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Title : Gratitude, always help others

Name: Leisha Khosla (Class 3)

School: Ryan International School, Bavdhan

Once upon a time there lived a girl called Dora. She was very rich. On
the other side there was a girl called Anaya who was very intelligent
but was very poor. Both were in the same school and were studying
in class 3. Today was there first day at school.

Dora (rich girl) entered the classroom and started showing her things
like gold chain, pencil box, pen, colour etc. Suddenly Anaya (poor
girl) entered. She was wearning dirty uniform and had garbage bag
to carry her books. Everyone started running away from her. Anaya
started asking everyone if she can sit with them. Everyone said no to
her. As soon as teacher came she asked her to sit with Dora. Dora
was not good in studies, she always concentrated more on her stylish
pencils and other belongings and never listened to the teachers
when they taught. When the period ended, teacher mentioned that
she will take a test in the last period. It was lunch time. All kids
opened their lunch boxes. Anaya had Roti and Onion in her tiffin,
everyone started laughing at her. Dora made too much fun of her.
Last period started and teacher asked everyone to quickly revise
before the test. Dora went to all her friends asking if they can teach
her what teacher has taught in the previous class, but no one helped
her. Dora went to Anaya and she immediatley explained Dora
everything for the test. Dora scored full marks in the test. She
thanked Anaya and said that I behaved very badly with you but you
still helped me. From that day they both became very good friends.

TO BE RICH, is not what you wear, its what you have in your HEART.

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