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Physics Handout #3 – Graph Analysis

Graphs of Experimental Data
A graph can be defined as a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically
of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles.

Figure 3.11 shows the plot of a graph

Tables of Values
Data is usually recorded in a table format. A table of values consist of a header followed by the
data itself. The header comprises:
 An optional descriptor,
 The symbol that represents the variable and the unit associated with the variable. Note
that the symbol and associated unit is separated by a forward slash, ‘/’.
Force Extension
F/N e/cm
0.0 0.0
10.0 3.7
20.0 7.4
30.0 10.6
40.0 14.0
50.0 17.5
Figure 3.12 shows data within a table
Title of the graph
The title of the graph is placed at the top of the graph page. It is always written with the quantity
represented on the y-axis against/versus the quantity represented on the x-axis. For example, it
can be written as “Graph showing Force/N against Extension/cm”.

Graph plotting guidelines
To ensure accurate and precise plotting of a graph, following the guidelines listed below:
 Read all instructions carefully, especially regarding graph plotting.
 All graph work must be done in PENCIL.
 Ensure the that the graph covers more than 50% of the graph page.
 Ensure the title is placed at the top of the graph page and it is correctly stated using the
quantities from both the y-axis and x-axis.
 Ensure that the axes are correctly labelled with the quantities under investigation and
account for the unit.
 Ensure that a suitable scale is selected to accurately represent the values highlighted in
the table. Using scales that are easy to read and plot. Scales that use 1 cm, 2 cm, and 4 cm
are usually recommended.
 Place the scale at the top right-hand corner of the graph page. Note that a scale must be
adopted for BOTH axes.
 When plotting points on a graph, it is required that you use either ‘x’ or ‘⊙’ when
plotting points for the graph.

Line of Best-Fit
In straight line graphs, a line must be drawn to connect all the plotted points of the graph.
However, there are instances when a straight line through all the points cannot be constructed
due to the location of several points. Thus, a line of best fit must be constructed. A line of best fit
is where a line is drawn through the majority of points, ensuring that there is balance of points to
the left and right of the line, that were unable to be connected by the line of best fit. The scattered
points on both sides of the line are equal to each other and the points of the left and right of the
line, have the same distance individually from the line.

Figure 3.13 shows examples of lines of best-fit

The gradient or slope of a line can be defined as the ratio of the vertical distance, rise, to the
horizontal distance, run.

Figure 3.14 shows the formula used to calculate gradient

Note: The calculation of the gradient in a lab or during an examination requires the use of
identified points that lie on the plotted line, not the points given in the table of results.
The y- intercept of a line is the point where the line intersects the y-axis at x=0.

Figure 3.16 shows the examples of y-intercepts

Determining the y-intercept
The y-intercept can be obtained by identifying where the lines cut the y-axis at x=0 as mentioned
before. However, it can be calculated by transposing the formula:
y 1= m x 1+c

Where m is the gradient,¿, y 1) are a pair of coordinates on the line, and c is the y-intercept
We can transpose the formula to get:
c= y 1- m x 1

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