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2004 International Conferenceon Signal Processing 8.

Communications (SPCOM)


L.R.D.Suresh, S.Ponmalar, Dr.S.Sundaravadivelu,
Department of ECE, '

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-625 015, Tamil Nadu, India.


ABSTRACT: Efficient coupling of light decrease the antenna diameter (around

between the waveguides is a key issue in the IOcm), increase the data transmission rate
design of many optical components that can (Gbitslsec) and increase the transmission
be used in wireless optical communication distance (millions of km in space)[3]. This
systems. In order to have a large scale makes optical wireless communication
photonic integrated circuits it is required to system morc viable choice for applications
integrate several optical components. This that requires higher data rate. In order to
will result in a high density, tbree- bring optical wireless communication
dimensional structure, based on a single system as more common onc, it requires the
substrate. This paper realizes highly efficient optical components in canpact form. This
- . optical filters, using grating structures to paper proposes the design of one of the
provide sharp cutoff. The coupled mode component that is integrated optical filter. In
theory (CMT) i s used for the analysis of optical wireless communication the lower
symmetric, antisymmetric, reflection and wavelength operation is prcferred due to
transmission modes. Here we propose a very less dispersion effect in the atmosphere
novel approach for analyzing a fiber-grating at this window. This optical filter is
filter in transmission mode. This device can designed for 532nm, which is efficient
act as a narrow band pass filter and operating wavelength for Optical Wireless
particularly useful in optical wireless Communicatian[4].
applications. Waveguide coupling using periodic
Key Words: Optical wireless gratings has attracted considerable attention
communication, coupled mode theory, over recent years as an altemative to fiber
optical filtcr butt-coupling, and a candidate for opto-
hybrid integration of components[5]. There
I.INTRODUCTION are several reasons why these grating
1.l.Optical components for Optical methods have not becn adopted in
Wireless Communication commercial systems. Wavelength stability
The complexity of space of thc optical source, alignment tolerances
communication is growing rapidly with the (angular and yaw), physical dimensions of
increase in the transmission requirements. the grating ares, etc. are the factors that have
Most of these systems are based on hindered development. However, the
microwavc Iinks. The .optical wireless fabrication problems are becoming less of an
communication system becomes more and issue as dcvdopments in VLSI processing
more attractive as the interest in high continue to improve, vertical emitting
capacity and long distance space link structures are attractive for integration, and
grows[I]. The desire for inexpensive, high the general interest in photonic band gap
speed links satisfying these requirements has structures and improved sources will no
motivated recent interest in optical wireless doubt lead to grating based systems being
communication[2]. The advantage of optical looked at again in the future.
wireless system is mainly based on the Periodic structures can be
strongly improved gain and reduction in the incorporated into planar waveguides to form
beam width of an antenna. The much higher integrated optic compnents. Periodic
gain achieved at optical frequency allows to, waveguides in which either the thickness,

02004 IEEE
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refractive index or any other waveguide grating can be used as either a notch filter in
characteristics vanes periodically along the transmission mode or a narrow band pass
propagation direction are used in many fiber filter in reflection modc[7].
optic and integrated optic devices such as
optical filters, couple rs, multiplexers, ILANALYSIS OF OPTICAL FILTER
polarizer, etc[6]. The gratings can be of Based on the Coupled mode theory
rectangular or trapezoidal or triangular or gratings structures are analyzed for the
sinusoidal in shape. design of optical filter[S]. Different types of
In general the available optical grating profiles like iriangular, rectangular,
components are in all fiber form, which is trapezoidal and sinusoidal profiles arc
difficult to integrate in photonic integrated possible. In this paper we have analyzed the
circuits. Integrated optics provides a solution sinusoidal periodic grating structure. The
to integrating these components on a single coupled mode equations are given by
substrate, which miniaturizes the
component. By analyzing different
waveguide structures, components like -=
dB KAe - # r r (2)
optical filter can be designed. This makes dz
use of periodic perturbation in the planar Where, A is the amplitude coefficient of
dielectric optical waveguide. This paper input wave, B is the amplitude coefficient of
proposes waveguide structures that act as an output wave, K is the coupling coefficient, r
optical filter, which has sharp cut off is the reflection coefficient and z is the
wavelength charactcristics. Since these direction of wave propagation[9].
components are highly efficient and By solving these equations the power at the
miniaturized this can be used in be dcsign input and output of the waveguide structure
of wireless optical communication systems. is given as
1.2. Optical Filters:
In multiwavelcngth optical (4)
communication systems, each channel is
assigned a particular wavelength. For Where, Pl(z) is the input power, Pz(z) is the
combining and separating the channels, output power and y is the attenuation
narrowband, tunable optical wavelength coefficient.
filters are key deviccs in such systems. From this equation we can see that the
Narrowband, tunable wavelength filters maximum value of P2(z) is K'M, which is
based on grating is analyzcd in this paper. always less than or equal to 1. It is equal to
If an optical signal is passed unity only when KT, that is r=0. This can
through a waveguide having a grating be justified from the relation
consisting of a series of periodic grooves, r?
the undulations in refractive index cause a y L = K 2 +-
small portion of the signal to be re8ected at Thus, complete power transfer is possible
each groove, Tf the optical wavelength is h, only if r=O.Since r can be made equal to
and the groove periodicity is A, then the zero only at a particular wavelength & = A,
reflected signal will add in phase only when and will be nonzero for all other
the distance from one groove to the next and wavelengths, the coupling power exhibits a
then back again is equal to the wavelength. narrow band pass characteristics[ 101.
Le, = 212. A narrow band pass filter can be
For long gratings having small designed by varying the thickness of the
reflectivity per groove, the spread in grating, grating period and the refractive
wavelength AA over which strong reflection indices of film and substrate.
occurs can be extremely small. Thus, such a

Consider a waveguide device
consisting of two unperturbed waveguides
joined together by a sinusoidal periodically
perturbed region shown in fig. 2.1.
and PI&h are the propagation constants of
modes 1&2 respectively.
We can see That r can be made equal to
zero only at a particular wavelength h = A,
- Film nf and will be nonzero at all other wavelengths.
Thus, complete power transfer will be
Substrate ns
possible only at h, and the coupling of
power exhibits narrow band pass
z=o Z=L
Fig. 2.1 Schematic diagram of optical filter IILRESULTS AND DISCUSSION
where, A is the grating period, ...h, A sinusoidal grating structure has
..A, are different wavelengths, & is the been taken for the analysis of optical filter.
cutoff wavelength, nh 4,and r\: are refractive The structure is shown in fig 3.1. The
indices of film, substrate and cover response of the filter is analyzed by
respectively and L is the length of the changing the grating thickness, period of
periodic waveguide. grating, refractive indices of the film and
In a planar waveguide with sinusoidal substrate. The results obtained are discussed
periodic perturbation, the coupling in the forthcoming section.
coeficient K is given by,

where h is the amplitude of periodic

thickness variation, and nC2 are the
effective refractive indices of upper and
lower part of periodic waveguide.
d, = d + 1 1 (4)
k,, + k,,,/=
Fig 3.1 Sinusoidal periodic waveguide
d2 = d + 1 (7) structurc.
A O J m +k o J m
d, and d2 are the effective waveguide 3.1 Effect of variation in refractive
thickness, d is the thickness of the film indices on filter response:
region and & = 27& ,the free space wave The response of the filter is analyzed with
number. different values of refractive index of film
Tf light is incident from the left, then layer (Le, nf =1SI ,1.6 & 1.7) and all the
the periodic perturbation will couple power remaining p.rameters & = 1.5, n, = 1.0,
from the left of the waveguide to the right A = 3 2 5 p , h-=O.Olpm and h, =532nm)are
depending on the value of r[111. The power kept constants and the plot is shown in
coupled from left to the right after fig.3,2. From this plot we observed that, in
propagation though length L of the periodic the first case (nf= l S l ) , the pass bandwidth
waveguide is, is 5.996Inm and in the second case(%= 1.6 )
the pass bandwidth is 6.3386nm and in the
third case(nf= 1.7 ) the pass bandwidth is
6.4143nm,,states that the difference in

refractive indices betwcen film and substrate and for grating thickness of h = O.lpn, the
increases, the filter response gets slightly pass bandwidth is 59.931nm. So, we can
wider. This implies that in order to get a infer that the thickness of the grating gets
narrow band pass characteristics, the increased, the bandwidth widens
difference between rq and 4 should be very enormously. This implies that in order to get
low. a narrow band pass characteristics, the
grating thickness should be very low.

3.3 Effect of grating period in filter

The response of the filter is
analyzed for grating period of A=133pm,
A=233pm and A=333pm and all other
parameters (n,= 1.5, Q = 1.49, Q = 1.0 and
h =O. 1pm) are kept constants and thc plot is
shown in fig. 3.4. From this plot, it is
observed that, for grating period of
A=133pm, the cutoff wavelength is 532nm,
for grating period of A=233pm, thc cutoff
Fig.3.2 Filter response with variation in wavelength is shifted to 932nm and for
refractive indices grating period of A=333pm, the cutoff
wavelength is further shifted to
3.2 Effect of variation in grating thickness 1332nm.So,we can infer that, as the grating
on filter response: period gets increased, the cutoff wavelength
The response of the filter is (A,) that is been filtered also increases. So
analyzed with grating thickness of h = by properly selecting the grating period we
O.OIpm, h = 0.05pm and h = O.1pm and all can design the filter to any desired
other parameters (A=325pm, q= 1.5, Q = wavelength. Based on the selective
1.49, n, = 1.0 and h, =532nm) are kept wavelength, this filter can be used in the
constants and the plot is shown in fig. 3.3. optical wireless communication where thc
efficient operating wavelength is 532nm.

Fig 3.3 Filter response with variation in

grating thickness
From this plot we observed that, for grating Fig 3.4 Filter response with variation in
thickness of h = 0.01pm, the pass bandwidth grating period
is 5.9931~1,for grating thickness of h =
0.05pm,the pass bandwidth is 29.966"

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