SightWordFluencyCheckPrePrimer d21

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Pre- Primer

Sight Word

Created by: Teaching Biilfizzcend

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Pre - Primer
Sight Word

Sight Word Fluency Pre-Primer
Table of Contents
a 5 look 25
and 6 make 26
away 7 me 27
big 8 my 28
blue 9 not 29
can 10 one 30
come 11 play 31
down 12 red 32
find 13 run 33
for 14 said 34
funny 15 see 35
go 16 the 36
help 17 three 37
here 18 to 38
I 19 two 39
in 20 up 40
is 21 we 41
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2016

it 22 where 42
jump 23 yellow 43
little 24 you 44
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : a

1 I see a cat.

2 I see a dog.

3 I see a pig.

4 I see a cow.

5 I see a bird.

6 I see a chicken.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : and

1 I like cats and dogs.

2 I like cows and pigs.

3 I like birds and


4 I like apples and


5 I like grapes and


6 I like oranges and

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : away

1 I put the toys away.

2 I put the ball away.

3 I put the books


4 I put the pencils


5 I put the crayons


6 I put the markers

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : big

1 The house is big.

2 The camel is big.

3 The train is big.

4 The truck is big.

5 The dragon is big.

6 The dinosaur is big.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : blue

1 The car is blue.

2 The hat is blue.

3 The ball is blue.

4 The bird is blue.

5 The marker is blue.

6 The crayon is blue.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : can

1 The dog can run.

2 The cat can run.

3 The boy can run.

4 The girl can run.

5 The lion can run.

6 The tiger can run.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : come

1 My mom will come.

2 My dad will come.

3 My grandma will

4 My grandpa will

5 The girl will come.

6 The boy will come.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : down

1 Put the books down.

2 Put the crayons


3 Put the markers


4 Put the pencils down.

5 Put the ruler down.

6 Put the scissors

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : find

1 Can you find the


2 Can you find the


3 Can you find the


4 Can you find the


5 Can you find the


6 Can you find the

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : for

1 The gift is for me.

2 The flower is for


3 The burger is for


4 The hotdog is for


5 The banana is for


6 The watermelon is
for me.
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : funny

1 The baby is funny.

2 The girl is funny.

3 The boy is funny.

4 The bear is funny.

5 The monkey is funny.

6 The koala is funny.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : go

1 I will go to school.

2 I will go to the zoo.

3 I will go to the park.

4 I will go to the

5 I will go to the

6 I will go to the
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : help

1 I can help my mom.

2 I can help my dad.

3 I can help my sister.

4 I can help my

5 I can help my

6 I can help my
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : here

1 Here is the pan.

2 Here is the bowl.

3 Here is the plate.

4 Here is the spoon.

5 Here is the fork.

6 Here is the glass.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : I

1 I can sit.

2 I can run.

3 I can play.

4 I can jump.

5 I can walk.

6 I can read.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : in

1 There is a fish in the


2 There is a fly in the


3 There is a bug in the


4 There is a frog in
the bag.

5 There is a worm in
the bag.

6 There is a tadpole in
the bag.
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : is

1 The car is big.

2 The bike is big.

3 The bus is big.

4 The boat is big.

5 The train is big.

6 The plane is big.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : it

1 It is a cat.

2 It is a dog.

3 It is a fish.

4 It is a frog.

5 It is a bird.

6 It is a rabbit.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : jump

1 The cat can jump.

2 The dog can jump.

3 The frog can jump.

4 The rabbit can jump.

5 The horse can jump.

6 The kangaroo can

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : little

1 I see a little fly.

2 I see a little ant.

3 I see a little bee.

4 I see a little worm.

5 I see a little spider.

6 I see a little ladybug.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : look

1 Look at the bear.

2 Look at the koala.

3 Look at the panda.

4 Look at the zebra.

5 Look at the giraffe.

6 Look at the penguin.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : make

1 We can make jams.

2 We can make pies.

3 We can make cakes.

4 We can make pizza.

5 We can make

6 We can make
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : me

1 The owl is looking at


2 The bat is looking at


3 The duck is looking

at me.

4 The bear is looking

at me.

5 The monkey is
looking at me.

6 The tiger is looking

at me.
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : my

1 This is my hat.

2 This is my car.

3 This is my bike.

4 This is my boat.

5 This is my train.

6 This is my plane.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : not

1 This is not my ball.

2 This is not my robot.

3 This is not my truck.

4 This is not my candy.

5 This is not my donut.

6 This is not my
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : one

1 I see one bee.

2 I see one bear.

3 I see one koala.

4 I see one monkey.

5 I see one flamingo.

6 I see one dinosaur.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : play

1 I want to play with

my cat.

2 I want to play with

my dog.

3 I want to play with

my bird.

4 I want to play with

my rabbit.

5 I want to play with

my koala.

6 I want to play with

my monkey.
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : red

1 The bird is red.

2 The apple is red.

3 The crab is red.

4 The rose is red.

5 The crayon is red.

6 The strawberry is
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : run

1 The fox can run.

2 The mouse can run.

3 The moose can run.

4 The skunk can run.

5 The raccoon can run.

6 The squirrel can run.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : said

1 He said he wants to play


2 He said he wants to play


3 He said he wants to play


4 He said he wants to play


5 He said he wants to play


6 He said he wants to play

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : see

1 I can see a lion.

2 I can see a seal.

3 I can see a tiger.

4 I can see a snake.

5 I can see a zebra.

6 I can see a penguin.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : the

1 The bear is big.

2 The hippo is big.

3 The panda is big.

4 The rhino is big.

5 The gorilla is big.

6 The elephant is big.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : three

1 I see three bugs.

2 I see three eggs.

3 I see three ducks.

4 I see three fish.

5 I see three spiders.

6 I see three balloons.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : to

1 I want to fish.

2 I want to swim.

3 I want to sled.

4 I want to go to the

5 I want to go to the

6 I want to go to the
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : two

1 I have two donuts.

2 I have two apples.

3 I have two bananas.

4 I have two cookies.

5 I have two yogurts.

6 I have two crackers.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : up

1 The sun is up in the


2 The cloud is up in the


3 The moon is up in
the sky.

4 The star is up in the


5 The bird is up in the


6 The plane is up in the

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : we

1 We like to draw.

2 We like to read.

3 We like to write.

4 We like to swim.

5 We like to sing.

6 We like to sled.

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : where

1 Where is my cake?

2 Where is my pizza?

3 Where is my milk?

4 Where is my donut?

5 Where is my ice

6 Where is my lollipop?

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : yellow

1 The bee is yellow.

2 The bus is yellow.

3 The cab is yellow.

4 The banana is yellow.

5 The pumpkin is

6 The sunflower is
©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017
Name: _____________________

Sight Word fluency Check
Read the sentences 3 times, match the
sentence to the correct picture.
1st read 2nd read 3rd read
Highlight the sight word : you

1 Do you have a hat?

2 Do you have a mug?

3 Do you have a pet?

4 Do you have a bag?

5 Do you have a cup?

6 Do you have a jar?

©Teaching BiilFizzCend 2017

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