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Making in
ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822
Constitution Making
 The modified Government of India Act 1935 became the Interim Constitution of Pakistan in 1947.
 The elected members in the 1946 elections made the first Constituent Assembly.
 The Constituent Assembly was given the task of framing the Constitution.
 The first meeting of the CA was held on 11 August 1947
 The process began with the passing of Objectives Resolution in which the Islamic and Democratic
values were adopted as grounds for the future constitution.
 The Basic Principles Committee (BPC) consisting of 24 members were made to work for the
constitutional powers.
 The various sub-committees on Federal and Provincial powers, Franchise, Judiciary and
Fundamental Rights started working
 Board of Talimat-e-Islamia was also set up to seek advice on the religious matters.
ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822
Major Constitutional Issues

Federalism Representation Separate or

Joint Electorate
 There was consensus on  Representation at the Federal level was
federalism but yet there were another conflicting issue because the
many issues to be settled. East Pakistan and West Pakistan were
 It was the most difficult question different in population and size.
that how the power would be  To have a standard formula for the
divided between Center and the representation of units and population
Provinces. the Constituent Assembly formed a BPC
on March 12, 1949
 The primary task of this committee was
to frame a set of basic principles for the
future constitution of Pakistan.

ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822

Major Constitutional Issues

The National Parliamentary The Islamic or

Language Issue or Presidential Secular State

 There was consensus on  From the very beginning of

Parliamentary System. Pakistan Movement there was
 But there was a limited demand an agreement that the State will
for Presidential System have close relationship with
 Muslims defined their national
identity with reference to Islam
and its heritage.
 Some opposition came from the
Congress members of the
Constituent Assembly, and a
few secularists.
ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822
Constitution Making
First BPC Report (28th September 1950)
 The Objectives Resolution to be included in the Constitution as the directive principles.
 Legislature: Two Houses of the Parliament
 Upper House (House of Units): Equal representation for the Units
 Lower House (House of People): On the basis of population
 Both the houses would enjoy the equal powers.
 The Head of State elected by joint session would be for five years (Two terms only). President had
discretionary and emergency , appointment and other powers. President was not answerable to
anyone, might be a Muslim or non-Muslim, would be assisted by the PM and Cabinet that would be
answerable to the CA. Parliament may impeach him with 2/3rd majority. He was given the power to
abrogate the Constitution.
 Cabinet responsible to both the Houses.

 Religious groups criticized that the report contained nothing about Islamization
 The East Pakistan protested that there majority had been denied by the report
Criticism  West Pakistan also criticized the report.
 Due to criticism, Liaquat Ali Khan withdrew the report.
ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822
Constitution Making
Second BPC Report (22nd December 1952)
 Head of state would be a Muslim and no change in powers.
 Equal representation to East and West wings. (UH: 60,60) (LH: 200,200)
 More powers were given to Lower House. Cabinet was made responsible to Lower House.
 It was promised that law making would be in accordance with Islam. No law would be made in
violation of Islamic Principles.
 Advisory Board of five Islamic Scholars was suggested.
 Silent on national language.

 The politicians particularly from the Punjab deplored the Report because
formation of the Upper House on the basis of representation was no acceptable. It
Criticism was declared against the principle of federation.
 The political crisis removed PM Khawaja Nazimuddin and attention diverted from
the core issue.

ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822

Constitution Making
Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula (October 1953)
 Muhammad Ali Bogra immediately after assuming the office of the Prime Minister presented a
formula to resolve the deadlock in constitution making.
 Urdu and Bengali as national languages
 It suggested Bicameral Legislature.
 Upper House: Equal representation to all five units.
 Lower House: Population will be represented.

East Pakistan West Pakistan

Upper House 10 40
Lower House 165 135
Total 175 175

 It was welcomed in both parts of the country.

Reaction to  The principle of parity and representation was appreciated.
Bogra Formula  It also solved the problem of national language by suggesting Urdu and
Bengali as national languages.
ZIAULLAH GONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822
Constitution Making
 In October 1954, Governor General dissolved the CA that was challenged in
the Sindh High Court by Maulvi Tamiz ud Din.
CA Dissolution  The Court declared the dissolution illegal but the Federal Court upheld the
Governor General’s action and asked for setting up an elected CA.

2nd CA (June-July  Ghulam Muhammad called a Convention on May 10,1955

 All its members were to be elected indirectly (by the Provincial Assemblies)
1955)  In this way the Second Constituent Assembly came into existence

 The presence of different provinces in the WP had complicated the issue of

One Unit Scheme the WP representation in the CA.
(October 1955)  It was handled by uniting all the WP units into one (October 30,1955)
 Now both the parts had become two units and could be addressed equally

 One Unit Scheme helped the task of constitution making to accomplish

Constitution  The previous committees report helped the new Assembly that completed
its work and presented in the 2nd CA on January 9, 1956.
Making  It, with certain amendments, was approved on January 29, 1956.
 It was enforced on March 23, 1956 and with this Pakistan had become an
RepublicGONDAL -PMS 12-03436178822

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