Magic Item Compendium

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Magic Item Compendium

ere's a set of magic items I've compiled for my Boneflux Bow (/u/FlameWarrior260)
own use. These are things that I've saved Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)
while lurking /r/UnearthedArcana, as well as A longbow finely carved from the bones of a long dead
ideas I've heard from others elsewhere, and green dragon; it's string made of the dragon's sinew. There
some I even made up myself. Hopefully you are ancient Draconic characters along the limbs of the bow
like them and will enjoy using them. I've given that read 'Strike them down and name yourself a champion'.
credit wherever I can, as some of these items You have +1 to all attack and damage rolls with this magical
are my own reconstruction of a post I saw and didn't save, or longbow.
were posted in an imgur album without a name, etc. Boneflux has 3 charges; on your turn you can expend 1
charge when you make an attack roll. On a hit, the target
Blade of Ice and Fire (/u/IrishBandit) must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take
Weapon (Any Weapon), rare 2d10 poison damage, taking half damage on a successful
This weapon is wreathed in a conflicting combination of save.
hot and cold energy. When you make a successful attack with Boneflux regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
this weapon, roll 2d6, one for fire damage and one for ice.
The two damage types cancel each other out, so take the Coin of Dusk and Dawn (/u/Kindulas)
difference of these two dice, with the higher dealing its Wondrous Item, Uncommon
damage type in extra damage to the target. This gold coin depicts a sun on one side, and a moon on
the other. Once each hour, a creature can spend its action to
Blinkstrike Dagger (/u/SpaceCadet404) flip the coin. Flip a coin - on Heads, the Coin casts Daylight,
Weapon (dagger), rare targeting itself. Otherwise, it casts Darkness targeting itself.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. Coin of Rotten Luck
The eye of a blink dog is embedded in the pommel of this Wondrous Item, rare
lightweight dagger. This dagger has 3 charges. You can This seemingly innocent coin looks almost identical to a
expend a charge to throw the dagger at a target within 60 feet gold piece, but has its faces decorated with the visage of a
who you can see, making the roll with advantage as the reaper, rather than a king. Coins like these were once created
dagger vanishes from existence and reappears just before to thwart pickpockets.
hitting its target. The dagger remains wherever it lands until When a person holds one of these coins on their person,
the end of your next turn, when it reappears in your hand, or including in a coin pouch, they suffer a -1 on all attack rolls,
its scabbard. saving throws and ability checks.
When all three charges have been expended, the eye closes. Curse Once you acquire this coin, you cannot spend it or
The dagger regains 1d4-1 (minimum of 1) charges at dawn otherwise be rid of it until another creature steals it from you.
each day. This curse can be removed by a remove curse spell, or similar
B Flat (/u/FlameWarrior260)
Weapon (light hammer), very rare (requires attunement from C Sharp (/u/FlameWarrior260)
a bard) Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement from a
A glorious adamantine hammer; exblazoned on its head is the bard)
musical symbol for a flat. You have +2 to attack and damage A blue swortsword with a fancy hand guard in the shape of
rolls with this magical light hammer. When you deal damage a treble clef and viola strings running down the blade; it
with B Flat, the target must succeed a DC 15 Constitution comes with its own, equally fancy bow. It has 3 charges and
saving throw or take an additional 1d10 thunder damage, regains a number of charges equal to half your charisma
taking half damage on a success. modifier daily at sunrise to a maximum of 3 charges.
Spells. B flat has 5 charges, you can use an action whilst You have +1 to attacks and damage rolls made with this
holding it and expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of magical shortsword.
the following spells, using your bard spell save DC where On your turn, you can expend 1 charge as an action to play
appropriate: thunderous smite (1 charge), thunderwave (1 one of the following pieces, you use your bard spell save DC
charge), or shatter (2 charges). You can expend additional for the effects of each piece if it requires one.
charges on these spells to increase their level by 1 for each
addition charge you expend. A number of charges equal to 1. 1. Prelude of Healing. Choose a target within 30ft, that
your Charisma modifier are regained at dawn each day, to a target can regains 2d4 + your Charisma modifier hit
maximum of 5. points.
Inspiring Rhythm. You weapon attacks with B Flat create 2. 2. Hymn of Valour. All targets within 30ft of you gain +1
beautiful resonating tones that help you inspire your allies. to attack rolls and have advantage on saving throws
When you hit a creature or object with B Flat, all allied against becoming freightened for 1 minute.
creatures that can hear you within 90 feet gain temporary hit
points equal to half the thunder damage dealt. 3. 3. Serenade of Charming. You cast the charm person
spell without using any components or spell slots.

Page 1 | By /u/SubjectiveSloth
1. 4. Minuet of Haste. Choose a creature within 30ft, that Shield of Heroic Memories (The
creature gains 5ft of movement and adds your Charisma Adventure Zone Podcast)
modifier to their Dexterity (Acrobatics) for 1 minute. Armor (Shield), very rare
2. 5. Nocturne of Despair. Choose a creature within 30ft, This perfectly round silver shield initially has a mirror
that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or finish. As a hero takes it into battle it remembers the enemies
feel an unrelenting sense of despair; causing them to have encountered, gaining a +1 to AC on any subsequent battle
disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next with creatures of that type. The events of the battle are
turn. intricately engraved onto the shield’s surface (which has a
seemingly endless capacity for detail).
3. 6. Lullaby of Lethargy. You cast the sleep spell without The bearer of the shield may also attempt to recount past
using any components or spell slots. battles (real or imagined) to the shield. Upon a DC 10
charisma check or DC 15 bluff check, the shield confers a +1
You can also, as an action, spend 1 or more charges to AC against the creatures described in the tall tales.
make a crescendo. When used, 2 (+ 1 per charge used) 3 failed attempts at recounting stories cause the shield to
enemies of your choice within 60ft of you must make be cleared of all of its memories. The engravings disappear. It
Wisdom saving throws (against your spell DC) or be stunned reverts to its mirror finish. All bonuses are lost.
until the end of your next turn; once again this feature has no
effect on targets who are deafened. Toad of Holding & Golden Fly
Drop Sword (/u/tanketom) Wondrous Item, uncommon
Weapon (Any Sword), very rare (requires attunement) This toad initially seems nonmagical, but it has been
When not gripped by its master, this sword falls into its enchanted to contain a small pocket dimension within its
own little pocket dimension. With a bonus action, the user mouth. The toad is unaware of the enchantment, and acts as
can retrieve it again from thin air. If its keeper is a normal toad would. When presented with its golden fly, a
incapacitated or unconscious, the sword unattunes itself and small figurine of a fly made from pure gold, the toad will open
falls in an adjacent unoccupied space. its mouth, which then functions identically to a bag of
Mischief and Malice If the toad is not placed within a pond, or similar watery
(/u/KingOfLonelyHearts) environment at least once every 7 days, it will begin to get
Weapon (paired daggers), legendary (requires attunement) sick and release a random item from its mouth each day, and
These paired daggers have complementary shapes, fitting will not accept the golden fly.
together perfectly when held in the same hand. You gain a +3
bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic My Personal Item Stash
When you use both daggers for two-weapon fighting, and Items I created myself.
successfully hit a single target with both attacks on your turn,
roll on the table below: Ampshell
Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement)
Mischief and Malice This shining set of plate armor is decorated with magical
1d6 Effect runes on the chest, shoulders, and arms. While wearing this
1 Target must make a DC 15 WIS saving throw or be armor, you can to attempt to amplify a spell cast by your allies
frightened of you for 1 minute. The target can repeat by channeling it through your armor.
the saving throw at the end of its turn. As a reaction when an ally casts a successful spell
2 Target must make a DC 18 CON saving throw or take requiring a ranged spell attack, and you are in range of the
3d12 poison damage and is poisoned for the round. spell, you can call the spell toward yourself instead of its
3 Target must make a DC 15 CON saving throw or be
target. You cause the spell to act as if it was cast from your
stunned for the round. position for the purposes of range and cover, and you also add
1d12 + your Constitution modifier to the spell's damage,
4 Target must make a DC 14 CON saving throw or be using its damage type. you then choose a new target for the
paralyzed for 1 minute. Target may repeat the saving
throw at the end of its turn.
spell, using the caster's ranged spell attack roll.
When you do this, energy surges through you, and you
5 Target must make a DC 16 CON saving throw or suffer 2d4 force damage, plus an additional 1d4 per the
suffer 3d6 necrotic damage. The wielder gains spell's level above first.
temporary hit points equal to the damage.
6 For the next round, rolls of 19 or 20 count at critical
hits on this target.

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Braazenmaw Druid's Tree Branch
Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement) 1d20 Creature
This weapon resembles a volcanic rock with a sturdy 1 Flumph (MM135)
handle plunged through it. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, 2 Silver Wyrmling (MM118)
standard attacks with this weapon deal an extra 1d4 fire 3 Jackalwere (MM193)
damage on a successful hit. 4 Black Bear (MM318)
As an action, you can slam the head into the earth,
magically summoning up from the ground a molten rock. 5 Giant Poison Snake (MM327)
This may then be struck like a baseball as a ranged attack. 6 Sabre Tooth Tiger (MM336)
The rock has a range of 30/60, and deals 1d8 fire damage on
a successful hit. You can also force the target to make a 7 Rhino (MM336)
Strength saving throw (DC14) or be pushed back up to 10 ft. 8 Pegasus (MM250)
9 Gryphon (MM174)
Cloak of Warmth
Wondrous item, rare 10 Centaur (MM38)
This Large cloak emanates a comforting warmth, and can 11 Faerie Dragon (MM133)
change its shape to fit the size of the wearer. With supports to
hold it up, the cloak can grow to the size of a tent that fits up 12 Dryad (MM122)
to 5 medium creatures. 13 Harpy (MM181)
14 Death Dog (MM321)
Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement) 15 Displacer Beast (MM82)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with 16 Will-o-Wisp (MM301)
this magic weapon.
As a bonus action, this sword can be plunged into the 17 Owlbear (MM250)
user’s own body to activate its terrible power. When the user 18 Quaggoth (MM256)
pierces themselves with the blade and it is coated with their 19 Ogre (MM237)
blood, it emerges as a bright red blade of pure energy that is
significantly longer. The sword has one charge that is 20 Triceratops (MM81)
regained at dawn each day, and can remain in its transformed
state for up to one minute, or until it is reverted back to its Iron Bean
original form as a bonus action by the user. The act of Wondrous item, uncommon
transforming the blade injures the user for one half of their This small, black, bean-shaped item is heavier than one
current health, and the transformed blade gains the reach might expect. Whenever the bean is held in one's mouth, their
property and inflicts an additional 3d8 necrotic damage. body weighs 1000lbs. If the bean is swallowed, this effect
persists for 1d4+1 days before the bean is digested and the
Druid’s Tree Branch effect is nullified.
Wondrous item, very rare Additionally, while this effect is active, the user has
A small dark-colored branch that glows a faint green advantage on Strength saving throws to resist being pushed,
inbetween cracks in its bark. While holding this branch, one knocked prone, or otherwise moved against their will.
can use an action to break it in two, destroying the item and
transforming the user into a random creature from the Robe of the Holy Savior
druid's tree branch table for up to 8 hours. Otherwise, this Wondrous item (robe), very rare (requires attunement)
transformation functions identically to a druid's wild shape This long white robe is adorned with intricate patterns of
feature. vines and flowers, which end in three small yellow gems. As
an action on your turn, you can crush one of the gems in your
Gnomio’s Merciless Blights hand to restore 1d8 hit points to all creatures within a 15 ft.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement from a radius of you. at dawn each day, 1d4-1 gems rematerialize as
spellcaster) part of the robe.
This set of five small crystal orbs each glow a different,
vibrant color. When attuned by a spellcaster, these orbs exert Shadow Dagger
a telekinetic force and slowly float around one of their hands Weapon (dagger), very rare
in a circular formation, following any movements quickly and You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
neatly. These orbs can be thrust forward from the user by this this magic weapon.
same force towards a target up to 30 ft. away with a ranged This dagger is entirely invisible to all but those currently
spell attack, inflicting 1d8 damage of a type dependent on the touching it. The dagger can be seen by a detect magic spell,
color of the orb (Red(Fire), Blue(Cold), Green(Poison), or similar magic.
Yellow(Lightning), Purple(Necrotic)). These spheres gain +3
to attack and damage rolls.

Druid's Tree Branch Page 3 | By /u/SubjectiveSloth

Greater Legacy When Robert Langarin finally died, he had
Weapon of Legacy experienced the full extent of chaotic power. This weapon can
One special item I designed to be guarded by a sphinx in a far only be truly awakened within the home of this power. If the
off land. Truly something of great worth. This item refers blade is taken to a chaotic plane, such as the elemental chaos,
heavily to the lore of my current campaign, and as such and used to slay a creature of the chaotic alignment with a
should be altered for inclusion in other worlds. CR of 18 or more, it regains its true power. Once per day, you
may release from the blade up to 20d10 magic missiles,
The War King's Sword which distribute among targets as you dictate. All missiles
deal the same amount of force damage, equal to 1d4.
The dagger of the great Robert Langarin was present when
he called down from the sky thunderbolts as thick as castle
towers and winds that could fell a tarrasque. The dagger he
used was one coated in magical Gorgonstone, which fused
into it and morphed horribly when he was incinerated by the
great storm of his own creation. The dagger carried him
through the elemental chaos when he was banished to an
eternal imprisonment by the gods themselves. The dagger
sunk itself deep into beings of otherworldly power and carved
his path through the floating shards of chaotic land. The
dagger was no longer just a dagger when Robert Langarin
died. It had become so much more.
Uncredited Sources
Endurance of One Hundred Chaos Here I'll attempt to explain where some of the
Planes uncredited items come from
This once mundane dagger became impacted by the most
powerful magic known to both gods and men, was plunged Coin of Rotten Luck
into the depths of slaads of all shapes, was warped forever by I saw a post on either /r/DnD or
the atmosphere of chaos between the elemental planes, and /r/UnearthedArcana one time with a concept
was finally granted the last drop of its master's life force as he similar to this. I loved it and took it into my game
took his own life with it. The magic that contacted this blade immediately as my party at the time was quite keen
over several millenia changed it forever, creating a powerful on pickpocketing everyone. Unfortunately I didn't
artefact of chaos. save the original post, so I recreated it here.

The Hilt of One Hundred Blades Shadow Dagger

Weapon (+1 dagger), legendary (requires attunement by a I believe I got the idea for this item from a redditor,
chaotic alignment creature) but I can't recall where it originated. nevertheless, I
The Hilt of One Hundred Blades is a weapon of legacy with know that its form in this compendium is
abilities that can be unlocked as its wielder completes certain ultimately one of my own design.
tasks. This weapon has a minor legacy , a lesser legacy , and
a greater legacy . The minor legacy must be completed Shield of Heroic Memories
before the lesser, and the lesser before the greater if the
wielder is to unlock its full potential. I don't believe this is an original creation of the
Minor Legacy: Langarin was known as the man who McElroy brothers of The Adventure Zone, but I
ended the world, creating a storm that quite literally split the don't know who submitted the idea, so I've
credited the source I learned of the item from.
earth. The hilt longs for such wanton chaos. If this dagger is
used directly to incite an incident of mass chaos, it feeds on
that energy to regain its power. The hilt gains the ability to
shapeshift as a bonus action into any other melee weapon,
gaining its statistics, but retaining a familiar appearance in its
hilt. The weapon reverts back to its true form when it is
unattuned or its user falls unconscious.
Lesser Legacy The hilt spent millenia in the elemental
chaos between planes, and in this limbo, the slaad were
Langarin's merciless cell mates. Many slaad were slain with
this weapon, and it remembers the sensation of their
coursing insides. If this weapon is used to kill a death slaad,
or any other slaad of CR10 or greater, it quenches its thirst
for their chaotic life-force, and gains power. three times each
day, when this weapon strikes a target, you can choose to roll
on the sorceror's wild magic table. If the result of this roll is
an effect that targets you, you can choose to have it affect
your target instead.
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