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" RAISED TO ZERO : United by a purpose , from the smallest to
the biggest and everything in between-we're ONE "

A Narrative Report
Submitted by : Mary Jane L. Cairel
Instructor : Ma'am Marilou O. Cuyos
" RAISED TO ZERO : United by a purpose , from the smallest
DAY 1 to the biggest and everything in between-we're ONE "

One of the most memorable things I've ever done

was participating in this activity, where I engaged
with others and discovered how to turn ordinary
things into memorable experiences. On September
28-29, 2023, the BSMATH-WEEK took place in QSU
Cabarroguis campus. The events kicked off at
precisely 7:00 AM with a clean up drive participated
by first year to fourth year students of BS-

Upon entering the Rdet hall at 8:00 AM, the opening

program began under the hosting of Ms. Diana Rose
Franco and Mr. Prime Eliz Martinez,with a prayer and
singing the National Anthem.Meanwhile ma'am Eleanor
Macapal gave her warm message to fully express her
gratitude for making Bsmath week happen and as we
lending our ears hearing the word of inspiration
brought by ma'am Jay Ann Bungag that make us more
excited for the upcoming activities.While Chabelita
Bayudan deliver the rationale of the different activities

The event went off without difficulties.The five groups,

Blue Phytagoras, Green Euler, Brown Archimedes,
Yellow Fibonacci, and Gray Euclid, all performed
admirably.Every group has different members who
have taken part in the various events, and the students
head to the venues of their respected events to hone
their poster-making, slogan-making, essay-writing,
and chess skills. It is seen from the enjoyment and
enthusiasm on their faces as they share their talents
with others.

The winner for slogan making was the

Yellow Fibonacci, for Slogan making was
the Brown Archimedes, for essay
writing in english category was the Gray
Euclid, for Tagalog category essay
writing was the Brown Archimedes and
for chess, Brown Archimedes won
" RAISED TO ZERO : United by a purpose , from the smallest
to the biggest and everything in between-we're ONE "

At precisely 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the statistical

quiz and the general information quix bee were held at
Rdet Hall. The Blue Phytagoras won the General
Information Quiz Bee, while the Gray Euclid won the
Statistics Quiz Bee.Meanwhile, everyone cheering so
loud when the presentation of Candidates finally begin
for search for Ms. Ambassadress and Mr. Ambassador
of Bsmath 2023 to showcase their talents, uniforms and
jeans attire.

Just after the showdown, the singing competition

finally started where my classmates and I were eager
to witness all of the skills and talents from various
groups.My eyes were fascinated by everything I saw
and hear, as well as the entrance of Jingle competition
from the various groups that amazed me.They gave a
magnificent performance,dancing with ease while the
audience cheered. This experience made me very
pleased, and it inspires me to become a productive
student by taking part in events like this.

The Yellow Fibonacci and the Gray Euclid respectively

took first place in the singing competition's solo and
duet categories.The brown archimedes won the jingle
competition with loud and enthusiastic applause


The final competition for the titles of Mr. and Ms.

Ambassador 2023 is taking place on the second day of
BSMATH WEEK. Each candidate is showcasing their
skills and passions as they compete for the title. The
competition starts with the candidates presenting
their university uniforms, and eventually it followed
by an intermission by the winner of solo and duet
singing competition. In the meantime, the question-
and-answer session starts.I guess nervousness and
confusion prevented several participants from
responding confidently, but some were able to
provide heartfelt responses.

The supportive and active participants from various groups were shouting their candidates as to win the
title, and the long wait was finally over.The contestants from the Yellow Fibonacci group won the Ms.
Ambassadress 2023 title, while the competitor from the Brown Archimedes group got the Mr. Ambassador
2023 title. Every student's expression was covered in the delight and enjoyment we felt during this first-
Referrences of the pictures added in this file
ever Bsmath Week. And together we unite as one. •The Sower QSU-Diffun campus page
•The Gazzette page
•BsMathematics Qsu page
" RAISED TO ZERO : United by a purpose , from the smallest
to the biggest and everything in between-we're ONE "

An Acquaintance Party is a fun event where people meet and get to know each other. The main goal
is to break the ice between folks who might not know each other well. Unforgettable and pure of
bliss moments with my friends is the true meaning of acquaintance party for me.On that last day of
BSMATH WEEK we gather as we share the positivity in life. Honestly this is the first time that I
joined a party. The party started at 2:00 in the afternoon and lasted at 6:00 in the evening. There
are many events happened that day like singing, dancing and the most awaited part of the students
is the party.The students start dancing with the beat of music. Wild is the best word that can
describes the students that moment. We go home with a plastered smile in our faces. For me the
glimpse of memories that moment in our acquaintance party is very important to me. It should be
remembered and kept to my heart and mind. The memories I got that moment will be treasured
and I won’t forget the blissful feelings of the people around me that makes me smile.

I was able to understand that college life was packed with adventures.It taught me to appreciate
the little things in life even when college was challenging and difficult. But, if we see a small gap in
happiness, we always have a good reason for filling it. I've learned so much from taking part in this
kind of event.After three years of homeschooling and not having the chance to enjoy due to the
pandemic, I was truly thankful that I could finally feel and experience this kind of life full of happy
memories. There is so much to learn in engaging in such activities.

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