Mathematics in The Modern World

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To transform the statements into symbols using the given symbols ~(negation), ^

(conjunction), v (disjunction), → (conditional), and ← (biconditional), we can assign the

following symbols to each statement:
P: Neil Is a big eater
Q: Wilson has a big voice
R: Norodin likes to travel
S: Alex likes violet

1. While Wilson has a big voice, Neil is not a big eater.

Symbolic representation: q → ~(p)
Explanation: The statement is expressing a conditional relationship between Wilson having a
big voice (q) and Neil not being a big eater (~p). The symbol → represents the conditional “if…
then” relationship, and ~(p) represents the negation of Neil being a big eater.

2. ‘Norodin likes to travel or he does not.’

Symbolic representation: r v ~(r)
Explanation: The statement is expressing a disjunction (either/or) relationship regarding
Norodin’s preference for travel ®. The symbol v represents the logical OR operator, indicating
that either Norodin likes to travel ® or he does not (~r).

3. It is not true that Neil is a big eater and Alex does not like violet.
Symbolic representation: ~(p ^ ~(s))
Explanation: The statement is expressing a negation of the conjunction between Neil being a
big eater (p) and Alex not liking violet (~s). The symbol ^ represents the logical AND operator,
and ~(p ^ ~(s)) represents the negation of the conjunction.

4. ‘It may or may not be the case that Alex likes violet.’
This statement can be represented as:
~s v s
The statement “Alex likes violet” is represented as s. The symbol ~ denotes negation, so ~s
represents the negation of s, which means “Alex does not like violet.” The symbol v represents
disjunction, which means “or.” Therefore, ~s v s represents “It may or may not be the case that
Alex likes violet.”

5. ‘Either Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice, yet Alex likes violet.’
This statement can be represented as:
(p v q) ^ s
The statement “Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice” is represented as (p v q), where v
denotes the disjunction (logical OR) between p and q. The statement “Alex likes violet” is
represented as s. The symbol ^ represents conjunction, which means “and.” Therefore, (p v q) ^
s represents “Either Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice, yet Alex likes violet.”

6. If Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice, then Alex likes violet.
This statement can be represented as:
(p v q) → s
The statement “Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice” is represented as (p v q), where v
denotes the disjunction (logical OR) between p and q. The statement “Alex likes violet” is
represented as s. The conditional symbol → connects the two parts of the statement, indicating
that if the first part is true (p v q), then the second part (s) must also be true.

7. Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice if and only if Alex likes violet and Norodin
likes to travel.
This statement can be represented as:
(p v q) ← (s ^ r)
The statement “Neil is a big eater or Wilson has a big voice” is represented as (p v q), where v
denotes the disjunction (logical OR) between p and q. The statement “Alex likes violet and
Norodin likes to travel” is represented as (s ^ r), where ^ denotes the conjunction (logical AND)
between s and r. The biconditional symbol ← connects the two parts of the statement,
indicating that both sides must be true for the statement to be true.

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