EPWM Risk Register: Rating Chart Status Chart

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EPWM Risk Register

As at 4/21/2012

Rating Chart Status Chart

Add New Risk

Ref No: Raised Description: by: 'There is a Risk that' or 'There is an Opportunity to'; (describe the event) Cause: Because of; (Identify the causes) Consequence: With the consequences of; ( Predict the consequences) Likelihood Consequence Rating: Rating: Risk Rating: (Do Not enter Data Here) Status: Risk Target Respon Closure se Date Risk Owner: Actions & Comments

DMS #6346644

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No. of Risks Extreme High Medium Low Total 0 0 0 0 0

Number of Risks per rating

Open & Accepted Risks (Rating)


Medium Low

0 0

No. of Risks

Return to Risk Register

Stream Stream 1 Stream 2

No. of Risks open 0 0 0 0

Number of Open Risks per Stream 1

Stream Risk Report

Stream 1 Stream 2


0 0

No. of Risks open

Status Open Accepted Finalised Mitigated Total risks under RRC control

No. of Risks 0 0 12 26

Risk Report (Status)

26 Number of Risks (Status)




Finalised Mitigated



5 0 0 No. of Risks 0

Return to Risk Register


Description Descriptor
Almost Certain 75% Expected to occur in most circumstances Likelihood


50% <75% Will probably occur in most circumstances


30% <50% Could occur at some time.


10%<30% Not expected to occur


<10% Would only occur in exceptional circumstances.


Factors That May Lead To This Rating Staff are neither skilled nor experienced in the area.

Supporting processes and tools are either not in place, or are inadequate, immature and unproven. Most aspects of the activity have not been executed before or are not well understood. Activity involves state-of-the-art technology and is highly complex. Staff have some of the required skills but have not applied them to an activity of this nature or magnitude. Supporting processes are in place, but are immature or have not been applied to an activity of this nature or magnitude. Some aspects of the activity have not been executed before or are not well understood. Technology involved is available but complex or not fully validated Staff have skills and experience in the area. Established tools and procedures are in place.

Most aspects of the activity have been executed before or are well understood. Technology requires some redesign or validation efforts. Staff are highly skilled and experienced in the area. Established tools and procedures are in place and have been used effectively on similar activities. Nearly all aspects of the activity have been executed before and are well understood. Most of system technology has been validated; Some components require minor redesign/modification or validation efforts. Staff are highly skilled and experienced in the area. Tools and procedures are in place and proven. All aspects of the activity have been executed before and are well understood. Technology has been fully validated. Minor alternations only may be required.


Description Descriptor
Severe Safety Multiple Deaths Cost 30% increase in total cost (CPA) Viability severely prejudiced Schedule Cannot achieve key milestones.

Final delivery date missed by > 12 weeks


Death or Multiple Serious Injuries

10%<30% increase in Major slip in key milestone total cost (CPA)

Final delivery date missed by 6- 12 weeks


Single Serious Injuries

<10% increase in total cost (CPA)

Final delivery date missed by 3-6 weeks


First Aid

All allocated contingency funds will be consumed

Final delivery date missed by 1-3 weeks


Near Hit

Some Allocated Final delivery date missed by Contingency funding will < 1 week be consumed


Quality Environment Delivered capability or service will Severe environmental harm with not be functionally or otherwise fit long-term or permanent damage for purpose. There are no known workarounds. Reputation Sustained critical National media attention

Delivered capability or service will Major environmental harm, long be functionally deficient or recovery time. deficient in other significant areas. Workarounds may exist, but are unproven.

Critical National media attention

Delivered capability or service may be functionally deficient or otherwise deficient in some scenarios.

Some environmental impact State public attention critical but not recovery time months sustained Widespread community complaint

Delivered capability may be Some environmental impact functionally deficient or otherwise recovery time weeks deficient in non-critical areas. Isolated community complaints Delivered capability or service may have minor deficiencies in non-critical areas. Minor environmental impact recovery time days. Impact tolerated without complaints

Once off state / regional public attention

Local Community attention

Business Interruption Cessation of supply to CBD > 4 hrs

300,000 plus customers without supply 100,000 customers without supply > 12 hrs Total cessation of critical resources > 3 days Cessation of supply to CBD < 4 hrs

100,000 customers without supply 30,000 customers without supply > 12 hrs Total cessation of critical resources 1-3 days Interruption of Market operation > 1 day 50,000 customers without supply 10,000 customers without supply > than 12 hrs Disruption of critical resources < 1 month. Total cessation of critical resources < 1 day Interruption of Market operation <1 day 10,000 customers without supply > 4 hours Disruption of critical resources < 1 week Interruption Market operation < 6 hrs Fault activity impacting normal day-to-day business. Disruption of critical resources 1-2 days Interruption of Market operation < 2 hrs

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