Goal Setting Planner APST

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Goal Setting Planner

Standards Evidence I possess

Evidence I Need P
to Gather l



1.1 • Written observa-

Physical, so- tions • Gather further • Differentiate for
cial and intel- • Observing and talk- evidence of the the students in
lectual devel- ing to the students student’s the class to find
opment and • Conversations with achievements strategies im-
characteris- the mentor. • Find out more prove outcomes
tics of stu- • Individual data about what ef- for the lower,
dents • Naplan results fects student middle and
Demonstrates • Whole class data learning. higher perform-
knowledge and • Noting which stu- • Read more and ing students and
understanding dents work well to- analyse the stu- students with a
of physical, so- gether and which do dents results. disability.
cial and intel- not. • Select fitness
lectual devel- • Understanding that activities which
opment and some students are cater for all stu-
characteristics more active and dents’ abilities.
of students and have range of physi-
how these may cal abilities.
affect learning • PAT tests

• Pedagogies and teach- • Gather, read and com- • I need to

1.2 ing strategies. pile more teaching identify how
Understand how • Collection of written strategies and philoso- can these
students learn. lesson plans that show phies that can be im- strategies
Demonstrate the many teaching plemented. be used in
knowledge strategies that are • Read more about con- the class?
and under- used for varying abili- structivism. •
standing of re- ties. • Read more about vis- • Improve and
search into • Strategies my mentor ual learning. refine these
how students implements as well as strategies
learn and the strategies I learnt to fit my
implications of from Flinders Univer- class con-
teaching. sity. text.
• Have read- Piaget, Vy- • Differenti-
gotsky, Gardner, ate based
Freier, Dewey, Rogers, on a stu-
Montessori and others. dents
and needs.

• Have more discus-

1.3 • I have previously • Individual Learning
sions with my men-
Students worked with a num- plans the school has
with diverse, ber of students implemented for stu- •
linguistic, from a diverse vari- dents in the class. • Included material in
cultural, reli- ety of back- the lessons which is
gious and so- grounds. relevant to the stu-
cio- eco- • I have talked with dents.
nomic back- each student and •
grounds started to foster • Address biases and
Demonstrate positive relation- stereotypes.
knowledge of ships with the stu-
teaching dents over the
strategies planning days.
that are re- • I have looked
sponsive to through the stu-
the learning dents bookwork to
strengths identify strengths
and needs of and weaknesses.
from diverse
cultural reli-
gious and so-

• More infor- • Include material

1.4 • I have discussed
mation re- in lessons which
Strategies for with my mentor and
garding how involve indige-
teaching Abo- helped create an
best to teach nous perspec-
riginal and Tor- ILP for one ATSIC
Aboriginal tives.
res Strait Is- student.
and Torres • Discuss more
lander Stu- • An understanding of
Strait Is- strategies with
dents. Demon- the many different
landers stu- mentor teacher.
strate broad cultural and linguis- dents.
knowledge and tic backgrounds of • Implement in-
understanding indigenous stu- digenous per-
of the impact of dents. spectives
culture, cultural and materials
identity and lin- to progress
guistic back- towards rec-
ground on the onciliation.
education of
students from
Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Is-
lander back-
• Utilising different
1.5 • I need to read more from • Use Gard-
teaching strate-
Differentiate a variety of sources with ners theory
gies for various
teaching to regards to students with about multi-
students of vary-
meet the spe- intellectual disabilities ple intelli-
ing needs.
cific learning and find what is the best gences.
• Whole class data
needs of stu- course of action that • Have the stu-
and Naplan re-
dents across suits the students in my dents use
the range of class. their differ-
• A list of students
abilities. ent thinking
with special
Demonstrate hats to help
needs including
knowledge and create a
understanding deeper un-
• Lesson plans
of strategies derstanding.
which cater for
for differentiat- • Engage
these students.
ing teaching to these (and
• An understanding
meet the spe- all) students
of their disability
cific learning and make
through conver-
needs of stu- the topic in-
sations on the
dents across teresting.
planning days.
the full range • Have discus-
of abilities. sions and
use explicit

• Discuss
1.6 • Mentor conversa- • Legislative and school
Strategies to tions policy requirements.
with my
support, full • Conversations • Read more about Uni-
participation with the students. versal Design for Learn-
which are
of students • Their bookwork ing (USL)
the best to
with disability. • Observations dur-
use to help
Demonstrate ing planning days
broad knowl- • Inclusive educa-
with a dis-
edge and un- tion
ability or be-
derstanding of havourial
legislative re- problem.
quirements and • Provide vis-
teaching ual aids or
strategies that hands on ac-
support partici- tivities.
pation and • Use peer
learning of stu- Support: pair
dents with dis- students
ability. with a dis-
ability with
more able
• Modify some
• I understand con- • Refresher of Blooms • Use Bloom’s
2.1 tent and especially Taxonomy. Taxonomy and
Content and maths concepts • Refresher of Luke encourage
teaching strate- how they should be and Freebody’s Four higher order
gies of the organised. Resources Model. thinking.
teaching area • I use strategies like • Incorporate
Demonstrate lecture, inquiry- technology
knowledge and based learning and when neces-
understanding problem based sary.
of the con- learning. • Relate lessons
cepts, sub- • I use discussion and to real world
stance and higher order ques- situations.
structure of the tioning. • Use explicit
content and • Vygotsky’s ZOPD teaching
teaching strate- • Grouping and
gies of the pairing of stu-
teaching area. dents.

2.2 • Lesson sequencing, • Examples of • Organise lessons so

Content planning and timing. lessons plans that they are clearer
selection • A term overview that focus on and better se-
and organi- • Unit plans the teaching se- quenced.
sation • Lesson plans quence Blooms • Read feedback from
Organise or Four Re- mentor teacher and
content into sources Model. reread feedback
an effective from Flinders Univer-
learning and sity topics.
teaching se-

• Assessment tasks • Develop more suit- • Use the achieve-

2.3 which I have cre- able success crite- ment standards in
Curriculum, ated that are both ria for each lesson the Australian
assessment formative and sum- which has been dif- Curriculum for
and reporting mative. ferentiated for year 5 and 6 to
Use curriculum • I use the Achieve- some students. tailor summative
and reporting ment standard from and formative as-
knowledge to the Australian Cur- sessments to the
design learning riculum and use classes needs in
sequences and backward design to all topics.
lesson plans. plan assessments.
• Lesson plans which
I have created by
using the Australian
Curriculum and in-
corporating IB
school standards.
• Government • Identify indige- • Have a better un-
2.4 documents nous policies derstanding indige-
Understand “Closing the within the Aus- nous culture.
and respect Gap: Engag- tralian Educa-
Aboriginal and ing Indige- tion System- • Understand indige-
Torres Strait nous Stu- which have nous mindsets.
Islander peo- dents worked and
ple to pro- Through which have not. • Be respectful of in-
mote reconcil- School • Support for in- digenous beliefs
iation be- Based digenous lead and practises.
tween Indige- Health and initiatives • Incorporation in-
nous and non- Education”. • Read more about digenous beliefs,
Indigenous the Indigenous culture and per-
Australians. • Pedagogy to- Language and spectives.
Demon- wards recon- Cultural Curricu- • Build relationships
strate ciliation. lum developed in with indigenous
broad • A knowledge the Northern students by show-
knowl- of colonial- Territory. ing knowledge and
edge of, ism and its respect of their
under- effects on in- culture.
standing digenous
of and people.
Torres • Aboriginal
Strait Is- and Torres
lander Strait Is-
histories, lander action
cultures plan.
and lan-

• Strate- • Find more strate- • Learn more

2.5 gies to gies that will help strategies to
Literacy and teach lit- students improve improve liter-
numeracy eracy their literacy and acy and nu-
strategies and nu- numeracy. meracy
Know and un- meracy • Use ques-
derstand liter- (problem tioning
acy and numer- based strategies.
acy teaching learning, • Use visual
strategies and inquiry aids.
their applica- based • Repeat each
tion in teaching learning, step
areas. collabo- • Explicit
rative teaching
learning, • Use technol-
ogy when ap-
tiated in-

• Gard-
• Bloom’s
• Luke
Four re-
• De
six dif-
• Inquire • Show the students how
2.6 • Seesaw whether the to correctly operate an
Information • Kahoot students iPad, including framing
and Communi- • Lesson and editing tips.
can have Fi-
cation Technol- plans in- •
nal Cut Pro
ogy (ICT) Im- • Explain to the stu-
volving X installed dent’s the importance
plement teach- ICT on their of Cyber safety .
ing strategies • Google iPads.
for using ICT to class-
expand curricu- rooms. • Find some
lum learning • Websites.
more web-
opportunities • Safe In-
sites which
for students. ternet ac-
are educa-
tional and
• Safe use
of tech-
nology. friendly.
• Ipads

• Examples of differenti- • Make sure my success

3.1 • Challenging les- ated lesson plans and criteria aligns with the
Establish son plans. assessments. Australian Curriculum’s
challeng- • Lesson plans achievement standards
ing learn- which include the for each topic. These
ing goals success criteria. will align with the
Set learning • Slides which learning goals which
goals that show the success have been set. These
provide criteria so the goals may need to be
achievable students can see differentiated for some
challenges it. students.
for students • Conversations
of varying with students on
abilities and goals they want
characteris- to achieve.
• Lesson plans • More material with re- • Find activities which
3.2 which follow a gards to differentia- students interact
Plan structure sequence. tion.
and through game based
sequence • Unit plans. • More games for learning.
learning • Material on games-based learning. • Find games which are
programs lesson plan- inclusive.
Plan lesson sequences ning. • Get feedback from my
using • Material on mentor with regards to
knowledge of student backwards how my lessons are se-
learning, design. quenced.
content and effective
teaching strategies.

• Read more on how and • Have more conversa-

3.3 • A vari-
when to implement the tions with my mentor
Use teaching strate- ety of
various teaching teacher.
gies Include a range of strate-
teaching strategies. gies,
are in-
in les-
• Conver-

• Implemented a • Gather more resources • Make use the class li-

3.4 wide range of and materials which brary.
Select and use re- ICT in my lesson are hands on. • Make use the school li-
source Demonstrate plans including • Find more internet re- brary.
knowledge of a range PowerPoints, sources. • Definitely make use of
of resources, includ- media, video, • Find internet sources the schools’ resource
ing ICT, that engage online that the students can room.
students in their applications, research on their
learning. programs, iPads.
and interactive
• Use a variety of • Find positive ways to
3.5 • Find more strate-
communication encourage student en-
Use effective gies
strategies. Verbal gagement.
classroom • Ask mentor for
strategies like 1-2- • Find interesting topics
communica- other strategies
3 Waterfall, Focus to engage the students
tion Demon- • Set rules that are
1-2, eyes on me. attention.
strate a range clearly stated.
• Clapping in rhyme I
of verbal and • Demonstrate good
find is the best
non-verbal communication skills
communica- and etiquette.
• Use non-verbal
tion strate- communication
gies to sup- strategies like
port student maintaining eye
engagement. contact. Or simply
nodding or shaking
the head.

• Mentor feedback. • Student feedback

3.6 • Create a survey
• Student work. • Gather feedback from
Evaluate and for the students
• Student bookwook. my mentor to help im-
improve teach- to analyse my
• Collect and analyse prove my teaching.
ing programs teaching prac-
data. • Gather more ideas for
Demonstrate tice to help im-
• Conversations with formative assessment.
broad knowl- prove student
the students.
edge of strate- learning.
gies that can be • Ask for feedback
used to evalu- from the stu-
ate teaching dents.
programs to im- • Engage in profes-
prove student sional develop-
learning. ment courses.
• Collaborate with

• Engage
3.7 • I en- • Become
with par-
Engage parents/ gage more famil-
ents pick-
carers in the ed- d iar with the
ing up or
ucation process with feedback
Describe a some that is given
off chil-
broad range of of to parents dren to/
strategies for par- each week. from
involving par- ents school.
ents/carers in on • Write a
the educative sport letter to
process. s day the par-
dur- ents ex-
ing plaining
term that I am
1. a pre-ser-
• As
and give
a list of
and goals
light for the
disco. students.
• Create a positive
4.1 • More visual aids • Create more lesson
classroom environ-
Sup- • Educational pro- plans that use visual
port grams related to aids.
• Use differentiated
stu- technology. • Have a positive atti-
dent • Find more hands on tude and use posi-
• I recognise student
partici- activities which en- tive reinforcement.
pation courage active • Use cooperative
Iden- learning. learning where the
tify students work to-
strate- gether in small
gies to groups.
support inclu- • Provide opportuni-
sive student ties for student
participation choice.
and engage- • Provide an opportu-
nity to reflect on the
ment in class-
room activi-

• Clearly stated • Ways to have effec-

4.2 • Provide clear and
classroom tively time manage-
Manage concise instruc-
rules. ment.
class- tions
• Explicit instruc- • Anchor activities
room • Repeat the instruc-
activi- tions.
• Visual aids.
ties • Write the instruc-
• Sequenced les-
Demonstrate son plans. tions down on a
the capacity to • Step by step in- white board, make
organise class- structions. a slide or give out
room activities • Manipulatives. copies of the in-
and provide structions (de-
clear direc- pending on the
tions. task).
• Establish routines.

• Create a behav-
4.3 • Walking around the • Have more conversa-
iour board.
Manage classroom making tions with my mentor
• Highlight behav-
challeng- sure that the stu- regarding behaviour
iour to the stu-
ing be- dents are all en- strategies.
haviour gaged. • Use some of my
• Read more
Demonstrate • Conversations with mentor’s techniques
about how to
knowledge of the students. to manage challeng-
manage chal-
practical ap- • Conversations with ing behaviour.
lenging behav-
proaches to my mentor • Be successful at im-
manage chal- teacher. plementing behav-
• More of an under-
lenging behav- • Remind students iour strategies.
standing of bad be-
iour. every now and
haviour and how to
again about behav-
negotiate the best
iour, to nip it in the
outcome for the stu-
bud before it hap-
pens. dent.
• Combat negative
behaviour immedi-
• School policy • Learn more about • Find out more
4.4 • Legislative re- other legislative re- about the
Maintain student quirements quirements. school policy.
safety Describe • Working with chil- • Read more about • Implement
strategies that dren check duty of care. Maslow’s Hier-
support students’ • RRAHN-EC Course archy of needs.
wellbeing and • Maslow’s Hierar- • Create and
safety working chy of Needs. maintain an in-
within school clusive class
and/or system, environment.
curriculum and
legislative re-

• Making sure stu- • Learn more about other

4.5 • Find out
dents engage in legislative require-
Use ICT safely, more about
safe ICT practices. ments.
responsibly and the school
• Legislative re-
ethically policy.
Demonstrate an • Explain to
understanding students
of the relevant how to use
issues and the ICT responsi-
strategies bly and
available to safely.
support the
safe, responsi-
ble and ethical
use of ICT in
learning and

• Previous NAPLAN re- • Read more student

5.1 • Gather more informa-
sults reports
Assess student tion regarding as-
• Diagnostic tests • Gather more data
learning Demon- sessment to support
• Formative and sum- on student
strate under- student learning.
mative assessments. achievement.
standing of as- • Whole class data.
sessment • Whole school data.
strategies, in- • Diagnostic tests.
cluding informal
and formal, di-
agnostic, forma-
tive and sum-
mative ap-
proaches to as-
sess student

• Feed-
5.2 • Gather more info re- • Give more verbal
Provide feed- garding the benefits feedback to stu-
that I
back to stu- of feedback. dents.
dents on their • Learn more about • Give more written
learning Demon- providing positive feedback to the stu-
strate an under- feedback. dents.
in the
standing of the work- • Learn more about
purpose of pro- books positive and nega-
viding timely of the tive reinforcement.
and appropriate stu-
feedback to stu- dents.
dents about
their learning. • Verbal
• Collect more
5.3 • Discussions with my • Gather more materi-
student re-
Make consistent mentor als
ports and dis-
and comparable • Discussions with • Keep running
cuss strate-
judgements other teachers records.
gies with
Demonstrate un- • Collaborative meet- • Provide feedback.
other teach-
derstanding of ings with other • Use clear assess-
assessment teachers. ment criteria.
• Review and
moderation and reflect.
its application
to support con-
sistent and com-
parable judge-
ments of stu-
dent learning.

• Previous NAPLAN re- • Gather more student

5.4 • Analyse the student
sults. data.
Interpret stu- data and identify
• Diagnostic tests • Ask the mentor for
dent data steps which need to
• Formative and sum- more student data.
Demonstrate be taken.
mative assessments.
the capacity • Identify what the
• Student data
to interpret students already
• Whole class data
student as- know.
• School data
data to evalu-
ate student
learning and
modify teach-
ing practice.
• Use com- • Need to
5.5 • Discuss with mentor
puter gather
Report on stu- what kind of feed-
based re- back to give to par-
dent achieve- of report-
ment porting to ents/carers.
ing to
Demonstrate parents. parents
understanding records
of a range of of stu-
strategies for dent
reporting to stu- achieve-
dents and par- ment.
ents/carers and • Evidence
the purpose of is posted
keeping accu- with the
rate and reli- use of
able records of technol-
student ogy so
achievement. the par-
ents can
see stu-

• This goal setting • Identify profession

6.1 • Use the Australian
planner is a good ex- learning needs through
Identify Professional stan-
ample of self mentor feedback.
and plan dards for Teachers
• Identify learning needs
profes- assessment against as a framework to
through teacher collab-
sional the standards which help review my
oration. pedagogical prac-
learning helps to improve my • Identify learning needs
needs tice and make sure
professional prac- through student feed-
Demonstrate an it aligns with Aus-
tice. back. tralian standards.
• Feedback from my • Identify my own profes- • Use feedback to
of the role of sional learning needs.
the Australian
first placement as- improve my teach-
sessed against the • Use the goal setting ing.
planner as a way to im- • Attend workshops
Standards for Australian Profes-
prove my professional and seminars.
Teachers in sional standards for
practice by identifying • Research and read
identifying pro- Teachers. where I need further more.
fessional learn- • A personal philoso- learning. • Get feedback from
ing needs.
phy for teaching. my mentor and other
• An understanding colleagues.
that the APST • Engage in personal
outlines the development activi-
knowledge, skills ties which are re-
and attributes a lated to the APST fo-
cus areas.
teacher needs to
• Keep reviewing and
have. These at- self assessing my
tributes should re- pedagogical practice
viewed and as- for better outcomes.
sessed to give the
best outcomes for
the students.
• Professional • Find accredited cour- • Find a course
6.2 Experience ses which will improve where I can learn
Engage in (Placement) - my teaching practice. more about ASD
professional • Professional and Asperger’s
learning and Experience planning syndrome.
improve days. • Watch more ted
practice • University degree talks from teach-
Understand the • RRANH EC course. ers.
relevant and • First aid course. • Attend work-
appropriate shops and semi-
sources of pro- nars.
fessional learn- • Reading and re-
ing for teach- search.

• Mentor Feedback • Self reflection

6.3 • Ask mentor for
• Placement reports • Student assessment/
Engage with constructive
• Feedback from uni- feedback
Colleagues and feedback after
versity lecturers.
improve prac- each lesson.
tice Seek and • Collaborate with
apply construc- other teachers.
tive feedback • Watch more
from supervi- lessons of teach-
sors and teach- ers from other
ers to improve topics; science,
teaching prac- music and Japa-
tices. nese. Use them
as a model. Espe-
cially with re-
gards to behav-
iour manage-

• I keep up • Reflection on how to • Attend

6.4 to date improve my teaching workshops
Apply profes- with the practice. To improve and semi-
sional learning latest re- student learning. nars.
and improve search • Feedback from my • Keep up to
student learn- tech- mentor teacher. date with
ing Demon- niques the stu-
strate an un- and dent’s
derstanding of methods. changing
the rationale • An un- needs.
for continued derstand- • Adapt new
professional ing of the technology
learning and Aus- and teach-
the implica- tralian ing meth-
tions for im- Profes- ods.
proved student sional
learning. Stan-
dards for
• Attributes: Integrity, • DHS reports.
7.1 • Reread the code of
fairness, respect, re- • Pre- service
Meet profes- ethics.
sponsibility, profes- teacher booklets.
sional ethics sionalism, trustwor-
and responsi- thiness.
bilities Under-
stand and ap-
ply the key
principles de-
scribed in
codes of
ethics and
conduct for
the teaching

• Pre-service teacher
7.2 • Reread and • Discussion with men-
Comply with make sure I un- tor about any other
• DHS reports.
legislative, derstand all the requirements.
administra- requirements.
• Working with chil-
tive and or- • Have a discus-
dren check.
ganisational sion with my
• RRAHN training
requirements mentor and other
• School policy
Understand staff members.
• Police check
the relevant • Hand Hygiene.
and organisa-
tional policies
and processes
required for
teachers ac-
cording to
school stage.

• I have spoken • Need to gather more

7.3 • Try to have a dis-
to some of the evidence and then have
Engage with cussion with all
parents at a discussion with par-
the parents/ parents regarding
sports day, but ents/carer.
carers their child. Give
never gave any • Create a slide introduc-
Understand weekly feedback
feedback re- ing myself to the par-
strategies for where the student
garding school ents and carers. Estab-
working effec- has improved and
work. lish goals over the next
tively, sensi- needs improve-
six weeks and send it ment.
tively and con- out on Seesaw for the
fidentially parents to view.
with parents/

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