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ANKLETS OF SWIFTNESS Wondrous Item, uneomunon (requires attunement) While you wear these anklets your move speed is increased by 10 feet. Speaking the command ‘word allows you to run on the wind, giving you a fly speed equal fo your move speed. Each turn if you do not mave while in flight you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round. Once the ankles prop: erty has been used for a total of 10 minutes they ‘cannot be used again until the next morning. ARACHNIDS BLESSING Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) ‘These leather vambraces are etched with spider web motif s, These vambraces have 5 charues, ‘While wearing them you ean expend one charge to cast the web spell (save DC 15) from them. Additionally while wearing these vambraces you are under the effects of the spicer climb spel You can use a bonus action to launch a thin sticky strand of web up (0 100 feet that you can swing from, up to your: move speed asa mave action, The vambraces regain 1d4 charges dail at dawn, BortLeb Light Wondrous item, uneammen Asan action you ean snuff out a single light source up to the size of a large bonfire or mul- tiple smaller light sources, The light is thea stored inside the vial for up to 8 hours. While the light fs inside the vial you ean cause it 0 shed bright or dim Light up to what the original source could, CLOAK OF THE PHOENIX Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This orange feathered eloak seems to ripple ighily with heat, I'you die while wearing this cloak your body turis into pile offine ash, At the beginning of your next turn your reappear the closest unocesspied spot where you died ina burst of lame and ember dealing 646 fire damage to all ereaturcs within 10 feet with 20, hitpoints and may spend all your hit dee imme- ately. This power does not work for one week after it has been used. Dust OF CREATION Wendrous Item, rare ‘This small leather pouch poueh has 1412 +1 pinches of dust in it. When you toss a pinch of this dust into the air. t settles in the form of any ‘mundane nonmagical object with a weight of up to 25 pounds. Once all the dust has been used it is simple leather pouch, EYE OF AGAMON Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This polished ornate stone eye conveysits ben. efits to those willing to replace one of their own ‘eyes with it The eye has 5 charges and regains dd charges daily at dawn, While looking only throught the eye of ayamon tive user has devils sight 1208, can east detect inagie at will, and ean read deep speech. You ean expend 1 charge to cast one of the following spells from it, scorch. ing ray, charm person, see invisibility GAMBLERS GOBLET Wondrous Item, Uncommon What appears to be little more then a simple stone goblet has tempted more then a few into an early grave, as the prospects of greater ‘reward loomed. This goblet has 2 charges and regains 1 charge daily at dawn. You can use one charge, causing the goblet to fill with a clear cciorless liquid. After imbibing the liquid roll a 20 to determine its effects, being either a ‘potion or a poison, 1 — Potion of Supreme Healing 2 Potion of Poison 3- Potion of Fire Giant Strenath 4 Burnt Orhur 5 Potion of Dinni 6— Essence of Ether 7 Potion of Fire Breath 8~Malice 9 Potion of Gascous Form 10~ Midnight Tears 11 = Potion of Flying 12 Pale Tincture 13 Potion of Water Breathing ion 16 — Wyvern Poison 17 -Potion of Invulnerability 18 — Potion of Superior Healing 19 Potion of Growth, LasyrintH Coin Wondrous Item, uncommon EP ‘This coin has the image of a labyrinth pressed into one side, and a bulls head on the other. ‘Once per day you can fip the eoin and on heads. {you and every creature within 100 are teleported toa labyrinth on an extra dimensional plane. ‘After 1 hour has passed, or you find your way out of the labyrinth you are teleported back to the samme spot you were in. On a result of tails you summon @ minotaur within 20 feet who immedi ately charges the elosest target and makes a gore attack wil advantage. The minptaur remains for hour or until itis skuin and has its own initia tive MISERS BANES Wondrous tem, uncommon This lead eoin is plated in gold with the image of. ‘a scale stamped into one side. Every time you make a purchase, you willingly spend three times the purchases value, or all of your money ‘on the purchase except for the misers bane, com vincing yourself it is the right thing to do. You fee! compelled to keep the misers bane and will not willingly part with it. Ifit is taken from you you must make a Wisdom save (save DC 15) ‘and on a failed save you are compelled to get the coin back somehow, You can repeat the save every 24 hours, PUTRID PERFUME Wondrous Item, rare Spraying this perfume causes.a horrible stench to linger on who or whatever was the target. This oul odor ean only he removed with a remove curse or wish spell. Creatures within 5 feet of the wearer of the perfume become poisoned for T minute. Creatures within 30 must make a Con stitution save at the start af their turn, on a failed save they ean take no action but to puke. READING SPECTACLES. Wondrous lem, uncommon ‘These simple spectactes always appear slightly smuidged. While wearing the spectactes you can read any Language, Sanps oF Time Wondrous lem, legendary (requires attunement) ‘This gold necisace has a smail hourglass sus. pended in a gyroscope hanging from its golden chain. Some say that the sand within the hour ‘lass it i from the first star to ever come into being, stolen from the heavens by a daring thie ‘The necklace has 10 charges for the following properties. Itregains 1d6 charges daily at dawn. ‘Speed Up. You can expend 2 charges to cast the spell haste and do not need to maintain con centcation on the spell Stow Down. You can expend 2 charges to cast the spell slow (sive DC 17) and da not need ta ‘maintain concentration Spier Sareip Wondrous liem, legendary (requires attunement) This shicld has been crafted to look like a large spider crawling up your arm. Onee per day you can speak the command word eausing the shield to transform into a giant wolf spider for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter spans, using a minimum of 1 minute, The spider is friendly to you and your companions and under stands your languages obeys your commands, ‘The shield regains all expencled time at daw: THorN BLIGHT Weapon (any whip), rare (requires attunement) This whip appears to be covered in small jagged thorns covered in yellowish sap. When you hit swith an attack using this magic whip the target takes an extra 2d6 poison damage. As an action ‘you ean speak the weapons command word and cause a thick poison to coat the thorns. The poison lasts for 1 minute or until a creature is struck. The struck creature must make a DC 15 constitution save or become poisoned for 1 ‘minute. You cannot use this property again until ‘the next dawn. ‘TRICKSTERS DOORKNOB Wendrous Item. rare (requires attunement) ‘When one of these doorknobs is placed against a ‘wall no more than 10 feet thick, it attaches to the ‘wall and ereates a temporary door leading to the area on the other side of the wall, allowing easy passage back and forth through it ‘Warp BLADE Weapon (dagéer). rare (requires attunement) ‘This black patterned steel dagger is said to have belonged to one of the greatest thieves ever to live, having never been caught and Jeaving no trace of passing. This dagger has 4 charges. ‘While wielding the dagger you can se one of the ‘charges tb cast misty step from it, or wo eharges to east gaseous form. This dagger rogaine 1d4 charges at dawn. ‘WILDFIRE Wand, Legendary (requires attunement) This wand onve belonged to Svin the Scorcher, aneccentrie gnome wizard who suffered from pyromania, While out trying his latest hatch of highly flammable oils he set himself. blsze. When the smoke settled a wand was all the re mained, the fire While you hold the wand you gain a+ 2 bonus to spell attack rolls. You gain a + 2 bonus to your spell save DC when casting spells that deal fire damage and have resistance to fre. This wand has 30 charges for the following proper ties. Itregains 2d6 +2 expended charges daily at ‘dawn. If you expand all of the wands charges it ‘will not regain charges for 1 week from the time itwas reduced to 0 charges, ‘Spells. While holding the wand you can use ‘and action to expend some ofthe charges and ‘east one of the following spells form it using your spell save DC and spelleasting ability agenazzar”s scorehier (3ri level version, 2 charges), restorm (7th level version, 6 charges), fire shield (Ath level version, 3 charges), Immofa- tion (Sth level version, 4 charges), melfs minute _meteors (Ath level version, 3 charges), wall offre Gre level version, 2 charges) his ashes, apps intouched by

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