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Blockchain Question Bank for PT2

Q.1)List and Explain in brief components of Ethereum.

Q.2) Write short notes on following with respect to Ethereum
(1) Miner and mining node (2) Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) (3) Ether (4) Gas
(5) Ethereum Accounts (6) Swarm and Whisper
Q.3) List and explain different layers present in Ethereum architecture.
Q.4) Explain workflow of ethereum.
Q.5)Compare Bitcoin and Ehtereum.
Q.6) Explain PAXOS, RAFT, BFT, pBFT algorithms for Private blockchain
Q.7) What is zero, one and six confirmation transaction?
Q.8) Explain the condition for using permissionless blockchain with the help of flowchart.
Q.9) What is a testnet? And why it is needed? List Ethereum testnets and explain any one.
Q.9) Explain the condition for using private permissioned blockchain with the help of flowchart.
Q.10) Explain the key characteristics of private blockchain.
Q.11) Explain Byzantine faults.
Q.12) What are the components of Hyperledger fabric? Explain.
Q.13) Explain in details about Corda.
Q.14) Explain in details about Ripple
Q.15) Explain in details about Quorum.

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