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v v RRR] eR] enue Pcie am = ora woe mi te ae Ines teats ty id, ened eros Don sn srs ope es ssa wm Say Sgn zh oP etn In xen ny payne element as bape a Peers te ESS esl nr oP 208.6400 onan Table 14 - Comprtie ciy Expede Pater by Ob! Lipa City testa 9s oa Tar ae aoa Tae reais —| FT FT m8 Titene aia] —arasraoo | asa7roanco| 2258 Seong oma ean Gy aera — eae | aT Suny Supaions —| sooo] e907 eouo| 18 t TOTAL P_167,245,004.00 | P_248,385,707.00 [46.72 Table 145 - comprave city expen Par By ror a Lipa city tanta FoR a ST are Se aan —— [FOE Te fat sar in Sea Sera Ba Saar tar wa ie Wala Wisma] 372000 nar ray eae pa oa | amon a Tae es Te Sarron| —aamgon| 6 6 om ao Tet erat rea] “a7 From the table present, in 1995, the expenditure exceeded the income by 55,768,15047. Ths celia was’ more then covered by the unexponded ‘lotment of the prior year and the unappropiated balance, begining of the “The cy, at the ond o calendar year has even a SUIS. (Savings) of year. 24,315,008 87, 19 In super to the abave statement, efor to Table 146 below. ‘Table 148. - Statement of Operation City of ipa For the Year Ended December 31,1998 General Fund TREOME [AOU TONE = P TexRevene_———SSSSSSSCS~« 8, Cperaing and Miscelaneous Revenue 21aS7ATh. 1 Carita Revenue 000 TOTAL e917, 698.83 DEDUCT. EXPENDITURES UNDER CURRENT YEARS APPROPRIATIONS, ersnal Services TERS STO “Manienange and ther Operating Expenses 83772895 Captl Out es32 428.0, TOTAL Pigg. 727.33 EXCESS DEFIGM) OF NOONE OVEREXPENOTURES ——(PO6EO5OO ADD Ames co) 236200 [RESULTS OF CURRENT YEAR'S OPERATIONS, paoe44708) TROD: NET OF UNEXPENDEE PRIOR YEARS ‘APPROPRIATIONS PRIOR YEAR'S CONTINUING [APPROPRIATIONS Unerpended Aeinans 5982 4882 TOTAL esea24s.e TESST SPEDITURES OF CONTE APPROPRIATIONS, Personal Saves 000 Mantonnoe ad ter Cperaing Exposures 00 Captal Olas 44.20005988 TOTAL Pas.0n088283 TET OF HEPENDED ROR VENTS PIERRE [APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL RESULTS OF OPERATIONS aor7ste 18 RES” CO TATIVE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AT "HEBEGNNING OF THE YEAR npgroprited Basic 4309 20070 ‘TOTAL CUMLATIVE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS. P2450 7AoD EST RESERVES ERO OF THE VERE a ‘CUMULATIVE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS, BALANCE —P24218,00837 END OF THE YEAR NS ‘Table 147 - Comparative Expenditures By Ofice ome and 1998 oe tae | eT SRT CNT FERRED] PaaS] | PAIR cman aroRi amas | ame] a | I cacewcy a rE | TE | B55} STO tec cre ee ragee | TRE] | S| ahead iad i Maal [oa iccremones | —veners] aoe] | Ta SRC Fa aaa | — eae] ooh] — ER TT Ra] RTT] | — BO TR Tr _aTaRiG | SS] an | aT Seg RT TaIE a] aT] | BE Tie dec oT aaa | sae] a] SOS Tx Pe COR “qa | aaa] eas | SRT ORGS | a | — ARTA] —_—_ S| Seager — |e — zeta] 5] TS ‘Se he AST seas | ears] ar TR Eas | S| a SaaS ETT RS | REET] | TET STROH er ed Gren aaa au] a Sa] ea oranda ar [rar] rea | —— aa TT SRT “saan | aaa | | aT Tae RET “arrests | —aeaTea} re | Sa aNTaCa ratn amen ete ered ob ver mgs at ec eet er ‘ah itn eon Para rhe ri cges hanna crag es ar man. Thus, potesonas sung vp everaher nt ay 2 Weatt ot apne Resse | Upton ste 4 per arhaca r nlanea akS pee Lessa etonany ol n Tgaby ana Engkh lnguago wih the tle ‘eg ise es he medatntuarens at apt edvesion Ne cay a hy ‘Ue aly sto as evdrced by tho ature mallee ba ys ‘ail parila in the seas of hander, edomatre, arcs, ment Westck rar, wy matrg ane cen m he fle of endosteal people cect ao 1827 war a centy ears, cy govern hs ecved see esa of cas n mate Rare trots Ga maniac, Hts as 9s NEGA Pe Splnneg Mls and saver “cw ee emgoyng loa fos. Ths sal sens [patos ts reat compart and wot coped 2, Deep Religious Fervor of the Lipton: pa yi he tte Rome of he Puppies 1 he ade cone of gs wes {ne region. Hence, ein ore Uetos i way of te . he cues 9 pce on Say tasty he eck. Novos eet! eight jor ne eae ha ever eee oa ees ‘ren. Vas rec govern pve md Cart oe hove nd ‘abe patently pees ellos vies reach te olen bvarguy and tush he Wes othe replat 1 10 14 1s te essence of Murty Sambayanang Kiisiano, Though this projec, Chistian communities ara estisshed In alferen barangays, Thus, each barangoy wil be ‘oampltalyevanglized and We Cvs ath wl be lived othe fest Ups I the sea othe Archlocese the reskence of he Archishop. Is aso the seat of six (6) seminaries for wouk-be pests and brothers, ve (5) convents of sisters wh are ‘engeped in missionary work an fur (4) monasteries of conlemlatve nuns, ‘Aven for lnsthuttons: 5 In Lip, regional and provincial ofices have congregated. This i malnly due tothe fact ‘hat the ety is athe heat of the region, sccessble to all ese who come from neignorng municpaliies, In adaon, pa is of easy dstance fom Meo Mans, Lipa Cty is the home ofthe Deparment of Trade and industry Reena Office). The ‘rovincialofice of the Departmen of Agrarian Fsfom can aso be found here, So ae {ne proved ofice of he Burees of Sols, the dsc offs of te Navona! Statistics (fice, $88 Ofice andthe BIR. ‘Toe Land Transporation Offs (70), fcsted between the cl al and the CEO oars {he ofher buildings srund % Ao in he same vient are the Regional ucotonal \Leaming Center (RELC) ween belongs to DECS andthe di ofice of the OPH. Sprawed In a falty large ack of land Is the Ileana Training Cenler on Fa Husband. This has been of creat zenvie to the local breeder who send their ‘sonetarts he fr moctveaded Tectia! krow-naw Even ical omer: aval of wat the contr eters interms faring. (Of valuable assistance tothe farmers foo isthe presence of Don Manuel L. Roxas Momeial Reponalrtgrated Research Staton which iste famous Cts Experiment ‘Staton nthe region. Here, researches and oer suds ere na such es ol analysis, ‘ton sts an ru ternal quay studies. ‘pe general offers an tmospher which is conducive fo learing. Indeed educational fcablenments ar everwhere. Schools tron primary to teary levels sprung up {teoughout he cy catering ne onto te echool- ging population Of Loa bit fo 1 ts. ‘eighrng muna ‘Avallabity of Low Cost Housing: ‘Duelo the rapid grt ofthe cy’ poputton and heightened economic aftr, housing ‘rect ao on ts magnitude. Prvate develapors choose Upa ster rect host may ‘duo os conducive atmosphere and easy access rom Metro Mari Corotary,svbvisien owners wih approved anpteatins are mandated o provide 20% of ‘hel pojec area tho exy fr sosazes housing projec itr este or erie “To date, tre are aoa about 11 project developers hat have proved and run the ‘Projet cating not ery me lw earring Upefis bet Ihese aso service non-Lipe-0s who wish to mabe the acquires urs emporry esdorce oF meray as an investment. 8. ECONOMIC 4. Presorice of Professionals: ‘ARR Tom the aristocratic charnclensics known of Ueto thal however become good Factors in the stain ye Protea sttinment of ropes, Upn i also known to oirs as the poo af ‘Shoating forthe Lpefios does not on in js Instone dere. Part other eda (oF mult-degrees hes been a dlsceming gool of many. Hence, frotessions ‘sprung > "woughout tne cy vo eer engegedin he own busines werk fra pay OP Lawyers, doctor, teachers, enpnaers, architects, dentist reputable } i Ao just fow ofthe reputable Extenns of te Uptce Athough tee a many fh weg 9 tant Se m ‘earn of greener pastures, n que for new heizos, sil many op say sd prees 2 Inhabited by Commercially Minded People: Histon fos tht was the Chinese who acy inercad the local ks to engage the tasiess wo, Suchinuonco crew ntl he new generation embreca he ame \vertres axe fanning aces, wich nase peo omer couce of vg, to on epi. Inceod ferent kinds of enterprises nave proiferted in ipa through the native ofthe ‘Govemment, which give pronto the camening of ey Streets, business oxanishments fave boen tired into tho area, ‘Leading in the fl! the agribusiness wth the pouty Indust atthe spotigh. Pouty faising paved the way fore breccng of pigs and for the establishment of aver elated Ventures. But Lpa Cay has always beon a commerce cater. Is pbc markt, auton market ‘and other commercial estabtshentsataet peepe fo other municcaltes. “Toe animated stmosphere in the business cine serve as simuus to indviuats ant corporations top thr money where it wil grow. Banks ard lending instlatons have {horeter found a consent pace mn the cy. “There aro now around 27 banks, 168 Teodngistutons, 88 pgwnshops, ress tan 8 groans techy. “These Lpetos, industrious, skit and commercially mined are actualy th ones who shaped Lipa Cy to what dis now. 2 itty pr hm tu re ete en es ree a nr oe Sm ser txt aa hat rr Doha, ease ats recy omestansaee as agro Befow, howe wes that distinct area where Chinese sores have congregated, & : etme br his the business stor. Today, they can be seen everynee, they i Pitre tor recoureas but he -angrgatin fil tong ‘econoticacvites inthe ct er mostly contbed bythe Chinese. Various | Ta, corr rs te yor ga we ese CharbeofG etme cvong essocation that ecusty suppat ot ony the governments various J cclopvort actives Dt they ls rls funds fr chart means. 188 ee aad ‘4. Accessibilty from Metropolitan Mani ‘ecauie of Lipa location, any entepise inthe cy has a good chance to succeed. The ‘hy isa the heat of the province ano he entire gin, Ins an e867 acotes to Metro Manila bocause of ts proximity of about 80 kms. only ot ae oss 2 hours drive via the South Luzon Express. Moreover, Lipa i along the growth cor of the province and ofthe rogion. This according the GALABARZON projec iy. . ‘Because of the cys strategic location, wensporalon vee and ccultion has never ‘been a problem. Lipa has so uc rare than enough sevice. Ff he center for ier provincial ransporiation, ‘Due to as proximity fo the NOR, lca businessmen can easly perform the Importalion ‘and exportation of goods and services, Thus, redng saves te and money |S Accessibility to Various Municipalities: ‘The oly atest toto diferent municipalities ofthe province, the nares of which 's Mataas na Kahoy, wan en average travel timo of only 6 mutes, ibaa, the second nearest municipality to Lipa has 6.26 min, Rar at 9 min. folowod by Pedro Garcia ‘and San Jose at 8.04 in. and 1020 rin. respectively. 6. Presence of Existing Producers Who Have Penotated the Export Market: Iwas he cofes industry whic boomed ding the Speish occupation tht introduced Lipa Gi it the foregn market wo. Ding thet time, Lipa wes the cay source of cafes beans. Hence foreign merchas come tothe cay in sear of te Brom go ipa. then a murcipaity, Became a wotd carter of the coffee Wade and evenly ‘became the ost muncpalty nthe ents arsipelag. “This atmosphere ached the new generatons nd they embracod the same business ‘sehavior but wth a diferent verur, Some Lipo-os pu their money where i vl grow ‘ssi. Garments, handerats and sth the coffee indvetes enjoy the tumiph over the ‘her vertires a Lpa to the frlgn market. These prosits peneale Europe, Austral, New Zealand, USA and some pat othe Asia markets. Mero Corporations in the fo of ctf industy, ML. Garments and Kaye Feshion on ‘garments and Morada Trading inte aid of hanlrais. The ao just of to ocal ‘manufacturers who hve been exjoyng the wade in the frlgn micele and bringing fon bak of cota in local economy. “Anatne industry nthe cy whose products reign suprome in the foreign market isthe calower industry, Bate, Lobregst, Mojeres and Bautista are js few of the names tis Inst. 17. Proliferation of Financial instiutions: Located atthe heart ofthe region and ofthe province, Lipa can very wel bo a tading ‘enter and tis, Apart om ts, Nropoian Mania is very accesséte because of fg Loca tae Indeed, cforent Kinds of erterpises have proerated tn Lipa. The animated almosphere in the business cele served a simu fo Incviuals to put their money ‘whore wal grow. Henoe, tails and lending insists have therefore found 2 ‘comfortable place in ho cy “The mustvooming ofthis verre can be atruted tthe growing economy ofthe hy ich Doing reflected inthe people's way of fe. Todt, ther ave about 27 banks and 186 lending etttons in heen ae gr Pore SN Sy Aes enn ely See ea Tha Bole Study hovise Weis Lipa 9 he major un center in he felon wich Friary Funclon 40 serve es ho major cond fo ood and services prods by the i the development of this venture, Cental Euness Discs (C2) woul evenusly be crete, hence, pening o new business Yeas forthe poate, ‘The Batangas Province Development Scheme of Devel Into a Regional P lopment ping Lipa into a Regional Tie CALABARZON development program does not ata refer to ustastion rzangon i te cy BK ansors a blanco grou Beleen the verte ae ‘Nong tis vison i the Batanges Fro-ince Development Scheme that Lipa shal continue fs toe as an inemationa producion and detrbulon center wherein indisty oe commerce, specialist medical facies, ofces of netonal govemmenlapenses aid ‘ours fates are presen. While Batangas Cy continues func oe provinces ‘medium chy, serving 28 the foremost Ink tothe deren munipales and neaby provinces in Reon W. However, with te implementation ofthe flagship projects of Presse Fidel V. Ramos _sxch as he Balangas Cl itematonal Pot, Seth zon Expresonay Enenson Project ‘and Betanges Coal Fred Terma il be elvated to & medaum city and conirue the fnciore vacaled & Bataayes She wi ten be expected to become a sacondary melrpottan eet ofunlon os Intemational prof erry and be ino centr of rade and commerce. ‘The Development ofthe Batar gas International Port: \Witn he development of he Batenga: iy Prt as an aerate intematonl pot othe Port of Mena, Lipa Cay woul avertualy change, I rot expand is ri 8 tho mejor Conduit of goods and services not csi for the region but also forthe neon’ ahd intemational markets as wo. AS Bclangas Cly Becomes a secondary metrpolton center to function a an iematonal pt of eer aed the center of trade an commerce, pa Gy wil be eievated to a mean cy ard continue the fanctonstole vaca by ‘Betonges Cy. Win ho opening of ts service es # major gateway to te other prvines in the Phitgpines as well asa trensshipment por la Ase, fregn esp lnvesiments woud ‘eventualy pour in the cty. Apart fom this anticpated eoanomie boom olter assets of the cy wil hen be remarkably celebrated, suchas the ety’ toufsm patra bie Improvement o is pysicalfourdation as wel. 11, ANatural Organie Growth Trond: Because of the cly’s natural atractive charms, capital investments corinue 10 pour in Tiss dose ofthe cty's fr ta draw allenton trom he capi. Staisics records show that 1o date, the province hss a foal of 2,246 indus establishments wherein 428 with a share growth of 19.07% are located in Lipa City. This figure exchides the ecanly agroved LIMA Industrial Estate covering the Municipal of ‘var and Lipa City ad the proposed indus park contiguous othe exsing NESTLE factory tthe West Disc aroa241 witha share growth of 10.74% ae in Batangas City ‘and 188 ath a share grow of 8.38% ae in Tanauan. The [land municipality of Tingloy ‘has only 2 industal establishments conbatng a share grom of 0.09% f the provincial total share growth wile Lauro as none 412, The Trend of increasing Land Values Upon the CreatonfEstablishment of ‘Central Business Districts (CBDs): Its expected thatthe vaio cf real pcoperty in Lipa would increase or be more expensive ‘han inthe surcunding arees upon he creation of CBDs, as there are more to obtain serves, goods are employment or business here. More demend for ‘addresses in these care push marta values Nghe. Consequently, the surouncing areas wil have relatively high land values which only ‘ecines as tho detance, rosy and inaccessbty to these central coves increases. “The development ofthe FAB Intemational Aor, an alematve othe sready congested Mena rtemational Apo, woud Thenise push market and valss higher nthe cy C. PHYSICAL, 1. Favorable Geographic Location: ‘Ua Citys located a the heart of Batangas Proves and approximately 80 kms. south {tthe National Capital Region or Met Marla or just m good 1 3 houts drive va the South Lizon Expressiay, ‘Because of strategic locaton, the CALABARZON Development Project has eid pa as one of tho key cles and urban centers tha wl sarve asthe main apora an ud ‘ofthe supply of goods and servions not ony forthe province bet ala for the nail ard Intemational markets as wo ‘The city has been desgnste as one ofthe urban centers which primary function i host the region's ania, educational, medical, rade, business, Insthulonal and ‘commercial centers. Further, Lica has been teetied as very stable for ight inet ompolaive and agtincustral feciles OuD to. Ae hyao-geologial and lati ondtions 2 Good Topograpiy: ‘ue to the cts favorable elevation of 1,025 feet above sea level, Lina Is generally cool and enjoys an invigorating etal throughou the year exc on several occasions when ‘typhoon ooours anc curing summer season, Typhoon occurence hawrver, snot Very frequen, because ls not win ths usta ypheon path. An averago of te (2) ‘YpROONS ‘oma are expeced fo occur ring te mori f July to September For prostly tis reson, epriulual products grow wel and abound here 2¢ well 9 ho lnvesiment, fom local and foreign captalsi wach continue fo progress. Lipa ikowse becomes an Heal and favorite hub or aro-industl aces. 3. Forte Solt pa Cty has very ch ane fertile sl primary caused by the thee (8) major eruptions of Taal Volcano in 1724, 1754 and 1758, thus abundant agcutural reduce abound hare Coffe, coconut, bck popper, Ibecco, upland rie, sugarcane and eis end ‘ios al Krds of pas roa’ wo Inthe ety, hat many proglers coninue to amass ‘wont and that males the ly the cerer of business and ad, ‘The pouty industry used to command the economic scene In pa but eventual, the ‘cutlower industry took tne upper hand because ofthe cays very fete ol ‘rodeos loca and foreign are strated and overwhelm onthe booming nduny and wit elgns supreme 4. Provence of Basic fa Support Fecdiee: Despite the exiting Umiations, tte intastucure suppor facies of Lipa Cry for transport, power waer and eleconsunicaons are relavely good. Ths cheracerstes serves 8s ofe ofthe atectons ct the cly aS 2 sellement area and business ste ‘because the ey cout sustain productive soco-economie aces wih the Fvaivable presence of bask infasructure. 0. Enough Transportation Facilties end Circulation: “Tie economic gmt and develogenent sugges of any cy cannot persist without = we aaa cateraive sytem of ranspoialion an ccuation, The development of he Dance ctor af to oconomy shoud be supperied and enhanced by Toad netork ree venepertaon systems, Tansponallon ard ciation are leery rlted win {and use and develosment Lipa s present serviced by mor than 2,000 uns of wey a ts pee made of Le efeparalon, Asie fom these, sme passonge” jeepney oe used for puble {rarsporation king the poblcion withthe outaying barsngeys. In adeion tothe vehicles serving foal needs, Lipa i the cen for inter province Tesfrtaton There are about 7 major bus compas in the cty wa cuit unis ‘etre Manta ane cer provinces tke Laguna anc ‘moot ine day passenger flow going 10 ‘Quezon, Occesionally, there ar stotage of seats during hokday season. 6. Effective Infrastructures: 'A ctl’s development can be gauged from is inastncures. Although Lina Nis ‘ cantanous lard formations, K has a sysiematic road network that connects of ‘rangave: nearby fons and provinces, The exising roads havea total engi of 258 $F Parone, compdse tne national rods of 34287 kms, or 1S45%, the oy streets of 2a 4 kms. oF 926% and he barangay roads of 197.059 kms, oF 77 31% = | £ i j a : ‘ g 8 i | j i : i i | {n Lipa, communicaligerTacities have sprung up everywhere. The tele-communications rnlwork in the oy ett oF the telephone, telegraph and telex-servioes operated by ‘rivet entries, “The Philppine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLOT) Is the lone private oparator of residential telephene services in Ua. Soon, Globe Telecom woul! insal iancside Connections wien offers mace edvence Testes. Acide ftom fixed tines, there are ‘noble phones aperoed by privars companies tke Piel, Isacom, Smart and Mobilne ‘ntl ee now even cared by low cass clizens. “Te hyper these tlie density of 1:32 telaphone for every 10 population Tar Bn star lvel owever whe or oo expansion prom ot PLOT bile pope Goo ek tte someone pone evens n 8 Gy Sacpene cng a= the mevopeton ea ipa ow tropalton area, thus Upa woul exceed the ‘Aside from the existing communicaton faces in the cy, most of NGO or bigger ‘rvato ertespisestestablshments supplement their commun cn a eisrens neonate cmmencton needs wate am 8. The SIPAGLAKAS Movement ‘The estabsishment of the SIPAGLAKAS Movement as the centerpiece of development strategy ofthe city have mobilized not only the entrepreneurs intaive of tho Lipe-o8 put sputed the creative energies and spit of cooperavism as wel “Through the SIPAGLAKAS, the seventy two (72) barangays were sub-divided into twenly-four 28) clusters where each cluser i further divided ito “puroks and pangkats” To eflecively implement the delivery of basic services down tothe grassroots level ‘Govemment-NGO partnership strengthened. Even private enterprises actively suppor ‘goverment. actviles and development. projects. They work side by side. for evelopment. Dialogue and party consultation have thus, siabized the bond. For Dredisely this reason, cooperalivsm mobilizes the economic, sodlal and physical foundations of he ety Imperative to mention are the recognitions that the ly received through the SIPAGLAKAS Movement, These therefor, reveal the successful cooperative undertakings ofthe govemmment-NGO festnership. They re folowing: 44) Most Outstendiog KABISIG Project in Southom Tagalog Region secogniion given by the Peoples Kabisig Movement cf the Philippines President himself, Fidel V. Ramos; 1b) Most Outstanding Economic Nationalist Advocate nm Souther Tagalog Region by the Nalonaist Economic Protections Advovate (NEPA); 2), Fst Plac in tho Provintl Lovet in the Clean and Green Project by OZBB. 14) Third Paco in the Regione! Level inthe Clean and Green Projet; ©) Friends of the United Nations avarded Lipa a Cetficate of Recognition - Wo the Peoples: 50 Communities Award 11) Gall Pook Award by the Gaver! Gantimpalang Paningkod Pook as one of the ‘Top 20 Program Finalists 9. The CALABARZON Development Project: “The CALABARZON Projec Study ientied Lipa as one of the major urban centers in the region which primary function 1s to serve as 2 major condut for goods and services, ‘reduced by the rion. ‘As Batanges CAy continues to function as tho province's medium oty, serving 3 the ‘oremost Ink tothe efferent municipalities and nearby provinces in Region WV, Lipa Continues fo serve as the home or center providing speclatst medical facies and some tourism facies and function as intsrrepional center. However, wth the Implementation of the flagship projec of President Fiel V. Ramos ‘such as the Batangas Chy Inieratonal Port, Thermal Power Plant Project, is fanicpated tat by year 2002, Lipa wil be elevated to a medium ely and continue the functions vacated Baiangas Cy, as twill then be expected to become a secondary Topol cretion a an onal pr of ny an et cnr cf de commerce. ‘CALABARZON Development Project does not only mean the development of road Enks ‘ofthe involved provinces bu Ie be aoled that one of the most imperetive components, ofthis projects the afurement of foreign Invesiors forthe proposed industaliztion in said areas. i j I : The total rosa 04% ora lotat Moloryat tormeriy MU 999 hectares. OF ave, “This covers Ht San ttt, 60 Nia Tony, vote ena belong 10 00 inthe province coves 1, i ated frea of 1275 Mature whic 1” ra Presently Lip Cty performs the folowing functions nthe Province as: A. InstitstonaAdminiawatve Center ‘This is evidencad by the presence of National ReglonalProvindal Goverment Agencies such as the Provincial Oftce ofthe Deparment of Trade and industry, Southem Tagalog Integrated Agicutural Research Center (STIARC) of the Bureau of Plent ard Indus, Provincial Office ofthe Socal Secuny System, Motor Voicies Inspection Section (MVS) of {he Land Transportation Ofes among ones. BL Educational Canter 1 provides educational services not only to the cy bul alo to the provinevrgion In view of the presence of tie De La Salle Colegetigh Sched, Canossa Academy, Ups Cy Cologes, NAL. vita School of Maifery, Aavortst Academy, SL. Francis de Sales Seminary, 100 ‘ng Wingo Famanco Ase, lnm Taig Cer on Pi Hisar Seng ©. Medical Canter 's z es id Of the Mary Mediate Medical Center (afiisted wih the St Luke's Medical ix Metical Carter, Lipa Distt Holy Infant Hospi, San Aton ‘ers. fis abo the pace where cagnostc laboratories and, out-patient ‘medical nis, ophinamology and optometi ins, deta nics are located u i “The series devered by these faces are very much sought for by residents not ony in the cy, th suounding municpaites and ces bx ao inthe province. D. Commercial Comer =~ [Not onty Lipeios fock to the cly’s shopping ceniers and growing food chains such as ‘olitee, Mc Donald, Shakeys anc Max's Restaura, the forooming Fiesta Word Shopping ‘Mal ong cers but le the esiont rom noarty municpalis an cy Fiesta World, which vl soon fe ln Lpe Cy, wl be the fst shopng malin he province ‘whieh wil cary brand names which ae sought afer and found in ig shopping mas in Metro Mania ‘The Souh Supermarket which is strateicaly located along the Ayale-By-Pass Road ie a frequent destination not only of Lipa reskiens but sto of revelers from einer negheoring laces because of ts cornpeiive pices and high qualy goods. Financial Centar Lipa city & home to a growing ruber of finance institutions mostly composed of 188 {Lending Investors, thi-one (31) Bonks and foury-one (4f) Pawnshops. Big name banks ‘can be found inthe ally such asthe Mrcpoitan Bank and Trust Co, Bank of Phiipine fslands, Secufy Bank, Far East Gank end Trust Co. United Coscnut Pianters Bank, Monts dde Piedad Savings Bank, Bank of Commerce the Phipine Natonal Bank, Development Bank ofthe Phifppines and the Land Bak of the Phipps, among ater. ma

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