Tattoo Toolkit

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Additional Abilities

Tattooed Toolkit As you become more familiar with the parts of the Kunai-
A tattoo that requires a permanent bond must be attuned, but Whip, one or more of the following abilities become available
does not count as one of the creature's three attuned items. to you:
Increased Reach. Your skill with the whipe allows you to
Kunai-Whip wield the whip with a longer section of rope. Your reach with
this whip is 15 feet.
Extending/Retracting Rope Last Ditch Effort. If you fall or are pushed off a cliff or
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires permanent bond) other tall drop, you can use your reaction to speak the rope's
This 5 foot long piece of rope must be wrapped around your command word to wrap around a suitable object within 15
bare arm while you attune to it. At the end of the process, the feet of you, arresting your fall.
rope sinks into your skin, becoming a black tattoo running Permanent Brace. Your body becomes so used to
from your wrist to your shoulder. reproducing kunai, you find that you can permanently attune
If you use a bonus action to speak the command word, the to the brace, causing it to sink into your skin. If you do this,
rope animates and emerges from your wrist, moving toward a the brace tattoo shifts to hold 5 kunai instead of 3.
destination you choose. The end moves 10 feet on your turn Clawed Whip. You can attach 3 kunai to the end of the
when you first command it and 10 feet at the start of each of whip instead of 1. The clawed whip deals 3d4 slashing
your turns until reaching its destination, up to its maximum damage.
length of 100 feet, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell Entangling Whip. You can use an action to speak the
the rope to fasten itself securely to an object or to unfasten rope's command word, making a melee attack roll against a
itself, to knot or unknot itself, or to retract back into tattoo creature you can see within the whip's reach dealing damage
form. as normal. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving
If knotted to a secure object, the rope can pull you towards throw (DC = 8 + your melee attack bonus with the whip) or
it at 10 feet per turn. If knotted to an object light enough that become restrained.
you could move it, the rope can pull it towards you at 10 feet Perfect Blades. Over time, the kunai have shifted form
per turn. ever so slightly to fit perfectly in your hands and the edge
The rope has AC 20, 20 hit points and resistance to becomes even sharper. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and
bludgeoning damage. It regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as damage rolls made with these magic weapons.
long as it has at least 1 hit point. If the rope drops to 0 hit
points, it is destroyed. If it is destroyed, your tattoo is Suitable anchors for the rope
damaged and cannot be used until you complete a long rest. The DM may require Investigation or Perception
checks to spot suitable anchor points. The rope is
Brace of Kunai not intelligent and will wrap around whatever
Weapons (daggers), rare (requires attunement) object is chosen, even if it is not a secure anchor.
An empty sheath for three kunai sized to fit around a forearm,
when attuned and worn 3 silver and black kunai tattoos
appear beneath their respective sheaths. These kunai can be Utility Belt
drawn like normal daggers, though they retain their stylised Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
appearance and disappear 6 seconds after leaving your
hands. The instant a kunai disappears, it reappears as a When you attune to this brightly coloured belt it sinks into
tattoo in its sheath. your skin, becoming a shimmering rainbow of shifting colour.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Seven hooks hang from the belt, each one glowing when you
these magic weapons. If you throw a kunai, you can draw come within 100 feet of the corresponding item from the
another as part of the attack. below list. Each of the items can be permanently added to
The kunai tattoos remain if the sheath is removed (but still your belt with one hour of meditation.
attuned) and can still be drawn. However if they are thrown
or dropped and disappear, they do not reappear until the Memory Stone
sheath is put back on. As an action, you can withdraw this violet statue of a brain
and press it to your forehead, causing it to sink through your
Kunai-Whip skull. For the next hour, every memory is stored with perfect
When you are attuned to both the Extending/Retracting Rope clarity. The tattoo will reappear on your skin after you
and Brace of Kunai you learn a new command word. complete a long rest.
Speaking this word with a kunai in the same hand as your You can recall every memory you stored so long as the
rope tattoo causes the end of the rope to tie itself through the tattoo is on your skin. If you use the stone again, it replaces
pommel ring of the kunai and extend 10 feet, becoming a the memories with the new hour of memories.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon and the kunai.
The rope can extend or retract up to 15 feet per turn.

Domino Mask Rune of the Salamander
This indigo mask can be withdrawn as an action. When you Wondrous item, rare (requires permanent bond)
place this item over the eyes of a living creature, your eyes
glaze over a solid indigo and you see what the creature sees, This rune resembles two burning eyes each the size of a
even if they travel to a different plane of existence. You cannot human palm. When you bond to this rune, you gain the ability
see with your own eyes until you use an action to cause the to regrow limbs. fingers, toes and other small body parts take
effect to end and the mask to disappear. It will reappear on a day to grow back, hands, feet and eyes take a week and
your skin after you complete a long rest. arms and legs take a month. Scars fade within a day or two
depending on their size.
Handkerchief Window Attunement Bonus. When you attune to the rune, it turns
This folded blue handkerchief can be withdrawn and placed a flame-red. You gain resistance to fire damage.
against a flat surface as an action. Unfolded, the handkerchief Additionally, when you take fire damage, you can use your
covers a one foot square and renders the surface it is placed reaction to take no damage. You can't use this ability again
on transparent to a depth of five feet, merging with the until you finish a long rest.
surface in the process. It will reappear on your skin in 1d6+4
days. Rune of the Wolf
Four-Leaf Clover
Wondrous item, rare (requires permanent bond)
When you would roll a d20, you can choose for the result to This rune has the narrow V shape of a wolf's snout and is the
be a natural 20. Once you use this property, the tattoo of a length of a human forearm. When you bond to this rune, your
four-leaf clover vanishes. It will reappear on your skin in sense of smell and hearing greatly increases. You have
1d20+20 days. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Your
Perfect Key senses are so acute that you gain Blindsight out to 5 feet as
This yellow tattoo of a key shifts as though seen through long as you can hear or smell.
rippling water. You can withdraw the key from your skin as an Attunement Bonus. When you attune to the rune, it turns
action and use it to unlock any lock. Once you use the key it a blue-white. You gain resistance to cold damage.
disappears. It will reappear on your skin in d100 days. Additionally, as an action you can exhale a blast of freezing
Insatiable Flame
wind in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
a Constitution saving throw (DC = 11 + your proficiency
As an action, this pair of orange striking stones can be bonus), taking 4d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as
withdrawn and used to start a magical fire that cannot be much damage on a successful one. You can't use this ability
extinguished. The fire spreads across flammable material at a again until you finish a long rest.
rate of 10 feet per round, consuming any thing it is burning in
two rounds. It continues to spread for one hour unless it runs Rune of the Manta
out of fuel or is dispelled. Any creature that starts the turn in Wondrous item, rare (requires permanent bond)
the fire or on fire takes 2d4 fire damage. Any creature
wearing or carrying flammable materials passing through the This huge rhomboid rune covers your chest, growing or
fire must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be set on shrinking to fit. When you bond to this rune, the five pairs of
fire, taking 3d4 fire damage at the start of each turn. lines representing the manta's gills sit between your ribs over
The striking stones disintegrate once they are used. They each lung and open under water, granting you the ability to
will reappear on your skin in 2d20 days. breathe both air and water. You gain a swim speed of 20 feet.
If you already have a swim speed, it increases by 10 feet.
Heart of Death Attunement Bonus. When you attune to the rune, half of
As an action, this red heart can be withdrawn and crushed the lines remain black and half turn a reflective silver. Your
against your chest. The heart liquifies and you are paralysed swim speed increases by an additional 20 feet.
for one hour, appearing to all inspection to be dead from a Additionally, if you swim at least 1 mile, you absorb enough
stab wound to the heart. The tattoo will reappear on your food and water to sustain you for that day.
skin after you complete a long rest.
Runes of the Octopus
Runes of Adaptation Wondrous item, rare (requires permanent bond)
Each of the runes grants two benefits. The first benefit is These runes curl around your fingers like tentacles. When
permanent from the moment it bonds to your skin, the you bond to these runes, they begin writhing slightly and
second requires attunement. Runes are plain black, gaining seeming to nudge your fingers when you attempt tasks that
colour when they are attuned. require careful manual motions. When you make Dexterity
The runes can be found in a variety of places, carved into checks to use tools with which you are proficient, your
cave walls, etched into support beams, painted on pottery or proficiency bonus is doubled.
even already inked into the skin of living creatures. A rune Attunement Bonus. When you attune to these runes, they
cannot be taken from a living host, but can be bonded from turn orange. You gain a climb speed of 20 feet. If you already
any inanimate object, including a corpse. have a climb speed, it increases by 10 feet.
Additionally, you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity
checks and saving throws to avoid or end the grappled and
restrained conditions.

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