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Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments 6th Edition Karp Test Bank

Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and

Experiments 6th Edition Karp Test Bank

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Question Type: Multiple Choice

1) The raw materials that the earliest forms of life on Earth used for nutrients were produced

a) artificially
b) biotically
c) abiotically
d) supernaturally
e) quickly

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

2) Organisms that depend on an external source of organic compounds are called _________.

a) autotrophs
b) heterotrophs
c) chemotrophs
d) phototrophs
e) externotrophs

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

3) Why was the number of heterotrophs on primitive Earth likely to have initially been severely

a) The spontaneous production of organic molecules occurs very slowly.

b) The spontaneous production of organic molecules occurs very quickly.
c) The early heterotrophs could not reproduce.
d) The early heterotrophs reproduced too quickly.
e) Organic molecules spontaneously broke down keeping their amounts low.
Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

4) Organisms that can survive on carbon dioxide as their principal carbon source are called

a) autotrophs
b) heterotrophs
c) chemotrophs
d) phototrophs
e) externotrophs

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

5) Organisms that use the energy stored in inorganic molecules, like ammonia, hydrogen sulfide
or nitrites, to convert carbon dioxide to organic molecules like carbohydrates and proteins are
called _____.

a) chemoautotrophs
b) chemoheterotrophs
c) photoautotrophs
d) photoheterotrophs
e) didliotrophs

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

6) Organisms that use the radiant energy of the sun to convert carbon dioxide to organic
molecules like carbohydrates and proteins are called _____.
a) chemoautotrophs
b) chemoheterotrophs
c) photoautotrophs
d) photoheterotrophs
e) didliotrophs

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

7) Photoautotrophs include _________.

a) plants
b) eukaryotic algae
c) various flagellated protists
d) members of several groups of prokaryotes
e) All of these are correct.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

8) What metabolic process below do all eukaryotic green algae and higher plants have in

a) glycolysis
b) photosynthesis
c) transcription
d) translation
e) All of these are correct.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function
9) The earliest photosynthetic organisms on Earth probably used what substance as an electron
source for photosynthesis?

a) water
b) hydrogen sulfide
c) hydrogen sulfite
d) carbon dioxide
e) carbohydrates

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

10) Why are organisms that presently use hydrogen sulfide as an electron source limited in their
distribution and importance?

a) It is more efficient.
b) They are smaller.
c) Hydrogen sulfide is abundant and widespread.
d) Hydrogen sulfide is neither abundant nor widespread.
e) In the current environment, hydrogen sulfide combines with silicon dioxide inactivating it.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

11) How did the evolution of photosynthesis set the stage for the evolution of aerobic

a) Photosynthesis produces a waste product (carbon dioxide) that led to the evolution of aerobic
b) Photosynthesis produces a waste product (oxygen) that led to the evolution of aerobic
c) Photosynthesis uses carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
d) Photosynthesis produces a waste product (sulfur) that led to the evolution of aerobic
e) Photosynthesis inhibits glycolysis.
Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

12) A direct advantage of using water as an electron source for photosynthesis was that

a) organisms could live in fewer habitats than they could previously

b) organisms could get larger
c) organisms were able to live in a much more diverse array of habitats
d) organisms could be smaller
e) organisms could be rehydrated more readily

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

13) It is much _____ to pull electrons from water than hydrogen sulfide, since the sulfur atom in
hydrogen sulfide has much ______ affinity for its electrons than the oxygen atom in water.

a) harder, lower
b) harder, higher
c) easier, lower
d) easier, higher
e) easier, more moderate

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

14) Chloroplasts were discovered as the site of photosynthesis in an ingenious experiment.

What was it?
a) Oxygen could be seen as it was produced in chloroplasts.
b) Chloroplasts were seen to swell in the presence of sunlight.
c) Spirogyra in the dark shrank and their chloroplast disappeared.
d) When Spirogyra was illuminated, actively moving bacteria gathered outside the cell near its
large ribbon-like chloroplast to use the oxygen produced there for aerobic respiration.
e) None of these are correct.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

15) The outer membrane of the chloroplast contains _____ like the outer membrane of ______.

a) carbohydrates, mitochondria
b) carbohydrates, peroxisomes
c) several different porins, mitochondria
d) mitochondria, porins
e) several different porins, nucleus

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

16) The chloroplast internal membrane is organized into flattened membranous sacs called
_________; they, in turn, are arranged in orderly stacks called _______ that contain
energy-transducing machinery

a) thylakoids, grana
b) grana, thylakoids
c) thylakoids, stroma thylakoids
d) thylakoids, grana thylakoids
e) grana thylakoids, thylakoids

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

17) Where are the enzymes that synthesize carbohydrates located?

a) grana
b) thylakoids
c) the lumen
d) stroma
e) chloroplast envelope

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

18) Flattened membranous structures that connect the thylakoids of different grana are known as

a) grana thylakoids
b) stroma thylakoids
c) grana
d) lumen
e) stroma

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

19) Which of the following is not a usual component found in the stroma?

a) tRNAs
b) prokaryote-like ribosomes
c) circular DNA
d) linear DNA
e) many different polypeptides

Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

20) Thylakoid membranes have ___________.

a) high protein content

b) relatively plentiful phospholipids
c) a low percentage of galactose-containing glycolipids
d) low protein content
e) high amounts of phospholipids

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

21) The non-pigmented precursors of chloroplasts are called __________.

a) prechloros
b) preplastids
c) proplastids
d) prochloroplasts
e) prechloroplasts

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function

22) What do sulfur bacteria use as a source of electrons in photosynthesis?

a) hydrogen sulfide
b) water
c) hydrogen sulfite
d) carbon dioxide
e) glucose
Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.2 Explain the ways photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration.
Section Reference: Section 6.2 An Overview of Photosynthetic Metabolism

23) You are growing algae in culture and expose them to CO2 that contains radiolabeled oxygen.
Where does the radiolabeled oxygen end up after photosynthesis?

a) water
b) oxygen
c) carbon dioxide
d) carbohydrates
e) carbon monoxide

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.2 Explain the ways photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration.
Section Reference: Section 6.2 An Overview of Photosynthetic Metabolism

24) What is the plant cell's primary source of reducing power?

a) CO2
b) ADP
c) ATP
d) NAD

Answer: e

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.2 Explain the ways photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration.
Section Reference: Section 6.2 An Overview of Photosynthetic Metabolism

25) What group of organisms is responsible for most of the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth?

a) green plants
b) phytoplankton
c) fungi
d) bacteria
e) moss
Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.2 Explain the ways photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration.
Section Reference: Section 6.2 An Overview of Photosynthetic Metabolism

26) What group of organisms is thought to responsible for converting about 500 trillion kg of
CO2 to carbohydrate each year?

a) plant life
b) phytoplankton
c) fungi
d) bacteria
e) moss

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.2 Explain the ways photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration.
Section Reference: Section 6.2 An Overview of Photosynthetic Metabolism

27) What part of the chlorophyll molecule absorbs light?

a) the phytol chain

b) the porphyrin ring
c) the iron containing heme group
d) the polypeptide backbone
e) the perforin ring

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

28) What metal atom is part of the chlorophyll porphyrin ring?

a) magnesium
b) manganese
c) platinum
d) iron
e) aluminum
Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

29) Which type of chlorophyll is found in brown algae, diatoms and certain protozoa?

a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Chlorophyll c
d) Bacteriochlorophyll
e) carotenoids

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

30) Which type of chlorophyll is found in red algae?

a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Chlorophyll c
d) Chlorophyll d
e) carotenoids

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

31) Carotenoids ________.

a) absorb primarily blue light

b) absorb primarily green light
c) reflect orange and red light
d) reflect yellow light
e) All of these are correct.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

32) You are studying mutant algal cells that lack carotenoids. You raise them in an aerobic
environment. They do not survive. Why?

a) They cannot absorb any light.

b) They reflect all colors of light.
c) They dissipate aerobic environments.
d) They transfer excess energy to O2 making ultrareactive singlet oxygen that can destroy
biological molecules and cause cell death.
e) The lack of carotenoids causes the chloroplast membranes to disintegrate.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light

33) What is the minimum number of photons needed to make one molecule of O2 during

a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
e) 16

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers
34) About how many chlorophyll molecules are found in a single photosynthetic unit and how
many of those chlorophyll molecules actually transfer electrons to an electron acceptor?

a) 300, 200
b) 300, 1
c) 300, 300
d) 2400, 300
e) 2, 1

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

35) As energy passes through a photosynthetic unit, it is transferred to a pigment molecule that
absorbs at a(n) ______ wavelength, so energy is _____ and the nature of future transfers
becomes restricted.

a) equal or longer, lost

b) equal or longer, gained
c) equal or shorter, gained
d) equal or shorter, lost
e) equal, the same

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

36) Photosynthetic light absorption occurs in large pigment-protein complexes called


a) pigmentoses
b) pigmentosystems
c) antennoids
d) photoids
e) photosystems
Answer: e

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

37) The shared properties of the two photosystems (I and II) with respect to protein composition
and overall architecture suggest that __________.

a) both absorb exactly the same wavelength of light

b) all photosynthetic reaction centers have evolved from a common ancestral structure that has
been conserved for a long time (more than 3 billion years)
c) all photosynthetic reaction centers have their own unique ancestor
d) all photosynthetic reaction centers have evolved separately within the last 100,000 years
e) all photosynthetic reaction centers evolved from unrelated structures

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

38) The PSII reaction center, also known as P680, _____________.

1) absorbs light most strongly at 680 nm
2) reflects light most strongly at 680 nm
3) absorbs light most weakly at 680 nm
4) absorbs light most strongly at 700 nm

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 2 and 3
e) 4

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

39) The LHCII complex binds pigments and holds them in close contact with one another.
What is the advantage of the close contact between the pigments?

a) The close contact facilitates rapid energy transfer toward the photosystem interior.
b) The close contact facilitates rapid energy transfer toward the photosystem exterior.
c) The close contact helps with fluorescence.
d) The close contact helps prevent denaturation.
e) The close contact facilitates renaturation.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

40) The excited PSII reaction-center pigment (P680*) transfers a single photoexcited electron to
a closely associated, chlorophyll-like molecule called _________.

a) theophyllin
b) carotene
c) pheophytin
d) xanthophylls
e) succinate dehydrogenase

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

41) To what type of molecule does pheophytin pass its photoexcited electron?

a) theophyllin
b) plastoquinone
c) another pheophytin
d) xanthophylls
e) succinate dehydrogenase

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

42) The light-driven splitting of a water molecule is known as _______.

a) hydrolysis
b) photonization
c) photolysis
d) condensation
e) dehydration

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

43) A cluster of what kind of ions is responsible for passing electrons one-at-a-time to the nearby
P680+ in the reaction center?

a) a cluster of iron ions

b) a cluster of 4 manganese ions and one calcium ion
c) a cluster of magnesium ions
d) a cluster of copper ions
e) a cluster of manganese ions

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers
44) What waste product of photolysis is released to the environment?

a) carbon dioxide
b) water
c) oxygen
d) ammonia
e) precipitated manganese

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

45) Which molecule conveys protons from the chloroplast stroma into the thylakoid lumen?

a) cytochrome b6f
b) plastocyanin
c) phytochrome
d) cytochrome c
e) oxygen

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

46) Which molecule carries electrons to the luminal side of the positively charged PSI reaction
center where they are transferred to pigment P700+, the positively charged reaction-center
pigment of PSI?

a) cytochrome b6f
b) plastocyanin
c) phytochrome
d) cytochrome c
e) oxygen
Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

47) ______is a small, water-soluble, iron-sulfur protein that transfers electrons to NADP+ to
form NADPH.

a) ferritin
b) sulfotriene
c) sulfate
d) ferredoxin
e) sulferritin

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

48) What is the mechanism by which the herbicides diuron, atrazine and terbutryn are able to kill

a) They bind to the manganese ions of chlorophyll.

b) They block electron transport through PSII.
c) They act as competitive inhibitors of reduced plastiquinone binding to chlorophyll a.
d) They act as noncompetitive inhibitors of reduced plastiquinone binding to the D1 protein of
e) They bind to hemoglobin.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers
49) What is the mechanism of action by which the herbicide paraquat kills plants?

a) It competes with ferredoxin for electrons from the PSI reaction center.
b) It interferes with PSI function.
c) Electrons attached to paraquat are used to reduce oxygen, generating highly reactive oxygen
d) It leads to the production of substances that damage the chloroplasts and kill the plant.
e) All of these are correct.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

50) How does paraquat destroy human tissue?

a) It competes with ferredoxin for electrons from the PSI reaction center.
b) It interferes with PSI function.
c) Electrons attached to paraquat are used to reduce nitrogen, generating highly reactive nitrogen
d) It leads to the production of substances that damage and kill the tissue.
e) It generates oxygen radicals using electrons diverted from complex I of the respiratory chain.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

51) In chloroplasts, a proton gradient is established with a higher concentration of protons found
in the ______ and a lower concentration in the ______.

a) thylakoid lumen, intermembrane space

b) intermembrane space, thylakoid lumen
c) thylakoid lumen, stroma
d) stroma, thylakoid lumen
e) intermembrane space, matrix

Answer: c
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.5 Discuss the steps on the light-dependent reactions which are
responsible for generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
Section Reference: Section 6.5 Photophosphorylation

52) The production of ATP in chloroplasts and mitochondria differs in which of the following

a) The protons move into the stroma in chloroplasts and out of the mitochondria.
b) In mitochondria, the force is expressed primarily as an electrochemical potential; in
chloroplasts, it is largely, if not exclusively, due to a pH gradient.
c) In mitochondria, the force is expressed primarily as a pH gradient; in chloroplasts, it is largely,
if not exclusively, due to an electrochemical potential.
d) The protons move into the intermembrane space in chloroplasts and into the thylakoid lumen
in mitochondria.
e) The protons move into the matrix in mitochondria and into the cytoplasm in chloroplasts.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.5 Discuss the steps on the light-dependent reactions which are
responsible for generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
Section Reference: Section 6.5 Photophosphorylation

53) Why does an electrochemical potential build up in mitochondria, but not in chloroplasts?

a) Proton movement into the thylakoid lumen is compensated for (neutralized) by the movement
of other ions.
b) Proton movement into the intercristal space is compensated for (neutralized) by the movement
of other ions.
c) Proton movement into the cristae lumen is compensated for (neutralized) by the movement of
other ions.
d) The protons in chloroplasts are immediately joined to electrons.
e) The protons in mitochondria are immediately joined to electrons.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.5 Discuss the steps on the light-dependent reactions which are
responsible for generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
Section Reference: Section 6.5 Photophosphorylation
54) Inhibition of cyclic photophosphorylation leads to ___________.
1) accelerated NADH production
2) impaired development of higher plants
3) impaired oxygen production
4) impaired growth of higher plants

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 2 and 4

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.5 Discuss the steps on the light-dependent reactions which are
responsible for generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
Section Reference: Section 6.5 Photophosphorylation

55) Algal cultures in sealed containers were exposed to radiolabeled [14C]O2 for a brief
incubation period. Soluble molecules were extracted from the algae and subjected to 2D-paper
chromatography. How many carbons are found in the most predominant spot on the

a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 4
e) 6

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

56) Calvin originally thought that the acceptor molecule for carbon dioxide during carbon
fixation contained how many carbons?

a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 4
e) 6

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

57) The initial product of carbon fixation contains ____ carbons, but it breaks down into two
compounds containing _____ carbons.

a) 8, 4
b) 6, 3
c) 6, 6
d) 10, 5
e) 12, 6

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

58) Starch stored as granules in the chloroplasts serves what purpose?

a) It causes plant cells to swell.

b) It provides plants with sugars at night when light-dependent reactions are not possible.
c) It provides plants with cellulose during the day.
d) It supplies plants with ribulose bisphosphate.
e) It causes plant cells to shrink.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

59) Why is the conversion of CO2 to a 6-carbon sugar so energetically expensive?

a) CO2 is the most highly reduced and least energetic form in which carbon can occur.
b) CO2 is very unstable.
c) CO2 is the most highly oxidized and least energetic form in which carbon can occur.
d) CO2 is the most highly oxidized and most energetic form in which carbon can occur.
e) CO2 is highly unstable and only moderately energetic which makes the process more
expensive energetically.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

60) A mechanism that is known to regulate basic cell processes, like protein folding,
transcription, translation and chloroplast metabolism, by controlling the activity of proteins is
known as ________.

a) transubstantiation
b) internal combustion
c) redox control
d) oxidation inhibition
e) reduction counter-regulation

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

61) The reduction of ________ is accomplished with electrons passed through ferredoxin; this
substance then reduces certain _______ in selected Calvin cycle enzymes.

a) thioredoxin, disulfide bridges

b) thioredoxin, sulfhydryl groups
c) sulfhydryl groups, thioredoxin
d) disulfide bridges, thioredoxin
e) thioredoxin, hydrogen bonds

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

62) Why are plants unlikely to produce many carbohydrates at night?

a) Selected Calvin cycle enzymes are inactive in the dark because they denature at night.
b) Selected Calvin cycle enzymes are immobilized at night.
c) Chloroplasts shrink at night.
d) Selected Calvin cycle enzymes are inactive in the dark because thioredoxin is oxidized and
cannot reduce their disulfide linkages.
e) Selected Calvin cycle enzymes are inactive in the dark because thioredoxin is reduced and can
break their disulfide linkages.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

63) Mercaptoethanol is a reagent that breaks disulfide linkages. If you were to treat Calvin
cycle enzymes with this reagent, what effect might it conceivably have on them?

a) It might competitively inhibit them.

b) It might noncompetitively inhibit them.
c) It might split them in two pieces.
d) It might activate them.
e) It might deactivate them.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

64) If Calvin cycle enzymes are treated with a reagent that stabilizes their disulfide linkages,
what effect might the treatment have on the enzymes?

a) It might competitively inhibit them.

b) It might noncompetitively inhibit them.
c) It might split them in two pieces.
d) It might activate them.
e) It might deactivate them.
Answer: e

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

65) What substance is attached to RuBP by Rubisco to make 2-phosphoglycolate?

a) ATP
b) O2
c) CO2
e) glycolate

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

66) 2-phosphoglycolate is converted into glycolate by an enzyme in the ________.

a) peroxisome
b) glyoxysome
c) stroma
d) thylakoid disk
e) thylakoid membrane

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

67) To what organelle is glycolate passed after it is produced in the chloroplast?

a) the peroxisome
b) the glyoxysome
c) the lysosome
d) the Golgi apparatus
e) the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

68) Why is the process whereby O2 is added to RuBP called photorespiration?

a) because O2 is released and CO2 is taken up

b) because CO2 is released and O2 is taken up
c) because breathing is necessary
d) because RuBP is released
e) because it occurs in crop plants

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

69) Why does Rubisco show relatively little preference for CO2 as a substrate over O2?

a) Both CO2 and O2 bind directly to Rubisco's active site.

b) CO2 and O2 bind to RuBP, which occupies the active site; their ability to attack RuBP is
roughly equal.
c) Rubisco binds to a regulatory site.
d) CO2 and O2 bind to a regulatory site instead of the active site.
e) Both O2 and CO2 are repelled RuBP.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

70) Why might Rubisco have evolved with an inability to distinguish between CO2 and O2?
a) Rubisco may have evolved at a time when atmospheric O2 levels were virtually nonexistent.
b) Rubisco may have evolved at a time when atmospheric CO2 levels were virtually nonexistent.
c) Rubisco evolved when atmospheric O2 levels were high.
d) Rubisco possesses four subunits.
e) Rubisco denatures due to photorespiration.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

71) What determines the direction of the Rubisco-catalyzed reaction?

a) the concentration of O2 alone

b) the concentration of CO2 alone
c) the CO2/O2 ratio available to the enzyme
d) Rubisco itself
e) cofactors for Rubisco

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

72) How do C4 and CAM plants overcome the negative effects of photorespiration?

a) They destroy O2.

b) They chemically alter O2 before it gets to the enzyme.
c) They employ mechanisms that increase the CO2/O2 ratio to which Rubisco molecules are
d) They chemically alter CO2.
e) They destroy CO2.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
73) What enzyme is the first enzyme in the C4 Hatch-Slack pathway that carries CO2 into the
bundle sheath cells?

a) Rubisco
b) phosphenolpyruvate carboxylase
c) pyruvate carboxylase
d) phosphoenolpyruvate decarboxylase
e) ATP synthase

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

74) The rate of photosynthetic CO2 fixation _____ and the rate of the release of CO2 by
photorespiration _______ when _____ plants are grown in a closed container.

a) decreases, increases, C3
b) increases, decreases, C3
c) decreases, increases, C4
d) decreases, decreases, C3
e) increases, increases, C3

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

75) What is the reason that C3 plants must open their stomata even when the climate is hot and

a) To take in CO
b) To take in CO2
c) To take in water
d) To let CO2 out of the leaf
e) To take in O2

Answer: b
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

76) What anatomical specialization is typical of C4 plants?

a) Mesophyll cells are scattered throughout the interior of the leaf.

b) Bundle sheath cells are scattered throughout the interior of the leaf.
c) C4 plants have two concentric cylinders of cells around their vascular tissue.
d) The leaves are coated with extra waxy material.
e) Rubisco floats free in the air spaces in the leaves of C4 plants.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

77) Through what structure in mesophyll cells are C4 products transported to the thick-walled
bundle sheath cells?

a) lysosomes
b) plasmodesmata
c) plasma membrane
d) cilia
e) mitochondria

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

78) Why is CO2 split off of the C4 carriers once they get into the bundle sheath cells?

a) so that the CO2 can be used by Rubisco to initiate the Calvin cycle
b) so that the CO2 can be used by PEP carboxylase to initiate the Calvin cycle
c) so that the CO2 can be used by Rubisco to initiate the Hatch-Slack pathway
d) so that the CO2 can be used by PEP carboxylase to initiate the Hatch-Slack pathway
e) so that the O2 can be used by Rubisco to initiate the Calvin cycle
Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

79) What enzyme is responsible for fixing CO2 out of the atmosphere in C4 plants?

a) PEP decarboxylase
b) ATP synthase
c) PEP carboxylase
d) Rubisco
e) ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

80) How do C4 plants manage to cause CO2 fixation to be favored over photorespiration?

a) They can generate high [CO2]/[O2] ratios in the local Rubisco environment.
b) They can generate low [CO2]/[O2] ratios in the local Rubisco environment.
c) They destroy the cell wall.
d) They convert CO2 to O2.
e) They can generate high [CO2]/[O2] ratios in the local PEP carboxylase environment.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

81) What is the difference between the way C3 and C4 plants fix CO2 from the atmosphere?

a) C3 plants fix CO2 and conduct the light-dependent reactions in the same cells; C4 plants
conduct these activities in different cells.
b) C4 plants fix CO2 and conduct the light-dependent reactions in the same cells; C3 plants
conduct these activities in different cells.
c) C3 plants fix CO2 and conduct the light-dependent reactions at the same time of day; C4 plants
conduct these activities at different times of the day.
d) C4 plants fix CO2 and conduct the light-dependent reactions at the same time of day; C3 plants
conduct these activities at different times of the day.
e) C3 plants fix CO2 and conduct the light-independent reactions in the same cells; C4 plants
conduct these activities in different cells.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

82) What substance is made in the mesophyll cells of CAM plants during the nighttime fixation
of CO2 and then stored in the cell's central vacuole?

a) malate
b) oxygen
c) RuBP
d) PEP
e) water

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

83) Across which structure is malate transported for the purpose of storing it in the cell's central

a) the plasma membrane

b) the nuclear membrane
c) the tonoplast membrane
d) the lysosomal membrane
e) the ER membrane

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

84) High intensity light has a negative effect on photosynthesis; in fact, too much light can
diminish photosynthetic output. This phenomenon is known as _______.

a) photousurpation
b) photodiminishment
c) photoinhibition
d) photosynthetic diminishment
e) disinhibition

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

85) How does high intensity light supposedly damage PSII?

a) If overexcited, PSII becomes highly acidic.

b) If overexcited, PSII becomes highly basic.
c) If overexcited, PSII can damage PSI.
d) If overexcited, PSII can form toxic oxygen radicals.
e) If overexcited, PSII dissociates.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

86) What part of PSII appears to suffer most of the damage from high intensity light?

a) the reaction center photopigment

b) the D1 polypeptide of PSII
c) the electrons
e) both the D1 polypeptide of PSII and NADPH
Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers

87) Which three organelles in a leaf are found closely associated with each other and cooperate
with each other in such a way that products of one organelle serve as substrates in another?

a) peroxisomes, lysosomes, mitochondria

b) chloroplasts, mitochondria, lysosomes
c) chloroplasts, nuclei, mitochondria
d) mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes
e) chloroplasts, nuclei, peroxisomes

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate

Question Type: Essay

88) You are observing an organism. It appears to extract energy stored in inorganic molecules
like ammonia, nitrites and hydrogen sulfide; it uses carbon dioxide as its primary carbon source.
What kind of organism is it?


Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 6.1 Detail how the choloroplast differs from the mitochondria in
structure and function.
Section Reference: Section 6.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function
Solution: It is a chemoautotroph.

89) An investigator radioactively labels CO2 with 14C. He exposes a plant from a temperate
climate to the radiolabeled CO2. In what molecule does the 14C first appear to accumulate
stably? Where does the 14C appear in a plant that is well adapted for life in a hot, dry habitat?

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
Solution: In a temperate climate, the molecule is the 3-carbon molecule, 3-phosphoglycerate
(PGA). In a hot, dry habitat, it appears in a 4-carbon molecule, like malate or oxaloacetate.

90) Another investigator labels CO2 with radiolabeled 18O. After exposure of a plant adapted to
a hot, dry climate to the radiolabeled CO2, in what molecule does the radiolabeled 18O appear?


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
Solution: It appears in a 4-carbon molecule, like malate or oxaloacetate.

91) If water is labeled with 18O, where does the radiolabeled oxygen appear?


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
Solution: It appears in molecular oxygen released into the atmosphere.

92) When a photon of light is absorbed by a molecule, pushing an electron to a higher energy
state, it gives off light or fluoresces if the electron drops down to its ground state. Why is the
light given off as fluorescence always of longer wavelength than the light absorbed?


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light
Solution: Longer wavelength light has lower energy. Thus, since the absorption of electrons
invariably involves some loss of energy, the energy given off in a fluorescing photon must be of
lower energy and thus longer wavelength than the light originally absorbed.

93) How can green light drive any photosynthesis given that chlorophyll, the major
photosynthetic pigment, is green?


Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.3 Describe the difference between absorption spectrum and action
spectrum, elaborating on the structure, absorption, and function of chlorophylls and carotenoids.
Section Reference: Section 6.3 The Absorption of Light
Solution: Chlorophyll is green and therefore reflects green light. Consequently, green light
should not be able to drive photosynthesis. However, accessory pigments like the carotenoids
absorb green light that can then be used for photosynthesis.

94) The electrons "stored" in the structure of NADPH contain much higher energy than the
electrons of water. These NADPH electrons are raised in energy by the transfer of energy from
photosynthetic pigments. Why does it take two photochemical events to accomplish this?


Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers
Solution: A single red photon does not contain enough energy to raise the energy of water
electrons to that of the electrons in NADPH. Thus, two separate events are required.

95) What is a reason for having mobile electron carriers in the thylakoid membranes? Does the
movement require energy or is it passive?


Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: LO 6.4 Describe the sequence of events following the absorption of a
photon of light by the reaction-center pigment of photosystem II, comparing that process to the
events that occur in photosystem I.
Section Reference: Section 6.4 Photosynthetic Units and Reaction Centers
Solution: The PSI and PSII photosystems are separated by some distance. Since electrons must
travel between them, mobile carriers are needed. The movement is by passive diffusion
laterally through the membrane.

96) Why are ATP synthase molecules located in nonappressed regions, where two membranes of
the grana are not in close contact?


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.5 Discuss the steps on the light-dependent reactions which are
responsible for generating an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
Section Reference: Section 6.5 Photophosphorylation
Solution: ATP synthase has a large portion that protrudes from the thylakoid membranes into the
stroma. This could not happen in appressed regions where two membranes are in close contact.

97) Why is it necessary to shut down the Calvin Cycle in the dark when ATP and NADPH levels


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
Solution: In the dark, plants cannot make ATP and NADPH via the light reactions. Therefore,
these products would have to be supplied by aerobic respiration, which would use up
carbohydrates. Since making carbohydrates is the purpose of Calvin Cycle, this would be
counterproductive and a waste of energy and time.

98) Which type of photophosphorylation predominates under conditions of high NADP+

concentration and under conditions of high NADPH and low ATP concentration?


Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: LO 6.6 Describe the basic Calvin cycle and the major structural and
biochemical differences between C3 plants, C4 plants, and CAM plants.
Section Reference: Section 6.6 Carbon Dioxide Fixation and the Synthesis of Carbohydrate
Solution: Under conditions of high NADP+ concentration, noncyclic photophosphorylation will
probably be favored, since additional NADPH would be needed and this can only be supplied by
noncyclic photophosphorylation. Under high NADPH and low ATP concentrations, cyclic
Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and Experiments 6th Edition Karp Test Bank

photophosphorylation would predominate because it can produce ATP without increasing

NADPH concentrations and without NADP+.

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