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Sword of Seeking

Magic Items Any sword; Requires attunement

Stunning Maul This magical sword has a tiny imprint of a compass on the
This magical maul appears to have tiny waves built into the hilt. While wielding this sword, you always know which way is
hammer head. On a critical hit with this magical Maul, the north, and you may use an action to determine the location of
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a all invisible creatures in a 30 foot radius around you.
failed save, the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Ring of the Last Word
Radiant Hammer Requires the ability to cast at least one spell; Requires
Any bludgeoning weapon; Requires attunement by a Cleric, attunement
Paladin, or Druid While wearing this ring, your spells are more difficult to
This magical hammer is made of a beautiful metal with a counterspell. Your spells of 3rd level or lower cannot be
faint yellow-white hue. When you cast a spell that restores hit counterspelled, and when a creature attempts to counterspell
points while attuned to this hammer, roll a d4. On a roll of 4, a spell you cast of 4th level or higher, that creature has
the hammer radiates 2d6 healing per spell level cast to all disadvantage on the ability check to do so, even if
allies within 30 feet of you. Counterspell is cast at a higher level.

Shield of Shield Weapon of Slaying

Requires attunement Any weapon; Requires attunement
This exquisite magical shield is made of the finest mithral This magical weapon is drawn to battle, and glows with an
and has 5 charges. As a reaction, the wielder can spend 1 errie blood red hue. During a short rest, choose a creature
charge to cast the Shield spell. The shield regains 1d4+1 type. Until you choose a different creature type during
charges each day at dawn. If the last charge is expended, roll another short rest, you have advantage on attack rolls, ability
a d20. On a 1, the shield loses this property. checks, and saving throws against that creature type.

Throwing Shield Dimension Gem

Requires attunement Requires attunement
This round magical shield has a razor edge and is perfectly This gem is a portal to a small pocket dimension. It is
balanced. It has a thrown range of 30/80 feet, uses your capable of carrying a creature of up to large size or an item of
strength for attack and damage rolls, and deals 1d8 slashing up to 1000 pounds. When you speak the command word as a
damage when used as a melee or ranged weapon. bonus action, the creature or item is instantly pulled into the
Immediately after a ranged attack, the shield magically gem. An unwilling creature can make a DC 15 Strength
returns to the wielders hand. Wielding this shield is tricky. saving throw to avoid being pulled in. While in the gem, the
You cannot use this shield with another shield, but may use it creature or item is immune to all damage and effects outside
with a weapon. the gem, but if the gem is destroyed, so is the creature or item
within. As a bonus action, you may speak the command word
Terrifying Axe again to release the creature or item from within the gem.
Any axe; Requires attunement Bow of Force
This magical axe has a jagged edge and faint skull designs This magical Longbow has a bowstring made of a single
on the flat of the blade. When you critically hit with this axe, strand of unicorn hair. The act of pulling the bowstring forms
the target must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be an arrow out of pure energy. The bow does not suffer
frightened of you until the end of its next turn. disadvantage due to long range, and the arrow deals force
Greatsword of Vengeance damage instead of piercing damage.
Requires attunement Sword of Persuasion
When you are hit by a melee attack while wielding this Any sword; Requires attunement
magical greatsword, you may use your reaction to make one This magical sword glows with a faint natural light,
melee attack agasint the attacker with advantage. illuminating a 5 foot area with dim light. The bearer of this
Additionally, you score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 with sword gains advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
this sword.
Sword of Impending Doom Staff of the Hand
Any sword; Requires attunement This magical quarterstaff has a faint purplish glow. The
This magical sword gleams in even the faintest light, and is bearer of the staff may cast the Mage Hand spell at will.
made of adamantine. For each melee attack you make with Dagger of the Thief
this weapon that hits a creature and isn't a critical strike, you This magical dagger’s blade is razor thin yet very strong.
gain a +1 bonus to your critical range. For example, if you hit Once per day, refreshing at dawn, this dagger can be used
with two subsequent non-critical attacks, you gain a critical after a failed attempt to pick a lock to make a second attempt
range of 18-20. This bonus resets to zero on a critical hit. with advantage using the blade. Success on this attempt
severs the lock, preventing it from being re-locked.
Shield of Sacrifice Sword of the Damned
Requires attunement Any sword; Requires attunement
This magical shield is made of hardened black adamantine, This magical sword is covered in faint images of skulls and
has a dark mirror sheen, and impacts against it do not mar its emits an eerie blue (dim) light for a radius of 5 feet. The edge
surface. As an action, the bearer may reduce their maximum of the blade shimmers with a faint yellowish hue, and the
hit points by an amount of their choosing, and heal an ally weapon deals necrotic damage instead of its normal damage
within 60 feet for twice that amount. You regain your full type.
maximum hit points when you complete a short rest. Devour the Weak: Whenever the sword damages a living
creature, that creature must roll a Constitution saving throw
Boots of Supreme Accuracy (DC 12). On a failed save, the sword drains two points from
Requires attunement the creature's Strength score and transfers it to the wielder
These magical boots are a shiny black color and the soles (increasing to a maximum of 26 Strength) until the next long
gain excellent traction. Non-magical difficult terrain does not rest. Creatures brought to 0 Strength by this feature are slain.
slow your movement. Additionally, once per short rest when Gluttonous Evolution: If the sword devours enough
you miss an attack, you may use the boots to magically shift strength from Devour the Weak to bring the wielder to 26
your stance, causing the attack to hit. Strength, then the blade shifts form into a larger, jagged
blade that seeps shadow. Until the wielder's next long rest, all
Greatsword of Returning attacks with this sword deal an additional 2d6 necrotic
Requires attunement damage. After the long rest, the attuned creature must make
This magical greatsword feels lighter than a normal a Constitution saving throw (DC 16) or have the now-hungry
greatsword, is perfectly balanced, and has a shimmering weapon, energy spent, devour the wielder's soul, causing
gleam to its blade. The weapon has a throwing range of instant death.
20/60 feet, and returns to the wielder’s hand immediately
after the attack. Solution To Enhance Resistance Or
Increase Direct Strength
Tome of Knowledge (S.T.E.R.O.I.D.S.)
Requires attunement This small vial of greenish-blue liquid has a long, thin metal
This heavy leather-bound tome appears worn and well- piece on one end, and a plunger on the other end. It contains
read, however when opened the pages are blank. While this one use of S.T.E.R.O.I.D.S. Injecting the concoction into a
tome is on your person and you are attuned to it, you may use creature requires an action, and the vial magically refills
its power to gain advantage on any Intelligence check or upon use. Upon injection, you may choose to gain either
saving throw. When used more than once before taking a long resistance to all damage for one minute, or to increase your
rest, roll a d4. On a roll of 4, the user suffers one random Strength score by 4 for one minute. Your strength may go
short-term Madness effect (DMG p.259). over 20 using S.T.E.R.O.I.D.S. Using S.T.E.R.O.I.D.S. more
than once per long rest is dangerous. For each additional
Robe of the Powerful Mind injection before completing a long rest, the creature must roll
Requires attunement a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this throw is 15 + the
This robe is made of the finest crimson silk and flows in number of times that creature has been injected. On a failed
even the slightest breeze. The wearer of this robe gains save, the creature gains one level of exhaustion and is
resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, once per long rest stunned for 1 minute.
while attuned to this robe, you may spend an action to regain
one expended spell slot of any level. Chromatic Armor
Any armor; Requires attunement
Dark Edge of Insanity This magical hooded armor has been expertly infused with
Greataxe; Requires attunement the scales of several different dragons. It glows with an
This double-edged magical greataxe glimmers with dim, almost rainbow-like effect in direct sunlight. While attuned to
nearly imperceptible light, and has a large, never-blinking eye this item, its wearer gains resistance to acid, cold, fire,
inset into the axe head. lightning, and poison damage.
Dark Aura: Grants the wielder advantage on Charisma Dragons Breath: As an action, the wearer may expel the
(Intimidation) checks when unsheathed. elements as a breath weapon. Choose a damage type listed
Edge of Madness: This axe has 6 charges. While attuned to above, and either a 15 foot cone centered on the wearer or a
this axe, when you hit with a melee attack using it, you may 5 foot wide, 100 foot long line extending out from the wearer.
choose to expend a charge to cause the weapon to erupt in a Each enemy creature in the affected area must make a DC 12
shower of chaotic energy, dealing necrotic damage equal to Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take
your total character levels to all enemy creatures within 30 3d6 damage of the chosen type, or half damage on a
feet of you. When you do this, make a Wisdom saving throw successful save. This feature recharges on a roll of 5 or 6 at
(DC 10 + the number of creatures affected). On a failed save, the beginning of the wearer's turn.
you are afflicted by one random indefinite madness effect
(DMG p. 260). The axe regains expended charges each day at
Cloak of Ruin Boots of Speed
Requires attunement These magical boots are a beautiful, sleek black color and
This dull brown cloak appears to be tattered beyond repair, conform to the feet of the wearer.
yet is impossible to rip or tear. While attuned to this cloak, While wearing these boots you ignore non-magical difficult
the wearer has advantage on saving throws against spells and terrain, and you gain 5 feet of movement speed for every 5
other magical effects. Additionally, the cloak has 6 charges. character levels.
As part of an attack action, the wearer may expend charges to
add necrotic damage to the attack equal to 1d6 per charge The Ashbringer
spent. The cloak regains all expended charges each day at Greatsword; Requires attunement by a Paladin
dusk. This magical +3 Greatsword is imbued with the power of
the gods. It gleams with a radiant bright light for 10 feet, and
Armor of the Old Gods dim light for an additional 10 feet, and deals an additional
Any light armor; Requires attunement 2d6 Radiant damage on a successful melee attack.
Regardless of the material it's made of, this armor is The Ashbringer: While attuned to this weapon, you gain the
always an impossibly deep black color. While wearing this title of "The Ashbringer", and have advantage on all Charisma
armor, you gain the benefits of the Comprehend Languages (Persuasion) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
spell. Additionally, you may use a bonus action to force all Wrath of the Ashbringer: When you hit an undead, demon,
creatures within 30 feet of you to make a wisdom saving or fiend of CR 6 or lower with the Ashbringer, roll a d20. On a
throw against your spell save DC. Creatures that fail the save roll of 10 or higher, the target is turned instantly to ash.
are frightened of you until the end of their next turn. You must Wake of Ashes: The Ashbringer has 3 charges. As an
complete a long rest before using this feature again. action, you may expend a charge to sweep the sword across a
20 foot cone in front of you. Enemies caught in the area must
Wild Robes make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or
Requires attunement take 8d6 Radiant damage, or half damage on a save. Undead,
This lavish purple and gold robe is of exquisite quality and demon, and fiend targets that fail the saving throw are
appears to move of its own accord. stunned until the end of their next turn. The Ashbringer
While attuned to this robe, the wearer has advantage on regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Additionally, when the wearer casts a spell, roll a d20. On a Frostmourne
roll of 5 or less, the wearer experiences a Wild Magic Surge Greatsword; Requires attunement by an evil Paladin
(PHB p. 104). This magical +3 Greatsword is adorned with skulls and
horns across its hilt, and has deathly runes engraved upon
Cloak of the Mists the flat of the blade. Frostmourne deals an additional 1d4
Requires attunement Necrotic damage on a successful melee attack.
This sky blue cloak appears to be made of a thick mist. Soul Siphon: When a non-undead creature is slain by
While attuned to this cloak, your form becomes misty as well, Frostmourne, that creature's soul is trapped within the blade.
granting you resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, The soul can only be released if the blade is shattered. To be
and slashing damage. Additionally, while wearing the cloak shattered, a non-evil creature must score a critical hit against
you can use it to cast the Misty Step spell as a bonus action. the blade, and deal at least 10 points of Radiant damage as
At the beginning of your next turn roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6 part of the critical hit. For each soul trapped within the blade,
the cloak regains the use of this property. Frostmourne deals an additional 1d4 Necrotic damage on a
successful melee attack.
Massacre Sword Raise Dead: When Frostmourne steals a soul via the Soul
Greatsword; Requires attunement Siphon property, on your next turn you can use an action to
This magical greatsword has a jagged blade and glows with cause Frostmourne to raise the now dead corpse as a Wraith
a faint purplish gleam. under your control. The Wraith rolls its own initiative and
When you hit with a melee attack while attuned to this obeys your commands completely and without hesitation.
sword, roll a d10. On a roll of 10, the sword grants you the Additionally, as long as you and your raised Wraith's are on
strength to slay armies. For one minute, your strength score the same plane of existence, you may use a bonus action to
increases to 30, and you gain advantage on Strength saving see through their eyes, or issue commands to them.
throws and ability checks. After one minute, you lose this Curse: After attuning to this cursed weapon, you cannot
benefit and gain one level of exhaustion. become un-attuned to it unless the blade is shattered or you
die. If you die while attuned to this weapon and on the same
Cloak of the Dawn plane of existence, your soul is consumed, as with the Soul
Requires attunement Siphon property.
This white cloak is trimmed with gold and has a picture of
the sun woven into it. While attuned to this cloak, the wearer
can cast the Light cantrip at will and has resistance to radiant
damage. Additionally, once per day refreshing at dawn, as an
action you may use the cloak to cast Sunbeam as a 6th level
Gnomish Ulitity Belt
Requires attunement
This intricate magical belt is made of dozens of
interlocking metal plates, and six small cylindrical tubes
attached to it. The belt is often, but not always, a gaudy shade
of yellow with black accents.
While attuned to this belt you can speak, read, and write
Gnomish, gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools, and you have
advantage on Intelligence saving throws and ability checks.
Additionally, as an action you may pull one of the cylinders
off the belt. Each cylinder can be used one time, and the uses
of the cylinders are listed below. A successful DC 15
Intelligence (Tinkering) check, along with 12 hours time and
50 gp of materials will allow the wearer to build a new
cylinder of the types listed.
Grappling Hook: The belt has two cylinders containing a
small projectile that can be fired up to 100 feet trailing a thin
yet strong rope. Make a DC 12 Dexterity check to ensure the
grappling hook finds purchase on a solid surface, and you
and your companions may climb the rope. This magical rope
lasts for 24 hours before fading into mist.
Smoke Bomb: The belt has two cylinders containing smoke
bombs. Each cylinder can be thrown 30 feet and upon
landing it explodes in a thick cloud of smoke that heavily
obscures an area with a 10 foot radius from the point of
impact. A moderate wind will disperse the smoke in 1
minute, and a heavy wind will disperse it in 1 round.
Gnomish Floatation Device: The belt has two cylinders that
contain a magical floatation device, complete with a small
rubber ducky. As a bonus action, a creature can press the
small red button on top of the cylinder to activate it, causing a
bright orange vest to magically inflate and size itself to the
creature that pushed the button.
Helm of Many Faces
Requires attunement
This plain leather magical helmet conforms to the wearer's
head and, upon attunement, merges with the wearer. Un-
attuning to the helm causes it to magically appear next to the
While attuned to this helm, you gain proficiency with the
Deception skill, or if you are already proficient, you may add
double your proficiency bonus to Deception rolls.
Additionally, once per day refreshing at dusk, you may use an
action to cause the helm to change your appearance and
voice to that of any creature you have seen that is of the same
size as you. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check agasint your
Charisma (Deception) check reveals to another creature that
you are disguised.

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