goting. ‘There ls lo the F-Estate Ray, Sta. Luce Rsty, Rancho dot Sud Fam, ine, Alsons Land Carporaton, LPL Land Syrian, ic, whic ae ju owe of eas wh fal estate projects in th oly. To dt, ere ae ety tee (6) resto suv It ‘dco, tere are toe @) sibs wiih ae indenaxng exponson sven (1) have ‘According tothe Provincial Physical Frarewotk lan of Batangas as of 195, Lipa Cty ‘Continous is oe as an tamston|proaueson and dbo ero wher ny ard ‘commerce; specs mada felis, ofleaso atonal gover spans and osm facts ar preset. ‘Rotate to Lipa Cy hes the lags gone share of aw indus establishment of 19.07% rumbering 428 05 against Betanga Gis sharo of 247 of 074% and Tenaua’s Qrovah hare ef 188 or 838%. Tres doris Lp sas an ran ene. Inthe rons Forarey of contr, Lipa is ategorted asset ly. Batsngas iy te maim ty ad Lips cones nea oi, Based on Provincia! Physical Frareve Plan, » speedy development er ha province ‘expected. With projects suchas Batangas Cty lerntonal Pot, Seu Liza Project and Batangas Goal Fred Thal Project lr Power Ie cis and munkpaties lexan the oes, Satangas Cay wi then be @seconary metgoltan cette and wi ‘uncon es an irtersina pot fen. tw be he cere of Yada sce, ‘Upa Cty wit bo nighiy ubenized because of ‘CALABARZON | pM er of dusts asa resi ofthe Development Project. "Uv be a median ey, tl conte he fuer and rls vacaiod by Batangas Cy Wath the implemenizon ofthe fags projects oho ntionalgovemanen, Lip is. to emarge not arty 99 the repone civic crt aso the own hb frana, ommeréal and ogra busines Irvesinent stvies In Soutem Luzon, tat {voh asa nw cere for ecueatonl ard ell stuns I wl become io Sor ots Itopotn are since Li soca ete stale cer of CALABARZON,

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