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Additionally, if your bonded weapon has the thrown

Shadow property and you use it to hit an enemy or an object within

Crafted with lost magics, clothes, armour and weapons have the weapon's range with a ranged melee weapon attack, you
been woven and forged with threads and shards of Shadow. can use a bonus action to step through your shadow to your
Linked to their home Plane, these fragments allow strange target's shadow, teleporting to an unoccupied space within 5
feats as the shadows of the Material Plane become feet of your target.
something more than simple patches of darkness.
These items use magic derived from Shadow, a place Darksense
considered by many to be evil. Though these items have no Boon, rare (permanent)
inherent morals, some strongly good adventurers might balk The whites of your eyes have changed, black veins criss-
at their use. The more pragmatic understand that tools can crossing them. Magical darkness no longer impedes you,
be defined by how they are used. granting you Blindsight throughout any single source of
The boons might be granted by morally questionable magical darkness. Your Blindsight ends at the edge of the
beings, or instead stolen to gain an edge against the creeping magical darkness and this ability does not allow you to see
madness of Shadow. into magical darkness from the outside.
Shadow and Light Shadow's Pockets
For there to be Shadow, there must be Light. Many
Boon, rare (permanent)
of the Shadow items require your shadow to Your shadow conspires with you to hide your valuables. As a
perform properly. Your DM may disable your bonus action, you can pass an item that can fit through a 2
abilities when you have no shadow, such as in
complete darkness.
foot diameter opening to your shadow to conceal in a pocket
dimension that can hold up to 50 pounds, not exceeding a
volume of 6 cubic feet. Retrieving an item from your shadow
takes an action, your shadow automatically passing you the
Shade's Gloves correct item.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Stowing or retrieving an item from your shadow cannot be
done if you are not connected to your shadow or have no
Woven of liquid shadow, these gloves fit tightly to your hands, shadow, for example if you are flying or in complete darkness.
impossible to remove while you are attuned to them. You can Your shadow is unable to accept items that contain
also bond a weapon to the gloves, spending an hour extradimensional spaces, such as a bag of holding or portable
meditating, focusing on a weapon. All shadows are linked hole.
through Shadow, and you can use your object interaction
reach into your off hand and through Shadow to draw your Empty Quiver/Case/Pouch
bonded weapon from wherever it is. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Shade's Socks This seemingly empty container gets markedly heavier when
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) attuned, as though full of ammunition. Though it hangs
empty, its shadow appears to be packed to the brim. When
Cobbled from tough shadow, it is hard to tell where your feet you reach to draw from this container, your hand fills with a
end and your shadow begins. While wearing these socks pure black piece of ammunition, in the shape of the
without shoes, you can use an Action to merge with the ammunition you need. When you successfully hit an enemy
shadow of another object, becoming indistinguishable from you deal psychic damage instead of piercing or bludgeoning.
it. The object must be large enough that you can completely The ammunition disappears 6 seconds after being drawn
shade yourself behind it. You must use 5 feet of movement to from the container. Your shadow's container never empties.
emerge from the shadow before you can take an action,
bonus action or reaction. Vengeful Shadows
Wondrous item, rare
Shade's Limbs
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This loose shroud hangs limply around your shoulders, even
in high winds. Its shadow, however, is a writhing mass of
Attuning to both the Shade's Gloves and Shade's Socks humanoid limbs tipped with unnatural talons. Whenever a
causes them to become a single item. You can bond a weapon creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack the
to the gloves, spending an hour meditating, focusing on a shadows lash out in vengeance, dealing 1d4 psychic damage.
weapon. You can use your object interaction reach into your
off hand and through Shadow to draw your bonded weapon Protective Shadows
from wherever it is. Wondrous item, rare
While wearing the socks without shoes, you can use an
Action to merge with the shadow of another object, becoming This black and white cloak hangs behind you, moving gently
indistinguishable from it. The object must be large enough to avoid impeding your movements. Its shadow seems
that you can completely shade yourself behind it. You must normal until you are attacked, at which time it expands and
use 5 feet of movement to emerge from the shadow before curls around you protectively. All magical damage that you
you can take an action, bonus action or reaction. take is reduced by 2.
Shadowforged Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an
Weapon (melee), very rare attack the shadows lash out in vengeance, dealing psychic
damage equal to 1d4 + your proficiency modifier.
These pure black weapons appear plain, other than utterly Shade's Limbs continue to function as normal.
absorbing all light to touch them. However, their shadows are
surrounded by grasping tentacles. When you make weapon Shielding Shadows
attacks with these weapons, you roll twice for each attack. On Wondrous item, very rare
a single hit, they deal damage as normal. On a double hit, the When you are attuned to the Shade's Limbs and wearing the
tentacles tear at your target's shadow, dealing an additional Protective Shadows, the cloak becomes Shielding Shadows.
1d6 psychic damage. On a double miss, you take 1d6 psychic While the item appears unchanged around your shoulders,
damage as the tentacles tear at your shadow instead. the shadow grows larger and envelopes you more fully.
Mindbreaker When you are attacked, the shadow expands and curls
Weapon (ranged), very rare around you protectively. All magical damage that you take is
reduced by an amount equal to your proficiency modifier.
These weapons are ornately crafted from a mix of natural Shade's Limbs continue to function as normal.
components and pieces of Shadow. Their shadows are
covered in a mass of tiny imps which will clamber over each
other to grasp on to any ammunition loaded into the weapon. Vengeance Vs. Protection
When you make weapon attacks with these weapons, you roll When worn together, the Vengeful/Raging
twice for each attack. On a single hit, they deal damage as Shadows and Protective/Shielding Shadows fight
normal. On a double hit, the imps tear at your target's each other, providing neither of the benefits. Once
shadow, causing them to have disadvantage on Wisdom and bonded to one, you cannot bond to the other.
Charisma saving throws until the start of your next turn. On a
double miss, you have disadvantage on Wisdom and
Charisma saving throws until the start of your next turn as Shadow Bond
the imps still on your weapon tear at your shadow in derision Boon, legendary (permanent)
at your failure.
You gain the ability to permanently bond Shadow items to
you. If an item requires attunement, you must be attuned to it
Options for Double Hit Weapons to bond to it. This grants the following benefits and
The mechanics for Shadowforged and Mindbreaker drawbacks:
weapons can be addressed in multiple ways. As
written they grant effective permanent advantage. Once bonded, the items cannot be removed or unattuned
This can be mitigated or altered in one or more of except with a wish spell. They also no longer register as
the following ways: magical to any detection magics, though the strange
No criticals: The weapons are unable to score actions of your shadow are still plain to see.
critical hits. (This option would reduce the rarity to Once bonded to the Shade's Limbs you can expend 5 feet
rare) of movement instead of your bonus action to teleport to a
Split rolls: Roll for the weapon attack, then roll for thrown weapon.
tentacle/imp attack. In this case, on a miss, the Once bonded to an Empty Quiver/Case/Pouch, you can
tentacle/imp attack could be against the player's
AC. (This option would reduce the rarity to
spend an hour meditating with another ammunition
container to transfer the enchantment across to it, causing
Only on advantage/disadvantage: The tentacles the original to dissolve into shadows and disperse.
only hit enemies on a double hit with advantage Once bonded to an Empty Quiver/Case/Pouch and the
and only hit the player on a double miss with Shade's Limbs you can also teleport to a successful
disadvantage. (This option would reduce the rarity ranged weapon attack that used ammunition from the
to uncommon) Empty Quiver/Case/Pouch using the Shade's Limbs
Alternate advantage/disadvantage: When rolling ability.
with advantage, roll one extra d20 with a triple hit If you have the Shadow's Pockets Boon, once bonded to
dealing an additional 2d6 damage. When rolling the Shade's Limbs and a Shadowforged or Mindbreaker
with disadvantage, roll only one d20 with the weapon, you can summon or dismiss your weapon from or
normal rewards/penalties for hitting/missing. to your Shadow's Pockets with your object interaction.

Raging Shadows
Wondrous item, very rare
When you are attuned to the Shade's Limbs and wearing the
Vengeful Shadows, the shroud becomes Raging Shadows.
While the item appears unchanged around your shoulders,
the shadows grow larger and more violent.

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