Diagnoza Klasa 6

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NAME:_______________________________ Class VI

Exercise 1. Dopasuj do każdego pomieszczenia (1-3) przedmioty (a-i), które się w nim

1) a bathroom: ___________, _____________, ____________

2) a kitchen: ___________, _____________, ____________
3) a bedroom: ___________, _____________, _____________

a) a cooker, b) a wardrobe, c) a bed, d) a shower, e) a sink, f) a washbasin, g) a fridge, h) chair

i) a bath

Exercise 2. Podkreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych:

a) ice cream coffee orange juice

b) cheese eggs milk
c) sausage ham bread
d) butter meat bacon
e) head cornflakes leg
f) apple orange carrot
g) tea potato juice
h) January Monday August

Exercise 3. Dopasuj wyrażenia 1-6 z wyrażeniami A-F

1. Where is the kitchen? A) I’m sorry you can’t.

2. Do you want to go to the cinema? B) It was cold and wet.
3. What would you like to eat? C) It’s upstairs, on the right.
4. Can I go to the toilet please? D) Yes, I’d love to.
5. How about listening to music? E) I’d like some chicken please.
6. What was the weather like? F) I’d rather watch a film.

Exercise 4. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (T) a które fałszywe (F).

Craig Flatman is 15 and He lives In England. His favourite sandwiches are jam sandwiches- in fact
he only eats jam sandwiches. He doesn’t eat cheese. He doesn’t eat ham. He doesn’t eat chocolate.
He just eats jam, bread and butter. His favourite drink is milk. He doesn’t like tea or coffee.
So, is Craig healthy? Well, he loves sport, his teeth are good and he isn’t often ill.
Sometimes Craig goes to burger restaurants with his friends- but he takes his sandwiches with him!

1. Craig is from America. ____

2. He likes jam sandwiches. ____
3. He doesn’t like chocolate. ____
4. He drinks tea with milk. ____
5. Craig isn’t healthy. ____
6. He has got good teeth. ____
7. Craig goes to burger restaurants with his friends. ____
8. He sometimes eats burgers. ____

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