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Nouns Expressionsof quantity o nrnethi$/noone...

. . .
Artictes A loaf of bread Food and clothes
. Pronunciation - diphthongs

I High Street shops
Write the shops where you can get these things.


1 a sliced loaf 4 a holiday brochure Travel agent's 7 a t'lat to renl State agent's
2 Iamb chops Butcher's 5 a book to borrorv Library 8 a book to b'.:-r Book shop
3 a magazine Newsagent's 6 a coat cleaned Dry cleaner's 9 a harr.-ut Hair today

rl tl
H H F------l H !-J

Countable and uncountable nouns apple rupr stamp car p€trol rneat HET nury dollar nce
Write the nouns in the correct column. job work potato fruit soup brcad hJ rws information

Countable nouns

job new water fruit information

car potato money soup
petrol rice
dollar bread loaf
meat work

Unit 4. Eat. drink and be merry! 25

I Clpcolote or o chocolate?. Expressions of quantity
I Sometimes a noun can be countable and uncountable.
I-ook at the picnrres and complete the sentences with 4 some ot ony?
a + noun or just the noun. I Complete the sentences with some or any.

I I like clottutc . 2
Would vou like adocobtc z.
1 There isnt

3 Can you buy

4 I didn't buv
5 I need to get
milk in the fridge.
2 Is there Detrol in the car?
milk when you go out?

petrol on my way to work.

6 I need change for the parking meter.
7 I havent got money.
8 Did you have problems with this exercise?
3 I drink-snerY
coffee 9 Can vou lend me monev?
morning 4 Canlhave a coffee
10 Can vou sive me advice?

Correct the mistake in each sentence.

5 lt's made of glass 6 Iti

a glass ofiuice.
I Can I have/bread, please?
2 I dont want some rice.
3 I'd like an information about hotels in the
town, please.
2 Cornplete the seateoces ritL so,raa + noun or a/an + noun. 4 He has done a very good work recently.
-. 5 I havent got some paper.
6 Can I have any milk in my coffee, please?

How much? or How mony?

Complete the questions with How much or
f I'd like at 'trrg , 2 WolHurlike sotc How many.

1' children do you have?'
'Three. Two boys and a girll

2 '-butter do we need?'
'fust one pack
3' eggs did you buy?'
'Half a dozenl
3 CatrIhave some cake ? 4 Have a cake
4' people are coming for supper?'
5' do you earn?'
'That's none of your business!'

6' bedrooms are there in her house?'

5 Can vou bu1' 6 I need some paper
a newspaper?

l5 Ur*t4 ' Eat, drink and be merrY!

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