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CV - Gerardus Abraham Cornelis (Gert-Jan) Duine, PhD

Assistant Project Scientist II

Earth Research Institute Orcid, Researchgate, Google scholar, Linkedin
UC Santa Barbara

Educational background
2015 PhD Ocean, Atmospheric and Continental Surfaces, University of Toulouse
2011 MSc Meteorology & Air Quality, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2009 BSc Soil, Water & Atmosphere, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Professional appointments and experience

2020 – present Assistant Project Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara CA, USA
Adviser: Leila MV Carvalho
2018 – 2020 Postdoctoral researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara CA, USA
Advisers: Leila MV Carvalho and Charles Jones
2016 – 2018 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. Of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville VA, USA.
Adviser: Prof. Stephan FJ de Wekker
2015 – 2016 Ingénieur d'études/de recherche, Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LA), University of Toulouse,
2012 – 2015 PhD-candidate at LA, University of Toulouse, France, and LMTE, CEA Cadarache, France
Advisers: Pierre Durand (LA), Thierry Hedde (LMTE) and Pierre Roubin (LMTE)

Field experiments
2023 Set-up and installation of surface flux tower, Sedgwick Reserve, CA
03.2022-05.2022 SWEX field experiment, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
04.2018 SWEX pilot experiment, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
08.2017 Solar eclipse experiment, Innisfree, VA, USA
2016 – 2018 Maintenance meteorological instrumentation De Wekker group
10.2016 Educt2017 field experiment, Mountain meteorology course
2013 – 2015 Maintenance meteorological instrumentation Cadarache
2013 Instrument calibration campaign, Lannemezan, France
2012 – 2013 KASCADE 2013 field experiment, Cadarache, France

2020 Lecture course Seminars on Boundary Layer II – theory and applications (UCSB)
2017 Lecture course Atmosphere & Weather (UVA)
2016 Lecturing and assisting in Mountain Meteorology course (UVA)
2014 Co-supervision of Master-student P. Kalverla for MSc-thesis MAQ-WUR
2012 Teaching assistant Meteorology & Climate, MAQ Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
2012 Course Becoming a Teacher in Physics at High School: JFC College, Barneveld, the Netherlands.

Accepted articles (peer-reviewed):
15. Zigner K., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, J. Benoit, G.J. Duine, D. Roberts, F. Fujioka, M. Moritz, N.
Elmquist, and R. Hazard, 2022: Wildfire Risk in the Complex Terrain of the Santa Barbara Wildland-
Urban Interface during Extreme Winds. Fire, 5(5), 138. doi
14. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho and C. Jones, 2022: Mesoscale patterns associated with two distinct
heatwaves in coastal Santa Barbara, California, and their impact on local fire risk conditions. Weather and
Climate Extremes, 37 100482. doi
13. Zigner, K, LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones and G.J. Duine, 2021: Extreme Winds and Fire Weather in Coastal
Santa Barbara County, CA: An Observational Analysis. Int. J. Climatol., 1-22. doi
12. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, and K. Zigner, 2021: The Effect of Upstream Orography on the
Onset of Sundowner Winds in Coastal Santa Barbara, CA. JGR: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033791. doi
11. Dupuy, F., G.J. Duine, P. Durand, T. Hedde, E. Pardyjak and P. Roubin, 2021: Valley Winds at the Local
Scale: Correcting Routine Weather Forecasts Using Artificial Neural Networks. Atmosphere, 12(2), 128.
10. Jones, C., LMV. Carvalho, G.J. Duine, and K. Zigner, 2020: Climatology of Sundowner winds in coastal
Santa Barbara, California, based on 30-yr high-resolution WRF downscaling. Atmos. Res., 249 105305. doi
9. Zigner, K, LMV. Carvalho, SH. Peterson, F. Fujioka, G.J. Duine, C. Jones, DA. Roberts and M. Moritz,
2020: Evaluating the Ability of FARSITE to Simulate Wildfires Influenced by Extreme, Downslope Winds
in Santa Barbara, California. Fire, 3(3), 29. doi
8. Carvalho, LMV., G.J. Duine, C. Jones, K. Zigner, C. Clements, H. Kane, C. Gore, G. Bell, B. Gamelin, D.
Gomberg, T. Hall, M. Jackson, J. Dumas, E. Boldt, R. Hazard, W. Enos, 2020: The Sundowner Winds
Experiment (SWEX) Pilot Study: Understanding Downslope windstorms in the Santa Ynez Mountains,
Santa Barbara, California, Mon. Wea. Rev., 148(4), 1519-1539. doi
7. Palomaki, RT, N. Babić, N, G.J. Duine, M. Van den Bossche and SFJ. De Wekker, 2019: Observations of
thermally-driven winds in a small valley during the 21 August 2017 solar eclipse. Atmosphere, 10(7), 389.
6. Dupuy, F., G.J. Duine, P. Durand, T. Hedde, P. Roubin, and E. Pardyjak, 2019: Local-scale valley wind
retrieval using an artificial neural network applied to routine weather observations. J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim.
58 (5), 1007-1022. doi
5. Duine, G.J., C. Jones, LMV. Carvalho, and RG. Fovell, 2019: Simulating Sundowner winds in coastal
Santa Barbara: validation and model sensitivity. Atmosphere, 10(3), 155. doi
4. Duine, G-J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2017: The effects of horizontal grid spacing on simulated daytime
boundary layer depths in an area of complex terrain in Utah, Environ. Fluid Mech., 20, 1313-1331. doi
3. Duine, G-J., T. Hedde, P. Roubin, P. Durand, M. Lothon, F. Lohou, P. Augustin, and M. Fourmentin,
2017: Characterisation of valley flows within two confluent valleys under stable conditions: observations
from the KASCADE field experiment. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 143, 1886-1902. doi
2. Duine, G-J., T. Hedde, P. Roubin, and P. Durand, 2016: A simple method based on routine observations to
nowcast down-valley flows in shallow, narrow valleys. J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 55 (7), 1497-1511. doi
1. Kalverla, P.C., G.J. Duine, G.J. Steeneveld, and T. Hedde, 2016: Evaluation of the Weather Research and
Forecasting model for contrasting diurnal cycles in the Durance Valley complex terrain during the
KASCADE field campaign. J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 55(4), 861-882. doi

Manuscripts submitted / under review / in revision:

Carvalho, LMV, G.J. Duine, C. Clements, SFJ. De Wekker, HJS. Fernando, DR. Fitzjarrald, RG. Fovell, C.
Jones, Z. Wang, L. White, et al: The Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX) in Santa Barbara, CA:
Advancing Understanding and Predictability of Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments. BAMS,
under review.

Manuscripts in preparation:
Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho and C. Jones. The relevance of mean state critical levels for lee slope wind
formation in coastal Santa Barbara, CA. In preparation.
Duine, G.J., and SFJ. De Wekker. The influence of terrain smoothing on simulated convective boundary-layer
depths in mountainous terrain. In preparation.

Duine, G-J. 2015. Characterization of down-valley winds in stable stratification from the KASCADE field
campaign and WRF mesoscale simulations. Ph.D. thesis, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. url:

Selected conference contributions

20. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, 2023: The Relevance of Mean-State Critical Levels for the
Intensification of Downslope Winds. 20th Conference on Mesoscale meteorology, July 2023, Madison, WI,
USA (oral).
19. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, SFJ. De Wekker, C. Jones, M. de Orla-Barile, Z. Whang, J. Kasić, H.
Fernando, S. Otarola-Bustos, 2022: Exploring the spatiotemporal variability of lee slope jets during the
Sundowner Wind Experiment. 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, June 2022, Park City, UT, USA
18. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, 2020: Downslope windstorms in Coastal Santa Barbara from
Observations and Numerical Simulations. 19th Conference on Mountain Meteorology (virtual), July 2020,
USA (oral).
17. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, and K. Zigner, 2019: On the Diurnal Development of Sundowner
Winds in Coastal Santa Barbara, CA. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 2019, San Francisco, USA (oral).
16. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, and K. Zigner, 2019: On the Diurnal Development of Sundowner
Winds in coastal Santa Barbara, CA. Joint WRF and MPAS User’s Workshop June 2019, Boulder, CO, USA

Last update: 09/15/2023

15. Duine, G.J., LMV. Carvalho, C. Jones, and K. Zigner, 2018: Validation of the Weather Research and
Forecast model to infer main drivers of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara. 18th Conference on
Mountain Meteorology, June 2018, Santa Fe, NM, USA (oral).
14. Duine, G.J., and SFJ. De Wekker, 2018: Influence of terrain smoothing on simulated convective boundary
layer depths in mountainous terrain. 18th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, June 2018, Santa Fe, NM,
USA (poster).
13. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2017: Influence of horizontal grid spacing in mountainous terrain on
simulated planetary boundary layer depths in large-scale transport models. International Conference on
Alpine Meteorology, Reykjavik, Iceland (oral).
12. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2017: Greenhouse gas budgets and convective boundary layer heights in
mountainous terrain. International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Reykjavik, Iceland (poster).
11. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2017: The role of horizontal grid spacing on transport and mixing of
passive tracers over complex terrain. 45th Global Monitoring Annual Conference, May 23-24 2017, NOAA,
Boulder, CO, USA (poster).
10. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2017: Influence of grid spacing in mountainous terrain on simulated
planetary boundary layer depths in large-scale transport models. Enviroday, February 24 2017, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA (poster).
9. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2016: Influence of subgrid terrain variability on simulated planetary
boundary layer depths in large-scale atmospheric transport models. Postdoctoral Research Symposium,
September 20 2016, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA (poster).
8. Kalverla, P.C., G.J. Duine. G.J. Steeneveld and T. Hedde, 2016: Evaluation of the Weather Research and
Forecasting model in the Durance Valley complex terrain during the KASCADE field campaign for
simulations of the Durance down-valley wind. 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, July 2016,
Burlington, VT, USA (oral).
7. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2016: Considerations on the importance of planetary boundary layer
depths over complex terrain for carbon cycle studies. 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, July 2016,
Burlington, VT, USA (poster).
6. Duine, G.J. and SFJ. De Wekker, 2016: Influence of subgrid terrain variability on simulated planetary
boundary layer depths in large-scale transport models. 44th Global Monitoring Annual Conference, May 17-
18 2016, NOAA, Boulder, CO, USA (poster).
5. Duine, G.J., P. Durand, T. Hedde, P. Roubin, 2016: Nowcasting down-valley winds in prealpine shallow
valleys. Ateliers de Modélisation de l’Atmosphère, Météo France, Toulouse, France, January 2016 (oral).
4. Duine, G.J., P. Durand, T. Hedde, P. Roubin, 2015: Nocturnal winds in joining shallow valleys of different
sizes – Observational and numerical studies based on the field experiment KASCADE, International
Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Innsbruck, 2015 (poster).
3. Duine, G.J., P. Durand, T. Hedde, P. Roubin, F. Lohou, M. Lothon, P. Augustin, M. Fourmentin, C. Jarnot, S.
Derrien, P. Medina and E. Pique, 2014: Stable boundary layer characterization in an orographic complex
region: the field measurement campaign KASCADE. 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence,
Leeds UK, June 09-13, 2014 (oral).
2. Duine, G.J., P. Durand, T. Hedde, P. Roubin, P. Augustin, M. Fourmentin, F. Lohou, and M. Lothon, 2014:
Observations of radiation divergence and stability driven slope flows during the field experiment KASCADE.
EGU, Vienna, Abstracts, Vol. 16, 1640 (poster).
1. Duine, G.J., J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano and H. Leijnse, 2011. Deep Summer Convection within a
Convergence Zone – towards the Understanding of Convective Clouds, its Development and Characteristics
using WRF and Radar, Annual Meeting of the EMS, EMS11/ECAM10, Abstracts, Vol. 8, EMS2011-42-1,
Berlin, 2011 (poster).

Seminars and other talks

02.2023 Preliminary results from the Sundowner Winds field Experiment SWEX. Joint meteorological
colloquium by the Universities Frankfurt and Mainz, Goethe Univ., Frankfurt, Germany (virtual)
04.2022 Simulating Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara: model sensitivity. Invited lecture course
Surface exchange processes and turbulence, Univ. Albany, NY, USA (virtual)
10.2021 Mesoscale mechanisms associated with two distinct heatwaves in Santa Barbara, and their impact
on local fire weather conditions. ERI Climate Meeting, UCSB, CA, USA
02.2021 Downslope windstorms in coastal Santa Barbara, California from numerical simulations and
observations. Seminar Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Utah, UT, USA (virtual)
12.2020 Fire weather and heatwaves in coastal Santa Barbara. Fire weather and Sundowner winds
Experiment (SWEX) Workshop, UCSB, CA, USA
10.2019 On the diurnal and spatial variability of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara, CA. EXFHIRE
Workshop, UCSB, CA, USA

Last update: 09/15/2023

04.2019 Unraveling the mysteries of weather models: what’s behind the weather forecast of a Santa Ana
wind? Earth Day, Moorpark College, Moorpark, CA, USA
10.2018 Simulating Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara: model sensitivity and potential mechanisms.
ERI Climate Meeting, UCSB, CA, USA
04.2018 Boundary layer processes associated with Sundowner windstorms in the Santa Ynez mountains, CA.
Planetary Boundary Layers in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Ice on Earth and Moons, Kavli Institute of
Theoretical Physics, UCSB, CA, USA
04.2016 Down-valley winds in stable stratification – results from the KASCADE field experiment and WRF
simulations. Atmospheric science seminars. Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
02.2016 Down-valley winds in stable stratification – results from the KASCADE field experiment. BLLAST
workshop, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands
01.2015 Vents de vallée en conditions atmosphériques stables : Une exploration météorologique sur
Cadarache pendant l’hiver 2013 (campagne KASCADE). Rendez-Vous Scientifique DTN, CEA
Cadarache, France

Best Overall Poster, Enviroday 2017, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,

Academic Service
Apr. 2023 – current Associate editor for Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

Peer-reviewed journals
Sustainability, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System
Science, JGR: Atmospheres, Ecology, JGR: Earth and Space Science, Weather and Forecasting, Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, Applied Sciences, Remote Sensing, Energies, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Journal of
Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Atmosphere, Fire, Meteorological Applications, Atmospheric Science
Letters, Geoscientific Model Development

UVA New Horizons Travel Grant 2017 committee, University of Virginia, VA, USA
Accreditation committee personal professorship J. Vilà (2010), Wageningen UR, the Netherlands

Professional affiliations
American Meteorological Society (since 2016)
American Geophysical Union (since 2019)
Dutch Association for the Promotion of Meteorology (since 2011)
Reviewer and topics board for Atmosphere

Summer schools and workshops
2020 PROWESS grant writing workshop, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
2016 BLLAST workshop, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands
2015 InnSAR, Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
2015 Joint DICE + GABLS4 Workshop, MétéoFrance, Toulouse, France
2015 Write effectively your thesis manuscript, CEA Grenoble, France
2014 Stochastic Approaches for treatment of uncertainties in numerical models, CEA Cadarache, France
2013 French course, International summer school, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
2013 Eddy-Covariance Workshop, LI-COR, Vienna, Austria
2012 Winter School on Remote Sensing of Precipitation using Microwave Links: Techniques and
Applications, KIT, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Educational background (detailed)

10.2012 – 10.2015 PhD-candidate Laboratoire d’Aérologie, University of Toulouse, France
Supervisors: Pierre Durand (LA), Thierry Hedded (LMTE, Cadarache) and Pierre Roubin
(LMTE, Cadarache)
06.2009 – 08.2011 MSc Meteorology and Air Quality (Specialization Meteorology & Climate)
Wageningen University (WUR), Wageningen, the Netherlands

Last update: 09/15/2023

Principal subjects: Atmospheric processes (boundary layer, mid-latitude systems,
modeling), remote sensing, programming, statistics.
MSc Thesis: Deep summer convection within a convergence zone – towards the
understanding of convective clouds, its development and characteristics using WRF and
Supervisors: Jordi Vilà (WUR-MAQ) and Hidde Leijnse (WUR-HWM)
Internship: Estimating the water balance in a pecan site in Costa de Hermosillo,
Sonora,Mexico, for 2009.
Departemento de Física, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Supervisors: C.J. Watts (Departemento de Física) and O.K. Hartogensis (WUR-MAQ)

09.2005 – 06.2009 BSc Soil, Water and Atmosphere (Specialization Meteorology and Air Quality)
Wageningen University (WUR), Wageningen, the Netherlands
Principal subjects: Basics in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. Processes in soil, water
and atmosphere, statistics, programming, didactic skills.

Computer Matlab, Linux, WRF, NCL, Python, Large Eddy Simulations
Instrumentation Sonic anemometer (CSAT, Gill, Young), tethered balloon, Sodar, Lidar, Twin Otter
Doppler Wind Lidar (airborne), basic weather instrumentation, Dusttrack.
Logging systems CR1000X, CR1000, CR3000, CR23X, Acumen, Arduino, Hobo Onset
Languages Dutch (native), English (professional), French (B2), German (A1)

(co-)organization of the following field experiments:

SWEX 2022, SWEX pilot (2018), Solar eclipse experiment (2017), KASCADE 2013
field experiment

Last update: 09/15/2023

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